• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Fallen son


"Blizzard." Crimson called as I slowly opened my eyes." Wake up."

"That was a bit overboard Rainbow." A southern accent said as blobs filled my vision as I groaned.

"I was told they were a threat." A familiar tomboyish voice defended." Sorry if I was trying to protect the princess."

"And I appreciate that." Celestia said as my vision cleared." But they're not a threat...for now."

"HE'S ALIVE!!!" Crimson screamed jokingly as I groaned." You good?"

"I feel like I was hit by the hulk." I groaned as Crimson helped me up." While he was using Thor's hammer."

"Who's the 'hulk'?" Rainbow asked as my eyes widen at the group of ponies in front of me.

"What the f@ck?" I said as the ponies stared at me." Why do they...."

"Look like the others at home?" Crimson asked as I nodded." Parallel world." He said bluntly as I nodded.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I stared at Rainbow dash." This is messed up."

"About an hour." Crimson said as Celestia approached us.

"I apologize for Rainbow Dash attacking you." Celestia said as I shrugged." You're not mad?"

"Nah, she was protecting you." I said as Celestia sighed with relief." Even though we're not on good terms." I added as Celestia gulped.

"How dare you threaten the princess." A purple alicorn said as she glared at me.

"Twilight calm down." Celestia said reassuringly." We may not be on good terms, but he has agreed to not attack us."

"I never agreed to that." Rider said as Crimson clamped his hand over my mouth.

"What my friend meant to say is, we won't harm any of your ponies if you find us a way home." Crimson said as my eyes flashed orange as Crimson's hand began to sizzle.

"So your from Sunset's world?" Twilight asked holding her glare as Crimson removed his hand and blew on it cussing like a sailor under his breath." I think we've met before."

"Maybe." I said as my eyes turned back to normal as The pink menace got in my face." One of you is bad enough."

"How did your eyes change color?" Pinkie said as she stared into my eyes." I'm Pinkie by the way."

"Blizzard." I said as Pinkie kept staring." Please stop." I growled as Pinkie jumped off me.

"Hold on, your Blizzard too?" Rainbow asked as I nodded." Does that mean..."

"I'm a Ghost Rider." I said as Rider growled." Well, my title is Hell Rider now apparently."

Thank you Rider exclaimed.

"Aaanyway, what happened to our Blizzard?" Rainbow asked as Celestia gave her a nervous look." What happened to him?"

"Nothing much he just became the marshmallow of a painful s'more!" Crimson cackled as the mane six gasped." My friend and I were the crackers and your Crimson was the chocolate."

"T-that's impossible." Twilight said in fear." Other than me and the other princesses, and discord, those two are among the strongest in Equestria."

"Yeah well, we're not from Equestria." I said as Rainbow glared at me."and be glad they're still alive."

"YOU COULD'VE KILLED THEM?!?!?" Rainbow shouted as she got in my face." How could you?"

"And yet I didn't." I growled as Crimson put a hand on my shoulder." Right, anyway princess, how do we get home?"

"Why should we help you?" Twilight asked with anger as Celestia cleared her throat." Yes Celestia?"

"If we don't help them, they could wipe out any bad pony they can find." Celestia said with fear." And no pony could stop them?"

"I see." Twilight said." I guess we use the mirror portal then?"

"We have no other choice." Celestial said grimly.

"So where is this mirror portal?" Crimson asked." Nearby somewhere?'

"It's about a two day train ride." Twilight said as I groaned." Problem?"

"I'm just worried about something." I said with a sigh." None of your business." I snapped as Twilight closed her mouth.

"Okay then, follow us." Twilight said as she lead us to the train station as Rainbow flew the other way." Where are you going?"

"I need to check on our Blizzard and Crimson." Rainbow said glaring at me." I'll catch up."

"Let's get moving." Pinkie said excitedly." Once we get to Ponyville, I can throw you a welcome-and-goodbye party." She said as Crimson and I shot each other nervous looks." Also a get well soon party for the other two."

"That sounds nice and all, but we have to get home." Crimson said as Pinkie gave him a sad look." I'm worried about my family back home." He said as Applejack glanced at him." Especially with our Rainbow Dash in a coma."

"RAINBOW'S WHAT?!?!?" I shouted as the group gave him worried looks."How did you find out?"

"Grimstone told me." Crimson said as I rolled my eyes." Rider never told you?"

"Not a word." I said through clenched teeth as Rider whistled innocently." Who did it?"

"Ryker." Crimson said darkly as we finally arrived at the station." But, He's dead."

"Good." I said as we waited for the train." How long do we have to wait?"

"It should arrive soon." Twilight said as I leaned against the wall." I hope your patient." Twilight muttered.

"I heard that." I said as I flicked a spark at Twilight making her jump." Relax, I'm not going to bite."

"Yet." Crimson quipped." Anyway, what can you tell us about our counterparts?"

