• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

  • ...

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It's a date! What do you mean all three?!

As they walk, the purple unicorn he had been seeking earlier walks out of a nearby building. She smiles and waves as she spots them.

He brightens up just the tiniest bit and hurries over to her, allowing Silk to finally realize where Rainbow’s gaze has been focused the whole trip. “Hey, Twilight! How have you been?”

Silk nudges the blue mare lightly with her wing, before giving her a questioning glance and darting her eyes to the griffon, waggling her eyebrows after.

Her blush is her only response, though a waving of a blue wing in the mare’s face soon follows.

She snorts, giving her a look before glancing back at the other two.

They find Flick grinning in excitement. “Great! I’m glad you decided to join us!” He places a claw on his chest and bows respectfully.

Silk raises an eyebrow. "You got another one?"

He blinks, turning to give her a strange look. ”There’s nothing wrong with bringing more friends, is there?”

"It's just a bigger group than I expected." She admits, walking up next to him. "But things should be plenty of fun."

He chuckles, pulling her into another one-armed hug. “Oh, I don’t doubt that. Especially with this group.”

She smiles at him as they head out once more.

Rainbow frowns as she follows behind them, head bowed low to the ground. “...you can stop hugging her at any time, now.”

“Nah,” he grins at her over his shoulder, “you ponies are too adorable and fluffy for me not to try. In fact, I’d probably hug all of you, if I could.”

The weather pony sighs, dejectedly waving a hoof at a mare as she passes by. “Hey, AJ...”

The farm mare looks up from her stand, whistling a bit. "Got yerself a nice group there, huh?"

“Yep!” He turns to her with a smile, faltering slightly once he sees her current position. “...ah. I guess you’re not able to join us?”

"Yeah, sorry, gotta work." She tips her hat to him. "Maybe next time."

“Hmm... maybe next time...” He reaches over and gently grips an orange hoof in a claw. ”...we can go there together. I’ll even pay for you.”

She laughs, clearing her throat after as she sees the others watching. "Sounds good, but maybe focus on those ya got with ya right now."

He sighs, then gives her a small smile. “Okay, then. When do I work next, by the way?” His talon absently rubs her hoof as he talks, and his eyes never leave hers.

"Well, umm... whenever ya want." She blushes.

“Hmm... how about tomorrow? I should be free, then.” He lets go to snap his talons. “Oh, how about I take you to the spa later for another massage?”

Rainbow makes a face behind his back, feathers fluffing up slightly.

She smiles. "We'll see if Ah'm busy or not."

“Great! It’s a date!” He grins, pulling her into a hug over the counter before hurrying on down the street, waving over his shoulder at her.

She adjusts her hat, waving back with her smile still on.

Rainbow darts forward, frowning at her friend. “What’s with that look you’re giving him?”

"What look?" She blinks at her friend's sudden proximity. "And why do you care what looks I give?"

“Because...” Her cheeks flush hotly with color. “...j-just because!”

"Now what sort of thing's got you all hot and bothered?" The farm mare's face is clearly smug.

“Probably not the same thing that has you looking at his rear!” She gives a smirk before she continues. “Or what everyone in town says about you two.”

She snorts. "Oh they do, do they?" She grumbles under her breath. "Might have to talk to some ponies about that."

Rainbow suddenly looks nervous. “...you okay, AJ?”

"Yeah, sure." She waves her off. "Go on, you're slowin' down yer group."

“Slowing them down?” She scoffs. “Please, you know who I am!”

"Latebow Dash?" She teases.

“Why... you... Gah!” She jumps up and speeds off after Flick through the air, leaving the farmer alone, mostly.

Apple Bloom skips over next to her. “Hey, what’cha doin’?”

"Messing with Rainbow." She answers simply, glancing at her sister. "What about you, Bloom?"

“Lookin’ fer somethin’ to do.” She frowns and sets her chin on the counter. “Somethin’ Diamond Tiara won’t destroy...”

"Well, as long as Ah don't have to leave the stand, Ah'm sure we can think of somethin'." She rubs the yellow filly's head affectionately. "Let's see..."

