• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Old scars


"So, according to your report." Coulson began." A man, snuck into your house, and left?"

"No, he also mentioned someone breaking into one of Tony's warehouses." Spitfire said as she picked up the angel blood." And he gave me this."

"Stark reported a break in a few days ago." Coulson said as Spitfire handed him the cylinder." Then what happened?"

"He attacked me, and Flint tried to stop him." She continued as Coulson took notes."Then he left."

"Did he say who he was?" Coulson asked.

"He called himself the Crimson Ghost." Spitfire said as Coulson raised an eyebrow." It keeps bugging me how familiar that name sounds."

"Remember Black Ghost." Coulson said as Spitfire eyes widened in fear." You might want to pay a visit to Shadoc."

"There's no way he could be involved." Spitfire insisted as Coulson sighed." We both now if he wants a job done, he does it himself."

"Which worries me." Coulson said fearfully." Plus, he still has the grudge towards you after what happened to....'him'."

"I'm just surprised he hasn't done anything irrational....yet." Spitfire said with a sigh." I guess I'll go talk to him."

"Have you told Green Song?" Coulson asked as Spitfire shook her head." She needs to know."

"She knows he's missing." Spitfire said sadly." But if she finds out he's dead, it would destroy her."

"It's been 4 years since we confirmed him M.I.A," Coulson sighed." But it's been 6 months since we confirmed him dead."

"I'll talk to her." Spitfire said as she sniffled." But I need to talk to Shadoc first."

"Then act quickly." Coulson said as he left.


"Thank you for bringing this to my attention agent Yang." Shadoc said as a young teen stood in front of him across the mans desk, the teen had dirty blonde hair and yellow skin." Anything else to report."

"The council wishes for you to return." Agent Yang said as Shadoc sighed with annoyance." They are worried....."

"Tell the council they can stuff it." Shadoc said as the teen gulped." What's your name boy?"

"Agent Yang." The teen said as Shadoc rolled his eyes." Of the...."

"Your real name." Shadoc growled as the teen tensed." This isn't homeland, so none of the official nonsense."

"Light Sparker your majesty." The teen said as Shadoc stood up." S-sorry, sir, I mean.."

"It's quite alright." Shadoc said with a smile." What part of Homeland?"

"Bas Rona." Light said as Shadoc smiled widened.

"My home town." Shadoc said as the teen seemed to relax."Do they still have the finnick games?"

"They do, that last game was three weeks ago." Light said as Shadoc chuckled." Will that be all?"

"Hmm? Oh, tell the council I will personally begin looking for this bearer of this artifact." Shadoc said the teen nodded." And if they send any men, They'll hear from me."

"Yes, my king." Light said as he saluted as Shadoc waved him off dismissively." They also wanted to know if you'll return as...."

"If I need too." Shadoc said as the doorbell rang." Now off with you." Shadoc said as the teen created a portal and jumped through as Shadoc left the office." I wonder who that could be." He muttered as the bell rang again." I'm coming, I'm coming." He called as he reached the door and opened it." My I help....oh, it's you."

"H-hey Shadoc." Spitfire said nervously.

"If you're here to talk to my wife, I'm sorry, but she has left for an expedition to Africa." Shadoc said as he went to close the door." Now if you will...."

"We need to talk." Spitfire said as she stopped the door." It's important."

"I'm sorry, but I'm very busy." Shadoc glared at her." Now if you'll just leave."

"It's about Nights." Spitfire said as Shadoc glared softened." And something else."

"Very well, come in." Shadoc said as he let her in." But make it quick, I have some important things I need to attend too."

"I understand, especially since you never want to see me." Spitfire said as the two entered the kitchen." Listen, I'm sorry for what happened to your son, I didn't mean for..."

"He was under your watch." Shadoc said as Spitfire flinched at his tone."He was barely nineteen when he died."

"I know there's nothing I can do to get you to forgive me." Spitfire sighed as Shadoc huffed." But, I really am sorry, it's hurts me as much as it hurts you."

"You haven't told Green Song yet, have you?" Shadoc asked as Spitfire sighed." You'll have to at some point."

"I know, I'm planning on telling her after school." Spitfire said as Shadoc opened the fridge." Anyway, there's an urgent matter we need to discuss."

"How urgent?" Shadoc asked as he closed fridge holding two beer bottles and handed one to her." Urgent as in save the world, or as in shield might be in danger?"

"Both." Spitfire said as she opened the bottle.

"Oh boy, what'd Fury do this time." Shadoc mumbled as he sipped the drink." What happened?"

"I was targeted actually." Spitfire said as Shadoc raised an eyebrow." Guy showed up at my house to return a stolen angel blood vial, then attacked me."

"Did you know them?" Shadoc asked as Spitfire shook her head." Did they give a name or anything?"

"Yeah, he called himself the Crimson Ghost." Spitfire said as Shadoc chocked on his drink." I'm guess you now of him?"

"Only by stories, you must've pissed someone off real bad." Shadoc said darkly as Spitfire looked at him confused." The Crimson Ghost is my homeland version of a Ghost Rider, but no where near as strong."

"Any ideas on who could've sent him?" Spitfire asked as Shadoc shrugged."Shield thinks you might be involved."

"I can assure you, I'm not." Shadoc said a Spitfire sighed with relief." It's most likely that the one who sent Crimson Ghost after you, is the one who wears the mask."

"That doesn't really help." Spitfire said.

"The best way to find out is to find him." Shadoc said as he chugged his drink." Our best choice is to fight fire with fire."

