• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,695 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

The Mother vs The Son

Nighttime. The Mane Six, The princesses, Spike and Discord left the room where they had the conversation about Celestia's son. Celestia had brought the sun down and Luna raised the moon.

"So what do we do now?" Fluttershy asked.

"He'll strike again. There's no doubt in that." Princess Luna said.

"How do we stop him?" Rainbow asked.

"You can't. He's too strong and dangerous for you six to fight." Princess Celestia said.

"But Your Majesty, we can't let him and the other villains kill the other ponies." Twilight said

"I'm not sure what to do, but I can't let you fight against him. His wrath will be powerful. We won't be able to stop him." Princess Celestia said.

"If all that happened a thousand years ago, how come he's still here?" Applejack said.

"He said he found a way to become immortal and eternal youthful. But I think I made him immortal because I didn't want to lose him." Celestia said.

Suddenly, a guard came through the gates and ran as fast as he could to the princess. He took off his helmet and bowed before the princesses.

"Your Majesties." The guard said.

"What is it?" Princess Celestia asked.

"I've come with bad news. Ponyville is under attack. Sombra's army is trying to enslave the ponies. They also got help from a griffin and a dragon." The guard said.

"Gilda." Rainbow said.

"And Garble." Spike said.

"This must be Spectrus' work." Twilight said.

"I don't trust this. It could be a trap." Rarity said.

"Twilight, you and your friends must stop Sombra's army. I will also ask my sister to aid in your assistance." Princess Celestia said.

"And what about Spectrus?" Twilight asked.

"I'll fight him." Princess Celestia said.

Everypony was shocked to hear that from her mouth.

"You can't do that, princess. He'll kill you." Twilight said.

"It's me he wants. I'll do everything in my power to stop him and to reason with him." Princess Celestia said.

"I'll help you fight him, dear sister." Princess Luna said.

"No, Luna. You must help Twilight and her friends." Princess Celestia said.

"Please, let me stop him and help you." Discord said.

"NO! Nopony is going to help me! He's my son and my responsibility!" Princess Celestia shouted.

Everypony was a bit frightened when they heard Celestia raise her voice.

"Don't you understand? This is something I must do on my own." Princess Celestia calmed herself once more.

Everypony was just worried.

"Your Majesty. The civilians." The guard said again.

"Go. Go, Twilight. All of you. They need your help." Princess Celestia said.

Twilight sat on her haunches. She was extremely worried about the princess.

"Come on, Twilight. You heard the princess. The other ponies need us." Rainbow said while pulling Twilight.

"Come on, y'all. Let's kick some flanks!" Applejack yelled.

The other ponies shouted and ran along with the cowpony. Twilight was about to come with them, but she gave one last look at Celestia.

"It's going to be alright, Twilight." Princess Celestia said while giving a small smile.

Twilight nodded and ran after the others. Luna was also going with them and also gave a last look at Celestia.

"Please be careful, sister." Luna said.

"Don't worry about me." Celestia said and they hugged each other.

Luna released the hug and ran after the others. Celestia then had a worried look on her face.

Ponyville, many ponies were panicking and houses were destroyed. The armored ponies who followed Sombra began to hurt the ponies. Gilda was also hurting a few ponies. Garble had the most fun: hurting many ponies and destroying the houses with fire. They were also trying to kill the ponies. A few of Spectrus' henchponies joined the fight and began to use their guns. Suddenly, one of Sombra's ponies and one of Spectrus' henchponies came in front of a group of ponies. They both had a black box. They put them on the ground and locks became unlocked. Slowly they opened the the boxes and eyes could be seen in the darkness of the box. One tiny little insect-like creature appeared out of the box. It was colorful ball with wings and cute eyes. It made a cute chirping sound. A creature the ponies knew all too well. It was a Parasprite. The ponies just looked at it. Suddenly, more of them came out of the boxes and charged at anything even the ponies. The ponies ran in fear while the Parasprites eat anything they can.

