• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 12- Royal Pain in the-

Despite him being embarrassed by what Celestia had pulled out to share, after getting over the initial wave of embarrassment from the sound of the mares giggling, laughing, and cooing at his baby pictures, Sol eventually poked out from under Celestia's wing and joined in looking over them. As time went by and they went through more of the photos, Celestia and Luna would reminisce and share the story behind a few of them. There were even a few where Sol gave his own input, having remembered what happened during the time that Celestia had memorized and saved. Eventually, they came upon one that he remembered in particular that included him playing with a timberwolf pup, while Celestia, Fissure, Luna, and the timberwolf pup's parents sat off to the side and watched.

"Awwww. That's so cute!" Fluttershy gushed. "Timberwolves are usually aggressive and violent, and are very protective of their young. How was this able to happen?"

"Surely Sol has told you about what Fissure is, correct?" Luna asked.

"Yes, Princess. Sol told us that Fissure is the Lord of Earth."

Luna nodded while Celestia took over. "Indeed. And, if you recall, timberwolves are made of wood and leaves, both of which come from the earth."

"I think I see where you're going with this," Twilight spoke up. "Since timberwolves are creatures of the earth, like the stone gargoyles and rock golems in the Underkingdom, Fissure had rule over them."

"Indeed, which is why they never once encroached onto the castle grounds during our stay there, or attacked us when we would go out on a walk into the Everfree Forest."

"Alright, but what about now?" Starlight wondered. "It's been over a thousand years since then, and Fissure's trapped in stone. So, with Sol having taking over Fissure's role as Lord of Earth, will the timberwolves not attack Sol, or has it been so long that they've forgotten over time?"

"If it's all the same ta ya, Ah'd rather not try ta find out," Applejack said disapprovingly.

"But Sol's a dragon/alicorn hybrid," Rainbow reminded them. "So really, other than the baddies that we've faced, who in their right mind would want to pick a fight with somepony like him?"

"Other than the occasional dragon who wanted to test Sol's strength, nothing really," Luna shrugged.

"Sol fought against dragons?" Twilight curiously asked.

"He did," Celestia answered. "It was during his teenage years at the castle. It's actually how Luna and I found out about the Call of the Dragon Lord."

"Actually, it was more of a spar, and he was one of my first friends, and the only one who was a dragon," Sol corrected with a sigh as he remembered. "I miss that brute. He would always go on about how he would become a big, strong dragon, and eventually become Dragon Lord someday. Wonder what happened to him after I was sealed away?"

Pinkie looked curiously at Sol. "Do you remember his name?"

"I do. His name was Torch."

Spike's, Twilight's, and Rarity's heads snapped up.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait!" Spike said, waving his claws around. "His name is Torch?"


"Bluish-gray scales? Fierce orange eyes? Pair of horns that hang down along the sides of his head that curl forward at the end? Loud bellowing voice?"

Sol blinked in surprise. "... how do you know what he looks like?"

"Heheh. Oh, do I have a story to tell you," Spike chuckled.

It took Spike ten minutes to tell Sol about what happened when he was called to the Dragon Lands, along with some input from Twilight and Rarity. While Sol was indeed surprised that Torch was still alive and had even managed to become the Dragon Lord, he became even more so when Spike told him about Torch's daughter, Ember, who had succeeded Torch by completing the Gauntlet of Fire. Of course, Twilight did add in the fact that it was originally Spike who won and claimed the Bloodstone Scepter, but in the end gave it to Ember, believing that she was trustworthy enough to lead the dragons and keep Equestria safe from them. She also added in that they'd been keeping in touch with one another by sending each other letters.

By the time they had finished, Sol couldn't keep it in anymore and started laughing, both happy to hear the good news about his old friend, and by what had happened.

"Well, good for him," he chuckled. "I'll have to make sure to go over there and visit him whenever I get the chance."

"Would you mind if we came along?" Spike asked with a slight blush. "It's been a while since I- we, have seen Ember."

"If you want to," Sol shrugged. "You're free to do whatever you want."

"Speaking of dragons," Luna began, glancing over Sol, "I notice that you're wearing your necklace, yet you are still a kirin."

