• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

  • ...

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So many questions! What is your deal?

A few hours pass, and a number of pranks have been foiled. Flick, having not seen Rainbow for the past thirty minutes, starts staring up in the sky, wary of any sneak attacks.

"Focus." Says the nearby farm mare. "I get yer on watch, but Ah don't want ya to trip."

He stops searching, looking back at her in time to tug on her tail, stopping her from slipping on an apple.

"Thanks." She frees herself before bucking the next tree, causing a rain of produce.

“I guess we both need to pay more attention, huh?” He chuckles, moments before tensing up and breaking out into a run. The griffon tackles a certain lavender unicorn as she rounds the next tree, getting both of them out of the way just in time to avoid Applejack’s hooves.

"Gah!" There's a cry as the two take a tumble down a gentle hill.

Flick flinches and grunts every time he rolls onto his wing, but he still turns so he lands on his back, hugging the scholarly pony to his chest.

After taking a moment to recover, he looks at her with a gentle smile. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

"What happened?" She asks softly, eyes spinning.

“I just kept us from getting bucked into a tree.” He chuckles, rolling onto his right side and still holding her.

"Well that was luck-" She pauses as she sees their position, brain seeming to pause as her cheeks go red.

“...oh, right.” He stands up and pulls her onto her hooves, brushing a couple blades of grass off her side. “Sorry I made you uncomfortable, I needed to get off my injury.”

"Yes, injury, right... right!" She quickly checks it. "Have you been following the doctor's instructions?"

“Been trying. Apple Bloom smacked it with a stick earlier.” He watches her, claws tensing slightly.

"She what?!" She gasps.

“It was just her being rowdy. School hasn’t started yet, from what I could tell, so she might need an outlet of some kind.” He shrugs, reaching up to push a lilac hair back in place.

"Still that's... that's really bad..."

He shrugs. “If it helps, it was also an accident.”

"Oh, well, that's better." She nods.

The wing twitches in its sling, but he takes her face between his claws so he can soothingly rub her cheeks, hoping to distract her from it.

She blushes more, pulling her face a little away as she turns her head. "You really might want to watch what you're doing if you have suitors after you."

He can’t quite hide his disappointment. “Does this mean you aren’t interested?”

"I don't, I mean, I never really thought about.... but my friends want..."

He gently touches his talon to her lips, brushing her mane back into order. “Just tell me what you think of me. See what that leads to.”

"But there's so many other factors..." She says quietly.

He smiles and pats her shoulder. “I’m a patient guy.”

"...would it impact our friendship?"

The griffon shakes his head. “If it doesn’t work out, I’ll still be your friend. I promise.”

“...does this mean yer gettin’ a herd?” Apple Bloom asks from beside them, making the startled guy jump ten feet in the air.

"I... I mean that technically is an option but I still need to... and the others..."

“...if it’s you an’ mah sis, Ah’ll be alright.” She nods and turns to walk away, just as Flick lands on his face.

Twilight reflexively picks him up and dusts him off, even as she still seems to be thinking.

He smiles and gives her a polite bow, claw held to his chest. “Thank you.”

"You're welcome, just, try to be careful, you don't want to be more hurt."

He nods, gently pulling her into a hug and resting his chin on her head. “Just know I’ll do whatever I can to protect you girls, okay?”

"That... wasn't really the point.. but it is sweet." She gives him a brief hug.

He lets go after a moment, chuckling quietly. “What I mean is that you are worth getting injured for.” He notices she’s still hugging, but makes no move to stop her.

She clears her throat as she lets go.

He gently tilts her chin up, giving her a warm smile. “Are we still on for reading, later?”

"Right.. yes... that's why I came over." She nods.

He turns, holding out his claw to her. “If you aren’t busy, maybe we could spend some time together while I get those apples into the barn?”

"Aren't you working?" She asks, seeing Applejack giving them a small look as she bucks another tree ont he top of the hill.

“Doesn’t mean we can’t chat while I do.” He starts walking back up the hill. “Jackie, how many more left for today?”

"Left? We just got started." She laughs a bit.

“Fair enough.” He chuckles and looks to Twilight. “I’ll be off with enough time for us to get through another novel. I promise.”

"You don't have to stick around for the whole day!" His boss calls.

“But I still want to help!” He responds, reaching the farmer and pulling her into a hug.

"Helping at all is still helping, but this is pretty much my whole day for a while sugarcube." She gently says.

