• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Enter the Hell Rider


"So you're not from earth?" Rainbow asked as her mother nodded." Does that make me part alien then?"

"It....does." Her mother said with worry." I understand if you're upset but..."

"THAT'S SO AWSOME!!!!" Rainbow squealed as her mother looked at her confused." Why would I be upset, I mean sure, dad never told me or Crimson, but it's still pretty cool all the same."

"You're taking this better then I thought." Her mother said with a smile." You are certainly my daughter."

"So, where did you come from?" Rainbow asked as her mother smiled widened.

"I come from the planet Xandar." Her mother said as a planet appeared."I was born not too far from the capital city."

"What's there?" Rainbow asked as her mother sighed happily.

"First off, your family on my side, cousins, aunts, uncles." Her mother said." The technology on Xandar is much more advanced then earth's." Her mother said as the image changed to o show a city with ships flying around it. "We, of course, have space travel."

"So you got to go to different planets?" Rainbow asked with excitement as her mother nodded." What did you do there?"

"Growing up, I'd help my parents with our little shop." Her mother said with a sigh." We sold all kinds of trinkets that father found around the galaxy."

"But how did you end up on earth?" Rainbow asked as the image changed to a building with a red star on the front.

"When I was about your age, I was recruited into our planets defenders." Her mother said." We were a police force, if you will."

"You were a space cop?" Rainbow asked as her mother shrugged." What was it called?"

"The Nova Corps." She responded with a big smile


"Get everypony out of the castle, NOW!!!!" Cadence ordered as guards led ponies away." And began evacuating the city, I have a feeling things might get worse."

"CADENCE!!!!!" A stallion yelled as he ran up to her." what's going on?"

"Shining, I need you to contact Captain Crimson." Cadence said with worry." And tell him we'll need the commander as well."

"Can't the elements or Celestia help." Shining said as a plume of fire shot out of the side of the castle." Is Celestia keeping what ever that thing is at bay?"

"Last I saw her, she was." Cadence said as a roar filled the air.


"I will not let you harm my ponies." Celestial said with rage as she fired a blast at Rider." So stand down." She ordered as she charged her horn.

"Nice try princess." Rider scoffed." I don't take orders from anyone." He said as Grimstone let out a low sigh."Shut it fluffy."

"ENOUGH OF THIS!!!!" Celestial shouted as she fired the charged blast at the two, with no effect." H-how is that possible?" She gasped in fear." That blast was suppose to...."

"Suppose to what?" Grimstone asked as the Rider laughed." Turn us to stone?"

"It was actually." Celestia said with fear.

"Hey Grimy, how about you go after that captain." Rider said as he cracked his knuckles." And I'll deal with miss sunshine."

"I'm okay with that plan." Grimstone said as he turned to leave." And don't ever call me 'grimy' again."

"Like that'll happen." Rider joked as Grimstone smashed through the wall to the street below." Just you and me ash pile."

"Ash pile?" Celestia asked.

"It's what you'll be once I'm done with you." Rider said as he charged the princess." DIE!!!!"


I landed with a solid thud as I heard ponies screaming all around me as they saw the beast before them.

"YES RUN AND FLEE IN TERROR NO ONE CAN SAVE YOU! EVEN YOUR PATHETIC PRINCESSES ARE POWERLESS!!" I screamed as loud as I could so every single one of the ponies could hear me.

"He's gonna kill us!!" A female one yelled as she ran away with her brown mane and tail flapping in the wind.

"Did the princesses die?" One asked another as they started backing away in fear.

*Bump* A gray colored pegasus with blonde hair accidentally bumped into me as she was flying around.

"Owwie my head hurts." She said as she sat up and rubbed her head.

"Are you okay little one?" I asked with a hint of concern in my voice.

"Yeah I'm fine. Much worse has happened to me." She said with a smile as she looked up at me with her peculiar eyes.

"I have to ask because you remind me of someone from where I'm from, but is your name by chance Derpy Hooves?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow.

