• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 214 Comments

Chronicles of the Planeswalkers - Eagle Heart

A story about two hilarious universe travelers who happen to be badasses who happen to love bacon. Hope you guys enjoy and get a couple good yuks out of it!

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The Eagle and the Wizard

1854, September 15. That's when it happened, the day that Aquila Cuore discovered what he truly was...

1854, September 8.

Rome, a large city bustling with life, the perfect place for an Assassin to call home. Aquila found himself chasing his current target, down the alleyways and through the streets. Avoiding the guards and climbing the obstacles, he chased after the one named Leonardo Rossi. A man sentenced to death by Aquila's brotherhood for forming a conspiracy and leading a Mafia of men who control much of the international trading business.

They both finally reach a dead end, after about an hour of cat and mouse. An alleyway with a brick wall too high to climb. Leonardo turns around to face Aquila. Aquila standing there, his hidden blade ready to be revealed when it needs to.

Leonardo then calls out as if he was giving a command..."Ora gli uomini! Abbiamo di lui esattamente dove lo vogliamo!" (Now men! We have him right where we want him!)

Suddenly, more than 10 men appear from the rooftops and windows, all holding rifles aimed at Aquila's head. He looks around at his surroundings, though his hood keeping them from being able to see his facial expressions.

They could tell he was nervous to some degree.

Leonardo simply walks forward and says, "Alleviare voi delle vostre armi. Non avrete bisogno di loro dove stiamo andando." (Relieve yourself of your weapons. You will not need them where we are going.).

Aquila complies and puts both hands together in front of him. Meanwhile, Leonardo is pulling out bindings from his back pocket. Aquila spits in his face and says, "Bastardo, si pagherà per quello che hai fatto!" (Bastard, you will pay for what you've done!).

Leonardo gains a look of anger on his face, "Si osi parlare così a me figlio di puttana, ti ammazzo! Lentamente e faticosamente!" (You dare speak like that to me you son of a whore, I will kill you! Slowly and painfully!). He then punches Aquila to the ground, he then stepped on his head to knock him out.

*Two Hours Later*

Aquila woke up in a dizzy haze, not able to see yet, everything is still a blur. Once his vision clears, he finds himself in a dark cellar, the ceiling appearing to be worn down, cracks in the wood and cobwebs hanging from it. It smelled like death and feces. A dead rat lay in the far corner, nearly half rotted and flies surrounding it, eating away the flesh of the dead animal.

Aquila found himself with his hands bound above him and keeping his feet off the floor. His feet is inside a tub full of ice cold water, and himself stripped to nothing but his now torn pants.

The two men looked filthy, covered in dirt and their teeth appear like they have almost fallen out. One is writing something down on some paper, the other walks up to Aquila and says, "Siamo pronti per iniziare, ora che sei sveglio. Anche se, devi essere un uomo molto pigro, hai dormito per circa due ore prima si svegliò. Oppure che Leonardo ti ha colpito troppo duro. Chi se ne frega? Il dolore più si sente più ho pagato. Ora, andremo attraverso una serie di tecniche di tortura per tutta la settimana, uno diverso ogni giorno. Oggi è elettrocuzione. Sembra divertente eh?" (We are ready to begin, now that you are awake. Though, you must be a very lazy man, you slept for about two hours before you awoke. Either that, or Leonardo hit you too hard... Who cares? The more pain you feel the more I get paid. Now, we will be going through a series of torture techniques throughout the week, a different one every day. Today's is electrocution. Sounds fun eh?)

Aquila thrashed around in his bindings, trying desprately to get out, but with no success. "RRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH! Nessun uomo merita questo tipo di morte! Nemmeno chi, come Leonardo, i Borgia, o anche il Spainiard!" (RRRRRAAAAAAAHHHH!!! No man deserves this kind of death! Not even those like Leonardo, the Borgias, or even the Spainiard!).

The man growled, "Tutti loro, uomini grandi. Perché si merita nemmeno una morte come questa? No, è feccia come te che lo fanno. Iniziamo!" (All of them, great men. Why would they even deserve a death like this? No, it's scum like you who do. Lets begin! ). He then attaches the wire to the water and flips the switch.

