• Published 8th May 2016
  • 1,698 Views, 52 Comments

Friendship is Magic: The Movie - Equestria v Earth - Dinodisneylover1

A movie of the show has yet to come. But what if the story was written by Yours Truly.

  • ...

Video information/The Road to Nowhere

After the meeting with the chief of the police, they went to look for the video store.

(End of the song)

The Mane Six found the video store after minutes of walking in town.

"Well, let's go inside." Twilight said.

"I hope the humans in there are very nice." Fluttershy said.

They walked inside. A little jingle bell could be heard when they opened the door. They saw a male teenage cashier reading a magazine. They stepped towards him.

"Ahem." Twilight said.

The cashier heard the noise and looked down to see the ponies.

"Excuse me. We need some help." Twilight said.

"O. M. Goodness. I can't believe it. Colorful ponies and they talk. I thought it was just a show. Hohoh. I gotta say, you're guys are even cuter than I thought." The cashier said with excitement.

"What is he talking about?" Rainbow asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You don't know? You're in a show. It was normally for little girls, but it soon became a big hit." The cashier said.

"Wow. How awesome is that?" Pinkie said.

"Hey, Pinkie. You're the greatest." The cashier said.

"Aw shucks." Pinkie said feeling flattered.

"You know who we are?" Twilight asked.

"Sure am. There are some people who know who you are because of the TV show. But I gotta say, I never realised you were real. I can show it to you. But first, what do you need help with?" The cashier said.

"We want to know what's on this camera. Can you help us with that?" Twilight asked while she gives the camera.

"You can count on me. Hey, there's a bullet hole in it. Can you guys tell me about it?" The cashier asked.

The ponies just looked at him.

"Guess not. Okay, alright. Let's put this in our central floor model." The cashier said and puts the wires in the TV to connect it to the camera. "It has kick-ass bass. You like hip hop? I love it. I adore that rap song you once made, Pinkie. We freestyle in the break room. If you guys ever want to kick it, we'll flow. We're gonna set you up on the wide screen. Correct ratio. There you go."

The screen showed video images. a large house in some kind of deserty place was seen on it.

"That must be the abandoned bar and hotel Reaper was speaking about." Twilight said.

"Roadhogs Bar & Hotel." Rainbow read the title.

The screen showed many humans of both genders on it.

"Those all belong to Spectrus. I'm sure of it." Twilight said.

"You're right. There. There. See the gun?" Rainbow said.

Suddenly, the pictures showed a group of man and strange creatures on it. There was also a guy covered with a hood and cloak.

"There he is." Rainbow said.

"And the villains." Spike said.

The cloaked guy began to speak.

"Ladies. Gentlemen. Today is the beginning of a new era. We will soon be lords of the universe. I have asked our Equestrian friends to help us with this and I can say they are as happy as I am to do it. We will strike terror in the hearts of ponies and humans. Those who stand against us will pay the ultimate prize. WE SHALL NEVER SURRENDER!" He said.

Everyone cheered.

"He's planning something worse. I can feel it." Twilight said.

"Then we better look for that hideout and fast." Rarity said.

Suddenly, the images showed a nude man and a nude woman doing...well, I don't even have to say it. The ponies got shocked by it.

"Oh my stars! Cover your eyes, Spike." Rarity said while placing her hooves on Spike's eyes.

"Hey! What's going on?" Spike asked.

"Trust me, Spikey Wikey. It's for the better." Rarity said.

The ponies just stared at it. Fluttershy covered her eyes.

"It just seems like we should turn it off because my dad owns the store." The cashier said.

The ponies just kept staring. Rarity still covered Spike's eyes. Fluttershy then saw another TV and looked at it with wide eyes. She went straight towards it.

"This is like porn. We're not..." The cashier said.

"Dude. Dude. Alright?" Rainbow said.

"Yeah. It's just , you know, my dad's gonna be... I just need to..." The cashier said while changing some wires and suddenly the images were shown on all TV's except the one Fluttershy was looking at.

The people who were in the store saw the images and had mixed feelings about this. Embarrasement, disgust,...

