• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,698 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

A Visit To The Devil

Nathan, Spike and the ponies were travelling through the american plains. After a long ride, they finally found their destination. The abandoned bar and hotel was in their sight. It even had a lake.

"Look, girls. I think we found it." Nathan said.

He stopped the car a little bit further from the property.

"I've heard stories about this place. Some people say it's haunted and that it's cursed with some dark magic. Which is of course ridiculous." Nathan said.

"Haha. Yeah. Ridiculous." Fluttershy said nervously.

"Alright, girls. This is it. Time to find Spectrus and teach him a lesson." Twilight said.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Can't you read? Look at the signs." Nathan said.

The Mane Six saw a few signs and read some.

"If you want to stay alive, go back." Twilight read.

"Enter at your own risk." Rainbow read.

"Risk?" Fluttershy said nervously.

"We have no other choice, Nathan. We must protect Equestria and this world as well." Twilight said.

"Very well. Good luck and be careful." Nathan said.

"Aren't you coming with us?" Pinkie asked.

"I think at times like these, it's best to stay here. I can watch over Joy, Lucky and Thea while you're in there. And if there's any trouble, I'll start the car and we're all going back home. I can also keep a watch at suspicious things." Nathan said.

"Okay." Twilight said.

But the two dogs came out of the car and stood by Fluttersy's side.

"I guess they want to come with us." Fluttershy said.

"Okay, then I'll watch over Thea and you can have Joy and Lucky as bodyguards. What do you say?" Nathan said.

"Sounds like a plan. Okay, let's do this." Rainbow said.

"Be careful, girls and Spike. You'll never know what else you would find in that house of horrors." Nathan said.

Fluttershy began to gulp.

"Come on, let's move on." Spike said.

While they're going to the entrance, Nathan was sitting in his car doing nothing.

"Now, what should I do? This could take very long. I know. Let's play some music. But not too loud." Nathan said.

He placed his mp3 player in the radio and chose the first song. He sang along with it.

"Ah, Paradise by the Dashboard Light by Meatloaf. One of my favorites.
Well, I remember every little thing as if it happened only yesterday
Parking by the lake, and there was not another car in sight" Nathan sang.

While he was singing, the Mane Six and Spike were approaching the entrance. There were a lot of motorbikes outside, but there was a problem.

"Shit." Rainbow said.

"Rainbow, watch your language. That's like the fifteenth time that you said it." Twilight said.

"I know. It's just I'm really angry about this Spectrus guy. And the reason why I said it now is because of that." Rainbow pointed to the entrance.

Two wolves were guarding the entrance. It looks like they were sleeping, but they would wake up if intruders would come any closer.

"That is a problem. If they wake up, they're going to alert everyone in this place." Twilight said and began to think. "I got it. Maybe I can try a sleeping spell on them."

Her horn began to glow. She began to cast it but nothing happened. Her horn stopped glowing all by herself.

"My horn doesn't work. Something is blocking my magic." Twilight said.

Rarity tried a levitation spell, but that worked.

"Levitation spells seem to work here." Rarity said.

Suddenly, the wolves opened their eyes and saw the ponies and the dragon. They growled ferociously at them. One of them barked once. They came closer.

"Oh no. What do we do now?" Rarity said.

"We can't do anything to them or they'll alert the others." Twilight said.

Suddenly, Spike went in front of the ponies and tried to scare the wolves with a stick.

"Back, you curs. Back!" Spike said.

The wolves growled even louder. But suddenly, they looked at the stick that Spike was holding and they began to pant. They're tongues sticking out while looking at the stick.

"Spike, they want that stick." Applejack said.

Spike moves the stick up and down. The wolves kept their eyes on the stick.

"You're right. I got an idea. I'm gonna throw that stick very far. When they go after it, we'll go inside." Spiek said.

"Leave the throwing to me, dragon boy." Rainbow said. She grabbed the stick. "Hey, wolves. You want this stick?"

The wolves nodded.

"Then fetch." Rainbow said and threw it as far away as he can.

The wolves went after it like two playful dogs.

"Good thinking, Spike." Rainbow said while rubbing his head.

"Come on, girls. Let's do this." Twilight said.

