• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Pie Fight

“Great job, Applejack!” Pinkie cheered when Applejack returned to the seats.

“Well, couldn’t go down in just the first round, now could I?” Applejack wiped some sweat from her brow and then munched down on an apple she had brought with her. While she chewed on a chunk of it, she looked over Pinkie and Maud. “It’ll be a little hard to cheer in this next round. You’d both be great opponents.”

“I know, right?” Pinkie giggled. She turned around. “What do you think, Mau—”

Maud had vanished. Pinkie stared at Maud’s empty seat for a second before she shrugged. “Guess somepony is excited for our match. Better get going!”

“Good luck!” said Rarity.

Spike kept quiet and rested a claw on his chin.

Twilight bent over to him. “Something up?”

“I’m not sure.” Spike furrowed his brow. “I’ve just got an odd feeling about this match.”

Derpy poked in from the row above. Her expression matched Spike’s. “You too?”

“Hmmm.” Starlight watched the 1-A students conversing and narrowed her eyes. “Let’s see how this plays out.”

“With you winning?” Trixie suggested.

“Well, of course,” Starlight chuckled. She then tightened her jaw and sharpened her gaze. Trixie stiffened. “But the Pie sisters are hard to predict. I couldn’t get a read on Pinkamena during the entrance exam and Maud is both physically and mentally inscrutable. The absolute control she has over her Talent is proof of that. In more volatile hooves, it’d be hassle rather than a viable asset.”

With a slight of hoof, Trixie produced a bit onto her hoof and spun it around. “Care to wager who will win?”

“Perhaps in the next round.” Starlight clasped her hooves in front of her mouth and leaned forward. “For now, I’ll need to devote my energies to observing this match.”


Pinkie bounced up and down opposite of Maud. “Ooooh, this’ll be just like back home! How many years has it been since we had a fight like this?”

Maud blinked and then stared at Pinkie. Sensing something, Pinkie stopped bouncing. “Before we start, I want you to promise me something.”

“Sure,” Pinkie chirped. “No need to get so serious, Maud, I’ll promise you anything!”

“This is a Maud Promise,” said Maud. Pinkie gasped, but Maud continued, “Promise that you won’t yield.”

“There’s no way I’ll yield, even if yo—”

“Promise, Pinkamena.”

Pinkie’s ears flopped, and she shuddered. “O-okay. In my deepest of hearts and furthest corner of my mind, I put my life on the line and swear that I shall not yield.” She paused to gulp and glanced out at the colosseum. “Wh-what’s with calling me my full name? You know I’m not the biggest fan of it.”

“I know,” said Maud. “But this is serious, so I will address you properly.”

“Another interesting match,” said Vinyl. “We’re here until there’s a ring out or a knockout!”

“That may prove difficult for Pinkamena,” said Tantabus. “She certainly has a variety of tactics at her disposal, but Maud may be familiar with them. In addition, Maud’s sturdiness will make it hard for Pinkamena to land an incapacitating blow.”

“Well, let’s see what they’ve got!”

“Begin!” Rockhoof declared.

Pinkie jumped back and reached into her mane. “Alright, Maud, you want me serious? Then I—”

A seam of shadow shot up from the ground and latched onto Pinkie’s leg before she could pull something out of her mane. The seam widened into a black band that wrapped around Pinkie and flung her into the air. Maud followed her with her eyes and smashed Pinkie into the ring with her shadow. Pinkie got the air knocked out of her, but Maud picked her up again, arced her through the air, and slammed her back into ring.

“Oh my stars!” Rarity held her hooves up to her face. Maud bashed Pinkie into the ring for a third time. “How can she do that to her own sister?!”

Maud lifted Pinkie up for a fourth time and brought her back down, but a massive jello mold appeared and cushioned the blow. The mold splattered across the ring, and Maud relinquished her hold on Pinkie.

“Right out of the gate, Maud delivers a brutal beatdown to Pinkie!” Vinyl shouted. “Talk about a family feud!”

“Ow, ow,” Pinkie whimpered. Her legs shook, but she managed to stand upright. “That really hurt, Maud! What’s the big idea?”

“‘Big idea?’” Maud rushed at Pinkie. Pinkie yelped and threw up a steel shield. The shield blocked Maud’s hoof from slamming into Pinkie’s face, but a shadow tendril rose up to smack Pinkie’s side. Pinkie contorted her right foreleg to flex back and fired off a blast of confetti that knocked the tendril back. Maud pressed close to Pinkie. “The big idea is that if I had been a villain, you wouldn’t be standing right now.”

