• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,698 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

Who is Spectrus?

(Celestia v.o.: no color and Celestia in flashback: blue so you won't get confused.)

Discord restored the castle with his magic and the princesses and the Manes Six were in Celestia's room for a private conversation.

"My little ponies. There's something I need to tell you. Only a few ponies know about this." Celestia said.

"Is it about that hooded creature I fought against?" Twilight asked.

"He calls himself 'Spectrus' if I heard him correctly, but his real name is 'Sunlight'." Celestia told further.

"That sounds like a wrong name to give that dude. Are you sure it's not 'Blackheart'? Totally fits him." Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow." Twilight said giving Rainbow an angry look.

"I gave him that name because...he is my son." the princess finished.

"WHAT?!" The Mane Six and Spike yelled.

"Wow, Your Majesty. I didn't know you had a son. I could have given him a very special party." Pinkie Pie said in her jolly way.

"With the phase that he's in, I don't think he's in the mood for parties." Princess Luna said.

"Oh, another frown factory who doesn't know what fun is." Pinkie Pie said sadly.

"You didn't even exist while he was in Equestria. It's not every day you see a human in our world." Princess Luna said further.

"A human?" Twilight asked.

"You should know, Twilight. Your Canterlot High friends are from the same race." Princess Luna said.

"Is that what they're called?" Twilight asked.

"Yes." Princess Luna said.

"Pardon my question, but what is a human exactly?" Rarity asked with interest.

"Humans are like hairless monkeys who walk on two legs. They're a bit different from us but in a way we're the same. They're big and smart. While we use magic, they use technology." Princess Luna explained.

"What is that thing that Pinkie was holding?" Twilight asked looking at the weapon that almost killed her brother.

"It's called a gun. They come in every shape and size. Humans use to protect themselves. Bad humans use it to kill other humans." Princess Luna said.

"That's awful." Fluttershy said while looking at the gun with fear.

"But if humans are from somewhere else, how did this Spectrus fellow came in Equestria?" Applejack asked.

"We never found out." Princess Luna said.

"Princess Celestia. What happened to him that caused him to be the way he is now?" Twilight asked.

Celestia let out a deep sigh.

"Very well, It was a 1000 years ago if I'm not mistaken." Celestia said.

"Cool, a flashback." Pinkie said.

While the princess spoke, a flashback was shown of Equestria a 1000 years ago. Celestia who was crowned Princess and given the duty to raise the sun was walking through the halls of the Castle of the Two Sisters.

"Me and Luna were crowned princesses and Starswirl the Bearded gave us the duty to raise the sun and the moon. We were honored by that. On one night, I was walking in the halls of the castle me and my sister once lived until all of a sudden I heard a loud noise."

The noise was the sound of a baby crying. Celestia heard it and went towards the noise. It came from the gardens. She looked in the bushes and found a basket. The blanket was moving.

"I found a basket in the gardens. I recognised the sound. A baby that was left behind. I removed the blanket and couldn't believe what I was seeing. It wasn't a pony. It was something I never saw before."

The baby stopped crying and looked at Celestia. It was happy to see her and reached his little arms at her.

"This baby needed food and care. Whoever the parents were they might have disappeared or sadly died. And without a mother's care, the little one would surely perish. I couldn't bear that thought. I decided to take it inside the castle."

She grabbed the basket with her mouth and went inside the castle. When she was inside, she took the baby out of the basket with her magic.

"I decided to take care of it. For food, I bre... well, I gave him milk. Even though it was alone, it was so calm when it saw me."

The baby yawned and came close to Celestia's soft body.

"I couldn't help but smile when he slept against me. At that moment, my sister came inside."

Princess luna came inside.

"Good evening, Tia. I... Uh, Tia? What is that?" she asked.

"I found this little guy in the gardens." Princess Celestia answered.

"Yeah, but what is it?" Luna asked.

"It's a baby." Celestia giggled.

"Are you sure? It doesn't look like a pony." Luna said.

"You wanna hold it?" Celestia asked.

Priness Luna was thinking until she grabbed the baby with her magic.

"Fine." She said.

The baby was reaching it's arms at her.

"Uh, what is it...?" Luna said while she was careful.

