• Published 7th Jul 2017
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My Little Academia: Friendship is Heroic! - Fullmetal Pony

Twilight Sparkle wants to be a hero. She didn't expect the most powerful hero in Equestria to lend her a hoof. She's now set on the path of legends, but it's not going to be an easy one. My Hero Academia Crossover

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Clouds Gather

“Oh my goodness!” Rarity smothered Spike in a hug when he emerged from the recovery room. “Spike, I only got to see the last bit, but that really scared me. You looked like…”

Spike pushed her away. “I know… sorry.”

“Nothing to apologize for,” said Pinkie. “That meanie Starlight just made you go loco in the coco.”

“I should have fought it more…” Spike looked down while scratching his side. “It was just…”

“Irresistible?” Smolder appeared from around a corner and rolled her right shoulder. “Man, those guards do not mess around. More importantly…” She pointed at Spike. “What in the name of Fafnir are you?”

“Tired,” Spike sighed.

Smolder rushed over and glared at him with the same intensity as earlier. “Don’t mess around with me, whelp. I can count the number of dragons that have overcome greed sickness on one claw. Explain.”

“It…” Spike shuddered. “It was like I was drowning in gold and jewels, but at the same time watching the fight from far away. I fought at hard as I could, but I kept sinking further and further away.” He then looked at Rarity. “Then, I heard you call out and saw everypony else there. I thought of Twilight and how I couldn’t let any of you down… and then I was on the ground.”

When he gave his side another scratch, Smolder peered at closer. Her eyes exploded in size. Her voice echoed throughout the hall, “What? What?!”

Everyone shuddered at her outburst. Before Spike could act, Smolder grabbed hold of him and pulled his side up to her face. She focused on just the discolored scales. She spotted other ones nearby that were beginning to raise up and change to deep violet and magenta. “How? This can’t be right! You’re just a hatchling!”

Spike paled. “Wh-what’s wrong?”

“Everything!” Smolder put Spike down. She then took a breath and stared at him with an icy look. “You need to come with me. Now.”

Rarity trembled. “Is Spike in danger?”

Pinkie looked over her own body. “I’m not getting anything.”

“No!” Smolder slapped her forehead and shook her head. “I mean, maybe? Gah!” She jabbed a talon at Spike. “You! Start making sense or you’re coming with me.”

Spike took a breath. While he had been getting the injury to his head and digits fixed up, he’d caught sight of Twilight resting in bed. “I can’t.”

“But you… I…” Smolder tugged at her horns and groaned. A bit of smoke spilled from her mouth. Sucking in air, she pinched the bridge of her snout. “Okay, okay. You can do this, Smolder. It’s just what looks like a hatchling that keeps doing the impossible.”

With another breath she managed to focus back on Spike. “If, by the slightest of chances, I’m right about what I’m looking at, you shouldn’t keep fighting, or rather, you won’t be able to.” She pointed at his side. “That itch is going to spread, followed by a smell more foul than anything you’ve ever imagined, then changes in the loudness of your voice, and flame incontinence. Nidhogg knows how long this might last with you.”

Spike’s claw froze over his side. “It’s a disease, then?” He glanced around with beady pupils. “Is it contagious?”

“It’s not a disease,” Smolder sighed. “You should just find a cave or something to wait it out in.”

Spike closed his eyes and calmed his nerves. “Okay, I get it…”

Smolder let her shoulders slump. “Right, well, I know there’s a few caves under the ca—”

Spike flared his eyes open. He raised up a clenched fist. “Since it’s not going to hurt anyone else, I’ll keep fighting for as long as I can.”

Smolder bristled. “You idiot! There’s no reason. Forget these ponies and just think for yourself!”

Spike glared at her. “I’m not going to forget my friends. Ever. I’m going to win this for them!”

“Sheesh,” Applejack chuckled. “Looks like I’m in for one hay of a fight.”

“I’ve got so many friends to cheer for!” Pinkie giggled.

“I’m sorry to hear you’ll be a little inconvenienced, but I’m sure you’ll do marvelous out there, Spike.” Rarity glanced at Applejack and Dash. “Oh, you too, dears.”

Dash remained silent but cracked a small smile.

Smolder stared at the group with her mouth agape. With a snort of smoke, she spun around, threw her claws in the air, and stormed off. “Screw it, Lady Ember is gonna chew me out either way, might as well just see how this all ends and have fun watching.”

When she vanished behind a corner, everyone had a good laugh. While they all made their way back to their seats, a bespectacled orange colt with white fur running down his muzzle and around his hooves remained in the shadows. He bit his lip and looked up at the glowing light above the recovery room.


It stung when Starlight opened her eyes. Her head throbbed, her legs throbbed, and her ribs throbbed. Everything ached. She managed to look down and saw that she was covered in gauze and casts.

“Glimmy!” Firelight cried. He moved forward to cuddle her, but Redheart shoved him back.

“What did I say?” she scowled.

“S-sorry,” Firelight whimpered. He then turned his attention back to Starlight. “Oh, my poor little Glimmy-Whimmy! How could I have let you do this?”