A pony named Bonbon was falling to the ground and a henchpony was ready to kill her. But then he got hit by a blast of magic. It was Lyra, her best friend.

"You guys stay away from my friend!" Lyra said bravely and was ready to defend her friend.

The henchponies were aiming their guns at them. Lyra's eyes widened by that.

"Uh oh." She said.

They were about to fire until a rainbow blur knocked them over. It was Rainbow Dash herself.

"Alright, villains. You leave our town alone. Or we're going to have to make you." Rainbow said.

"Guards! Attack!" King Sombra shouted.

Sombra's guards and Spectrus' henchponies began to attack the Mane Six, Luna and Spike. Lyra and Bonbon began to run away.

"Thanks, Lyra." Bonbon said while hugging her.

"Don't you have any special gadgets with you to face those guys? You know, because you're a secret agent." Lyra said

The Mane Six, Luna and Spike were ready to fight.

"Watch out, girls. Some of those ponies have guns. I bet they work for Spectrus." Twilight said.

The henchponies began to shoot at them. And Twilight quickly cast a shield around the rest of her friends.

While Sombra's army attacks Ponyville, a cloaked Spectrus looked at Canterlot Castle and went straight to it. But suddenly, he saw a grey unicorn pony. For him, that pony just stood in the way. So he grabbed his dagger and slowly went to the pony. With a devious smile, he was about to kill him. But the head of the quickly turned around and changed into Discord's head.

"Spectrus, I pressume." Discord said.

Spectrus was totally surprised. He lowered the dagger.

"Discord. So it's true. You are free." Spectrus said.

"As a bird." Discord said.

"Aren't you surprised to meet me in person?" Spectrus said.

"A little. I faced a lot of powerful creatures, but I never faced my powers against a human. Especially one who possess magic." Discord said.

"So what are you gonna do now? Fight me?" Spectrus said and he began to smile.

"I had a better idea all along." Discord said.

He snapped his fingers and handcuffs appeared around Spectrus' wrists. Spectrus was not happy.

"You think that these cuffs can hold me?" Spectrus said and used his own magic to break the cuffs.

He shot a magic blast at Discord. Discord split his head into two and the blast missed him. After his head was back together, Spectrus summoned a sword and began to slash violently at Discord. Discord dodged all his attacks and began to shot a magic beam that send Spectrus flying against a bush. Filled with rage, Spectrus grabbed one of his gun and fired a few bullets at Discord. Discord disappeared in a flash and reappeared back behind Spectrus. Spectrus heard the flash behind him and gave Discord a kick in against his stomach. Discord felt the pain and wasn't focused. So Spectrus gave him an uppercut and a few lethal punches. Discord quickly disappeared again. Spectrus was looking for him.

"Come out, Discord! You can't hide forever! Are you afraid of me? I bet you are. You know you shouldn't have been called the Spirit of Chaos, but the Spirit of Cowardness!" Spectrus said.

He still looked around and suddenly Discord began to charge from afar. It looks like Spectrus wasn't aware of his attack, but Discord was wrong. The moment when Discord began to strike, Spectrus turned around and used his dagger to stab Discord. Discord never felt so much pain. He fell to the ground.

"You think you're the only one who can teleport? Let's play a little game of Hide and Seek, shall we. Now you see me, now you don't." with that said, Spectrus disappeared with a grin.

Discord looked around while holding his lion paw to his wound.

"Aren't you going to hide? I already counted to ten. Come out. Come out. Wherever you are." Spectrus said while laughing.

Discord looked around. He tries to hide behind a large bush. But without noticing, Spectrus was right behind him checking his nails. Then he quickly bitchslapped Discord. With that, Discord fell to the ground. He tried to get up, but Spectrus placed his foot on his chest.

"Going somewhere? You won't." Spectrus said while smiling.

"What are you going to do now?" Discord said.

