• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 3,473 Views, 214 Comments

Chronicles of the Planeswalkers - Eagle Heart

A story about two hilarious universe travelers who happen to be badasses who happen to love bacon. Hope you guys enjoy and get a couple good yuks out of it!

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That Moment You Realize You're Being Held For Ransom Finale

Applejack isn’t really enjoying what she is going through. She was crawling through a hot shaft of metal. She swore, if it were any hotter she would be no better than a barbequed piece of meat. But still, she crawls through the vent. It is slightly troublesome due to the bends and curves in the shaft.

Soon though, the cowpony comes to what looks to be a generator room. At least, that is what she assumed. Fumbling around with the grate which lead to the room, she manages to open it up with her teeth, wincing of course; she was twisting hard metal screws with her teeth, after all. Suddenly, she feels her grip slipping. It must have been at least a six or seven foot drop, onto a cold, hard steel floor. Luckily, she catches herself. A droplet of sweat runs down her brow and off of her muzzle, hitting the steel many feet below with a silent splash. Applejack pulls herself back up, and lets out a cough.

Looking back down into the room, she notices the technology that the room held. Touch-screen panels and holographic, self-levitating diagram screens which show the status of the generators were down there. They sheen with a vivid light in a shade of pale blue, the letters in white to contrast the screen’s brightness. With a sigh, Applejack hops down, and lands with a grunt. Immediately, she regrets it. Why? Because the door to the room is shut, likely locked as well.

Dismissing this, the cowpony merely looks around in curiosity. Her legs are still recovering from the shock which they were experiencing, but she is fine overall. Walking around a little, she inspects the panels and holographic diagrams. They were strange, but she could read them at least.

With a smirk growing on her face, Applejack reaches a hoof out to toy with the controls of what she assumed to be the main control panel. Her hoof felt like it was touching glass, but it didn’t feel like it was fragile. With a ‘humph’, she looks around the screen. “How in the hay do they work these things...” She thinks aloud, shaking her head. “Turn off generator... one, two... hooey! Would ‘ya look at that...” she eyes another screen; it states that the generators were all working at their maximum capacity just to keep this place alight.

“Three.” Spoke a robotic, monotone voice.

“That don’t sound too good...”


“Well... Ah reckon it’s about time Ah turn out the lights...”


With multiple, consecutive taps, the generators and backup generators were shut off, literally milliseconds before the ‘lockdown’ commenced.

“Whew!” Applejack sighs in relief, brushing sweat from her brow. “Whoa... whoa whoa whoa, hold on a secon-...” She then felt immensely lighter. Emergency lights, which were dimmer than dust, shine through the relentless darkness.

Applejack holds onto a metallic bar for what she thinks is dear life, as she starts to float up to the ceiling.


“Sir, our power levels are steadily dropping!” a helmsman alerts to their commander.

Our dark stranger took Redik to the front of the ship. He left the wizard strapped to a chair that he had welded to the ground. Somehow he knew this was going to happen.

Just before the power goes out he grabs onto a metal bar and waits. Immediately after the lights go out and suddenly everything became weightless. Luckily he warned most of his men in the bridge about it too so they made sure to put on their emergency seatbelts. “Right on time.” he comments as he floats up slowly.

“Orders sir?” a voice says in the mild darkness. The emergency lights weren’t lighting up the room very well.

“Get someone working on the power, then I want a full sweep of the hallways and lockdown initiated immediately after power is restored. Understand?” the commander voices in the darkness. But notes a lack of response. Either his men were really fast... or someone was here.

Backup power initiated. Power to light fixtures and life support sustained. Error restoring artificial gravity fields. Seek a technician immediately.” an automated voice announces to the entire ship.

Suddenly the lights turn back on and all that remains in the room are the dead bodies of his crew members, and a rather peeved Aquila floating there at the doorway. “I’m afraid your friends had to take a nap.”

“Ah yes! Aquila, right on schedule. They were disposable, as is your friend here. All that is left is you and your quadruped friend. So let us be done with this, like men. No running, no devious plots. Just your fists against my...” he pulls out that same sword he had earlier, “sword.”

“That’s all I need...” Aquila says rather menacingly, then he pushes himself down from the top of the doorway, landing on the ground he rolls and pushes himself directly at the dark commander.

The commander lets go of the railing he was holding on to and swings his sword at Aquila, almost expecting him to directly charge. “How bold!” he comments as he swings.

Aquila smirks under his hood as he soars toward his enemy. He twists in the air and catches the hilt of the sword. He uses his momentum with the twist to bring his right knee up and smash the dark commander in the side of the head. In turn it makes him let go of the sword and allows Aquila to gain a new weapon.

