• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Spike stumbled back into the gymnasium. His arms ached and hung limp at his sides, and even his head felt heavy. At least a nurse had used a spell to sooth his throat, but the healing left him parched and famished. The ponies around him were in similar states of exhaustion as they picked up their materials and shuffled to the lunch hall.

Only a few ponies walked out of the practical with just a little sweat and slightly quickened breath to show for it. Spike spotted Sunset and Rainbow Dash among that group, but he dared not let his sight linger on either for too long.

A gurgle from his stomach drew his attention. Picking up his bag, and quite more appreciative of Celestia for having gone out of her way to give him some gems, he followed along with the rest of the crowd. Through the musty collective scent of everypony, Spike picked up the smell of gemstones again.

Unzipping his bag enough to stick a claw in, he pulled out a sapphire and gave it a whiff. To a pony, at best, it would have smelled of burnt earth given the fine cuts Celestia had given it. To a dragon, it held notes of cream and something somewhat akin to earl grey. At least, that was the closest scent Spike could attach to it in pony terms.

But the smell in the air, faint as it was, was savory with smoky undertones. Spike’s mouth was already watering from hunger, but he had to wipe his lips when he finally placed the smell. He was certain it had to be a ruby, aged not just by the earth, but by skilled hoof or horn, or maybe even a claw. Spike had not seen any other dragons during the practical, but given what they had all just endured, it would not have been hard to miss another dragon if there was one.

Spike’s curiosity about the mystery ruby and its owner was paused when he saw a sign to the side of the lunch hall.

Nopony In Group One Past This Point

Violators Will Be Dismissed

“Guess they don’t want either group to spill the beans on their part of the exam,” Spike muttered and sighed. “Aw, where should I sit?”

“You can always join me,” Sunset snickered. Spike snorted and glared up at her. Sunset rolled her eyes. “Oh, stop it. Are you really that upset I told the truth about a loser like Twilight?” She grinned at Spike. “You’ve actually got some decent moves on you though. I wouldn’t mind testing my spells against that flame sometime.”

“Keep calling Twilight a loser and you won’t have to wait long,” Spike growled.

“See, that’s why you’re better than Twilight. You actually know when to get pissed off.” Sunset shook her head. “But if you want to keep defending her, it’s quite hilarious to watch.”

With a shrill laugh, Sunset sauntered off. Spike balled up his fists but quickly unclenched them. Fuming over Sunset would get him nowhere. He needed to recover his stamina. Plus, without all the applicants crowding together to get into the lunch hall, it was easier to trace the scent.

A few ponies paused their eating to watch Spike snake through the hall with his nose held high. He was getting closer. He could practically taste the ruby. Certain it had to be within view by now, he looked around. Everypony was devouring their lunch, or doing stretches to work out the ache from the practical, or praying to Celestia or whatever entity that would hear them to let them pass the written portion.

Then, Spike spotted her. She had a snow-white coat, an alabaster horn, and a body that appeared as if sculpted from marble. Everything, from the luster of her fur to the dazzling swirl of her rich violet mane and tail made Spike’s heart flutter. Having three diamonds as a cutie mark was the icing on the cake. Yet, what impressed Spike most of all was that this pony’s radiance did not appear to have suffered one scratch from the practical. Even her hooves glistened as if freshly cleaned.

Just when Spike thought he could not have been any more enchanted by her, the pony looked right and left, and, not seeing anypony with eyes on her, and not spotting Spike due to his height, she pulled out the ruby. It had the deepest, purest crimson hue Spike had ever seen. Its surface was uncut but it still shone brilliantly for the brief second the pony pulled it out of a lunchbox also bearing her cutie mark. Then, she shoved it into her mouth and split it apart with a resounding crack.

Spike’s jaw dropped. When the nurse had healed up the worst of his injuries after the practical, she had warned Spike he would feel a little exhausted. He reached up and smacked himself hard across the cheek to ensure he had not just passed out and was slumbering in the gym atop a heap of gear. The sting assured him he was indeed awake.

Another crunch drew his attention back to the pony. Red tinged her face. She put her head to the table and covered the lower half of it with her hooves while she crushed the ruby between her teeth. Just as she swallowed, she felt something poke her side.

“H-hi, I’m Spike,” he stuttered, his own face now red and hot. One of his feet drew circles on the floor. “I, uh, was really surprised to see a pony eating a gem like that.”

“Y-yes,” said the pony, color draining from her face. Her right hindleg flipped around the bench she was sitting on and touched the ground. “I, uh, should really be going. Must get ready for the test!”

Spike spied an untouched array of fruit and a salad tucked into the pony’s lunchbox. She hastily zipped it up before Spike could ask her about it, and jolted out of her seat. She turned to leave, but Spike called out, “Wait! Can I at least get your name… you know, in case we’re in class together?”

