• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,698 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

Escape from the Devil/Highway Chase

While the ponies and the thugs fought against each other, there's still somepony else who needs to play a part in this. Sunset Shimmer was still all alone in her cell. Her eyes were red from crying and she still got that black eye from Aria. She suddenly heard noises from upstairs. Then the door opened and a thug came inside with a tray filled with bread and water.

"Here you go, Miss Sunset. Greetings from the boss." The thug said.

He opened the cage and placed the tray on the ground.

"Bon appetit." The thug said.

He was about to walk away.

"What's going on upstairs?" Sunset asked.

"Uh, intruders invaded our territory. The other guys are trying to knock the roof with them. Enjoy your lunch." the thug said.

The thug was about to leave again.

"Wait, please. Could you stay here? I'm so alone." Sunset said.

"Sorry, missy. But I have orders." The thug said.

"Please. Pretty please." Sunset said and gave him the adorable puppy eyes.

The thug was trying to look away from it, but couldn't resist.

"Well...A couple of minutes can't be bad." The thug said.

Sunset smiled at that. The thug sat down facing Sunset.

"Wanna share it?" Sunset asked when she looked at the food.

"Fine with me." The thug said.

"Thanks that you want to stay with me. I really appreciate it." Sunset said.

"It's alright." The thug said.

"Could you come a little closer?" Sunset said while batting her eyelashes.

The thug came closer with a smile.

"A little more." Sunset said.

The thug came close to her face and suddenly he got hit in the face by her fist. The punch was so hard that he immediately fell to the ground. This was her chance to escape. She grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked her chains. Then she locked the cage and left him inside. She went to the door, but she knew there were thugs guarding the other side. So she has to think of a little plan. Then it came to her.

"HELP! PLEASE, HELP ME!" Sunset yelled and she quickly stood against the wall.

The door opened and it went against Sunset. The two thugs guarding the dungeon saw the thug in the cell.

"My God! What happened to you? Where is the prisoner?!" One of the thugs said.

Sunset came from behind the door and quickly ran out of the room. The thugs heard that and turned around.

"HEY, YOU! COME BACK!" One of the thugs said.

Sunset quickly closed the door and locked it with the keys.


Sunset quickly ran away from the door.

During that time, The ponies were still fighting. Rainbow kicked a few asses while the others were busy. Then she brought a storm cloud out of nowhere and kicked it. Lightning struck from the cloud and hit as many enemies as possible. Applejack was still stunned by the taser.

"Twilight, I don't know if I'm gonna take it much longer!" Rarity said.

"Me neither. Applejack got hit by one of those thugs and now she's stunned." Twilight said.

Many thugs were trying to get to Twilight, but she blast them away with her magic. A few other thugs were after Pinkie. One of them caught her and threw her against a table. She saw a gun that was stuck on the table with ducktape. She grabbed it an aimed it at the thugs.

"Stand back, you meanies!" Pinkie said.

"SHE'S GOT A GUN!" A thug pointed at her while the others were shivering.

Pinkie kept aiming menacingly at them.

"You idiots! WE ALL GOT GUNS!" Another thug said while taking his gun from his back.

The others did the same.

Pinkie smiled nervously and placed the gun carefully on the ground before running away in a flash. Fluttershy summoned a few birds to attack the thugs. Suddenly, the Sirens appeared. Adagio began to sing and send a powerful sound wave at Spike. Spike flew against the wall.

"Spike!" Twilight shouted.

"There's too many of them!" Spike shouted.

The thugs kept coming.

"Now we gotcha!" Spectrus said.

A thug grabbed a container with gas inside. He held it above his head and threw it at the ponies. Twilight saw that and shot a magic blast at it. When the blast made contact with the container, it blew up and a large cloud of white smoke was spread over the entire room. Nobody and nopony couldn't see a thing. So they just shot and punched in different directions.

"You think that will save you. I'll get you!" Spectrus said.

"Not if I get you first!" Rainbow said.

No one knew that Sunset Shimmer came out of the dungeon, she also couldn't see anything in the smoke. She walked through the smoke and try to avoid being seen. She even had to crawl sometimes. A few thugs went unconscious on the ground, some of the Mane Six also gained some painful punches. Sunset kept walking until she found the entrance. But a thug saw her and went straight after her.

"HEY, YOU!" The thug said.

Sunset saw him and ran out of the bar. Another thug began to shoot one bullet from his shotgun when he hit a chair and fell to the ground. But Spectrus came past the entrance and the bullet almost hit him. He was aware of that.

"HEY! Watch where you shoot!" He said.

Before all that, Nathan was still listening to some music.

"The seaweed is always greener in somebody else his lake. You dream abou..." Nathan sang but he suddenly looked at the bar and stopped the music.

He saw smoke coming out of it.

"What's that? Smoke? I hope it isn't a fire." He said. Then a voice began to speak in his head. "Of course not, dummy. If it was a fire, it would have been black smoke."

Suddenly he saw a girl with red and yellow hair coming out of the bar and hotel. She looked around and went to one of the motorbikes.