They entered the bar. Heavy metal music could be heard, but while the ponies entered a record scratch could be heard. They saw male and female thugs sitting at tables and on the bar, drinking and playing pool. Everyone in the bar turned their attention to the ponies. They said nothing, they just stared at them. The ponies didn't felt very comfortable about this, but with great determination they kept walking. Joy and Lucky were growling at the thugs, but Fluttershy calmed them down. Some of the thugs looked at them with their mouths wide open and some of them looked angry at them. The ponies and Spike are sitting nonchalantly at a table with empty chairs. The thugs kept staring at them.

"I'm going to get the big boss." said a thug to another thug. "Keep doing what you were doing, boys and girls!"

He ran upstairs and the thugs kept on drinking and playing pool. But their minds haven't changed.

"So why are we at this table again?" Applejack asked silently.

"We're going to draw Spectrus' attention." Twilight said silently.

"I'm thirsty. I'll see what they have to drink. Anypony else want something?" Pinkie asked.

"I don't think that's very good idea." Applejack said.

"Well, I'm going to drink anyway." Pinkie said. She left her chair and went to the bar.

She sat on a chair next to two male thugs. She looked at the thug to her right. He had a white beard and moustache and a bald head. He also had a tattoo of a skull with a rose in it's mouth. She looked at the tattoo.

"Nice cutie mark. Bit of a weird place to place it. I've got one right here." Pinkie said while showing her rump and cutie mark.

The thug looked at her and back to his drink.

"It's not a cutie mark. It's a tattoo." The thug said with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Where did you get it?" Pinkie asked.

"In jail. You?" The thug asked with a bit of anger in his voice.

"Oh, where do I start? It all happened when I was a little twinkie Pinkie. I lived on a rock farm and..." Pinkie said.

While she told her story, the thug who left was searching for Spectrus. But I think Spectrus wouldn't like it if he disturbed him at this moment. In Spectrus' room, Spectrus was filling two glasses of wine. He was shirtless and wore jeans. He still wore his gauntlet and he also had a tattoo of a large skull on his back.

"Alrighty then. Are you ready to do this, my little princess?" Spectrus asked.

"I'm always prepared for things like this." A familiar orange haired Siren said.

Adagio was wearing a pink bikini. Unknown to others, she had a tattoo of a gem with a G-clef on her belly. It was a little bit far from her little special place.

"I wanted to ask Aria and Sonata to join, but they wanted to do something else. I could also have asked Sunset to make it extra kinky, but alas, she's too stubborn. Guess it's only you and me." Spectrus said.

Adagio giggled. Spectrus was ready to unbuckle his belt.

"Alright, here comes Kaa." Spectrus said.

But suddenly, someone was knocking on his door. Spectrus' eyes went wide.

"Not now." He said.

The person was knocking on the door again.

"I said 'not now'!" Spectrus said raising his voice.

But the person kept knocking. Spectrus began to lose his patience and went to the door. He opened it and it revealed a thug.

"What's the matter?! Don't you see I'm busy?! Haven't you seen the hat on the doorknob?!" Spectrus said.

The thug looked at Adagio.

"And don't stare at her! I doubt she ever want to do it with you." Spectrus said.

"I wouldn't mind." Adagio said.

The thug focused his eyes back on Spectrus.

"Boss, you have to come downstairs." The thug said.

"I can't! I'm in the mating zone. And if I don't mate, I get really aggresive." Spectrus said.

The thug shivered in fear.

"Please, it's important. Like very important." The thug said.

Spectrus was thinking and let out a defeated sigh.

"Could you excuse for a couple of minutes?" Spectrus asked Adagio with a smile.

"Don't make it too long. Cause I'm very desperate." Adagio said.

Spectrus left the room and followed the thug.

"If this is some kind of joke, I'm gonna cut off your dick and balls and hang them on my neck." Spectrus said.

"With all due respect, boss. But I wouldn't have come here if it wasn't serious." The thug said while shivering of his master's threat.

They went downstairs to the bar. The thug pointed at a table filled with ponies and a dragon.

"Look, my lord. They found us." The thug said.

Spectrus looked at the table and his eyes went wide.

"How is this possible?" He said silently.

"Should I blow up their heads?" The thug asked.

Spectrus grabbed his arm.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Let me handle this for once." Spectrus said.

"They'll probably recognise you." The thug said.

"They don't. They've only seen my hood and cloak. I'll speak to them. Are you coming?" Spectrus asked.