The pony didn’t turn. She stood still for a moment, biting her lip. When she finally unclenched her jaw, her voice was little more than a whisper, but Spike was at rapt attention. “R-rarity.”

“Rarity,” Spike repeated, eyes glazing over as he did. He found the name a perfect match. He refocused. “I…”

Rarity was gone. Spike frowned pondering what had gotten Rarity so spooked. Upon a moment of brief consideration, he chalked it up to regular nervousness about the exam. Deep down though, he hoped he had not embarrassed her by asking about the ruby. Even he knew it was more than a little weird for a pony to eat a gem.

Still, Rarity had lit a fire within Spike, one kindled by mystery. With a jet of smoke from his nose, Spike vowed to work even harder now to pass the written exam. More than just staying by Twilight’s side, he wanted to get to know Rarity more too. Plus, Spike guessed that if there was one gem-eating absolutely stunning pony trying to get into the School, there could be more. Grinning with excitement, Spike sat down and happily enjoyed his lunch.


Between the chill she may or may not have imagined in the classroom, and the stuffy atmosphere in the gymnasium, Twilight appreciated the fresh air as she stepped outside. A shaky grin came to her face when she saw that just ahead of a red line was a miniature version of Manehatten with some lower level buildings stitched to its edges. There were no lights on, and, barring what was on display in windows, there was no furniture or other fixtures to be seen.

At first, she thought there were ponies wandering the faux-city streets, but closer inspection revealed they were only mannequins. All of them bore a glistening piece of metal in their chests, even the fake-foals in carriages.

“Ooooh.” Pinkie placed a leg to her forehead and looked over the faux-city. “I don’t remember seeing any pictures of this.”

“You probably did,” said Twilight. “Just different. The metropolis testing zone is regularly destroyed as part of classes here. Given the mannequins, we may have a—”

“No spoilers, Miss lavender unicorn!” the melodic voice blared. Twilight looked away from city and was greeted by all the applicants looking at her. Instead of staring back at them, Twilight’s attention was on the electric-blue maned mare standing atop a nearby stage. Her magenta shades hid her eyes, but combined with the headphones over her ears and the cocky grin on her face, she was recognizable to everypony. “Can’t have you stealing my thunder just yet!”

“S-sorry, Ms. S-scratch!” Twilight yelped with her face turning red. Ohmygosh! DJ Pon-3! DJ Pon-3 talked to me!

“Hey!” Vinyl Scratch blared despite not a single amp or microphone in sight. Only her horn was aglow. “This is showtime, so stage names only please!”

Twilight grew even more red and bowed her head. A few ponies snickered.

“Aw, I’m just kidding, just kidding!” Scratch said, words coming out as if they had gone through a synthesizer. “Call me whatever you want… except quiet, cause a hero has always gotta make a big entrance!”

Pinkie’s leg shot into the air first and then the rest of her left the ground. “Even if we’re doing some super-secret spy hero mission thing?”

“Well, I…” Scratch’s voice faltered. She pushed up her glasses to massage her eyes. Before anypony could get a good look at her, she reaffixed them. With a shake of her head, she muttered, “Kids these days.” Her voice then swelled up again. “Okay, enough chit-chat! It’s time for you little kiddies to show us what you’ve got!” Scratch swept a leg over to the faux-city. “As some of you have probably guessed, your exam is going to be an emergency simulation!”

The ground rumbled. Scratch’s grin widened as she watched some applicants stumble while others like Applejack and Twilight crouched and readied hoof and horn. Her sight lingered on Pinkie bouncing up and down to the shaking of the earth for a moment. Then, a rocky paw emerged out of the earth in front of Scratch’s stage. The nearby applicants jumped back.

An earthen diamond dog emerged from out of the ground. A few pebbles tumbled off its blocky body. One of its coal eyes pulled to the right and its head split and reformed with half of it returning to its original shape while the other half morphed into a one-eyed bird. Each flap of its wings sent out a cloud of dust.

The ground rumbled again, with greater intensity this time. A claw shot out of the ground, followed by another one. Twilight stiffened. Some other applicants gulped. Rocks stood in place of a mane and tail, and roots filled in for wings, but the creature that had pulled itself out of the ground was unmistakably a manticore.

“Well, not exactly the most vibrant bunch, but they’ll do for today,” Scratch chimed in. “A bunch of these little guys are gonna be running wild once the exam starts, and it will be your job as heroes to protect the city by any means possible. You’ll get points for every heroic act you commit.” Scratch’s grin sharpened. “We’ve also got a little something special in store.”

“What is it? What is it?” Pinkie asked while bouncing up and down.

“That’s for me and the rest of the staff watching to know, and you to find out. Now, you’ll have ten minutes to show us what you’ve got, two of which will be with our surprise. So, get to the starting line and let’s kick things off!”

Twilight followed along with everypony else over to the starting line, but her attention lingered on the manticore golem. Watching it sink back into the earth reassured her that it was just a creation of magic, a testing tool and nothing more. With a snort, she took a spot beside Applejack and Pinkie.