This causes the dark stranger to cartwheel through the air and to the ground, straight into where Redik was sitting, passed out in the chair. He smashes into the wizard and immediately wakes up. “OW?! What?!” he frantically looked around notices Aquila floating in the air holding on to a metal beam and a sword in his right hand. “AQUILA?! How are you flying?!”

“That hurt...” the stranger comments as he recovers. But the metallic effect of his voice was gone... He looks up and...

“HOLY SHIT IN A PICKLE! TWO AQUILAS?!” Redik yells in shock at what he was looking at.

It was true, the man looks exactly like Aquila. Though he lacked a beard it was obvious. The only real difference was that he didn’t have a heavy accent. “Damn, looks like I underestimated your primitive appearance. No matter. A trained assassin always adjusts.”

“Exactly.” Aquila says and pushes himself down to one of the main panels of the bridge. He looks around and notes the microphone that must be used for announcements... He bends over and presses the button. “Uh... would a Miss Applejack report to the bridge immediately. There is one dumbass awaiting pick-up.” Though after he announces this he takes a foot to the face which sends him across the room and into the wall to his right. Luckily he kept a tight grip on that sword.

“One shouldn’t let his guard down around his equals.” The evil Aquila states as he adjusts himself in the air.

“One also shouldn’t underestimate his enemies, unless they like taking a knee to the temple.” Aquila states, then he smiles and extends his left hidden blade. Then it turns and releases from its latch. Making itself into a knife for Aquila’s use. “Let’s do this...” Then he pushes himself off the wall and soars straight to his enemy, preparing to strike with his knife.

The evil Aquila awaits his counterparts attack, using his opponent’s momentum against him he catches the arms of his enemy and follows through by throwing them to the other side of the room. Then reaching into his pocket and pulling out some kind of small blade attached to a chain...

Aquila quickly tumbles in the air and lands on the opposite wall with both feet. Though shortly after he has to lean his head to the side to avoid the incoming chain dart aimed for his face. He puts the hidden blade back and wraps arm around the chain. He pulls his adversary toward him and the sword forward to try and impale the man.

The evil Aquila is yanked toward the assassin, but just as this happens he pivots so the sword misses his torso and this allows him to slam his shoulder into Aquila.

“Aquila let me help! Just get me out of these dang ass restraint things!” Redik exclaims to try to get his friend’s attention. But it seems the two were too busy trying to best each other.

Though it was impossible. They were both the same person with a different background. They thought exactly the same, they carried themselves the same, they fought the same. This fight was going nowhere unless a variable was added to it. And Redik knew this, but in a much simpler way, like, “Aquila is a weak ass old man who needs my help to kick the other weak ass old man in the backside so I can save the day and be awesome as usual.”... hypothetically.

In the Generator Room...

Once Applejack got control over her movement in the anti-gravity environment, she manages to open the door. Surprisingly enough, it isn’t locked. But as soon as she opens the door, outside there are three guards running down the hall. Luckily, in the opposite direction.

The cowpony lets out a small sigh, and continues on to float along the halls, looking before she ‘leaps’ of course. The guards had gravity boots on, and she didn’t- thereby she had no real advantage in a fight, anti-gravity versus gravity that is. The walls of the halls are metallic under the lights, as the floors are as well.

She almost lets out a gasp as she sees a guard walking down an oncoming hall, but quickly takes advantage of the lack of gravity by letting herself float to the ceiling. Applejack watches as the guard walks past her, not even bothering to look around. ‘Thank Celestia...’ She sighs as she sees the armored guard leave the premises. Deciding it would be a bit of a safer choice, she floats along the ceiling.

Every now and then, she would come close to being caught. It really got her blood pumping, especially to her poor heart. Death is something that arguably, doesn’t happen a lot in Equestria. Murdering or killing, that is. And for her to be risking her own life, doing what she is, it really makes her worry. Even though she needs to get to the bridge for said ‘dumbass’ (who she automatically assumed was Redik), she is still heavily nervous for her own being.

As fate would have it, she got lost in her thoughts, and ends up being seen by one of the guards. “HEY!” He yells, snapping her thoughts in two. Applejack’s eyes widen as he lifts up his beating-stick to hit her. But the cowpony’s instinct kicks into high-gear.

With all her leg-power behind it, Applejack cranks her hind legs forward, and bucks them into the ceiling. She is sent down to the guard by the force of the push, and manages to kind of grab onto him. Letting gravity do its work, she takes the guard by the head with her hooves as he flails many strikes wildly above his head, missing every single time in a rather fruitless attempt to get her off. Squeezing as hard as she could, Applejack somehow manages to deprive the guard of his breath- suffocating him. Soon enough, he loses the ability to move, and falls limp. Applejack lets him out of her grip, which makes him fall flat to the ground.

With a quick sigh of relief, Applejack proceeds to float her way to the bridge of the ship. She is guided only by a few signs here and there, but she manages to find her way in the end. And there she is, floating into the doorway to the bridge. And once she does, her eyes widen, and her irises shrink, as she sees what is going on.

She finds Aquila and his doppelganger locked in holds, beating each other senseless. Struggling to get the upperhand against the other. Looking around, she spots Redik and pushes herself off the nearest wall in his direction.

“Took you long enough! You guys get to fly around and have fun while get to sit around and watch other ass nuggets have fun!” Redik says while Applejack unties his restraints with her mouth.

“Redik ah think ya’ have bigger problems.” Applejack says as she points a hoof toward the opening door to the entrance of the bridge.

In walks the other Redik, having recovered from the blow to his head that he took from Aquila. But something was off, he was clumsy and still didn’t seem to coherent. “I’m going to fluff your fork with his fart!” he weakily says.

“...What?” Redik says while raising a brow. “Oh well. Hey Aquila! Watch thi- AH!” he quickly screamed before pushing himself up out of the chair to dodge an incoming sword flying at him. Apparently the other Aquila knocked it out of Aquila’s hands.

Redik floats up and bumps his head on the ceiling above. “Ow! Damn it! Oh man my stomach...” he says as he holds his now nauseous body. “Okay... you can do this...” he quietly reassures to himself as he sees the other Redik soaring toward him. Little flames ignited in his hands in front of the tubes.

As the other Redik soars he sends his right arm forward and a blast of fire came from his hands toward the wizard. He has this look in his eye, though he couldn’t formulate proper sentences still and his vision was blurry, that he was the same cocky old Redik.

So Redik does one thing... that one thing that he told himself he would never do... “Think like Aquila”. He sends his own torrent of flame from his hands to counteract the fire. They both stop and Redik uses his legs to start a backflip, he catches the other Redik and slams him into the wall above. Now upside down, he pushes upward to force the other Redik soaring to the ground. After the fake wizard smashes his head on the ground. Redik fires off a fireball to finish him off and the fire engulfs the other Redik.

“... OH YEAH! DID ANYONE SEE THAT?!” Redik yells in celebration. As much as he kicks ass he’s never done something like that before. He does a little dance while aimlessly floating in the air.

“Redik! We could really use a portal right about now!” Aquila says while combatting his other self. He manages to kick the other him away and into a wall. Then he pushes himself off the ceiling and grabs a hold of a safety bar for this situation. “Time for a diversion.” He turns around and spots the other Aquila soaring right for him. So he pivots and catches the other Aquila under his right shoulder and turns, he throws the evil version of himself straight into the flight controls. Causing them to break and start alarms going off in the ship.

“On it!” Redik says and begins to conjure up a portal back to Equestria.

Meanwhile, Aquila floats his way over to the dazed doppelganger of himself. He takes the rope dart and throws it straight for the window looking out into space before them. It lodges itself into the window and cracks it. Though it doesn’t break. That’s what he was going for.

The other Aquila stands up and, in a dizzy haze, bull rushes him by pushing himself off the pannel. As a last attempt to turn to tables.

Aquila smirks under his hood and charges as well. He pushes himself forward off the bar and pulls on the dart, bringing his feet up and slamming them into the other him’s chest. Sending them flying toward the window. Aquila pushes off and the other Aquila flies forward, smashing into the window and out into space. Though this causes a vacuum and begins to suck everyone out of the ship. “REDIK!”

“HANG ON!” Redik yells and summons up a portal right where the vacuum was. “Applejack! Take my hand!” he yells to Applejack.

She was terrified but trusted him, so she lets go of the bolted chair she was holding on to for dear life and is pulled in Redik’s direction.

He grabs a hold of Applejack and lets the vacuum pull them directly into the portal.

After they do this Aquila lets go of the safety bar and tumbles through the air. He presses a large button that said self-destruct on his way to the portal. And flew right into the portal.

The portal closes and a voice on the ship announces “Self destruct in... fifteen seconds.” Everything rumbles and shakes as the reactor core of the ship begins to overload. The crew of the ship quickly scrambling to get to escape pods. But to no avail. After all, it was only fifteen seconds.

The now dying version of Aquila contemplates his mistakes, and goes over the bittersweet victory his enemy had. They made their escape, but at the cost of many innocent members of the ship. Who only followed orders so they wouldn’t be killed by their superior. He regrets his actions, but accepts his fate. he holds his right hand out toward the ship and salutes for one last time. He shut his eyes and waits for the explosion... then everything was gone.

5 minutes later, in space.

There, in the vast expanse of space. In what was left of the wreckage of what seemed to be the ship they were on, held one thing. An arm, that of the doppelganger of Redik. Drifting through the nothing, though it did not bleed. What came from the detached limb was... sparks as it twitches in the nothingness.