• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,698 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

A Friend From The Past/Chasing a Shimmer

It's a beautiful day on the planet Earth. The summer heat is spreading everywhere even on a school somewhere in California. The school had a horse statue at the front lawn. Students were walkin around everywhere in the halls. And all of a sudden, a beautiful girl with beacon hair began to walk through the halls and sang a song. She greeted all the students including her friends. The students began to accept her and began to forget about the time she bullied everyone and turned into a raging she-demon. She wore here outfit like in 'Friendship Games' and 'My Past Is Not Today'. Every student on CHS greeted her back. When the song ended, the girl went to her six friends. They look a bit similar to our heroes of this story.

"Good morning, girls." The beacon haired girl said.

"Good morning, Sunset. Boy, do you look happy today." A pink skinned girl with pink hair said.

"Oh, you have no idea. I've never been so happy before. Everybody finally excepts me." The girl named Sunset said.

"You mean everybody has finally gotten over the fact that you once bullied and threatened the entire school and later turned into a raging she-demon and used a whole army of mind controlled students to attack your own world?" The same girl with pink hair asked.

The other girls gave her a stern look.

"Yes, they did." Sunset sighed. "Anyway do you girls want to go outside for some fresh air?"

"I sure would love that." A blonde girl with a statson hat said.

"Then let's go." A girl with rainbow hair spoke.

They went to the front lawn.

"Ah, what a beautiful summer's day." A girl with purple hair spoke.

"It sure is. Why I wou..." Before Sunset could finish her sentence she saw something wasn't right. She quickly ran to a familiar place.

"Sunset? What's wrong?" A yellow skinned girl with pink hair asked. And the other girls were running after her.

They suddenly saw something wasn't indeed right. The horse statue missed some pieces that were laying on the ground. Nobody actually noticed it in the first place until now.

"Oh no. No, no, no. The statue. The portal to Equestria. I can't go back." Sunset said.

The girls were a bit worried about Sunset.

"Look. What's that?" A girl with streaked hair and glasses pointed at the statue.

There was something written on the statue in red. It looks more like blood. It looked like a message. The girl with streaked hair began to read.

"'The liberation of Equestria, Earth and the whole universe has begun. Enemies of the Prince...BEWARE.' Written in blood." She finished reading and all the girls including Sunset were pretty shocked.

"What does this mean?" Sunset asked.

"I don't know, Sunset. But it sounds dangerous." The girl with streaked hair said.

"But...But who would do such a thing?" The yellow skinned girl with pink hair asked. She tried to hide her face in the blonde girl with the statson hat's shoulder to avoid looking at the bloody message.

"Shh. It's alright, sugarcube." said the blonde girl.

"I must say whoever wrote that message must have a sick mind." The purple haired girl spoke.

"Maybe it's just a prank. Maybe that's ketchup. I'll taste." The pink skinned girl with pink hair said and placed her finger on the message.

She put the red fluid stuff in her mouth and taste it. But suddenly, her eyes went wide open and spit it out and scratched her tongue with her nails.

"Ewww! That's not ketchup. That's really blood! Rarity is right. Whoever did this, he has a sick mind."

"This is vandalism. We must tell Principal Celestia about this." Sunset said.

"I'm on it." The rainbow haired girl said.

They ran back inside the school. They actually had no idea that a mysterious figure with a cloak was watching them.

A few minutes later, many students went outside to the scene of the crime. They were very shocked at the sight. The principal and vice principal was with them to check it out.

"Enemies of the Prince?" The vice principal asked.

"Someone has indeed vandalized our school property, but for what purpose I cannot know. The message sounds more like a threat." Principal Celestia said.

"Somebody must be punished for that." The vice principal said.

"We can't accuse the students. Maybe it wasn't even a student at all." Principal Celestia said.

"Students, please be calm. You better get back to class, we'll find out whoever did this sooner or later." The vice principal said.

The student and the principals went back inside the building. Sunset looked down because she can't go back to her homeworld. The streak haired girl with glasses saw her and place her arm around her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Sunset. Everything's going to be just fine. We'll find a way." She comforted her.