"Oh that's easy." Pinkie said with a smile." Our Crimson is married to Captain Spitfire of the wonderbolts, and he has a daughter named Green Song." Pinkie said quickly as she bounced around." Also, him and Blizzard are part of Princess Luna elite night guard."

"Okay, that's interesting." I said as Crimson nodded in agreement." Didn't Celestia mentioned something about that?"

"She did." Crimson said." Captain and Commander right?"

"Yep." Pinkie said as her smile widened." Also, there Flint Locke, Crimsons older son."

"Really?" Crimson asked as the group nodded."Anything else?"

"Nope." Pinkie said as we heard the train whistle." Here's the train."

"Home stretch." I said as we got on the train as I noticed a familiar rainbow trail getting on to the train quickly." I have a bad feeling about this."


"That's everyone." Spitfire said as Coulson stared at a nearby rooftop as a light was flashing on it."How long until the Avengers get here?"

"They're not coming." Coulson said grimly."Hydra problem."

"Just what we need." Spitfire groaned as Coulson smirked." I want details later, but right now, what the hell is going on?"

"Canterlot police force called us in, started as a call of a disturbance." Coulson said as the building shook." Officers arrive, and they find two enhanced humans fighting."

"Anything else?" Spitfire asked as she spotted a familiar black cloaked figure." Is that who I think it is?"

"It looks like Black Dragon is back." Coulson said nervously." I guess this Crimson ghost is a bigger threat then we thought."

"Shadoc told me that ghost is his people's version of Ghost rider." Spitfire said." But, not as strong."


"You're stronger then I thought old man." Ghost said as Shadoc lunged at him." But, what did I expect?"

"I'm not that old." Shadoc said as Ghost kicked him off." Plus it's nice to have someone so similar to spar with."

"Two people from homeland duking it out." Ghost said with a laughed as the two tried to catch their breath." Kinda nice know that you mention it."

"As your king, I demand answers." Shadoc said as Ghost groaned.

"Pullin' that one are we?"Ghost asked as Shadoc removed his mask." Very well, what do you want to know."

"What did Spitfire do to have you come after her?" Shadoc asked." Other than the obvious."

"You'll have to be more specific." Ghost said crossing his arms."If you talking about your son, then that might be a possibility."

"What do you mean?" Shadoc asked as Ghost chuckled." Is he alive or not?"

"Yes and no." Ghost said as Spitfire burst through the door leading to the roof." Great, the whole gang is here, well.... almost."

"Why are you here Spitfire?" Shadoc groaned as Spitfire aimed her gun at Ghost.

"I'm here to help." Spitfire said as Ghost laughed." Would've been here sooner, but stairs."

"But still, you should not be here." Shadoc said as Spitfire rolled her eyes." I told you..."

"Mom, Dad, please stop fighting." Ghost said as Spitfire and Shadoc glared at him." There now that I got your attention, Let's have a chat."

"A chat, really?" Shadoc asked as he got close to Ghost." How many civilians did you kill to find Spitfire?"

"None, I knew just where to find you Agent." Ghost said crossing his arms." I mean after all, you know who I am." He said as Spitfire looked at him confused." And so do you, your majesty."

"Was that sarcasm?" Shadoc asked annoyed." Never mind that, what are you getting at?"

"Agent, tell us, how did Nights die?" Ghost asked as Spitfire lowered her gun.

"It was a cave in." Spitfire began as Shadoc removed his mask." We found a temple somewhere in Brazil, so we went to investigate, we found some artifacts, and that's about it."

"Anything else?" Ghost asked as Spitfire shrugged." What about the fact, you were warned that temple was holding an ancient evil." Ghost said pointing to his mask." This evil to be exact."

"Yes, we were warned, but at the time I had no say." Spitfire said sadly." Our superiors chose to ignore the warnings and sent me and Nights in."

"Is this true?" Shadoc asked as Spitfire nodded." I see."

"Understandable." Ghost mused as Shadoc sighed." What happened during the cave in?"

"I accidentally set off on the traps." Spitfire said." We tried to get out of there as fast as we could, a rock came loose, and he pushed me out of the way before..."

"That is enough." Shadoc said raising his hand." Get to your point, now." Shadoc growled." Yes, my son saved her life, but that doesn't explain why you're after her."

"You see, this mask, it kinda corrupts memories." Ghost said as Shadoc looked at him confused." Yes, I tried to kill her, but that's because I thought she intentionally left your son to die."

"So you needed her to fill in the gaps." Shadoc pieced together." Then, who are you?"

"The question of the hour." Ghost said clasping his hands together." Ya see your highness, your son didn't die." Ghost sighed as he began to remove his mask." Because, thanks to this artifact, he lived." Ghost said as Shadoc jaw dropped.

"No way." Spitfire said breathlessly.

"Surprise Pops." Nights said with a smirk." I lived."