Applejack adjusted her hat so that was wedged firmly between her ears. “Best of luck to both of you.”

“You too,” said Twilight.

Instead of immediately replying, Pinkie watched her tail flatten and then bend into a square. “Oh, wowza! Be careful of falling down!”

Twilight’s eyebrow nearly flew off her head as it raised up. “What?”

“Don’t question it.” Applejack shook her head. “In a world where ponies can do just about anything with their special talents, Pinkie is in a league of her own.”

“Being quirky is fun!” Pinkie chuckled.

“But what was that?” Twilight asked. “Actually, what is your special talent anyway? It seems like you have se— ”

“Start!” Scratch exclaimed.

“Tell you later, Twi!” Pinkie cartwheeled off into the city, and disappeared into the crowd.

A whoosh of air blew Twilight’s mane to the side. When she turned, Applejack was gone. Everypony raced ahead of Twilight. With a yelp, she galloped to catch up.

Crap! I got distracted! Twilight bounded down the streets. Ponies were duking it out all around her, sending dirt clods flying and rocky limbs flying in all directions.

Applicants were not just fighting off the golems though. Twilight spied a grey pegasus with a ditzy grin in spite of the situation floating away a mannequin mare and her fake-foal on a cloud of bubbles. Up above, an earth pony skittered up the walls and checked inside each floor for ponies.

So that’s how it is, Twilight thought as she approached a corner. Well this should b—

Claws ripped the space in front of Twilight. She swerved to dodge and found herself face to face with a manticore golem. It growled at her, exposing its quartz fangs. Twilight snorted and lit up her horn. Just as the golem raised up a leg to strike at Twilight again, she blasted it right in the face.

“Haha!” she exclaimed watching the dust swirl around where the golem had had a head. “I di—“

The leg slammed down and sliced Twilight’s right foreleg. She jumped back, leaving crimson splatters on the street. Seizing her injured leg, she gasped upon seeing the golem unharmed. A faint blue glow swirled around where Twilight had struck it. That same glow surrounded its granite claws, giving them sickle-like edges.

Twilight’s gut clenched. “No.”

Yes, the mare’s voice hissed in Twilight head as the golem raised up it leg to strike again. This hero nonsense ends here, Twilight Sparkle!

Just as the golem’s leg came crashing down on Twilight, a dumpster slammed into its side. With a snarl, it turned just before a yellow hoof smashed its head apart. Stones and dirt clods smacked against an adjacent wall. Twilight watched the golem crumble with her jaw dangling. Before she could blink, Fluttershy zoomed over and gently took hold of Twilight’s injured leg.

“J-just hold still,” Fluttershy stuttered as she pulled out a roll of gauze and a bottle from her saddlebags. The sting of antiseptic forced Twilight’s eyes to clench while Fluttershy kept her leg still. Through the sear, Twilight felt the impressive grip Fluttershy had on her.

She also felt the tips of something pressing into her fur. Looking down as the pain faded and Fluttershy tended to her wound, she saw thick black claws poking out of Fluttershy’s hooves. Her legs and barrel appeared bulkier as well. The sight that drew the most attention from Twilight though was the pink paw mark on Fluttershy’s flanks. Twilight could have sworn it was a trio of butterflies when they had met in line.

“I…” Fluttershy gulped. Her cutie mark sparked and the claws reformed into full hooves. The trio of butterflies was back. “I’m s-sorry. I wasn’t too rough was I? If I had been q-quicker I m-might ha—”

“It’s fine, Fluttershy.” Twilight gave her leg a flex. It stung to move, but not enough to fully hobble her. “You really saved my hide back there.”

Fluttershy’s head drooped. A few tears dotted her eyes. “N-no. I was s-so scared. I know manticores aren’t that bad if you approach them properly, but seeing that thing attack you…” Fluttershy could not hold it back anymore and let the tears fall. “Rainbow Dash was right, this was a mistake.”

“No.” Twilight stomped her unharmed leg. “Fluttershy, I know how scary this can all be, especially with manticores, but you did manage to save me. Plus, I was fully ready to get a little scratched up. Trust me, this is nothing compared to what I’ve dealt with over the summer. Keep up… whatever that is you did, and you’re sure to get in.”

“Th-thank you,” Fluttershy sniffled. She then wiped her eyes. There was a bit more fire in them now. “You… you’re still hurt though. I can help you get points if you want.”

“I appreciate the offer, but…” A chilling screech interrupted Twilight. She looked up and saw a flock of the bird golems hovering above. Their talons and beaks glinted blue. “Looks like I’ve got a bit more on my plate than the other applicants! Run!”

“You go!” Fluttershy’s cutie mark flashed. Three feathers replaced the butterflies. Her wings lengthened out, the feathers grew longer and slicker, and her eyes sharpened. Spreading her wings wide, she gave them a flap, summoning a gale that blew back a few of the birds. “I’ll hold them off!”

