• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Reality and Dream

Rainbow Dash flipped her front legs up and tugged at her face. A groan escaped from her mouth as her hooves slowly slid down her cheeks. “I can’t believe I missed you in action again!”

Twilight glanced up at her once more bandaged horn. “I’m glad you and Fluttershy weren’t there. If I hadn’t been able to stop Sunset…”

Applejack gave her a slap on the back. “No ‘ifs,’ Twi. You saved all our flanks back there, and hopefully our Professor learned it ain’t right to push ponies’ buttons like he did.”

Dash snorted. “With you on that. Sunset may have hay for brains, but I’m glad at least somepony managed to get back at him.”

“I just hope she and everypony else are okay,” Fluttershy muttered.

“Eh we’ll pull through. We’re in the most awesome class after all: mine!” Dash smirked. She then stretched out her wings and yawned. “Guh, I was hoping getting knocked out would make me a little less tired, but this future hero needs herself a nap.”

“I could use a little shut-eye myself.” Applejack glanced at Fluttershy, Dash, Pinkie, and Maud. “See y’all at dinner?”

“Sure!” Dash exclaimed.

Fluttershy nodded. “Okay.”


Maud blinked. “Yes.”

“Well, it’s been one hay of a first day,” Twilight sighed. A dull ache strummed at her horn.


Redheart examined Twilight with a frown that bordered on becoming a grimace. The bed felt a little unstable under Twilight and it had taken her full focus to keep from passing out on the way to the nurse’s office, even with Applejack carrying her there. Every beat of her heart sent a painful wave down her horn and forced sweat to coat her fur.

“Celestia has really done a number with you, Ms. Sparkle.” Redheart shook her head. “This is the damage I expect on a battlefield, not at school. Channeling as much magic as you did into an actual spell would be enough to force most horns to instinctively release the incomplete spell to prevent this kind of damage. Still, it’s better than the near total burnout you experienced the other day.”

Redheart bent forward and kissed the tip of Twilight’s horn. The contact made Twilight wince and then shiver as a cooling sensation rushed down her horn and over the rest of her body. Purple spiraled back up her horn while the ashen pieces and the cracks retreated until her horn was fully restored.

When the spell was complete, Redheart pulled away and Twilight fell back. She had been tired and her legs had felt like jelly before, but now she felt utterly exhausted. At least without her horn awash in pain, she was able to focus and keep her attention on Redheart.

“I trust Celestia and Tantabus,” Redheart sighed, “but as their student, I consider you my charge as well. So, I had best not see you pulling stunts like this on a regular basis until you can learn to regulate and get accustomed to the Elements’ power.” A white hoof flew up and tapped Twilight on her horn. “Continued overuse like that can lead to permanent damage. Do you understand?”

With images of Tantabus’s training still fresh in her mind, Twilight slowly nodded.


The rest of Twilight’s body was worn out from the training and the healing as well, and her eyelids weighed heavy. Unlike the majority of her friends, she also had to make the trek back home. Plus, there was the reading, which Tantabus was just as merciless on assigning.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow?”

“Yep!” everypony replied with a grin, sans Maud, despite everything they had gone through.

“Need any help getting back home?” Spike asked.

Summoning a smile, Twilight replied, “Sure, thanks, Spike.”

She then turned to make her way to her locker. Everyone else broke off in different directions. Unbeknownst to any of them, someone peered out from behind a corner and locked onto Twilight.


“Well, that certainly is a surprise.” Celestia took a sip of her tea. Seated as she was in a chair built for a fully-grown pony, she appeared like a filly let loose in a parent’s study. Luna sat across the table in the secluded office, shadows swirling off her.

“A surprise?” Luna huffed. “Sister, we are dealing with your progeny her—”

“Ah-ah-ah.” Celestia shook a hoof. “We are dealing with an incredibly skilled student that may just so happen to have inherited an incredibly powerful talent through a very long line of genetics. It’s not unheard of.”

“Solar magic is, though! Sister, the Elements may reside with Twilight Sparkle, but Sunset Shimmer will need guidance as well.”

Celestia leaned forward. “And what makes you certain I am best suited for that?”

Luna slammed a foggy hoof onto the table, shaking the teacups and saucers. “Because only you have wielded such magic! If we do not do something, that magic, combined with her feelings on Twilight could twist her i—”

When Luna stopped herself, Celestia took another drink. She set down her cup. Its ching rang through the office. “I’ll ask again. Am I best suited to instruct Sunset Shimmer? I can certainly lend a hoof, but it seems she already has an excellent mentor.”

Luna’s body swirled out of the seat and reformed so that she was standing. “I see, sister. I must go think for some time and then I shall tend to my student.”