Aquila then felt the excruciating pain flow through his body, he couldn't even let out a yell, he could only thrash around and bare through it....this was going to be a long day.

Throughout the week, it only got worse. Day two, hot coals spread among the body and burning the skin. Day 3, whipping on both the back and chest, leaving both sides a absolute train wreck. Day 4, slow cutting of flesh. A dagger cutting slices of skin from the body, slowly and painfully. Day 5, Cutting open the skin on the back to reveal the spinal cord and doing many things to it without killing the subject. Day 6, A poison from a snake that stimulates all nerves to feel pain. Day 7, The removal of body parts....

The man left the cellar for a moment, his assistant was writing down everything in the background and a estimated level of pain each day. He returns with a hacksaw, spoon and a hammer. He laid them all next to him. Aquila was bound to a wooden table, all appendages facing outward, (except the you-know-what).

Aquila just lays there now, defeated, battered, broken, without hope. The man now grabs the spoon, and began to move it toward Aquila's right eye. Suddenly, everything slowed down for Aquila, he felt a strange feeling deep within his core. Then, a bright flash of light came from himself causing the torturer to fall back onto his butt and his assistant off his chair. When the light faded, there stands Aquila, his body healed, eyes glowing a bright yellow and a aura of power surrounding him.

He steps down from the table as the torturer stands up. In a desperate attempt to defend himself he pulled out a cleaver and had a cocky smile on his face.

Aquila simply stared at him, no emotion showing on his face at all.

The torturer charged Aquila, axe high in the air ready to be swung. Just as he got close he swung his axe down.

Aquila caught his wrist, with a light squeeze, he crushed the bone into bits. The man screams in intense pain. Just before he falls to his knees, Aquila grabs him by the neck and slams him into the ground, cracking the hard stone. Then he grabs the man's leg and spins, throwing him into the wall in front of himself.

He then makes his way to the nearly broken body of the torturer and picked him up, shoved him against the wall, and starts to push so hard, the bones begin to break and blood begins to leak from his mouth and ears. A loud *Crunch!* is heard and the man's body falls to the ground.

He then turns his head to the assistant, he begins to walk toward him as the assistant brings his fists up, having no weapons, this was all he could do.

He charged at Aquila, but Aquila ducks down and grabbed his crotch....he then tore it off, all of it. Along with the crotch of his pants too. Aquila then grabs the squealing man and lifted him above his head, some of the blood pouring onto his head, he didn't care. He then tore the assistant in half, blood pouring all over his body.

He drops the two halves and falls to his hands and knees, beginning to feel weak. "Arrrrgh! Che cosa è questo?!!" (What is this?!!) Then his body begins to fade, returning to normal, but becoming transparent. As the seconds go by, within a few seconds... he disappears off the face of the earth...


The Legion of The Sun, a large guild of Templars who worship the sun. That which is a chaotic ball of fire that provides light for Dominaria.

Redik a young man who recently joined their ranks was an aspiring wizard, well read in the art of magic but not well practiced, walks into the gates of Aneshe. The city of the sun, currently under rule of the Legion.

He walks through the streets of this medieval-like city. Eventually he reaches the guild hall and makes his way inside. The large wooden door creaks loudly as it opened.

He walks through the large hall, making a right turn into the meeting hall. All the members of the guild were there, conversing among each other. He reached the group and says "Greetings my brothers in arms! Your secret weapon has arrived!".

They all glared at him and returned to speaking with each other.

He shrugs and spots out the Headmaster speaking with another member. He sneaks his way up to the old man and says "Well, what daring and dangerous adventure do you have in store for me today?"

The Headmaster gives him a slightly annoyed look and says, "No. All i need you to do today is deliver a letter."

Redik throws back his head with a loud groan.

The Headmaster hands him a letter and instructs him to take it to a noble in the Garden District.

Redik takes the letter and grumbles while he walks back through the halls and out the main door. "Man! Being a novice sucks. If only I just had one chance to show them my awesome skills, then they'd make -me- headmaster. Then I could go around telling them to deliver their own stupid ass letters!"