"Do? I'm gonna do the best I can. Well, my pals will do it in my honor. I would have liked to knock you out myself, but I have important business to attend to." Spectrus said. He snapped his fingers and out of the bushes appeared Tirek and a few other villains.

"You're no match for Celestia." Discord said.

"No. Celestia is no match for me. I would have asked you to join us, but apparently since Tirek asked you that before I can leave out that suggestion." Spectrus said.

Spectrus walked away, but Discord grabbed his foot.

"Please, don't hurt her. She's your mother." Discord said with pleading eyes.

"Not anymore. I'm gonna try to kill her. I'm gonna make her squeal like a pig. I'm gonna make her scream until she calls for help. That's how much I'm gonna hurt her. You know I would have asked you to join us and give you a place in the new world order, but, oh no, you had to be the big man. Well, gues what? From down here, you look pretty small." Spectrus said and pulled his foot violently away for Discord's eagle talon.

He went to the villains and gave them communicators that they can place in their ears. The villains took them and placed them in their ears.

"Put these in your ears. With these we can contact each other. I already gave them to Garble, Gilda, Sombra and all our soldiers. Tirek, take away his magic. And guys...You know what to do." Spectrus said with a grin and went to the castle.

"Well, well, Discord. We meet again. Time to suck your magic out of you." Tirek said with a smile.

Tirek opened his mouth and sucked many of Discord's magic. (Music at 2:45) Some of the villains and henchponies began to approach the Draconequus preparing their hoofs and fists.

"Nighty night, traitor." A henchpony said and hit his hoof on Discord. And then everything went black.

In the meantime, the henchponies were still shooting at Twilight and her friends. She still used her shield barrier.

"I can't hold much longer. We must attack." Twilight said.

"Leave it to me." Rainbow said and flew into the air. "Hey, punks. Try to catch me."

The henchponies began to shoot at Rainbow and flies away to dodge the bullets. Luna shot a beam at the henchponies that traps them in a crystal. Now the henchponies were unable to do anything. Rainbow kept flying to dodge other bullets until she ran into a griffin she knew all to well.

"Gilda." Rainbow said with a glare.

"Dash." Gilda glared back.

"Look how low you've sunken. Working with these maniacs. I thought our friendship meant something to you." Rainbow said.

"I don't care anymore. Spectrus offered me something better. Things I never thought I could achieve. And if I want to get what I want, I do what he asks!" Gilda said and charged at Rainbow.

They began to fight in the air. Rainbow used a storm cloud and shot lightning bolts from it. Gilda used her wings to release gusts of wind. Suddenly, Sombra shot a beam at the henchponies that were trapped in the crystal and they were free. The henchponies fell on the ground. Garble descended on the ground, grabbed a few henchponies and forced them to stand on their hooves.

"Come on, you. On your hooves and teach those ponies a lesson!" Garble said.

The henchponies were about to attack, but Twilight and Luna shot some magic blasts at them while Rarity shoots magic beams. At a sudden point, the Parasprites went straight for our heroes.

"Oh no. Parasprites!" Twilight shouted.

"Leave them to me." Pinkie said and quickly gathered all instruments she needed. She began to play them all and the Parasprites heard the music. The creatures enjoyed the music and followed Pinkie. The henchponies were just looking at her.

"Don't just stand there! Kill her!" King Sombra shouted.

"Don't get them near Pinkie! Protect her!" Twilight shouted as she cast a barrier around Pinkie.

The others kept fighting them. Rainbow and Gilda were still fighting in the air. They tried to overpower each other. Garble went straight for Rainbow.

"Now I got you, pony!" He said.

Rainbow saw him and quickly used all her power to throw Gilda at Garble. The two hit each other on impact and fell to the ground.

"Have fun down there!" Rainbow shouted.

"You will all be destroyed!" King Sombra shouted

The Mane Six, Spike and Luna prepared themselves and charged at the enemies.