Twilight was paralyzed for a moment. Her heart told her to stay and back up Fluttershy, but instinct was reeling its head up through the back of her mind and telling her to get away from the golems and the mare’s enchantments. Both feelings drove Twilight to focus on the birds. The ones closing in on Fluttershy had lost their glow while the ones darting above Fluttershy’s gales and towards Twilight still retained it. Clenching her jaw, Twilight turned and galloped away. “You’ve got this, Fluttershy! I believe in you!”


“Oh,” a mare in the center of the darkened room mused. Her horn was the only source of light. The aura coming of it prismed out into several screens that showed group two’s practical from various angles. Behind her goggles, the mare studied the screen displaying Fluttershy blasting back wave after wave of golems while Twilight escaped. “Zat filly may be a little timid, but she haz quite an interesting talent. Have you ever seen anything like it, Princess?”

The question did not reach Celestia’s ears. Her attention followed Twilight as she raced from screen to screen. A bird golem dive-bombed her, razor-sharp magic ready to slice up Twilight’s face. A blast from her horn pushed it back, but did not leave a mark on it.

A diamond dog golem popped out of the ground and swiped at her. Its glistening arm crashed against and shattered a shield, knocking Twilight off her hooves. Scrabbling to get back up, she set her horn ablaze, and the ground beneath the golem caved in and buried it. Twilight sent out a blast that struck it dead on as it flailed under the rubble, but a spectral shield glistened around it. The shield only swirled for a split second before dissipating, so nopony else in the monitor room seemed to notice.

“Princess?” Photo Finish asked. “Iz everything alright?”

Again, Celestia ignored Photo. Her eyes locked onto a wavering mane on the opposite side of the room. A slitted pupil appeared out of the darkness and glared back. Octavia was sitting nearby and she tugged at her necktie and dotted her suddenly sweaty brow with a cloth. Celestia’s attenion remained on the slitted eye. Outside. Now.

Celestia strode out the room, floor quivering with each stomp of her hooves. She marched until she was a good distance away and beside a darkened hallway. When she was certain nopony else was around, she called out, “Luna! I will tolerate this no longer!”

Part of the shadows in the hallway seemed to thicken. A pair of blue eyes appeared from them. “And I will tolerate this hero business no longer. We have a Bearer, sister. She must be trained.”

“By what?” Celestia snapped. “You sicking more beasts on her? More traumatization with a few more nightmares?”

“I am doing what is needed!” Luna growled from the shadows. “I thank the stars we found a Bearer now, before the seals weakened any further, but what do you do? Let our hope—Equestria’s hope— continue living in a fantasy.”

“It is not a fantasy.” Taking a breath, Celestia lowered her head. “I have born the Elements all these years, and what is required is more than brute strength and more than superb skill. Twilight will find what she needs at this School more than anywhere else.”

“We do not have time!” Luna hissed. “You know as well as I do that that dragon attack was no stroke of bad luck. We already failed in the Frozen North, Tartarus is next, and then…”

“Discord will never reign again!” Celestia stomped hard enough to crack the tile.

“Just like Sombra would never get free?”

Celestia snorted. “He’ll never recover. When Twilight is trained, I’ll make tracking him down a top priority.”

“And when will that be?” Luna asked. The shadows writhed and lashed out from the darkened hallway and into the light. “A year? A decade?”

“You know the answer as well as I do,” Celestia shot back.

“But I know something more: Twilight Sparkle needs our direct instruction.” The shadows pulled back. Celestia leveled her gaze at Luna’s eyes. Luna sighed, but then glared back at Celestia, pupils now slitted. “You have forgotten why we created this School, Celestia. It is time to do away with these ridiculous heroics!”

Celestia ground her teeth. “You are out of line, Luna. Twilight is ready for this, and if you do anything else to impede her, I am dispelling you.”

“I fully believe you would.” Luna glanced at Celestia’s horn. “Do what you will with me later, but right now, it is time for me to show these ‘heroes’ what they will face if we fail in training Twilight.”

Luna’s eyes then vanished and the shadows thinned. Heartbeat quickening, Celestia raced forward into the darkened hallway. “Luna? Luna! What are you do—“

In the empty hall, Celestia shivered. Her mind raced to figure out what Luna could do. The shields and the enchantments on the golems were subtle enough to go unnoticed, but anything more would draw attention. A memory returned to her and stole her breath.

“Luna, I need to focus on Twilight’s training, can you handle this matter with entrance exams? Celestia had asked.

“Very well,” Luna had sighed. Her attention had been upwards on the radiant field of stars. Had she looked down, she would have had a similar view within her dreamscape. If Celestia had been paying more attention she would have noticed Luna’s eyes were on the constellation Leo. “Anything specific?”

“Well, we’ve already got golems planned. Given recent events, perhaps something the requires immediate evacuation. Nothing too dangerous, maybe a storm?”