"Could that be...?" Nathan thought.

Suddenly a thug jumped out of the window. The glass shattered on the ground. He aimed his shotgun at her. Nathan became shocked.

"HOLD STILL!" The thug shouted.

He fired the gun next to her on the ground. She screamed from the shot. She suddenly saw a shotgun on one of the bikes and grabbed it. She aimed the gun at the thug and fired. It send the thug flying and he was probably dead. The girl was shocked because she used a gun and killed someone. She threw it away and stepped on a motorbike. Someone stupidly left the keys on it which gave her an advantage. She placed a motor helmet on her head and turned the key to start the engine. Suddenly, Pinkie came out of the bar and hotel and saw the girl on the bike. The bike came in movement and drove away from this horrible place. Pinkie looked at the girl and the bike. She looked around and saw something that caught her eye. She began to think and a smile came on her face. She quickly went to the thing.

"What is she...?" Nathan asked himself.

Suddenly, the other ponies and dragon came out of the bar and hotel. Rarity and Fluttershy were carrying Applejack. The smoke still wasn't gone. The ponies ran towards Nathan.

"Nathan!" Twilight called to him.

Nathan brought his attention to her.

"Twilight?" Nathan asked.

"NATHAN! Start the car!" Twilight shouted.

Suddenly, something big came out of the bar and hotel. The wood cracked. A large horse-like creature with horns and a ring around his nose. It went after the ponies.

"Holy mother of God." Nathan said to himself.

"Start the car, Nathan!" Twilight shouted.

In a quick way, he turned the key to start the engine. The creature was still after the ponies. Suddenly it grabbed Twilight with his magic. Rainbow saw it.

"LEAVE HER ALONE, TIREK!" Rainbow said and flew towards Tirek.

But Tirek smacked her with his hand and she landed on the ground. Fluttershy saw that too.

"How dare you?" She said.

She summoned a few birds and they attacked Tirek on the head. Tirek tried to smack them away. Fluttershy whistled and pointed at Tirek and the dogs Joy and Lucky attacked Tirek at the feet.

"GET OFF ME, FILTHY BEASTS!" Tirek shouted.

Twilight saw this as a chance to escape. She fired a magic laser to Tirek's head. Tirek loses his hold on Twilight and yelled in pain. Twilight, the other ponies, Spike and the two dogs went to the car.

"Come on! Step in! Step in!" Nathan said.

Tirek heard that and looked at the situation. The ponies quickly jumped in the car and closed the doors. A tiny ball appeared between Tirek's horns.

"Drive, drive, drive!" Rainbow shouted.

Nathan stepped on the clutch and the gas pedal and they drove away. Tirek quickly shot a magic beam from his horns, but it missed them. The car drove away with great speed. Suddenly, Spectrus and the other villains came out of the bar and hotel. Spectrus looked at the destroyed opening.

"I'll fix that later. Give me the binocular." Spectrus said.

A thug quickly gave him the binocular. Spectrus grabbed it and used it to find the ponies. He found them, but in a way he didn't expect.

"A minivan?" Spectrus asked with wide eyes.

He quickly went to one of his thugs and looked angry at him. He grabbed him by his shirt and shook him like crazy.

"THEY'RE DRIVING A FREAKING MINIVAN!" Spectrus said while doing it and then he pushed him to the ground.

Suddenly, the three thugs who were responsible for the dungeon came out of the bar and hotel and went to Spectrus.

"Boss, Sunset Shimmer has escaped, sir!" One of the thugs said.

Spectrus' eyes went wide.

"Well, don't just stand there. Go after her and those ponies! But don't kill her yet. I want her heart pumping. For now." Spectrus shouted.

"What about the ponies?" One of the thugs asked.

"Bring them to me alive and unspoiled. I will decide their fate." Spectrus said.

The thugs understood it and went to their bikes. Spectrus brought his attention to King Sombra.

"Sombra. Take Garble, Gilda, Wind Rider, Flim, Flam and a few Changelings with you and go after those ponies. I'm going too." He said.

"Understood." Sombra said.

Spectrus looked at the bikes and saw one of them was missing.

"Snipes! Where's my bike?" Spectrus asked.

"I don't know. It was normally right here." The thug named Snipes said.

"Well, find it, you idiot. I need it! It couldn't have drove all by itself?" Spectrus said.

Suddenly, they heard a bike starting it's engine.

"What was that?" Spectrus asked.

"I don't know. None of us started our bikes." said one of the thugs.

And all of a sudden, The gates of a wooden barn went open and Spectrus' motorbike with something pink on it drove out of it. It rode on a large ramp and it flew in the air. In a moment of slow motion, they can all see that a certain pink pony was riding Spectrus' bike. Spectrus' mouth went wide and his eyes too. The slow motion began to stop when Pinkie landed on the ground and rode on the road.

"Hang on, guys! I'm coming!" Pinkie said while going after her friends.

Spectrus stood there with wide eyes and a mouth almost hanging to the ground. The thugs watched him.