"This is official investigation." Twilight said to the cashier.

"What the fuck's going on in here?" An afro american woman said.

Suddenly, a man came towards the cashier.

"My dad is coming! My dad is coming! My dad is coming!" The cashier said.

"What the hell is going on in my store?! Son, how did this porno crap get on my videos in my store?! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" The man said angrily. He changed the wires and the TV's showed Fluttershy looking at one TV.

"We better get out of here. That guy's so angry he'll probably kill us." Rainbow whispered to Twilight.

"Um, girls. I think you want to see this." Fluttershy said while watching.

The ponies and dragon went to Fluttershy and saw something very interesting. One of the TV's showed the show the cashier was talking about. They saw themselves in the TV. They saw some of the moments they had and remembered them. They even had to laugh at the funny moments.

"We're famous?" Rainbow asked. "How awesome is that?"

"I can't believe it." Twilight said.

"I didn't know we were known in this world." Applejack said.

"But they don't know we exist in real life." Fluttershy said.

Twilight thought for a minute.

"I have a feeling that Spectrus is also threatening this world as well. We're not leaving this place until Spectrus is stopped." Twilight said.

"Hihi. Look at me. Remember that time when I summoned multiple Pinkies in Ponyville?" Pinkie said.

"Yeah, that was one hard day." Applejack said.

"Oh, even my fabulous dresses are shown everywhere in this world." Rarity said.

"And they probably also saw my awesome moves." Rainbow said.

Twilight suddenly saw another familiar thing on the TV. She began to have tears in her eyes and even more when she saw a special moment with her and the princess.

"The Golden Oak Library really was a great place. If I hadn't come to Ponyville, I never would have met you." Twilight said and hugged everypony. "Come on. Let's go to Nathan."

The people in the store saw everything the Mane Six did on the TV's. And they couldn't help but smile. The ponies and the dragon walked past the people and the people suddenly began to cheer for them. Rainbow saw this as a chance to brag once again.

"Thank you. Thank you. I know I'm awesome." She said.

Twilight used her magic to pull her out of the store.

Somewhere far away of the town, a car was driving on the road. It arrived at an abandoned bar and hotel. Some dogs, timberwolves and Spectrus' two wolves were guarding the place. They saw the car and began to aggresively growl. Suddenly, the door opened and someone appeared in the shadows of the opening. The dogs ran towards the car and tried to attack the people that were inside. The drivers were scared. The person at the opening was whistling towards the dogs, timberwolves and the 2 wolves.

"Boys! Girls! Come here! Leave them." the person at the opening said. It was a female.

The animals heard her and went away from the car. The drivers let out a sigh of relief and stepped out of the car. They had fancy suits and briefcases. One had a moustache and the other was well build. The dogs were still growling at them, but didn't try to attack them. The girl at the opening reached out her hand to shake their hands.

"It's about time that you came." She said.

"Ah, you know, a lot of traffic and all that stuff. Miss Dazzle, was it?" One of the men asked.

The girl revealed herself to be none other than Adagio.

"I am." She said with a smirk. "Come inside. He's waiting for you."

The two men came inside and saw lots of people drinking at the bar,but there were also strange creatures they never saw before. And they thought wolves made out of wood were the weirdest part. They all looked at them, but did nothing. Suddenly, Spectrus arrived.

"Ah. You're here. Welcome, Gentlemen. Mr. Mussorgsky. Hey, Jozef." Spectrus said to them. He shook both their hands. "You know, I still can't believe you were named after a famous Russian composer. Ah, 'Night on Bald Mountain' really describes hell on Earth, don't you think?"

"Um, sure, Mr. Spectrus. Can we speak to you privately?" The man known as Mr. Mussorgsky asked. He speaks with a Russian accent.

"But of course, follow me. Would you like to have some wine? Our best would be Chateau de la fête 1982. Ah, wonderful year." Spectrus said.

"Sure, why not." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

"And you, Jozef? I'm told you're a wine connoisseur." Spectrus said.

"I am." The man known as Jozef said.