As soon as Sunset opened her eyes, she jumped up. Something akin to fog swirled around her. A glance up revealed that the stars shined through the mist. Before she finished making the calculations to guess what time it was or where she had awoken, a shimmer from below alerted her that the “floor” was just glimmering stardust beyond which laid the vast cosmos.

“Your mental recovery is quite impressive,” a female voice called out. “Tantabus was correct in alerting me to you, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sunset turned. When she caught sight of a mane that flowed even in the depths of space and shimmered like the stars around it, she bowed her head. A million thoughts rushed to her head, and words she had practiced over and over again raced to her lips, just not for this occasion. The one phrase she had absolute certainty in flew from her mouth, “Princess, it’s an honor to meet you.”

“And an honor to formally speak with you as well, Sunset Shimmer.” Hooves clopped. Sunset spied silver horseshoes attached to slender deep blue legs marching around her. Still, she kept her head bowed. “Ah yes, you’ve always dreamed about meeting my sister, but a personal encounter with me must come as quite a surprise.”

“It… it is,” Sunset said with a twinge of red on her cheeks. “I mean, I knew I’d show that professor that I knew my magic but I—”

“You do not know your magic,” Luna said. The tone of her voice sent a chill down Sunset’s spine. There was silence for a moment before Sunset felt the world shift around her. “You let your fear and anger get the best of you and your magic. There was serious risk of injury to yourself and others.”

With a gust of cosmic wind, Sunset now found herself in a world of beige, like the pages of old parchment. Before her was a drawing of two Alicorns: one pure white with a golden crown and the other a deep blue like the sky on a full moon night with a silver tiara.

“Once, long ago, my sister and I ruled Equestria as we still do,” Luna’s voice echoed. A black spiral swirled below the illustrations of Luna and Celestia and coalesced into a sooty pony. “One day, we came upon a pony with immense talent.”

The black pony galloped around the illustrations of Luna and Celestia. Fireworks that turned into various creatures shot off of her horn. Other ponies appeared around the pony, but after some time watching her, turned away. First, the black pony frowned, but then she snarled, revealing fangs.

“She could never be satisfied though. Her rage and jealousy twisted her gift...” The black pony’s body grew bigger, its fangs lengthened, and its eyes turned to slits. Those hellish pupils turned on Luna and Celestia. “… and made her a monster.”

Twin beams erupted out of Luna and Celestia’s horns and struck the black pony. In a flash, it vanished, along with the rest of the parchment world. Sunset found herself back in the realm of stars. She scanned around for Luna, but found herself alone on the glistening path.

Up above, the stars swirled into a constellation that formed Sunset’s cutie mark. “You too possess great power, Sunset Shimmer, but Tantabus has also told me of your fears.”

Sunset’s mark gave way to a six-pointed star. Sunset grimaced.

“Twilight just gets on my nerves a little,” Sunset stammered.

“Today, an illusion of her did much more than that,” Luna retorted. The star shifted to show several different colors at its points. “What would you do if she caught my sister’s eye today when she stopped your out-of-control magic?”

“Twilight did…” Sunset took a step back. “No, it was Professor Tantabus. I… she…”

A wing draped over Sunset’s back. With it pressing against her, she realized she had grown tense.

“You, Sunset Shimmer, must learn that you define your own worth. Others’ success may be a point of inspiration, but it must never be a point of hatred,” Luna cautioned. “Those are the words Tantabus wished to impart to you.”

“He could have done it with a little more tact,” Sunset grumbled. Luna bent a little lower to cover Sunset, but Sunset then turned to face her directly. There was fire back in her eyes. “Thank you, Princess, but I still have my goal: to be the best student Celestia’s ever seen!”

“I see.” Luna shifted her muzzle downward. “May I offer a proposal then?”

“What kind of proposal?”


Twilight mentally kicked herself for thinking the days when getting home was a struggle in itself were over now that she was in the school. Yet, while the exhaustion was familiar, the comfort of having Spike at her side was too. Plus, having a pair of claws to help carry some of her books was greatly appreciated, given the shakiness in her legs.

“Hey, Twilight?” Spike asked while they weaved through the rest of the students finishing up classes.

“What is it, Spike?”

“Do… do you think we’ll have to do something like that again?”

Twilight slowed. She stepped a little closer to Spike to avoid an oncoming mare. The sharp scent of product gave away just how much work she had put into her styled violet mane. “I’m not sure. Just know I’ll always be there afterwards.”

“Heh.” The chuckle was half-hearted as was the nudge he gave Twilight with an elbow. “Same to you.”