"O-of course. But what are you gonna do?" The thug said.

"Play along." Spectrus said and winked at him.

They walked towards the table. The ponies saw him approaching. He stopped at their table. Joy and Lucky barked at Spectrus.

"Sh. It's alright." Fluttershy said to them.

There was a moment of silence among them.

"I haven't seen creatures like you here before." Spectrus said.

"Well, that's because were not from here." Twilight said.

Spectrus came a little closer to Twilight.

"Say, that's a nice tattoo you got there." Spectrus said.

"Well, it's... Whoa. Whoa." Twilight said.

Spectrus grabbed her flank and raised it in the air to have a better look at her cutie mark.

"On the hips too. Now that's kinky. Don't you think so, Patrick?" Spectrus asked the thug that warned him.

"Sure. Sure. It's fucking beautiful." The thug named Patrick said.

"Hey, don't swear in front of these ladies. It's not polite. And there's a child with them." Spectrus said.

"Okay. Okay." Patrick said.

"Are you looking for trouble? It's happened in ten seconds flat." Rainbow said while raising from her chair.

"Whoa. Whoa. You really need to get your issues worked out. Ever thought of a psychiatrist?" Spectrus asked.

"Look. Ah think we're wasting our time here, girls. Maybe we should..." Applejack said.

Applejack raised form her chair and was about to leave.

"No. No, no, no, no, no, no." Spectrus said.

"But we..." Applejack said.

"No, no, no." Spectrus said.

"But..." Applejack said.

"No. Sit. I insist." Spectrus said and placed Applejack back on her chair. "What are your names? What do you call yourselves?" "

"Well, I'm Applejack. This is Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, Spike and Twilight Sparkle. We call ourselves the Mane Six. There's also Pinkie Pie, but she's looking for something to drink." Applejack said.

"And those two dogs. Are they yours?" Spectrus asked.

"They are now. They lived on the streets, I couldn't bare to let them live such life." Fluttershy said.

Spectrus took a seat too.

"So what are you ladies doing in a place like this? Kinda dangerous, don't you think. Because those guys, they don't like something like you. They never had a good childhood." Spectrus whispered.

"We're looking for someone who runs this place. He kinda did something we're not happy about." Twilight said.

"Maybe there's a reason why he did those things. Maybe because his mother betrayed him and left him all alone in a dungeon, because he wanted to create a better place." Spectrus said.

"How do you know that?" Twilight asked.

"I'm back, guys." Pinkie said and had a couple of drinks. "I bought some water for us. It's on me, you already paid me for that box of cupcakes."

"Ah! Hahahahahahaha! Look! Another Mane Six pony! Hahahahahaha!" Spectrus laughed.

"Yepperooni! That's our gang." Pinkie said while hugging Rainbow.

"How did you pay all that water?" Applejack asked.

"Well,..." Pinkie said and a little flashback was shown.

(Flashback starts)

"And that's how Equestria was born." Pinkie said.

"What?" The thug asked.

"Oh, excuse me. I almost forgot the drinks. Excuse me!" Pinkie asked the barman. "What kind of drinks do you have?"

"We mostly sell beer and alcohol. We also have whiskey." The barman said.

"Don't you have any cider? Apple cider perhaps?" Pinkie asked.

"We have whiskey cider." The barman said.

"Ew. Do you have any water?" Pinkie asked.

"Yes." The barman said.

"Then I'll take seven cups or glasses of it." Pinkie said.

"Sorry, little one. We refuse to do any service for ponies." The barman said with a threat.

Pinkie brought out a huge bag of bits.

"Not even for a bag of bits?" Pinkie asked.

The barman looked at it with awe. He prepared seven glasses of water and gave them to Pinkie.

"This never happened." The barman said.

(Flashback stops)

"And that's how I got these." Pinkie said. "Say, from who is that, uh, what do you call those things outside?" She asked Spectrus.

"Motorbikes." Spectrus said.

"Thank you. From who is the one with the skeleton on the front?" Pinkie asked.

"It's mine." Spectrus said.

"Sweet ride." Pinkie said.

"And I'm sick of it. How about a trade?" Spectrus asked.

"Well, I don't have anything special to give. Maybe an early birthday party." Pinkie said and brings her cannon ouf ot nowhere. She pushed the button and a blast of confetti came out of it.