"Thanks, Twilight. Maybe I better send a message to Princess Twilight." Sunset said.

While they all went inside, one student still had to go inside. It was a boy. He had brown hair and had a sticker with a square root and a heart on his shirt. His name is Wiz Kid. He was about to get inside the building but suddenly he got grabbed by someone. He was pushed against the wall. He saw the one who grabbed him. He couldn't see his face though since it was covered with a hood. Wiz Kid trembled in fear.

"Please don't hurt me!" He screamed.

"Relax. I'm not going to harm you. Well, maybe not yet." The mysterious figure said.

The boy trembled even more when he said that. The mysterious figure spoke further.

"I need you to do something for me. Do you know Sunset Shimmer?" The hooded figure asked.

"Y-yes." Wiz Kid said.

"Good. Tell her that she needs to come to the Wondercolt statue. I want to speak with her personally." The hooded figure said.

"Why?" Wiz Kid asked.

"None of your business. Now go! Tell her to come to the Wondercolt statue. And also tell her, an old friend of the past wants to see her." The hooded figure said.

"O-okay." Wiz Kid said.

"And don't think you can run away. Because if you don't do what I ask you, I'm going to find you and KILL you." The hooded figure said with a threatening voice. "Now go! Before I change my mind."

Wiz Kid nodded. He did what he asked and ran inside the school building. The hooded figure put a smile on his face.

Lunchtime, The students were eating at their tables while they talked. Sunset and her friends were eating at their own table. Sunset wasn't eating. She just looked depressed.

"Come on, sugarcube. You need to eat something." The blonde girl said.

"What's up with her?" The talking dog asked to his master.

"Ever since the statue has been broken, she hasn't been the same. That statue is the portal to her homeworld" The streak haired girl said to her dog.

"I shouldn't have left Equestria." She said silently.

"What did you say, darling?" The girl named Rarity asked.

"I shouldn't have left Equestria in the first place. If I wasn't obsessed with power, this wouldn't have happened." She said while her hands were covering her face.

"You shouldn't be so hard on yourself. You didn't know a lot of things that day." The streak haired girl said.

"Look on the bright side. You still have us." the pink skinned girl said.

"I know. But still..." Sunset said.

"Lighten up. There's always a way out, isn't it?" The rainbow haired girl said.

"And we'll help you to find that way." The yellow skinned girl said.

Sunset put her hands away and smiled a bit.

"And another advantage is that there won't be any dangerous creatures or power crazed maniacs coming through that portal. Uh, no offense." The pink skinned girl said.

"None taken...again." Sunset said with an annoyed look.

Suddenly, the boy named Wiz Kid finally found the girls table. The girls stared at him.

"Um, Sunset Shimmer?" Wiz Kid asked.

"Yes?" Sunset said while raising her eyebrow.

"There's someone outside waiting for you at the Wondercolts statue. He said he wants to speak with you, and only you, in person. Something about old friends from the past." Wiz Kid explained.

Sunset raised her eyebrow again.

"What's his name?" she asked.

"He didn't tell me a name. The only thing I know is that he's dressed in a cloak with a hood. I couldn't see his face." He spoke further.

"He wants to see me now?"


Sunset thought for a bit and got off her chair.

"Who do you think it is this old friend of yours?" The blonde girl asked.

"Yeah, for as long as I remember, Sunset didn't have any friends." The pink skinned girl said and the other girls glared at her again. "Until now, of course."

"I don't have an idea, Applejack. But I'm going outside to see what this guy wants." Sunset said.

"We're going with you. Who knows, maybe he's your boyfriend." The rainbow skinned girl said.

"I don't have any boyfriends." Sunset said.

"Maybe a secret one." The rainbow skinned girl said.

Sunset gave the girl a glare. "If he said he wants me alone than I'm going alone."

"Be careful, Sunset. He didn't sound very friendly when he spoke to me." Wiz Kid said.

"Okay, thank you for the information." Sunset said and left the refectory.

