• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Prismatic Flames

“Don’t think I’ll waste my time like Twilight did.” Sunset raked the ground.

Opposite of her, Dash stood firm, her face betraying no emotion.


Rainbow Dash burst into the air. At the same time, Sunset unleashed a volley of fireballs. Their blazing trails remained and turned the attacks into fiery whips. Dash zoomed toward Sunset. The whips lashed out, but she dodged them all. The ones that got mere centimeters from her appeared to be blown back before they could find their mark.

Sunset furrowed her brow. Dash was just inches from her now, but Sunset held her ground. Just as Dash pulled back a leg and aimed it at Sunset’s head, she dipped to the left and crashed beside Sunset. Sunset converged the whips into a great mass of flame and sent it crashing down on Dash.

At the last second, Dash pushed off the ring and returned to the air. Her hooves sizzled and a few burns were visible on her lower legs. The blast from the attack scorching the ring sent her hurtling upwards, but she managed to stabilize and swooped into a hover a good distance above Sunset.

“Fast learner when it comes to flying, eh?” Sunset mused.

“A merciless starter from Sunset!” said Vinyl. “It looked like Rainbow Dash was dancing through Sunset’s attacks, but at the last second she faltered!” She turned to Sugar. “Think she’s still recovering from the last match?”

“It’s not that.” Under her Tantabus disguise, Sugar ruffled her wings. “The way Sunset attacks… it’s just speculation because of how advanced it is, but she may be manipulating the air to throw Rainbow Dash’s flight off.”

“Whoa! That does sound pretty advanced, but I can’t argue with what I’m seeing!”

Sunset grinned up at Dash. “You can’t stay up there forever!”

“I don’t intend to.” Dash divebombed. It was not as fast as her initial takeoff, but it would still get her to Sunset in just seconds.

Like before, Sunset cemented herself in place. This time, a net of flame flew out of her horn.

Dash flew straight at it, but before she slammed into it, she came to a sudden stop. The gale she carried with her raced into the net while Dash jerked to the right. Sunset felt the net strain against the gale but shifted it toward Dash.

Dash managed to zoom past the net before it could entrap her. Sunset was almost within striking distance.

With a gleam in her eye, Sunset turned the net towards herself and Dash. It transformed into a blazing dome. Dash noticed aura glistening around Sunset’s mouth while she felt her lips dry out and her lungs filled with burning air. Yet, she plowed forward.

Sunset canceled out the oxygen spell around her mouth and summoned a barrier. Dash pulled back a leg and sent it crashing down on Sunset. Her hoof got scorched but it cracked the barrier and slammed into Sunset’s side. Sunset went tumbling into the fiery dome, but, since she was the one to summon it, it evaporated before she could hit it.

Dash gulped down fresh air even though it stung a bit. On the other side of the ring, Sunset got back up to her hooves.

“So,” Sunset coughed, “you’re not holding back.”

“That’s right,” Dash snorted and took off.

Sunset started charging her horn. “That strategy must be new for you though. How long can you keep that switching up?”

Sunset managed to turn her leg crimson right as Dash launched a kick at her head. An explosion threw Dash back and Sunset’s hooves screeched against the ring. Both took a breath and charged.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “‘Switching?’”

“I see what she’s saying.” Tree squinted at the ring. “Rainbow was, like, a near blank to me before she fought Twilight. Now, she’s like, really lighting up, but she can go blank at times. Really useful when Sunset is filling the air with bad vibes.”

Applejack shook her head. “Why do I bother?”

“Oh!” Bulk Biceps slammed one hoof on top of another. “I get it. It’s like those super tough workouts where trainers mess with the air, so you have to rely on just innate strength! It’s rough but it gets you swole!”

“I wish Twilight were here,” Rarity sighed.

Spike scratched at his cheek. The discoloration had spread up his side, back and now his face. “Me too, she’d probably be able to use thaumic vision to confirm that Dash is switching her magic on and off to deal with Sunset messing with the ai—”

His claws shot to his mouth.