"Carlos. Jayden. Show Mr. Jozef the wine cellar and let him pick a bottle of his own choice while me and Mr. Mussorgsky have a little chat." Spectrus said.

"Okido, boss." The henchmen both said.

"Follow us, sir." One of the two henchmen said.

Spectrus suddenly winked at his henchmen without anyone noticing it and the henchmen winked back.

Spectrus and Mr. Mussorgsky entered a dark room with light coming out of the window.

"Can't there be some light in this room?" Mr. Mussorgsky asked.

"I'm comfortable in the dark. It makes me feel relaxed." Spectrus said.

At the moment, Jozef was brought to the wine cellar.

"Alright sir. Choose whatever you want. No charge." One of the henchmen said.

"Thank you." Jozef said.

While Jozef was looking for a wine, The two henchmen looked at each other and went towards him. One of them prepared a baseball bat in the hand.

"I think I want this one." Jozef said and saw the two henchmen approaching him.

During that time, Spectrus and Mr. Mussorgsky were talking. They were both smoking cigars.

"How do you like it here so far?" Spectrus asked.

"It's a nice place. Um, no disrespect but I do not wish to talk business until my partner returns." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

"Is this some kind of joke? First, you come here on my property to ask me for more money and gold, and you talk about respect?" Spectrus asked.

"Let's wait for Jozef. I'm not so very good with digits." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

Spectrus glared at him and pressed a button.

"Dr. Caballeron?" Spectrus asked.

"Yes, Mr. Spectrus?" Caballeron asked.

"Could you help with Carlos and Jayden to bring Jozef in?" Spectrus asked.

"I'm on my way." Caballeron said.

Spectrus released the button.

"You've got some strange friends in this place. Not to mention strange pets." Mr. Mussorgsky asked.

"Ah, yes. They come from a place that no human knows about it. I was raised in that place. Until I was betrayed. By my own mother." Spectrus said.

"I'm sorry to hear about that, Mr. Spectrus." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

Suddenly, the henchmen, Carlos and Jayden, entered the room with a large box and some...human body parts inside it? Mr. Mussorgsky's eyes went wide. the box was placed on a chair. Blood was dripping from the box.

"So. Your partner is here. Would you like to talk now?" Spectrus asked.

Mr. Mussorgsky began to feel uncomfortable. Spectrus snapped his fingers. "Carlos. Another box."

The henchman placed another box on the floor. Spectrus gave Mr. Mussorgsky some papers.

"I want you to sign these papers. With this, I will have control over the Russian mob. I already possess the American Italian mob and the Yakuza, but I heard that the Russians were though ones too. Remember Stalin. Now that was a leader. Just like Hitler. But that doesn't mean they were more powerful than griffins, dragons and centaurs. Not even to sirens." Spectrus said.

"With all due respect, Mr. Spectrus. I see things like that all the time in my country." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

"I'm sorry for your country." Spectrus said.

"Is that some kind of trademark kill of yours?" Mr. Mussorgksy asked.

"My trademark kill is killing suckers like you with my scythe. I'm the Grim Reaper in the flesh, you Russian punk." Spectrus said.

"You kill me and you will have a shit-storm. I will never sign those papers." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

Spectrus blew a large amount of smoke from his mouth and thought a bit. He grabbed some photo's and showed them to Mr. Mussorgsky. Mr. Mussorgsky's eyes went wide when he saw them.

"Should I come to your house to bang your gorgeous wife? Or should I visit your son, the soccer player. Or maybe your daughter, the ballerina. Sonata knows your children." Spectrus said. When he said that Mr. Mussorgsky looked at him with worry in his eyes. "She's a sweet child, but in her heart she's a villain through and through. Just like her friends or sisters."

Mr. Mussorgsky's lips began to tremble. He grabbed the papers and took a pen. He began to sign them.

"You're gonna regret this." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

"I hope that we can remain friends when I take control of the mob and rule each world in the universe. Because at the end, what else do we have but friendship, trust and honor. Without those things, we are no more than beasts." Spectrus said with a smirk.

Mr. Mussorgksy was done with signing the papers and gave them to Spectrus.