"Okay, guys! Let's start those bikes and go after them!" One of the thugs said and quickly whispered something in a thug's ear. "Quickly before he explodes." Then he spoke to various thugs. "Come on. You guys, to the car! You, drive!" A thug said.

The thugs and villains were preparing themselves. Spectrus' open mouth began to change into a smile.

"Sonata!" He called with a singing like voice.

Sonata heard him and came as quick as she could.

"Yes, Specie?" Sonata asked while standing cute.

"Sonata, dear. Did you know there was a pony riding my bike? Did ya?" Spectrus asked with a smile.

Sonata was nodding but suddenly thought twice and quickly shook her head.

"Did ya?" Spectrus asked with an angry look. "Well, there was A PINK PONY RIDING MY BIKE!"

Spectrus yelled in Sonata's face and Sonata fell to the ground by his sudden outburst. Then Spectrus grabbed her by her clothing.

"Quit your playing and tell Adagio and Aria to help the rest go after them, you singing seahorse!" Spectrus said and released Sonata.

Sonata quickly went to look for her friends or sisters. All of a sudden, the two wolves returned with the stick in their mouths.

"And where have you two been?" Spectrus asked.

He suddenly saw the stick in their mouths and grabbed it.

"So that's how they came in." Spectrus said and cracked the stick in two pieces. "No treat for both of you. Let that be a lesson to you."

The wolves looked sadly at the ground. Spectrus then turned his attention to the thug who almost hit him.

"And you. Learn to use it! A man is not a man... unless it knows how to shoot." Spectrus said and walked away from him.

Nathan, the dragon and the ponies were driving on the road. Nathan's eyes went wide with what he just saw.

"What the fuck was that?!" Nathan said.

"We'll explain later. We need to get back to town ASAP." Twilight said.

Nathan was looking at Applejack through the rear view mirror. Her tongue was out of her mouth while she was stunned.

"What happened to Applejack?" Nathan asked.

"She got hit by a strange device that one of those thugs were using and now she's stunned." Twilight said.

"A taser." Nathan said.

"A what?" Twilight asked.

"She'll be fine in a couple of minutes. I saw a girl with fire-like hair coming out of the bar and hotel before you came out." Nathan said.

"That's Sunset. So she was there." Twilight said.

"That was her? We need to go after her. She's driving a bike."

But Nathan counted the ponies and realized somepony was missing.

"Say, where is Pinkie?" Nathan asked.

The Mane Six realized it too and gasped in horror.

"Oh no, we forgot Pinkie." Rarity said.

But suddenly, a bike was driving next to the car and guess who was driving it .

"Hey, guys." said Pinkie.

Nathan, Spike and the ponies looked at the left and their eyes went wide.

"Come on, Sunset is on her way to the highway. Let's go after her!" Pinkie said and drove a little faster passing the minivan.

"You just saw that, right?" Nathan said to the ponies.

"Eeyup." Everypony said.

Suddenly, something bumped against the car.

"What was that?" Nathan asked.

Rarity looked behind her outside and saw what happened.

"Does that answer your question?" She asked.

Nathan looked in the mirror on the car door and saw that a thug on a motorbike was bumping against the car. And that's not all, more of them came, even a few cars.

"Shit." Nathan said and pushed more on the gas pedal.

The thugs kept coming and bumped more against the car. They kept doing that until Nathan became frustrated. He stuck his head out of the car and brought his attention to the thugs.


"Nathan, look out!" Twilight shouted.

He turned his head to the road and came straight to an advertisement. He quickly turned the wheel and avoided the obstacle. Nathan lost a bit of control of the car and it turned around in circles making a cloud of dust. The ponies screamed while it happened.

"WAAAAAAAAH!" The ponies screamed.

When he gained control again he quickly drove behind a cottage. The cloud of dust disappeared and the thugs couldn't find them.

"Where are they?" A thug asked.

"They must have drove faster. Come on, we have to catch Sunset Shimmer as soon as possible." Another thug said.

The thugs kept driving. Meanwhile Nathan's car stood still.

"We lost them." Nathan said.

"They're going straight after Sunset." Twilight said.

"And Pinkie." Rainbow said.

"Oh no! Who knows what they will do to them." Fluttershy said.

Nathan was thinking fast.

"Rainbow. Give me that suitcase. It's in the trunk." Nathan said.

"Right on." Rainbow said.

Rainbow grabbed the suitcase from the trunk and gave it to Nathan. Nathan opened it. There was a machine gun inside. While he prepared it, the ponies began to worry about Sunset.

"Oh no. They're going to grab her." Rarity said.

"She's in trouble, Twilight." Spike said.

"Hold this." Nathan said while giving the gun to Twilight.

Twilight saw the gun and jumped in fright.

"AH!" Twilight screamed.

"Just hold it! And don't touch the trigger!" Nathan said.

"What are you going to do?" Twilight asked.

"Hold on to your seats, girls. This is going to be a bumpy ride." Nathan said.

Rainbow had a sudden thought of what he's planning to do.