Celestia had not taken heed to Luna’s grin. “Yes, I think a storm will do.”


Twilight could not stop to catch her breath. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She tried to think of attack strategies while on the move, but nothing had worked against the golems. Flame spells had not touched them, ice spells only froze their limbs for a few seconds, and neither blast nor hooves could break through the mare’s shields.

“No!” she screamed as she bashed a diamond dog golem across the head with a hoof. Pain shot up her leg. She pulled her leg back, revealing that an ethereal spike had shot out of the golem’s head and screwed Twilight through her frog.

Celestia has failed to teach you an important lesson, the mare’s voice echoed in Twilight’s head. The golem advanced closer while Twilight struggled to stay upright. That of utter defeat. I won’t make that mistake.

Clenching her hoof, Twilight glared at the golem. “I’m not done yet! I won’t let everything Princess Celestia did be for nothing!”

It will be for nothing if you continue this hero nonsense!

Twilight’s horn blazed in reply. Smoke and a sickening smell rose off of Twilight’s injured hoof as the wound glowed white hot. Then, the ground below the golem glistened and suddenly sprung up, launching the golem off into the distance.

And still you persist the mare sighed. Such tenacity would be admirable if there was power to back it up.

“You’ll have to do a lot worse than that to get to me,” Twilight huffed.

Very well, Twilight Sparkle, I shall oblige you. The ground jolted. When the mare spoke again, her voice was deafening and drove Twilight to her knees. Bear witness to a true threat to Equestria!


“Yeehaw!” Applejack bucked a diamond dog golem into pieces. Mounds of dirt were scattered all around her. Her legs were aflame and actually smoking near her hooves, but the thrill of the practical kept the adrenaline flowing. “Haven’t had a hoedown like this since zapapple season!”

“So do we get the jam after this then?” Pinkie asked.

Applejack yelped and jumped back. Somehow Pinkie had appeared right behind her without making a sound. A hoof raced to her chest to steady her heart. “Land sake’s, girl, I was about ready to let my legs fly at you.”

“Nope! Haven’t felt a thing about getting kicked in the face… still not quite sure what this means though.” Pinkie held up her left foreleg which had twisted itself into the knot. She wore a look of confusion rather than one of agony that a pony would normally have upon seeing what should have been a broken leg with ligaments and tendons cut to ribbons. “Oooh, maybe it means I pa—“

The earth shuddered under Pinkie and Applejack’s hooves. Buildings shook from far away. Then, a massive tentacle of inky aura exploded from underground, lashed out, and snatched Pinkie.

“Ohhh, that’s what it means.” Pinkie then screamed at the top of her lungs. Her scream did not reach far before she sunk into the aura.

Applejack could only watch as the tentacle gobbled Pinkie up. The ground cracked under her hooves and she took off with enough force to deform the air. With a flick of her tail, she spun around and tucked her hindlegs in. Speed and strength combined to turn Applejack’s legs into miniature missiles that shot straight into the base of the tentacle. The aura rippled from the impact, but then stabilized and began to stuck Applejack in.

“What in tarnation?” Her hindlegs pumped, faster and faster, until a hum filled the air. The aura around them vibrated and then burst apart, freeing Applejack. She jumped back, but the tentacle lashed out and tried to capture her. Even though her legs throbbed from the escape effort, Applejack whipped them into a gallop, turning herself into an orange blur.

Speeding through the city, she turned corner after corner, but more of the tentacles were in the streets. They smashed through buildings, tore apart roads, and absorbed ponies left and right. When Applejack spotted a mostly undamaged skyscraper, she darted inside and plowed up the steps.

Upon reaching the roof in only a few seconds, she looked out over the faux-city while catching her breath. Fires raged. Applicants fled for their lives. To her mounting concern, Applejack spotted wisps of inky aura rising up around the faux-city hall. The tentacles stretched all around the city, so if whatever was summoning them was coming up, it had to be the biggest thing Applejack had ever seen.

“They do not mess around with these things,” she huffed.

“I’ll say,” said the grey pegasus. In her rush to get a view of the situation, Applejack had completely missed her floating atop her bubbles with a multitude of mannequins standing nearby. She reached into her satchel and produced a muffin. “Want one? I’ve been using them to help keep everypony calm.”


Twilight limped down the street. Applicants ran all around her. Had the situation not been so dire, Twilight might have chuckled at the sight of pegasus swollen with muscles screaming like a filly and buzzing away as fast as his tiny wings could carry him. She looked around and noted city hall straight ahead. That meant the start line was ten blocks away.

Twilight buried the bubbling ache in her left hoof and the sting from the reopened slices on her right leg. Neither mattered now. Nor did the time or the exam. She just had to get back to the start line and warn DJ Pon-3 about the mare. Twilight prayed she was still there.