"There. That wasn't so hard, was it?" Spectrus said.

Mr. Mussorsky said nothing.

"Splendid. Rover, Fido and Spot will show you the exit." Spectrus said and pointed towards the door.

Mr. Mussorgsky raised from his chair and went towards the door.

"OH! Silly me. There's one tiny little thing we want in return." Spectrus said.

"If it's money you want, you're even dumber than you think to ask that." Mr. Mussorgsky said.

"It's not money. It's your energy. Tirek?" Spectrus said.

Out of the darkness, the large centaur appeared. Mr. Mussorgsky looked at him in fear.

"Well? What are you waiting for, Lord Tirek? Take what's his." Spectrus said.

"I thought you'd never say it." Tirek said.

He opened his mouth and sucked all of the energy out of Mr. Mussorgsky. The Russian man began to feel weak and Tirek began to grow a bit. When all the energy is sucked out of him, he fell to the ground. Spectrus walked towards him.

"I think you're the dumb one. For not knowing me." Spectrus opened the door. "Spot! Fido! Rover! Help to bring Mr. Mussorgsky to his car. I'm afraid he's not feeling so well." Spectrus said with a smile.

The Diamond Dogs smiled too, knowing what he meant. They grabbed Mr. Mussorgsky and dragged him all the way towards his car. Tirek sucked on his fingers like he had a tasty meal.

"Ah, delicious. The humans energy are strong. But not that strong." Tirek said.

"I'm going downstairs. I'll see you later." Spectrus said.

Spectrus went downstairs to some halls. There was a door somewhere there. Two henchmen were guarding it. When they saw Spectrus, they let him pass. Suddenly, the door opened and it revealed Aria.

"Aria Blaze?" Spectrus asked.

"Spectrus?" Aria asked.

"What were you doing there?" Spectrus asked.

"Nothing. Just looking if the prisoner doesn't try to escape. You don't have to go inside to look. I think she needs some time alone." Aria said.

Spectrus found this suspicious. He pushed Aria out of the way and looked in the room. Spectrus slowly turned his head towards Aria with a diabolical glare.

"Wait. Spectrus. Wait, I can explain." Aria said while being worried.

(Music starts at 0:12)

Suddenly, Aria got grabbed by the throat. She began to choke and grabbed Spectrus' arms in an attempt to free herself. Spectrus aggresively pushed her against the wall. He also began to growl. Aria never heard him do that before.

"What was that?!" Spectrus said.

"I-I just showed her a lesson. As revenge for defeating us during the battle of the bands." Aria said while trying to breath air.

Spectrus' grip on her began to tighten more and more.

"You shall not hurt Sunset unless I give you permission. I'm still trying to convince her. And if I'm sick of doing it, she's all yours and you can do whatever you want with her. But for now, you stay away from her. I'm also going to tell this to Adagio. We'll think together what we should do with you." Specrus said.

"Adagio also wanted to teach her a lesson. I swear." Aria said.

"Then I'll explain it to her again in a kind way. After all, she is the smartest of the three of you. Now, I want you to go upstairs. And if I ever see your face in this part of the house again, I swear I won't be merciful. Do I make myself clear?" Spectrus said.

"Ye-Yes, Spectrus." Aria said.

Spectrus released her throat and she began to breath violently. She looked at Spectrus and ran upstairs. She never want to experience that again. The first was Adagio. And now him. Spectrus walked in the room. There was a big protective cage and guess who was inside it. (Music starts at 1:05) Sunset Shimmer looked awful. She had a black eye and some bruises on her. She also had chains around her hands and legs. Spectrus looked at her.

"Forgive Aria for her...rude behavior. I'll make sure that never happens again as long as I want that." Spectrus said.

"you won't get away with this." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Oh, but I did. And I haven't even got started yet. Haha. The Sirens really got a grudge on you now. They're just as real as you are. One of the best parts is that they are immortal. Maybe you are too. Just a little theory. It depends on things." Spectrus said.

"Why are you doing this? I trusted you. And you lied to me the whole time. From the first day I met you, you lied to me." Sunset said.