"My knee is pinchy. I don't have a good feeling about all this." The pink skinned girl said to her friends. (at 1:09)

The Front Lawn

Sunset is outside. She went to the statue. Waiting. She looked around, but didn't saw anybody. She walked around the statue. She still found nobody.

"Could this be some kind of sick joke?" Sunset said to herself.

"Looking for someone?" A voice called behind her.

Sunset jumped in the air and quickly looked behind her. Wiz Kid wasn't lying. A guy dressed in a cloak with a hood stood right in front of her.

"Heheheh. Don't tell me you're scared." The hooded figure said.

"I'm not. I'm just...startled." Sunset said.

"Hmhmhm." The guy said and pulled out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. Then he grabbed a lighter and put it in front of his cigarette. He began to suck on it and blowed a huge cloud of smoke. "Want one?"

"N-no, thanks." Sunset said disgusted by it.

"You don't remember me, do you?" The guy said.

"Should I?" Sunset asked.

"Have you forgotten the time from where you truly belong?"

"What do you mean?"

"Come on. We both know you're not from this world. Don't you remember your time with Celestia?"

"How do you know about that?"

"Come on. Don't you know your good pal? Perhaps the only one you ever had."

"Who are you?"

The guy said nothing.

"SHOW YOURSELF!" Sunset shouted.

"As you wish."

The guy took off his hood and then his cloak. Sunset's eyes went wide open and recognised his face. It was a face we all knew too well.

"Is it really you?" Sunset said quietly.

The guy nodded with a smile.

"Spectrus!" Sunset said. She ran towards him to give him a big hug.

"Oof! Easy, girl. My, my, look at you. Pony or human, you're still beautiful." Spectrus said.

Sunset released the hug and blushed by that comment.

"What are you doing here? It's been so long. How did you even get here?" She asked.

"I have my own special instincts. I see you're a school student." Spectrus said.

"I am. Say, we need to hang out some more. Oh, it has been so long. Maybe you can come tonight at my house. You can meet my friends."

"I would love to, but..."

"What's the matter? Are you busy tonight? Late night job?"

"Well, where I work, I'm the boss."

"You are? How amazing. How did you achieve that?"

"Well, they saw a great leader in me. You know, I don't want to brag, but I have great leader skills and a great leader always looks after his employees."

"You were always such a smooth talker. But don't you want to come inside?"

"Did you say you had friends?"

"Why, yes. They're very sweet. And I don't want to brag either, but I'm best friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Spectrus' eyes went wide open.

"Twilight? You're not saying you became friends with a pony, did you?" He said while glaring at Sunset.

"Why not, besides I'm a pony too. She helped me see another way to make both Equestria and Earth a better place. Impressive, don't you think?"

"I am impressed. To see how soft you've become." Spectrus said while folding his arms.

"Soft? What do you mean by that?"

"Last time that I met you, you dreamt to become a ruler. You wanted power. Did you gave up all that just for some friends and a pony?"

"Spectrus, I didn't know what I was doing that time. I've changed. I don' t want to be that monster anymore. I turned into a she-demon because of that."

"I can give you the power you've always desired, Sunset."

Sunset looked at Spectrus.

"You're better off without the Princess, the ponies and the humans. Just come with me. I can help you with what you desire." After he said that, he reached his hand to Sunset and asked for a handshake.

Sunset looked at his hand and was about to grab it, but something inside her told her it was wrong.

"Spectrus, I'm flattered about your proposal. I would love to work with you, but...But I can't accept it. I've learned about friendship. I don't know what happened to you, but it surely doesn't sound like the Spectrus I first met. So my answer is no. I'm sorry."

Spectrus brought his hand down

"She found a way to change you, didn't she? Just like Discord."

Sunset raised an eyebrow and then walked to the school building, but suddenly she got stopped by something she didn't expect she would see here: A dragon. Not a full grown dragon, but a teenager. Sunset became nervous and stepped back

"You know, Sunset." Spectrus said and Sunset turned his attention to him. "I always thought you would be reasonable, but alas, I was wrong."