Then, as if to answer her call, Scratch’s voice rang through the faux-city. “Woah-ho! You see some nasty stuff in my line of work, but this takes the cake! We’ve got a real ‘monster’ on our hooves now! Best keep away and stay safe because if those tentacles get you, your exam ends here with a twenty-point deduction to boot! Pretty light for getting destroyed by a raging monster if you ask me, but a killer for all you applicants! Good luck!”

Twilight stared up at the sky. It felt like the ground was caving underneath her. “Wh-what?”

Do you feel foolish now, Twilight Sparkle? Calling a pony evil when I have done nothing but show you the error of your and Celestia’s ways? the mare chuckled. Now, look around you! Sear this image into your mind. This is but a taste of what awaits Equestria without the Elements and without my guidance. Celestia has let all this talk of heroes go to her head, but I wi—“

“Shut up!” Twilight yelled. “You invaded my dreams! You insulted Celestia! You hurt Spike!” Twilight’s cutie mark glistened. “I don’t care if you’re evil or not, you… you’re no better than Sunset! You’re just a bully that uses power to get ponies to do what you want!”

And you are a foal unaware of her place in the world! City hall’s dome cracked. A few of its pillars shook loose and shattered against the ground. Fissures tore the surrounding park apart, and aura poured out of them. It was as if night were seeping out of Equestria’s bowels. Then it coalesced into a shapeless mass that grew taller and taller. You are Bearer of the Elements, but you lack the power to wield them! Every one of these applicants’ failures is on you! Your inability to wield them will cost actual lives in the future if you refuse to listen to me! You have lost, Twilight Sparkle and it is time for you to submit!

All the ponies fleeing from the tentacles paused to observe the monster fully reveal itself. Its main body loomed over the city, a splotch of black in the middle of the day. Even Spike at his largest was dwarfed by the monster.

Suddenly, the mare’s eyes sprouted everywhere on it. Paralysis struck everypony. Blood-curdling screams filled the air. Even those in the monitor room felt a chill. While the applicants were rooted to the ground, the tentacles swept them away. Ponies could not even cry for help as the aura gobbled them up.

Applejack fell to her knees, tears streaming down her face. “Ma, Pa, don’t go.”

Watch, Twilight Sparkle! the mare roared. Watch as these ‘heroes’ fall before me! They are nothing! Oh, but especially watch that applicant ahead of you. You may not fully fear me anymore, but I know you feared for her!

Time seemed to slow. Twilight’s heartbeat was like a timer counting down as her vision narrowed to the park ahead. Her lungs seized up. Fluttershy sobbed underneath a fallen tree. She curled her front legs around her chest, trying to get some form of comfort while she balled in hysterics. The mare summoned a tentacle above her, blotting out the sun over the park.

“No!” Twilight screamed when the tentacle came crashing down. Her cutie mark brightened. Rainbow aura wisped off it and swirled around her horn.


”We’ll be doing something a little different with meditation today.” Celestia led Twilight over to the grassy ridge where they usually meditated at the end of the day. “Instead of breath, today we will focus on magic.”

“So, what do we do different?” Spike asked.

Celestia frowned. “For you, Spike, I am not fully sure. Think of the fire you summon. Think of how it starts out as simple air, but then something inside you sparks it, changes it, and restrains it from scorching your flesh. Think of the feeling of that first spark. That is your magic at its most basic level. I wish I could offer more help, but there are some things even I do not know.”

“Okay…” Spike sighed. “Can I listen to what you do with Twilight before I start? Maybe that will help.”

Celestia’s smile returned. “Of course.” She then turned to Twilight. “Now, are you ready?”

Twilight nodded.

“Good.” Celestia took a seat in front of Twilight rather than to her side. With a flash, she assumed her empowered form, but her horn remained aglow. The aura extended off of it and reached out to Twilight’s horn. Twilight shuddered. It almost felt like the aura was trickling down her horn while also tickling every nerve along the way. “Relax, Twilight. I know thaumic connections can be uncomfortable but this is just a safety precaution in case you accidentally tap into the Elements. It will also allow me to guide you better as well. Let’s do some simple tests first. Close your eyes and focus on the connection.”

Twilight did as instructed. Pushing past the initial discomfort of having another pony’s magic shoved into her own thaumic system, Twilight at first felt only warmth and saw only darkness. But, as she took more breaths, her vision shifted to a golden hue.

“What do you see?” Celestia asked.

“Gold,” Twilight answered.

“Yes, that’s right.” Celestia unfurled her wings and gave them a flap. “And now?”

“Still… no, wait.” Twilights eyes twitched. Spike could teller her eyes were moving around under their lids. “Is it blue?”

“The color of the sky is fitting for pegasus magic,” said Celestia. She then brought a hoof to the ground. The scent coming off of that patch smelled crisper to Spike and the plants looked a little more vibrant. “Now?”

“Back to gold? No, yellow. Just yellow.”