He frowns softly, but gives her a little nuzzle. “I’ll work ‘til noon and then the three of us can go somewhere to eat.”

"Ah don't know... Ah really should just keep working..."

He sighs quietly. “Yeah, that’s what I figured. Maybe next time, then.” He flaps a wing and an apple falls, landing squarely on Rainbow’s head. The pegasus is startled enough to break apart the cloud with which she’d been sneaking up on them.

"Maybe a raincheck?" She offers.

“Sure. Maybe we can actually go to the grill, this time.” He chuckles, giving her one last squeeze before turning to Twilight. “How about you, Twily? Hungry?”

She stand there with her head tilted, looking curious as she slowly nods. "Yes... sure..."

“Great! What time is it?” He looks up at the sky, shielding his eyes with a claw. “If it’s close enough to lunch, you could come with me while I drop these off. That way we could head off together from there.”

"Yes... sure..." She answers in that same tone, still looking at him.

He takes her by the hoof and leads her to the cart. “But first we’ll have to figure out sleeping arrangements for tonight.”

"Wait- what?!" She suddenly shakes her head as she hears him.

He snickers softly. “Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.”

She blushes, scraping her hoof on the ground. "Sorry, I started thinking about something."

“It’s fine.” He hefts her up onto the seat, tugging it along so he can gather the latest baskets that were filled. “Do you feel like sharing along the way?”

"My thoughts?" She makes sure.

“Well they certainly aren’t mine.” He laughs brightly, pausing to heft the last basket on the back with a grunt. He walks around and quickly secures himself so they can head back.

"I can walk to help with the weight." She starts getting down.

“It’s fine. You’re much lighter than the apples, so it doesn’t make a difference.”

"Well... if you're sure..." She settles in.

They head down the road, having it to themselves for a while.

"So..." she starts after a bit. "Do griffons have magic?"

“Of course we do. How else would we lay on clouds?” He taps his chin thoughtfully. “I swear I said this somewhere before...”

"Okay... and how much control would you say you have?"

He stops in the middle of the road, looking at her curiously. “How does one measure how well they can stand on clouds?” He chuckles and continues on his way.

"So that's all your magic can do?"

He stays quiet for a moment. “...what if I said no? What then?”

"I'd ask more questions." She says simply.

“...as long as I can decide not to answer any of them.” He nods and hurries up on their trip.


He grunts as he grips and pulls open the barn door, the other opening without him touching it. “I might have more.” He pulls her and the cart inside as the doors close.

She looks between him and the door, raising a hoof but just tapping her lip. "You don't know?"

He gives her a look, then waves his claw in her direction. Her bangs briefly float in a breeze through the sealed off barn.

She gasps." I knew it!"

“Congrats.” He smirks. “You and Jackie are the only ones to know.” He turns his attention in on himself, getting the harness off his body.

"So is it special to you?" She practically teleports to his side. "Did you train or were you born with it?"

He looks at her nervously. “As far as I know, I’m the only one. It’s just... my element, I guess.” He rubs his chin. “My sister has one too, but I doubt you’ll get to meet her any time soon.”

"You have a sister?" He can see her itch to write all this down.

“Yes, I do.” He reaches over and gently grips her hoof in his claws. “...promise me that whatever you ask stays between us.”

She blinks. "... what if I end up publishing a book about new discoveries made from this interview and change your name to maintain anonymity?"

He gives her a wry smile. “Wouldn’t the ponies who live here be able to connect the dots, since I’m the only griffon?”

"Hmm... maybe..." She frowns and thinks.

He sits down next to her, gently draping his wing over her back. “What if you said pegasus? Would that work?”

"I would need to research first if the magic you use and pegasus magic are the same to retain accuracy."

He sighs and rubs his beak. “Let’s put that down as ‘pending’, then.” He’s silent for a moment before swishing his tail.

Two mares fall from the rafters from a strong breeze, barely catching themselves with their wings.

“...I guess everyone knows now,” Flick mutters.

Silk flutters to the ground, straightening her mane: "I wasn't intending to eavesdrop."

“I was,” Rainbow says, landing beside the thestral.

Flick groans and rubs his forehead. “...should we just take this back to the fields so Jackie can hear, too?”

"We haven't really heard that much if it's a secret." Silk points out.

“No, you must’ve heard everything with that thestral hearing of yours,” the weather mare says.

"They've been pretty vague, is what I meant." She hisses.

He brings up a claw and points at her nose. She promptly feels something poke it.