"I haven't lied a bit. Well, sometimes. But I'm right about Celestia. I swear I'll break every bone in her body and deliver her to scientists for gruesome experiments if I want to. But I have something better in mind for her. I'm still thinking about the other ponies. Not to mention the humans and other beings from other worlds." Spectrus said.

"If you dare hurt the other ponies, I swear I won't be responsible for my actions." Sunset said.

"Since when do you care about the ponies. Last time, I remembered that you want to rule over them. You despised Celestia just as much as I am. You had a dream and you gave it all up. For what? Some friends? Spare me your sentimentality. The only things that 'friends' do are doing stuff for their own ambitions. But what about you? Would they look after you? They're gonna let you stay in the rain with nobody holding an umbrella above your head." Spectrus said.

"That's not true!" My friends do look after me. I don't know what happened to make you act like this, but you're lying about friends. You don't understand friendship. For someone who has some weird friends of his own." Sunset said.

"Pfrt. Yeah. Celestia and Starswirl always thought they knew better. But they don't know everything. I'm gonna let her see that mistake. When I rule Equestria and soon the whole universe, I'm going to create better places than you can ever imagine. 'But what about Celestia?' You're probably asking. SHE'LL BE BURIED ALIVE!" Spectrus said with a creepy smile.

He makes a loud creepy maniacal laugh in the style of the 'Witch from Snow White'. Sunset became scared of him.

"Me, Celestia and the ponies. We're not for you." Sunset said.

"Who are you for then? Do you really think you would have escaped through that mirror without any help from me? HAHAHAHAHA! No, I had to CONVINCE you to do it. HAHA! These days it just needs a little push to drive people or ponies into madness. But when Celestia sees you in Equestria again, she'll show no mercy whatsoever. So you're safer here. You should thank me for protecting you." Spectrus said and he walked towards the door and closed it.

(Music starts at 1:37)

Sunset was all alone in the dark again with only the light of the window shining in the room. Sunset grabbed something from her pocket. It was a little medal that Spectrus made for her when they became friends. She looked at it and threw it away. She doesn't want to look at it anymore. She had a sad look on her face. Tears began to form on her face and suddenly covered her face in her arms. She sobs quietly. (Music stops at 2:15)

After minutes of walking, the ponies and the dragon arrived at Nathan's house.

"Nathan were home!" Twilight said.

"Hey, Nattie!" Pinkie shouted.

The two dogs appeared out of nowhere and went towards Fluttershy and licked her. Fluttershy giggled.

"You missed me, didn't you. Yes, you are. Yes, you are." Fluttershy said while stroking the dogs.

Thea the cat also appeared out of nowhere and rubbed herself against the ponies' and dragon's legs. Nathan appeared too.

"Ah. You're back. So how was your day?" Nathan asked.

"You won't believe what happened today. We got shot by some criminals and guess what, they all belonged to Spectrus. So we beated them all." Rainbow said.

"It was a plum-puckered, pig-pushin' disaster." Applejack said.

"We also gathered some information about their whereabouts. We also found some stuff on a video camera. We had to go to a video store to know about it. Oh, and we also saw a police officer who came to take the criminals away. Chief Ryan. He wanted us to say 'hello' to you from him." Twilight said.

"Hello!" Pinkie said.

"Chief Ryan was there? Ha, always on duty. I have to say 'hello' to him back. Anyway, what did you find out?" Nathan asked.

"We discovered that Spectrus and his gang are living in an old abandoned bar and hotel in the middle of nowhere." Twilight explained.

"The middle of nowhere? That's like a few kilometres from here. Some say people never returned from those parts." Nathan said.

The ponies became a little scared by that.

"Listen. I have a question for you. Do you know a person named Sunset Shimmer?" Nathan asked.

Twilight's eyes widened by that name.

"Ye-Yeah. I know here. She's one of my friends. How do you know her?" Twilight asked.

"Sit down. I got something to tell you." Nathan said.

They all sat on the big couch.