"Yeah it is how did you know?" Derpy responded with a smile.

"Magic!" I chuckled as I sat down in front of her.

"HOLY CRAP WHAT IS THAT THING!!" A stallion yelled as he came around the corner and got in arms reach of me.

"I have a job for you my good sir." I said as I grabbed his leg and pulled him close to me.

"PLEASE DON'T EAT ME!!!" He yelled as he got closer.

"I am not going to eat you." I said as I held him up in front of me as he continued to scream. "SILENCE!" I said in a loud deep voice causing him to shut up. "Now that I have your attention. I want you to go find the captain that was covering the prison cells." I told him as I gave him a description of what the pony looked like and told him to send him my way or else. He agreed and ran off on the verge of tears.

"You got a deep voice mister." Derpy said as she looked up at me.

"I know I grew up with it. Also call me 'Grimstone' Derpy." I said with a smile.

"Okay." She said with a smile.

"Derpy I have a serious question. Do any of the other ponies bully you in any way?" I asked as I leaned forward.

"Well there are some that are mean, but my friends usually get them to apologize to me." She said as she started rolling her head around and making weird motions with her hooves.

We sat there and talked for about fifteen minutes and after we were done laughing at one of her stories I heard some clattering of hooves followed by someone out of breath.

"There he is..... Sir." The stallion from before said as he pointed to me.

"I heard you wanted to see me monster." The captain said as he stepped forward.

"Well Derpy our conversation sadly must come to a close. Hopefully next time we will be able to talk longer." I said with a smile as I pointed my index finger at the captain for him to wait for Derpy to leave.

"Bye bye Grimstone!" She said as she flew away and went about her day.

"Are you done n..." The captain began before I punched him so hard in the gut that he was lifted off the ground.

"That was for imprisoning my friend and myself." I growled. Then while he was in the air I punched him with a strong and heavy right hook which had enough force behind it to send him through a brick wall. "And that was for treating Green Song like trash when the only trash you should be seeing is when you look in a mirror."


"What are you made of?" Celestia asked herself as she fired a barrage of blasts at rider.

"Collagen." Rider said as Celestia paused and looked at him confused." It's a protein that make up bones."

"How do you..." She started.

"Bitch I've been around before time had a name." Rider said pointing a fiery finger at the princess." I know things, a lot of things."

"I know how you Riders work." Celestia said with fake bravado.

"Do you?" Rider said as Celestia glared." How do Riders work here?"

"The first one was created by a being known as Discord." Celestia said as they circled each other." It was made to bring havoc, to cause chaos."

"Did it kill?" Rider asked as Celestia shock her head." Did it hunt down the guilty, and punish them?"

"It did that." Celestial said." But it never killed, then one day me and my sister stopped it, but it did find a host."

"And where is it now?' Rider asked." It's been awhile since I've heard a good story."

"It's host is currently commander of the night guard." The princess said." And helps defend our land." She said as The rider stared in silence." Now tell me, what's different about you?"

"First off, I kill," the rider as Celestia gulped." But only those who deserve it, murderers, rapist, pedophiles, the list goes on."

"I can tell you, I'm not murderer." Celestia said as the rider gave a dark laugh.

"Now listen here, there's good and bad in all of us, and maybe you're not a murderer." The rider said as Celestia charged her horn."But maybe, you did something that you didn't want me to see, a white lie, A petty theft."

"What are you getting at?" Celestia asked.

"You princess, have a lot of innocent blood on your hands, or hooves in this case." He said as Celestia felt the room get warmer." Where I'm from, I was created to eat the souls of the guilty, and protect the innocent." He said as Celestia fired the blast, only to have Rider catch it." Let's see just how strong you truly are." He growled as he threw the magic ball at her feet, sending her across the room.

"I won't go down without a fight." Celestia hissed as she stood up.