During the fight, Celestia waited outside the castle. Dark clouds hang over Equestria which have been placed by the pegasi earlier this day. Thunder and lightning could be heard. Celestia closed her eyes for a moment and then opened them. To her surprise, Spectrus stood right in front of her. His cloak and hood were removed.

"I'm home,...mother." Spectrus said softly.

"This is no longer your home and I'm no longer your mother if you keep doing the things you're doing now." Celestia said while being serious.

"I understand. You have a new favorite. And where is this...Twilight Sparkle? Hm, hm, hm. Did I scare her off?" Spectrus chuckled.

"This fight is between you and me." Celestia said.

"Ah. So it shall be." He said while turning his back against her.

"So it MUST be." She said while preparing for combat.

Spectrus looked over his shoulder, then quickly jumped high into the air and tried to land on Celestia. She dodged his attack and the impact caused a huge crack in the ground. Spectrus summoned his scythe and used all his magic to hit the ground with it. A huge rock came out of the ground and Spectrus threw it right at Celestia. She shot a beam to split the rock in two, but then Spectrus came between the rock and hit Celestia in the face sending her inside the castle. She came back on her hooves and prepared herself.

"I've spent as long as I can remember in that rotten cell in Tartarus, because of your weakness!" Spectrus said angrily.

"Protecting your subjects is not weakness!" Celestia said.

"You knew it! You knew that I could be a good leader with the Elements of Harmony on my side. To make Equestria a better place. You ALWAYS knew." While Spectrus spoke, a flashback was shown with Spectrus, Celestia and Starswirl in the Castle of the Two Sisters. Celestia presented her son to Starswirl. Starswirl gave Celestia a look. Celestia was dismayed. "But when Starswirl said otherwise, what did you do? What did you do?!" Spectrus looked at Celestia who averted her eyes and the past dissolved into the present. "NOTHING!"

"You weren't meant to be the bearer of the Elements! THAT WAS NOT MY FAULT!" Celestia shouted.

"NOT YOUR FAULT?!" Spectrus said while pointing at Celestia. He began to throw several things at her including weapons of his own. She dodged them all. "WHO FILLED MY HEAD WITH DREAMS?! WHO DROVE ME TO TRAIN UNTIL MY BONES CRACKED?! WHO DENIED ME MY DESTINY?!"

At that last sentence, he began to use a M4 Commando gun and fired a few rounds. Celestia summoned a barrier and the bullets fell to the ground.

"It was never my decision to make!" Celestia shouted.

Spectrus growled furiously and tried to find something else to hit her with. But he then reached behind his back and used his scythe again.

"I think with that old geezer dead or disappeared, whatever happened to him, I think it is now." Spectrus said.

Celestia rushed forward and began to punch him and blast a few solar blasts. Spectrus dodged many of her attacks. Then he began to slice furiously with his scythe. Celestia jumped and dodged to make sure the blade doesn't hit her skin. Suddenly, she was grabbed by her hind legs and thrown to the floor. He placed the blade of the scythe against her neck to hold her down.

"Give. Me. THE ELEMENTS!" Spectrus said.

"I'd...rather die." Celestia said while she tries to breath and get the scythe from her neck with her magic.

"That can be quickly arranged." Spectrus said as he pushed the scythe as hard as he can to choke Celestia.

Just at the point when she loses all her breath she used her magic to crack the stick and the scythe broke in two. Spectrus losed his grip on the scythe. Celestia could breath again. But Spectrus quickly lunged at her and punched her very hard on the face and the belly. She never felt so much pain. So she cast a solar beam at his face that sent him falling to the floor. She spread her wings and flew into the air.

"Impressive! You've become smart to use your wings. A cowardly attempt if you ask me. I've got some upgrades of my own too!" Spectrus said and used a powerful jetpack with wings that was attached on his back.