Sol looked down to the gem hanging from his neck. "Oh, right. Thank you for reminding me, Aunt Luna." Sol looked up to Celestia. "Mother? Could you restore the enchantment on my necklace please?"

"Is something wrong with it?" she asked.

"The enchantment on it appears to have faded."

"Did you try to activate it?"

"Yes, but it isn't working."

"And I didn't sense any magic coming from it either," Twilight added, earning her a confused look from Sol. "I ran a magic scan on it while you were sleeping on the train ride over here."


Looking up at Celestia, Sol waited for a response, but was surprised when she sighed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Sol, but I cannot remember the spell."

Sol's ears fell back with worry. "You don't?"

"Even though I do remember most things, even from events many centuries ago, there are some that just slip through the cracks. And unfortunately, this is one of them."

Disappointed, Sol looked to Luna.

"I am sorry as well, Sol, but if you recall, I was never taught the spell," Luna apologized.

"Well... what about Starswirl?" Sol asked hopefully.

Celestia sighed sadly. "Unfortunatly, Starswirl has succumbed to old age not long after you were sealed."

Seeing no other ways to restore his necklace's enchantment, Sol plopped his head down in defeat.

"Great. So now I can't go anywhere without the high risk of revealing my true self."

"Why not?"

All eyes were directed to Pinkie, who's head was cocked in confusion.

"Excuse me?"

"Why not just go out like you are now?" Pinkie wondered. "I mean, you already did it on the way over here."

"That's because I thought that mother would be able to restore it. Besides, I'm a kirin, a half-dragon, half-pony hybrid."

"So? There are other hybrids living in Equestria, like the griffins and the hippogriffs."

Sol blinked. "A what?"

"A griffin? Well-"

"No, that last one."

"Oh, you mean a hippogriff? Well, they're what you get when a pony and a griffin get busy, but they're very rare to come by."

"... still, I'm not so sure that it's a good idea..."

"Besides, maybe ponies will be more open and accepting? After all, it is a different time than what you're used to, right?"

"She does make a valid point," Luna optimistically agreed. "From what I have witnessed, ponies these days are far more accepting than what they were in the past."

Sol looked up to Celestia, who was nervously biting her lip as she thought about it.


Celestia continued to weight her options as she looked from Sol, to Luna, and over Twilight and her friends. While she wanted to keep Sol safe as much as possible now that she had him back, she also didn't want to keep him restricted to the castle. And so, it was with a heavy sigh that she came to a decision.

"As much as it worries me about how other ponies will react when they see you, Sol," she slowly began, "I also do not want to keep you here and hide you away from everypony just because of who you are."

Sol looked up at her expectantly. "Does that mean that I'm free to roam as I am?"

Though worried, Celestia let out a small smile. "I will not deny you your freedom just because I'm worried about your safety. So yes, you can go as you are."

Sitting up, Sol hugged Celestia and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Thank you, mother!"

"You're welcome, Sol," Celestia said, hugging him back.

"This is so great!" Pinkie exclaimed. "You all know what this calls for?"

"A party?" everyone but Sol replied, knowing what she was thinking.

"Not just a party, but three parties! I can throw one to celebrate Sol's return to Equestria, one for him reuniting with his long-lost family, which I can combine with the first one if we want, and then one to welcome him to Ponyville!" Pinkie's happy smile turned to a hard, serious frown. "Which he's overdue for."

"Speaking of family," Luna began, "we should sent a message to Cadence and Shining Armor and let them know of this development."

"You mean Twilight's brother and sister-in-law who rule the Crystal Empire?" Sol asked.

Celestia blinked in surprise. "Yes. How did you... Twilight told you, didn't she?"

"She did. She and her friends told me that she used to foalsit Twilight, and about what happened with Sombra and the return of the Crystal Empire."

"Then yes. Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or Cadence as she likes to be called, is our adopted niece. And incase they didn't tell you, she's also the Alicorn Princess of Love."

"They did mention that she was an alicorn, but not that she was the Princess of Love, or that you and Aunt Luna adopted her as your niece." A bright smile formed on Sol's face. "That's great! That means that I have a cousin!"

"Adopted cousin," Spike corrected.

"That doesn't matter. I'm just happy that I finally have a cousin!" he happily said. "So, are there any other new relatives?!"