The baby was touching her mane. He found it rather enjoyable. Luna couldn't help but giggle.

"Where's its momma?" Luna asked.

"I think I'm going to be its mother." Celestia said.

"You?" Luna asked.

"I've been thinking. I never had a child of my own. You could be an aunt. And even though it doesn't look like a pony, I think it's still cute." Celestia said. She grabbed the baby and nuzzled it's cheek. The baby was laughing.

"So what are you going to call him?" Luna asked.

"How about 'Sunlight'?" Celestia asked back.

"Sunlight? Okay, it's your baby." Luna said. "'Well, I think I better go to bed. I didn't have sleep in days." She yawned. "Well, good night, Tia. And good night to you too, Sunlight." Luna said. She kissed the baby on it's forehead. She left the room and Celestia was alone with her son.

"Sunlight. My little piece of Sunlight." Celestia said while nuzzling the baby.

"It was the happiest day of my life. I will never forget that time. For many years, I've raised him. I played with him and tought him everything I know. I even send him to school. At some point, I became more interested what species he is. I went with him to Starswirl. He too couldn't believe his eyes. He told he was a human. He knows cause he visited their world once. He took me to that world to see what it was like. It was an experience I've never witnessed before. I saw what these humans did each and every day of their lives. I saw good humans but also some who were corrupted by hate and greed. The brutality of those kind of people was unbearable. I couldn't send him to were he truly belonged. I feared that one of those criminals as some people call them would raise the boy to become like them. So I kept him. Starswirl accepted my choice. There was a time when Sunlight was crying in his bedroom when he came back from school. So I asked."

"What's the matter, little Sunlight?" Celestia asked.

"Nothing." Sunlight said. He was an infant at that time. maybe 8 or 9 years old.

"I heard you crying."

"It's nothing."

"You don't have to hide any secrets from me. Just tell mommy what's going through your mind." Celestia said while she cuddled closely to him.

"We had to tell about our mommy's and daddy's."

"And how was it?"

"I told them who my mommy was. Many of the foals were impressed, but there were some who laughed. Not because of you, but because of me."

"What did they say?"

"They said 'How could a princess raise an ugly freak like you.' So they began to hit me and throw rocks at me. They said 'Go back to Tartarus!'" He said while he still cried.

"How long has this been going?"

"Ever since my first day."

"And you never told me?"

'I was afraid you would be angry." He cried.

"Oh my sweet little angel." Celestia said while placing her wing on his shoulder.

"Why am I so different?" He said crying his lungs out.

"I couldn't hide the truth from him. I told him what he is, where he came from and how I found him. After I told him everything, I salso said something else."

"Listen very carefully. You are mine. Mine to me. No matter what you are, where you come from or what the others say about you, you will always be my son." Celestia said.

"I love you, mommy." Sunlight said while hugging her.

"I love you too." Celestia said. She hugged him and dropped a few tears.

"Since that moment, he felt better. And when he became teenager, he became more interested in magic. He loved it since he was a baby. So, I decided to teach him about it. I told him he was destined to be great. Even though, humans can't use magic. With learning and practicing, he was perhaps the only human who can. But it never became enough for him. He became more different. He wanted the Elements of Harmony. He said he wanted to use them to make Equestria an even better place than it is now. But Starswirl saw darkness in his heart and refused. And it didn't last long, because more ponies were calling him a freak and a monster once again. Because of those events and many others, something snapped inside him. In his rage, he attacked ponyville. He attacked both Earth pony, Unicorn and Pegasus. Each stallion, mare and foal."

With great force, he crushed the gates of the Castle of the Two Sisters with the magic he controlled.

"When he reached the castle, he tried to steal the Elements by force."

"Sunlight, please. This isn't you." Celestia said.

"What does it matter?!" Sunlight yelled.

"Everything matters." Celestia said.

"I warn you. Get out of my way!" Sunlight yelled.

"I won't." Celestia said.

"Then die." Sunlight said. And they both leapt towards each other. Her horn began to glow.

"Everypony was in danger on that day and I had to stop the one thing I loved the most."

Celestia leaped at Sunlight to cast a spell. However, at the last second she sees only the baby she once knew running towards her.

"But how could I."

Her horn began to glow lesser. Sunlight counters with a devastating strike and Celestia crashes to the ground with a broken leg. Sunlight was determined to get the Elements, but Luna shot some magic beams towards him. He dodged them quickly. He was about to strike Luna, but Starswirl came between them and quickly cast a powerful spell. With that, Sunlight falls to the ground in a heap. Celestia stared at what has become of her beloved son with sadness and disbelief. She crawls towards Sunlight, but is ultimately unable to touch him. A few minutes later, Sunlight was caught in chains. He was not happy.

"We defeated him and he was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. His magic was taken away from him. And how much it pained me, there was no other choice."

"Momma, how could you do this to me? I thought you believed in me!" Sunlight said.

"I do believe in you, but not like this." Celestia said calmly.

"They pushed me away. They're guilty! All of them!" Sunlight yelled.

"What everypony did was wrong. But that doesn't mean you must harm them. That's not the right way!" Celestia said raising her voice a bit.

"Look at you, you've gone soft. You think more of your own subjects and yourself than your own family. But since I'm a freak, I'm not actually truly family, aren't I. You think a prison can hold me? I don't think so. I will yield the Elements of Harmony. I'm going to get you and your little subjects too! You're dead to me, you hear me! DEAD!" Sunlight said while he's been taken away by the guards. Celestia just stood there with a broken heart hearing those painful words from his mouth.

She turned to Starswirl and looked at him with a sad face.

"We shouldn't do this. Even he doesn't deserve it." Celestia said.

"There is no other way, Celestia. He's too dangerous." Starswirl said.

"He's my son." Celestia said.

"That's no excuse. You can't keep defending him." Starswirl said.

"He can learn." Celestia said.

"He'll never learn. With what he has become now, he can never learn to be one of us." Starswirl said.

"Because you don't give him a chance." Celestia said.

"Give him a chance? Celestia, look at him. He will never be one of us." Starswirl said.

Celestia looked angrily at him.

"Come on, sister. You need a doctor." Luna said. Luna helped her sister to go to the hospital.

"I don't blame you or your sister, Celestia. But don't blame it on me. This is something he caused himself." Starswirl said.

While Luna and Celestia left, Celestia couldn't help but cry. Luna comforted her.

"A few months later, I went to Tartarus to visit him. As any other good mother would do."

"Hello, Sunlight." Celestia said.

Sunlight said nothing.

"I...brought some food." She said. She brought some fruit, bread and some water.

He still said nothing.

"Are you not hungry?"

He began to look angry at her.

"Don't you wanna speak to me?"

"I have nothing to say." Sunlight said darkly.

"Please. What you did was wrong. But we all make mistakes. We just have to learn from them. Surely, you felt some regret for doing those things."

"I felt nothing of the sort." Sunlight said.

"Look at what you have become. This isn't you. Please! I want my son back." Celestia said while grabbing the bars. She began to cry again.

"Your son is dead." He said.

Celestia couldn't believe her ears. She slowly released the bars and slowly walked away. She took one last look at him with tears in her eyes and she left.

"That was the last time I saw him. And a few months later, just when things couldn't get worse, my sister turned herself against me."

Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon. She gained reptilian eyes, her teeth became sharp and her look changed. She laughed loudly and sinisterly. Celestia and Nightmare Moon fought hard against each other. However nopony knows, that Sunlight was trying to escape. He grabbed some bread and looked at Cerberus. He whistled to the three-headed dog.

"Cerberus. Hey, Cerberus." He said.

The dog went towards Sunlight's cell.

"Don't you want some delicious bread and maybe some fruit if you like that?" Sunlight said.

The dog came closer and closer.

"But you first need to do something in return." Sunlight said. When he said that, the dog looked suspiciously at him. "You just need to get me out of her."

There was no way the dog would release him.

"Not even for this delicious food?" He said.

The dog shook all his heads.

"Well, if I can't be released, I can't get some delicious dog food that you like very much or a large bone." He said trying to use reverse psychology.

The dog heard that and went back to his cell. All the heads were sticking their tongue out.

"And maybe some dog toys." Sunlight added.

The dog couldn't resist and released him immediatly.

"Thanks, boy. Here you go." Sunligh said while he threw the piece of bread. "Don't worry I won't forget my promise. I'll be right back. Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" He rubbed the belly of the dog. The dog loved it.