The pegasus soon catches up with the rest, running a hoof through her mane. “See? Caught up in seven seconds.”

Flick just stares at her in confusion. “Who are you talking to?”

“Nopony important.” She shrugs, then looks to her left. “...huh. That’s kinda creepy.”

"What is?" Twilight asks.

She gestures to the dark alley. “Hello? Spooky alleyway that could lead to being mugged? Or worse?”

The griffon chuckles quietly as he walks into said place. “Don’t worry, Dash, I’ll make sure none of you get hurt.”

Silk smiles as she follows. "I think with as many of us as we have, we can take care of whatever comes our way."

“Yeah, well, I’m gonna keep an eye out from overhead!” Rainbow jumps up and hovers over Flick as they make their way down the apparently abandoned alleyway.

"So how far are we?" The yellow mare asks.

“Not that far. There’s a turn a little down the way before we get there.” He smiles and tickles her nose with the tip of his wing. “Don’t worry, soon you can eat.”

She giggles, playing pushing his wing away with hers. "Good, I'm awfully hungry by now."

He chuckles, hugging her to his side and doing the same with Twilight so she doesn’t feel left out.

The unicorn blushes. "So umm, you said it's alright if I don't bring food, right?"

“Absolutely.” He smiles at her. “They have food there, but he also cooks what you bring him.”

"Okay." She nods. "I just hope I'm not stepping on tradition."

“You shouldn’t be.” The three of them turn the corner, Rainbow banking to make it with them.

"So how come you didn't bring something?" Twilight asks.

“Because I already ate. Plus, I’d have to pay, this time.”

“What do you mean, this time?” Rainbow lands in front of them, then yelps when somepony runs into her flanks and she spins around, ready to wallop somepony.

"Sorry about that." The stallion says to her, moving to walk around her as he calls back over his shoulder. "See you boys tomorrow!" Voices from inside express their agreement heartily.

She watches him go, then turns and points at the others with a frown. “Not a word.”

While Twilight says nothing, the fanged mare reveals she can say far more with a smirk, than a word.

Rainbow scowls and turns away, grumbling quietly as she heads inside.

"She's fun to mess with." Silk comments simply.

Flick turns and frowns just a bit. “...why do you like to do that so much?”

"Because she's loud, a braggart, and doesn't apologize when she crashes into things or ponies." She sniffs. When she sees the look Twilight and Flick are giving her, though, she relents. "Maybe I can ease up."

"There's poking fun, then there's harassing." He sighs, pulling away from both of them and stepping inside. "Then again, I'm sure you know the difference."

"Yes..." Her ears fold a bit as she follows him inside.

The griffon grins as he stops at the counter, resting one foreleg on it. "Hey, there! I'm back!"

"Already?" The grizzled cook laughs. "What, hungry again?"

"Nah," he nods to the small group behind him, "just bringing my friends like I said I would."

"Well, I'll be." He chuckles. "Welcome, ladies." He gives them all a nod.

Rainbow lays her sandwich on the counter, looking at the stallion. "Nice to meet you, too. Who are you, exactly?"

"The name's Savory. Feel free to call me Sav if you like." He looks down at her sandwich. "I see he told you about our rule."

“All I know is that he told me to bring food.” She gives the griffon a scrutinizing glare. “He said the rest was a surprise.” The glare explodes into an embarrassed blush when the chuckling griffon pats her on the head.

The stallion nods as the others sit down. "Yep." When he sees Twilight didn't bring any, he offers her a menu. "You can tell me how you want it cooked, or just let me at it."

A voice calls out from the side. “Hey, so who wins the betting pool?”

He looks to the board, tracing the lines. "Hmm... here we go. Same day, two or more new mares." Grabbing the bag, he floats it over to the winning pony.

As the chestnut stallion awkwardly accepts it, Flick looks at Savory in confusion. “Why were you betting on that?” He jumps when a few bits are placed on his beak, and sees the stallion return to some gray pegasus out of the corner of his eye.

"Because it was a bit of good fun." He chuckles. "You're the new guy, so it's also a way of figuring you out."

He carefully removes the bits and places them under a wing. “And... what exactly does it say about me?”