“So far so good.” Celestia’s hoof left the grass. Gently, she touched Twilight’s horn and then her chest. “Now, turn your attention inward. Push aside my aura and all other thoughts. Take your time, there is no rush.”

By now, meditation came at ease to Twilight, even when the mare chose to interfere. A few breaths in and the world faded away from her. Celestia’s connection to her became no more intrusive than a gust of wind. Still at full attention, Twilight shifted her focus from her lungs up to her horn.

At first, the world turned black again. As Twilight concentrated though, she sensed a spark. It was just a little pinprick in the void, but she homed in on it while maintaining measured breaths. The spark stabilized into a violet dot, and then morphed into a wave.

“Is that mine?” Twilight asked.

“Yes,” Celestia answered. “Our own magic is the easiest to sense. It is at the core of our being. You have done well to get this far today, Twilight. It takes talent to achieve even this. So, now comes the next step. Look deep into your magic. I will be here to assist.”

Twilight focused even harder. In her mind, her magic spread out and up, until a purple haze replaced the black void. The grass rustled around Twilight and her horn grew hot. She pushed those sensations aside and dove deeper.

“Think of that day you saved Sunset and Spike.” Celestia’s muscles tightened. Sweat dripped down her face. “Recall what drove you to stand against an unwinnable foe.”

Within the lilac sea, something shimmered. Its prismatic light drew Twilight to it, and Twilight was propelled forward. Veins of color zapped through the sea, sucking bits of it into the source of the light.

“Stop,” Celestia called out, but Twilight plowed forward.

Spike’s eyes widened. For most of the time he had watched, only Twilight’s horn had glowed, but now aura was spreading down from her head. Her cutie mark was also sparkling. The grass around her whipped around without even the slightest breeze to move it.

Just as Spike spied wisps of rainbow, Celestia shouted, “Stop!”

Energy crackled and arced between Twilight and Celestia’s horns. Then, a small blast knocked them both back. Spike rushed to Twilight’s side. Cradling her head, he shouted her name.

Twilight opened her eyes but they swam in their sockets. “Medium hoofburger with extra syrup please.”

“Curiosity certainly is Twilight’s forte.” With a shake of her head, Celestia righted herself. A few spots on her horn were blackened, but it did not appear to affect her as she walked over to Twilight. Bending low, she asked, “Twilight, can you hear me?”

“Ima pri—“ Twilight’s eyes refocused and she looked up at Celestia. “Princess? What happened? I thought I could feel…”

“You did,” said Celestia. “The Elements were beginning to draw on your magic. There is no need to rush this, so I forced my magic to disrupt your own.”

Twilight noticed the blackened spots. “Your horn.”

“A risk I was willing to take.” Celestia smiled. “You did superb today, Twilight. Next time we do this, familiarize yourself with what that felt like, but take caution not to get sucked in. Remember, you wield the Elements. Do not let the Elements wield you.”

“So, what do I do when it’s finally is time to use them?”

Celestia extended a wing and wrapped it around Twilight. “When the time is right, concentrate and summon that selfless desire to protect others. Let your heart cry out, and the Elements shall answer your call.”


The rainbow aura spiraled down Twilight’s legs from her cutie mark. She crouched and then kicked off the ground with all her might. A prismatic blast exploded from where her hooves hit the asphalt, leaving twin craters in Twilight’s wake. She surged through the air with a blinding rainbow aura enveloping her. Every one of the mare’s eyes turned on Twilight, but no fear reached her anymore. All her magic swirled up into her horn, transforming into a massive sphere of aura.

“You wanted to see me use the Elements?” Twilight yelled. “Then here they are!”

A blast of pure white magic laced with flashes of rainbow erupted from Twilight’s horn. It tore through the tentacle, dispelling it into smoke, and smashed into the monster’s main body. The entire faux-city shuddered. The blast continued drilling into the monster, lifting it off the ground. Twilight was unrelenting and continued funneling magic into the blast, as the force of her leap into the air propelled her forward and pushed the creature upwards.

My stars! the mare hacked. How? You are but a filly! Even I could no—

“Enough!” Twilight roared. “I have had it with you! Go back to your nightmares!”

Wait, Twilight Sparkle! This is too much! Stop now before the Eleme—

The blast intensified. Bit by bit of the monster was either being blasted into smoke or being torn asunder. Twilight thought of Spike, of Fluttershy, and of all the other ponies she had met today that had given it their all.

The mare had tried to take that away. Twilight knew what it had taken to get this far and she was not going to allow the mare to steal that from anypony else. With all her might, Twilight summoned every bit of magic she could and threw it at the monster. The beam pierced through it and tore into its core. Its form quivered as fissures of light erupted across it.

A rainbow explosion consumed the monster. Windows shattered, buildings swayed, and a few applicants were lifted off their hooves by the shockwave. Ponies watched in awe as the last smoky remnants of the monster faded away, and the ponies it had absorbed fell through the air.