"Spectrus, you need to get out of here. There's a dragon right in front of us."

"Say, Garble. Should I call the troops?" Spectrus said with a smile.

"Hey, do whatever you want. I mean, you're in charge of this operation." Garble said.

Sunset heard their conversation and raised an eyebrow at her so called friend from the past. She began to get really uncomfortable.

"Spectrus? You...know him?" She asked.

Spectrus spoke through his communicator.

"Are you all in position?" He asked.

"Affirmative, boss." A thug spoke through his speaker.

"It's indeed sad that you can't go back to Equestria, but I have different ways to get back there. I just made sure I couldn't be followed by anypony. So I had to do the right thing." Spectrus said.

"Wait? Are you saying... that you are the one who broke the statue?" Sunset asked.

"Ding ding." Spectrus said.

"But why?" She asked.

"There's only one word to answer that question: Conquest." He said.

Sunset heard some noises and out of nowhere came several humans with guns, some of them were armored. There was also a griffin, a blue pegasus, three diamond dogs and a few of their henchmen, a few Changelings and a giant centaur.

"Guys, I want to introduce you to my friend of the past: Sunset Shimmer." Spectrus said to his comrades.

They all laughed and Sunset became more uncomfortable.

"Did you all know she worked for that bitch of a mother of mine?" Spectrus said and began to laugh.

"Your mother? Wait, Princess Celestia is your mother?" Sunset asked with wide eyes.

"WAS my mother. The bitch got what she deserved, but she needs to be punished more."

Sunset's eyes widened even more.

"What did you do to her?" She asked with an angry glare.

"Well, let's say I left her in the hospital with a venturi mask on her muzzle. You should have seen her, Sunset, all covered with bruises and wounds and scars and blood and the finishing touch, a black eye. I call it my Mona Lisa. I could get a lot of money if I exhibitioned her. See, I even got a little souvenir." Spectrus said and showed a ruffled feather from Celestia and touched his neck with it like a knife while making a cutting sound.

Sunset's eyes just stayed wide.

"You monster!" Sunset yelled.

"What? Isn't that what you always wanted? Dethrone Celestia and become ruler of Equestria just like me?"

"I've changed! I'm in a much better place now!"

"You can still see her. I got the only magic and technology to get back to Equestria whenever I want. The only thing you need to do... is join me." Spectrus reached his hand again.

Sunset looked at the hand and the criminals and villains around her. She took one last look at the hand and gave an angry look.

"NEVER!" Sunset yelled and slapped the hand away and ran into the school building while crying.

"Get her." Spectrus commanded and the villains and criminals went after her.

Then Spectrus puts two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Two wolves came out of nowhere and also a few timberwolves and dogs. He focused his attention to his two wolves. He looked one in its eyes while placing his hand under its chin and cuddled the other.

"June. Bonecrusher. Bring her to me, boy and girl!" He said and the wolves did what he said.

Spectrus spoke through his communicator again.

"Send the Chimaera." Spectrus said.

Sunset shimmer ran through the school halls and stopped for a moment. But she shouldn't stop for long, because there was a loud boom at the entrance and the henchmen and villains came through it. Sunset gasped in horror.

"After her!" One of the henchmen yelled while pointing at Sunset.

Sunset ran as fast as she could.

"Wind Rider. You're with me." Gilda said to the pegasus.

They both flew after Sunset and shot gusts of wind at her to slow her down. She tried to dodge them and still began to ran fast. Spectrus also went after her.

"And so, the hunt begins." Spectrus said while holding a scythe and a machine gun.

In the refectory, the students were still eating until they heard loud noises outside. They don't sound good. They came closer.

"What was that?" A girl with derpy eyes asked. "I didn't do something wrong, did I?"

All of a sudden, Sunset came through the doors.

"Run! Run! Everybody is in danger! You must believe me!" Sunset yelled.

Suddenly, the noises became louder. And everybody turned their attention to the doors. The doors blasted open and everybody took cover. They appeared out of their cover and saw nothing but smoke coming from the opening. Then the villains and the henchmen entered the refectory. The students began to scream.

