• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,695 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

Welcome to Earth

Rainbow and Twilight chased Spectrus in the air while he tries to reach the Crystal Empire. Twilight shot some magic beams at him and he dodged them. He shot some magic beams of his own and the two struggled to dodge them. They were flying as fast as they could to catch him, they have to catch him after what he did to the princess. While they're flying, Spectrus spoke through his communicator to his fellow villains.

"Sombra! Chrysalis! Tirek! Do you hear me?!" He said.

Meanwhile The villains were fighting off some crystal guards while there trying to get into the castle. Tirek, Sombra and Chrysalis heard Spectrus call for them. They began to listen.

"Loud and clear, Spectrus." Tirek said.

"Prepare yourself! Rainbow and Twilight are pursuing me! Bring them down! I'm coming your way!" Spectrus said.

"Okay." Tirek said. "Guys, we're going to have some company. Spectrus is coming hear to assist us, but two of the ponies are pursuing him. Prepare to take them down. Look to the sky."

Sombra, Tirek and Chrysalis charged their horns and looked at the sky. Suddenly, they saw three beings fly.

"There they are! Ready! Aim! FIRE!" Tirek shouted.

Sombra, Chrysalis and Tirek shot some magic beams in the sky and some of the henchponies shot with their guns. To protect himself, Spectrus cast a shield around him. Twilight and Rainbow kept pursuing him until they saw the magic beams and bullets.

"Rainbow! Looke out!" Twilight said.

The two dodged the beams and bullets as fast as they could. Especially Rainbow, she's the fastest. Suddenly, Spectrus got the chance to take out his handgun and shot a bullet at Rainbow. She got hit in the shoulder and screamed in pain. She fell down.

"RAINBOW!" Twilight said and flew down.

Spectrus took the opportunity to fly towards the castle. While Rainbow Dash is falling, Twilight tried to grab her. And luckily before she hit the ground, she grabbed her with her magic. They flew away from the army of villains. During that time, Spectrus charged his fists and flew fast into the castle walls. The impact created a large hole for anypony to come in. Tirek saw it.

"Now's our chance! Into the castle!" Tirek shouted.

The other villains followed as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, Twilight and Rainbow were landing someplace safe. She laid Rainbow on her side.

"Rainbow. You're hurt." Twilight said.

"Don't worry. It didn't hit my lung or my heart or my brains, or I would have been a goner. But it still hurts." Rainbow said while she moaned from the pain.

"Let me help you." Twilight said.

"No, Twilight. You must get Spectrus first. I'll be fine. I think" Rainbow said.

"You sure?" Twilight asked.

"100%. And Twilight,..." Twilight listened closely. "...teach that jerk a lesson." Rainbow said.

Twilight nodded and flew to the castle. Meanwhile the villains entered the castle.

"This way! Follow me!" Spectrus shouted.

While they were running through the halls, the guards were trying to stop him. The villains fought against them. Even Spectrus showed the guards that he's no pushover. Slashing with some weapons, shooting bullets and firing magic. He then punched a guard in the face sending him flying to other guards. Chrysalis and Mane-iac were fighting guards together. Sombra helped.

"I heard you were good." Sombra said while fighting.

"Oh, better than good." Chrysalis said while fighting.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

"What the devil?" Spectrus said.

And all of a sudden, a large crane vehicule burst throught the wall. And guess who's driving it.

"Flim. Flam. I never should have doubted your abilities." Spectrus said while smiling.

"Make way, my friends!" Flim said.

"Me and my brother have some fighting to do." Flam said.

They put their horns together and together they shot one large beam at the guards. The villains kept on running. Suddenly, Shining Armor and Princess Cadence appeared and fought against some of the henchponies. Spectrus saw them.

"Ugh, him again?" Spectrus said and puts out his gun.

He was about to shoot but then a magic beam hit his hand and the gun dropped. He turned around and saw that it was Twilight.

"Leave my brother alone!" Twilight shouted.

Spectrus didn't say anything and shot a blast of magic at her. She dodged it and he ran away. She ran to her brother and sister-in-law.

"Twilight, what are you doing here?" Cadence asked.

"I came for him." Twilight pointed at the cloaked Spectrus.

"Hey, I've seen that guy during the party." Cadence said.

"He's the one who shot Shining Armor." Twilight said.

"That guy?" Shining Armor asked.

"Yeah, and that's not all. He's Princess Celestia's son." Twilight said.

"WHAT?!" Shining Armor and Cadence both said in unison.

"He hurted Princess Celestia. She is badly injured." Twilight said.

"That does it! Nobody hurts the princess like that!" Shining Armor shouted and pursued Spectrus.

"Shining Armor! No!" Twilight said and together with Cadence they followed him.

The villains kept fighting until they finally reached the chamber. In the chamber was a mirror.

"Spectrus, they keep coming!" Tirek said while he shots beams and fought whith his fists.

"Quick, get in the mirror!" Spectrus said.

"In there? Are you sure?" Garble asked.

"Just get in there! Wait just a moment." Spectrus said feeling frustrated. She cast a spell on the villains.

"What did you do?" Tirek asked.

"I'll explain later. Now get in there." Spectrus said.

One by one the villains entered the mirror. Many of the henchponies and other minions entered too. Then he began to speak through his communicator again.

"Lizzy, are you there?" Spectrus asked.

"I'm on the other side of the mirror." A female minion spoke through the communicator.

"Have you and the others brought everything I asked?" Spectrus asked.

"We did." She said.

"Do you also have the hammer?" Spectrus asked.

"Everything's here, boss." She said.

"Perfect. See you there. Over and out." Spectrus said and brought his attention back to the guards.

He used his magic, the guards levitated and sent them flying against the wall. Shining, Twilight and Cadence arrived preparing themselves for combat. Spectrus reached in his cloak and brought out two small balls.

"Hold it right there. You're under arrest for endangering all of Equestria and hurting the princess." Shining Armor said.

"Oh, I don't think so. You think you have created harmony everywhere. But in the future and behind this portal, THERE IS NO HARMONY!" Spectrus said and dropped the smalls balls on the ground.

The balls released a large cloud of smoke. The three ponies coughed while Spectrus disappeared into the mirror. Little by little, the smoke became lesser. Twilight is going towards the mirror.

"Twilight, where are you going?" Cadence asked.

"I'm going after him." Twilight answered.

"Wait, Twily!" Shining called.

Twilight ran towards the mirror, but then she bumped against it. She can't go through. At that moment, the mirror shattered into pieces. At the other side of the mirror, a henchman smashed the portal with a hammer. They were standing at a statue with of horse that was property of a large building. It looks like a school.

"Yes, that's the way. A little bit more. Make sure they can't go through." Spectrus ordered the henchman. Speaking of which, the henchponies that came through the mirror are actually humans just like Spectrus. But the villains didn't change.

"Wait, you aren't ponies?" Gilda asked.

"No, they're humans just like me. If you came through the mirror, you would also become humans." Spectrus explained.

"Why didn't we?" Garble asked.

"I putted a spell on you so you can remain to be your true selves. You need your skills and abilities for what I have prepared." Spectrus said.

"You broke the mirror. Now we can't get back to Equestria!" Tirek said.

"There are more ways that lead to Rome. I have the magic and the technology to get us back there when we want." Spectrus said.

"So where are we now?" Chrysalis asked.

"There are many worlds in the universe. Whether there's life or no life on it. This one is MY true home. Comrades, welcome to Earth." Spectrus said.

The villains looked at their new surroundings. Also here, it was nighttime.

"So what do we do now?" Ahuizotl asked.

"I'm taking you to my home. All we got to do to get there is..." Before Spectrus could finish he looked behind them. "Ah, just in time. Comrades, your vehicule has arrived."

The villains turned around and saw a huge truck. A henchman was driving it. Two henchmen came out and brought some motorbikes for the other henchmen.

"We brought your motorbike, boss." One of the henchmen said.

Spectrus went to his motorbike.

"Ah, how I missed this beauty." He said while touching his bike. "Okay, guys. Get in the truck. And those who want to fly can follow the truck. Eitherway, It's gonna be a long ride."

Spectrus stepped on his motorbike and the villains were entering the truck. Garble, Wind Rider, Gilda and some Changelings were going to fly. The henchmen had bikes of their own. Spectrus placed his helmet on his head. The helmet was like a skull with vampire teeth. Spectrus took the lead and off they go. They drove through some streets. Suddenly, a car, that was still driving at this hour, almost hit Spectrus. He dodged it.

"Look where you drive! You roadhog!" Spectrus said.

At a sudden point, they left the streets.

Back in Equestria. Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor just stood there. The mirror was shattered into pieces. They lost a horrrible being that hurted the princess badly.

"I can't believe it." said Twilight. "I lost him. He hurt the princess, my brother and Rainbow Dash, stole three of the Elements and we lost him."

Twilight looked at the floor in defeat.

"What a coward. Leaving Equestria after he hurt the princess. Not to mention stealing the Crystal Heart." Shining Armor said.

"It's no use. Whatever he does, he's one step ahead of us." Twilight said while still looking at the floor.

Cadence walked to her sister-in-law and placed a hoof on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. He'll pay for his crimes. We better tell my aunt this news." She said.

"We better do it. Because without the Crystal Heart, the Empire will fall in a blanket of ice and snow." Shining Armor said while looking outside.

Large storm clouds approached the Empire. The three of them looked in fear.

"Quick. Get the baby. Me and Twilight will warn the Crystal Ponies." Cadence said.

After getting the baby out of the crib and warning the Crystal Ponies, they prepared themselves to leave the Crystal Empire. Twilight, Cadence and Shining Armor shot magic blasts at the clouds to create a path for the ponies to go to the train station. The ponies panicked. Suddenly Twilight felt that she forgot somepony.

"Rainbow." Twilight said and flew into the air.

"Twily, come back! You'll never make it!" Shining Armor shouted.

"I'm not leaving without my friend!" Twilight said.

She flew high into the air and shot some magic blasts at the clouds. Shinign and Cadence were brining the ponies to safety.

"Where's Twilight?" Cadence asked.

"She went to look for Rainbow Dash, but she hasn't returned yet." Shining Armor answered.

(Music at 4:09)

They both looked at the cloud covered Crystal Empire with a worried look. It became colder and colder. Twilight tried to fight hard and searched desperatly for her friend. She began to shoot more magic beams until she can't. She became exhausted. She passed out and fell down. Then everything went black

(Complete ending of the music).

Back on Earth. In the heat of the night, Spectrus and the villains were driving on the highway. Gilda began to fly next to him.

"How far is it?" asked Gilda.

"We shouldn't be too far by now. You guys are gonna love it there. You can stay and leave whenever you like. When we're there, I'm want to introduce you guys to three guests who live with me." said Spectrus speaking to Gilda and through the communicator to the other villains. Then he pointed somewhere. "Ah, there it is."

In the middle of nowhere on the other side of the highway, there was a huge abandoned bar and hotel with a lake. The environment had some trees at certain places. The moon shone on the lake. They finally arrived. Spectrus stepped from his bike and placed it somewhere. The other villains stepped out of the truck.The flying villains were landing on the ground.

"Well, comrades. Welcome to me casa." Spectrus said.

Suddenly, two aggresive wolves came out and went straight to Spectrus. He just stood there while they kept coming.

"He's about to be attacked!" Fido said.

The wolves jumped at Spectrus and they both fell to the ground. The wolves were gritting their teeth and growling at him, but then they licked his face. They're his wolves and they were very happy to see him. Spectrus laughed a bit. The villains just stood there.

"How come they didn't attack you? I could have blown my whistle, that would make them obey." Fido said.

"Guys, it's okay. They're mine. Meet Bonecrusher and June." Spectrus said. He stroked them and went to the door. "You're gonna love my three guests. An interesting thing is: they're also from Equestria."

He opened the door and they all entered. The first thing they see is a bar with many tables and chairs. The Sound of a television could be heard from another room which was unknown to the villains.

"They're probably watching a television show. Girls! I'm back!" Spectrus called.

Suddenly from behind an opening, a girl arrived. She had blue skin and wore a dark purplish-red coat with short sleeves and a short pink skirt, her boots being a hotter shade of pink. Her sky blue hair with royal-blue streaks was tied in a simple ponytail behind her. To finish it, she wore a choker containing a ruby gem on her neck. She came to look at the door who it was and smile came on her face.

"Oh my gosh, Spectrus, you're back!" She said and ran to Spectrus.

She hugged him and he hugged her back.

"Hiyah, Sonata. How have you been?" Spectrus said.

"Aria! He's back!" the girl named Sonata yelled.

The girl named Aria was a fuchsia skinned girl who wore a white, sleeveless blouse beneath a green waist-cut jacket with the sleeves torn off, along with hot-purple pants and boots of a slightly darker color. Her hair was a solid purple with turquoise streaks that was split off into long pigtails held by star-shaped clips. She also wore a choker with a ruby gem. She also came from behind the opening.

"You've been gone for an eternity." She said with her arms crossed.

"Come on, Aria. Where's the love?" Spectrus said and brought out his arm in her direction.

Being the grumpy she didn't exactly like hugs, but she knew Spectrus from a very long time. So she went to him and hugged him. Both Spectrus' arms are holding the two girls.

"Ah, I love it to have my girls in my arms. Guys, These are Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. They're Sirens from Equestria." Spectrus explained.

The villains looked suprised.

"I know what you think: They don't look like sirens. That's because they were banished by Starswirl and were turned into humans. But Siren or not, I love them. And..." Spectrus was thinking and realised he forgot someone. "Say, where's your friend and leader?"

"Upstairs. All alone on her bed." Sonata said.

"Would you guys excuse me? I have some business to attend to. I'll be back. While your here introduce yourself to each other and treat my home as your home." Spectrus said and went upstairs.

The villains and the Sirens looked at each other for a few minutes.

"Sirens, huh." Wind Rider said.

"Yep, we sing to get people and ponies to do what we want." Sonata explained.

"So how did you and Spectrus met each other?" Svengallop asked.

"Well, it was a dark and stormy night. It happened many years ago. Little did we know that our lives would change forever." Sonata said. She began to tell the story.

While she told the story, Spectrus went upstairs to go to his room. When he reached it, he looked a bit at the door.

"Adagio." He said to himself.

He opened the door softly. The room was a bit dark. the only light that shone was from the moon outside that could be seen through the curtains. On his bed laid a yellow skinned girl with long, and puffy harvest-orange hair that was tied back in a thick pony tail by a spiked band. She wore a purple, short-legged one-piece outfit, matching boots, purplish-pink sleeves and matching stockings. She also had spikes around her abdomen and on her boots. Like the two others, she wore a choker with a ruby gem. She was turned with her back against him. But when she saw the light from the hallway, she turned around to see who was entering the room. She gave a smile when she saw Spectrus.

"Hello, little princess." Spectrus said.

"You're back." Adagio said.

Spectrus went to the bed and sat on it. She touched Adagio's cheek with gentle care. She did the same.

"How are you?" Spectrus asked.

"I'm fine. Where did you took so long?" Adagio asked.

"I've been in Equestria. Was it very long?" Spectrus asked.

"Yes." She said.

"Wanna come downstairs? We have a few guests." Spectrus said.

"Okay, I'm coming. Spectrus?"


"Remember when we first met?"

"How could I ever forget." Spectrus said and remembered the time they first met.

A flashback is shown. Like Sonata would say, it was a dark and stormy night. After the Battle of the Bands ended and the Dazzlings were defeated, they didn't know where to go. Their pendants were destroyed and they've been expelled by the students of Canterlot High. Now they sat on the streets. They looked at their destroyed pendants.

"How could this be? We were so close." Adagio said.

"It could have won if I was leading this team." Aria said.

"Not for a million years will I let you lead this team!" Adagio said.

"Or maybe if Sonata isn't the worst." Aria said.

"You are!" Sonata said.

"Girls! Arguing doesn't get us anywhere." Adagio said.

"So what do we do now?" Sonata asked.

They were thinking. However, none of them knew that there was a strange boy in this neighborhood watching them.

"Hey, friends. Why are you so sad?" the boy said.

Sonata, of course, was the one who wanted to answer that.

"You see, we were banished from a world named Equestria. We're Sirens and feed off the negative energy of other beings. It makes us stronger and it's how we keep people to do what we want. We controlled every student in that school, but seven girls defeated us. Now our precious gems are broken." She said.

Adagio gave Sonata an angry look, because she told him what they're really are.

"Interesting. The school. Are you talking about Canterlot High?" The boy asked.

"Yes. That's the one." Sonata said.

"What's it to you? And who are you anyway?" Aria asked.

"Just a friend. Call me Spectrus." He said.

"Well, Mr. Spectrus. We are not your friends and if you excuse us, we need to go somewhere." Adagio said.

"We do?" Sonata asked.

"No, we aren't. I just want to get away from that guy." said Adagio.

"Can't I at least know your names?" Spectrus asked.

Adagio gave a sigh.

"Very well. Since you gave yours, we might as well give ours. This are Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. And I am Adagio Dazzle." She said.

"What gorgeous names. Especially yours, Adagio." said Spectrus.

The Dazzlings walked away from him until out of the dark a wolf appeared. It growled at them.

"Ah! Oh no. What do we do, Dagi?" Sonata asked.

Adagio said nothing and could only wait for the worst to come. The wolf kept growling at them. But suddenly, Spectrus called at the wolf from behind. He said something strange to the animal. It must be a strange language. The wolf turned his attention to Spectrus. It was one of his pets. The wolf went to his master and Spectrus kneeled. The Dazzlings couldn't believe what they saw.

"Come, Adagio. You too, girls." Spectrus said while stroking the wolf. The wolf licked him.

The Dazzlings came to him. Spectrus gestured with his eyes to the wolf, he means that she can stroke it. She placed her hand on the wolf. The wolf was very calm while she stroked it.

"He likes you." Spectrus whispered.

Adagio couldn't help but smile a little. The other Dazzlings were stroking it too.

"It's so soft." Sonata said.

"There's a lot to learn about animals. I trained him. He's one of my pets." Spectrus said.

"It's been long that somepony or something liked us for us. Maybe we are fools." Adagio said.

"You're only a fool when you give up." Spectrus said.

"Who are you really?" Aria asked.

"A lonely soul just like you three. But together, perhaps we could be more." Spectrus said.

"We're listening." Adagio asked.

"I can offer you a chance to become a queen of all the worlds. You can have so many things beyond your wildest dreams. You want to have every being and creature to adore and obey you, don't you. The only thing I ask is your allegiance and I will give you everything you ever want. This is no joke." Spectrus said.

"But we've been defeated. Why do we even want to try again after our g..." Aria was about to talk further, but Spectrus interrupted her and went straight to their faces.

"Ever heard of the golden rule? Whoever has the gold makes the rules." He said with a toothy grin. "You see, even though we're different species, we have a lot in common."

"We do?" Sonata asked.

"I was raised in Equestria when I was a baby. But one day, I realised my so called mother betrayed me." Spectrus said.

"How interesting. I didn't know you were from Equestria." Adagio said.

"I am. But I'm no pony. So what do you say?" Spectrus asked.

Adagio looked at her fellow sirens and thought about the idea to rule many worlds including this one and Equestria. They smiled.

"We would gladly accept your offer, but we have one little problem. Since we've been banished to this world, we gain our powers from these gems but they are destroyed." Adagio said.

"Nothing is as it seems. A problem is always solved." Spectrus said.

He grabbed the gems and focused on them. By using his magic, the gems were complete again. The shattered pieces fit like a puzzle. He gave them back. They looked amazed.

"So. Do we have a deal?" Spectrus said while reaching his hand.

Adagio couldn't believe this, but this might be they're perfect chance for revenge. She also reached her hand. Together they hold each others hand.

The flashback ended. Spectrus and Adagio went downstairs. The villains were speaking with the two sirens.

"And that's how we became members of his gang. Oh, there they are." Sonata pointed.

"Comrades. Meet the Siren Queen. Adagio Dazzle." Spectrus said.

"I know what you all are. Did you place a spell on them so they can't change into humans?" Adagio asked.

Spectrus nodded.

"It seems our problem has become bigger than I could have imagine. Sure, we stole three elements and the Crystal Heart and I beat the princess. But we still need the three other elements." he spoke further.

"You stole three of the Elements of Harmony and beat down an alicorn?" Adagio asked.

"You should have seen the look on my mother's face. All covererd with wounds and scars. She was about to have a last breath."

Adagio, Sonata, Aria and the other villains were chuckling and laughing with that.

"Well, she got what she deserves." Aria said.

"Not completely." Spectrus said and snapped his fingers and a henchman came to give him a beer to drink. He grabbed his scythe and began to drink. "Has anyone strange tried to get in my territory?"

"Not that I know. Your savage dogs, the big ones, were suppose to patrol it." The henchman said referring to his two wolves.

"Hm. Like I said 'not completely. I'm still not finished with her."

"Oh, come on, boss. Isn't that going to far? Look at what you all have. Gold beyond your wildest imaginations. " The henchman said and grabbed some gold and jewels and showed it to Spectrus. "Beautiful sirens as your girlfriends. A team of villains. A gang. Why, you got everything you ever wanted."

Spectrus used the stick of the scythe to hit the gold and jewels out of the henchman's hand.

"AAAWW! You didn't have to do that." The henchman said while shaking his hands and putting them in his mouth.

"I want Celestia DEAD. I want to control Equestria, Earth and the whole universe. I got to have the ELEMENTS OF HARMONY." Spectrus said whil threatening with his scythe. "But a certain female purple unicorn/alicorn meddled with my business."

"A unicorn/alicorn? Who caused you so much trouble? What's her name?" Adagio asked.

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE." He said darkly.

Adagio gasped by that.

"Twilight Sparkle? That's the one who defeated us. Together with Sunset Shimmer and her five other friends." Adagio said angrily whil she thinks about that day.

"It's always the same, isn't it. Hero defeats villain." Spectrus said. Then suddenly he realised something. "Wait a minute."

He opened his laptop. And placed a flashdrive in it.

"Sweety? What's wrong?" Adagio asked.

Spectrus hushed at her while he searched. He opened one of the files in the flashdrive and it showed some pictures of a girl with beacon hair and a leather jacket.

"Sunset Shimmer?" Spectrus said.