Celestia and Luna shared a concerned look before the former hesitantly spoke.

"Well... there is one more, but there's something that you should know about-"


"Aunty Celestia? Aunty Luna? Are you in there?"

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear," Luna grumbled distastefully.

Curious about his aunt's comment, Sol peeked over Celestia's back as she lit up her horn and opened her bedroom doors, revealing a white unicorn stallion on the other side. Looking him over, Sol could see that this stallion had blue eyes, a neatly trimmed and combed blond mane and tail, wore to what Sol could describe as a tuxedo vest with a blue bowtie, and a pair of white gloves on his forehooves.

"Ah, there you are, Aunty Luna. I've been looking for you," he said in a haughty tone.

"What is it you want, Blueblood?" Luna sighed annoyingly.

"Why, Aunty Luna, you wound me so. After all, you did call for you most favorable nephew."

Luna blinked. "You actually heard that from the other side of the castle?"

"Well, you're Royal Canterlot Voice isn't exactly quiet."

Hearing him calling Luna 'Aunt' twice now, Sol slowly turned his attention to Celestia with a look of shock and fear.

"Please tell me you didn't..." he pleaded, suddenly taking back his previous statement about more relatives at the sight and tone of this stallion.

Picking up on his worries, Celestia let out a small giggle and shook her head.

"No, no, no. It isn't what you think," she assured. "While he is indeed a prince, Blueblood is merely our adopted nephew."

"I still question why you even did that in the first place," Luna muttered before directing her attention back to Blueblood. "As for you, Blueblood, I wasn't talking about you."

"Surely you must have, Aunty Luna. After all, I am your one and only nephew." Blueblood's eyes suddenly caught a shift of lavender, one that caused him to grin. "Oh, and what perfect timing. Princess Twilight is here as well. Now, Princess, I was wondering if-"

"No, Blueblood," Twilight interrupted, her voice laced with a hint of annoyance.

Blueblood blinked. "Excuse me?"

"Just like the last twenty-seven times you asked me, my answer is still the same. So, let me make this clear to you." Twilight got up, walked up to Blueblood, and looked him square in the eyes. "I will not go out with you!"

Regardless of how serious she was, Blueblood chuckled.

"Surely you jest, Twilight. Your options in this matter are limited. After all, a princess is supposed to marry another royal. Although, your brother was a bit of an exception given his rank and other... circumstances, but I digress. You must face the facts that that's how the rules are."

"I've read over Equestria's rules, and there is no rule that-"

"And in case you have forgotten, there is currently no Captain in the royal guard, and I'm the only male royal around here."

Sol's eyes narrowed into a glare as he watched and heard this from his spot on the other side of Celestia. Throughout his life he'd been taught that a Prince of Equestria should act with honor, to rightfully respect his subjects, to be patient and fair with them, and how to treat others, especially when it came to a mare. So, it went without saying that Sol was rather ticked off by Blueblood's attitude and how he treated Twilight. But before he could get a word in, somepony else beat him to it.

"Will ya knock it off already?!" Applejack barked at Blueblood.

"Yeah!" Rainbow shouted in agreement. "She's already turned you down, so get it through your thick skull and beat it!"

Blueblood rolled his eyes. "Of course the rabble would be here as well."

"And this is one of the reasons why I always say 'no' to you, Blueblood," Twilight said. "My friends are important to me. Each and every one of them are not just my friends, but they are all like sisters to me. So if you want to earn my respect, then you'll have to start with being nice and respectful to them."

"Surely you can do that, Prince Blueblood," Rarity said respectfully, regardless of their poor history. "After all, each of us are very well-known and respected ponies of-"

"Be silent!" Blueblood snapped. "I am talking to Twilight, not to you, you ugly broad."


Surprised by the angry shout, everyone looked and saw Spike glaring harshly at Blueblood with smoke streamed from his nostrils.

"Oh. Right. Twilight's pet lizard," Blueblood scoffed in annoyance. "Don't think that I have forgotten the time when you set my mane on fire seven years ago."

"I'll do it again if you don't apologize to Rarity!" Spike threatened.

"And why should I?"