"Meaning?" Spitfire asked as Shadoc rolled his eyes." Calling in an old friend?"

"Indeed." Shadoc said as Spitfire finished her drink." Will that be all?"

"Yeah, that's it." Spitfire said as she walked towards the door." Again, I'm sorry."

"I know." Shadoc said sadly as spitfire left." Daring is going to kill me for this." Shadoc muttered as he went up the stairs to his office." Retirement sucks anyhow." He grumbled as he pushed a hidden button and a secret door opened to reveal a black trench coat with a silver dragon running down the right sleeve." Hopefully I'm still in shape." He said to himself as he grabbed a black mask that looked similar to a dragon." This old dragon will rise again."


"That's everypony." Cadence said as the last of the ponies ran out of the city." Are you sure the elements will be here?"

"We need to throw everything we got to stop that.....thing." Celestia said as Pony Rider was knocked back into a wall." And I mean everything."

"You're tougher than I thought." Pony Rider mutter as a cackling filled the air." Ideas Grim?"

"Which one?" Grimstone asked as he appeared above Pony Rider slamming the butt of his sword into Pony Riders gut." Surprise!!"

"GAH!" Pony Rider gurgled as he tried to catch his breath.

"That's not a nice way to play." Pony Stone said as he tackled Grimstone and ran him through four walls and then into the ground.

Grimstone didn't make any sounds he was silent with Pony Stone on top of him.

"Well that's on-" Pony Stone began to say before he was interrupted by something grabbing his hoof only to look down and see a skeletal hand.

"Now now now little horsie this isn't nice at all." Grimstone said with a deep laugh as in one quick motion he stood up and flung Pony Stone through the air straight up.

"AAAAAHHHHH!!!" Pony Stone screamed as he went sailing into the air.

"Ugh time to stretch these bad boys out!" Grimstone said as wings sprouted from his back. "Maximum effort." He grunted as he pushed off the ground with his feet and began flying towards his prey.

"Hold on Stone I'm coming!!" Pony Rider yelled as he began to jump after them.

"Not today." Rider said in a comical voice as he appeared before Pony Rider and kicked him in the face as hard as he could sending Pony Rider flying into a giant crystal causing it to shatter and rain onto the floor.

"Ow." Pony Rider said as he rubbed his head with his hoof.

"Aww is da widdle pony tired?" Rider said in a baby talk voice as he started walking slowly towards Pony Rider.

"Shut up you stupid copy!" Pony Rider said as he ran towards Rider and swung his flaming chain at him trying to grab him.

Rider was enveloped in a cloud of dust as the chain made contact.

"GOTCHA!!" Pony Rider yelled as he felt his chain wrap around something.

"Yeah... you totally got me." Rider said as the dust cleared.

"There's..... There's no way!?" Pony Rider exclaimed as he looked in horror.

"You managed to catch my pinkie finger..." Rider said holding up his right hand to show the chain wrapped around it.

"WHAT ARE YOU!?" Pony Rider screamed as he ran towards Rider at full force.

"Isn't it obvious you idiot!" Rider cackled as he wrapped Pony Rider in his chains. "I'm The Hell Rider."

There was a sharp whistle from the sky and when Rider turned around he saw that Grimstone was holding Pony Stone in his hand as he tried to struggle and get out of.

"Rider I'm a big fan of Oreo's. How about we make a double decker one?" Grimstone yelled hoping Rider would understand what he was trying to say.

"Heck yeah why not!" Rider said as they began counting down together.

"One." Rider said as he began swinging Pony Rider around in a wide circle picking up speed.

"Two." Grimstone said as he pulled his arm back as far as it would go.

"Three!!" They both yelled as they threw their captives at each other with deadly accuracy and force not allowing either one of them enough time to react. Then Rider and Grimstone both followed behind their enemies a couple paces behind them. Within seconds Pony Rider and Pony Stone collided in midair with tremendous force causing them both to yell in pain. Then seconds behind them both Grimstone and Rider punched their ponyselves in their guts causing the air to be knocked out of both of them as they fell to the floor with a loud thud right in front of the two princesses who were speechless.

"What...." Princess Celestia began to say before she was cut off by the sound of flapping wings and a shaking chain.

"Just happened?" Rider finished for her. "Nothing much just us beating the crap out of your friends there."

"So..." Grimstone said as he bent down and got face to face with the princess. "Who's next?"

"We're home." Green Song called as her and her brother entered the house." Mom?"

"In my office." Spitfire called as Flint walked past her door with a wave." Here goes nothing," she muttered as Green Song walked past." Hey, we need to talk."

"Everything okay?" Green Song asked as Spitfire sighed as her daughter took a seat." What happened?"

"Remember Nights?" Spitfire asked sadly.

"Of course, he was my friend." Green Song said with a smile, which quickly turned into a frown." He's dead, isn't he?"

"I'm sorry honey." Spitfire said remorsefully." I wanted to tell you but, I just hate the the thought of you being hurt." She said as she stood up and hugged Green Song." I'm so sorry." She said as Green Song cried.

"How did he die?" Green Song asked.

"I don't know." Spitfire said sadly." They found his body in the same ruins where they found the artifact."

"What artifact?" Green Song asked as Spitfire let go.

"It was some mask." Spitfire said as she tried to remember." I can't remember what it looked like." She sighed." You going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine." Green Song said with a sniffle." I've got the others."

"If you need to talk, don't be afraid to ask." Spitfire said reassuringly.

"Thanks mom." Green Song said as she hugged her mother one more time.