"I'll fly outside. Maybe I can stop some of those jerks." Rainbow said.

Nathan started the engine and pushed a few times on the gas pedal.

"I don't have a good feeling about this." Fluttershy said while she hold tight on her seat belt.

As finishing touch, Nathan placed sunglasses on his eyes. He pushed the gas pedal and the car went very fast. Fluttershy screamed a little.

"Step on it, Nathan!" Rainbow said.

Meanwhile, Sunset was riding the motorbike very fast. She was determined to get to her Earth home and friends. She looked in her mirror and suddenly saw thugs on motorbikes and cars coming straight towards her. Her eyes went wide.

"Shit." Sunset said and putted some more pedal to the metal.

She drove on the highway where many cars were riding. The thugs still came after her. Nathan's car also arrived on the highway. In the heat of the sun, the thugs were determined to catch Sunset. One of the thugs on the bikes prepared his gun and aimed it at Sunset.

"Kill the fucker." The thug said and shot a few rounds at Sunset.

The bullets hit the bike she was riding on. She tried to dodge the bullets. The thug fired a few more. She kept doing the same thing.

"Shit!" Sunset shouted.

Meanwhile, Nathan was busy trying to follow the thugs and Sunset. Many of the cars' horns they've passed could be heard.

"There she is. Move! MOVE!" Nathan said to the passing cars.

Spike looked at the back side of the car through the window and saw more thugs and villains were coming straight at them.

"Twilight?" Spike said worriedly.

Twilight looked and saw exactly what he tried to say.

"Please don't lose her, Nathan." Twilight said with pleading eyes.

"This is what I do." Nathan said.

Nathan's car kept driving dodging the other cars. One of the thugs on the bikes in front of them looked in his mirror and saw the car with the human and the ponies coming. He looked again by turning his head and aimed his machine gun at them. He fired a few rounds. The bullets hit a bit of Nathan's car, but they destroyed one of his headlights.

"Shit! Shit! Fuck! I'm gonna kill that motherfucker! Definitely going to shoot him. He's going to pay for that. It just... Oh, man, my headlight." Nathan said angry.

Some of the thugs who were in front of them and behind them began to shoot a few rounds. Nathan opened the window next to Twilight.

"Twilight! Shoot back! Shoot back! Shoot! SHOOT! Use that magic of yours!" Nathan said.

Twilight stuck her head out of the window and fired a barrage of magic lasers at both sides were the thugs were attacking. She hit a few but missed a lot.

"Starlight was right. I really need to work more on my aim." Twilight said to herself and kept firing.

She fired a few more rounds until she brought her head back inside the car but she accidentally fired a few magic lasers on the dashboard. It began to smoke because of that. Twilight's mouth went wide when she saw what she did. Nathan began to speak in a funny squeaky voice.

"Hey, man! What?! WHAT THE..! WHA...! What are you doing, man?!" Nathan said to Twilight.

"That was my bad." Twilight said with a sheepish look.

"SHOOT OUTSIDE! Pay attention at what you're doing!" Nathan said.

No one actually knows that a helicopter was flying above the highway and with a camera they saw everything what happened down there.

The images were shown in a police station. Lots of police officers saw the images.

"And here on the highway, we see what looks like a chase. There are lots of men and women on motorbikes and cars heavily armed. One group chasing a girl on a motorbike and another group chasing a minivan. There's seem to be a boy in it and...colorful ponies? I don't know what you're thinking, George, but I've never seen anything like this in my entire life." The reporter said.

Chief Ryan also looked at the TV and recognized the boy who was inside minivan and the ponies too. He also saw strange creatures chasing them.

"What the hell is all this?" A police officer asked.

"All units prepare your cars and weapons. We're going on the highway!" Chief Ryan said.

As quick as bullets, the police cars went as quick as they can to the highway. After a couple of minutes they arrived. Nathan saw them.

"Look, police." Nathan said.

"They must be from Chief Ryan." Twilight said.

The thugs saw the police cars too.

"Shit, cops! What do we do?!" A thug asked.

One of the thugs looked at a large truck with lots of cars on the back. The thug smiled.

"We improvise." The thug said and rode towards it.

During that time, one police car came close to Nathan's car. The window went open and it revealed the chief.

"Nathan?" The chief asked.

"Hi, Chief Ryan. Not exactly the best moment to say 'hello'." Nathan said.

"Nathan, what's going on?" The chief asked.

"It's a long story. Those bad guys are trying to catch us and most of all, they're trying to catch Sunset Shimmer on that bike." Nathan said.

"Not in my world." Chief Ryan said.

Suddenly, a thug on a bike came close between Nathan's car and the police car.

"Hey, you! Stop in the name of the law!" The officer in the car shouted while showing his badge.

"YOUR BADGE?! HE HAS A GUN! SHOOT HIM!" Nathan shouted.

Chief Ryan nodded and pulled his gun out. He shot a few rounds at the thug and the thug fell from his bike.

"That's going to leave a mark." Rainbow said while flying close to Nathan.

"I guess more than a mark." Nathan said.

