• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Monsters within

"So, let me get this straight," Crimson began as the pony sat on the ground. "We're in a magical land of talking ponies?"

"That's about right," Green Song said as Crimson groaned. "So, how did you two...humans...end up here?"

"Long story short, some people didn't like us," I said as Crimson shrugged. "Now, we have no idea how to get back."

"Maybe one of the princesses can help you," Green Song suggested as we looked at her in confusion. "The royal sisters, Celestia and Luna?"

"Back in our world, Luna and Celestia are principals," Crimson explained as Green Song just shrugged. "Anyway, do you know where we can find them?"

"I do, right now they’re at the Crystal Empire for a celebration," Green Song said with excitement as she hovered in front of Crimson. "They invited my family for the trip, which is why I'm here." She got close to Crimson's face. "Speaking of which, you kinda look like my dad."

"In our world, I have a daughter named Green Song," he said as Green Song’s eyes widened in surprised. "And she looks kinda like you and she's just as energetic."

"So your name is Crimson Beat?" Green Song asked as Crimson nodded. "Follow me, I'll bring you to the Empire."

"And I thought Earth was weird," I muttered as we followed the pony, who was now rambling on about Equestria.

~~Crimson's garage~~

"So, any leads on where Crimson and Blizzard could be?" Grimstone asked as Rider groaned. "I'd say they're dead, but then we wouldn't be here."

"That's true," Rider muttered as he leaned on a table. "Think SHIELD could help us?"

"Maybe, but who knows how long that would take," Grimstone groaned as Green Song peeked her head in. "Maybe Carter could help?"

"Possibly, but we need someone who knows about this kind of thing," Rider said as Green Song cleared her throat. Rider turned to face her. "Yes?"

"I may know someone who can help." Green Song said as Grimstone looked at her, confused. "This guy named Robbie Reyes showed up a few days ago.” Rider scoffed. "You know him?"

"Let me guess, he was saved by someone who said he was Ghost Rider," Rider asked as Green Song nodded. "Robbie's not a true Ghost Rider, he's possessed by an angry spirit named Eli, who just so happens to be his uncle."

"What 's so different about him?" Grimstone asked.

"Not much, but he does have the ability to teleport," Rider said. He turned back to Green Song. "Anyway, continue."

"He said that Blizzard managed to contact him," Green Song continued. "And that he needed Grimstone’s help."

"If I knew where he was, then yeah I could help," Grimstone said with a frown. "Unless Robbie knew a way..."

"Stephen Vincent Strange," a voice interrupted as Grimstone turned around to see Robbie approaching them. "Or Doctor Strange for short."

"You must be Robbie," Grimstone mused as Robbie nodded.

"And you’re Grimstone," Robbie said as Grimstone rolled his eyes. "Anyway, Strange will be able to help you guys out."

---Green song---
~~Canterlot General Hospital~~

"May I help you?" A nurse said as the siblings walked up to the desk.

"We're here to see Rainbow Dash," Green Song said sadly as the nurse typed something into the computer."We're family."

"Let’s see here," the nurse mumbled as she looked at the screen. "She's in room 528, fifth floor."

"Thank you," Green Song thanked her as the two walked towards the elevator. "You know Flint, you didn't have to come."

"I know." Flint said matter-of-factly. "I just thought you would like some company."

"Thanks." Green song said as she sniffled." I'm just worried...."

"That she might die?" Flint asked as Green Song wiped a tear away. "I honestly know how that feels."

"You do?" Green song asked as Flint nodded. "Back when you worked with HYDRA?"

"You know how I was known as Soldier #17, I was claimed to be the perfect one, right?" Flint asked as Green Song nodded. "Well, that was a lie, the one before me #16, she was the one I called friend before.....everything." He said as Green Song looked at him confused as the elevator doors opened. "I never knew her real name, but unlike me, she was never brainwashed."

"You were brainwashed?" Green Song asked as Flint nodded.

"She taught me a lot of things, how to fight and use a gun," Flint said as he sighed sadly. "I was 8 years old at the time I met her and she was just turning twenty. She was sort of a mother figure for me."

"But what about our actual mom now?" Green Song asked.

"In a way, #16 was sorta like our mom now." Flint said with a small smile. "Then one day, I was waiting for her to come back from a mission, but only 5 of the agents that left returned."

"How many did they send?" Green song asked. "10?"

"30." Flint said as Green Song looked at him jaw agape. "We were raiding a SHIELD facility not too far from the border of India." He looked away. "A year before Iron Man was recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D, and we weren't prepared."

"She was killed?" Green Song said as Flint closed his eyes and nodded. "I'm so sorry."