"When I went to visit my old school, I was scarred for life. The school was destroyed. Nothing but junk and debris. I spoke with some students from the school. They kinda looked like you and they had the same names as you all do." Nathan said.

"My Canterlot High friends." Twilight said.

"You know them?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, when Sunset was evil, me and Spike went to this place for the first time. I looked like a human and Spike was a dog. We stopped Sunset Shimmer and she accepted frienship. She had changed a lot since then. We even had to come several times for certain threats." Twilight said.

"Really? Anyway, they told me everything of what happened and that their friend, Sunset, disappeared and never returned after she saved everyone in the school. Well, almost everyone." Nathan said.

"She saved the students?" Twilight asked.

"Wow, guess she really has changed." Spike said.

"That's when I decided to do something useful. I used my tracking skills that I learned from my grandfather and found some clues that could lead me to her. I found a piece of her clothing and let the dogs smell it. They found a trail. Hey, they may live on the streets, but they have good senses." Nathan said while he petted the dogs. "When my investigation came to an end, I had a sudden feeling. I don't think she ran away. She was kidnapped."

"Kidnapped?" Rarity asked.

"I guess we all know who's behind that." Rainbow said while drinking a cola.

"I totally agree with you, Rainbow. When you mentioned to me this Spectrus fellow, I had to put one and one together. There must be some sort of connection." Nathan said.

"Oh no. Who knows what Spectrus will do to Sunset?" Fluttershy said.

"We know where he lives know. We could go tomorrow as early as possible." Spike said.

"No. We're going today." Nathan said.

Rainbow spit out the amount of cola at Nathan.

"Today?" Rainbow asked.

"Did you hit your head on a barrel of cider or something?" Applejack asked.

"Yuck. Thanks a lot. Now I have to wear something else. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get cola out of clothing?" Nathan said.

"Are you saying we should go today?" Twilight asked.

"There is no other way. If this Spectrus is as dangerous as you say, he'll probably do extremely worse things to Sunset." Nathan said.

"I don't know. I wasn't prepared for all this." Twilight said.

"Look, Twilight. If you had the chance to go back in time and stop Hitler, would you do it?" Nathan asked.

"Who's Hitler?" Rainbow asked.

"He was an evil dictator who ruled Germany a long time ago and believe me, he did a lot of things that are too cruel for words." Nathan said.

"I would take that chance." Rainbow said.

"You're right. This could be the start of a great adventure. What do you say? Are we in?" Nathan asked while he stretched his hand forward.

The ponies thought for a moment.

"You know, you're absolutely right. It all makes sense. Let's do this." Twilight said.

"You can count on me." Rainbow said.

"And me too." Applejack said.

"Me three." Pinkie said.

"Me four." Spike said.

"As much as I am against violence, I'll say I'll take the chance." Rarity said.

They all placed their hooves on Nathan's hand. All except one.

"Fluttershy?" Twilight asked.

"Um, I guess this could work. I think I'm in too." Fluttershy said while she slowly placed her hoof on the other hooves.

"Great. Cause I'm coming with you." Nathan said.

"We really appreciate that, but..." Twilight said.

"Butts are for sitting. I'm coming. You need a vehicule to go to Nowhere. Let me pack some stuff. You can also prepare yours. Food and drink and all that stuff." Nathan said and he went upstairs.

A few minutes later and after a good shower, Nathan was almost ready. He puts a few things in his backpack to make sure he was prepared for everything.

"Rope, check. Drinking flask, check. Gibbe-gibbe-goobers, double check." Nathan said playfully and shaking with his Goobers. Twilight checked on him.

"Nathan, are you ready?" Twilight asked.

"Almost." Nathan said.

Twilight suddenly saw something hanging on his neck. A ring on a chain. There was also a strange inscription on it.

"What's that?" Twilight asked.

"What was what?" Nathan asked.

"Around your neck." Twilight said.

Nathan looked down at it.

"Oh, one of my prize possessions. The One Ring from 'The Lord of the Rings'. Both the books and the movies." Nathan explained.

"What does that inscription say?" Twilight asked curiously.

