• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 214 Comments

Chronicles of the Planeswalkers - Eagle Heart

A story about two hilarious universe travelers who happen to be badasses who happen to love bacon. Hope you guys enjoy and get a couple good yuks out of it!

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A Born Rivalry

Before reading, listen to this. Or not, either way your a badass for reading this.

Redik lays there in his cozy bed, having the best night's rest he's had in a long time, he turns over onto his back and stretches with a big yawn. He then opens his eyes..."AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" he lets out in a very feminine scream in both fear and embarrassment.

Aquila has been watching Redik for a while now. "You know, you snore like a pig, but scream like a girl. You also seem to talk in your dreams."

Redik's face turns red with embarrassment and he yells, "Shit you heard all that?!" he thens cover himself up in the covers in even more embarrassment.

Aquila begins to let out a hearty chuckle, "Not really, I just wanted to see how you'd react.". He then walks over to the bed and pulls all the covers off, completely off the bed. He says after dropping them on the floor, "Come on it's time to go."

Redik sits up, while rubbing his eyes he asks"Go where?" after asking he stands up and put his clothes on.

Aquila crosses his arms patiently waiting. "You know, sleeping in your clothing is much faster, I've been in these robes for weeks."

Redik just stops and gives a disgusted look at him, "And you touch people with those hands?! Sick!" he then walks into the little bathroom to get himself ready for the day.

Aquila chuckles, "Smanettone" (Neat freak.) he then walks to the door and stands straight on the side of the doorway, waiting for Redik to come out.

Redik finishes up inside after a few minutes of who knows what. He opens the door and jumps at Aquila being right there. "Damn it man! Your going to give me a heart attack!"

Aquila sighs at his jumpy companion, "Come on, your slower than a snail." He then walks to the open window he originally came in and closes it. He then walks out the door and downstairs.

Redik quickly follows and says. "Well what about breakfast?"

Aquila tosses a raw spotted bird egg at Redik, "Found a nest in the tree, quite the nutritious breakfast."

Redik nearly drops the egg but he is able to catch it. "You ate these raw?!"

Aquila replies with a chuckle, "Why wouldn't I? Less smoke in the air means cleaner oxygen."

Redik sighs, "Your a sick bastard. I guess I'll go cook this really quick in the kitchen."

As Aquila waits for Redik to eat, he notices Twilight coming down the stairs. "Did you sleep well Twilight? Or did Redik's snoring keep you up all night." he sits down on the couch after he says so getting himself comfterble while he waits for Redik.

Twilight stops for a moment to rub one of her eyes with a hoof, then replies, "What? No, no. He didn't wake me. How was your sleep in the, err, branches?" Her still wondering why he wanted to sleep in a tree.

Aquila nods his head and replies, "Quite peaceful, you should go grab some breakfast, Redik just made eggs and there is only one left."

Twilight nods and walks inside the kitchen. After a minute or so she comes back from the kitchen, levitating a plate and fork with the egg resting on the plate. Seems Redik decided to make it scrambled.

After Twilight finishes eating the egg, they could both hear in the kitchen Redik yelling, seeming to be quite angry, "What?! Who the hell ate the egg?! Damn it am I going to starve around here?!!!"

Aquila bursts into laughter at his 'friend's' expense.

Redik bursts through the door with an accusing finger pointed at Aquila, "Fuck you Aquila! Now what am i going to eat?!"

Aquila still is laughing and replies within the laughter, "Don't worry about it, I was planning on picking up some bread today." He calms down after he speaks.

Redik sighs, "Fine. Twilight, do you have any suggestions on what we should do here?"

Aquila laughs and says before Twilight could reply, "For once you actually say something useful."

Redik sighs at the remark.

Twilight says after waiting for Aquila to finish "Well, if your still hungry, my friend Applejack doesn't live too far from here. She works at Sweet Apple Acres south of here."

Aquila nods and stands. "We shall head there immediately."

Redik throws his hands in the air with slight frustration. "And who made you Team Leader?!"

Aquila chuckles at Redik's sudden outburst, "Because Im the one with the weapons, brain, and survival skills."

Redik sighs. "Fine whatever let's go."

Aquila walks to the door, opening it and standing to the side to let Redik go first. "Ladies first." he says, making a mean hidden joke about Redik's earlier unmanly scream.

Redik walks through the doorway while saying, "Fuck you too." and making sure not to hit his head.

Aquila turns his head to Twilight. "Grazie per la vostra ospitalità."(Thank you for your hospitality)

Twilight just raises a brow and says, "Ummm ok?"

Aquila chuckles and shuts the door. Him walking alongside Redik throughout the streets.

Them both still getting the awkward stares and whispers from the local residents.

They now begin to reach a country-like dirt road, in the distance they can see apple tree after apple tree, as far as the eye could see.

Redik breaks the silence as they walk, "Damn that's a lot of apples."