Meanwhile, The thugs on the front approached the truck. Some of them quickly jumped from their bikes and cars and landed on the truck. Even some Changelings and teenage dragons landed on it. Garble opened the door of the driver. The driver got scared when he saw him.

"Out of the car, moron!" Garble said and threw the driver out.

Rainbow saw what happened and quickly flew towards the driver before he landed on the ground. He caught him in time and placed him inside a police car.

"You can thank me later." Rainbow said while flying back to her friends.

The driver was catching his breath. The two police officers were looking at each other with raised eyebrows.

Meanwhile, Garble was behind the wheel of the truck.

"Alright, let's see what I can do what Spectrus taught me." Garble said and grabbed the wheel.

He pushed the gas pedal and the truck kept driving. Many thugs were hiding behind the cars on the truck to take cover and began to shoot at the police cars. Some of the police officers where shooting back. Also the dragons fired fireballs at the police while the Changelings used their magic. While they attacked, A teenage dragon and a human thug where shooting and breathing fire at the chains that hold the cars. When the chains broke, a car began to fall from the truck, rolled towards two police cars and became destroyed. They also fired at some other cars. Some of the cars got hit and bumped against other cars, destroying each other. Nathan saw what happened.

"Man, those dudes are off the chain, aren't they?" Nathan said.

The thugs and teenage dragons kept throwing more cars from the truck. They hit other cars and became destroyed. Suddenly, another car was thrown but it had a chain on the front. The hook became attached to the truck and hit many cars. And as a result, destroying them. It becomes rougher and rougher even for the police.

"JESUS! FUCK!" Chief Ryan shouted.

The car on the chain destroyed more cars. Nathan had to dodge the cars whether they were rolling, circling or destroyed. And they kept coming. The car on the chain hit a car at the front. The car on the chain flew in the air and landed on the ground upside down while still being dragged. It created some fiery sparks while scratching on the ground. Rainbow flew next to Nathan's window.

"This is some sick SHIT!" Rainbow said.

"Yup, and it's about to get sicker." Nathan said.

Nathan kept dodging. The ponies became uncomfortable and shocked. Rarity screamed for her life.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Rarity screamed.

Suddenly in Nathan's car, Applejack awoke.

"Uh. Where am I?" Applejack asked.

"Applejack's not stunned anymore." Rarity gasped.

"Uh, Applejack. This might not be the right moment to wake up." Twilight said.

"What are you..." Applejack said, but before she could finish her sentence, she looked in front of the car and saw through the window lots of cars being thrown and destroyed. "What in tarnation!"

The thugs shot at the upside down car and it blew up. Rainbow saw it.

"Watch out! Watch out!" Rainbow shouted.

Nathan was prepared to dodge the blown up car. Applejack's head appeared out of the window, holding her hat with her hoof and watching the flaming car while they passed it. She went back in the car and became shocked.

"Whoa!" Applejack said.

Spike gasped.

"Oh, they're not about to do that." Nathan said.

"Oh, yes, they AAAAAAAAAAAAAARE!" Spike screamed.

On the truck, a Changeling pulled a lever and another car fell from the truck. Nathan saw it coming and dodged it quickly. When they dodged it, the car rolled. Two cars had to stop quickly but they were too late. Tirek who ran fast destroyed the car and the other cars with his magic beam. Twilight saw the whole thing.

"Did you see that?!" Twilight asked Nathan.


More cars came towards them and Nathan quickly dodged them in a zigzag motion. He dodged them very fast, it makes the ponies and Spike move from right to left.

"Could you please slow down and not zigzag so much? I don't feel so well." Spike said.

"Nathan, we're just trying to help!" Twilight said.

"You know what would be helpful at this moment, Twilight? Just shut the fuck up and let me drive! Let's try that." Nathan said while focusing on the road.

With the thugs who were behind Nathan and the ponies, a thug on a bike came in front and aimed a rocket launcher at them. He fired all his missiles. Fluttershy saw it happen.

"Look out! Behind us!" She said as loud as she can. She covered her face with her hooves after that.

Nathan is doing his best to dodge the missiles. The missiles hit other other cars and destroyed them. The cat began to meow and the dogs barked a little. The ponies and the dragon were screaming like their lives depended on it. Nathan closed his eyes and gritted his teeth by the sound of the screams.

"COME ON! WITH THE SCREAMING SHIT! Trying to concentrate on dodging these motherfuckers!" Nathan said.

He dodged the missiles and cars once again in zigzag motion very quickly causing the ponies to move from left to right again. Another car fell from the truck and rolled straight towards them. The ponies gasped at the sight.

"Just...Just relax." Nathan said.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Applejack screamed.

She stuck her head out of the car again and just at that moment she saw the rolling car flying over them. She screamed while the car almost hit her head.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Applejack screamed.

She brought her head back inside the car while shaking and shivering.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" Nathan yelled. It's like he enjoyed it.

"THAT JUST....!" Applejack shouted.

"That was a flip! That one puckered up my butthole!" Nathan said while smiling.

