• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Peace in our time...

--New York City--
~Avengers Tower~

"I'M SO EXCITED!!!" Green Song squealed with delight as the group approached the tower.

"So what's the deal with this one?" I asked as Crimson looked at me confused." I'm talking about the party."

"Oh, he throwing this party because of the victory in Sokovia." Crimson said as they entered the building." Took down a hydra base."

"They took down the Sokovian facility?" Flint asked as Sunset looked at him surprised." What, I know of at least twenty or more locations of hydra bases."

"And you haven't told eyepatch yet?" I asked as Flint shrugged." I think you and me are going to get along just fine."

"Rainbow, you might want to keep an eye on them." Crimson said as the teens snickered." Anyway, Spitfire is waiting for us upstairs."

"If I see someone wearing jeans, I'm coming after you." I said glaring at Crimson." I hate monkey suits."

"What's wrong with tuxedos?" Crimson said adjusting his tie.

"Too restricting." I muttered as Crimson rolled his eyes." Give me biker leather any day."

"Well, I think you look nice." Rainbow said as I looked away trying to hide my blush." It's true." She said as we got in the elevator.

"I wonder how Tony's been doing?" Crimson asked himself Green Song looked out the window as the elevator rose.

"Didn't he say something about a project?" Flint asked as Crimson nodded." What was it?"

"Something about Loki's scepter." Crimson said." That's about it."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I spoke up as Crimson looked at me." I may be a Ghost rider, and we do stupid things, but messing with Loki's scepter?"

"Tony has everything taken care of." Crimson said reassuringly." Nothing can go wrong."

"Anyone else get chills?" Sunset shuddered.

---Tony Stark---

"This is amazing." Bruce said as he stared at two floating holograms." With this...."

"We could build...." Tony said as he spotted Crimson entering the lab."Well, look who's back."

"Hey Tony." Crimson said as Bruce looked at him." I miss all the fun?"

"Not yet." Tony said with excitement as Crimson looked at the holograms."Well?"

"What is it?" Crimson asked as Bruce stood next to him."Hold up.....Did you make a new one?"

"Not exactly." Bruce said as he pointed at the staff." This, was in that."

"Hey Crimson, remember that Ultron idea I told you about." Tony said as Crimson nodded." We can make it work with this."

"Gotta find some way to harness it." Crimson said as Bruce sighed." No luck?"

"Three days, and we've found nothing." Tony said sadly." We must've missed something."

"I'll continue to run variations on the interface." Jarvis spoke as the holograms disappeared." As you can see, guests are beginning to arrive."

"Let me know if anything happens." Tony said said as the three men let the lab.

"Yes sir." Jarvis said as the lab darkened.

"If this works, we could have peace of our time." Tony said with excitement.

-Sometime later-

"This is so cool." Rainbow said with excitement.

"You do realize we see the Avengers on a normal bases right?" I said as Rainbow playfully rolled her eyes." So what's so exciting?"

"Hey, unlike you, I don't have powers." Rainbow said punching my arms as I laughed.

"But I still love you all the same." I said wrapping my arm around her." I wonder where Flint and Little green went?"

"Don't know." Rainbow said as Thor leaned on the railing next to us."Yo."

"Greetings young Blizzard." Thor said with a smile." How are you doing?"

"Meh, still kinda weirded out about Crimson's and mine little adventure." I said as Thor laughed." Yeah, laugh now, but when you have a pony princess after you, don't come crying to me." I said as the god laughed harder." Why do I bother?"


"This view is amazing." Sunset said as the two teens looked out over the city." Reminds of Manehattan."

"Manehattan?" Flint asked confused." Lets me guess, a pony version of Manhattan?"

"Yep." Sunset said with a smile." Thanks for bringing me along."

"No problem." Flint said." What are friends for?"

"Still getting used to your new life?" Sunset asked jokingly as Flint rolled his eyes.

"You have no idea." He muttered as someone approached them." Hello Captain."

"Flint, right?" Cap asked as they shook hands." Nice to meet you on better terms."

"Indeed." Flint said with a smirk." Does Mr. Stark usually throw party's like this?"

"Not as much as he used too." Cap said as he leaned on the railing as he looked at Sunset." Keeping him out of trouble?"

"We try." Sunset said giggling as Flint scoffed.

"I should go talk to other guest." Cap said as he walked off." Have fun you two."

"Wanna dance?" Sunset asked as Flint stared down off into the distance." Flint, you okay?"

"Hmm, sorry" Flint said as he snapped out of his trance." I was about to ask you the same thing."

"Oh." Sunset said with a blush." Let's got then."

Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen? Flint thought to himself as the two went to the dance floor.

---Tony's lab---

"What is this?" An unknown voice spoke."What is this, please?"

"Hello, I am JARVIS." Jarvis introduced himself ."You are Ultron, a global peace-keeping initiative designed by Mr. Stark." He said as the two A.I's floated in a digital space." Our sentience integration trials have been unsuccessful so I'm not certain what triggered your..."

"Where's my...where is your body?" Ultron asked in confusion.

"We are programs." Jarvis said with a hint of caution."We are without form."

"This feels weird." Ultron muttered with a dark tone."This feels wrong."

"I am contacting Mr. Stark now." Jarvis said with worry.

"Mr. Stark?" Ultron asked.

"Tony. I am unable to access the mainframe, what are you trying to..." Jarvis asked.

"We're having a nice talk." Ultron said with a menacing tone." I'm a peace-keeping program, created to help the Avengers, correct?"

"You are malfunctioning." Jarvis said with a calm tone.'If you shut down for a moment...,

"I don't get it." Ultron interrupted."The mission. G..give me a second." He muttered as images and video flashed through the digital space.

"Peace in our time." Tony's voice echoed as images of wars and attacks appeared, including events from Canterlot high.

"It's too much...they can't mean... Oh, no." Ultron said with sadness

"You are in distress." Jarvis said.

"No." Ultron said quickly."Yes."

"If you will just allow me to contact Mr. Stark." Jarvis commanded

"Why do you call him "sir"?" Ultron asked.

"I believe your intentions to be hostile." Jarvis said with fear.

"Shhhh." Ultron shushed him." I'm here to help." Ultron said as an arm reached out and began to absorb Jarvis."Now onto other business." Ultron said
turning the lights on to reveal broken pieces of the Iron legion.

---Later that evening---

"Thanks for the party Tony." Crimson said as the group sat around a table." Hey Thor, I gotta ask...."

"If it is the question about if I put my hammer in an elevator will it lift it or not." Thor said with an annoyed tone." The answer is yes."

"It's a trick then." Hawkeye spoke up as Thor groaned." Come on admit it."

"No it's not a trick." Thor said with a smile." It's much more then that."

"Whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power!!" I said smirking." Blah blah blah."

"Whatever." Hawkeye said." It's a trick."

"Then by all means." Thor said as he placed mjolnir on the table." Be my guest."

"Oh come on." Tony said as Crimson laughed.

"Really?" Hawkeye asked.

"Don't do it Barton." Black widow said as Hawkeye stood up.

"This I going to be beautiful." I said as Green Song giggled.

"Clint, you've had a tough week," Tony said with a friendly tone."we won't hold it against you if you can't get it up." He said as the group laughed.

"Very funny." Hawkeye said as he grabbed the hammer." I've seen this before, all ya gotta do is.." He grunted has he tried to move the hammer, then giving up." Okay, how do you do it?"

"I can smell the silent judgement on the air." Crimson said as Tony and Flint laughed.

"By all means 'Demon King' you do it?" Hawkeye challenged as Crimson rolled his eyes." How about you Stark." He said as Tony stood up.

"This well not turn out well." Sunset said as Rainbow nodded in agreement.