Aquila gives Redik a 'captain obvious' look. "Yes, are there any other necessary observations you wish to make?" The sarcastic tone being clearly obvious.

Redik glares at him, "Well damn all this walking is boring! It's been a full day since I've shot something with a spell!"

Aquila sighs. "Get used to it, this seems like a very peaceful land and I intend to keep it that way."

Redik turns his head to look at him with a raised brow. "What?"

Aquila sighs, "Look, i can't be your guardian angel forever, I don't even intend to stay here, i will go back to doing the work i used to do."

Redik lets out a loud, "What?! But your the only other human here! Who else would i have to be my punching bag and test dummy?!"

Aquila grunts in reply and continues on, ending the conversation.

After a few minutes they arrive at the entrance to Sweet Apple Acres. They turn and head into the farm, looking around to see any workers, but none are in sight. They continue to walk and they eventually arrive at a large red barn. They both look around the area and see no one.

Aquila turns to Redik and says, "Wait here." He then turns and runs to the side of the barn, he runs and jumps onto the wall and climbs it, putting his fingers in every crevice and hole to get to the top. Once he does, he looks inside from a window up above, to see a orange colored pony with what appears to be a blonde mane and tail, tied at the ends with red bands.

Aquila then quickly climbs back down and speaks to Redik. "I believe the one called Applejack is in there, or some other pony we have yet to meet."

Redik nods and open the barn door.

They both hear a "Huh? Who's there?" As they both walk in the pony begins to step back a few steps. She then says. "Uhhh... What are you?" a lot of nervousness could be heard in her voice.

Aquila pushes Redik out of the way. "Don't worry, Twilight sent us."

She sighs with relief but walks closer with a brow raised at them, trying to get a better look. She speaks with a southern accent, "Well that's a relief, I thought I was gonna' have to call Big Mac, my big brother. Names Applejack!" She brings a hoof up for Aquila to shake it.

Aquila takes the hoof but she began to shake it up and down real fast, Aquila struggles to get out of the grasp, but she's got an iron grip. Eventually he manages to get his hand back in his own possession and say, "Piacere di conoscerti. (Pleasure to meet you.) I am Aquila Cuore and my friend here is Redik Dheavan, we are humans."

Applejack nods but also raises a brow at the strange language. "Well, if Twi sent ya' what can i do ya' for?" She asks, quickly dismissing the thought

Aquila rubs his chin for a second, "We just need a couple of apples, my friend here skipped breakfast."

Redik interjects and says, "Because of you, dumbass!"

Aquila turns his head to Redik and says, "Stai zitto! Ti voglio portare la colazione!" (Shut up! I'm getting you breakfast!)

Applejack disregards the strange language again and says, "Sure, you can pick em right off the trees, we ain't fully done with our work today, so I guess that would help a little."

Aquila nods, "Thank you, and with that we shall be on our way, Addio per ora (Goodbye for now.) We will most likely see you later in the day."

Applejack nods and says, "Okay, I'll see ya later then." She waved her hoof for goobye as they shut the barn door.

Aquila and Redik both walk up to one of the trees.

Redik says while putting his hand on the tree, "Well your taller, you get the apples!"

Aquila sighs, "Fine." He reached his hands up to try and reach two of the apples, they were just barely out of reach so he let loose his two hidden blades and they stabbed right into both the apples, shaking them enough to come loose. He then retracts the blades and the apples fall into his hands, he tosses them to Redik and says, "There, eat up. We shall go explore the town, get to know our surroundings and my temporary home."

Redik catches the apples and nods, he quickly follows along as Aquila begins to walk. He munched on the apples as they walked, by the time they were back at the entrance he has already finished his fruit and says, "Best apples I ever tasted!" he then throws the cores off into the grass so they could decompose.

Aquila replies to the comment, "Good, perhaps I can get someone to knit you a little hat next."

Redik bro-punches him in the shoulder now getting used to the sarcasm, "Shut up and walk."

They both head back down the dirt road that lead to town.

They begin to reach the plaza of the town, having just left the dirt road, neither of them had said a word and Aquila seemed to be enjoying the time he had to think.

Redik was just walking along, thinking of how many things he could blow up in a few seconds. He finally desides to break the silence. "I'm thirsty."

Aquila sighs, "You should have thought of that before we left."

Redik stops right as they reach the middle. "You know, how come you have to be such a crotchety old ass all the time?"
Aquila glares from under his hood, "And your an annoying little child who complains if his culo (ass) itches"

Redik now has a show of anger on his face, "I don't know what that means, but I'm sure it was bad! You wanna go?! Right now!" He brings his fists up in a fighting stance. "Come on, I'll give you a free one, old men can't hit for shit anyways."

Aquila sends out a quick but hard punch right to Redik's face. Specificly hitting the nose, just to send a message.