“But you’re not a villain, you’re my si—”

A shadow uppercut Pinkie and then grasped her head. It flung her towards the edge of the ring, but a wall of shadow shot up and bounced her back toward Maud. Maud reared back and launched her hoof straight at Pinkie’s head. At the last second, a pillow appeared before Maud’s hoof, but her blow still drove Pinkie to the ground.

Pinkie tried to squirm out from under Maud, but Maud slammed her other foreleg into Pinkie’s barrel. Maud bent down while Pinkie tried to breath. “Again. If I were a villain. It’d be over. Pinkamena, I want you to get serious.”

Something rolled beside Maud. She jumped back a second before a blinding flash went off. Pinkie got to her hooves, but Maud decked her across the face. Shadow covered her eyes. When everyone else’s vision cleared, Maud loomed over Pinkie while Pinkie was on her knees and struggling to catch her breath. A bit of blood dripped from her lips onto the ring.

“I’ve been worried about you since the first day of classes.” Maud stepped back and allowed Pinkie to get up. She shot tendrils at Pinkie, but Pinkie summoned a party cannon to blast them back. While continuing to lash out at Pinkie, Maud droned, “The incident with the villains confirmed my fears. Instead of getting serious from the start, you waited until you were nearly out of energy and then went berserk. It was only luck that saved you.”

“Th-that’s not true!” Pinkie shouted. A tendril broke through her defenses and raked her across the ring. Maud waited for her to get back up before attacking again. Instead of blocking, Pinkie darted to the left. Maud’s shadow tailed her. It periodically jabbed at Pinkie, who managed to dodge at the last second. The attacks impacted hard enough to break the ring’s tiles. “Stop it, Maud!”

“You’ll have to make me stop.” Maud retracted some of the tendrils pursuing Pinkie while at the same time others raced down at her. A black trail snaked out from Maud toward Pinkie. Pinkie managed to dodge the tendrils, but the trail shot up and grabbed Pinkie’s legs. She tried to pull free, but Maud rushed over and sunk a hoof into Pinkie’s gut.

Pinkie heaved but at the same time swung her head at Maud. An oversized mallet flew out of her mane and struck Maud, launching her away from Pinkie. However, shadow surrounded where Pinkie had struck her, leaving her unscratched. “And you can’t stop me unless you get serious.”

“No!” Pinkie screamed. Sweat collected on her brow and she took her eyes off Maud. All the stares from the audience seemed to converge on her. Her breathing quickened. “I can’t! That’s not the hero I want to be!”

“Pinkamena.” Maud brought Pinkie’s focus back to her. Hearing her own name chilled her to the bone. “Do you want to be a good hero or a dead hero?”

“I…” Pinkie stepped back. “I can be a good hero! I can be a hero that makes ponies smile! I ca—”

Pinkie failed to notice the shadow that had collected at her side. Maud vanished from in front of her and popped up beside Pinkie. She nailed her with a kick and sent her crashing to the other side of the ring. “You can’t be anything unless you get serious.”

“N-no!” Pinkie hacked while she struggled to get up. “You saw how Derpy was! You know how ponies would react!”

“That’s if you don’t control yourself,” Maud bluntly replied. “I’m not saying to do what you did at the WTF, but I am saying that if you don’t start taking up the proper attitude for this line of work…”

A black blotch appeared under Pinkie. Spears shot up. Parts of the audience gasped. Rarity turned away. Derpy and Spike turned white. Twilight, along with the others who had managed to keep watching, saw Pinkie’s legs and sides get sliced. The spears branched out and hoisted Pinkie up. Maud gazed up at Pinkie. “… you’ll end up much worse than this.”

“O-okay,” Pinkie managed to whimper. Tears and drops of blood dripped onto the ring. “I… I get it, Maud. I promise I’ll work hard. S-so, please, I yi—”

Pinkie coughed. “I yi—”

She hacked. Her breath came in huffs. Maud lowered her, but kept her bound in the shadows.

“Pinkamena, this is why I made you promise.” Maud’s shadow shifted around and forced Pinkie to look straight at her. “A villain could just as easily exploit you into a situation like this. What then?”

“I-I don’t…”

“You need to grow up, Pinkamena. You can still be a hero that ma—” Maud coughed and went onto a knee. The shadows unbound Pinkie and then coiled up Maud’s legs. Behind her, her shadow bubbled up like sludge. It roughly resembled Maud, but it bulked up and its surface roiled.