"Then this should be entertaining." The rider said as Celestia picked up a sword with her magic." Good luck trying to kill me with that butter knife." He said as he charged Celestia and tackled her to the ground." This is for all the innocent souls you've wrongfully killed." He said as he grabbed her horn and tightened his grip, making her yelp in pain." I wonder what would happen if...(shink)... forgot about that." The rider grumbled as the sword pierced his chest causing him to let go of her horn, letting her teleport behind him." Did you think the would work?" He asked as the sword melted away.

"Maybe a little." Celestia said sheepishly as the rider growled." You're no ordinary Ghost Rider."

"Ya know, I've gone by that name a lot." Rider said as he summoned a chain." Let's try something new." He said as he swung the chain at Celestia as she dodged." Ghost driver I saw was already take, how about Ghost ranger." He mutter as Celestia fired another magic blast at him." Then again, maybe not." He said as he lunged at the princess and threw a fireball at her, but only for her to block it." This is harder than I thought."

"I'LL SEND YOU BACK TO WHATEVER HELL YOU CAME FROM!!!!" The princess shouted as she used her magic to try to throw him, but with no avail.

"Bingo." Rider said as he looked a her." Call me.....Hell rider."

"How fitting." Celestia said through clenched teeth as she surrounded herself in a yellow aura." I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do."

"And it just might be." Rider said as Celestial charged at him.


"So now there's two grimstone's?" Shining asked as Cadence nodded as the two ran through the streets, avoiding Grimstones attacks on the captain." And two Ghost Rider's?"

"Indeed, and judging from what this Grimstone said, Equestria doesn't stand a chance against these two." Cadence said with worry as an explosion filled the air." Oh no."

"Oh buck." Shining cursed as a fire raged from the palace." Was that...?"

"Could be either one." Cadence said as screams of panic filled the air, as she spotted as familiar figure falling from the flames." AUNT CELESTIA!!!!"

"CADENCE WAIT!!!" Her husband called as she flew towards the falling princess.

"Almost there." Cadence said as she sped up and caught Celestia." I've got you."

"R-run." Celestia said weakly." He's to powerful."

"What about those spells Discord gave you?" Cadence asked as she lowered Celestia to the ground." The ones that..."

"I've tried them." The princess said with sadness." None of them worked."

"None of them?" Cadence asked as Celestia nodded." We need to evacuate the city, and get you some medical help."

"Aww and we were just starting to having fun." Grimstone said as he appeared before them, crushing the captains helmet." Kinda wish Rider let me go after you instead." He said as he tossed the crushed helmet aside.

"You killed the captain?" Cadence asked as Grimstone smirked." I know he's was bad sometimes, but..."

"But nothing." Grimstone interrupted." He deserved it. Anyone who treats those that are different like complete trash deserve no mercy." He said clenching his fist as the Rider landed behind the two princesses." He would agree with me."

"But still, you should've shown mercy." Cadence said as the Rider laughed." Is there someway to stop you from harming our ponies?"

"Find us a way home." Rider said with a growl." Or else."

"Or else what?" A voice asked as Grimstone looked behind him." I don't know what kinda knockoff you are, but there is only one Grimstone."

"Hey, look, a pony Grimstone." The Rider said as Grimstone raised an eyebrow at the Pony Grimstone." Ponystone."

"This is cute. They honestly think this imbecile can defeat me?" Grimstone said as he looked down at the pony."let me guess, your friend is called Ghost pony rider?"

"How'd you guess?" Ponystone asked as a flaming chain wrapped around Grimstone neck and tightened." You've got some nerve trying to take over Equestria."

"To be fair, we're not." Rider said as he spotted ghost pony." We just want to go home."

"Not until you answer for what you did." Pony rider said as he stood next to ponystone.

"You really want to fight us." Grimstone said as he broke the chain off his neck, as the the two ponies took frightening positions." Very well, let the fun begin." He said calmly as he snarled showing his sharp fangs. He then punched through the air and drew Hell Watcher. Then all was silent.

Author's Note: