• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Rainbow Dash: Origin

“And with that, the first round is over!” Vinyl’s voice echoed through the corridors. “Let’s hope our participants are ready for the second round!”

Rainbow Dash heard the announcement but remained seated across from the infirmary. Hoofbeats made her get up and hide behind a corner. Peeking out, she saw staff carrying Derpy on a stretcher into the infirmary. With her keen eyes, Dash noticed that the injuries Derpy had sustained matched damage Derpy’s own bubbles could cause but on a much larger scale than what Dash had seen before. She made a note to watch herself if it came down to her and Starlight Glimmer.

When the commotion had calmed down, Dash stepped out into the hall and approached the infirmary. She did not enter. Facing Fluttershy’s parents right now would just be a distraction. She placed a hoof on the door and stared at the ground. “Fluttershy, I know what you were trying to do, but this is what I must do… for Scootaloo.”

Rainbow Dash,” Scootlaoo’s voice echoed in the back of Dash’s head, “You can…

Dash pushed the memory back into her subconscious. She had told Twilight what Dash wanted her to hear, and now was the time for action. Taking a breath, she backed away. Her wings stiffened, her muscles tensed, and she braced herself. “Let’s do this.”


Twilight stood up. “I should get going.”

“I believe in you, Twilight,” said Spike.

“Good luck!” Pinkie cheered.

“Watch yourself out there, Twi,” said Applejack.

Twilight summoned a shaky grin thanks to her friends’ encouragement. “Alright, I’m off!”

After Twilight left, Spike pulled up his bag and looked at Rarity. “Okay, I’m sure Twilight can win, and I want you to win, too. So, here’s this.”

Rarity’s eyes widened and sparkled. Spike had pulled a massive ruby out of his bag. The cut was perfect. The smell to her was varied and intricate, like the wines her parents talked of. She salivated but managed to contain her reaction to a gasp. “Spike, how did you ever find such a gem?”

Spike blushed and scratched his head before telling a half-truth. “I found it over the summer while training with Twilight. You’re gonna need everything you can use against Sunset though.”

“I can see that, you know,” Sunset growled.

Spike mustered up his courage and quipped, “Worried about this then?”

A vein throbbed on Sunset’s head and she turned away. “Do whatever you want, I’ll beat you all into the dirt.”

Spike offered up the ruby to Rarity. Yet, she pushed it back. “Oh, Spike. I can’t. I can tell this is quite the exquisite gem. I’m sure you’ve been saving it for yourself.”

“Well, I was, but I don’t want to see Sunset beat any more of my friends.” Spike’s blush deepened. “Especially you.”

Rarity touched a hoof to her lips. Then, she lit up her horn. A crack shot down from the top of the gem. With a tug, Rarity split it in two. “There, now we can both enjoy it. It’s only fair.”

“Awwww!” Pinkie cooed.


In the corridors, Twilight’s smile faded now that she was alone. Thinking about the merciless beatdown Dash had delivered against Lightning made her gaze down at the floor. To push the doubt away, she began thinking on her strategy.

Just as she managed to look up with her mind engaged on playing out the fight, Shadowbolt emerged from around a corner. Twilight stopped dead in her tracks, caught in the sinister glare of Shadowbolt’s goggles. With a grin that reminded Twilight of a manticore’s maw, he said, “Ah, I’ve been looking for you.”

“M-me?” Twilight gulped.

“Yes, that was quite the spellcasting you used out there.” Shadowbolt jabbed a hoof at Twilight, causing her to flinch. “A Talent that allows triple-casting at your age is very impressive. I dare say it makes you a candidate to be Princess Celestia’s next student.”

Sweat gathered on Twilight’s brow. Not caring about the speed Shadowbolt was known for, she sidestepped him and moved to rush to the green room. In her attempt to escape, she blurted out, “Th-thanks. Th-that’s really encouraging, but I have to get going!”

“My student, Rainbow Dash…” Shadowbolt said in a cold tone. Twilight felt his penetrating gaze on her. She could not tell if the temperature had actually dropped or if it was just her nerves. Shadowbolt continued, unconcerned with Twilight’s visible anxiety, “She has a duty to surpass all pegasi and become even greater than an alicorn. She needs to hone her own skills and overcome unicorn magic too. This match will prove a valuable test.”

Twilight did not move. Shadowbolt’s hooves rang against the ground. He bent down and placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Give it your all out there and I’ll make sure to put in a good word for you. The number four hero’s word can open a lot of doors.”

Shadowbolt backed away. “Just something to keep in mind.”

The air felt thick when Twilight spoke, “There’s something that comes before being Princess Celestia’s student.”

“Well of course.” Shadowbolt turned to grin at Twilight. He paused when he noticed she stood firm on her hooves. His grin faded.

The pause gave Twilight time to face Shadowbolt and declare, “And there’s something that comes before you call Rainbow Dash your student. It’s our friendship.”

Shadowbolt scowled and his glare bored holes in Twilight, but she faced him a second longer with hues flaring through her irises. Before he could snap at her or worse, Twilight turned and made her way to the ring.


“So,” Rainbow Dash snorted, “Shadowbolt give you a little ‘pep talk’ too?”

“It doesn’t matter,” Twilight answered. Colors still swirled around her pupils. “This is our fight, plain and simple.”

“Right answer.” Dash raked a hoof and crouched. “For that, I’ll make this quick.”

“Looks like we’ve got a little trash talk going on!” Vinyl declared.

“I have noticed that Rainbow Dash appears to see Twilight Sparkle as a rival,” Tantabus noted.

“Well, I’m looking forward to a fight between flight and mystical might to start off round two!”

“Begin!” Rockhoof shouted.

Dash burst off the ground, moving too fast for Twilight to track. Instead of flying straight at Twilight, Dash zoomed around her, reared back her right foreleg, and leveled it at the nape of Twilight’s neck. She rocketed her hoof down.

Instead of hitting flesh, Dash’s attack ground against a shimmering barrier. It was mainly purple, but waves of rainbow periodically washed over it, covering it like a thin film that faded back into purple. Dash flew back when Twilight turned and stared up at her. Something about the way the colors swirled in Twilight’s irises bristled a few of Dash’s feathers.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight shouted. “I want to finish this fast too, but there’s something I need to do first!”

Aura flared up around Twilight’s horn. Fluttershy’s words hardened her resolve. “If Rainbow Dash wants to prove she can get by without using her Talent, then I’ll need to prove to her just how important a Talent and pegasus magic is.”

Twilight cocooned herself in a thick barrier. The aura was so dense that it obscured Twilight. Dash recovered from the shock of having her initial strike blocked and zoomed toward the barrier. Putting her momentum and weight into her right hind leg, she bucked at it, but the barrier did not budge. With a snort, she flipped around and smacked at it with her forelegs, but no damage was visible. “You can’t stay in there forever!”

“I don’t intend to!” Twilight’s voice boomed. The barrier brightened. Dash flew back, unsure of what was coming. Pinkie chucked out sunglasses to her friends, Vinyl adjusted her goggles, and Tantabus’s eyes shifted ever so slightly so he could continue observing. Dash was forced to shield her eyes when the barrier’s light became blinding.

When the light faded, the barrier was gone. The crowd gasped. The sunglasses slipped from Pinkie’s face. “Holy guacamole!”

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “That’s her game?”

“Ha-ha!” Spike exclaimed. “Now that’s only something Twilight could think up!”

“How did she have time?” Starlight muttered. “Her Talent is more potent than I expected.”

Celestia leaned forward with a smile on her face. “Oh-ho, now that will make things interesting.”

Dash stared at Twilight for a second, bewildered like most of the audience at what she was looking at. Then, she clenched her jaw and scowled. The rage she had shown in the capture the flag training flared up in full force. She rocketed back to the ground and glared at Twilight. “Get. Rid. Of. Those.”

Twilight glared back. In defiance of Rainbow Dash’s demand, she unfurled the sleek gossamer wings at her sides with enough force to kick up a small gust. A few rays of sunlight that streamed through the clouds caught them and refracted multiple colors across the ring and onto the crowd.

“Magnificent!” Rarity swooned before taking a bit of her half of the ruby.

“Twilight,” Fluttershy gasped. With the help of her parents, she had managed to get up and into the participants’ section.

“Fluttershy, you should still be in bed,” Blossom urged.

“After…” Fluttershy paused to cough. Blossom and Swirly felt her body rattle. Yet her eyes were vibrant and focused on the ring. “After this match.”

“Fluttershy!” Applejack yelped. “What in tarnation are you doing up in a state like that?”