Spectrus looked at it with interest.

"Hm. That's a nice cannon you got there. I always wanted one of those since I was a kid." Spectrus said.

"Aw. I don't actually like to part from it, but since it's your wish to have one you can have it." Pinkie said.

"Really? That's so sweet of you." Spectrus said with a fake smile.

"No. Wait. It gets even better. Inside the cannon, there's still a bit of cake frosting left since I launched a cake towards Rainbow Dash for a prank. HAHAHA!" Pinkie laughed.

Spectrus gave her an eye brow. But soon talked further.

"Pinkie. You and I have a deal. Wanna come outside? I want to see how it looks on you." Spectrus said.

"Really? Let's go!" Pinkie said.

"Come on, everyone." Spectrus said.

All the thugs went outside. The Mane Six raised from their chairs.

"Okay, does any of you have a feeling of 'We're getting screwed'?" Rainbow said.

"I sure do." A thug said. And makes a laugh that make the ponies very uncomfortable.

Everyone and everypony was outside. Pinkie went to the bike.

"Alright, let's try this." Pinkie said.

"No, no, no ,no , no. That's Joker's bike." Spectrus said.

"It's not yours?" Pinkie asked.

"No." Spectrus said.

"Well, I was..." Pinkie said.

"No. No. No. I got a better one for you." Spectrus said.

They all went behind the bar and hotel. They found a wrecked bike.

"There. Over there. The red one. It's called a Panhead." Spectrus said.

"Where?" Pinkie asked.

"Over there. The Panhead. There's no other Panhead." Spectrus said.

"That?" Pinkie asked.

"Yeah." Spectrus answered.

"That's a pile of junk." Pinkie said.

"HAHAHAHA! That's YOUR pile of junk! HAHAHAHA!" Spectrus said.

All the other thugs laughed too. The Mane Six were appearing next to Pinkie.

"Oh. HAHAHAHA! You got me good. Ha. This guy is joking me." Pinkie said.

"Wanna know the joke?! The joke is suburban pony assholes who all have special powers, abilities and have certain dreams, they all of a sudden become the bearers of magical stones that protect their country and think they're heroes. And it's a joke that I'm damn sick of!" Spectrus shouted.

The ponies became silent and uncomfortable.

"And it all happened because of a certain sorry excuse for a princess that I call 'Mother'." Spectrus said.

"You? You're Spectrus." Twilight said.

"Bingo, bookworm. The one and only." Spectrus said.

"Finally, we've been searching a very long time to find you!" Rainbow yelled and tried to lunge straight at Spectrus. But she was stopped by Applejack who bit her in the tail.

"Whoa, nelly. You'll get your chance." Applejack said.

"You hurt the princess. Threatened Equestria and stole the Crystal Heart and three of the Elements of Harmony. We want them back." Twilight said.

"Sorry, they all belong to me now. Ladies! Gentlemen! May I present to you our match!" Spectrus said.

The thugs all laughed. Some of them were Changelings and changed back into their Changeling form. The other villains appeared as well. Tirek, Gilda, Garble, Wind Rider, Svengallop, Flim and Flam, Ahuizotl, Caballeron, Mane-iac, The Diamond Dogs, Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra. Even Aria and Sonata arrived. The ponies and dragon were surrounded.

"I think we're in a lot of trouble." Rarity said.

"I do have to ask. How did you get here? I destroyed the mirror." Spectrus looked at them with disbelief.

"Princess Luna gave us a scroll from the Starswirl the Bearded wing. He studied other worlds for years. Looks like you're not the only one who can travel to other dimensions." Twilight said.

Spectrus brought out a book that he stole from Canterlot and looked for some world travelling spells. He gave them an angry look.

"Star Swirl was also one of the ponies who destroyed MY STORY." Spectrus said.

"What story?" Rainbow asked.

"The story of how Equestria has been brought down to it's knees while it's precious Elements are stolen by me, Spectrus." He said.

The ponies and dragon all looked angry at him. But one pink pony was laying on her belly like a child listening to a story.

"How does it end?" Pinkie asked with a smile.

"Well, it seems like Spectrus is going to be the best, richest and most handsome king in the whole universe. With the other villains as well." Spectrus said.

"For too long, we lived in a world where the good guys always win." Queen Chrysalis said while walking around the ponies.