As they passed through the main entrance, Twilight turned to him. “It got you bad, didn’t it?”

“It got everyone bad.” Spike looked away from Twilight. He grip tightened on her books. “It’s just… I felt it.”

“Felt what?”

“I… I can’t explain it, but…” Spike glanced at the faded scratches on his arms. “Tantabus made it feel like back then, right before I lost control, only I was conscious about it.”

Twilight’s gut dropped. “Oh, Spike.”

“To be honest, it’s been bothering me for a while now. That’s probably why Tantabus made me experience it.” He shook his head. “It doesn’t make sense now that I’ve read up on it, even with what little information ponies have on it: greed is supposed to take over a day to fully corrupt a dragon, but with me, it was just seconds, and then…”

When Spike shuddered, Twilight reached out a leg to him, wrapping it tight over his shoulders. “Spike, like you said, ponies know little about it, and what Tantabus did was just show you the worst possible thing you could imagine. What she didn’t show you was what a strong and brave partner you are, one that would never let greed do that to him ever again, right?”

Spike sniffled. “Right. It was just so easy to forget when Tantabus made it look like I had ki—hurt you and other ponies.”

Twilight tensed and stopped leading Spike down the steps. She bent her head and then turned to him. Her lips trembled, but she managed to push them upwards. A flare of rainbow raced through her irises. “I guess we’re both afraid of that then.”

Spike jumped back an inch, his foot skimming the edge of a step. “What? Did Tantabus just show everyone turning into a monster then?”

“You’re not a monster, Spike.” Twilight glanced up. From atop the school’s lofty towers waved Equestria’s flag: Luna and Celestia swirling above their respective celestial bodies. “You just have a great power inside you… and so do I.” Her smile solidified as she clenched her jaw. “That’s why we’re here though, to master our talents and learn how to use them to help ponies in need.”

A slow clap of hooves filled the air. “Spoken like a model student. Bet it got you major points on the entrance exam.”

A blast of wind and heat struck Spike and Twilight. Despite being ahead of them on the ground, Sunset still gave off the appearance of looming over Spike and Twilight. The bandages around her horn did nothing to decrease the tension she had summoned into the air. Her glare forced Spike and Twilight to stare straight at her, but it also granted them sight of the bags under her eyes, similar to the ones Twilight sported.

“Sunset, I…”

Sunset swept up a leg in an arc of flame, silencing Twilight. “I know what you’re going to say. You’re so easy to read. The first chance the Professor gives me to take you on, I’ll see your moves coming from a mile away, no matter how strong they are.”
Sunset stomped her hoof and flicked back her mane. “So don’t start getting a big head from today. You got lucky I wasn’t aiming that spell at you, got it?”

“Sunset, you were really in da—”

The gap between Twilight and Sunset vanished in an instant. Hot air flared out of Sunset’s nostrils. “Got. It?”

Twilight gulped and nodded.

“Good.” Sunset spun around. “Just remember who’s going to be the top student here and maybe you’ll actually get by without ticking me off.”

Sunset stomped away, but Twilight called out before she could make it far. “Sunset! I’m sorry but…” Sunset turned to look back. Twilight’s lips quivered while forced into a grin, but the fire in her eyes was steady. “… I’m aiming for the top too, just like back then, and so is Spike… so is everyone! So… so just do your best, but I won’t let you hold me back!”

“Tch,” Sunset spat. “Are you trying to wish me luck or tick me off? Make up you damn mind, you stupid egghead!”

“S-sorry!” Twilight quibbled.

“Guh, whatever.” Sunset turned, but did not move. Instead, she looked up to the sky. The blue of day was just starting to give way to the yellows and oranges of dusk. “Don’t think you saw what I could really do today. Even then, I’m still the only one that managed to put our madstallion of a Professor on edge.”

With a snort, she marched off. She trotted out of the gate with a furrowed brow and tight jaw, her eyes looking forward. She only caught a glimpse of a frail pink filly with a deeper pink mane through her peripheral vision.

Celestia watched Sunset storm off and then made her way over to Twilight. “Well, not the ideal interaction I expected, but she took today’s events better than expected. Tantabus seems to have given her good advice while she was recovering.” Celestia then peered at Twilight. “And you, my student, have taken Tantabus’s advice well, too. That was a most spectacular use of the Elements.”

“I still messed up my horn a little though,” Twilight muttered.

“And Starswirl nearly blew himself up quite a few times during his research,” Celestia countered. “What matters today is you found your own unique way of channeling the Elements without completely disabling yourself. With some refinement and practice, you are sure to master them.”