Without the mare’s eyes on them, the applicants’ wits returned, and the literal gravity of the situation dawned on them. They surged forward, summoning clouds, racing into the sky, bounding up buildings with a single leap, and doing whatever else they could to prevent the captured applicants from hitting the ground.

Some applicants were still out of reach though and the ground was getting dangerously close. Suddenly, giant mounds of jello, sponge cake, and jiggly pancakes appeared under the falling applicants. Pinkie wiped the sweat from her brow and crashed into a massive slab of tiramisu. With a groan, she passed out, head half buried in coffee-laced whipped cream.

Applejack marveled over the scene. Her legs still wobbled a bit and she had to brace herself against the roof. “Holy smokes. I had a feeling that Twilight had a good noggin, but that was som—“ She spotted Twilight still high up in the air. Unlike the other applicants, there was nothing underneath her. Then she got a closer look at Twilight. The color drained from her. “Twilight!”

She was gone in a blink.


“Ha-ha!” Celestia exclaimed. Everypony in the room turned away from the screens to look at her. The darkness hid the blush on her face. She coughed into her hoof. “My apologies. That was just a most impressive attack.”

“It certainly waz,” said Photo Finish. “De power, de look, de magics!”

Celestia smiled. It widened when she felt something click in her head. Luna’s voice, raspy and weak, reached her. Sister, I have not the strength, go get Twilight Sparkle.

You are in no position to be making demands, Celestia huffed. Go and tend to your wounds, Luna, and think of the apology you shall give to Twilight for all you have put her through.

I won’t be able to apologize if you don’t save her! Luna shouted. I accept responsibility for goading her, but look at the state she is in!

Celestia’s eyes jolted up to the screen displaying Twilight. As the glow around her faded, Celestia’s stomach dropped. Her horn lit up and then fizzled. A bit of blood dribbled down her chin. “Get medical teams out now!”

“Huh?” several teachers asked.

“That’s a royal order!” Celestia barked. Her teeth clenched so tight they looked ready to crack. Twilight! Forgive me!


“I… I did it.” A smile spread wide across Twilight’s face. Sure, there were ponies still falling, and she herself was up quite high, but nothing a simple levitation spell couldn’t fix. Twilight looked over the faux-city, feeling a little lightheaded from seeing what she had accomplished. “Well, if that doesn’t get me some points, I do—“

A crack rang through the air. Twilight looked up as a series of pops and hisses came from her horn. When she saw it, her lunch climbed back up her throat. The alicorn was cracked in several spots, exposing the raw throbbing nerve underneath. What alicorn remained was black and smoking. The flesh around the base of her horn was blistered and sizzled. The nauseating burning stench was overwhelming.

Before Twilight could vomit, a fresh wave of pain forced her jaw to clench. It came not from her horn, but from her legs. The surging updraft from the fall made both her hindlegs flap in the wind. The bent more like cloth than flesh, broken bones and torn muscles grinding against each other.

Twilight entered shock again and the world, already blurred from the fall, grew distant. She recalled Celestia’s warning and the rock exploding. Tears flew skyward as Twilight plummeted down. She sobbed, “Princess, I’m sorry!”

“Twilight!” Fluttershy screamed as she watched Twilight fall. Something fell from her chest as she unclenched her legs and slammed them into the ground. Her cutie mark morphed back into a paw and she pushed up. The toppled tree rolled off her as her cutie mark shifted again from a paw to feathers. She tried to open up her wings, but her right one was bent at an odd angle. Gritting her teeth, she forced misaligned bone against bone and readied herself for takeoff.

“Most impressive,” came a high-pitched voice, giving Fluttershy pause. “Do not fear, I have her.”

A blast of wind shot up next to Fluttershy. With widened eyes, she watched a tiny winged figure zoom up to Twilight. A twister erupted off it, swirled upward, and caught Twilight. Rather than whip her around, the twister kept her perched atop itself, the vortex forming a cushion of air.

Applejack arrived with a few new bumps and scrapes just in time to observe the miraculous weather phenomenon. With Twilight at least safe from crashing into the ground, whatever strength and speed had returned to Applejack faded. She collapsed out of breath and out of energy. She tried to keep her eyes open, afraid of memories and nightmares those slitted eyes had dredged up, but she had already been near empty from outrunning the tentacles. That last burst to try and save Twilight sent her over the edge and into sleep.

Atop the cushion of air, Twilight spotted a creature that resembled a miniature pony but with antenna almost as long as his body. Even those were dwarfed by his relatively massive translucent wings. Each flap he took summoned more winds into the twister as it spun lower to the ground. Even with the cushion of air, Twilight’s legs and horn were still radiating pain. Her head swam as she approached the ground, and her vision was fading.

“Quite a class we have shaping up.” If the miniature pony said anything more, it was lost to Twilight, and she passed out.

Author's Note:

Cue the You Say Run.

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