• Published 15th Jun 2012
  • 3,474 Views, 214 Comments

Chronicles of the Planeswalkers - Eagle Heart

A story about two hilarious universe travelers who happen to be badasses who happen to love bacon. Hope you guys enjoy and get a couple good yuks out of it!

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A Royal Audience

As both Aquila and Redik come closer to the library Redik starts poundering some thoughts in his mind.

"Hey? Now that i think about it, why are we coming back to the library?", says Redik

Aquila looks at him like if he were some kind of idiot.

"What?", says Redik

"You mean to tell me you have been following me all this time from the Seamstress house, and not one time did you wonder why we were coming here to the library again?" said Aquila in an irritated tone.

"Well... yeah" answered Redik.

"Oh God and here I was starting to have a little more respect for you and you just come a blurt this out on me." says Aquila

"Sooooorryyyy for not being an all mighty mind reader mister KNOW IT ALL!" replies Redik with a little anger.

"We are here to talk to the purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle if i recall correctly to ask her if she knows anything about the why and how we got here." said Aquila

"Ooohhhhhhhh... cool, okay lets do that, it has also been bothering me this whole time." says Redik

"You don't say." replies Aquila

The two humans enter the tree house in their quest to look for the answers they seek, ones inside they become surprise to find themselves in a sea of book piles and towers all around the library. They try their best to see if they are able to find someone, but they found nothing.

"Hey is someone there? Hello!?" shouts Redik.

"Excuse me?, Miss Sparkle?" says Aquila.

"Oh hey guys!, AAAAAAH!" says a voice out of nowhere making Redik let out another feminine scream in surprise.

"That was very brave of you Redik." says Aquila while snickering at his companion's rather unmanly act.

"HA! HA! HA! So funny I forgot to laugh. Anyway who said that?" says Redik.

"Me! over here!" says the voice.

Aquila and Redik decide to get through the book piles and reach the voice, when they get to the other side they find a little purple
dragon over a ladder trying his best to put a bunch of books in their corresponding shelfs.

"Uh hey... Spike right?" says Redik.

"Yeah man. Spike the dragon, Twilight's number one assistant. How can I help you guys?" responds Spike.

"We were hoping to have a chat with your capo (boss) if it is not much trouble with her?" asks Aquila

"Well I don't think so, in fact I think she's trying to find information on you two so I think you guys are just in time, she's upstairs in her room, be careful and do not trip with the books on your way up." says Spike.

"Dont worry we will." answers Aquila

Both humans take the stairs to the second floor and head to Twilight's room. They stop in front of the door and Redik starts nocking.

"Hello!? Twilight!? Are you there!?" yells Redik.

Then Aquila and Redik hear a reply, "Who is it!?"

"It's us Miss Sparkle, Aquila and Redik; We want to discuss somethings with you if you don't mind of course." answers Aquila

"Oh okay thats great come in, I was expecting you guys, I have so many questions for you two." says Twilight, meanwhile our two companions enter the room.

"That's good to hear Miss Sparkle since we also have questions for you and we were hoping you could answer them for us." says Aquila

"Oh? Okay I guess, lets go downstairs and seat on the couch I think it would be a better suited place for this conversation, oh and also Mister Cuore?" says Twilight

"Yes?" replies Aquila

"Twilight is just fine, you don't have to be all formal with me." says Twilight

"Sorry, force of habit of a gentleman." says Aquila

"Well lets go, and for your information the word is gentlecolt hehehe." says Twilight laughing to herself

The three of them went down to the first floor where Twilight and Spike started making some room and ordering some of the books around the couch. After a minute or so they were seated and the conversation continued.

"Ok then, what is what you want to ask me boys?" says Twilight

"You see Twilight, what we wanted to know is if you had any idea of how we got here and why?" says Redik

"OH... Oh my." answers Twilight.

"What? What is it? What's the problem?" says Redik with a worried expression.

"Oh no no is nothing really, the thing is... I was hoping you guys would answer those questions to me." replies Twilight

"I see, so it seems that our questions will remain unanswered." says Aquila.

"Not necessarily." responds Twilight

"What do you mean?" asks Redik

"Well, my teacher Princess Celestia is well versed in the fields of magic, maybe she may hold the answers you seek and in the process I'll get to learn more about you. After all is not everyday that we get visitors form another world." says Twilight

"Princess Celestia hmmm? I guess she's your ruler over here?" says Redik somewhat interested

"Oh yes, she and Princess Luna are the greatest ponies you'll ever meet, and they govern over Equestria with great devotion and grace." says Twilight with a wide smile.

"So a la leadership duale (dual leadership) huh? I have seen or heard of very few of those, interesting some say those are the best type of government." replys Aquila.

"Yes well, lets do hurry and prepare an appointment with the Princess, Spike!?" says Twilight

The little dragon comes out of the kitchen and stands infront of his boss. "Yes Twilight?"

"Prepare a note for Princess Celestia." she replies.

"Okay." Out of nowhere the little purple dragon takes out a partchment and a quill and gets ready to write.

"Dear Princess Celestia, Im here to inform you, that since yesterday here in Ponyville we have receive the visit of two... strange beings to our town; They call themselves humans and each of them claim to have come from other worlds. I would like for you to meet them to determine if they are friendly and if possible answer some questions that we have. Your faithfull student Twilight Sparkle." Twilight says, relaying the message to Spike.