"It almost crushed my head." Applejack said while hyperventilating.

The thugs and villains kept attacking. Nathan also began to fire a few rounds from his gun. Suddenly, Pinkie appeared next to him.

"Where have you been?!" Nathan asked.

"Trying to reach Sunset Shimmer, but those rolling cars kept blocking me. I had to dodge as many as possible." Pinkie said.

Pinkie then looked behind her and saw the other thugs and villains approaching. Flim and Flam were driving their large crane vehicule with some added things from the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000. They used the crane to grab a car and throw it out of the way.

"Looks like you have a problem. Don't worry, Pinkie is here to help you. I'll distract them and you try to reach Sunset." Pinkie said and drove away.

"Wait, Pinkie!" Nathan called.

"Don't worry about me! I'll be fine!" Pinkie said.

She went to the thugs who were following Nathan and the ponies from behind.

"Hey, you guys!" Pinkie called.

The thugs and villains brought their attention to Pinkie.

"You want me? Try to catch me!" Pinkie said while driving away.

Many of the thugs quickly chased her.

"You go after the pink pony. We'll deal with the others." Tirek said.

Pinkie drove away from the highway with the thugs still pursuing her. She saw a canyon in front of her and had an idea. She drove straight towards it. She rode on a road that was in the canyon. The thugs took different directions to try to catch her. Pinkie kept driving while a thug was coming closer to her. She saw a small opening in the canyon and a stick on the ground. She quickly grabbed the stick and laid her back on the bike while facing the thug. She puts the stick horizontal in front of her. When she reached the opening, she placed and released the stick in the opening. While the thug came closer, it hit his head against the stick and fell from his bike. The bike fell on the ground and bumped against a rock.

"Yes. One down. Uh oh, my knee is pinchy." Pinkie said.

And once again her Pinkie sense didn't fail her, for two thugs appeared somewhere from the canyon and began to chase her. It actually was odd that Pinkie was not facing the road while the bike rode on itself, but that didn't stop them from trying to catch her. One of the thugs prepared some grenades and throws them at Pinkie. She dodged them even if she wasn't facing the road. She turned her head and saw a rock that almost looks like a bridge. She jumped, twirling around like a ballerina and slid on it. She quickly landed back on the bike facing the road. The thug with the grenades threw a barrage of grenades that exploded everything in it's path. Pinkie kept facing the road. One thug accidentally hit a rock of the canyon and fell to the ground. The other kept driving. But it didn't take long, because the bike was riding on a tiny hole in the ground that made the bike jump a bit. It also made the thug jump and land with his leg on the seat. The thug had to grab hold of the seat to make sure he doesn't fall. Pinkie saw another small opening. But that one is too small. But she began to stand on the seat of the bike and when she approached the opening, she balanced herself while she easily passed through. The thug however will have bad luck. Because in the position he is know it looks bad. He approached the opening.

"WAH!" He screamed.

While Pinkie easily passed through, the thug bumped against the canyon and his motorbike was passing through all by itself. Pinkie was once again in luck. But she didn't notice another thug appeared and chased her. And to make matters worse, there wasn't a road in front of her. She quickly stopped the bike. She almost fell into a deep ravine. However she saw another road to her left, it was dangerous to drive on it. But she doesn't let that scare her. She drove on it. Suddenly, the thug who pursued her appeared right next to her. Pinkie looked at him and suddenly he pushed her from the bike. She almost fell in the ravine, but she grabbed the bike and had to step on some rocks on the edge to balance herself. The rocks she stepped on began to break one by one. The bike almost began to lose balance, but Pinkie stepped on a rock so strong that she jumped in the air and kicked the thug in his face. The thug and the bike fell and Pinkie had control of the bike again. She kept driving as fast as she can.

But suddenly, she had to stop again. For another ravine was in front of her. It almost looked like she was trapped. Suddenly, three teenage dragons approached and began to shoot fireballs at her. She quickly dodged them. She saw a way up there, but it was too high to reach. Suddenly, she had an idea. She brought her party cannon out of nowhere, aimed it at the ground and shot in the air. She reached it. Now she can drive further. After minutes of riding, she found a way out of the canyon. She escaped the canyon, but the dragons still pursued her. She saw a town right in front of her and quickly drove towards it. She also had another idea. She aimed her party cannon while driving and fired at the dragons.The powerful blasts of confetti were strong enough to take them down. But she wasn't watching the road. She suddenly drove through a fence and bumped against a small hedge. The impact made her fly through the sky and began to fall.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH!" Pinkie screamed.

A birthday party was being held in a garden. Lots of people were surrounding a little boy with a party crown.

"Happy birthday to you!" They sang the final sentence of the song.

"Alright, boy. Make a wish." said the father.

The boy closed his eyes and went open again. Then he blew the candles away from a big cake. The people clapped their hands. But suddenly, something pink fell from the sky and landed on the cake. The cake splattered and the people are covered with it. They're eyes went wide when they saw the pink pony. The pink pony stood up on the table. She looked around and smiled sheepishly.

