• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 15,103 Views, 1,231 Comments

Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 13- The Duel

With Celestia wearing her royal regalia again and Sol wearing his cloak with the hood down, they, Luna, Twilight, and the rest of the group made their way out of the castle, along with a dozen guards accompanying them. As they walked through the castle halls, Celestia's mind remained on Blueblood's visit. While she was pleased with how Sol handled it, she was also upset with herself for not knowing of Blueblood's advances on Twilight sooner. Thinking about this further, she soon began to wonder why Twilight had never brought this up to either her or Luna before.

Moving out of the castle and onto the sidewalk for a stroll to the Coliseum, Celestia found this to be a fairly decent time to ask her. While she would've preferred a quiet and private room for the two of them to talk, with how busy the sidewalks were, even at this time of the evening, she could still talk to Twilight and use the sounds of the city to mostly cover their conversation. Moving on this, Celestia walked up alongside Twilight and draped a wing on her back, slowing their speed and letting the others drift ahead to further prevent them from overhearing.

"Is something wrong, Princess?"

Making one last check to make sure that nopony was listening in, Celestia turned to Twilight with a mixture of curiosity and sadness.

"How long has Blueblood been bothering you, Twilight?"

Twilight frowned as she recalled. "It started soon after my coronation."

"That long," Celestia sighed, further disappointed in Bluebloods behavior. "Why didn't you ever tell us? Had Luna or I known about this, we would've put a stop to it immediately."

"I figured that it wouldn't be this big of a problem at first, and that I could handle it on my own. It was mostly letters that I got from him, and the only times he did it himself was whenever I would be here in Canterlot Castle. Besides, you and Princess Luna are usually busy and-"

Celestia lifted a wing up to Twilight's lips and shushed her.

"Twilight, I will always have time for you if you ever need me. If it's something as important as this, then I don't want you to hesitate to ask, even if I'm in a meeting with somepony. Besides," she winked, "I can always call for a break or reschedule it for later."

"But what if it's somepony important?"

"You, Sol, and Luna are more important to me than some noble asking for more land." Celestia's soft gaze hardened. "And speaking of nobles, I'll be seeing to it that Blueblood is held accountable for how he's been treating you these last few years. As of right now, I'm actually considering sending him as an ambassador to Yakyakistan for the foreseeable future."

Twilight raised a suspicious eyebrow. "... it almost sounds more like you're banishing him."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Though Celestia's tone of voice sounded the same, Twilight could see the corners of her lips twitching as she tried to keep herself from smirking.

"... so does this mean that his duel with Sol will be canceled?"

"No. I think that I'll let Sol knock some manners into him first."

Twilight frowned as a thought hit her."You know, Blueblood will probably have somepony else fight for him, right? I've never known him to be a pony who's willing to get his hooves dirty... literally or figuratively."

Celestia paused for a moment before letting out a long sigh.

"Yes, you're probably right."

Over in a dark ally on the other side of the street, a blue pegasus stallion with a green mane and eyes looked across the street with a hardened glare. It was there in that group of royals and Element Bearers that he had spotted his target. Feeling the dagger concealed beneath his wing, he growled at the sight of his target and the guards surrounding her. After a waiting for a few moments for them to pass, the stallion casually stepped out from the shadows and kept his distance as he inconspicuously tailed them.

Sol looked up in awe at the massive building in front of him. While the Undercity did have the Underdome, this Coliseum, while roughly the same size, was still a sight for him to behold. Taking in the large stone building with torches providing lighting, he heard the sounds of amused chuckling around him, snapping him out of his thoughts and turning his attention back to following everypony inside. Once they'd passed through the massive pair of open doors and ventured further into the entrance hall, they approached a booth with Celestia in the lead where a tan, middle-aged pegasus stallion with a black mane and green eyes spotted them.

"Princess Celestia! Princess Luna!" he warmly greeted them with a bow. "It has been years since I've seen you two here. Welcome back to the Coliseum."

"Tis good to be back," Luna smiled and nodded before standing beside him and facing everypony. "Everypony, may I introduce to you First Strike. He was once a member of the royal guard, but has retired and is now helping run the Coliseum."