"That's the language of Mordor in Elvish script. It says 'ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.' But according to the books and the movies it brings bad luck." Nathan said correctly.

Twilight was surprised at this.

"And what does it mean?" Twilight asked.

"In the common language it says 'One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.' Maybe we could watch the movies and read the books someday when this is all over. I can also tell you about the other stuff I have in my room." Nathan said.

"Hey, guys. Are you ready?" somepony said.

Twilight and Nathan saw that it was Rainbow who watched them.

"I'm ready." Twilight and Nathan both said in unison.

When they said that, they both looked at each other and blushed a bit.

"Come on, the rest are probably waiting." Nathan said.

Nathan walked out to go to the others. Rainbow and Twilight were alone.

"He's probably a bigger egghead than you and me, Twilight." Rainbow said with a smirk.

"Come on, let's go." Twilight said and they both walked outside.

While they were all outside, Nathan locked the door. The dogs and the cat were also with them.

"You're taking the dogs and your cat with you?" Applejack asked.

"I can't leave them all alone at my house without food and care. We could be gone for hours. Say, Fluttershy, what are we going to name the dogs?" Nathan asked.

"How about Lightspeed and Stormbreaker?" Rainbow asked.

"Are you serious? These cuties need proper names. I suggest we call them Lindsey and Jonathan." Rarity said.

"Wait! Wait! I know! I know!" Pinkie yelled.

"No, no and no." Nathan said while pointing at each of them.

"But you didn't know what I was going to say." Pinkie said.

"How about Joy and Lucky?" Fluttershy asked.

"That sounds good. Did you hear that, you two? You got yourselves a name." Nathan said to the dogs.

The dogs barked happily. Nathan opened the doors of one of the cars. He had one for 5 passengers and one for 8. He took the one for 8. A white minivan.

"There should be room for all of you. And if not, some of you must sit on another's lap." Nathan said.

"Shotgun!" Pinkie yelled and went inside the car.

Nathan placed his backpack and a suitcase in the trunk. The others also placed their backpacks inside and stepped inside the car. They were all inside.

"Wow, there's a lot of space in this thing." Rainbow said.

"This thing is amazing." Pinkie said.

"And so comfortable." Spike said.

Nathan saw Spike and looked at his size. He went to Twilight and whispered something in her ear. Twilight's eyes widened and understood it. She used her magic to summon a baby seat.

"What's that for?" Spike asked.

"I'm sorry, Spike. But with your size, you need extra protection." Nathan said.

He prepared the baby seat and placed Spike on it. He clicked the seat belt together and Spike was safe. However he was not happy to sit in a baby seat.

"Alright, everypony. Put your seat belt on. We're talking about safety." Nathan said.

Everypony looked at their seat belts and putted them on. Nathan did the same thing. Pinkie was at the front while the rest were behind them and the animals in the trunk. Nathan made sure they could stick their heads out.

"Are we ready?" Nathan asked.

"Ready." Everypony said.

"Then let's go." Nathan said and he turned the key.

The car started and they were of to find Spectrus' hideout.

"And what is a journey without music." Nathan said and turned on the radio.

He was already in luck. One of the many songs he likes began to play.

The ponies actually liked the song. While the song played, they finally saw more of the world. They saw the town again and they even passed through a city with large buildings. Rarity was also amazed by this. It reminded her a little bit of Manehattan. But she hasn't seen the real Manhattan yet. She'll probably be dumbstruck. She even saw a shop with beautiful clothes. All the ponies looked at the amazing things they saw while they were in the car. Pinkie even waved at some children in a car and they happily smiled back. She even waved to some adults and they were thinking 'Did I drink too much?' A bit later, they were on the highway. They're almost there to meet their greatest challenge yet.

(Complete ending of the song)

Author's Note:

When I placed 'The Return of Harmony' music by Melodic Pony, I found some horrible news about this great composer. I want to dedicate this episode and this story to him. And see if I can put more of his music in the story.

R.I.P. Melodic Pony. The musical pieces you created are truly fascinating beyond words. We will miss you. And you're music will always be remembered. Always.:ajsleepy: