• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 214 Comments

Chronicles of the Planeswalkers - Eagle Heart

A story about two hilarious universe travelers who happen to be badasses who happen to love bacon. Hope you guys enjoy and get a couple good yuks out of it!

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Magic: The Training

After and hour or so our two heroes find themselves training in Dr. Whooves backyard. Redik has spent the last hour trying to form portals trying to make them as fast as he can and control their shapes. Meanwhile Aquila is sitting on the grass with his legs cross near a small group of trees and right beside him stands Dr. Whooves supervising his training.

"Can you fill it?" asks the Dr.

"I-I think I can."responds Aquila.

"Good, remember, to be able to use your mana effectivly, first you have to be able to channel it throughout your body at will." says the Dr.

"So thats why Im doing this mana flow exercise?" says Aquila.

"Yes, yes quite, as I told you, the best way to harnest the magic energy within is to make it flow around your body and in the quantities that you see fit. Now try again" says the Dr.


Aquila stays immobile for a few seconds, after he has completly relaxed he starts feeling how a small wave of warmth starts reaching every part of his body.

"I... I think im doing it." says Aquila as a lite white light starts emanating from him.

"It seems so." says the Dr. with a smile.

"You did it!" shouts Redik as he comes towards Aquila and the Dr. distracting Aquila and making him lose his focus.

"Oh sorry." says Redik with a sheepeshly smile.

"Don't worry, I can try again" says Aquila.

"Anyway, look at this." says Redik as he forms a portal of his same size in 10 seconds flat "Cool huh?"

"Well I must say, you have made impressive progress." says the Dr.

"I know right?" says Redik with a huge pridefull smile.

"Well it seems you are making a lot of more progress than I am." says Aquila.

"Oh no not at all, You yourself have advanced quite a bit." says the Dr.

"Really?, I have only been here for a while and all i got was to make this energy flow throughout my body." says Aquila.

"Not only that, you have also make it so it flows and manifests as a thin layer over your body. If you do it for about an hour or two you might be able to start learning some spells." says the Dr.

"Wow really?, wouldn't it take for an aprentice mage like at least 2 weeks to a month to do something like that and thats being generous." says Redik.

"Normaly yes but for some reason Aquila here is picking it up pretty quickly." says the Dr.

"Does it have to do with the fact that Im a planeswalker?" asks Aquila.

"No not really, or at least it shouldn't. I think that maybe your previous training as an assassin might share some basic training patterns and exercises making easy for you to pick up in all of this." says the Dr.

"Well, we were made stay put and meditate for long periods of time, sometimes days at a time, every now and then among other things. What you say could be possible." says Aquila.

"Doctor! Lunch is ready!" said the blond mare shouting at the group while waving at them.

"Oh, it seems that food is in order, shall we?" says the Dr.

"Yes food, I'm straving." says Redik.

"And so am I, lets go eat. When we finish, we will start your training in white spells when you finish the magic flow training." says Dr. Whooves.

"White spells?, so he really is a white mage?" asks Redik.

"Oh well yes, it was the first thing I ask him to do. Aquila if you will?" says Dr. Whooves.

Aquila raises his right arm and with his palm facing upwards he starts concentrating his mana on it. After a few seconds the magic energy focusing some centimeters above his palm starts becomeing visible. By the time he is finish a small and bright white ball of magic energy is floating over Aquila's hand.

"Good Aquila, this surely indicate your progress. When he did it before the ball had troubles mantaining its form and the size was changing erraticly, after 3 to 5 seconds the ball just dissipated. But know it seems you can hold it for while and with no involuntary changes to its form and size whatsoever." says the Dr.

"Yes... it seems I did make an improvment in this magic thing after all." says Aquila with a small smile of acomplishment forming on his face.

"Well then, shall we?" asks the Dr. as he starts walking to the house, soon after being follow by his two students.

After a nice lunch in which our two heroes were formally presented to Dr. Whooves assistant Derpy, The group went back to the backyard to continue the training session. Redik started to actually use the portals he created to travel inside the small pocket universe in the small ball which was put over an small table in the backyard. As for Aquila, he continued with his flow and channelling exercise. After an hour and a half the Dr. considered that Aquila was ready to learn a spell.

"Okay then Aquila, lets start with a simple explanation of mana and spells. First, to power your spells youll need your magical energy, in other words your mana. Mana is the source energy
of all things magical or essence of magic itself, or atleast in most worlds that I have visited it is. Mana is generated by nature itself, we take this energy from nature and use it to power up our spells.
Without mana we couldnt even dream to manifest our magical powers." said the Dr.

"You say that we take this energy and use it, but dont remember taking the energy from anywhere and didnt I just made that mana ball or make my magic flow in me?" asks Aquila

"Yes you did, but that is only because. A. all living beings absorve mana in small quantities as a natural reflex, just like breathing. and B. You are a planeswalker now, the spark within you works as a mana magnifier it increases your mana uptake for at least ten fold. It varies from planeswalker to planeswalker depending on various stuff like their previous training in magic, physical condition or connection with nature among other things." responds the Dr.

"I see. Then I just could be anywhere and If im in need of mana I can just take it from the nature around me." says Aquila

"Not exactly." says the Dr.

"What do you mean?" asks Aquila

"As you may or may not know, there are five colors of magic or mana, some theorize that there are more or that other colors can be created from the one already existing but that is a discussion that does not interest us right now. As I was saying,
there are 5 colors, can you tell me which are these colors?" asks the Dr. to Aquila

"I think I can, if i remember correctly from what Redik told me. They are white, blue, black, red and green, right?" asks Aquila back

"Yes well done, each of these colors are produced by nature, but the thing is that nor all nature produces this colors. There are specific places of nature that produces this energies that we tap in. This are the different types of lands that exist in the worlds, which probably is one of the reasons mana is a common sorce of magical energy in the multiverse. In order of the colors that you just named, the lands are as followed. The Plains from which white mana is generated, Islands form blue, Swamps create black, Mountains red and Forests green.

"So since I guess that this wide grassland is a type of plain, Is producing white mana and I could draw that mana from it? says Aquila

"Yes, good job, you are getting this very fast." says the Dr.

"Well, more than being fast I think it is just the logical deduction Dr." responds Aquila.

"Anyway, since you are naturaly connected to white mana it will be easier for you to draw its energy and learn and use spells related to it." says the Dr.
"Does that mean that I can use magic from the other colors?" ask Aquila

"Yes, but it wont be as easy as with your own, specially if you try to use mana and learn spells from enemy colors. In your case this being the chaos of red and the darkness of black opposing white's order and light. It is not unheard of mages who learn to uses opposite sides of the magic and some may even consider it common." says the Dr.

"Interesting." says Aquila.

"Indeed it is. In fact your in the case of your friend Redik, even though he is a red mage that is clearly short tempered and seems prone to rush decisions, there seems to be some type of order in that keeps his chaotic being together. Maybe transforming his fury and anger in euphory. It wouldnt be weird if he were proficient in learning white magic" responds the Dr.

"Talking about Redik, where is he?" asks Aquila.

Then a portal out of no where opens right next to them, droping face first on to the floor a well known red mage.

"Damn, I really need to practice where I place the exit, or at least practice my landings." says redik while rubbing his hurtfull chin.

"Oh there you are." says Aquila.

"Oh yeah hi. What are you doing?" says Redik.

"Well the Dr. here is teaching about mana." answers Aquila.

"Yes, and now I will teach you a spell and things you need to know about them. Redik would you like to assist me?" asks the Dr.

"Sure, I guess." respond Redik.

"Well Aquila, first you need to know that a spell is a magical formula which uses mana or magical energy to produce or bring about a specific effect. There are many types of spells but for simplicity, we will divide them in summoning spells or just summons and other spells, or just spells." says the Dr.

"Summons and Spells got it." says Aquila.

"Well then. I will commence with a spell for which your friend Redik here will help me demonstrate. Redik, could you tell us about what you saw in my little pocket universe?" asks the Dr.

"Huh? Why would that help?" asks a really confused Redik.

"Oh it will trust me." says the Dr. with a big smile

"Well okay... Where do I start, Oh yeah I went to this world with mountains and rivers and a lot lot lot lot lot lot lot of."

"Silence." says the Dr. pointing a hoof at Redik.

"Animals Oh oh oh and al-!. uhm?, UHM!?, UUUUUUh! UHM! UHM! UHMMMMMMM!" says Redik as his mouth is being force shut by bright white layer of magic that extends from his neck all the way to his mouth.

"Mio Dio (My God)! You have to teach me to do that, the possibilities of not having to hear him talk are driving me mad with anticipation." says a slightly exited Aquila.

"HHHHMMMM!?" responds Redik.

"Ha ha ha ha, well yes but this is not permanent, this is Silence, its an instant type spell, which means that it can be done in every given moment without preparations. It is a very basic spell and consumes no mana at all but due to its implications it is a very guarded spell and few people care to teach it." says the Dr.

"What do you mean?" asks Aquila.

"To cast spells, a wizard either recites certain words as a formula to cast it, as I did now saying silence, or they write the spell. Usually and for obvious reasons reciting oral casting is prefare over writen, which means." says the Dr.

"Which means that if the wizard cant speak he cant cast spells." says Aquila.

"That is correct." says Dr. Whooves.

"'GASP!'" the spell vanishes and Redik starts gasping for air.

"You do know that your nose wasn't blocked right?" asks Dr. Whooves to the gasping Redik.

"Shit I new I forgot something..." says Redik, facepalming as does his friend, Aquila.

"Anyway, as you see the spell has a duration of about 6 to 8 seconds and disables the target use of his mouth. I'll teach it to you later, before that. Redik? Would you be so kind, and make a Summon for us?" says the Dr.

"Okay, but this time I hope you do not do anything to me." says Redik.

"Oh you don't have to wory about anything my young friend I was want to show a summon spell to your friend here." says the Dr.

"Okay, here it goes." says Redik as he raises both his hands in front of him, and after channeling some magic to his hands he shouts.

"I summon the Raging Goblin!"

A flash of red mana appears in front of Redik and in between Aquila and the Dr. and in the middle of the group a small green creature with a big axe in his hand and spiked hair appears.

"Che cos'รจ quella cosa?!(What is this thing?!)" shouts Aquila.

"That would be a Goblin, they are denizens of many worlds, usually very rude beings and not very smart." says the Dr.

"Yep, this is one of the 3 raging goblins I have under my command, his name is Wimpy." says Redik in a very proud way.

"So you have goblin summons huh?" says the Dr.

"Yeah, my guild usually sended us to afilliated groups of warriors and mercenaries or goblin tribes to make summoning contracts with. I chose one of the goblins villages near my home town." answers Redik.

Aquila squats down to take a better look at the creature; Meanwhile the creature starts looking back at him, not liking the human and his despective look.

"I dont know you too, but this thing sure is ugly." and as Aquila says this, the goblin in a feat of rage after hearing the human call him ugly throws the axe to the floor and jumps at him latching to his face and starts to scratch and bite him all over his head.

"GRRRRRR! Che diavolo?! (What the hell?!) Redik! Get this demone maledetto (damned demon) off of my face!" screams Aquila in anger and annoyance as he tries to pull the goblin from his face and trying to keep it from getting mangled.

Redik and the Dr. are just speechless and they dont know what to do as they watch the assassin stumbling a few steps from one side to the other trying to get the small green creature off his face. In that moment Aquila remembers his hidden blades, and as he takes them out and tries to use them on the goblin, it takes notice and jumps off of him and lands in Redik's arms.

"I'm going to lock that thing in a cage so no one can be hurt by that demonio (demon) again!" says Aquila as he approaches Redik and the goblin.

"You will do no such thing!" says Redik.

"That little mostro (monster) attacked me!" shouts Aquila.

"It was your fault for insulting him and hurting his feelings. Isn't that right my little wimpy impy?" says Redik as he then starts to speak to the goblin as it were a baby and the hugs him, which the goblin returns.

"Ti piace quella cosa!? (You like that thing?!)" shouts Aquila

"Now now, lets leave this bad experience in the past and continue the lesson. What do you say?" says the Dr.

"If the creature I get is anything like this thing I dont want one." says Aquila still annoyed.

"Hmmpf!" respond both Redik and Wimpy.

"Oh no no, dont worry about that, goblins are beings affiliated with red mana and some times black, usually only using these manas can you summon one. Yours will be more... docile I think the word might be." says the Dr.

"Well... okay" says Aquila.

"Lets continue, summoning is in someway like planeswalking." says the Dr.

"What do you mean?" asks Aquila.

"The mage, after making contact with a being's energy, he can imprint it in the form of a spell. This spell basicly brings the said being to the possition of the summoner through a way not that different from dimensional traveling, I say it is the same method but with its obvious lesser alterations." says the Dr.

"So what will you teach me to summon anyway?" asks Aquila with some concern in his voice

"Oh I know two creatures that could be really helpfull to you, and don't worry, they are very well behaved." says the Dr. with a wide grin.

"For my sake and others' I hope so." says an exhausted Aquila.

After some hours of continues practice to channel the magic from his body and to resite the spells, Aquila is finally able to master to some degree the few spells that the Dr. tought him.

"Mio Dio (My God), Im so tired but I think I finally got it." says a tired Aquila.

"Yes yes quite, this has been a very productive day. Lets call it a day and go inside, is almost tea time." says the Dr.

"OH... okay I guess, that sounds good. Wheres Redik anyway?" asks Aquila

"Over there with Wimpy." says the Dr. while pointing at Redik. Who is using the small table to play a card game with the little goblin.

"Sooo, do you have any fours?" asks Redim to Wimpy.

"Ggrrrrr." growls Wimpy to Redik.

"Okay okay you dont have any fours I'll go fish, ssshh you dont have to be so mean about it." says Redik.

"Hey Redik, send that little demonio (demon) back from where it came from and lets go inside and eat something." says Aquila.

"Ggrrrr" growls Wimpy to Aquila.

"Don't listen to him Wimpy, anyway it was good seeing you, hope to see you again soon boy." says Redik as he unsummons Wimpy meanwhile waving at him and visa versa.

"Well then, lets go inside and have some nice tea and crumpits." says the Dr. as he walks toward the house followed by Aquila and Redik.

As they get closer to the house, they see a purple pony coming with haste at them. Is Twilight Sparkle with a worried face.

"Oh hey Twilight, whats going on? Why the worried face?" asks Redik.

"I received a letter from Princess Celestia... She wants to see you."