“Because you occasionally use your head,” Starlight coughed. Then, she noticed another pony standing by her bed: the orange colt. “Dad, I need to talk to Sunburst.”

“Oh… okay. I’ll ju—”


“Right, right.” Firelight scuttled over to the door. He closed it as slowly as he could. Despite her current state, Starlight shot him a glare through the crack in the door and he closed it fully.

Starlight sighed and sank into her pillow. She did not meet Sunburst’s eyes and stared up at the ceiling. “I messed up.”

“Well…” Sunburst took a breath. “You did go a bit far, but what you showed was well-received.”

“I got distracted.”

“You’ve always had a drive to win.”

“I wanted to break him.”

“You’re being too harsh.”

“I messed up.” Her voice had a bit of a tremble to it.

“We’ll work through it.”

“But everything you had figured out… ” Starlight sniffled. “I… I’m sorry.”

Sunburst bent over Starlight so that she had to look straight at him. She averted her gaze, but he moved along with her eyes, forcing her to acknowledge him. “We had contingencies. You did fine, Starlight. Your performance was excellent. Nopony will doubt you did your best and that you have a viable Talent.”

Tears had collected around Starlight’s eyes, but she managed to show Sunburst a shaky grin. “It’s thanks to a manager who knows how to keep me in check.”

Sunburst blushed. “You always make it sound so professional.”


“Heya!” Derpy waved at Spike and the others when they returned to their seats. While they settled down, she took a lick of the yellow ice cream with a purple swirl and specks of what looked like chocolate she held with her right wing.

Pinkie scratched her chin. “I was wondering where you had gone… and also what flavor that is.”

“The best ever!” Derpy took another lick. “I can’t pronounce the name though. The doctor said it super easy, but I kept biting my tongue trying to say it.”

“You were talking with him for quite a bit,” said Rarity.

“Actually…” Derpy lowered her head and blushed. “He offered me an internship.”

“What?” Everyone yelped.

“I was shocked too,” said Derpy. “But he said he had a knack for these sorts of things and usually picked an intern from one of the first rounders.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “And there was nothing off about that?”

“Oh no.” Derpy shook her head but made sure to keep her ice cream stable. “I mean, I didn’t believe it either at first, but he gave me information on all nine of his earlier interns. They’re not superstars, but I’ve heard of a few. He was even the first hero to give White Rose a job.”

“Hay, even I know her.” Applejack grinned. “Probably the only pony that’s dealt with as many timberwolves as an Apple.”

“Regardless, congratulations, dear!” Rarity beamed.

“Thanks,” Derpy giggled. She then turned her attention to Spike, who was using the back of his seat to scratch his spines. He stopped when he noticed her. “Spike, Aloe and Lotus told me how hard you fought… thanks.”

“Somepony had to put Starlight in her place.” Spike twitched and rubbed his back against the chair again. “Geez, Smolder wasn’t kidding about this.”

Applejack strode behind Spike and ran the edge of her hoof down his back. He let out a relieved sigh. “You made a good speech and all, but if this is really getting to you, I’ll be sure to fight with everything I got in your steed. Twilight’s my friend too, after all.”

Tree Hugger poked her head near Spike. She lazily traced over Spike’s body, stopping to examine the raised and discolored scales popping up across it. “Ah, dude, I love this School. I get to see, like, so many new colors. These ones kinda look like what foals go through and I know that’s not a super fun time.”

She bent backwards and pulled out a bottle from her bag. A thick blue liquid sloshed inside. “This is meant to, like, calm your outer aura, so it totally works to deal with colors like what’s going on with you. Just put it on wherever you’ve got those flare ups.”

“Thanks.” Spike reached out the take the bottle, but aura seized it first.

Sunset held it in her magic’s grasp for a moment and then flung it back at Spike. She snickered at Tree, “So, how much did you pay for something you can get at a drugstore for chump change?”

“Those are, like, totally different. This is a homebrewed elixir that dates back to the Founding Era without any of those nasty additives.”

“Antihistamine is antihistamine,” Sunset shot back. She got up from her seat and stomped down the stairs. “That’s too pathetic.” She grinned and it sent a chill down Spike’s neck. “I’m not sure what you did, but the drawbacks are clear. Say hi to Twilight when you lose.” She glanced at Rainbow and Applejack. “Same to you two.”

With that, Sunset strode off. Applejack snorted in her direction and pawed the ground. “Looks like Starlight isn’t the only one that needs a licking. Rainbow Dash, if you don’t do it, one of us…”

Applejack stopped. There was only empty space where Dash had been a second ago. Both Applejack and Pinkie scratched their heads. Applejack readjusted her hat while Pinkie shrugged.

“I guess somepony couldn’t wait to give Sunset a lesson,” said Applejack.

Rarity said nothing but rubbed her chin before taking her seat.

Author's Note:

Aside from Bakugo's grin, I realized when Sunset is in a particularly bloodlusty mood, her expression matches another firestarter (minus the nervousness)

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