He flew into the air and began to chase Celestia. She flew as fast as she could, but Spectrus seemed to be faster. She fired a magic beam now and then, but he knew how to dodge them and fired some magic of his own. It's like the battle of Celestia versus Nightmare Moon all over again. Celestia had no choice but to shoot a hole in the roof to escape. When the two of them went outside, the rain already began to fall. They became wet fast, but that doesn't stop them. They still shot beams at each others and suddenly they hit each other on impact. (The music pauses at that moment.)

(Music at 0:43)

In the meantime, Twilight and her friends were still fighting. King Sombra laughed very hard. Until he heard something in his ear, it's the communicator. Sombra listened closely. Everypony else listened to

"Everybody. Stop the attack and get to the Crystal Empire pronto. Go to the chamber with the Crystal Mirror. I'll be there ask quick as I can." Spectrus spoke through the communicator.

"What about the Crystal Heart? I can't get there if the Heart is still there." King Sombra asked.

"Don't worry. I stole it the minute you started the attack. There's no risk, I assure you." Spectrus said.

"Okay, we're going. Everypony to the Crystal Empire!" Sombra shouted.

Garble, Gilda, Sombra's minions and Spectrus' minions heard that and ran as fast as they could.

"Forgive me for being rude, but we need to go somewhere else. It's not polite to follow somepony." He turned to Twilight and her friends.

He summoned some dark crystals from the ground that surrounded them.

"You fool, you can't go inside the Crystal Empire as long a the Crystal Heart is there." Luna said angrily.

"Oh, I'm afraid that heart has lost it's magic for the moment. Remember, this is only the beginning." Sombra said and ran along with the others.

Luna shot a beam at the crystals.

"Come, we must follow them." Luna said.

"Hey, guys. What's that up there?" Pinkie said while pointing at the sky.

Everypony saw Celestia and Spectrus fight.

"It's the princess." Applejack said.

"And there's the jerk were looking for." Rainbow said.

"Come on, everypony. She needs our help." Twilight said.

"But I thought she said that we musn't help her?" Fluttershy said.

(Music at 2:37)They ran as quick as they could until they found somepony familiar. Discord was lying on the ground covered with bruises and scars and blood dripping from his nose.

"Discord!" Fluttershy shouted.

They quickly ran towards him.

Discord opened his eyes and began to cough. His eyes were blood red.

"Fluttershy?" He said.

"Oh, Discord. What have they done to you?" Fluttershy cried as she hugged Discord.

"Don't worry about me. Please, help Celestia...before it's too late." Discord said while crying. He closed his eyes.

"Discord? Discord!" Fluttershy cried.

"Is he...?" Rainbow asked.

Twilight listened to his heartbeat. They were in luck.

"He's okay. Just exhausted. We need to get to the princess." Twilight said while looking at Canterlot Castle.

(The battle music continues.)The thunder and the lightning became very loud. They began to hit and punch each other violantly. Both of them became covered with bruises, scars and blood. Grappling in mid-air, Celestia briefly gets the upper hand before Spectrus gets his hands around the princess' throat as they crash back through the roof in the Chamber of the Elements. They kicked apart. Celestia crashed into a column, falls to the floor and lands hard. Spectrus, bounced off the wall and landed on the ground. He charged his fists and magic surround them. He charged at Celestia with a battle cry. Celestia struggled to block his punches.

"What I all did in the past, I only did it to make you proud! Tell me how proud you are, Celestia! Tell me! TELL ME!" Spectrus shouted his lungs out.

With that said, he punched her really hard and sent her skidding across the floor and crashing against the door where the Elements are kept. The glow in Spectrus' hands disappeared. He breathed calmly and stalked forward. Celestia weakly lifted herself slightly. She was all covered in bruises and scars and cuts.

"I...have always been proud of you. From the first moment, I've been...proud of you." Celestia said weakly.

Spectrus stopped in his tracks when he heard that.

"And it was my pride...that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming. What I...was turning you into... I'm... I'm sorry." Celestia said while tears rolled down her eyes.