Its mouth tore open, leaving black strings here and there that dripped onto Maud. Maud’s pupils shrank a fraction. “Pinkie, run.”

An ear-splitting whinny exploded out of Maud’s shadow. A few members of the audience passed out. It summoned a massive inky leg and swiped it across the ring. Pinkie summoned a trampoline and jumped over the attack at the last second. With animalistic white eyes, Maud’s shadow glared at her while its base covered up Maud and immobilized her.

“Do you know how worried I’ve been!?” Maud’s shadow screeched. It lashed out at Pinkie with another massive leg. Pinkie shot a grappling hook to the ground and zoomed out of the way. “What will I tell mother and father? How do you think your sisters will react!? Answer me!”

Maud’s shadow raised up its leg and expanded it into a towering monolith. It blotted out light under Pinkie and half of the ring.

“Pinkamena!” Maud’s shadow roared. It brought its hoof down with enough force to shake the ring and send up a cloud of dust.

“Pinkie!” her friends screamed.

Something pink burst out of the dust cloud and swung around Maud’s shadow with the help of a pair of cables. She had Pinkie’s body, but her mane and tail trailed behind her. Two razor-thin blades protruded out of her forelegs and glinted in the light. With tears spilling from her eyes, Pinkie drove her blades into Maud’s shadow and craved off a chunk from its neck. The shadow let out a pained whinny.

Pinkie shot out new cables and zoomed back to the ground. Her landing cleared away the dust. She threw her blades and Maud’s shadow, cleaving away a little more of it, and then rubbed her eyes. With her tears dried, her piercing blue eyes shone through. “I’m sorry, Maud, I should’ve realized how much this was bothering you.”

She drew a wide-bladed zweihander from out of her mane and clenched it in her teeth. She burst off the ground and raced at the base of Maud’s shadow where Maud’s limbs stuck out, but her head was covered in shadow. Maud’s shadow bellowed and shot tendrils out at Pinkie, but Pinkie slashed them away and splattered the remains onto the ring where they dissipated.

A few tendrils managed to get past Pinkie’s blade, but instead of piercing flesh, they struck steel plates. The plates sprung off Pinkie, beeped, and exploded, tearing off pieces of Maud’s shadow. When Pinkie got within range, she flung up her leg. In the moment her leg blurred, a miniature cannon appeared on it. Angling the muzzle at Maud’s shadow’s head, she fired. Instead of confetti, a small aerodynamic metal structure, similar to the weapons she had used at the WTF, rocketed into the shadow’s head.

A second later, an explosion consumed the head and the shadow’s body wavered and lost its shape. Spikes shot out of it, but Pinkie dodged, blocked, and slashed her way to its base. Hefting her blade high, she threw all her weight at the shadow’s base and cleaved it apart. The shadow roiled and let out a final whinny and then burst into smoke. What remained of it on the ground collapsed, freeing Maud.

Pinkie stood opposite of Maud and dropped her blade to catch her breath. Maud struggled to her hooves. Yet, with her usual monotone, she said, “Sorry, Pinkie, I got a little out of hoof there.”

“Just glad you’re safe,” Pinkie huffed. Her eyes softened when she glanced out at the crowds. A shudder ran through her body and she sniffled, “Everypony is gonna think I’m too scary now.”

“That’s not true,” Maud stated. “Just because you have to be serious in this job doesn’t mean you can’t make others smile. It’s just about finding the right balance. I think you’ve got a good group of friends to help with that.”

Pinkie noticed Maud glance to her left and looked in that direction. All of Pinkie’s friends pressed up against the railing of the participants’ sector.

“Go, Pinkie!” Spike and Twilight cheered.

“That was great, sugarcube!” Applejack yelled. “Just give her a little more!”

“Show us that 1-A spirit!” Derpy jumped into the air and waved her hooves around.

“Oh.” Pinkie smiled. A bit of fizziness returned to her mane while her eyelids drooped. With a huff, she picked up her sword. “Alright, Maud, I get it now. There’s a lot I have to think about but for now I—”

Pinkie collapsed onto the ring. Maud blinked and showed a small smile. “Good job, Pinkie. I’m sorry I pushed you so hard.”

“Winner, Maud Pie!”

Author's Note:

For those wondering, yes, Pinkie does sound just like Goku when being ragdolled by Broly/Maud respectively. Think this might be the most brutal chapter I've written. Sorry, Pinkie.

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