• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 28- Bump in the Night

Twilight and Sol made their way over to Town Hall where they would meet up with Mayor Mare, Zecora, and the foals, before then heading on over to the Nightmare Moon statue to leave some of their candy. Along they way, they met back up with all of their friends, including Sunshine, but Luna was nowhere in sight. It was then that Twilight reminded Sol of her part in the Nightmare Night festival and said that they would meet her at the Nightmare Moon statue.

Coming upon Town Hall, they ran into a group of thee foal in Nightmare Night costumes, each of them wearing what looked like some form of armor, but their helmets kept their faces concealed. The earth pony wore heavy armor with a sash, and had a glowing purple shield strapped to their back, the unicorn wore robes over their light armor with an armband around their front-left leg, along with a sword made of what appeared to be fire strapped to their back between a pair of what looked like flaming wings, and lastly, the pegasus wore a medium set of armor with a hooded cloak, and had a staff made of what looked like blue electricity strapped to their back.

"Hey, everypony," the pegasus called to them.

"Hey, girls. Y'all keepin' out of trouble?" Applejack asked.

Taking off their helmets, the three were revealed to be Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle.

"Uh-huh," Apple Bloom nodded. "We were just on our way over ta Town Hall."

"You wouldn't believe the haul we got this year," Scootaloo bragged, revealing a full sack of candy over half her size from beneath her cloak.

"Good for you girls," Sunshine smiled. "So, what are you three dressed up as?"

"Well," Sweetie Belle began with a small tint to her cheeks, "I was over to... a friend's place, and I was shown this new game that they got. These costumes of ours are the three classes that you can pick from, and since we were still trying to figure out what we were going to dress up as for Nightmare Night at the time, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo agreed that this would be a good idea."

"Well I like it," Spike said with an approving grin. "It look really cool on you girls."

"Thanks, Spike," Scootaloo thanked.

"They do look good on you three," Sunshine complimented with a smile, "but we shouldn't dawdle any longer."

Knowing what she was meaning, the Crusaders put their helmets back on and followed them as they continued towards Town Hall, which didn't take them that long since it was only a few minutes away. Once they got there, they joined in the crowd of foals that were waiting.

"So what now?" Sol wondered.

Twilight glanced over to Sol. "Now we just have to wait for Mayor Mare to-"

"Hello, everypony!"

"- never mind."

Stepping out onto the stage was Mayor Mare who, like the last few years, was wearing a clown outfit, complete with a rainbow afro wig.

"Not this again," Spike quietly groaned, shaking his head at how ridiculous this was. "Honestly, I can never take her seriously with that wig."

"Is everypony having a good Nightmare Night?" Mayor Mare waited for the cheering foals to quiet down before she continued, "Good. Now then, I hope that you have all gathered enough candy, because we'll be heading to give our offerings to Nightmare Moon's statue in a little bit. But first, please put your hooves together in welcoming Zecora!"

Remembering Zecora's storytelling from the previous years, all of the colts and fillies were excited to hear Zecora telling the tale of Nightmare Moon once again, while those who's Nightmare Night was their first had given their full attention to her.

Not long after the foal cheered, green smoke covered the stage where Mayor Mare previously stood. Seconds later, an equine silhouette appeared in the green smoke, who was soon revealed to be Zecora with her mane down and wearing black robes. Upon her reveal, she began telling the tale of Nightmare Moon as they traveled, leading the group into the Everfree Forest towards the statue.

Along the way, Twilight leaned over to Sol. "Now remember, Sol, that what's about to happen isn't real. It's just an illusion. Okay?"


As the story continued, Sol's mood gradually began to sour again as Zecora continued to tell the story. By the time they reached the Nightmare Moon statue in the clearing and he saw it for himself, Sol felt an urge to leave, return to his room in the castle, and go to sleep with hopes of putting this night behind him. As the seconds ticked by with him watching the colts and fillies depositing some of their candy at the base of the statue, Sol came to the decision to excuse himself before he did something he might regret. But, before he could make his move to leave, he was stopped dead in his tracks as a voice boomed throughout the clearing.

"Citizens of Ponyville!" an ominous voice echoed, causing Sol to start looking around for its source, "you were wise to bring this candy to me. I am pleased with this offering. So pleased that I may just eat it, instead of eating you!"

His eyes returning to the statue, Sol froze in place and felt his heart pounding against his chest as he set his sights on the evil that had claimed his dear aunt. While the colts and fillies screamed and ran away in playful fear, Sol's heart started to quicken while his eyes started to water in confusion and sadness. It didn't help him much either that "Nightmare Moon's" maniacal laughter wouldn't stop echoing in his ears.

"... Aunt... Luna...?"