“Spike?” Rarity peered close to him. “Is everything okay? Whatever you’re going through isn’t making you sick, is it?”

Tree rustled through her bag. “I got something for that too—”

A particularly strong blast from the ring rattled the lower seats. Dash had a few more burns across her legs, but she had managed to parry Sunset’s blows. Sunset, on the other hoof, was now marred with welts and bruises across her body. Both were breathing heavily.

Vinyl leaned out of her box. “Here I thought this was gonna be a more technical fight, but it’s turned into a down-to-earth slugfest!”

“Hmm.” Sugar rested a hoof on her chin. “They must have both realized a close-quarters fight is the best strategy for beating the other. Giving a unicorn or a pegasus space allows them more freedom to employ their races’ traits to their advantage, especially pegasi.”

“Yet Rainbow Dash and Sunset are pitching quite the fight!”

“They’ve probably both trained for this.”

Shadowbolt leaned back in his seat with a grin on his face. That’s it, Dash. That Sunset is a contender, but you know what to do…

Dash’s leg ripped towards Sunset’s horn. Sunset shot up a barrier, but Dash stopped. Rolling with the momentum of the feint, Dash spin kicked Sunset in the side. The blow knocked the already ragged breath out of Sunset and sent her careening towards the edge of the ring. Everyone’s heart caught in their throat. She rolled across the ring and flew over it.

“Looks like we’ve got a ri— Huh?!” Vinyl’s eyes widened behind her goggles.

The crowd gasped.

“Oh hay,” Applejack cursed.

Spike stopped scratching for a second. “Crap.”

Rainbow Dash spread her wings. Strategies flew through her head in order to combat what was before her.

Four jets of flame roared out of Sunset’s hooves. She hovered outside the ring. While still huffing, she wore a chilling grin. “A bit more of a kick and I might have been in trouble. Blow it fighting the earlier matches? You’ll regret that. I’m not half-assing it like Twilight. This is how to beat a pegasus. Daedalus Engine, ignite!”

Sunset rocketed toward Dash. Before Dash could take to the air, Sunset was upon her. Sunset pulled a leg and shot it at Dash’s head. Dash saw the blow coming and moved to dodge, but the flame that had covered the hoof moved back to Sunset’s joint and then fired. Her hoof exploded into Dash’s cheek, sending her tumbling.

“Oooh!” Cheerilee winced but also felt a pleasurable shudder run through her. “Such brutality, but what an artful spell! I love it!”

Dash had rolled with the blow and used it to launch into the air. Her head spun and she could taste iron, but she flew upwards. Even with her vision blurred from the attack, she could still feel the heat nearby.

Sunset followed. With the jets at her hind legs propelling her into the sky, she launched blasts of flame at Dash with her forelegs. Dash serpentined up and around the attacks, which filled the sky with pyrotechnics and crashed against the barrier.

“It’s literally heating up, folks!” Vinyl declared. Fire spread out in front of her, with only the barrier keeping her safe. She wiped fresh sweat from her brow. “Who would’ve thought we’d see two unicorns take to the sky today!?”


Back on the ground, a guard rushed up into the competitor area. “Is Ms. Applejack here?”

“Yeah.” Applejack got out of her seat. “Something up?”

“Can you please come with me? There’s apparently a family member asking for you.”


“Impressive,” Sunset called out while trying to shoot Dash down. “You’re getting faster at switching between magic and pure muscle. But how long can you keep this up?”

“I could say the same,” Dash shot back. She looped over a blast and then slammed into Sunset’s side. The blow sent her spiraling away for a few feet, but she shot out her legs and stabilized. Smoke rose off her horn.

She turned and snorted at Dash. “That endurance of yours really pisses me off.”

