• Published 15th Mar 2017
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Of Heaven and Earth - Garuda IV

It's been over a thousand years since Sol was hidden away and sealed in crystal. Now freed by Twilight and her friends, he must readjust to the present while also having to deal with old grudges both from and against him.

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Chapter 60- Preparing to March

The sun had barely started to rise before ponies in the Crystal Empire and Undercity were preparing themselves for the battle that was to commence that day. From the moment they woke up, to eating a light breakfast, to getting armed, barely any words were said amongst those who were readying to head out to Equestria's surface. By the time everypony had readied their armor, weapons, and any other equipment they might have needed, the sun had risen fully over the horizon, including Twilight and her friends. Thanks to Celestia, Twilight had been given her old set of gold-colored, light-plate armor to wear, Rainbow Dash had donned the same leather armor and spiked gauntlets that she used the day they evacuated Equestria to the Underkingdom, Fluttershy, while not wanting to fight, did take a set of leather armor as well, and Applejack, being the strongest of them all, appeared with a heavy set of plate armor that covered her from head to hoof, as well as a large tower shield the size of her body that was strapped across her back.

"Well, girls, it's just about time. Are we ready?" Twilight asked, looking over her three friends gathered before her.

"About as ready as we'll ever be, Ah suppose," Applejack replied, albeit nervously.

"Are you kidding me?" Rainbow asked excitedly. "I've been itching to get back up there and give those changelings a good thrashing for what they did to us. Besides, as cool as this place is, flying is just not the same as it is up on the surface. At least there I don't have to worry about flying up into a ceiling that that looks like open skies... again."

"And as wonderful as this place has been, I do admit I'm starting to miss my cottage," Fluttershy added.

Twilight smiled and nodded at the group. "Then let's go and retake our home. And remember, when Pinkie gets here, make sure we all stay together and not get separated. We may not have Rarity with us or the Elements of Harmony, but we can still watch each other's backs and keep each other safe."

Finishing her little speech, Twilight led the way as they left the castle to the courtyard where Sol, Luna, and Celestia were talking, all of whom were wearing their own respective armors and weapons. Having reconvened with them and exchanging some quick pleasantries, the group was teleported to the portals and entered through the one to the Crystal Empire to await Pinkie and the yak army.

"So, remind me again how long Pinkie said to wait until she got here?" Rainbow asked.

"About ten minutes ago."

Yelping in surprise by the unexpected voice, the group turned around to see Pinkie coming from around the side of the portal, followed by Prince Rutherford and the yak army. Apart from not having expected her to be here so soon, they were more surprised to see her wearing a set of hard, studded-leather armor with metal plates, along with the faux fur cloak that covered her armored form, and, most noticeable of all, her honorary yak helmet.

"Whoa, Pinkie! Where'd you get that armor?!"

"Hah! Honorary Yak get her armor from Prince Rutherford," the prince proudly exclaimed as he walked up alongside Pinkie. "Pink Pony good friend to yaks. We no want to see her get hurt, so we give her yak armor to help keep her safe. It light, flexible, warm, and keep wearer safe from harm. After all..."


The ponies and kirin cringed from the chorus of yaks shouting in unison. While most were used to their way of talking, none of them were prepared for that, and had to take a moment for the ringing in their ears to stop before Twilight spoke up.

"Thank you, Prince Rutherford. I'm sure I can speak for all of us when I say that we all very much appreciate this," she thanked with a bow.

"Purple Pony Princess welcome. Now, when do we attack? Yaks are best at war, but not so great with patience."

"Actually," Sol began as he stepped forward, "if you are all ready, after we move your forces through the portal, we can begin our attack within the hour."

Rutherford, having never seen a kirin before, eyed Sol up and down. "Yaks never seen or hear of you before."

"My apologies. My name is Solare Rupture, King of the Underkingdom."

"Hmmm. Yaks never hear of this place before, either."

"That's because I've had it hidden away, up until recently." Sol raised a claw and motioned to the portal. "As a matter of fact, we will be traveling through it to sneak up on the changelings. Not only will this be much quicker than marching to Equestria from the Crystal Empire, but we'll also be catching them by surprise and unaware of us until the army is on their doorstep."

Rutherford idly nodded as Sol talked. "Hmmm... Prince Rutherford like Dragon Pony's plan."

Sol raised a curious eyebrow at the name. 'Dragon Pony'?

"Now let's go. Yaks no like wasting time when we could be smashing, and standing here talking is wasting time."

Without another word, Rutherford led his yaks into the portal, not paying any more mind to the ponies and kirin who stood back and watched from the side, or any of the local ponies that had begun gathering around to see the large group of new arrivals.

"Well... that was interesting," Sol slowly said, his voice a mix of confusion and intrigue.

"Well, of course they're interesting. They're yaks," Pinkie said as she bounced past him, humming a happy tune as she followed after the yaks.

Having nothing else that needed their attention out there anymore, the rest of the group followed the yaks and Pinkie back through the portal to the Undercity. As they passed through, they regrouped with Pinkie and proceeded to lead Rutherford and the yaks over towards where the rest of the army would be gathering. Almost a half-hour later of talking strategy with Rutherford, and taking a headcount of just how many yaks had joined, Sol, Twilight, and the others made their way to the head of the mixed army where they were to meet up with Celestia and Luna.

"Ah'm still impressed that we were able ta get this many creatures together," Applejack commented, looking over the army of combined creatures that had gathered. "Ah mean, just look at them all!"

"And to think that this isn't even our entire force," Rainbow added with a look of appreciation at the gathering before them. "With all these ponies and yaks here, changelings and dragons, Discord and Eris, and Sol and three alicorns on our side, there's no way Tirek and Chrysalis can stop us."

"Things will be a lot easier for us with all of their help," Twilight admitted, "but still, even with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fighting with us, we shouldn't expect an easy fight from this. If anything, once the fighting begins and they see just how large of a force we have with us, it's most likely that Chrysalis will send her entire force at us and recall her armies marching north. Hay, with Starlight here with us, I wouldn't be surprised if she came out to fight us herself."

"Then maybe I could help you out with that?"

Ears perking up at the familiar yet unexpected voice coming from behind, Twilight and the others turned around to see a unicorn wearing armor, much similar to the one Twilight was wearing, walk up to them with a smirk on her face, which was partially hidden by her red and golden mane.

"Sunset Shimmer!" With a burst of magic, Twilight had teleported from her spot next to her friends over in front of Sunset, who she quickly wrapped her forehooves around in a hug. "I can't believe you're here! Wait, why are you here? When did you get here? Where did you get that armor from and why does it look like this armor that Princess Celestia's letting me use? Why-"

"Okay, Twilight, ease it back there," Sunset said, easing Twilight back and interrupting her string of questions with a hoof to her mouth. "Now then, first thing's first." Sunset looked around at the familiar group of friends and family that were gathered around her. "Hello, everypony."

There was a chorus of different greetings from their friends, as well as Sol, Celestia, and Luna. Though Sol and Celestia had internally wanted to give her a better greeting than a simple 'hello', they were still aware of their surroundings, and had to forego anything that would show anything more than professional behavior.

"Now, Twilight, the reason that I'm here is because I was told what's been going on."

Twilight blinked in surprise and lowered Sunset's hoof from her mouth.

"You were? By who?"

"Sorry, Twilight, that would be my fault," Starlight admitted as she approached the pair. "I noticed your journal had started to glow and vibrate, and after some back-and-forth writing between myself and Sunset, catching up with each other on what's been going on since we last talked, I mentioned what happened to Equestria, and what we've been planning."

"After Starlight filled me in," Sunset continued, "I told her that I wanted to come and help you all retake Equestria, and asked her to prep the port for me." Sunset paused as she tapped her chin in thought. "I had also thought about bringing some of the weapons from my world back through the portal with me-"

"But I didn't think that bringing weapons from another world would be a very good idea," Starlight continued for Sunset, "and after a bit of back and forth, I managed to talk her out of it. Besides, I still remember some of those movies we saw while I was visiting her world, and I have to admit that those things still make me nervous."

Remembering those 'guns' as Sunset had called them, and just how powerful and dangerous they were, Twilight nodded in agreement.

"It's probably for the best. While I will admit that they would be helpful, I'd prefer it if nopony knew about that sort of technology." Twilight shook her heard from that thought and looked back at Sunset. "Anyways, I really am happy that you are here with us, Sunset. But I'm also curious where you got that armor from. From what I can see, it looks like it's already been fitted for you."

"That's because it was," Celestia chimed in. "I had that armor commissioned specifically for Sunset before..."

Sunset looked up towards Celestia with a pained look of sorrow and regret.

"Before I abandoned you. It's alright, Princess, you don't need to be subtle about it. After all, I do kinda deserve it."

Celestia shook her head." No, Sunset, you don't. You have done more than enough to prove, not just to me, but to everyone, that you are not the same pony you were back then. Never forget that, and never let anypony tell you otherwise."

Though the urge to hug and nuzzle her old mentor/mother figure was strong, Sunset instead forced herself to quell that feeling for the time being, and settled for a grateful smile and nod.

"Okay. Thank you."

"You're welcome..." Celestia looked up at the 'sky', her smile fading a bit as she saw the illusionary position of her sun. "I suppose it is about time to begin."

Everypony looked around at each other with varying levels of anxiety.

"Very well," Sol spoke with a deep sigh. "In that case, I suppose I better address the armies before we begin our march." Sol turned his gaze towards Twilight. "Are the preparations complete?"

"They are. I looked over the runes earlier this morning just to make sure. All we need at this point is your magic to activate the new runes."

Sol smiled and shook his head lightly. "I never would have thought of using the opposing side of an already existing portal as another gateway. This will save us a lot of time compared to having to march the armies across the Undercity to the main entrance, and using a portal there. Not to mention that they'll be more fresh for when they begin their actual march."

"Ah! Speaking of a change in plans, Sol," Luna spoke up, "my sister and I have been talking, and we believe that we have come up with an idea that will help us to not only better move the armies stealthily, but also allowing our infiltrators to more easily sneak into Canterlot and undermine whatever defenses Chrysalis might have set in place."

"Okay. So, what is this plan, then?" Sol asked, before the two sisters approached and began whispering their plan into his ear. As he was informed of their plan, Sol hummed to himself in thought. "It's not bad, but the moment you do that, Chrysalis and Tirek will know something's up."

Celestia's normally warm smile turned mischievous. "We thought of that as well, but you don't need to worry, Sol. I promise, Luna and I have this all under control."

"And we promise that it will not compromise or otherwise interfere with your overall plan, as you have just heard," Luna added in.

Sol looked between his mother an aunt with a pondering look. He knew that such a plan wouldn't go unnoticed by any creature up on the surface, but he also knew that such a plan would work in their favor very well. And not just for the armies gathered around him, but for the others as well. That is, if they weren't taken by surprise by this.

"Before this plan of yours is executed, the other armies will need to be informed of it as well so they can adjust accordingly. If the dragons and changelings don't know about it when it happens, it will catch them by surprise and interfere with their plans of attack."

"No need to worry. Celestia and I will take care of that momentarily."

Celestia nodded. "Once we are done here, we will make contact with Spike, King Thorax, Rarity, and Dragonlord Ember, so they all know of what to expect in the coming hours."

Though he wasn't quite fond of the thought of a last-minute addition of that size to the plan so close to their deployment, he knew that his mom and Luna wouldn't do anything to endanger their ponies or allies. So, putting his trust in his mom and aunt, Sol let them go to inform the others about what to expect, while eh stood out in front of the gathered armies before him, spreading his wings and standing tall as he gained the attention of the ponies and yaks.

"Good morning, everycreature! For those who don't know me, I am Solar Rupture, King of the Undercity, and close ally to Equestria," Sol said, using a toned-down version of the Royal Canterlot Voice so everycreature could hear him. "Now, from what I understand, it is customary to give a long and inspirational speech before leading an army into battle. However, given that we're all anxious to get back up there, retake Equestria from our enemies, and beat their flanks along the way-" There was a rather numerable collection of chuckles at that. "-I believe it would be best to keep it short and to the point." Sol closed his eyes and breathed in to calm his own nerves. "Today, I give you all one order: Don't die. Watch each other's backs, don't take any unnecessary risks, fight smart and safe. Do that, so once the sun has set and battle is over, we can all return to our loved ones, and celebrate the return of our country!"

Turning around, Sol lit his horns and channeled his magic into the large arch before him. As he continued to channel his magic, the runes carved onto the surface began to glow, starting with the ones on the opposing bottoms of the arch, before lighting up, one by one, until the magic fueling the runes met at the top. Once all the runes covering the archway were all lit, ribbons of magic drifted from them towards the empty center of the arch, where they met and began to open the portal to the ravine where the Tree of Harmony resided. After channeling his magic for a few more moments to make sure that the portal was wide enough and stable, Sol cut the magic flowing from him and started making his way towards the portal.

As he took point to lead the armies through, Rainbow flew up alongside him.

"You know, for a motivational and inspirational speech, that one was kinda meh," she commented. "Personally, I'd give it like a 5/10. Now, if I were the one giving the speech, I could get them all really fired up!"

"It wasn't meant to fire them up, Rainbow," Sol pointed out. "They are all about to march out into open fields across Equestria, and will need to be as quiet and careful as they can, even with the silencing spells helping to cover their movements. The last thing that I want is for them to get riled up, thus causing them to be found out before they reach Canterlot thanks to a motivational speech that got them too rowdy and alerted the enemy to their presence."

"Prince Rutherford sorry for interruption, but he couldn't help but overhear Dragon Pony and Rainbow Pegasus talking," he apologized as he picked up his pace to get closer to Sol. "But it sounded to yak like you won't be there to smash with us."

"And you would be correct, Prince Rutherford."

Rutherford's eyebrow rose with curiosity. "And why not? Why call yak and pony armies here to fight if you won't fight as well?"

Sol furrowed his brow as he said, "Because there's another battle that will require my attention."

Hopefully, one that will be taking place somewhere isolated, far away from any civilization.

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