She lets out a small bat like squeak, rubbing her nose.

“There. Now we’re all in the same boat.” He gives her a cheeky smile, then lays down with Twilight under his wing. “So... I’ll answer questions, but not all of them.”

"But I have so many!" She protests.

“Pretty sure he means that some things he just won’t share,” Rainbow says. “Will you be telling this to Applejack later?”

“Yep.” He flaps his good wing, and Silk finds herself sliding over to his other side.

"Well, if you insist." She snuggles herself against him.

“Comfy.” He smiles at her and looks to Twilight. “Where did you want to start?”

"So, were you born with it or did you obtain it?" Twilight quickly asks.

He scratches his head. “I think I was born with it? I trained to do all that I can now, though... and to keep it under control.”

"It can get out of control?" Silk asks.

He grimaces. “I used to cause tornados when I was younger...”

Rainbow’s eyes widen. “How were you not hurt?”

“I never said I wasn’t... but the winds themselves never touched me.”

"Interesting... perhaps a new subspecies?" Twilight muses.

He turns to look at her, baffled. “How do you figure?”

"Well, you're exhibiting strange power that suggests you may be more in tune with you magical side. This is just a theory, but if I'm right, you may be the griffon equivalent of a unicorn."

Rainbow laughs at this idea. “What, like a grifficorn? That sounds silly!”

A piece of paper flies into her face to quiet her laughter.

"You never know, Rainbow. Things like this do happen occasionally." Twilight says.

She spits out the paper, looking at her with a raised eyebrow. “Name one time, aside from Flick.”


Her muzzle scrunches up. “I thought those were bedtime stories...”

"Reports are few and they keep to themselves, but ponies that live in the sea have been sighted." She nods.

“Huh... anyways, that wind thing. Is it all you can do?” She points at Flick, who balks.

“No- wait, yes?” He looks confused and a little panicky.

"Now why would that set you off?" Silk asks, nuzzling him.

“...might be partly because I don’t know which word is the right answer?”

"There's no right answer, just explain." Twilight says.

He sighs and brings up a claw, tracing a circle in midair. In the same moment, Twilight feels something rubbing the base of her horn. “I might have a minor form of that lifting magic... training helped me realize it... and I can also solidify it somewhat.” His claw grips the air, and suddenly all of her horn was being gently squeezed.

She lets out a small yelp of surprise. "Like levitation cantrips..."

He lets go and folds his claws together. “You’d be surprised at all I can do.”

“Yeah, especially since you didn’t make a wind while doing that,” Rainbow points out.

"This is so exciting! There's so much potential here!" Twilight practically stomps her hooves with happiness.

Flick smiles and nuzzles her cheek, giving her a little hug. “You’re just so adorable when you’re excited.”

She blushes as the thestral giggles.

“We get it, you want to cuddle her.” She looks down and grumbles the next sentence.

“Because Applejack. Also I haven’t got close enough to cuddle you because you keep pushing me away.”

Her face flushes red. “That’s not... how did you...?”

"You're not the most subtle mare." Silk says with a smirk.

The blue pony groans and lets her head fall into her hooves. “But it feels so lame...” She immediately straightens up, frowning deeply. “...remind me to never use that word again.”

"I'll try." twilight says.


Flick taps her nose. “But yeah, you’ll have to make sure Jackie is up for it, Rainbow Dash.”

Twilight looks between them. "I feel like I'm missing context."

“Applejack apparently does have him as her pet,” Rainbow says, smirking at a flustered Flick.

“Come on, that rumor just started dying down!”

"But that doesn't fit with his response..." the unicorn frowns.

“Because she’s wrong, anyways.” He shakes his head. “I told Jackie that I wasn’t intending on chasing after Rainbow.” Before her expression drops to much, he turns his gaze to the rafters and continues. “But if her feelings are genuine, I don’t know if I have the heart to refuse her... just like with the rest of you girls.”

As Twilight blushes, Silk comments. "Spreading yourself a bit thin."

“Can’t help how I feel,” he answers, looking at her now. “But I promise I won’t fall for anyone else. Not the way I like you.” He turns to Twilight, nudging her cheek with his beak. “All of you.”

The mares exchange looks, some knowing, some unsure, and a nice mixture of smiles.

“...so who are you gonna bed first?”

Author's Note:

So while writing these chapters, my friend and forgot to make braking points. :twilightblush: So... some chapters might have a small issue with the length.

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