• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Calm before the storm

"It's so good to see you again." Rainbow said hugging me tightly." You have no idea how much I missed you."

"I bet." I said as I returned the hug."Glad you're doing better."

"Y-yeah." Rainbow said uneasy." I'd rather not talk about that."

"I understand." I said as Rainbow smiled." Anywho, What exciting things did I miss?"

"Where to start." Rainbow said jokingly as I laughed." For starters Shadoc's son, Nights, is back."

"That's interesting." I said as Rainbow sipped at her drink."How's the gang?"

"Weeeell." Rainbow trailed off nervously as I gave her a worried look."We haven't spoken much, other than with Sunset and Fluttershy."

"What happened?" I asked as Rainbow sighed.

"It all started when Rarity and AJ started giving Flint a hard time." Rainbow said with a hint of anger." Still don't know Pinkie's opinion though."

"Flint is a pretty nice guy!" Pinkie said appearing out of nowhere startling us." Sorry."

"You think he's okay?" Rainbow asked as Pinkie nodded." I'm glad."

"In fact, he helped out the Cakes yesterday." Pinkie said happily."I was here and saw the whole thing."

"Hold on, Isn't this Flint the same one who tried to kill Crimson?" I asked as the two girls nodded." Well then, what's next?"

"Who knows." Rainbow said as Pinkie disappeared." So, where did you and Crimson end up?"

"Now that's a story." I said as Rainbow leaned forward." Did Sunset ever tell you about Equestria?"

"You ended up in Equestria?" Rainbow asked shocked as I nodded." Lucky you."

"No, not lucky me." I said with a sigh." Place was a living nightmare, especially those princesses."

"What are you talking about?" Rainbow asked."Sunset said that...."

"Yeah well, Someone like me is considered a threat." I said as Rainbow gave me a sad look." Princess Celestia had the nerve to betray us, and try to keep us there."

"What?!?" Rainbow nearly shouted." She did that?"

"Yep, she also tried to turn us to stone, send us to another realm." I began." And she also tried to kill us with pony versions of us."

"Say what now?" Both of them said in harmony.

"If it wasn't for Princess Luna, we would have never made it." I said as I sighed." If I ever go back, I'm killing sunbutt."

"Don't tell Sunset that." Rainbow said nudging me with her elbow." She is her student after all."

"Honestly I wouldn't tell her that to her face." I said as Rainbow leaned on me." Rider however...."

Keep me outta this Rider growled as I rolled my eyes But you're not wrong.

"So, now that you're back." Rainbow said as I looked at her."What are you planning on doing?

"Well for starters, I plan on letting people know that Rider's back." I said smirking."And....That's about it, but I think I should spend some time with you, I have no clue how long I was gone for. "

"Since last Christmas." Rainbow said sadly."I'm glad your back."

"Me too." I said with a smile as we hugged.


"Hey, you see your sister around?" Crimson asked as Flint was reading a book.

"She's with someone named Nights." Flint said without looking up." She'll be back later."

"What are you reading?" Crimson asked Flint looked up at him."You're mom gets the same look when she finds a good book."

"Sunset got me into this 'Daring Do' series." Flint said placing a book mark in the book and closing it." And to think I almost killed her." He muttered as Crimson scoffed." Yes?"

"Wanna come down to the workshop?" Crimson asked as Flint got up." Been working on a project, could use some help."

"Sure." Flint said as the two went to the garage." What are you working on exactly?"

"I've been trying to make my own AI system." Crimson said as Flint raised an eyebrow." I'd ask Tony, but he would end up making one for me."

"I keep forgetting the two of you are friends." Flint said as he looked at the program." So why do you need my help?"

"I need some ideas on how it should work." Crimson said." Should I program it into the house or make units for it?"

"I say make the units." Flint said as Crimson glanced at him." I don't think mom would be impressed with a robot watching her sleep."

"Good point." Crimson said internally shuddering."I need to head down to the junkyard for parts."

"That's sounds fun." Flint said as Crimson patted him on the back." Mind if I come?"

"I don't see why not." Crimson said as he grabbed his keys."But we won't have much time, Tony's party is tomorrow."

"Forgot about that." Flint said as they got in the car." Would it be okay if I invited Sunset?"

"I have to ask, what's this about?" Crimson asked as Flint shrugged." You like her, don't ya?"

"I...pfftt, what?" Flint sputtered as Crimson laughed." It's nothing like that, she was one the first people to get to know me." Flint said as Crimson rolled his eyes." She's a good friend, that's all."

"Suuuure." Crimson said not convinced." I bet you stay awake thinking about her."

"I do not." Flint argued as Crimson rolled his eyes."I just thought she might enjoy it."

"She might." Crimson said as they both got into the car." But, to answer your question, I don't see why not. Go ahead and invite her."

----Twenty Minutes Later----

"Thanks." Flint said." How do you know Tony Stark?"

"Old friend from high school." Crimson said as he kept his eyes on the road."After we graduated, we lost contact, then the war, bunch of stuff, then one day I watched the news."

"The Iron man." Flint said as Crimson smirked."What was your reaction to that?"

"Caught me off guard, but it suited him." Crimson said as the pulled up to a wooden gate as an elderly man walked up to them." Hey Stan."

"Here for some parts again Crimson." Stan said smiling as Crimson nodded." Well head on in."

"Thanks Stan." Crimson said as the gate opened and Flint looked at the elderly man." What's up?"

"That guy gets around." Flint said." I was sent to New York on a mission and he ran a comic book store there."

"That's Stan for ya." Crimson said as he stopped the truck." He's been everywhere."

"I bet." Flint said as the two got out." So, where do we start?"

"Well..." Crimson muttered as they looked at the piles of scrap." I don't know."

"Oh joy." Flint said sarcastically.

"For what it's being used for, this will be a cake walk." Crimson said patting Flint on the back." Just watch out for rust."

"You got it." Flint said as they began their search.


"That should be enough." Crimson said as he tossed a old computer into the back of the truck." How much do I owe you Stan?"

"Not a cent." Stan said smiling." I still owe you for saving my life."

"You don't owe me anything Stan." Crimson said as the old man put his hand up stopping him." I see that I won't be able to convince you, I guess I'll just say thanks."

"That's good enough for me." Stan said smiling." So long true believer."

"Do I want to know why he said that?" Flint asked as Crimson chuckled.

"I've known Stan for a long time." Crimson said as the two got into the vehicle and left." I'll tell you the story sometime."

"Sure." Flint said simply as Crimson phone rang.

"Hey Spitfire." Crimson answered as Flint looked out the window." We're just leaving the Scrapyard, what's up?"

This new lifestyle isn't as bad I thought. Flint thought to himself as he blocked out the conversation next to him.Hell, it's better then I thought it would be. He smiled as a certain person filled his thought.Especially with
Green song and.....Sunset. Flint smiled vanished." Oh no."

"You okay?" Crimson asked as Flint nodded quickly." Alright then." He said as he pulled into their driveway." Let's get this stuff unloaded, and eat."

"I second that." Flint said with a smile.

Author's Note:

The cameo has happened