"And we have enough of that bullshit." Garble said.

"Let's crush them here and now!" Gilda said.

"And you, Wind Rider. You've gone low by joining them. Really low." Rainbow Dash said.

"It's your fault I'm out of the Wonderbolts. Getting rid of you would brighten up my day." Wind Rider said angrily.

"Ah, the famous Power Ponies. You stopped my plan and now you must die!" Mane-iac said.

"Hold on a minute. You will have your chance. But let's try to talk about some things. Don't you want to join us?" Spectrus said.

"Never!" Twilight said.

The ponies and dragon agreed with her.

"This is sick. Joining with the villains to rule the universe. You even got the Sirens with you?" Twilight said.

"Yeah, and don't think we have forgotten about you." Aria said.

"Yeah! Uh. But weren't they like humans before?" Sonata said.

Aria facepalmed herself.

"Wait. One. Two. Where's the third?" Twilight asked.

"Specie. What takes you so long and what's all that noise out there?" a girl with orange hair appeared out of nowhere. She wore her regular clothes.

She suddenly looked at the ponies and dragon. Her eyes went wide.

"Ponies?! What are they doing here?" Adagio said.

"We trapped them, sweetie." Spectrus said.

Adagio circled around the ponies and looked at Twilight. Twilight became nervous.

"I know you. You may look like your pony self, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize you. You and your friends defeated me. Me, Aria and Sonata had to live on the streets after that and that's all your fault. But Spectrus found us and fixed our gems. Now we're more powerful than ever." Adagio said angrily.

Twilight saw the gems.

"No. But wait, I also heard you got Sunset Shimmer. Where is she?!" Twilight said.

"Who? Sunset?" Spectrus act like he knows nothing. "I never met somepony named Sunset before. You guys?"

"Um. No. Never heard of her." Many of the thugs said acting like they know nothing.

"I know where she is. I know..." Sonata said.

Adagio looked angry at her.

"Wha... What did I say?" Sonata said.

"But there's something else I want to know. How did you find my domain?" Spectrus asked.

"What does it matter? Let's teach them a lesson. I'll do the first hit." Garble said.

"GARBLE! Shut. Your mouth." Spectrus said.

"We spoke to one of your men. His name is Reaper. It took everything we got to make him speak. He's now in jail." Twilight said.

"Ah, Reaper. He's always loyal to me. But I didn't know he was that soft." Spectrus said.

"Sunlight, please." Twilight said.

"IT'S SPECTRUS! I've outgrown that teddy bear name." Spectrus yelled.

"Please. Princess Celestia only wanted to protect you. She only did the best for you." Twilight said.

"Oh! Locking me up in that fucking cell in Tartarus is best for me?" Spectrus asked.

"She was only... She was only concerned. And she was hurt when you left Equestria." Twilight said.

"Your soft talk and reason doesn't work on me. I've learned to be hard. I became a victim of circumstances. Ponies laughed at me and threw rocks at me. Friendship is a lie. You wanna know who my real friends are? These guys. Because we have ONE thing in common. We all experienced things we hate. And we are born to take down real heroes, not this!" Spectrus said.

"Hey, we have our rights to be heroes!" Rainbow yelled.

"You don't have any rights! SHUT UP!" Spectrus yelled. "I knew you assholes the minute I layed eyes on you. Look at the seven of you!"

"You...You don't know us." Twilight said.

"You don't think I know you? You're probably, uh, a protegé or a librarian." Spectrus said.

"I wish." Twilight said.

"A student?" Spectrus asked.

Twilight's eyes went wide when he guessed it.

"Oooh. Close enough." Spike said.

Spectrus walked towards Spike.

"And you! Spike! You have a life long crush on Miss Marshmellow over there. I even guarentee you're henpecked! Right, Bookworm and Marshmellow wear the pants!" Spectrus said.

"You know of my crush on Rarity?" Spike asked.

Spectrus walked towards Applejack.

"And you. You live on a farm. You probably sell apple supplies for a living. Maybe that's were you got your name from. But I know much more than that. You may be a farmer and help everypony. But beneath the muscles and stubborness, you're just a little filly crying for mommy and daddy." Spectrus said. Applejack's eyes went wide when he mentioned her parents. "It would have been funny if it weren't so pathetic." He thought for a little bit. "Oh what the heck. I'll laugh anyway. HAHAHAHAHA!" Spectrus laughed.