“Please,” Fluttershy huffed while her friends rushed over to her. “I just want to be here… for Twilight and Rainbow Dash.”

“We’re with you on that!” said Spike.

Everyone turned their attention back to the ring.

“Are my eyes deceiving me?” Vinyl yelped. “Or did Twilight just grow wings?!”

Tantabus calmly answered, “Crafted would be a better word. You’re familiar with Icarian wings, correct?”

Vinyl squinched up her face, scratched her head, and finally slammed a hoof onto the table holding the mics. “Oh yeah!” She furrowed her brow. “I thought that was a pretty unwieldy spell though, and doesn’t it take way longer to cast?”

“Under normal circumstances, but Twilight Sparkle’s Talent allows her to cast at an uncanny speed. With her proficiency, I am curious why she would choose that spell.”

“Those look like pegasus wings,” Night Light remarked to Velvet upon hearing the announcer’s observations while keeping an eye on Twilight. “Aren’t they supposed to be more like a butterfly’s?”

Velvet’s attention was not on Twilight’s wings, but on her horn. The tip of it was now black and smoking. “Twilight, what are you thinking?”

“Get rid of them!” Dash roared.

“You’ll have to make me.”

Dash snarled and charged at Twilight. Even with Dash’s speed, her anger telegraphed her movements. Twilight exploded upward with a flap of her wings. Dash zoomed past where Twilight had been, twisted her head up at Twilight flying higher, and bolted after her. “You can’t beat me with fake wings!”

“They may be fake…” Twilight flapped her wings and swung to the left, dodging Dash’s charge while continuing to climb higher. “But with the way you are, they’ll be enough.”

Dash swooped back around, brayed, and rushed back at Twilight.

“Where did she learn to fly?” Flitter asked Cloud Chaser.

“Better question…” Cloud Chaser kept her eyes on Twilight while she managed to avoid getting clobbered by Dash. “How is she flying? I’ve heard about that spell and it’s supposed to just let you glide around. Maybe get straight up a few meters, but nothing more complex than that.”

“She supplemented the base spell with a modification to change the wings’ shape to match a pegasus’s, then she cast another spell to hook up the wings to her muscles and nerves,” Starlight explained while clasping her hooves tightly together. “At least, that’s what I can guess. I’d put her on par with a pegasus stripped of their natural magic, but with the advantage of spells. Seems I’m not the only pony who wanted to show off.”

“Well, I did tell her to put on a grand performance in my place.” Trixie grinned and pointed her muzzle up. While keeping her haughty pose, she glanced at Starlight. “Plus, it’s a good chance to see what Twilight Sparkle is capable of.”

Starlight kept her hooves clasped tight. “Indeed.”

With a final flap of her wings, Twilight managed to fly up through the clouds and popped up on the other side. Dodging Dash and flying for the first time had winded her. With a huff, she cast a cloudwalking spell and put her hooves on the clouds. Her back ached and sweat dripped into the clouds.

“We’ve gone fully airborne!” said Vinyl. “With the start of the match throwing us a curveball, I have no idea where this might go!”

“Down!” Dash yelled. She exploded out of the clouds and tackled Twilight before she could summon a barrier. Instead of striking Twilight while she was open, Dash pinned her legs. “You think you can fight like a pegasus?!”

“Do you?” A burst of magic exploded out of Twilight and raced over Dash. Dash reared back, allowing Twilight to angle her horn and blast Dash away. Over half her horn was black now. Dash tumbled across the cloud, spread her wings, and recovered in the air. Then, she sunk towards the clouds. With a grunt, she managed to stay airborne. Twilight planted her hooves on the cloud and took up a fighting stance. “I’d be careful laying hooves on me. Doubling your weight is just one hex I planted on my body. Who knows what else I’ve rigged myself with?”

“How many spells is that?” Tantabus muttered.

Vinyl turned to him. “You say something?”

“I’m just noting how many high-level spells Twilight Sparkle is casting and keeping active. Cloudwalker to stay up there, mental warfare to calculate flight purely on strength without having ever done it before and to predict Rainbow Dash’s movements, and several booby-trap hexes in case Rainbow Dash is able to breach her defenses.”

“That’s way more than just the triple casting we saw in the first round!”

“And I think she’s just getting started.”

“Twilight!” Dash scowled. “Just what the buck are you planning!?”