"Haha. Sorry to drop in like this. I really am." Pinkie said.

Suddenly, she saw a banner with 'Happy Birthday' on it and the name of the kid.

"Ooh, it's your birthday. Well, happy birthday, Jonas." Pinkie said.

She looked beneath her and saw what she accidentally did.

"Oh my. I'm really sorry about the cake. Hey, I'll bake one just for you. I'll even give you the best birthday party ever. But that will have to wait. I need to help my friends first." Pinkie said and grabbed the bike.

She sat on it and drove away.

'Have a nice day!" Pinkie said.

While she was gone, the people were just staring. A bit of cake fell from the boy's face and fell to the ground.

"Cool." the boy said.

Meanwhile, Nathan and the ponies were still dodging the cars and attacks from the thugs. Many of the police cars were destroyed. There are only three left including the one where Chief Ryan is inside.

"We can't win this. Retreat! Retreat!" Chief Ryan said.

Chief Ryan's car and one other car are trying to get out of this, but one police car still was trying to get to the truck. Sunset also dodged as best as she can. Meanwhile in Nathan's car, Spike had a little idea. He moved over the ponies and goes to the window.

"Spike, what are you doing?" Rarity asked.

"Slow them down." Spike said.

"No, Spike. Don't." Twilight said.

"Trust me on this." Spike said.

He climbed out of the window and grabbed the roof. He climbed on it and stood on the roof of the car. He fired a series of fireballs at the thugs and villains. Some of the thugs got hit. The Dazzlings arrived too in their siren forms. One of them took notice of the little dragon.

"I'll fix him." Aria said.

She flew straight towards the car and bumped against it with all her might. The impact causes Spike to fall on her. Aria felt that and she tried to shake him off. Spike hold on as tight as he can. Aria flew high in the air still trying to shake him off. Rainbow Dash took down some thugs who were chasing Sunset. She defeated a few. One of the thugs noticed what she's doing.

"Look to the sky!" The thug said.

The other thugs watched too and shot at her. She saw the bullets and dodged them as quick as she could. Suddenly, she saw Spike on a siren who's struggling not to fall. Rainbow flew straight towards the siren.

"Get off me, you rat!" Aria said.

Suddenly, she got hit in her stomach by Rainbow. Rainbow quickly grabbed Spike and flew away. Aria went straight after them. She shot a series of sound waves at them. Rainbow dodged them. But suddenly, Aria flew fast towards her and bumped against her. The impact caused Rainbow to drop Spike.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" Spike screamed while falling.

"SPIKE!" Rainbow shouted.

She flew straight towards him to try to grab him, but she got hit by Aria once again. Spike kept falling. Nathan and the other ponies took notice of that.

"SPIKE!" Nathan shouted.

"NO!" Twilight said.

"SPIKEY-WIKEY!" Rarity shouted while trying not to look.

And to make things more dangerous, Gilda and Wind Rider flew straight towards him to try to grab him. In a moment of slow motion, they almost got him. But suddenly, Pinkie arrived on Spectrus' bike and grabbed Spike causing Gilda and Wind Rider to bump against each other again. The moment of slow motion stopped. Pinkie landed on the road and kept driving with Spike on the bike too.

"Pinkie, you saved me!" Spike said.

"Sure I did. I wouldn't let my best friend fall on the ground, would I?" Pinkie said.

They kept driving. Nathan and the ponies saw that.

"She got him." Nathan said.

"Phew." Twilight said with a sigh of relief.

"Way to go, Pinkie!" Rainbow said while fighting against Aria.

Some of the thugs came close to Nathan's car and used their front wheels to attack the car.

"STOP DAMAGING MY CAR!" Nathan shouted.

But they didn't listen. Suddenly, Nathan gave an angry look.

"I think I've just gone mad. Twilight, give me the gun." Nathan said.

Twilight gave him the gun.

"Now listen carefully, this might sound new and crazy to you, but I need your help with the car. You see the pedals. You put your hoof on that one and the other on that one. It gives you speed. This one is the brake. Keep your eyes focused on the road and use the wheel to change directions." Nathan said while explaining and pointing.

"What?! Me driving this thing?!" Twilight said.

"You must." Nathan said.

"I don't know if I..." Twilight said.

"I believe you can do it. Trust me. Now, I'm going to take each foot away from the pedals and you quickly put your hooves on it and grab the wheel. Okay?" Nathan asked.

"O-okay." Twilight said.

Nathan pulled each foot away from the pedals while Twilight placed her hooves on them. Nathan went through the window and grabbed the roof. Twilight grabbed the wheel and focused on the road.

"Nathan, this is insane!" Twilight said.

"I know." Nathan said and climbed up the roof.

He stood straight and pointed his gun to the thugs.

"Eat lead, vandalists!" Nathan said while firing a few rounds.

He got some of them. Twilight did her best to drive the car. She came close to the car and quickly turned the wheel.

"Okay. Turn. Turn. Turn! Left!" Twilight said and accidentally hit the car a bit. Nathan felt that a bit.

"Be careful with my car!" Nathan said.

Suddenly, one of the two Dazzlings took notice of him. She flew straight towards him.Nathan saw her and aimed his gun at her.

"Stand back, you fiend!" Nathan said.

"I think you are the one who needs to stand back." The orange siren said.

Nathan was surprised that it could talk, even more when it changed into a beautiful girl with big hair. Adagio Dazzle.

"Brother. Are you a sister?" Nathan asked.

"Of course, I am. Can't you see it and hear my voice? Who are you?" Adagio said.

"That doesn't concern you, whatever you are." Nathan said.

"Getting difficult, are we? I like that." Adagio said with a smile.

She prepared her pendant.

"One last wish before you fall under my spell?" Adagio said.

Nathan turned his head a bit and saw something that gives him an idea.

"Um, yes. Yes, I do. Could you hit a sign and fly away?" Nathan asked with a smile.

"What?" Adagio asked with a raised eyebrow.

Suddenly without noticing, she bumped against a sign on the road and got send flying.

"Ow, that's gonna hurt." Nathan said.

Adagio still flew away and suddenly hit a car. The impact broke the glass and made the car lose control. The car bumped against a pole. Adagio was lucky she's still alive. She had a dazed look on her face. Nathan was surprised she survived that. In the meantime, Pinkie and Spike were still driving together until three bikers drove straight towards them. They were about to bump.

"Prepare yourself, Spike! This is going to be painful!" Pinkie said.

The bikers came close to Pinkie and Spike. And all of a sudden, they bumped hard against each other. In a moment of slow motion, you can see the bikes being broken and pieces coming loose. Pinkie and Spike flew from the bike. Suddenly, the time stopped for a moment as Pinkie looked into the camera.

"Oooooooooh. Did I forgot to get that cake for Princess Celestia’s birthday out of the oven?" She said.

After that, time moved on again. Pinkie and Spike flew into the air and the bikes rolled along with they're drivers. At a sudden moment, one of the drivers flew out of the rolling bikes and smashed against a large sign. Blood and meat splattered everywhere. Pinkie and Spike were disgusted by that.

"That's not nice." Pinkie said.

Suddenly, they began to fall. Nathan saw them falling straight to him and opened his arms to catch them.

"I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha." Nathan said.

Nathan got them, but then they fell together to the ground. Nathan's noses touched the ground but he didn't fell further. He, Pinkie and Spike were surrounded by a purple aura. It was Twilight. She caught them in time. She opened the door and brought them inside the car. The three landed on the other ponies. The truck still followed Sunset. They came passed a car with a boat attached on the end. The truck bumped against the car and made it scratch against side. Suddenly, the boat got loose and hit a car from behind. The boat went quickly in circles. Rarity saw that.

"A BOAT!" She yelled.

The boat came closer to them.

"Twilight! Use the brakes!" Nathan shouted.

Twilight quickly hit the brake pedal and the car screeched until it stopped. The boat exploded. Luckily, they didn't hit it. Twilight drove further and they came closer and closer towards the truck. She stuck her head out of the window and fired a few magic blasts at the truck. The truck got hit and it fell to the ground.

"OH NOOOOOOOO!" Garble screamed.

"Good one, Twilight!" Spike said.

He looked outside the window on the back and saw the other thugs and villains weren't chasing them anymore. Rainbow escaped Aria and followed the rest.

"They give up! We did it!" Spike said.

"Woohoo! Let's do that again!" Pinkie said while laying on Nathan.

"OH, NO, WE DON'T!" Nathan said while he rose up.

He sits in front next to Twilight. he looked at her and saw that she got a bit the hang in this.

"You're doing good, Twilight. I'm proud of you." Nathan said.

Twilight smiled by that. They suddenly approached Sunset.

"There she is." Twilight said and drove a little closer to her.

Nathan stuck his head out of the window.

"Sunset! Sunset Shimmer!" Nathan called.

Sunset brought her attention to the voice and saw Nathan.

"Leave me alone! I'm not going back with you!" Sunset said.

"What?! I'm not one of the bad guys!" Nathan said.

"Sunset, listen to him." Twilight said.

Sunset recognized the voice and brought her attention back to the car.

"Twilight?" Sunset asked.

"Hi, Sunset!" said Spike who also stuck his head out of the car.

"Spike?" Sunset asked.

"Listen carefully, Sunset. We're going to drive a little bit further. When I say stop, you need to leave that bike behind and step in the car. Also, I'm going to take over the wheel again. I know a place where we could be safe. We won't encounter any bad guys there." Nathan said while they all drove into the horizon.

After the whole ordeal, the thugs stopped chasing our heroes. Garble stepped out of the truck and Adagio shook off her dazed state. They kept staring at the escaping car and Sunset.

"Darn, we lost them!" Garble said.

"There was a human with them. Who is he?!" One of the thugs asked.

"Master's not gonna be pleased about this. We better leave and live a new life. Right, Adagio?" Another thug asked.

Adagio stood there and thought for a moment.

"No. Spectrus must know about this." Adagio said.