"It is good to see you again, First Strike," Celestia said. "The royal guard hasn't quite been the same since you've retired. And my offer of you becoming drill sergeant and helping train our guards still stands if you ever decide to change your mind."

"And risk losing my voice shouting at them?" he laughed. "Sorry, Princess, but I don't think that my voice could handle it at this age. Besides, I find plenty of joy helping run things here."

With the introductions and welcomes over with, First Strike returned to his seat at the booth.

"So now," he began, "what can I do for you and your- oh, hello, Twilight, Spike. It's been a while."

"Hello, Mr. Strike."


"Anyway, what brings you all here? It wouldn't by chance have anything to do with Blueblood showing up here a few minutes ago with a large red mark on his face would it?"

Celestia let out a sigh. "Actually, it would." Motioning with a hoof, Celestia called Sol up alongside her. "First Strike, this is Solar Rupture. We are here because Blueblood has challenged him to a duel."

"Ah, so he's the one that Prince Blueblood was fuming about." First Strike looked over Sol with a judging look. "So, Solar Rupture-"

"Just Sol if you would, Mr. Strike," Sol requested.

"Alright. So, Sol, do you know the rules to the Coliseum matches?"

"I'm afraid I don't."

First Strike hummed and nod. "In that case, I'll go over them with you while I escort you down to the preparation room." He paused and looked back to the others. "You can all go on ahead and find somewhere to sit in the stands. I'd join you, but I'll need to return to my post after I'm done escorting Sol."

As First Strike walked away with Sol, Celestia and the others made their way over to one of the many entrances to the stadium seats. Avoiding the ponies traveling down the halls, they soon came to a pair of open doors guarded by a pair of the Coliseum's security staff who gave them a quick bow as they passed by. Upon entering, the were met with the sight of thirty rows of bench seats that inclined farther up the Coliseum's interior, allowing the spectators a clear view of what was happening below in the oval-shaped arena in the center.

Making their way down to get some front row seats, they were displeased to see that Blueblood had already made himself comfortable in the spot right where they were heading. As they got closer, the sounds of their hoofsteps caught his attention, causing him to look back to see who it was.

"Oh, so you've come to watch," he said to Celestia, Luna, and Twilight, while disregarding the others.

Luna frowned in disapproval. "I see that you have chosen to have a representative fight for you."

"Of course, Aunty."

Figures, Twilight thought distastefully. "And yet you were the one to challenge him."

"Yes, but by right as prince, I have the option of having somepony else fight him if I so wish."

"For the love of- just admit it that you're a spineless coward already!" Rainbow annoyingly said. "We all already know it."

"Why are these ponies here?" he asked before turning to Celestia. "Honestly, Aunty Celestia, I don't understand why you bother surrounding yourself with these-"

"That is enough out of you, Blueblood," Celestia interrupted with a harsh glare. "Now, I suggest that we remain silent while we wait for your duel to begin."

Down below, Sol was sitting on one of the long benches in the preparation room where rows of armor and weapons hung on the walls. First Strike had gone through the rules of the Coliseum with him and had explained that this specific match a 'Brawl' match. In this match, there are no weapons or armor allowed, but magic and flight are permitted, and to win, one pony has to knock the other out, or until they surrender.

Having understood the rules, Sol thanked First Strike and waved him off as left to return to the booth he was supposed to be working at. Ignoring the stares from a few other combatants that were either waiting for their turn or had just gotten done with their fight, Sol remained seated and waited for his match to start. From what he was told, there were a few other matches that were supposed to go before him. As he waited and watched ponies enter the arena and return bruised and battered, Sol suddenly let out a tired yawn.

Well this isn't good, he thought, starting to feel the effects from his lack of sleep, despite having taken a nap on the train.

Hearing his name finally being called though the speakers hanging in the room, Sol got up, made his way over to the heavy stone doors, and waited for them to open. When they did, he found himself at the end of a large arena with a layer of sand covering the stone floor. Looking up and around, Sol saw that the arena was about twelve feet below the first row of seats surrounding the arena. And there off to his right, was where Celestia, Luna, his friends, and unfortunately, Blueblood, sat.

