• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Luna looked over Twilight, who was clothed in her costume. “You really are quite a fan of Tia, aren’t you?”

Twilight blushed. “What do you mean?”

“I was alive during her ‘silver age’ as well.” Luna strode around Twilight and gave the star in the middle of her chest piece a tap. “The star and helmet are a nice touch but I can clearly see where you got your inspiration from.”

Twilight said nothing and continued to blush.

Luna chuckled, “Oh, you are even easier to tease than Tia. But, let’s focus.”

Feeling the air around her cool, Twilight stood up straight. “Right… um, it’ll be safe at night, right?”

“‘Safe’ isn’t the point of this excursion.” To Twilight it looked as if the stars and galaxies that comprised the majority of Luna’s body flickered for a moment. “Don’t worry though, I’m not dropping us straight in the Everfree. We’ll work our way up from Ponyville to our goal.”

“Oh, maybe we’ll spot Applejack.”

“Yes…” Luna’s ethereal horn glowed. “… perhaps we will.”


The tray of muffins Derpy had just pulled out of the oven clanged against the oven’s cover. “Oh no!”

Time Turner turned away from the slab coated in a jelly-like substance he had attached jumper cables to and was analyzing the patterns that appeared on it. “Something wrong? You didn’t get burnt, did you?”

Derpy hastily scooped the muffins up with some bubbles and onto the counter. “No, I just got this terrible feeling that somepony did something horrible with muffins.”

“Really?” Turner asked. He flicked a switch and stopped the flow of electricity from going into the slab. “Hmm, I wonder if that’s a secondary Talent?”


Filthy Rich, veiled in a blue body suit that included a cowl over his head, a crimson cape, and his cutie mark— a trio of bit bags— emblazoned on his chest, rubbed his left temple with a hoof. “It was just muffins… I don’t understand and after such deft handling of that cattle stampede the other day.”

Applejack walked beside him, also in costume, with her head hung low. It was unclear if she held her head at that angle out of shame or because of how heavy it felt to her. She cast her baggy bloodshot eyes down to the ground. “I’m sorry, Mr. Rich, I—”

“And names!” Filthy interrupted. “We’re on duty, so it’s Money Bags right now.” He shook his head and came to a stop. Applejack kept trudging along until Filthy grabbed her tail. She nearly tripped. He sighed, “Applejack, you’re pushing yourself too hard. You’re failing in striking a balance between work, sleep, and pleasure. Go home, get some rest, and we—”

Something crashed into a nearby building, creating a huge hole in the roof and part of the wall. Applejack, who had dozed off in the midst of Filthy’s lecture, jerked up. She, Filthy and the other residents of Ponyville either returning from work or heading out for dinner peered at the hole.

Then, a monotone hoof with wriggling tentacles poking out of it grabbed the shattered wall and pulled the rest of the creature out. It had the body of a pony, but its head had no eyes, nose, or mouth. Mismatched ears— one pointed like a diamond dog’s, but the other just a hole like a Griffon’s— adorned the sides of its exposed brain rather than at the top of its head. Its tail was like a long rope. None of its legs were the same—one the tentacled hoof, another a spindly jointed limb like a spider’s, the third resembled a bear’s, and the fourth constantly aflame.

The creature lurched up and then pounced into the center of the road, cratering the earth under its legs. Despite its lack of eyes, everypony felt it gazing at them like a hungry predator. Somepony screamed and the crowd burst into a stampede.

“Tartarus,” Filthy cursed. He twisted his head toward Applejack. “Applejack! I’ll try and keep that thing contained while you work to ge—”

Applejack was no longer by Filthy. She had bolted away from him, not out of fear of the creature, but because in an alley nearby, she had spotted black feathers and a pitch lion’s tail.

“Buck,” Filthy cursed again.

Equality viewed the scene in a darkened area. The viewing crystal was the only source of light. A smile pressed against her mask as she watched the chaos unfold. Enigma and three other monochrome monstrosities stood around her. “Hee-hee-hee. Well, with this town and Applejack out of the way, we’ll have two issues taken care of.”


While she was more used to teleportation now, Twilight’s vision sometimes blurred for a few seconds after a teleport, especially over a long distance. As a result, she smelled something burning before she saw what it was. Given how teleporting weakened Celestia, Twilight turned to where Luna had been when they were in her room. “Lu—”

“Get down!” Luna commanded.

Twilight felt the air rippling behind her and ducked. At the same time, Luna extended out a wing so that it warped over Twilight like a flexible wall. A paw with blunt glistening claws banged against Luna’s morphed wing.

The paw belonged to a monochrome creature that had the upper body of a diamond dog, but below the waist it was just a snakelike tail. Twilight felt a little sick when she saw its head: it was just a lump of flesh with two eyeballs poking out of it, one in the center of where its forehead would have been and the other where it should have had a chin.

Then, Twilight caught sight of the scene behind the monstrosity. Flames ate away at roofs and flared out of windows. Walls had collapsed. Civilians were running in all directions. More of the monochrome creatures were rampaging around.

Two of them were tussling with a pair of heroes. A yellow stallion assaulted one monstrosity that resembled a bipedal chimera minus the snake tail with a Talent that warped the air around his hooves and made the monstrosity’s fur catch aflame.