Spectrus hesitated. Celestia was waiting. After a long moment... Spectrus' expression goes cold. He grabbed Celestia by the throat. She let out a big gasp.

"I don't give a fuck about your apology. I want my Elements!" Spectrus said and lifted Celestia up to the ceiling.

He used his magic to open the door once again. The box was still inside. It levitated towards him and opened it. But in great shock, he dropped the box. There was nothing inside. The rest of the Elements were gone.

"What? WHERE ARE THEY?!" Spectrus shouted. He slammed Celestia to the floor with enough force to crack the stone.

Celestia struggled to stay alive.

"The Elements are safe with their bearers. They're far beyond your...reach." She began to cough. " You will never get them in your possession, Sunlight." Spectrus grabbed his dagger and used his other hand to strangle Celestia to death. "Never! N-never..."

Celestia began to pass out. Spectrus snarled at her, ready to strike her. Suddenly...

"HEY, YOU!" Somepony shouted.

Spectrus heard that. He putted his dagger away and snapped his fingers and he wears his cloak and hood again. When he wore his cover, he turned around and saw one unicorn, two pegasi, two Earth ponies, one unicorn/alicorn, an alicorn and a dragon at the door.

"Leave the princess alone!" Rainbow shouted.

"Well, well, well. What have we here? Are these your saviors, Celestia? Pathetic. I always knew you were weak." Spectrus said.

"Don't you dare speak about our sister with that tongue." Luna said while giving an angry look.

"Aunt Luna. That's been a long time ago. Or is it Nightmare Moon from what I've heard those past years?" Spectrus said with a grin.

"I am no longer your aunt if you keep acting this way. And I'm not Nightmare Moon anymore." Luna said.

"We'll see about that. What about you, Twilight? What's the plan, girls? Hug me to death?" Spectrus said while laughing at his own sick joke.

"That could be something." Pinkie said. The others raised an eyebrow when she said that. "What? He asked."

"Besides, don't you have any important business to do at the Crystal Empire?" Spectrus asked.

"Shining Armor and Cadence can handle it for the moment. First, we deal with you."Luna said.

"Are you sure? Because I don't think they would make it without the Crystal Heart." He said.

"What are you talking about? The Crystal Heart is in the Empire were it belongs." Twilight said.

"No, it isn't. I took the advantage to visit the Crystal Empire to transport something to my home and 'poof'." Spectrus said and showed them the Crystal Heart.

Everypony was shocked.

"The Crystal Heart." Twilight said with eyes in disbelief.

"What do you mean 'transport something to your home'?" Applejack asked.

"Oh dear, I think I said too much. Now if you'll excuse me I need to go." Spectrus said. He released Celestia from his grip and began to walk, but got stopped by them.

"You're not going anywhere. Not after what you did to Discord and the princess who is also your own mother." Twilight said.

"She is NOT MY MOTHER!" Spectrus shouted. "Now GET OUT OF MY WAY!"

"We won't." Twilight said.

"Then I'll do it like this." He snapped his fingers and teleported at the doors. Everypony turned around. "And those Elements. I will get them."

"No, you don't because I got one right here." Pinkie said while showing her Element. Everypony gasped. "You want it? Come and get it."

With that, Spectrus punched Pinkie in the face and sent her flying next to Celestia.

"Pinkie!" Rainbow shouted.

Spectrus quickly grabbed the Element.

"Well, I see that you're busy. Gotta fly!" Spectrus said while activating his jetpack and flying away in a flash.

"Come back, you freak!" Rainbow shouted and flew after him.

"Twilight, you go with Rainbow and try to catch Spectrus. We'll look after Celestia and Discord." Luna said.

Twilight nodded and summoned her wings to fly. She flew as fast as possible. While they were flying, Luna went to her sister who was lying unconscious on the floor.

"Oh, dear sister. How could he do this to you? What have we done to deserve this?" Luna said with tears in her eyes and hugging her sister. Everypony else became sad and worried too.