"Because Rarity is far from ugly. She is the most beautiful, gracious, and generous mare that I've ever known. And so help me, if you don't apologize to her, I'm going to burn more than just your mane."

Focusing on Blueblood, Spike didn't notice the approving looks he was getting, especially Rarity's. However, despite Spike's threat, Blueblood wasn't intimidated by it and blew it off.

"I believe that we should continue this in a more private location without an audience," Blueblood said to Twilight, holding a hoof out to her. "Come along with-"

Twilight slapped Blueblood's hoof away as she was now glaring daggers at him.

"After that little exchange you just had with Spike and Rarity, I'm not going anywhere with you."

Thoroughly annoyed and eyes narrowed in anger, Blueblood took a step to Twilight. But, before he could get any closer, Sol suddenly emerged from the ground, facing him as he flared his wings and blocked him from Twilight.

"That's enough!" Sol firmly stated, gaining him Blueblood's undivided attention.

Surprised by how quickly he got there, Twilight's friends all looked over to where he had previously been, only to see Sol's cloak laying beneath Celestia's otherwise empty wing.

"What the hay are you?!" Blueblood asked, appalled by Sol's draconic features. But before Sol could reply, Blueblood collected himself and continued. "You know what? Don't even bother. It doesn't matter to me. What does matter is that this conversation that I'm having with Princess Twilight is private, and is none of your concern."

"Yes, it is." Sol looked back to Twilight. "Excuse me for the sudden interruption, Twilight, but I'll take care of him from here."

Twilight blinked in surprise of what just happened. "Uhh... okay."

"Do you not know of whom you are speaking to?" Blueblood sneered. "I am Prince Blueblood-"

"No you're not."

Blueblood blinked, surprised that he was just interrupted like that.

"How dare you-"

"No! How dare you!" Sol interrupted with a growl. "Ever since you've arrived here, you've done nothing but harass and insult these ladies. Now I might not have known them for very long, but what I do know is that they do not deserve this sort of treatment from the likes of you, especially when they're more deserving of respect in a single day than you can get in several lifetimes."

"How dare you speak to me that way!" Blueblood shouted furiously and pointed a hoof. "Guards! Take this beast and get him out of this castle!"

Sol glared at the two guards before speaking in a commanding voice.

"Stand down."

The two guards began moving to carry out Blueblood's orders, but the eye-contact and the authoritative tone and weight behind Sol's voice halted them. Unsure of what to do, the guards shared a questioning look with one another and took a step back away from Blueblood and Sol.

"What are you imbeciles waiting for?!" Blueblood incredulously asked them. "Your prince has just given you an order. Now carry it out!"

"Now, there's another thing," Sol continued. "You, Blueblood, are no prince. A prince is a pony of honor who respects his subjects and treats them with kindness and fairness. And from what I have seen of you, sir, you have done none of that. You are just an honorless, spoiled stallion with a holier-than-thou attitude. And don't get me started on how you acted towards Twilight."

Blueblood's eyes narrowed into a dangerous glare.

"Guards. I order you, right now, to either throw this monster into the dungeons, or be sent there yourselves for insubordination."

"No, they won't," Sol glared back. "And remember that those are Princess Celestia's guards, not yours."

Glancing back, Blueblood saw the two guards remaining in place while their eyes glanced away from his gaze.

"It seems that I shall have to take matters into my own hooves then." Blueblood pulled the glove off of his left hoof with his magic. "I challenge you to a duel."

With one swift motion, Blueblood slapped Sol across the right side of his face with the glove, eliciting a gasp from Twilight and her friends, while Celestia and Luna glared dangerously at Blueblood. Throwing the glove on the ground between them, Blueblood looked smugly at Sol as his face was still turned from being struck.

Not expecting to be struck by a glove like that, Sol took a breath to calm himself. As he did, he thought of a way to get back at him. Smirking internally, Sol calmly reached his left claw out for one of Celestia's gilded horseshoes that she laid down on the table by the doors. Grabbing hold of it, Sol gave it an experimental toss before backhanding Blueblood across the face, causing him to stumble sideways into the doorframe before falling down. Satisfied, Sol put the gilded horseshoe back on the table.

"I accept."

Recovering from being struck back, Blueblood placed a hoof to the left side of his face where Sol had struck him and shakily stood back up.

"You will regret that," he venomously warned, slowly backing away. "Canterlot Coliseum. One hour. If you don't show, then I'll have the entirety of the royal guard hunting you down."

Remaining silent, Sol watched as Blueblood made his way down the hallway sporting a bright red mark on his cheek. Hearing a pair of snickers nearby, Sol looked at the two guards who'd been standing guard at the Celestia's bedroom doors.

"Sorry about that you two. You may return as you were."

With a salute, the two guards returned to their posts on either side of the doors. With Blueblood now gone, Sol folded his wings back to his sides, closed the doors, and leaned his head on them with a heavy sigh.


Remembering that there others present in the room, Sol turned around to see everypony staring at him.

"I'm sorry that you all had to see that," he said, head lowering to them in an apologetic bow. "Please, I know that this isn't the first time today, but I hope that you can forgive me for how I acted in front of all of you."

There was a moment of silence before Rainbow burst out laughing. Confused, Sol watched her while the others smiled approvingly, including Celestia and Luna.

"You don't have to apologize, Sol," Celestia smiled approvingly.

"Indeed," Luna nodded. "After all, it was about time that that stallion was... brought down a few pegs? Am I saying it right?"

"Yes, Luna. You are."

"Besides," Twilight spoke up, "if nothing else, I should be thanking you."

Sol blinked. "Why?"

"Well, because you barely know me, and yet you stood up for me."

"Well, it was the right and proper thing to do," he reasoned.

"Maybe, but it's more than that. You stood up against Blueblood to defend my honor."

"And don't think that I have forgotten what you did for me, Spike," Rarity smiled. "It's good to know that chivalry isn't quite dead yet."

Spike smiled back with a small blush. "It was nothing, Rarity. Really."

"Still, thank you for doing that, darling." Rarity leaned over and gave Spike a quick thank you peck on the cheek. "I truly do appreciate it."

"As do I, Sol," Twilight said as well. "Blueblood's been trying to get me to go out with him for a long time, so hopefully he'll stop now."

Sol arched an eyebrow. "He really asked you twenty-seven times?"

Twilight shook her head. "Not quite. Those twenty-seven were actually from this year alone so far."

Though initially surprised by this news, Sol's eyes narrowed as he snorted in annoyance.

"Then this has gone far beyond him being persistent. He should've ceased his advances after the first or second time. Not only is he a poor excuse of a prince, but he also gives us stallions a bad name."

"By the way," Applejack began, looking at Celestia and Luna, "excuse me for askin', Your Highnesses, but why didn't either of ya step in and stop Blueblood?"

"Believe me, Applejack, Tia and I thought about," Luna began.

"But we knew that Sol wouldn't put up with it and would step in," Celestia finished.

"Speaking of Sol," Starlight began, turning her attention to the stallion in question, "how were you able to order those guards like that?"

"Yeah," Rainbow nodded in agreement. "They've never seen or heard of you before we came in here, but you were still able to order them to ignore Blueblood's order."

Luna smiled. "Well, he is his mother's son after all."

"Indeed he is," Celestia said proudly. "I taught Sol almost everything that I knew before he was sealed away, including how to address the royal guards to make them listen to him without question. Although, Luna calling Sol 'nephew' may have something to do with it."

"That, or it could be because the doors were wide open and they heard Princess Luna call Sol "nephew'," Spike imputed. "And they already know me, so they know that I'm not related to the Princesses. Plus, Sol does have Princess Celestia's coat and eye colors, so they might've figured it out."

That is true, Sol thought agreeably.

"Um, excuse me?" Fluttershy called out, gaining their attention.

"Yes, Fluttershy?" Celestia responded.

"Well... I was just wondering, what are we going to do about Sol's duel with Prince Blueblood? I mean, both of them are princes after all."

Twilight frowned with a sigh. "I'm sorry to say this, Fluttershy, but since Sol accepted Blueblood's challenge-"

"And bitch-slapped him back," Rainbow chuckled.

"-there's nothing that we can do. He has to show up now."

Luna stood up and proceeded to leave. "Then we should not dawdle any longer. Come, let us be off."

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