Applejack was beginning to boil up inside.

"How dare you say such things to my friends?!" Rarity said.

"Oh, like you don't have anything to be insulted for. Like you're freaking obsession with FASHION that no one else cares about." Spectrus said with a smirk.

Rarity began to tear up.

"And you're probably begging for some stallion to rock your world. Are you a virgin?" Spectrus asked.

Rarity looked away from him with tears in her eyes. Spectrus then went to Fluttershy who was trembling with fear.

"And you. You're just the most pathetic thing I've ever seen. Scared of a lot of things even her own shadow. And the only things that comfort you are filthy animals! Oooh, I'm scared. Help me. Help me. Weak, weak, WEAK I say!" Spectrus said.

Fluttershy buried her head into the ground while crying. The dogs barked aggresively at him.

"AH! Shut up, you mongrels!" Spectrus yelled.

And then he went to Pinkie.

"And you, you pink wimp. Guarenteed you eat so many sweets that it's your fetish." Spectrus said.

"Wow, you're good. What color am I thinking of? Hint: It's my favorite color." Pinkie said.

"Shut up!" Spectrus yelled. And Pinkie became quiet. Last, he walks to Rainbow who glared at him. "You're the biggest poser of them all. Aren't you, tomboy." He walks away from them. "I'm gonna give you this one chance. Go home. Just go home. You can't handle something like this! Get out of here! Go back to your safe little lives! And listen good. I'm gonna take your friend's cannon and you guys are going to hit the road and go back to whatever the hell it is you came from in Equestria. Understand."

"Why should we listen to you?" Rainbow said while still glaring.

Spectrus walked towards Rainbow again and each time he goes closer Rainbow takes a step back.

"Because this is our turf now, tootsie. In this place, we're not snobby. Disgusting. Child friendly ponies. And this is our domain. I hope I've made that plain." Spectrus said. Rainbow walked against Tirek who's looking angry at her. "You're DEAD if you're not out of here! I wanna make that very clear!" The villains got closer. "This is how we are! And this is how we stay! Okay?" Spectrus grabbed Rainbow by the tail.

"Um, okay?" Fluttershy gulped.

"OKAY!" All the villains said to her.

Then suddenly, all the bad guys snapped their fingers and music could be heard.

"You don't think they're going to..." Twilight said to Rarity.

"I think they are." Rarity said.

The villains got closer to them.

What do we care about nice?
What do we care about sweet?

All that we care about's vice

And deceit!

Eatin' the mice!

Cheatin' at dice!

Which is neat!

They walked in circles around the ponies. Garble came closer to Spike and bumped into Tirek. Tirek prepared his hoof and pressed on a plank that Spike was standing on and shoots in the air. Screaming while doing it. Tirek waved at him.

We've got no time for taste!
Who's got the time to waste?!
We've got a better plan
To be as mean as we can!

Spike sits on a building and the faces of the Dazzlings in neon lights were moving on a large board.

What do we care about grace?
What do we care about shy?

What do you say to a pie in the face?
Or to a punch, right in the lunch?

Or the eye?!

The villains were throwing with Pinkie like a basketball.

We hate your ugly mug,
This putrid place,
The lousy stinkin' human race!

What we love most
Is just disgusting and gross!

Rarity came close to the Diamond Dogs. When they sung their part they showed slime and stinky breath came out of their mouth. Rarity was disgusted by it.The Dazzlings were vocalizing. Spectrus came close to Twilight and suddenly she got grabbed by Garble. He danced with her and made her twirl around like a tornado.

We don't care for sweet serenity.

We prefer obscenity!

Low-life language filling the air!

So there!

What do we care for polite?

What do we care for genteel?

What do you say to a fight?

That's for real!

Really corrupt

Don't interrupt!

It's a deal!

We wanna build a world with truly crude things,
Loathsome, lewd things,
Can't you tell?
We hate each other as well!

We shout our dirty words in dirty voices!
We like dirt-bikes, not Rolls-Royces!
Stick it there;
What the heck do we care?
What do we care?
What do we care?!

The song ended and they stood on the same place.

"This is your last chance, ponies. LEAVE! or face the consequences." Spectrus said.

The ponies were about to leave, but suddenly Rainbow Dash flew forward.