“Probably that you’re awesome.” Rainbow puffs up her chest. “But not as awesome as me.”

The cook offers no comment on that. "We don't mean anything by it, just a bit of fun. Now..." He looks to the sandwich. "How dark do you want it?"

The athlete just shrugs. “I dunno. I’ve never had a cooked sandwich, before.”

He nods, taking it and starting to cook it with a bit of butter. "Just so you know, me cooking what you bring in ain't free, it costs a bit."

Rainbow immediately grimaces. “Shoot, I don’t-“ She’s cut off by a bit being placed before her.

After a moment of staring blankly at it, she turns and looks at Flick, who smiles back at her. “Don’t worry, Dash, I got it.” He ruffles the now-blushing mare’s mane before turning back to Silk. “I can cover you, too, if you don’t have any money.”

"I had planned on paying for my part." She smiles toothily at him as she raises a wing to show her bit pouch. "Thank you, though." Her eyelashes bat themselves at him.

He smiles in return, turning to give the stallion a thankful nod before turning to the last of his friends. “Did you decide on something, Twilight?”

"Umm... can I try the potato, carrot, and hay skewer?" She gives the griffin a small smile of awaiting approval.

He shrugs, smiling in return. “If that’s what you want, I’m not going to stop you.”

She giggles, making the order with a smile.

The cook nods, his magic working to assemble it as Silk pulls up the small bag she had brought.

The griffin leans in close, looking over her shoulder. “What did you bring, anyways?”

She pulls it out, wrapped up. "Seasoned pineapple." The clear bag contains the aforementioned sliced rings, flakes of something on them as a light orange juice soaks in.

“Huh.” He rests his chin on her shoulder as he looks at it. “...is it any good?”

"We're about to find out." She lightly boops the side of his head with her snout before offering the bag to the chef.

He gives it a once over. "Well, never done this before, so this'll be interesting." He flips Rainbow's sandwich, revealing the golden side that had been cooking.

She stares, starting to drool a little. “Wow, that looks delicious...” As she speaks, she misses the tuft of tail that reaches around to tickle at Twilight’s side.

The unicorn squeaks, blushing from making that sound.

Flick quickly looks to her, concerned. “Are you alright, Miss Sparkle?”

Rainbow’s ear twitches, and she turns to find two ponies cleaning and writing on a chalkboard.

Twilight clears her throat. "Yes, yes, I'm fine. I just had a little... shiver."

As the weather pony walks away, he places a claw on the librarian’s shoulder and gently squeezes. “If you’re cold, I could help with that.” He drapes his wing over her and pulls her close. “See? Nice and toasty.”

She blushes more now. "Oh, umm... wow... are you sure this isn't too close?"

Silk just watches the two with a raised eyebrow.

“I’m alright with holding others close.” He tugs the thestral close with his other wing, resting his chin on her head. “Besides, you ponies are comfy.”

“What is wrong with you ponies!?” Rainbow yanks the sign out of their grasp. “Applejack And Fluttershy aren’t even here! Why did you put them on this new one? Why did you make a dating betting pool to begin with!?” She looks down at it with a hurt frown. “And why aren’t I on it?”

"We hadn't finished filling it out yet." One of them protests.

Silk just smiles comfortably as the chef puts Rainbow's sandwich on a plate. "Food's up!"

“You put Big Mac on here before me!” She grunts in frustration and carries it over to the others, setting it on the counter before the three of them so she can eat.

It is exactly what Rainbow said it was - a betting pool about who Flick will end up with. Silk, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Twilight are among the names, and there’s even a herd and harem option.

The griffon frowns in confusion. “...why are those two separate?”

"Distinction between if there's just you or more males?" Silk offers, looking amused while Twilight is hiding her face, looking mortified.

He looks at them all and gently pushes it away. “You know, I don’t think I’d mind any of those options... except for Big Mac, because I’m fairly certain he likes mares.”

"Maybe wait until they leave next time, boys." The cook says simply, toothpick in his mouth as he rotates the food.

They bow their heads in shame.

As this happens, Flick turns and delicately nudges Twilight’s cheek with the curve of his beak. “You okay?”

She mutters something he can't understand.

