• Published 24th Sep 2017
  • 1,835 Views, 80 Comments

EqG: Hell rider 2 Hell Unleashed - Tunefulsubset72

  • ...

Out of hell


"Why am I here?" Grimstone asked as he and Spitfire walked through the base. "Last I checked, I'm not exactly looked kindly upon."

"I was told by the director to bring you with me next time I come here." Spitfire said as Grimstone glanced at her. "Don't do anything stupid."

"Me? Do something stupid?" Grimstone said jokingly. "But in all seriousness, why are we here exactly?"

"To visit someone." Spitfire said sadly as Grimstone noticed an agent back away in fear. "Hopefully, he can come home this time."

"Who exactly?" Grimstone asked they stopped in front of a blast door as Spitfire showed the guard her badge. "An old friend?" He asked sarcastically as Spitfire shook her head. "You're leaving me on the edge here."

"Our son." Spitfire said as Grimstone eyes widened. "Flint."

"Oh." Grimstone said as they walked in silence. "Must be difficult."

"I won't be surprised if they say no....again." Spitfire said as they stopped. "They've made some progress, but not much."

"He's pretty much been raised by hydra, so I'd understand that part." Grimstone as Spitfire looked away sadly. "He'll come home soon, I'm sure of it."

"'Bout time you got here." A familiar voice said as Director Fury approached them. "And I see you brought Grimstone with you this time."

"Yes, you asked for me to bring him, what's this about?" Spitfire asked as Fury motioned them to follow him. "How's Flint doing?"

"He's calmed down." Fury said as Spitfire sighed. "Let's just say, he might be able to leave today, but we don't know for sure."

"So why am I here?" Grimstone asked annoyed. "Listen I know Crimson's his father, but...."

"We want to see what will happen if he see's both of you together." Fury said with a serious tone. "He might still be hostile towards you, or he might not, we won't know until he see's you two."

"Let hope this works out." Spitfire muttered as the followed the director.


"So Rarity, how was your date last night with your boyfriend?" Sunset asked teasingly as Rarity blushed. "Well?"

"It was wonderful." Rarity said she cleared her threat. "Asger was such a gentlemen." Rarity said as she giggled as someone approached her as she turned around. "Speaking of which, hello darling."

"Hey Rarity." Asger said as they hugged, he had brown hair and brown eyes. "How are you guys?"

"Doing just fine." Applejack said as Rainbow dash shrugged. "When's the next date?"

"Leave him alone." Rarity said as Asger blushed. "He get's enough of that from his family anyway. Well we're off, see you girls tomorrow." She said as she took Asger's arm and walked off.

"What'd I miss?" Green Song asked she approached the group.

"Nothing really." Pinkie said as Green Song sat down. "How's Dashie?"

"She's fine, she said she wanted to hang out with us, but her dad wanted her to come home and help with something." Green Song said with a shrug. "Didn't say what is was."

"Where did Grimstone and Spitfire go in such a hurry?" Sunset asked.

"They said Fury called them both in for something." Green Song said as she pulled out her phone. "And that they would tell me later." Green song said with a sigh. "Kinda scares me to be honest."

"Why do you say that?" Fluttershy asked as Green Song shrugged. "Do you think Mr. Fury will take your Dad away?"

"No, it's not that, yesterday I overheard mom talking abut my older brother." Song said.

"The fella that was controlled by Hydra?" Applejack asked as Green Song nodded. "I was wondering what ever happened to him."

"Apparently he was in some kind of therapy." Green Song said with a shrug. "I didn't hear much, but she hopes he'll get to come home soon."

"I understand that you're scared, you try to not think of what happened when your were captured." Sunset said as Green Song hugged her arms.

"Look at the bright side." Pinkie said cheerfully. "You'll have an older brother to hang out with."

"I'll admit, I am pretty excited about that." Green Song said as her phone buzzed. "It's from Rainbow Dash."

"What's it say?" Pinkie asked as Green Song looked at the text. "Well?"

"She says she'll meet us at sugarcube later." Green Song said as she read the text.

"Let head there then." Sunset said as the group got up and walked to the cafe. "I've been thinking about something, before Blizzard and the whole Zarathos thing, he mentioned something about other Ghost Riders."

"Yeah, remember Johnny?" Green Song said. "He might be coming for another visit soon."

"I remember, but I'm just wondering exactly how many are out there?" Sunset said as the group pondered the question. "Didn't he also mention that one worked with shield?"

"That's a question for Grimstone." Green Song said as they stopped in front of an alley. "If Anyone knows, it would be him." She said as they heard cackling from the alley. "We should get going."

"Now wait just a minute." A voice said as a group of changelings approached them from the alley. "How about we have a little fun?"

"We were just leaving." Sunset said as the leader of grouper sneered. "Have a nice...." she was cut off as he aimed a gun at her. "We didn't see anything."

"You know that Crimson guy, or is it Grimstone now a days?" The changeling said as the girls tried to back away but were blocked off by two more changlings. "How about we show you girl some real fun?" The leader said as Fluttershy whimpered as a crackling sound emanated from behind the changelings. "Don't worry, we won't kill you.....yet." He said as crackling got louder. "Which for one of you is making that awful racket?" He growled as the changelings glared at each other as portal opened behind them.

"Now would be an excellent time to leave." Applejack said as a figure slowly stepped out of the portal causing them freeze in fear, as she noticed one hard to miss feature of the figure, a flaming skull. "Sunset...about that idea of Ghost Riders?"

"You don't say." Sunset said some of the changeling teleported away. "I can say for sure, that's not Blizzard." She said as she noticed this rider wore a black jacket with a white symbol on the front, as he dragged a flaming chain behind him, which he quickly flung around himself as it wrapped it self around his chest as the portal closed.

"Just what we needed, another freak." The leader said as the rider glanced at him. "The silent type, makes you less annoying."

"Not really." The rider spoke with a slight accent. "Leave now, and I might let you live."

"Not gonna happen." The leader said as he noticed that only four of the changelings remained from his group. "There are five of us and only one of you, we still have a chance."

"No, you don't." The rider said as he moved at high speed and turned the leader into ash. "Who's next?" He growled as two of the four charged him as the rider jumped out to the way and threw a fireball at one, setting him on fire as the other shot at him.

"Screw this." The last two remaining said as they ran as the changeling with the gun fell to the ground only to be picked up by the rider.
"Will saying 'I'm sorry' work?" The changeling asked nervously as the rider picked him up and slammed him into the ground repeatedly until he stopped breathing.

"You girls okay." The rider said as the group was frozen in fear. "Hello?"

"Oh...um thanks?" Sunset said as the rider nodded. "And we're fine."

"That's good to hear." The rider said as he walked up to them. "You know where I can find Grimstone?"

"Why do you ask?" Green Song asked as flesh started appearing on the rider skull to reveal a young man with black hair and dark colored eyes. "Who are you?"

"The names Robbie Reyes, and I have message for Grimstone." Robbie said. "This message is from a friend of yours."

"How is this friend?" Applejack asked as Robbie whistled and a black 1969 Dodge Charger drove towards them.

"His name's Blizzard." Robbie said as the girls gasped. "And he needs help."

Author's Note:

Asger belong to this guy

