• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 214 Comments

Chronicles of the Planeswalkers - Eagle Heart

A story about two hilarious universe travelers who happen to be badasses who happen to love bacon. Hope you guys enjoy and get a couple good yuks out of it!

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Lazers and Skydiving.

In the coming weeks, the two had recovered from their injuries. Immediately after they recovered, the doctor began to drill them with lessons and teachings. With time the two started to argue less, getting to the point where they could actually tolerate each other and have a normal conversation.

Redik and Aquila were starting to get really good at summoning the portals. Redik became content with his abilities. But Aquila wanted to learn more, so he began to search into alternatives. He began practicing ways to move in and out of planes almost instantly. There were complications at first, but after a while he got the hang of it. Now instead of portals, he simply disappears. It’s more tiring to do than a portal though. So he does it only when necessary and leaves Redik to the portals.

As for magic, Redik began speaking to Twilight, curious how the unicorns use their magic. He studied for alternatives, a way he could be more open with his magic. As for Aquila, he continued training under the Doctor.

During this time, Redik had been writing down notes about Planeswalking, soon speaking to the doctor about other worlds. During their conversations, the Doctor told Redik of an ancient artifact. One that has much knowledge of Planeswalking stored within it. The Doctor only knew the location of the world in the Void, and a lead of where to start. Nothing else.

As the time came for them to try the world, Aquila met Redik out in the field that they went to last time for their first jump. The other ponies were waiting there for them, excluding the Doctor who was away on business.

“Do you have everything you need?” Twilight asks them.

“Sì. I’m hoping that this will be a rather quick journey... after last time. I almost don’t want to take the chance of appearing in a world of such chaos. I think I prefered the wars of man back where I’m from. At least there was some degree of order.” Aquila says with a heavy sigh.

“I’m sure everything will be alright.” Fluttershy tells them.

“I admire your optimism, but we need to remain ready for anything.” Aquila says.

“O-okay then...” she says.

“Redik, you have your notebook correct?” Aquila asks Redik.

“Of course I do. It’d be stupid to go without it.” Redik replies.

“Good, because without it, we’d be lost.” Aquila made sure to give Redik a look to tell him not to screw up.
Redik smirked at him and turned to Twilight. “Don’t clean my room.” in regards to the messy bedroom that he took over.

“B-but! Ugh!” Twilight complained.

Aquila chuckles at their argument. He turns to Rarity and says “You won’t mind having to mend our clothing when we return will you?”

“Oh not at all! Anything for a friend.” she reassures him.

“Very well then. I guess we will see you all when we get ba-” Aquila was cut off before he could finish.

“Hold on just a gosh darn minute!” Applejack says, taking a couple steps forward. “I’m comin’ too. There ain’t nothin’ you can do the change mah’ mind. I can’t just sit here knowin’ that you might not come back.”

“Applejack I don’t thi-”Redik tries to talk but she cuts him off again.

“I ain’t changin’ my mind.” she looks at him sternly.

Aquila heavily sighs. “If that’s what you really want, then fine. But stay close to me at all times.”

“Bu- Wha- Aquila! You can’t be serious!” Redik yells at Aquila.

“Enough Redik! I won’t stop a friend from doing what they think is right.” Aquila says, uncertainty in his voice.

“Fine, but if something happens. It’s on you.” Redik says. He turns to open the portal.

Through the portal they could see inside the world. There were bright lights flashing everywhere, explosions, sounds of battle. Not to mention it appeared that they were thousands of feet in the air. This was some kind of air battle, with technology both Redik and Aquila have never seen.

“Are you still sure Applejack?... We’ll be jumping right into that... just our luck we immediately get sent to a pile of shit.” Aquila trails off.

“I’m even more sure than I was before.” she says while walking up to the portal and looking in.

Aquila sighs, being a little worried. “Alright then... Redik... do as I do.”

“Got it.” he smirks.

They all say their goodbyes, the rest of the ponies were all clearly worried, but knew there was nothing they could do.

((Listen to this for added epicness!))

“This is Spain all over again.” Aquila says... “3... 2... 1...!!!!” Aquila sprints forward and grabs Applejack, he then jumps through the portal.

Redik quickly dives in after him.

The instant Aquila goes out the other side of the portal, sound blasts his ears and he begins to drop through the cold air. He’s immediately thinking this is a bad idea. He keeps a tight grip of Applejack... who is currently yelling for dear life.

He quickly spins through the air to the right toward one of the giant battleships. Lazers are flying around them, explosions going off a little closer to them than what’s comfortable. Aquila’s ears were ringing from the noise, but he kept his concentration on not dying.

A ship blows up near them and the pilot shoots out from the cockpit just in time. He lets out his parachute.

Aquila sees this as his chance. He swoops down to the slow-falling soldier and smashes his feet right into the soldier, causing the latches on his parachute to break. Aquila quickly catches them. The soldier goes flying right into the balcony of the hangar on the battleship, unconscious but not dead.

Redik swoops down and grabs onto Aquila, causing them to crash toward the same balcony.

They land hard and slide along the metal floor. They were now inside the pressurized ship. They could now all properly breathe, they’re so high up in the air that oxygen was really thin.

Aquila slowly starts to get up, coughing heavily as he does so. “Redik! Why did you do that?!” he yells.

Redik was already up, Aquila took the fall for him. “Sorry! Where else was I going to get a parachute from, the falling parachute gift shop?!”

“At least a little warning next time!” Aquila scolds him as he gets up.

Applejack was a little dazed, but she got up. “Okay... that hurt.”

“Are you alright?” Aquila asks

“I’m fi-” she wasn't able to finish her sentence.

Fire from strange guns began to pelt them from behind. They blasted strange beams of light that apparently are able to kill.

Aquila yells at Redik and Applejack “Run, now!” He then pulls out a combat knife and lightly tosses it in the air. He catches it by the blade and throws it. It hit one of the soldiers right in the eye. He then turns and leaps behind a metal crate.

Redik wasn’t very far away and yells to him. “Where the hell did you get that?!”

“I swiped it from that soldier I stole the parachute from!” Aquila answers him. “Redik, mind giving him a little heat?!”

“Right!” Redik replies. He stands up out of for a moment and sends a quick fireball at the soldier. It hits the soldier and stuns him for a moment.

Aquila takes this chance and hops over the crate. He charges forward and extends his right hidden blade. He stops and roundhouse kicks the gun out of the soldier’s hands and drives it right into the neck of the man, killing him quickly.

Before any of the three could continue doing anything, they were cut off by tasers. They electrocuted them until they were unconscious. And for the three... everything went black.

Author's Note:

I just wanted to give you guys something to start off with on the new world. I'm currently heavily lacking motivation to write. Sorry if this chapter sucks.