He looks at her, confused, and rubs her back with his wing, hoping it’ll help. “You know you can share with me if something’s bothering you, right?”

"I can't believe I'm being shipped..." She responds a little louder.

“...okay, I’m sorry if I sound rude or uncultured or something, but... what do you mean by that?” He gently rubs at her hoof, giving her a sheepish smile to try and show he really doesn’t mean anything bad by it.

She lifts up her head, still blushing. "It's a term the girls in school used when they... matchmaked in their heads."

“Oh.” He stays silent, trying not to think of how close her lips are to his beak. Those purple eyes of hers definitely help with that, especially once he starts to get lost in them.

A random pony to the side tosses a few bits on the table. “Put it on the librarian.”

Twilight instantly buries her face once more.

He sighs and raises the claw to caress her mane, cooing softly to her despite the glare he sends the rude mare that slinks away. “Don’t let them get to you, Twilight. You’re a beautiful, smart young mare who they’re jealous of. Any stallion or mare would be lucky to even get your attention.”

He turns to look at Silk, still tucked under his wing, to ask if he’s doing it right without actually asking.

She whispers to him. "Maybe ease off a bit. The girl's embarrassed, let her cool down."

“...right.” He carefully lowers his claw, keeping his wing in place as he glances around. “Maybe we should find somewhere to sit. Somewhere we won’t be the center of attention?”

At that moment, the cook slides their plates toward them. "Here ya go. Sit where you like."

Flick nods and takes hold of their food - a plate on one claw and the other on his head. He guides the two mares under his wings to a private corner of the restaurant, hoofsteps from behind telling him that Rainbow is following them.

"I'm looking forward to seeing how this tastes." Silk says simply, sniffing her plate.

He smiles, leaning over and pressing his cheek to hers. “Mind if I have a taste?”

She playfully snaps her teeth at him. "Me first."

He chuckles, backing away and taking his wing off her back. “Sure thing, Miss Tease.” His laugh is cut off when a bite of sandwich is stuffed in his mouth.

Rainbow grins. “Much better than pineapple, right?”

He carefully nudges it to one side of his mouth with his tongue, his voice as serious as a grave. “Dash... this didn’t have tomato in it, right?”

She blinks. “...no? It was just lettuce and mustard.”

“Good.” He chews it quietly, hugging Twilight a little tighter after that with his wing.

Twilight looks to him curiously. "What are griffon diets like?"

“It has nothing to do with diet.” He quietly scoffs. “I’m allergic.”

"Oh." She blinks, nodding. "But can you eat grains like we can?"

“Yes, I can.”

“He also eats meat and fruit, as well as vegetables.” When they look at her, the technicolor mare blushes brightly. “What? I had a friend at flight camp who’s a griffon.”

"Oh, okay then." She smiles at them both.

“Miss Tease, you got a bit on your cheek.” He expertly removes the splotch with a talon, licking it afterwards and humming thoughtfully. “Not bad.”

She nods. "It's a little spicy, but apparently that's the point."

“Is that right?” He looks at her thoughtfully. “...is it alright if I get that other spot, too?”

She licks it off. "Now now, take your own bite." She offers him the rest of the current ring.

“Hmm...” He takes it, but then licks the corner of her mouth, smirking playfully. “You missed a bit.”

She bats at him with a wing. "Cheeky bird."

“What? It’s delicious.” He chuckles, snagging one off her plate and offering it to Twilight. “Want to try some?”

"Umm, no thank you." She smiles, levitating her large skewer. "I think I have plenty to eat." Her piece said, she takes a bite of hers, humming in approval.

He can’t keep the disappointment off his face, shrugging and eating the food himself.

Rainbow watches him intensely as she eats, her wings rather twitchy.

Twilight speaks up after a few bites. "So, how's your sandwich, Rainbow?"

“‘S good.” She swallows, turning her attention to the unicorn. “Hey, so... what do you look for in a guy?”

Flick blinks, surprised she opened up this line of questioning.

Twilight blinks, looking at her friend strangely. "I've never really thought about it... I've never had an interest in looking before."

“Really?” She points at her with a frown. “Because you’ve been leaning against him ever since he complimented you.”