She gave chase again. As they climbed though, static accumulated around Dash’s wings. They ached from the strain of the fight, but Dash pushed herself higher. When she and Sunset reached near the bounds of where they could fly, Dash turned after dodging another volley of fire from Sunset. Lightning burst out of her and raced toward Sunset.

Sunset snarled and threw up her forelegs. The jets of fire around her hooves expanded into a fiery barrier. The lightning crashed into it and spread out around it. While Sunset’s attention was on the bolt, Dash came up from below and barreled into Sunset’s underside.

“Yes!” Bow cheered.

“You’ve got this, Dashie!” Windy shouted.

Twinkle furrowed her brow. Darn it, Sunset. Don’t let a pegasus that was just fooling around until now beat you.

Sunset hurtled upwards from the blow, but Dash zoomed around before she could recover. With hooves crackling with electricity, she bucked Sunset in the back. The attack sent her spiraling to the ground.

Vinyl, along with a good part of the audience clenched up. “This might be it, folks!”

Mere inches from the ground, Sunset put her jets on full blast and came to a stop. Despite all the heat the fight had generated, everyone felt a chill go through them. Enough smoke curled off of Sunset’s horn to conceal it until its tip turned golden and blinding.

Dash recognized the shift in temperature and knew she had to finish the fight. She tore down at Sunset. A cone of air formed around her. At the same time, Sunset fired off all her jets and soared up to meet Dash. Streaks of gold and red plasma swirled off her horn while a myriad of colors started appearing around Dash.

Vinyl scooted back a bit. “Brace yourself folks! Looks like we’re in for another big one!”

“Again?” Fleetfoot gasped. He spiraled around the barrier while shoving stacks of clouds in between where Dash and Sunset would meet.

Sunset now resembled a flaming comet, Dash a multicolored bullet. Dash could feel the pressure all around her. She just needed a little more force to break through.

An image of a newspaper with tomorrow’s date flashed in her head. There was her picture with her holding the first-place trophy. On the side there was another picture of Shadowbolt with a victorious grin on his face.

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t understand.” An imaginary Scootaloo inched back from Dash and into darkness.

“I… I wanted to win… to show you I could…” The words caught in Dash’s throat.

“To show you she can never forget me,” Shadowbolt sneered. “This will be ourvictory, Rainbow Dash!”

“I’m not doing this for you! I’m doing this for Scootaloo, for Twilight, for my frie—"

The air pressure yanked Dash to the left and then the right. Her flight turned erratic. Below, Sunset zoomed upwards. With eyes burning like her horn, she rammed into Dash with all her might. “Enma Impact!”

A massive conflagration consumed Dash and Sunset. The barrier shuddered. Cheerilee was lifted off her hooves. Rockhoof, thanks to his size, was able to stay grounded, but the explosion still forced him to bury his shovel and grit his teeth on it. Smoke filled the arena.

When it cleared, everyone spotted Sunset in the ring. Her horn sizzled and smoke rose off her hooves. Her eyes shot open and she stood straight up despite the strain it put on her legs. She rapidly looked right and left while baring her teeth. Her glare then centered on a spot on the other side of the arena. Damn her! That lack of resistance…

Dash lay slumped against the wall outside of the ring. A charred chunk of her shoulder was torn out in a near complete circle. Sunset lunged at her. With what magic she could summon, she lifted Dash up. “What the hay was that!? Stop messing around! I had you! I had you going all out and yo—”

Sunset’s face turned bright red. Her eyes rolled up and then she crashed to the ground. Cheerilee stopped swishing her tail and trotted closer.

Cheerilee- Hero Name: Heat Stroke

Talent- Burning Heart: This mare will school you in a way that is not appropriate for school at all. She’s able to control pheromones and induce a delirious state. She can adjust the intensity to merely confuse an opponent or even knock them unconscious. Some species have more resistance than others, so she likes to “research” whenever possible.

Both Sunset and Dash were out cold.

“By ring out, Sunset Shimmer wins!” Vinyl declared.

Author's Note:

The Long Road to Friendship

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