The other hero was a blue mare. Whenever she managed to land a blow on the monstrosity with a skeletal frame but forelegs like a buffalo, hindlegs like a cow, and wings that were somewhere between a thestral’s and a dragon’s, the spot attacked swelled and spurted out what looked like frosting. The monstrosity did not howl with pain, it did not even snarl with its crooked fangs. It just continued to rush at the mare.

“Tough cookie, aren’t you?” The mare jumped back at the same time as the stallion. They stood back to back and stared their opponents down. “Any backup coming?”

“Comfy Couch and Peach are still out of commission from the muffins.” The stallion dodged a claw from his opponent.

The mare avoided a hoof from hers. “And Money Bags?”

“Still keeping that big one at bay,” the stallion huffed. “Still no sign of Applejack?”

Twilight’s heart caught in her throat.

The blue mare grimaced. “I hope she just rushed back to the farm.”

Meanwhile, Luna entrapped the monstrosity looming over her and Twilight with her morphed wing up to its shoulder. She flung it diagonally with enough force to rend the air apart, forcing Twilight to clench tightly to the ground. The monstrosity careened off toward the horizon and was barely a speck in mere seconds.

“The Badlands are the only appropriate place for such a thing.” Luna shifted her wing back to a normal size and shape. Even though she had no lungs, she inhaled, signaling to Twilight to cover her ears. When she spoke next, it was Tantabus speaking with her male voice. “Citizens, this is Nightmare Knight! Head east toward the dam! I will guide you!

Luna’s body lost its structure and melted into the ground. The street turned darker and gained a shimmer. Tantabus’s voice echoed throughout Ponyville, Stick to darkened path and you will be guarded!

“Luna… Tantabus… either of you!” Twilight called out while her horn glowed. “I—”

We know, a voice that sounded somewhat like Luna’s but a bit deeper responded. Go to her.


The Black Griffon held Zecora, the Hornless Mage, with one claw against a wall.

“Th—this is quite a pinch,” Zecora hacked, “I cannot move, not even an inch!”

The Griffon started to squeeze. Then, its feathers and fur bristled. It felt the air from its left distort. In one swift move, it dropped Zecora and swiped at an incoming hoof with the back of its claw.

The swipe knocked Applejack back and made her whole leg shake, but she crouched and glared at the Griffon. “Black Griffon! I’ve been looking for you! I a—”

The Griffon let out a blood-curdling screech. Its screech was so strong that it blew Applejack back and forced her to shut her eyes. When she opened them again, the Griffon loomed over her. It opened its mouth and a voice came out, but its beak remained still.

“I know who you are… Applejack,” came Equality’s voice from within the Griffon.

As set as she was in facing the Griffon, Applejack could not help but feel a twinge of fear upon recognizing the voice, but she pushed through it and snarled, “Equality! I should have known it was you!”

Equality, through the Griffon, let out a chilling giggle. “Oh, let’s not kid ourselves, Applejack. You were dead set on revenge no matter who attacked your brother. It’s quite entertaining.”

“You think this is entertaining!?” Applejack zipped under the Griffon, angled and bucked with all her might.

A claw caught Applejack’s leg and flung her against a wall. The blow cracked the bricks and knocked the air out of Applejack. The Griffon strode over.

“I do,” Equality cackled. “To think I was actually worried not delivering a finishing blow would be enough to push you over the edge, but here we are.”

Applejack gritted her teeth and pushed herself up. The Griffon slashed at her just as she got on all fours. She jumped back at the last second, but its claws still tore through her shoulder.

“Pathetic,” said Equality. “I’ve watched you try and handle all these things on your own, tried to use your Talent to scrape by, but it will all be for naught.”

“Shut up!” Applejack plowed toward the Griffon but it batted her away. Applejack rolled with the blow so that her hooves were facing the wall. She sprung off it with enough speed and force to make the wall shudder. “I am the hero, Red Apple! It’s time for you to pa—”

The Griffon licked its blood-stained talons. Applejack seized up in midair. The Griffon dodged her and she crumpled to the ground, stuck in the same position. The Griffon placed a claw on her back and dug its talons in.

“So, tell me, ‘hero’…” Equality made the Griffon twist Applejack around so she could see Zecora immobilized against a wall. “Would a real hero think of just fighting the Black Griffon instead of saving somepony?”

“Y-you set that up!” Applejack hacked.

“Perhaps, but I gave you a choice.”

“Th-that…” Applejack wavered. Hot tears moistened her mask. “That doesn’t matter! You’re still the villain that hurt my brother!”

“Not very memorable last words.”

The Griffon raised up a claw while shoving Applejack further into the dirt with its other claw. The raised claw ripped through the air and down on Applejack.

Applejack closed her eyes and sobbed. Granny, Apple Bloom, Big Mac, I’m sorry!

A hoof smashed against the Griffon’s beak, knocking the Griffon back. Applejack gasped for air now that her diaphragm was no longer constricted. She still couldn’t move, but she managed to look up.

Twilight stood over her, crackling with rainbow energy.

“T-Twilight?!” Applejack gasped.

“I’m here to save you, Applejack!”

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