Twilight blushes, leaning up. "I was distracted by eating!"

“But you weren’t eating, right then...”

Flick places a claw in between them. “She’s obviously not comfortable talking about this in public. At the very least, give her the courtesy of privacy.”

“...fine.” She huffs, resting her cheek on her upturned hoof. “I just wanted to know how she felt about you.”

"A different topic perhaps." Silk offers, sinking her fangs into her meal.

They quietly eat for a while before Rainbow speaks up once more. “There’s a rumor Flick is Applejack’s toy.”

“And there’s a rumor that you like mares.” He looks up at her with a raised eyebrow. “I don’t put much stock in rumors.”

Rainbow grumbles, poking at the table. "Nothing wrong with being flexible..."

"You already have rumors about you?" Silk asks him.

“I made a joke to her little sister and somehow it got spread around town.” He shrugs a bit. “I’m doing my best to ignore it.”

"Oh my... what sorts of things are you saying to foals?" She raises a brow at him.

He blushes brightly, squirming in his seat. “...that she was my mistress?”

“...what, like you’re her slave?” The athlete huffs quietly. “Or do you mean like a servant?”

"It's... a bit in between." Silk replies, tail swishing.

Rose eyes narrow at the yellow mare. “Why is your tail swishing?”

She leans over so only the other mare can hear. "It's a sex thing."

She blushes brightly, then pushes her away with a grunt. “Then why are you still smiling? You like him, don’t you?”

"He's a very nice tom." She answers, giving the griffon a wink.

He smiles, reaching over to play with the tufts of her ears.

Rainbow smirks at the mare. “Did I forget to mention they have great hearing?”

"So do I." She wiggles her ears.

“You know, for being a thestral, she’s pretty sexy.”

Flick blinks, subtly glancing over his shoulder at the speaker.

“If that bird didn’t have his talons in her, I’d probably rail her over the table.”

“You’re missing the big picture, bro.” There’s a brief pause before the second speaker continues. “That big purple booty! I’d love to be that seat, man!”

“...what is this man you keep talking about?”

Silk just snorts, shaking her head as she locks eyes with the griffon. "Gotta love loose-lipped ponies, hmm?"

He awkwardly scratches his cheek. “...honestly, I have to agree with them. All of you are sexy, but I’d be happy with a kiss from anyone, right now.”

“Hey, how about we go see Applejack?” Rainbow claps her hooves together. “I think we all could do with some apple pie, right?”

“...wait, what about your diet?”

“It’s my cheat day, I’ll be fine.” She laughs brightly before darting around the table and yanking him towards the door. “Come on, I know you’ll just love it!”

Twilight looks up, a couple pieces of food on her skewer. "But we weren't done eating!"

“Finish it on the way! That’s what skewers are for!”

Before they get too far - mostly due to the griffon struggling - Flick manages to wrap around the unicorn’s barrel with his tail, attempting to get an anchor.

Silk munches on one of her last pineapple rings as she watches. "You're really making a scene, you know."

She pauses for a moment, almost as if considering this, and then groans, resting on Flick’s back. “Fine... but I still want to get some pie.”

Nodding, the two other mares finish up their lunches.

The griffon, however, glances over his shoulder at the mare on his back, bemused. “Why are you on my back?”

She shifts slightly. “You’re comfy.”

“I highly doubt I’m that comfortable.” He pokes her cheek with a talon. “Your cheeks and mouth are covered in crumbs.”

“...I’m a messy eater.”

“I could tell, but I doubt that’s why those are there.” He smirks at the blush growing on her face once more. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

She covers her face with a blue wing. “S-shut up.”

Silk shakes her head as she cleans up. Once she's done, she walks over, Twilight beside her with bits left on the table. "Ready?"

“Ready!” She takes the griffon and darts off, making him give a not-so-masculine squawk of surprise.

Silk snorts, looking to the unicorn. "Does she ever slow down as enjoy life?"

"Fast is how she likes life." Twilight replies sagely.

“Rainbow, that’s my tail!”

“Calm down, you big baby!”

The thestral sighs. "I feel like I need to tag along to keep her in check..."

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