He left Tartarus and went straight to Canterlot.

"Dogs. They believe anything." He said with a devious grin.

During that time, Nightmare moon shot a beam of magic at Celestia. Celestia screamed in pain and fell to the ground. A few seconds later, she regained herself. She looked at her sister with great regret.

"Oh dear sister. I'm sorry, but you have given me no choice but to use these." With that said, she used her magic to open a vault from the ground. In there, the Elements showed up. The Elements swearled around her to form some kind of magic field.

She flew towards Nightmare Moon who was ready to attack her. Celestia began to cry and used the Elements powers to banish her sister to the moon.

"NOOOOOOOOOO!!" Nightmare moon yelled.

The moon showed an alicorn head. Sunlight heard the explosion behind him and saw what happened. He ran as quick as he could to Canterlot.

(Music at 1:00) With the danger passed, Celestia lowered herself to the ground. Suddenly, a guard came to her.

"Your Majesty." He said while he bowed.

"What is it?" Celestia asked.

"He escaped." The guard finished.

Celestia knew exactly what he meant and flew quickly to Tartarus taking the Elements with her.

"But when I tried to reach Tartarus, it was too late."

She flew everywhere. She was even determined to search all of Equestria to find her son.

"Sunlight? Sunlight? SUNLIIIIIIIIGHT!" She yelled.

Suddenly, she found something on the ground. It was a necklace of the Celestia's sun. It was a birthday gift, but it seems like he threw it away. She picked it up with her magic and looked at it. Then she heard somepony moan. She went towards the sound and found a guard that was fatally wounded. Sharp cuts were on his neck and belly. They were bleeding. There were also some thunderclouds in the sky. The pegasi placed them a few minutes ago. The rain came down and thunder and lightning were heard. The princess was soaking wet.

"Captain." Celestia said.

"Your Majesty. Forgive me." The captain said.

"Who did this?"

"He came so fast. Your son became a murderer." His eyes went wide when he said that word.

"Where is he?" Celestia asked.

"Listen to me, Your Majesty. I know how much you love him, but he can't be saved this time." He said struggling to stay alive.

"What do you mean? Where is Sunlight?!" Celestia asked again.

"Your son...is...Sunlight...iiisss...gone." With that said, he closed his eyes and tears came out. He was dead.

Celestia couldn't bear this. Not only did she lost her sister, but she also lost a good friend and the one person she love the most.

"SUNLIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!" She screamed her lungs out. Another loud boom from the thunder was heard. Celestia sat on the ground putting her hooves in front of her face and crying more and more.

"Since that day, my heart was completely broken. Even though I smile sometimes for everypony on the outside, but on the inside I was a princess who lost everything."

With that, the flashback ended bringing us back to the present. Celestia began to cry after telling that story. The Mane Six couldn't help but shed some tears too. Fluttershy cried the most.

"I'm so sorry to hear this, Your Majesty. We didn't know it was difficult for you." Twilight said.

"You must understand, Twilight Sparkle. My sister loved Sunlight more than everypony could know." Princess Luna said.

"So what do we do now?" Applejack asked.

"I can bring him to you if you want." A familiar voice was heard. They all looked around and then at the ceiling. It was none other than Discord.

"Discord! Have you been eavesdropping?" Princess Luna asked angrily.

"It was never my intent to listen to a private conversation, but it sounded so interesting. Forgive me, Celestia. I heard everything you said. I can't help but feel sorry for you. I never realised that you had such a difficult time. I want to help you to get rid of this pain. Let me bring him to you." Discord said showing sympathy towards Celestia.

"I appreciate your help, Discord. But I'm not sure. You don't know him so well. He killed my first captain who was a good friend of mine. I don't want to lose another. I got my sister back, that's one thing. But it still doesn't heal the pain I feel know." Celestia said.

Luna and Discord did their very best to comfort her. Nopony knew that some flying objects were watching them from above. They scanned the six ponies, the two princesses, the draconequus and the dragon and flew back to the Castle of the Two Sisters.

Back at the castle, Spectrus or Sunlight waited for the drones to return and luckily they just arrived.

"Scanning complete, sir. We got lots of information for you." One of the drones spoke with a robotic female voice.