“I’m fighting with everything I’ve got,” Twilight answered. “After listening to your story and seeing how hard Fluttershy fought… no, how hard everyone has fought, this is the conclusion I’ve reached. Somepony very important to me told me this was my chance to show Equestria what I could do. The same applies to you!”

“Then fight like a unicorn!” Dash shot back. She made a rush to blitz Twilight, but a compacted mass of clouds slammed into her and knocked her away. The attack did not faze her, and she immediately regained her bearings. “Stop trying to play pegasus!”

“Start acting like one!” Twilight yelled at her.

Veins rose up across Dash’s face. “Don’t you talk to me like that!”

She raced at Twilight. Condensed clouds rose up to smack her, but she weaved through them and was in Twilight’s face at a blinding speed. She cracked a blow against her face and sent her rolling across the clouds. At the same time, a chain sprung out of Twilight and latched Dash to a nearby cloud. Undeterred, she roared, “Get rid of those wings!”

“N-not yet.” Twilight angled her horn at Dash. Aura exploded off it and then transformed from purple to white and crackling. Dash’s pupils shrank, and she dove into the clouds with enough force to pull the chained bit of cloud with her. A massive bolt of lightning tore out of Twilight’s horn, through the air, and crashed into the barrier.

“Holy smokes!” Bow exclaimed. “Forget the wings, that’s some real weather manipulation there!”

The lightning had cleared away a large chunk of the clouds, exposing Dash. It had also blown away that hex that had chained Dash. The attack had left her slack jawed for a second. Then, she regained her focus and directed a glare at Twilight. Her attention slipped again at the sight of Twilight’s left foreleg. It was limp, discolored, and cocked at an unnatural angle.

“I knew it!” Sunset cursed, but then smirked. “Looks like even with an egghead like her, anypony but me trying that is just using half-baked magic!”

Applejack turned around to look up at Sunset. “What are you going on about?”

“Twilight, dweeb that she is, half-assed trying to do thaumic reconfiguration,” Sunset snickered. “She still cast with her horn, but she let the backlash go into her leg.”

“But that means it isn’t hurting her horn as much!” Pinkie chimed in.

Sunset scrunched up her nose at Pinkie. “That would be the dumbest strategy I’ve ever heard of. Then again, her opponent isn’t the smartest either.”

“Hey!” Pinkie jabbed a hoof at Sunset. “That’s no way to talk about your classmates!”

“Just stating the obvious,” Sunset snorted. “Overuse or underuse your Talent or your magic and you’re in for a world of hurt.”

Fluttershy winced when Sunset glanced at her, but Sunset’s attention only lasted a second and lacked the animosity she had shown earlier. “Twilight, I know you can do it…”

Up above, Twilight gasped for breath. A glance up at her horn revealed that it was smoking and a bit more of it had blackened, but just a bit more. Her leg throbbed, and her vision swam for a second, but she managed to focus and stay balanced on three legs. She directed her attention back on Dash, who was dumbstruck by what Twilight’s own spell had done to her. She huffed, “Well, come at me, Rainbow Dash!”

“Are you crazy?” Dash rasped. “Look at your leg!”

“Look at your back.” Twilight’s eyes glowed for a second. Her vision shifted, and she saw through Dash’s fur and skin to see the muscles underneath. Many on her back were stressed to the limit and a few were fraying and tearing apart. “You were already taxed from your fight with Lightning, and that hex I put on you is making you work twice as hard. How long can you keep flying with just pure strength?”

The concern vanished from Dash’s face and anger flared up again. “Long enough to knock you out!”

She tore towards Twilight, but Twilight charged up her horn faster than Dash could reach her. She loosed another strike at Dash, forcing her to swoop up and away. A few errant bolts struck her. The barrier took the brunt of the spell. It was now fully visible across the colosseum. The guards spread across the colosseum all had horns glowing bright and huffed keeping up the barrier.

Feels like these kids get stronger every year, one of them thought.

Dash gasped for air. Sweat collected on her face and dripped from her chin. Her coat was getting lathered. A few yards away, Twilight hovered above the clouds. Her right hind leg was discolored and at an odd angle like her left foreleg. Over three quarters of her horn was black now. Despite the pain radiating from her legs and her horn, she managed to keep her sights on Dash.