"We won't." She said.

Spectrus looked angry at her.

"And besides, we're going to take back the things you've stolen. Every. Last. One of them." Rainbow said.

Meanwhile, Nathan was singing to another song and Thea the cat danced along by moving her head and tail.

"I like big butts and I can not lie. Your other brothers can't deny. That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist. And a round thing in your face. You get sprung. Hit it, Thea!" Nathan said.

In the meantime, Rainbow flew fast inside the bar and tried to look for the Elements and the Crystal Heart. But suddenly, a blast of magic shot past her and hit the wall. Spectrus' hand glowed and then it stopped.

"You've got some nerve. Very brave. But stupid." Spectrus said. The others entered too.

"You can do magic?" Rainbow asked with wide eyes.

"I've learned under Star Swirl the Bearded and Celestia. So yes." Spectrus said.

"But what about the magic blocking?" Twilight said while she came inside.

"That's MY magic that causes it. The only things you can do is teleportation, levitation, protective shields and magic blasts. The other spells are useless." Spectrus said.

"Where did you put the Elements and the Crystal Heart, jerk?!" Rainbow asked.

"That's for you a question and to me a know. Besides, you're not going to get them back. Mark my words." Spectrus said with an angry look.

"You know what you guys are? Nothing but a bunch of filthy freaks with sick minds." Rainbow said.

Spectrus' eyes went wide and looked angry at her.

"What did you call us?" Spectrus asked.

"You heard me. Freaks. Monsters. Thieves. Degenerates. Lowlifes. Thugs. Criminals!" Rainbow said.

Spectrus began to change his hand in to a fist.

"Here on Earth, those are fighting words, partner. Pull 'em up." Spectrus said while raising his fists.

"Rainbow! Don't!" Twilight called.

"What is it, Rainbow? Are you chicken? Chick, chick, chick, chick, chick. Chick, chick, chick, chick, chick, chick. Ha. Ha. Ha." Spectrus said challenging Rainbow by dancing like a chicken and cackling like a chicken.

Rainbow's eye twitched. She wanted to control herself, but this jerk deserved an ass whooping. She grabbed him and gave him a powerful punch. The punch sends him rolling to a pole. He stood there for a moment.

"Get them!" Spectrus said and fell to the ground.

The thugs and villains looked at the ground and began to encircle the Mane Six, Spike and the dogs.

"Now look what you've done." Twilight said.

"Well, he deserved it." Rainbow said.

"There's no other way than to fight our way out." Twilight said.

The ponies, dragon and two dogs prepared themselves for combat. One of the thugs attacked. He jumped from the crowd and did a few saltos. When he landed he brought out two nunchucks and showed a bit off. The ponies were careful of not being hit by those weapons. The thug made some karate sounds. But when he got too close, Applejack readied her hind legs.

"Shut up!" Applejack said and bucked the thug against the wall.

The other thugs were going in for the fight. Each member fought against certain thugs. The dogs began to bite one of them. He screamed in agony. Pinkie brought out her party cannon and aimed.

"You won't get this cannon." Pinkie said and pressed the button several times. She send the thugs flying.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy was putting a football helmet on her head for protection. A thug tried to hit her, but she dodged his punches. After a few dodges, she buried her head into her hooves. The thug hit the football helmet and yelled in pain.

"AAAAAAHHH!" The thug said and shook his hand.

"Oh my goodness. Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked.

"That really hurt." The thug said and looked at Fluttershy.

She got hit by the thug and flew over the room. Making a cute scream while doing it. Twilight hit as many thugs and criminals as possible with magic blasts. Rainbow gave some of them very hard hits. Rarity caught one with her magic.

"Applejack!" Rarity called and threw the thug to Applejack. Applejack gave him a hard kick of her hind legs and got send flying.

Spike was fighting against Garble and a few teenage dragons. But the dogs were there to help him.

"Come on, little pipsqueak." Garble said.

"RAAAAAH!" Spike charged at Garble but got stopped by his claw.

Spike kept running but he was still being stopped.

"HAHA! That the best you got?!" Garble asked.

The dogs charged at him and bit him.

"Get off me!" Garble shouted.

Spike then jumped on Garble and pulled on his ear.

"Get off!" Garble said and tried to shake of Spike.