"She was never looked kindly upon during her time with HYDRA," Flint said as Green Song placed a hand on his arm. "And in return, she never liked them back, she told me to never give in to them." A tear rolled down his cheek. "When I heard she was killed by SHIELD, I wanted revenge." He choked back a sob. "That's why the first targets I killed when I first arrived here were Hobbs and Williams, the ones who gunned her down."

"So your hate for SHIELD was always there?" Green Song asked as Flint nodded. "So, you were brainwashed to kill mom and dad?"

"You can thank Tirek for that, if he wasn't dead," Flint said as the elevator doors opened and they stepped out. "#16, for as long as I could remember, was planning on leaving HYDRA, and wanted to return me home."

"I'm sorry for your loss," Green Song said as Flint grinned and kept looking for the correct room. "Did you tell anyone else?"

"No," Flint said as they stopped in front of Rainbow Dash's room. "Want me to come in with you?"

"It's fine, thanks though," Green Song said quietly as she entered the room. "Hey Rainbow." She smiled weakly as she looked at Rainbow’s unconscious form. "Everyone’s worried about you." She stepped closer as the machines beeped. "Ghost Rider is on our side now, if you don't remember." She sat down. "The others would've been here, but they're really busy today." She sighed. "Zarathos was taken care of and that monster Ryker's dead. Let's just hope he stays that way." She sighed again, then got up and paced around the room. "Grimstone and Rider we're talking to that Robbie guy before I left, I think they might be going to get Blizzard and dad back." Rainbow lay there on the bed, motionless and silent.

"Anyway, I hope you wake up soon." Green Song left and closed the door behind her.

"Feel better?" Flint asked as Green Song leaned against the door and slowly slid down and covered her face and sobbed. "Come here." He gave her a hug as she cried into his chest. "I may be new to this whole brother thing, but I know when someone needs help."


"Well here we are." Green Song said as she pointed a hoof towards the castle in middle of the city. "The Crystal Empire."

"Shiny." I said as Crimson nodded in agreement. "How do you plan on getting us to that castle without us causing a panic?"

"How good are you at sneaking?" she asked as Crimson raised an eyebrow. "Listen, I may be a pony, but I can say, everypony down there will freak out if they see you."

"That timid?" I asked as Green Song nodded."So, sneaking it is."

"This should be fun time to relive my glory days in the army," Crimson muttered as we ran after the pony. "You know if someone told me that I would be following a talking pony, I would laugh at them and then punch them."

"Same here," I said as we laughed. "I just hope everything's okay back home."

"You and me both," Crimson whispered in agreement as we ducked into an alley. "How quickly can we get there?"

"It will be harder since we're sneaking in," Green Song said as an armored pony walked by. "Plus, the guards don't like me as it is, and are always looking for a way to get rid of me."

"Racist much?" I muttered as we sneaked across the street.

"HALT!!!!!" A voice shouted as we froze as a group of guards approached us."Come with us, creatures."

"Hey, cap." Green Song said as the head pony sneered. "Listen we're just heading to castle, these two need help and....."

"Finally a good reason to lock you away, you pest," the guard said as he gave Green Song an evil look, causing her to whimper. "Come with us." The guards surrounded us and pointed their spears. "Or else." One of the guards shoved Green Song.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as the forbidding guard led us into the castle.

"It's fine," Crimson said with a reassuring tone. "We've been through worse."

~~ The Crimson Ghost~~

"No p-please," a man said as he struggled to get away from the approaching figure. "I'll give you anything, money, power, w-women!?!"

"You sicken me," the ghost said as mist formed into a gun in his hand. "When I discovered a trafficking ring right here in Canterlot, it disgusted me to see how dark this city has become."

"L-listen, I'm not the one in charge," the man said with a nervous smile as the ghost growled behind his mask. "If you spare me, I'll tell you who he is."

"Lies," the ghost growled softly as he held the gun close to the man’s head. "I know you're in charge, Thunderlane." The gun turned into a blade in the ghost’s hand. "I'm feeling somewhat merciful tonight. I'll let someone else deal with you tonight." The blade transformed into a chain.

"R-really?" Thunderlane asked in relief as the mist chain disappeared. "Thank you."

"You're really gullible, you know that?" the Ghost said as he grabbed Thunderlane and wrapped the chain round his neck. "I never feel mercy." He held Thunderlane as he wrapped the chain around a nearby pole. "Anything you'd like to say?"

"Die in hell," Thunderlane spat as The Ghost gave a dark laugh.

"Figured you'd say that," the Ghost chuckled darkly as he held Thunderlane over the ledge. "I'd say it was nice knowing you, but we never got along." The Ghost dropped Thunderlane as his screams echoed but were abruptly silenced. "I guess I should inform the authorities," he muttered nonchalantly as the body hung by the chain dangled below.