“So, this is how far you’re willing to sell yourself out!?” Dash yelled. Smoke drifted off her back and a few ashen feathers scattered into the air. “This is only something that bastard could come up with!”

“You’re wrong!” Twilight shouted back. Dash snarled and flew at her again. Twilight charged up a third attack. “I told you, this is our fight!”

The bolt crashed down on Dash. She threw out her hooves and flew straight at it. Her muscles bulged, a bit of blood dribbled down her nose, and she clenched her teeth near to the point of cracking them. With a war cry that reverberated across the colosseum, she managed to shift the bolt upwards where it crashed into the barrier. The golden aura shuddered and the bits on the ground lifted up.

Near the top of the barrier, Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts backed up. She had a job to make sure anypony that touched the barrier was ringed out, but she was also familiar with the amount of power Twilight was sending out. She had heard of legendary Wonderbolts that wielded the weather like this but had never heard of a unicorn controlling lightning at this level, not even Starswirl the Bearded.

Dash’s hooves sizzled. Up to the knee, parts of her forelegs were blackened and blistered. The pain racing up her back blurred her vision, but she kept her eyes on Twilight. Down to only one leg now, Twilight managed to keep her eyes open too, but her teeth were clenched tight. Dash rasped, “Why?”

“You’re not looking too good, Rainbow Dash. Talents, magic, physical abilities, they all have their limits,” Twilight huffed. Once more her enchantments allowed her to peer at Dash’s muscles. More sinew was torn and a majority of it was fraying now. “Then again, you could always use your magic. At this point, you could probably dispel that hex too.”

“Shut. Up,” Dash growled.

“You’ve seen it, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight stomped her last good leg against the clouds. “Everyone’s giving it their all to win! To achieve their dreams! To make it to the top!” She jabbed her hoof at Dash. “And you’re gonna win while not giving one-hundred percent?! What would Scootaloo think?!”

“Don’t you dare bring her up!” With every fiber in her back, Dash pulled forward. The world blurred around her, but her focus was entirely on Twilight.

“Give me everything you’ve got!” Twilight charged up her horn. “Come at me!”

The bolt ripped through the air. At the last second, Dash rolled out of the way, but the bolt still caught the tip of her left wing. She went into a spiral, but with a grunt, she managed to pull up and get back on level with Twilight.

“This is a light show I could only dream of, folks!” said Vinyl. “Twilight is throwing everything she has at Rainbow Dash, but Rainbow Dash is pushing herself to the limit too defending and dodging!”

Tantabus remained silent. Your control of the Elements has improved by leaps and bounds, Twilight Sparkle. You’re not just blindly throwing out your power like during the entrance exams, this is a calculated effort by you, isn’t it? Still… with the way things are going, it may be time to properly introduce myself, but that decision will come after the match.

“Twilight,” Celestia murmured. I’ve seen your drive to be a hero, but this is something much more. This fire in you…

“Why are you going so far?” Dash screamed at Twilight between gasps for air.

“Part of it is trying to meet expectations,” Twilight huffed. Even with no legs left to redirect the backlash to, she lit up her horn. Electricity crackled around her. “I want to be a hero that can protect others with a smile! I want to be a hero that protects my friends! Isn’t that what you want too!?”

The bolt was biggest yet. Rainbow streams whipped off of it. It rushed at Dash too fast for her to dodge. Knowing she had no choice, Dash dove towards it and braced her blackened legs against it. Immediately, the bolt pushed her back while sending electricity coursing through her body. “S-scootaloo…”

Dash and Scootaloo laid back on the clouds and stared up at the sky. Both were out of breath from an afternoon of sneaking out of the house and playing around in the nearby clouds. Dash had had to carry Scootaloo around, but Dash did not mind. It was worth it just to have some time out of the house with Scootaloo and a chance for Scootaloo to practice her cloud sculpting even though Dash half-disguised it as just goofing around.

“Ah, that was great!” Dash stretched out and sunk further into the cloud, manipulating for the perfect amount of pliability. “Nothing beats a good rest on a cloud after a few hours of play.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo giggled. She leaned back too, glanced at Dash, and then stared up. “Hey, Rainbow Dash?”

“What’s up?”

Scootaloo paused. Dash heard her gulp. “What would you do if my dad and I weren’t around?”

“Be bored,” Dash chuckled.