Hearing the weak and broken voice of her nephew, Luna immediately ceased her laughing and looked directly at him, where her eyes widened at the look of fear and saddened in his eyes, and the small shivering of his body. Canceling the illusion spell she'd cast on herself to make herself look like Nightmare Moon, Luna spit out the fake pair of fangs from her mouth and eased her way over to him.

"Easy, Sol. Easy," she said soothingly. "It was all an act. The Nightmare is long gone."

His mind too focused and scared from what he just saw, Sol didn't notice his mother or Twilight at his sides trying to calm him down. He barely even registered Luna standing right in front of him until she wrapped a foreleg around him in a comforting hug.

"It's all right, Sol. It's not real."

Regaining some control of himself and his breathing, Sol in a large breath of air.

"I-I know," he shakily said. "It's j-just... I've never seen it b-before... but..." Sol buried his face into the comfort of Luna's mane. "I know it wasn't real... but it looked..."

"Shhh. I know. I know."

For several moments Sol remained quiet as Luna, Sunshine, and Twilight calmed him down. Once he had calmed down enough, Sol lifted his head from Luna's mane and stepped away from the three.

"I'm sorry... but I need a moment alone with my thoughts... excuse me."

Without another word, Sol turned and made his way out of the clearing into the Everfree Forest, leaving his family and friends there watching. They knew that tonight would be hard on him, and even though he was told beforehoof about Luna's part, it appeared that it was still too much for him.

"Shouldn't somepony go after him?" Rainbow wondered.

"Let's give him some space for now," Sunshine solemnly said, saddened to see her son so sad and upset. "Evidently, even knowing that this was an act ahead of time, it was still too much for Sol to take. After letting him have a few moments to calm down a bit, we'll go and find him."

"It would probably be best if only you two went instead of all of us," Twilight suggested. "Having too many ponies going after him could have the opposite affect."

"I agree, Twilight. However, I believe that you should come with my sister and I as well," Luna stated, just before she glanced off to the side and saw Zecora and Mayor Mare standing there eyeing them. "But first, it looks as though that there are some who have witnessed what has happened."

Meanwhile, over by the group, Trixie's head was tilted in confusion as she tried to make sense of the events that had just unfolded before her.

"Okay, I am very confused right now," she said to Starlight. "Just what in Equestria was all of that about?"

Starlight shook her head. "I'll tell you more about it when we get back to the castle," she sighed before noticing that Zecora and Mayor Mare had Sunshine and Luna, and were now questioning them about Sol. "Or we can go over there and you can find out now."

Sol walked aimlessly through the Everfree Forest, trying to get over what he just saw. He knew that that was just Luna, and that the real Nightmare Moon was long-since gone, but he couldn't help himself. He was both scared and sad when he saw what his aunt's evil form looked like, despite it not even being real. And if he was to be honest with himself, if that was just a mockery of what the real Nightmare Moon looked like, then he was happy to have been sealed away before he could had witness the real one.

Losing track of how much time had passed since he began walking, Sol stopped when he came upon a small clearing and sat down in thought beneath one of the many twisted trees. As time passed by, Sol was starting to feel further calmed, but could feel the traces of fear and sadness from before still lingering.

"This is ridiculous," he muttered to himself. "I shouldn't have been afraid like that... but..."

Letting out a sigh, Sol laid back against the tree... and grunted when he felt his horns accidentally impale and get stuck in the tree. Wiggling his head around, he quickly freed his horns free from the tree and laid his head back again, this time being more aware of his horns. As he laid back and relaxed himself, an awful stench struck his senses, causing him to recoil in disgust.

"What in the- ugh, that's nasty!"

Covering his nose with his claw, Sol then heard a twig snap, followed by a growl. Looking around, he soon spotted a pair of glowing green eyes on the other side of the clearing just outside of the moon's light, which were followed up by several more pairs. Soon enough, Sol counted up to eight pairs of green eyes glowing in the darkness of the clearing's edge. Feeling uneasy by their appearance and growls, Sol tensed as he watched them with cautious eyes. It wasn't until they stepped into the rays of the moonlight shining throughout the clearing that he saw what they were.

Timberwolves? Huh. I haven't seen one since before I was sealed away. At least they all look the same as I remember them. But what's with that smell?

Recalling the timberwolves he'd met as a foal, and the ones he met while growing up, Sol relaxed a bit despite the timberwolves still growling as they approached. It was then that the first of the pack stepped forward, which appeared to be bigger than the others that followed it out.

Ah. So they have an alpha timberwolf with them. Neat.

"Greetings, timberwolves and alpha," Sol spoke to them. "It has been some time since I've seen one of your kind."

The timberwolves all stopped their progression and growling, including the alpha. But, it lasted only for a moment before the alpha timberwolf let out a howl into the night sky and it and the others resumed their approach, fanning out and encircle Sol.

Confused, Sol raised an eyebrow at them. "What's the matter? Why do none of you respond? I know you can understand me."

Hearing their snarls getting louder, Sol's ears perked up at the sound of wooden paws sprinting across the grass. Turning to his left, Sol spotted two of the timberwolves charging him, before hearing the two on his right following after their example, and lastly, the last three timberwolves in front of him. Now being surrounded and seeing them readying to pounce, he realized that he was in danger of these creatures he'd once befriended as a foal. Frowning, Sol closed his eyes as he once again felt saddened. First it was Nightmare Night, and now the once-friendly creatures from his past were attacking him.

Even as he felt their wooden fangs and claws against his barrel, legs, arms, tail, and neck, Sol remained unmoving. Instead, he gave a dejected sigh as the timberwolves tried, and failed, to pierce the skin beneath his coat, which he'd changed to metal seconds before they leaped at him.

"I see..." he quietly muttered, completely unaffected as the seven timberwolves tried to bite and claw at him in an attempt to tear through his hide.

Suddenly, several vines shot out from the ground and latched themselves onto the timberwolves. Surprised by the sudden attack, the seven timberwolves began to flail around, barking and yelping as more vines wrapped around them until they were completely pinned to the ground. With all of the timberwolves immobilized, Sol slowly approached the growling alpha timberwolf.

"You have forgotten, haven't you?" Sol asked, his tone filled with sadness and disappointment. "You've forgotten whom you serve. Whom it was that had created you."

Snarling, the alpha timberwolf crouched down to pounce at Sol, but before it did, it found itself frozen in place, unable to move it's body, save for its head. Confused, the alpha timberwolf looked up to Sol and growled again, only for its growl to taper off as Sol approached it with a stoic expression.

"My father, Fissure, created you as the guardians of this forest, meant to protect the castle and the Tree of Harmony. But," Sol sighed, "it seems that you have forget your purpose over the course of time."

Sol stopped in front of the alpha timberwolf and glared down at it.

"My father was the one who created you, and as his son and the new Lord of Earth, I could unmake you. Understand?"

Feeling the power from Sol at this close of proximity, the alpha timberwolf gave a whimpered nod.

"Good, and don't you think about attacking anypony else," Sol said, looking at himself and his shredded Nightmare Night costume. "In fact, from now on, ponies and zebras are off the menu. And if I hear of any timberwolves or alphas hunting them down, then I'll be coming for them. This is my one and only warning. Now go, and tell any others that you meet along your way my warning."

Releasing the alpha timberwolf from his magical hold, and the timberwolves from the now retracting vines, Sol watched as the pack darted back from where they came into the forest. Sighing at having to do that to them, Sol sat down in the clearing and looked over himself once more in the moonlight.

"Rarity's going to have a fit when she sees this," he muttered.

Hearing the rustling of leaves behind him, Sol looked back, believing it to be another timberwolf. Instead, he was surprised to see his mother, Luna, and Twilight bursting through the foliage.

"Sol! Are you alright?!" Celestia frantically asked, having reverted back to her original form.

"We heard the howl of a timberwolf and- what happened to you?!" Luna shouted in alarm.

Seeing his shredded clothing, Luna and Celestia ran up to Sol and began looking him over, while Twilight looked around nervously.

"I'm fine. It was just a pack of timberwolves and an alpha," Sol said with a sigh.

"What?!" Twilight yelped, rushing to him as well and scanning him with her magic. "An alpha timberwolf attacked you?!"

"The timberwolves did, not the alpha."

Letting out a heavy sigh of relief, Celestia hugged Sol tightly. "It looks like you weren't hurt. Thank goodness."

"I'm not picking up any traces of timberwolf sap from my scans," Twilight added. "He seems to be perfectly alright."

"That's because I am," Sol said. "I changed my skin to metal and shielded my body."

Luna frowned. "I'm surprised that they even managed to attack you to begin with. Seeing as how you are able to fly, burrow underground, and have inherited Fissure's power over the earth, one would believe that you would've been able to easily escape them, if not stop them from attacking all together."

"I didn't think that they would attack me. I did hear about how violent they were, but still, I didn't think that they would actually do it to me. I thought that even after all this time they would've recognized me, and if not, then my magic at least. It wasn't until they had me surrounded and ready to leap at me that I realized how wrong I was."

"... I see." Letting out a sigh of her own, Luna sat down in front of Sol and hugged him along with Celestia. "At least you're safe."

"Wait. What about the timberwolves?" Twilight wondered, to which Sol frowned.

"They're gone. After they attacked me, I immobilized them and gave the alpha a talking to. Once I asserted myself and put them in their place, they all ran off back from the direction they came from. And if they heed my words, which I'm sure they will, then nopony should have anymore problems from them, or any other timberwolves in the future."

"That was still reckless of you to do," Celestia scolded. "These are not the same timberwolves you've come to know and befriend."

"I know. I realize that now. I'm sorry, mother."

Celestia sighed and nuzzled Sol. "I know."

Standing off to the side, Twilight watched as Celestia and Luna hugged Sol. Starting to feel out of place, she figured that she was starting to intrude and that she should be going. That was, until she found herself in Celestia's aura and was brought over to them. Though a little embarrassed at first, Twilight relaxed and added a hug of her own to Celestia and Luna's.

A few minutes of silence later, Celestia spoke up again. "Feeling any better, Sol?"

Sol nodded as best he could from being hugged from three different directions. "A little."

"I am sorry that I ruined your first Nightmare Night," Luna apologized.

"It's fine, Aunt Luna. It wasn't your fault, and I know you didn't mean to do it." Sol let out a sigh. "Apparently, I wasn't ready to handle it just yet."


"... um... Sol?" Twilight tentatively spoke.


"... apart from what happened at the statue, did you enjoy Nightmare Night?"

Sol went silent for a moment as he thought about it. Though the candy offering and fake-yet-realistic Nightmare Moon did pretty much ruin the experience for him, he couldn't deny that he did find that he did enjoy his time before that.

"I guess I did... a little bit," he admitted, eliciting a small smile from the three mares.

"Then, I know it's a year away, but would you do it again? Give Nightmare Night another chance?"


"... Sol?"

"... if I do, then I will probably not participate in the candy offering. Sorry, Aunt Luna."

"Tis fine, Sol," Luna said, nodding in understanding. "I take no offense and understand that it may take a while for you to face what I became. Even if it is an illusion."

"And," Twilight continued, "it doesn't have to end for you just yet..."

"What do you mean?" Sol asked.

"Well, the candy offering wasn't the end of Nightmare Night. There are still plenty of fun things that we could do before the night is over. That is, if you're willing to."

"Yes. Come with us, Sol," Luna proudly said. "The night is still young, and there is still plenty of fun to be had."

"It would help with getting your mind off of what happened," Celestia told him.

Though he didn't really feel like it at first, the encouragement from the three had begun to sway his decision. At first he figured that he'd head back to the castle and just sleep it off, but now...

"... alright," he sighed, "I'll try."

With that wrapped up for now, and feeling like they've been gone long enough, Luna planted a kiss on his head and broke her hug with Sol, soon followed by Celestia, with Twilight being the last to break her hug with Sol. When she did, it was with a small blush from realizing that she was the last to let him go, but mostly because it happened in front of Sol's mother and aunt. As they began their walk back, the two sisters slowed down a little bit, letting Sol and Twilight drift on ahead of them a little bit so that they could talk just out of earshot.

"Tis a shame that tonight went the way it did for him," Luna commented.

"Yes, but at least the night isn't over, and he did enjoy himself beforehoof," Celestia countered. "Not only that, but he's also willing to give tonight a second chance."

"Yes. That was pleasing to hear." Luna looked ahead of them to Sol and Twilight talking and smiled. "And I believe that we may have young Twilight to thank for that."

Celestia smiled. "Yes. I do believe that her presence has made his experience tonight all the more pleasant and enjoyable. I especially noticed it when I saw them playing some of the Nightmare Night games together. Speaking of pleasant and enjoyable, you know what holiday is coming up next, right?"

"Of course I do," Luna said before letting out a small chuckle. "And knowing Sol, he will be ecstatic about it and no doubt forget all about tonight."

Celestia chuckled. "I just hope he won't jump on my bed and wake me up again."

Luna playfully rolled her eyes. "I remember. Even as a grown stallion, whenever it comes to Hearths Warming morning, his inner foal always seems to take over."

Recalling the last time he did that, Celestia smiled as she thought back at the memory... before her gaze turned ahead of them, where a mischievous smirk took over at the sight of Sol and Twilight walking together.

"I know that look, Tia," Luna cautiously spoke. "What sort of mischief are you thinking of this time?"

In a flash of light, particular green plant appeared in Celestia's aura.

"Ohhh, nothing," she replied, idly eyeing the plant. "Just thinking of how I can put this to use... and I know just the niece to help me."

Recognizing the plant, Luna's eyes shifted back to Sol and Twilight, then to Celestia, where a smirk of her own began to form.

"Mind if I tag along as well, sister? I would much enjoy watching these events unfold."

Celestia brought a hoof up to stifle a giggle and returning the plant back to where she teleported it from.

"Not at all, Luna. Not at all."

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