“But will it be enough?” Twilight asked. “You’ve used the Elements to protect Equestria from things like that mare. What if the way I use them is—”

A pale-pink hoof raced up to Twilight’s mouth. Celestia’s glare chilled Twilight even more than Sunset’s. “It doesn’t matter whether it will or won’t be enough. What matters is that you want to help others, and others will be there to help you. Like I said when we first met, I fear ponies have come to rely too much on me. Do not think that way, Twilight. Just as you use the Elements in a unique way, you will be a unique hero.”

Celestia smiled at Twilight, who genuinely smiled back. “Thank you, Princess.”

“All in a mentor’s work, my student.” She then gave Twilight a smack on the back. “Now, best you be off. Tantabus does not go lightly on homework.” She then looked at Spike. “I’ll see you back at the castle?”

Spike nodded.

“Excellent. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a bit more paperwork to do, something regarding the water damage the field sustained today.” With a raspy chuckle, Celestia made her way up the steps and vanished into the sea of ponies heading home for the day.


“So, you think that’s what Pinkie’s talent is?” Spike asked. Ahead, Twilight’s house came into view.

“Just a hypothesis right now,” said Twilight. “Hopefully, the different races will get to interact more in future physical training.”

“Or we could just ask.”

Twilight narrowed her eyes. “Do you expect a straight answer from Pinkie?”

“Point taken,” Spike chuckled. He opened his mouth to say something else, but he paused and sniffed at the air.

“You okay, Spike?”

With a shake of his head, Spike focused back on Twilight. “Yeah, yeah. Just thought… nah, probably just tired.” A look up to the sky revealed the sun was now partially obscured by buildings and the far-off mountains. “Well, I’d better get going back to the castle. Say hi to your folks for me.”

“If I can get it in between the grilling my mom’s probably going to give me.” Both Twilight and Spike had a good laugh at that. When they settled down, they waved each other off and went their separate ways.

With Spike departing, the day’s events really started sinking in for Twilight, but she steeled herself for homework and facing her parents with the knowledge that dinner and a well-earned rest awaited her. Still, even the short walk through her neighborhood to her house felt elongated in her current state.

Yet, just as she reached her front porch, she felt a hoof clamp onto her left shoulder. A jolt of adrenaline lifted her off the ground and spun her around. A summer in the Everfree had gifted her with an instinctive ability to turn on a dime and face an incoming danger.

In the middle of her neighborhood, however, she found herself facing a pin-eyed and blushing Rarity.

“Oh, darling, I’m so terribly sorry,” she stammered. “Didn’t… didn’t mean to frighten you like that.”

“My fault,” Twilight replied with some red on her face, “My training has made me a little jumpy to stuff like that.” Her eyes honed in on the shiver running through Rarity’s body. “Is, um, everything okay?”

“I…” Rarity bent her head low, allowing the shimmering curls of her mane to fall forward and obscure part of her face. Her shaking intensified. “I tried asking others, but nopony else has listened. I was nervous because you were so close, but you’re the only pony left that I can think of that can help.”

Listening to Rarity’s words and recalling that she had had lunch with Sunset, Twilight pieced together what might be wrong. “It’s okay, Rarity. I know we may have just met… actually, I don’t think we’ve evenly been properly introduced, and I’m rambling, and should really just ask what’s wrong, right?”

Rarity blinked at the hastened words that had flown out of Twilight’s mouth faster and faster. She shook her head and lowered it further. “Please, if you can help, I’ll do anything for you.”

“This sounds pretty serious. Are you sure you can’t ask an adult about it?”

Rarity stiffened. “Not if they’re going to act like Professor Tantabus did. I… I can’t deal with this if that’s what it means to be a hero.”

Twilight recalled Tantabus’s words and steeled herself. She reached out and placed a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “Okay, Rarity, whatever this is, I’ll help however I can.”

Rarity’s hug came swiftly, ten times stronger than even one Pinkie could deliver. “Oh, thank you! Thank you! I didn’t know what to do, but I should have known all along you were the only one that could make sure that dragon stays as far away from me as possible!”

Twilight went white. “What?!”

Behind a nearby house, Spike clutched his arms tight across his chest. As Rarity’s plea repeated in his head, he slumped against the wall and sank to the ground.


Sunset took a deep breath, taking in air that should not have existed in the depths of space. In front of her, a part of the stars and the void in between them thickened into the outline of a unicorn. Its celestial horn turned into a blazing comet aimed straight at Sunset.

“Well,” Luna’s voice echoed throughout the realm, “shall we begin, my faithful student?”

Author's Note:

I'd like to imagine that if this were illustrated, we still wouldn't have a full view of Luna yet. Ah, the drawbacks of crossovers.

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