As he walks around the city towards the Garden District, he notices clouds beginning to close in on the city. A thunderstorm will be here soon. So Redik picks up his pace and after about fifteen minutes of speed-walking he finally reaches his destination. He knocks on the door, but no one answers. He knocks again, still nothing. "Hey dumbass! I got a letter for you!" Still nothing...

"Fine..." then he shoves the letter under the door and turns around... "Shit!"

A cannon ball was heading straight for him. He didn't have any time to move, so he conjured up a magical shield in front of him, the cannon ball smashed through the shield and into the house. Redik manages to take minimal damage thanks to that shield, but it tires him out quite a bit.

He looks around to see cannon balls smashing into buildings all over the city. They were taking chunks out of the defensive wall set up around the city. "Finally! This is my chance to be the hero everyone needs!" So he begins to rush to the guild hall.

After a few minutes of running, things went straight to hell. Buildings burning, people dying, soldiers scrambling everywhere, he's played this scenario in his head hundreds of times and always came out victorious. So why wouldn't he now?

He forces open the door to see nothing but dead bodies in the halls..."Shhhhhhit." So he carefully walks through the halls, seeing all the other members dead, killed by something... or someone. He reaches the meeting hall to see the headmaster being burned to death in a magical fire by a strange robed man, he wore black robes with the symbol of death decorated on them.

Redik sends a bolt of magical energy at the dark wizard, but he swats it away like it was nothing.

He sends out a burst of lightning to Redik with a wave of his hand. Clearly this was like child's play to him.

Redik goes flying back into the wall behind him and falls to his stomach from the sheer force of the blast.

The black robed wizard begins to walk closer. His footsteps echoing through the dark hall, almost as if dread itself were walking.

Redik rises to one knee and stands. "Son of a bitch! You killed them all. For that I'll kill you! Let's see how you like some of your own lightning!" He thrusts his hands forward sending out a beam of electrical energy.

The evil wizard puts a hand out and sends his own, they clash with a massive show of power. They struggle back and forth, gaining and loosing advantages.

"RAAAAAAAAAHHHH!" Redik yells at the top of his lungs, as he fires his beam. His anger clearly in control.

The evil wizard begins to laugh devilishly as he fires his own dark lightning. "Enough of these games." He increases the power greatly, quickly overpowering Redik.

As the beam gets closer, Redik gets weaker, it now begins to electrocute him. Sending the electrons through his body. Using his magic he tries to dampen it as much as he can, but to no avail. He was already so weak, so it wasn't doing him much good.

The electricity flows through him causing every nerve to burn with pain. Then, as the electricity burns his body, he feels a strange feeling deep within his core, one of power, regeneration, and spirit. His eyes begin to glow a bright yellow and the pain begins to fade as the electricity flows through him. Redik brings his hand up and begins to absorb the beam's power. He then sends a massive burst of lightning back at the evil wizard.

The wizard was surprised by this and was sent flying through the hall over the fire in the middle and to the back end. When he lands, he quickly gets up and with all his might sends as much electricity of magic power he could right at Redik.

Redik holds his hand out and absorbs the beam as it feeds into him. So he decides to use it against the dark wizard. He sends out his own beam of electricity and quickly overpowers the wizard.

The wizard starts to struggle and begin to swell, eventually exploding and leaving a giant mess in the hall.

Redik's eyes now begin to stop glowing, he begins to return to normal and starts to feel weak. He fell to his hands and knees. "That'll show that b-bastard who's boss." He coughs up a small amount of blood but then begins to notice himself fading... he looks to his hands and he could see right through them! It getting worse and worse, but he now feels rejuvinated, but still fading. "Whats happening?!" Then he was gone.....

He appears, out of no where, in what seems to be an endless void. Floating in a nothingness he never thought possible. He turns around to see a man in a white and red robe, with a white hood and a strange symbol on his belt, along with a cloak on his left shoulder surrounding his arm.

"Who the hell are you?..." Redik asks..

Author's Note:

I did my best to edit this one, just let me know if I missed anything.