"Everybody on the ground! Give us Sunset Shimmer and we won't do you any harm." Gilda said

The students went on the floor and looked at each other.

"So you want to be difficult, huh? Then we shoot all of ya's." a henchman said.

Defeated, Sunset came out of her hiding place and showed herself.

"Fine, you win. Take me, but please leave the others alone." She said.

"Sunset, what are you doing?" Rarity asked.

"If I go with you, will you leave the others alone?" Sunset asked.

The henchmen and villains looked at each other.

"Cross my heart. Hope to die. Stick a needle in my eye." The henchman said.

"I remember the promise very differently." The pink skinned girl said.

"Shh." The blonde girl said.

Sunset began to walk but was stopped by a certain rainbow colored girl.

"Oh no, you won't. There's no way that Sunset is coming with you freaks." She said.

"Hey, you! On the ground before I shoot a bullet in your ass!" Another henchman said.

"Rainbow! Let go! It's the only way!" Sunset said.

"Listen carefully! Sunset is under our protection!" The girl named Rainbow Dash said and the other girls and students raised from the floor. "And to catch her, you need to get through me!"

"And me." The blonde girl said.

"And me." A boy with blue hair said.

"Flash?" Sunset asked.

"And me." A little girl with red hair and a bow tie said.

"All of us." Said another student.

They all stood in front of Sunset. She couldn't believe it. All those students would risk their lives for her?

"Very well. OPEN FIRE!" Garble said.

The student quickly took cover again and the henchmen began to shoot. Garble breathed fireballs, The Diamond Dogs threw gems, rocks and other stuff, Wind Rider and Gilda released gusts of wind and Tirek shoot laser beams.

"This is crazy." Rainbow said while trying not to be hit.

Suddenly, Spectrus arrived. Sunset saw him.

"Oh no." She said.

"Who is that?" Rainbow asked.

"That's the friend that Wiz Kid was talking about." Sunset answered.

"That creep?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset nodded.

"How are we going to get out of here? Those criminals are more dangerous than a herd of cows." The blonde girl said.

"I'll distract them. You and the girls must leave." Sunset said.

"Whoa, nelly. You're not going to try to run away. It's suicide." The blonde girl said.

"Trust me. When they're chasing me, you must leave the school. Understand?" Sunset said.

"Sunnie! Wait!" The pink skinned girl yelled.

"Hey, guys! It's me you want, right?! Well, come and get me!" Sunset yelled to the bad guys and ran off.

One henchman was gonna shoot her, but he was stopped by Spectrus.

"No. I need her heart pumpin'. For now. Don't just stand there! Chase her!" Spectrus said and many of the bad guys were following her.

"Come on, girls. We must try to stay alive." The blonde girl said.

The girls and some other students were trying to get away from the line of fire. Some of the students began to ran through the halls. The bad guys were still chasing Sunset. She ran as fast as she could. Tirek was charging through school walls and halls to try to get her. All the students ran away and took cover when he rushed through. Tirek destroyed anything in his path. Sunset was able to go into a classroom. Suddenly, principal Celestia came out of her office.

"What's all that noise?" She said and saw what's going on. All the students were attacked by strange people and creatures. Suddenly, Spectrus came past her, but then he stopped walking and turned towards her. He looked strangely at her.

"Celestia?" He said.

The principal just stood there with her eyes wide open. Spectrus used a strange device and scanned her.

"You're not really her. You're her human counterpart." Spectrus said.

"Who her?! And what are you doing to my students?!" Principal Celestia said.

"One of your students is coming with me." Spectrus said and grabbed her.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Principal Celestia yelled.

Spectrus putted her back in her office. He grabbed a key, closed the door and locked it.

"And you are going to stay out of this." He said.

Then he grabbed something from his pocket. He pressed the button and placed it on a wall. It was 5 minutes first. The countdown began.

"Let me out of here right this instant! I'll call the police!" Principal Celestia yelled.

"Oh, I'm scared. You're just like her. And I hate it. I wouldn't stay here any longer even if you ask me to. Not even for a cup of tea. See ya, lady! Ta-ta!" Spectrus said and walked away from the door. "Come on, guys. Help me catch Sunset Shimmer. 'Cause I have a sneaky suspicion were not welcome her."

Sunset came out of a classroom and was about to run again. But suddenly, the Chimaera that has been summoned crashed through a wall and looked at Sunset. Sunset was petrified.

"Looks like we got her, sisters." The tiger head said.

"Alright, little missy. The boss wants you to come with us." The goat head said.

"And if you try to resist, we will eat you." The snake head said.

Sunset just stood there until she balled her hands into fists and stood in a boxing position.

"Ooh. Scary." The goat head said sarcastically.

"I'm not scared of you, bitch. Where I come from, I've learned about creatures like you and how to face them." Sunset said.

"Whatever. Say, what does a human taste like, sister?" The tiger head said.

"I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough." The goat head said.

The monster came closer and at that moment, Sunset punched the tiger head. The creature growled angrily. Sunset smiled sheepishly and ran away. The Chimaera began to pursue her. The tiger head began to shoot fireballs at her, but she dodged them. Each wall became destroyed by the attacks. At one of the halls, Sunset sees Tirek again. He has seen her too and charged straight towards her. She tried to go back, but the Chimaera was chasing her too. She saw the two coming at her and had an idea. When the two villains came closer, she immediately jumped out of the way and the two villains accidently hit each other. The impact made them fall on the ground.Sunset ran away further. Suddenly, a male henchman with a gun made her stop.

"Hold it right there, bitch!" He said.

Suddenly, he got punched and kicked in the stomach. He fell to the ground. It was Vice principal Luna.

"Show some respect towards the ladies." She said.

"Vice principal Luna. Where did you learn to fight like that?" Sunset Shimmer asked.

"I've studied a couple of years of self-defense." Luna answered. "Have you seen my sister?"

"I haven't seen her. But I'll find her and let you know." Sunset said.

"Thank you and be careful." Luna said and ran through the halls.

Sunset kept on running until she heard someone from the principal's office.

"Someone, please, get me out of here!" It said.

"Principal Celestia?!" She asked.

"Sunset Shimmer? Help me. The door is locked." The principal said.

"Don't worry, I'll find something to get you out of here!" Sunset said.

She looked around and saw something on the wall. A strange device that began to countdown.

"Don't tell me that's what I think it is." Sunset said and quickly looked around.

Suddenly another henchman, this time a female, aimed her gun at her. Sunset raised her hands. Suddenly, her hands began to glow. The female henchman looked suspiciously at the hands. Then a strange magic blast came from her hands and shot the henchman down. Sunset had no idea what happened and looked at her hands that stopped glowing.

"What is this?" She asked herself.

She looked down and saw that the henchman dropped her gun during the fall. She grabbed it and aimed it at the door.

"Stay away from the door, principal! I'll get you out of there! I think." Sunset said.

She slowly pulled the trigger and the gun went out of control. She tried to get a good grip and tried to aim at the keyhole. It shattered and the door was open. She dropped the gun and went inside.

"Thank you, Sunset." Principal Celestia said.

"We need to get out of here. Spectrus placed a bomb at your wall. The school is going to explode in 2 minutes." Sunset said and grabbed the microphone.

"Oh no. The students." Principal Celestia said while her eyes went wide open.

"I'll warn them." Sunset said and placed the microphone to her lips.

Her voice can be heard through all the speakers in the school.

"Attention, all students! You need to get out of here! Within 1 minute and 30 seconds, the school is going to explode! I repeat, leave the school!" Sunset said.

Every student heard that and quickly ran outside.

"I placed a bomb. That will teach her. We need to get out of here. Gather around." Spectrus said and he used his magic to teleport him and all his allies.

At that moment, The principal and Sunset still need to get out of here.

"One minute left. We will never reach the front door." Principal Celestia said.

Sunset looked at the window and had another idea.

"We don't have to use the front door. We're going through the window." She said.

She grabbed a chair and threw it to the window. The glass shattered in pieces.

"Come on, quickly." Sunset said.

They both ran towards the window and jumped out of it. They land on the soft grass and ran as fast as they could. While they fled, the last seconds were beeping. 3...2...1. BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMM!!! The blast radius destroyed halls and classrooms. The whole school exploded and came down. All the students saw the explosion. They couldn't believe their eyes. Even Sunset's friends were shocked. The yellow girl with pink hair was crying in the shoulder of Rarity.

"Where's Sunset?" The blonde girl asked.

"Didn't she came out?" Rainbow Dash said.

"I don't know. I really have no idea." The blonde girl said.

During that time, Principal Celestia got back on her feet. Her sister arrived and hugged her.

"You've made it." Luna said.

"Yes, I'm alright, sister. Thanks to Sunset Shimmer." Principal Celestia said and looked around because Sunset Shimmer was nowhere to be seen. "Where is she?"

Sunset ran away because she knew she wasn't safe. A female henchman saw her pass by.

"I found her!" She said.

Sunset kept running away and fled into town. She hides behind houses and buildings to make sure she wasn't found. The villains were looking everywhere for her. Spectrus came forth.

"Come on out, Sunset! Don't act stupid! We're one and the same! Underestimated! Underappreciated! Aren't you sick of it?!" He said while Sunset kept silent. "Princesses. Monarchs. They may be strong and loud, but powerful allies who hate them can outnumber them 10 to 1 as long as they cooperate. Think of it. Us villains united against a common enemy! We'll be unstoppable." Spectrus whispered that last sentence out loud.

Sunset opened a door and hide inside one of the houses. She caught her breath for a minute and she began to cry a little. She was so shocked of what happened today. The school has blown up. Villains are trying to capture her and kill her friends. It was too much to bear. She began to walk further, but all of a sudden, a big, orange sea horse-like creature was floating upside down looking her straight in the eyes. A smile was plastered on the creature's face. Sunset was completely startled.

"Hello, Sunset." The creature said and began to change in a human girl with big hair. It was none other than Adagio Dazzle.

Sunset tried to keep her cool.

"Nice to see you too, Adagio." She said.

"It's been a long time." Adagio said.

"What are you doing here? You better not stand in my way because I have a new problem of my own." Sunset said.

"You're right. You have a HUGE problem." Adagio said and placed her fingers on her ear. "Spectrus. I found her. She's in a red house."

"Thank you, darling. I'll repay you tonight." Spectrus said through his communicator.

"What?" Sunset said.

"Oh, so sweet." Adagio said and released her fingers from her ear.

"You're working for him?" Sunset asked.

"We work WITH him. He promised us the universe. Imagine it. All the power I ever wanted, that we ever wanted, finally in our grasp." Adagio said.

"You won't get away with this." Sunset said angrily.

"Oh no. It's YOU who won't get away." Adagio said.

"Please, there are better ways." Sunset pleaded.

"I know. I was thinking HUMILIATION. Remember that, Sunset? Remember what you did to me, Sonata and Aria during the battle of the bands? You took something from us. Now we're taking something from you." Adagio said with an angry glare.

Suddenly, Sunset gets knocked on the head and fell to the ground. Spectrus stood right behind her with a baseball bat in his hands.

"Oopsie, I'm such a clumsy clod." He said sarcastically.

"What are we going to do with her?" Adagio said.

"What do you think? Take her to headquarters." Spectrus said and he grabbed a needle with liquid in it and injected Sunset with it. "I'll carry her. You guys did enough for today. She won't resist for know. She'll sleep till sunrise."

"See ya in my room." Adagio said seductively while brushing her hips against Spectrus.

"It's a date." He said.

He grabbed Sunset and placed her on his shoulder with her butt next to his cheek. Spectrus stood still for a moment and suddenly gave Sunset a hard smack on her butt.

"I'm such a naughty boy." Spectrus said towards the camera. "Come on, boys and girls. I have plans for our special guest."

And they all left town.