Gilda and Wind Rider were about to charge Rainbow, but she saw them and flew very fast. Gilda and Wind Rider were about to hit each other.

"Ah!" Wind Rider yelled.

"Not again." Gilda said.

The two bumped against each other. Then they used gusts of wind to hit Rainbow. Rainbow dodged them.

Meanwhile, Applejack and Pinkie were fighting together. They hit as many thugs as possible. Applejack hit a few with her hind legs and rushed with her head forward. She also created some cracks in the ground by using her 'Applequake' attack. Pinkie used special cupcakes and her cannon to hit the thugs. Suddenly, Applejack grabbed a poolstick and hit a few thugs with it. Even four in a row. But suddenly, the thugs let someone through. It was a thug, but much larger and heavy muscles. He had a beard. They cheered for him. He took of his jacket and prepared his knuckles. Applejack and Pinkie looked at him with wide eyes.

"YEAH! Take them down!" One of the thugs said.

"He's all yours, AJ. I'll see if I can help Fluttershy." Pinkie said and ran away.

Applejack went slowly to the large thug. The thug was still preparing his knuckles.

"I'm gonna buck your apples, bub." He said to Applejack.

Applejack used the poolstick to attack him, but when it made contact to his skin it broke. Applejack looked at the broken stick with wide eyes. The thug smiled and wiggled his finger like he was trying to say 'Shouldn't have done that'. Then Applejack used her front hooves and hit him as hard as she could against his sixpack belly, but he felt no pain. Then she tried to buck him with her hind legs a few times. He still didn't felt anything. He just shrugged. Then Applejack was about to hit his face, but the thug grabbed her hoof quickly. The thug bended her hoof. Applejack never felt so much pain.

"AAAAAAH!" Applejack yelled.

Suddenly, the thug gave her a powerful punch and send her flying. She fell on a table and the table was destroyed. She gained a black eye from that punch. Suddenly, she got grabbed by a smaller thug about the size of her head. He made funny noises. Applejack tried to shake him off.

"Get off me, you little vermin!" Applejack yelled.

While she tried to shake the thug off. The big thug hold her still and readied his fist. Applejack saw his actions.

"OOOOOOOOH!" Applejack yelled.

When the big thug was about to hit Applejack, she ducked letting someone else get the punch.

"NOOOOO!" The small thug shouted.

The big thug accidently hit the small thug and send him flying towards the liquor cabinets.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The small thug yelled with a funny voice. It stopped when he hit one of the cabinets and lots of bottles fell on the ground.

The big thug looked wide eyed at what he did. Applejack smiled at the sight.

"Little buddy." The big thug said.

Suddenly, Applejack punched him in the face and he fell to the ground.

Rarity was fighting against a female thug.

"Give me your best shot, princess." The female thug said.

"May I recommend you that physical violence is against my..." Rarity said. But before she could finish her sentence she got hit in the face by the female thug.

Rarity placed a hoof on her lip and got a little blood on it. She tasted it and her eyes went wide.

"Oh. IT. IS. ON!" Rarity said with a threatening glare.

The female thug was about to hit her again, but Rarity dodged it and grabbed her arm and throw her away. A few other thugs were facing her, but she dodged all their attacks and used all her martial arts moves. She kicked them in the face, in the gut, even in their little special places. She was good. Very good. She stood battle ready again.

"She can do karate?!" A thug said.

"This is crazy. Let's get the hell out of here!" A thug said and ran away.

A few other thugs followed as well.

Applejack was fighting against more thugs until they all stood still.

"Who's gonna be next?" Applejack said.

"Get her!" Spectrus said.

A thug grabbed something from his pocket. A taser. He pushed the button and the electric sparks were shown. He went close to Applejack without her noticing it. At the right moment, he hit her with it. Applejack was screaming from the pain.

"YAAAAAAAH!" Applejack yelled and fell to the ground.

"DOG PILE!" Spectrus yelled and jumped on Applejack.

The other thugs were jumping too until they made one big meat mountain. Another was trying to jump, but he got hit by Twilight's magic laser. She shot a few lasers and more of the thugs went away from the pile. Then she used her magic to grab Applejack.

"Applejack. Are you okay?" Twilight asked.

"GAAAAAH!" Applejack said. It's the only things she could say. She got stunned and her tongue was sticking out.

"Come on, girls. Keep fighting!" Rainbow yelled.