“C’mon,” Scootaloo pouted. “I’m serious. My dad always tells me how motivated you are, but you must have been like that before. What got you up in the morning to train before all that?”

“Huh, you’ve got a point there.” Dash paused for a moment and thought. There was her drive to win. Of course, there was the thrill she had first experienced seeing a Wonderbolt Show. The way they had moved through the air, pulled off feats she could barely comprehend when she had just been learning flight basics, and captured her heart and mind to one day wear a uniform like them. To Dash, being a hero like that would be a pretty awesome life.

Yet, she stopped herself for just saying being a Wonderbolt or a successor to Shadowbolt was all she wanted out of being a hero. The times she felt most invigorated was when she was standing up for Fluttershy or helping out Scootaloo with her weather manipulation. An interview she had read about Princess Celestia sprung to mind. The interview had asked what was most important about being a hero.

“Stopping a villain or foiling a plan to plunge Equestria into chaos may get you in the spotlight, but it really is the ponies you save that make the fight worth it,” Celestia had answered. “And I don’t just mean from a burning building or what have you. Saving can be as simple as a smile, a wave, a warm hug. In that sense, Talents and power are secondary to having your heart in the right place. That is the most important thing about being a hero.”

Dash thought about where her heart was and answered, “Loyalty. I want to be a hero that never abandons her fellow pony, especially her friends.”

Scootaloo smiled. “I think that’s a really good answer. That’s probably why you’ve gotten so far. A lot of other ponies that trained with dad didn’t have that sort of thing. But you, Rainbow Dash? You can be a hero no matter what happens.”

When did I forget that? Dash asked herself. The blast pushed her back further. She was rapidly approaching the barrier. Rainbow’s irises lit up in the same manner as Twilight’s. With newfound strength, she gripped the bolt. The air around her swirled. Suddenly, she came to a halt just as her flanks lit up.

Oh my stars, Tantabus thought. That’s what this was about! In the midst of battle, Twilight Sparkle, you were intent on freeing Rainbow Dash from her fears and inhibitions!

Thunder rent the air. The bolt, once a colossal beam of electricity, fractured into quarters. The lightning burst out of Rainbow Dash’s legs in dazzling strikes that transformed into every color of the rainbow. When the bolts died down, Rainbow Dash floated in the air for a second before taking a flap.

The burst of pressure from her wings cleared away the nearby clouds. The sun shone down on the colosseum. Twilight had to anchor herself to a cloud and then reinforce it to keep from getting blasted away.

Shadowbolt grinned with glee.

“She did it,” Fluttershy gasped. With all her strength, she pumped a fist in the air. “She did it!”

Well done, my faithful student, you freed Rainbow Dash from the shadow that had entrapped her, thought Celestia. She then took a moment to take in Twilight’s mangled legs, her blackened horn, and her short breath. “That might cost you a little… but we’ll have cake to celebrate regardless.”

“Darn it, Twilight,” Rainbow Dash sighed while the winds died down. They had been so fierce up in the air that Twilight had been forced to shield her eyes. “I thought you wanted to win, so why are you trying to inspire me?”

Twilight beheld Dash. Her hex had been torn off, and her enchanted eyes could tell that a lot of the muscles on Dash’s back and wings had somehow healed. With a blink, she switched from seeing the biological to the thaumic. Dash was a near solid red with flecks of white cropping up across her wings. Only one spot shined brighter: her flanks. Twilight switched back to regular vision.

A scar still ran down Dash’s left side, but in place of the scar on her left flank was a cloud with a tri-color lightning bolt shooting out of it. The scar tissue on her right flank was glowing bright in plain view and appeared to be receding.

Despite the immense display of power, Rainbow Dash did not wear the cocky grin she had displayed in the past. Instead, it was shaky as if she were unsure if grinning were proper. It precisely matched Twilight’s expression. A few tears dotted the corners of her eyes. “I… want to be a hero too, but before that I’m your friend!”

Rainbow Dash
Talent- Over the Rainbow: Nopony beats Dash in the sky. Even without her Talent, she’s an incredible flyer, but with it, her skills approach the stuff of legends. Her weather manipulation already rivals some pros and may someday reach Wonderbolt tier. She could even have the ability to pull off a Sonic Rainboom, the ultimate flying feat, but nopony has been able to confirm this. Either way, messing with her is like taking on a miniature storm!

Author's Note:

Ah, how convenient that I now have this

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