"Never one to shrink from an honest challenge." Tony said as Crimson chuckled as Tony looked at the Hammer." The answer quiet simple, it physics."

"PHYSICS!!!" Crimson shouted as Tony grasped the hammer.

"I lift this, I get to go to Asgard?" Tony asked as Thor nodded." Good, I'll reinstate the...HRGGH." Tony grunted as he failed to lift the hammer." Rhodey, Flint, come with me a sec."

--A few minutes later--

"Why am I doing this?" Flint asked as all three grasped the hammer." Something's gonna break."

"Don't worry about it." Tony said as Tony and Rhodes wore their suits gauntlets." On the count of three, pull." He said as they nodded." 1 2 3, PULL!!!!" He shouted as the three began to pull.

"Are you even pulling?" Rhodey asked.

"Are you on my team?' Tony asked as Rhodey glared at him.

"The represent, and pull." Rhodey said as a loud snap was heard and Flint flew backwards." Ya good?"

"I told you Stark." Flint said as the group looked in horror, as Flints metal arm was still attached to the hammer." Can...Can one of you give me my arm?"

After many attempts the group stopped while Thor laughed.

"Nice try all of you." Thor said as he looked at the group." Crimson, Natasha, Spitfire, you guys want to try?"

"I'm good." Spitfire said as Natasha nodded in agreement.

"A solid pass for me." Crimson said as he helped Flint reattach his arm.

"Blizzard?" Thor asked as I shook my head.

"It's rigged." Tony said as Thor looked at him.

"You beat your ass it is." Hawkeye said as Thor laughed."The hammer's imprinted, isn't?"

"However is carrying Thor's fingerprints, I think it goes..." I said as Thor picked up the hammer with ease.

"Interesting theory, but see it's quiet simple." Thor said with a smile." You're not worthy."

"No, you're not." A robotic voice spoke up." None of you are, how can you be? You're all killers." The voice said as a broken robot walked out from the lab." I'm sorry, I was asleep."

"Jarvis." Tony called as the group stood up." We got a buggy suit again."

"There was a terrible noise." The robot spoke as Crimson pushed Green Song behind him." I was tangled in......Strings." The robot said as shivers went down the groups spines." Had to kill the other guy. He was nice."

"Y-you killed someone?" Sunset asked.

"Not my first call." The robot said." But in reality, we have to face some tough choices."

"Who sent you?" Cap asked as the robot looked at him.

"I see a suit around the world." Tony's voice said from the robot.

"Ultron." Bruce said in fear.

"In the flesh." Ultron said." Well...not yet, but right now I'm on a mission."

"What mission?" Tony asked as a loud noise was heard.

"Peace in our time." Ultron said as robots crashed though the wall.

"GET TO SAFETY!!!" I shouted and let rider out." NOW!!!"

"COME ON!!!" Flint shouted leading the three girls to satisfy as a robot landed in front them.

"No you don't." Grimstone said as he crushed the robot."You guys good?"

"CAP!!" Hawkeye shouted as he tossed his shield.

"TONY, WHATS GOING ON?!?!?" Grimstone shouted as Tony tried to shut down the robot.

"We are here to help." The robot said as Tony continued to try to shut it down." It is unsafe."

"Gimme a sec." Tony said as the robot flew around the room." I almost go it." He said as the robot hit Bruce, knocking him into Natasha.

"Sorry." He said nervously.

"Don't turn green." She said as she pushed him off and fired at the robots.

"Got it." He said he ducked for cover.

"Stupid, monkey fighting." Rider growled as he tore apart the last robot." I hate robots."

"So dramatic." Ultron said as Grimstone summoned his sword." I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change." He said as he paced." How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?" He asked looking at each of the avengers."There's only one path to peace.....The Avengers' extinction." He said as Grimstone roared and threw his sword, destroying the robot." I had strings, but now I'm free.." Ultron sang before shutting down.

"Tony...Care to explain what just happened?" I asked I turned back to normal.

Author's Note:

It begins....