"Show me. Who dares to challenge Spectrus?" He said while he sits on one of the thrones.

All the other villains and henchponies gathered around to look. The drones each showed holograms of the beings they've scanned. The first was a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane.

"Rainbow Dash. Species: Pegasus. Lives in the cloud city of Cloudsdale above Ponyville. Claims to be the fastest pony alive. Famed for her loyalty, the Element of Harmony she represents. Skills and abilities: Flight, super speed, enhanced strength, expert martial artist, athleticism and the power to control the weather and storms. Can also perform a Sonic Rainboom. Threat level: high."

"I know that one. That's the one I pushed in a vase." Spectrus said.

The next was an orange pony with a blonde mane and a stetson hat.

"Applejack. Species: Earth pony. Runs a farm in Ponyville with her family. Represents the Element of Honesty. Skills and abilities: Enhanced strength and athleticism. Also can use her hind legs to give powerful kicks with great force. Caused by years of applebucking. Also uses a rope to grab her enemies. Threat level: medium.

The next was a purple dragon.

"Spike. Species: Dragon. The assistent of the unicorn known as Twilight Sparkle. Skills and abilities: Breathing fire and his claws and tail which could be very useful in combat. Also possesses thick scales. Threat level: low."

Next was a white unicorn with a purple mane.

"Rarity. Species: Unicorn. A pony with a love for fashion. Runs a boutique in Ponyville. Represents the Element of Generosity. Skills and abilities: Expert martial artist, uses her magic to levitate objects and cast magic beams from her horn. Also can use and summon gems, big and small, in combat. Threat level: medium."

Next came a yellow pegasus with a pink mane.

"Fluttershy. Species: Pegasus. Lives in a cottage near the Everfree Forest. Her name says it all: she's shy and sometimes scared of many certain things. Represents the Element of Kindness. Skills and abilities: Communication with animals, flight and uses 'The Stare' which causes creatures to react in fear. Even humans don't stand a chance against this power. Threat level: low."

Then came a pink pony with a dark pink mane.

"Pinkamena Diane Pie aka Pinkie Pie. Species: Earth pony. Once worked on a rock farm before she moved to Ponyville. She now works in a bakery in Ponyville. Represents the Element of Laughter. Skills and abilities: though she is hyperactive, optimistic and totally goofy, she's actually a special kind of pony. She uses cakes and cupcakes in combat. She also possesses a party cannon which she uses for decorations but proves to be very useful in a fight. Also contains a special power called 'Pinkie sense': which are special feelings in and outside her body that causes her to predict certain things. Threat level: medium."

Finally came the purple unicorn he fought against earlier.

"Twilight Sparkle. Species: Unicorn/Alicorn. Princess Celestia's special student. She became a princess because she understood friendship much better than Starswirl the Bearded. She once lived in a library that was inside a tree, but that was destroyed by Tirek. Now, she owns her own castle somewhere near Ponyville. Represents the most powerful Element: Magic. Skills and abilities: Teleportation, magic beams, levitate certain objects, flight and can cast a powerful wave of magic. She used this attack first when she couldn't control herself during her exams. Magical power limit: unknown. Threat level: extreme."

The drones also showed three other figures: two alicorns and a draconequus.

"We also gained information on the two alicorns, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And also about the Draconequus known as Discord."

"Have you got more information about those six and the dragon?" Spectrus asked.

"We have. Just ask what you want to know about them and we'll give you the answers you want." One of the drones spoke.

"Good. I can handle Celestia and Luna with both my hands behind my back. But the Draconequus could be trouble. There's no other way but to give him a taste of his own magic. Drone: show me the information about Discord." Spectrus said.

"As you wish, sir." the drone said.

"This Twilight Sparkle sure is something. Finally, a worthy opponent. Our battle will be LEGENDARY!" Spectrus said while raising a fist in the air.

Author's Note:

Normally, I was going to use the soundtrack from the animated movie 'The Swan Princess' at the scene where Celestia and the captain talked. The music that was heard when King William sadly died. But I couldn't find it anywhere. Now that's what I call 'bad luck'. That music would have been most fitting. But if you want to hear the music while you read that part, maybe you should try watching the scene from the movie and listen to the music.