Before he could wave to his friends and family, movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention. Looking back in front of him, Sol saw the doors on the other side of the arena open up before a large unicorn with a brown coat and eyes, and a black mane and tail walked out. Another thing that Sol saw was a bald, tan pegasus stallion wearing a black and white stripped shirt standing at the center of the arena, motioning them to him with his wings. Taking the hint, Sol walked up to the center of the arena and stood face-to-face with his opponent while the referee eyed the two.

"Who are you and why are you here?" Sol asked.

"I'm here on Prince Blueblood's behalf," the stallion smirked. "He said that he needed somepony taken care of, so he picked me to do it."

"But he's supposed to fight me, not you!"

"Hey, he's a prince. And as a prince, he can have somepony else fight for him."

"He...!" That honorless coward!

Sol's eyes narrowed into a glare and was starting to growl, but before he could say anything more, the referee stepped up between the two and pushed them back.

"Alright, that's enough," he spoke with a gruff voice. "Now you two listen up, because I'm gonna say this only once. I don't wanna see any blows to the crotch or targeting the horns. Also, no killing. While I know that accidents can and have happen, I'd rather not have to help clean up any messes tonight. So," he turned to Sol, "keep your claw activity to a minimum and try not to skewer him or shred him to pieces."

"Yes, sir," Sol acknowledged.

With Sol's word of cooperation, the referee then turned to the other stallion.

"As for you, Cheap Shot, don't think that we've forgotten what happened here last time. You may be Prince Blueblood's representative in this fight, but don't you think for one second that that excuses you from breaking our rules. I've got my eyes on you, and if you step out of line, then you're gone."

"Whatever," Cheap Shot scoffed with an eye-roll.

"Now then, you two step back and wait for the sound of the horn to begin."

Up in the stands, Celestia, Luna, Twilight, and her friends sat themselves down in the front row with Celestia and Luna flanking Blueblood's left and right respectfully, as they watched Sol, Cheap Shot, and the referee move away from the center of the arena. As they waited Pinkie looked around the stadium.

"So where's all the really cool stuff?"

"What are you talking about, Pinkie?" Twilight asked.

"I'm talking about the announcer's booth, the giant viewing screen that's supposed to be suspended above the arena that showed the time and fighters' heath bars, the barrier that's supposed to shield us from what happens inside the arena, and the damage absorber bracelets that are required for everypony fighting to wear?"

Twilight blinked in confusion. "Umm, Pinkie? There's no such things here. While I do agree that they should have a barrier in place to keep us spectators safe from what happens inside, they don't have the rest of those things."

A frown slowly formed on Pinkie's face. "... wow. We really got hosed here then. Why can't we have nice stuff like-"

Pinkie was suddenly interrupted as a horn was loudly blown, signaling the start of the fight.

Ignoring the cheering from the crowd for the start of the new match, Sol lowered himself in a defensive stance and waited for his opponent to make the first move. He didn't have to wait long, for a moment later, Cheap Shot lit his horn and fired a beam of magic at him. As it got about half-way to him, the beams suddenly split up into five smaller beams and began to zigzag in an attempt to confuse Sol. Unable to keep track and predict their movements, Sol lit up his horns in a violet aura that gathered in the space between his horns, and fired a beam of his own at Cheap Shot with the intent of canceling the divided beams before they hit him. However, while his beam did connect with the other and cancel each other out as planned, the smaller beams didn't dissipate and all converged on him. Seeing them still coming, Sol used his inherited ability from his father and change his fur coat to metal. But, despite his body temporarily covered in metal, what Sol didn't expect what that the beams would all hurt as much as they did when they struck.

Taken by surprise, Sol yelped in pain as his body was jerked from the unexpectedly strong impacts, but still maintained his stance. Once the attack ceased, Sol winced in brief pain before the metallic coating reverted back to his normal coat.

"Uh-oh. That's not a good sign."

Up in the stands, Twilight and her friends blinked in surprise as they watched Sol change right before their eyes.

"That was so cool!" Rainbow said. "How did he do that?!"

"As the Lord of Earth, Fissure had the ability to change the material of his body at will," Celestia went to explain. "He could change his cells into any kind of earthen material, be it wood, gems, stones, metals, etc. As you can see, Sol has inherited his father's ability to change his body just like he did."

"Yes, but something isn't right here," Luna said with a frown. "With the change and Sol's power, he shouldn't have taken any damage or even be knocked around like that. And yet, it appears as though it barely did anything to shield him against the beams."

Dodging to the side, Sol barely avoided another set of beams.

Dang it! My magic is still too weak. I haven had enough time to recover from it draining out of me when I was sealed.

Seeing Cheap Shot preparing to fire again, Sol quickly fired off a beam of his own before extending his wings to ready himself for flight. However, after giving a few flaps and getting off the ground for a few moments, he winced as he felt the soreness in his wing, forcing him to immediately landed.

"Not again," he muttered in annoyance as he folded his wings back up.

Seeing Cheap Shot charging his horn again, Sol charged his own horns and fired, meeting Cheap Shot's beam with his own in a power struggle. Digging his claws into the ground and gritting his fangs, Sol slowly pressed forward, pressing Cheap Shot's beam back with each step he took. Feeling him getting the upper hoof, Sol pressed on as he continued to win, but wasn't expecting what happened next as the pressure against his beam suddenly disappeared.

Losing his balance and stumbling forward a few steps, Sol could now see that Cheap Shot had disengaged, leaped off to the side, and quickly followed it up with another beam. Unable to dodge it in time, Sol instinctively lifted his left arm up to shield himself from being struck in the chest, but forgot to give it a metallic coating. Even though the impact only lasted for a brief moment, but it still hurt. Hissing in pain, Sol looked over his left forearm and saw a large patch of missing fur where a magical burn now resided, while the surrounding fur was darkened.

Feeling the sting from the air brushing against the burn, Sol focused and changed the burnt patch of skin over to metal, lessening the pain for him and protecting it from getting scraped against. Turning his attention away from his wound, Sol grimaced when he saw Cheap Shot firing the same beam-splitting spell again.

Okay, that's enough of that.

Using his powers over the earth, Sol raised his right claw and slammed it on the ground, causing four walls of stone to sprout up from the ground around him and box him in. A few seconds later, he smiled when he heard the beams impact the stone walls without breaking them.

Finally I catch a break, he sighed with a hint of relief. Now for the next part.

Using his earth magic again, Sol dove into the stone ground with ease and began to tunnel beneath the surface. Using the vibrations from his digging like an underground sonar, Sol soon managed to pinpoint where Cheap Shot was and burrowed over to him. Getting up right underneath him, Sol then shot upward and emerged just in front of him. Taking him by surprise from the underground attack, Sol clenched his right claw and delivered an uppercut to Cheap Shot's jaw, toppling him over onto his back while Sol landed on all fours.

"What just happened?!" Blueblood asked in surprise.

Pinkie snickered. "From the looks of it, Sol used Dig, and it was super effective."

"You are right in a way, Pinkie," Celestia said. "Actually, he did the same thing back in my room with Blueblood. Due to his size, Sol isn't very quick on his hooves and claws, so he likes to travel underground to compensate for the lack of speed. While burrowed, Sol's able to move much quicker than he could on land or in the sky."

"But it looked like Sol knew where that stallion was while he was underground," Starlight pointed out. "If so, then how was he able to do that?"

"He calls it Tremor Sight," Luna began explaining. "While underground, Sol is able to feel the vibrations in the earth and more or less see where everything within fifty yards of him is."

Pinkie frowned. That sounds a little OP to me.

"Of course," Luna continued, "Sol's only able to use it while he's burrowed underground. He can't use it while he's on the surface."

Okay, that sounds better.

Over in the mouth of the entrance to the stadium seats, the blue pegasus stallion stood with a heated glare in his eyes. Spotting his target surrounded by the royal guards, princesses, and Element Bearers, he started to weigh his options. On the one hoof, he knew that attacking her now would be dangerous and ran the risk getting caught. On the other hoof, none of them, nor the guards, were aware of him. Besides, his hoof were eagerly twitching to finally get his revenge.

Making his choice, the stallion slowly made his way down the stairs until he was a few rows behind the guards. Reaching beneath his wing, the stallion grabbed hold of the dagger's hilt when he suddenly noticed something. Due to him being so focused on his target, he never noticed who was down fighting in the arena. When he did, his eyes snapped wide open and his pupils shrank to pinpricks.

What?! But how-

"What are you doing?"

Hearing the voice calling to him, the stallion looked down to see that a pair of royal guards had spotted him. Having lost his opportunity for his assassination attempt, the stallion slowly removed his hoof from his dagger and put on a convincing smile.

"Nothing. I was just watching the match."

Despite the guards having bought his bluff, since he was closer to the princesses and Element Bearers than anypony else, the royal guards started shooting cautionary glances at him. No long being able to successfully get his target and get away safely, the stallion got up and left the Coliseum. Now that the guards were suspicious, even after they left for the castle, he doubted that he would even be able to get that close to her now.

Besides, he thought with a sneer, something important has just come to my attention.

After successfully taking Cheap Shot by surprise, Sol continued his assault on him with punches and a few tail swipes. While he was able to get a few good hits in at first, after Sol grabbed him with his left claw and prepared to strike him with his right, Cheap Shot closed his eyes and released a blinding light in Sol's face. Becoming temporarily blinded and disoriented, Sol's grip in Cheap Shot loosen up enough for him to slip out and deliver a punch to Sol's gut, knocking the wind out of him momentarily.

While Sol was catching his breath, Cheap Shot took a moment to recover from his previous beating. After a moment of getting his breathing under better control, Sol got back up and instead of charging him again, he slammed both claws to the ground, causing stone pillars to jut up from the ground in an attempt to slam against Cheap Shot.

Pouring more of his earth magic into it, Sol created more stone pillars that were now starting to shoot out of the ground at random angles and direction that kept Cheap Shot guessing. While most of Sol's pillars either missed or were used by Cheap Shot to springboard away, he finally managed to hit him with one, slamming him hard in his side and sending him tumbling against the floor.

Ceasing his assault, Sol began to pant and wobble slightly as the lack of proper sleep and the use of magic had almost completely drained what little he had left him fatigued.

Okay, this really isn't good, he thought before he looked over Cheap Shot's prone, unmoving form. But it looks like he's not going to get back up for now. Thank goodness.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Sol sat down to rest himself. However, it was short-lived when he suddenly shouted in pain from a beam nailing him square in his chest. Clinging his claw to the area where he was hit, Sol looked over towards Cheap Shot, who'd been playing possum and had taken a shot at Sol when his guard was down. Seeing Cheap Shot get up and start limping over to him, Sol tried to use his earth magic to cover the wound on his chest like with his forearm, but with him nearly out of magic, not only was he unable to do that, but the metallic coating over his injured forearm reverted back, adding on another layer of pain to him. However, what Sol didn't expect was that the burn on his forearm appeared to be somehow spreading.

Ahh! What's going on?! Why's the burn getting worse?!

Cradling his injured arm, Sol panted heavily from the pain as Cheap Shot approached him with his horn alight. Shakily, Sol used his wings to help prop himself up. Now having some form of base, Sol decided to forego using what little magic he had left and began taking a deep breath with the intent of finishing this with a breath attack. However, as he continued to inhale and his chest expanded with air, it caused the burnt skin on his already taunt chest to pull and open, sending a fresh wave of pain through him that caused him to collapse and wheeze in pain while a wisp of blue, green, and purple light leaking from the corners of his maw.

"You know," Cheap Shot growled as he approached, "I was told to make it look like an accident, but now that you've really pissed me off, I say screw subtlety!"

Physically tired, exhausted nearly all his remaining magic, and in pain from a growing wound, presumably two now with his chest burn, Sol watched Cheap Shot approach him, expecting another beam of magic. However, to Sol's surprise and worry, instead of firing another spell, Cheap Shot conjured a magical shortsword as he approached.

Celestia and Luna watched in confusion and growing fear as Cheap Shot limped closer to Sol.

"What is Sol doing?" Luna questioned. "Even if Sol was toying with him, which he never has before, he shouldn't be this badly beaten... and why is he so hurt?"

"I don't understand either, sister," Celestia said worryingly. "Sol's magic should've protected him from harm."

"Umm... Princess?" Twilight meekly called, gaining their attention. "I think I might know what's going on with him."

"What is it Twilight?"

Twilight nervously gulped. "You see, when we found Sol, his crystal was cracked and-"

Celestia and Luna's eyes both snapped wide open as they both shouted, "What?!"

"How long?!" Luna demanded.

"Since Tirek's attack!" Twilight frantically answered. "When we found him, he said that almost all of his magic and strength had leaked out from him!"

Now understanding what was going on with Sol, Celestia looked to her sister.


Knowing what to do, Luna lit her horn and teleported in a flash of light before reappearing a split-second later, standing protectively in front of Sol.

"Enough!" she shouted.

Having effectively halted Cheap Shot in place along with the referee, who was coming to intervene when he saw that Cheap Shot wasn't joking around after he conjured his magical weapon. Without another word, Luna picked Sol up in her magical aura and teleported the two of them to the castle's infirmary.

Seeing that Luna had successfully stopped the match and had taken Sol away to get some medical treatment, Celestia slouched as a wave of relief washed over her. Granted she and Luna would be getting quite an earful for interfering with a Coliseum match, but that didn't matter her right now.

"That was too close," she sighed in relief, only for it to be replaced with concern as she heard a sad sigh coming from beside her. "Twilight?"

"I'm sorry, Princess."


Twilight looked up at Celestia with regret.

"I should have told you about of Sol's crystal from the beginning. I knew about how weak he was, and if I had just told you, then all of this could have been avoided."

While what Twilight said was true, Celestia couldn't find it in herself to blame her, especially with how much she knew that Twilight was mentally berating herself. That, and Celestia and Luna both knew that Sol's sense of honor, while good intended, had also gotten him into trouble like this on multiple occasions. Wanting to ease her worries, Celestia draped a wing around Twilight in a comforting hug.

"Don't worry, Twilight. It's alright."

"I should have told you. If I did, then he wouldn't be hurt."

"Yes, but if I know Sol, then he would've gone on ahead anyway." Celestia brought a hoof under Twilight's chin and tilted her face up to look at her. "Don't worry, Twilight. Luna's taking care of Sol. He'll be fine."

"Well I say good riddance," Blueblood scoffed out loud before muttering to himself. "Stupid Cheap Shot. Tell him to be subtle with killing him and he instead pulls this."


Recoiling from Celestia's shouting, Blueblood was about to look and see what was wrong with her, but before he could move, he found his entire body engulfed in a golden aura and brought face-to-face with Celestia, who's mane and tail had burst into flames, and her eyes now glowed brightly like a pair of miniature suns.


Remembering that they were still in public, Celestia caught herself and took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Once she'd simmered down enough to where her mane, tail, and eyes had returned to normal. However, her eyes and voice still maintained their anger and rage.

"That stallion that you tried to have killed, Blueblood, is my son."

Blueblood gawked for a moment before he found his voice again. "W-W-What?! B-But you don't have a-"

"Yes I do, nephew," Celestia hissed. "Sol was born and later sealed away in crystal over a thousand years ago, is my first and only child, First Prince of Equestria, and the heir to my throne."

A look of shock and disbelief took over Blueblood while Twilight and her friends all glared at him with Celestia.

"You were already in trouble with Twilight, Blueblood," she continued dangerously, "but now that you've tried to have my only child killed, I can say for certain and without remorse that you and your accomplice will both be severely punished. But before that, we're going down to the castle dungeons where you will learn what it's like to face a mother's wrath."

Author's Note:

Sorry if you guys are disappointed by this. I know that a lot of you were probably expecting Sol to wipe the floor with Blueblood, but that just isn't the case this time.

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