Redik flies back onto his back side about a foot away. "Ow! Damn it!" He puts his finger to his nose to find that it's bleeding. "Man, you look like a leather bag but hit like an elephant!" He then stands back up and sends a jab with his right hand.

Aquila deflects the jab with his left wrist, and rolls his arm around it, locking it there and with his other fist he slams it into Redik's shoulder.

Redik fell to one knee, getting his arm released from the hold. It was now really sore and tingly, due to Aquila hitting a nerve. He then rushes Aquila, slamming into his torso.

Aquila stumbles back and almost fall, but he quickly shifts his weight and turns.

Redik falls forward but rolls and stands up quickly, returning to his stance. "For an old fart you sure have some fight in you, but I've been through military hand to hand training, i can kick your ass in 2 seconds!" He then charges forward and sends a right hook to Aquila's head.

Aquila spins to the side and sends two palms out to hit Redik in the side of the ribs. He then says, "Well its been about 5 seconds, I have yet to fall."

Redik falls back and smashes into a crate. He stands and rubs his back as it feels real sore now.
By now everypony in the area is staring at them watching the events unfold.

Redik returns to his stance, "Alright, I let you hit me those times, but now the game is over!" He charges forward and sends his right foot directly at Aquila's stomach.

Aquila steps back and blocks the foot with his wrist, then brings both arms up to block two hands heading straight for his temples, he then sends both arms forward, his left one bent, aiming for the torso, and his right being a straight punch to the face.

Redik flies back with a loud thud he hits his back hard on the ground, standing up and dusting himself off quickly he then yells, "That's it!" He then brings his hands together to form a fireball, he throws it at Aquila.

Aquilla leaps and barrel rolls to the side, his robe being slightly burned in the process, he picks up some dirt from the ground and throws it at Redik, "Well since we are cheating, might as well make this interesting.

Redik stumbles back as the dirt flies into his eyes, "AHHHH! Motherfu-!" he couldn't finish.

Aquila is already in the air and his foot going straight for his face.

Redik is smashed in the face by the foot, sent back and into a lamp post, due to the human's size, he dents it from the force and falls face forward, he stands up and rubs the blood off his face. He stumbles a little and returning to his stance.

Before they could continue they hear a childlike high voice coming from the distance and get closer. "Omigosh that was so cool! You were all bang, boom, and baboom! He looks pretty hurt though, is he ok? I'm sure he's fine! But WOW! Fire from your hands?! That's just so, WOW!!!!"

Aquila turns to see a pink pony bouncing t'ward them a yellow and pink one following. As she went on he brought his hand up. "Calm yourself!"

She instantly stops, but asks, "Well what are you?! Your no pony I've ever seen!"

Redik gets out of his stance and wipes the blood from his mouth. "We're humans, not ponies."

Aquila nods and says, "Yes, me and my friend here got into a simple argument, and before any more confusion happens, we are aquiantences with the one named Twilight. Do you per chance know her?"

The pink pony nods her head up and down really fast, "Yeah! She's like one of our bestest friends in the whole world!" The other pony just nodded.

Aquila rubs his chin for a moment. "What are your names? For future reference."

The pink pony suddenly appears behind Aquila and have her head over his shoulder. "I'm Pinkie Pie!"
Aquila jumps to the side, not expecting that. "Quello che il-? La magia nera!"(What the-?! Black magic!)

Redik just starts cracking up. "Even i can't explain that one!"

Aquila just sighs, he turns his head to the other pony, "And you?" he asks.

She just kinda steps back and hides her face within her mane by turning her head, "I'm F-fluttershy."

Aquila nods, "Tipo timido..." (Shy type...)

Pinkie appears in front of Aquila, "What are those weird words your speaking?! They sound funny!"

Aquila chuckles, now already a bit used to the randomness, "I am speaking Italian, the language from my home land. E 'bene sapere che sto iniziando a montare qui ... anche se non sono ancora sicuro di Redik. (It is good to know I am starting to fit in here though...I'm still not sure about Redik.)

The pink pony looks at him in amazement, "Wow! That sounds so cool, you'll have to teach me some day!"
Aquila smiles from under his hood, "Perhaps I will some day. Is there per chance a sarto...tailor, around here? Our clothes seem to be rather tattered now..."

Fluttershy oddly enough spoke first. "W-well, our f-friend Rarity owns a boutique not f-far from here i-it should be east of h-here, I-I'm sure she'd help you..."

Aquila nods "Grazie (Thank you) Miss Fluttershy. We should go get these repaired, and maybe even modified... Perhaps we shall see you both later in the day or on the morrow. Addio per ora. (Goodbye for now.) Come Redik, let's clean you up before your robe falls off."

Redik just sighs, "Yours are worse than mine! Besides, I would have won."
Aquila laughs. "Keep dreaming."

They both set on their way to the boutique. Leaving the rest of the ponies to clean up the mess and Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy to continue on with their daily business.