With the letter finished, the little dragon burns the letter with his fire and a bunch of tiny sparkles leave flying away.

Both Aquila and Redik raise a brow to this thinking, why the hell did the dragon burn the letter and why was the unicorn not mad at him.

It was a second later that out of nowhere Spike barfs a letter, leaving both of the humans speechless.

"Oh that was fast." says Twilight as if nothing special was going on.

"The Hell!? Is he supposed to be like a mail box or something like that?" says Redik

"Hey! I resent that." growls Spike.

"Excuse my friend here little dragon, it just took us by surprise, and anyway what those the letter say?" says Aquila

Spike hands the letter over to Twilight for her to read.

"Hmmm it says, Dear student of mine I am most intriged in these visitors from other worlds of which you speak of, so i would be more than glad to give them an audience here. I have already dispatch two flying carriages for you and our guessts, expecting to see you very soon. Your teacher, Princess Celestia." Twilight says.

"So they are coming for us already?" says Redik

"Seems that way." answers Aquila.

"Well lets get ready for when they come for us. Oh? and before i forget, nice outfits, it seems you guys paid a visit to Rarity;
Good thing too since you two will need to look your best for the princess." says Twilight

"And also be well behaved. Isn't that right Redik?" says Aquila in accusingly manner.

"Hmmm? You don't need to tell me how to behave in front of royalty." answers Redik

"For our sakes, especially yours, I hope so." replies Aquila.

After some time, the carriages pulled by two white pegasi stallions each, arrive, Aquila gets into to one and Redik gets to the other, Twilight gets into the one with Aquila. They are about to leave when suddenly.

"Hey there wait a minute!" a voice screams

They look around to see who it was, when the group all notice from the sky, a cyan pegasus coming their way.

"Rainbow Dash what gives? Don't you see we are leaving?" says Twilight

"I can see that, That's exactly why I stopped you Twilight, they might act all nice and stuff but who knows it could be an act." says Rainbow Dash

"You know we are here in front of you and we can hear everything you are saying right?" says Redik, meanwhile raising an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Well yeah?, who cares? You might have apologized, but I still don't trust you two so im going to go two to keep an eye on you." says Rainbow Dash

"Affascinante...(Charming...)" says Aquila

"Rainbow? You do know that ill be with royal guards and the princesses right?" says Twilight

"The more reason you need me Twi, Ill be the extra insurance you'll need to keep the princess safe." answers Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash goes and sits on her haunches right next to Redik and starts glaring at him.

Redik looks at Twilight and says. "Is she going to do that all the way?"

Twilight sighs and says "Afraid so, lets go then."

After an hour or so of a really akward trip the group arrives to Canterlot and arrive at the court room. There a very tall and slender pony with a flowing aurora mane awaits them.

"Welcome Twilight and Rainbow Dash glad to have you both here." says the regal pony

"Thanks Princess Celestia we are glad to see you." replies Twilight

"Ah, and you two fine gentlecolts in the matching attires must be our world travelers are you not?" says the tall pony

Aquila steps forward and says. "That we are your grace; My friend here is Redik Dheavan and I'm Aquila Cuore and let me say that we are most honored to be here in your presence."

"Im Princess Celestia, one of the rulers of this here land. may you gentlecolts tell me from which worlds do you come from?" says Princess Celestia

Redik steps forward and says. "As my companion here stated Im Redik Dheavan I'm a wizard and I come from the world known as Dominaria."

"Very well, and you?" says Celestia to Aquila

"I come from a world called Earth your highness." answers Aquila.

"I see... and what's your proffession kind sir?" says Celestia

"...I'm an Assassin." answers Aquila

To this comment Redik face-palms so hard it sounds across the entire room, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash have their mouths agap. Inmmediatly the two humans find themselves surrounded by royal guards pointing at them with their spears.

"Are you here to try to take my life?" asks Celestia

"No of course not your highness, if you must know im part of an ancient group of warriors which sole function is to eliminate
peop-... ponies that we determine that are evil and for such, a sickness in the world. Nothing more nothing less." replies Aquila calmly, not seeming to be worried at all.

"I see... I can't say I approve of your groups doing, but alas, I do not either live or rule in your world for which i will not say more in this matter, secondly, I can tell you are telling me the truth and you are bearing no ill will towards me for which; Guards! You may go back to your posts!" says Celestia.

The guards all do seem a little worried about the man infront of them, but, obey their Princess's orders and pull back from the humans.

"Oh my gods, that was scary." says Redik

"Relax will you? It's not big deal." Aquila says to Redik

"What!? you almost got us ki- EHEMM." Redik was saying, until he got interrupted by Celestia.

"Well anyway, lets get to the point of this audience, what is what you to want to know my friends?" says Celestia

"Your grace, we just want to know how did we get here?" says Aquila

"Yes and maybe more importantly why?" Redik adds.

"Well... all though, I can not answer the how you two got here I can certainly answer why... In someway that is." says Celestia

"What do you mean?" asks Redik

Celestia responds, "You see, I can sense in both of you high levels of magic energy, a very bright one at that. This kind of energy i have seen it only in very few beings in my life, you two have enlightened what is called, The Spark. You two are... Planeswalkers."

Listen to this for epic dramatic effect.