• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

  • ...

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Dress them up! Wait, what caused that bruise?

"Alright, I think with this, we're done." Silk says some time later, now wearing a nurse outfit.

Flick nods, carefully folding up the trench coat he’d been wearing. “Where’d you come up with the idea for a detective?”

"It just sprang from the stereotypical 'lingerie under the trench coat' thing." She explains.

“There was no lingerie, though.”

"It was meant as a use for just the coat. As for none being on me, I figured I'd take it easy on you today." She winks.

This is what allows her a split second to realize he’d pounced, and they tumble along the floor for a bit. He ends up on her back, happily nuzzling her neck and keeping her firmly in place.

"Wasn't I supposed to jump you?" She asks.

“I don’t think it was ever decided.” He tries to nip her cheek, but can only slide the curve of his beak against her soft fur.

She doesn't seem to mind. "Planning on keeping me here?"

“Until either of us have to leave, yes.” His left talon reaches up to scratch under her chin, as if he were exploring her body’s reactions.

Her tail wags against his belly as she coos.

He chuckles, continuing to cuddle. “...hmm... any outfits you’d think Jackie could try on once she gets here?” He pulls on the band of her skirt, letting it go after a second. “...any chance this could come with something that allows it to snap?”

"You like doing that, hmm?" She grins. "A little panty snapper."

“It’s mostly because I like the cute noises you all make,” he clarifies.

"Curious about what noises you could me to make in this position?" She purrs.

“Maybe.” He then realizes their position, but just continues to nuzzle. “Oh my, how would the others react to you letting me mount you so soon?”

"Jealously." She says resolutely.

His ear twitches. “Applejack just showed up. Time to see what she thinks, hmm?”

Without warning, the two of them go into another tumble. This time, she lands on his stomach, hooves on his forelegs and looking down at him. She swiftly realizes that she can’t get off.

She tugs her hooves a bit, a slight bit unnerved, but wondering what he's pulling.

They can clearly hear Lyra speaking up front. “I think her living area is through the back of the store? Most ponies live in their shops, so...”

Silk actually looks nervous. "Umm, hun, as fun as this is, she doesn't seem like one to wait for an explanation..."

He blinks as the sound of hoofsteps slowly becomes audible, the farmer apparently deciding to be careful with her steps. “Really? She seemed reasonable enough to me.”

"Would you like to test that?" She asks.

He chuckles, rubbing her cheek with a claw as he leans up towards her. “Do you? You’re free to move, you know.”

She quickly rolls off him and straightens herself. He gets up and, giving her a brief nuzzle, heads over to the door and intercepts Applejack with a hug, the basket she had floating like a feather to the ground.

"Oh! Well hey there!” She says in surprise.

“Hey.” He smiles and kisses her cheek, picking her up and hugging her such that her forelegs are pinned to her chest and her hind legs are against his own. “How’s the harvest going?”

"Fine..." She grunts, dancing on her hooves a bit to balance.

“Good.” He thinks for a bit, then looks to Silk. “Have any bandannas for her?”

"Bandanas? I suppose I might... Not really a popular item..." She thinks.

“Bandannas or anything that’d help wick up sweat. Also a cowpony outfit so we can see how she’d look in the complete garb.” He taps her hat. “This stays untouched.”

"Now hold on, Ah need to get back to the harvest..." She protests.

“Surely you can spare a minute to try something on,” he reasons, rubbing her belly as he readjusts their positions.

She sighs. "Fine... ya big pushover."

“Great!” He grins, then looks to Silk for her thoughts. “So, any outfits?”

"Oh, definitely." She laughs.

“Please bring the best one you have.”

She wanders off, still wearing the nurse outfit.

He turns his attention back to Applejack once the thestral passes, continuing to cuddle her. “...so could you tell me about that reaction, now?”

"What reaction?" She asks.

“Brr.” He mimics her voice once more, making sure he has the right inflection.

She blushes. "You remember too much."

“No, because I miss what you say in the mornings. If I woke up before you...” He nuzzles at her jawline, humming softly. “...I’d tell you how much you mean to me... how your steadfast nature lets me feel safe in depending on you... how wonderful it feels to have your body against mine...”

"From one direction to another, there." She says, blushing.

“What’s wrong with that?” He says, pouting softly. One of his claws slowly moves up her side.

"Nothing at all." She smiles.

“Good.” He smiles, leaning in to kiss her cheek, just as his claw finds that spot behind her ear once more.

She shivers, giving out that same curious sound.

“Would you be willing to tell me what that means if I stop?” Flick asks, smiling playfully at her.

"... Ah find mahself conflicted."

“Did you want me to continue?” He gives it an extra scratch.

Her tail flicks. "...maybe a little."

“...how about a change to the deal, where I stop if you don’t tell me and instead tickle you while you’re off the ground?” He shows off with lifting the basket of apples without touching it.

She narrows her eyes. "Fine..."

“Good. Please tell me why you make that adorable noise.” He scratches behind her ear some more.

She shivers again, light pink on her cheeks. "...because it feels good."

“Oh? That’s good to hear. I’d hate to do something that hurts you.” He kisses behind her ear, only to realize that Silk is standing there, watching them. He immediately freezes on the spot, beak still against that spot.

She waves a hoof with a smile. "Don't mind me."

“...I’m more worried what Jackie might think.” He gently nudges her cheek, hoping she won’t be upset.

"Why would ah be upset?" She asks him.

“Because we were discussing something somewhat private,” he points out.

"Tickling, so personal." Silk says in a spooky voice, ending with a laugh.

“...okay, so I guess you didn’t hear everything.” He nuzzles Applejack again. “So which outfit did you get for her?”

"This one." She offers the cloth to Applejack.

He stretches and grabs it, not letting go of the farmer.

"It's a nice vest, some boots, the bandana you requested, and some shorts." Silk explains.

The golden griffon blinks a couple times, eyes blank. “...what are shorts?”

"A niche clothing item, but they don't impair movement."

He sits in silence for a moment, just a moment, and then holds Applejack up for her, orange legs dangling in the air. “Will it make her cuter? Because I don’t think you can make her more beautiful.”

Applejack wiggles. "Uh, is lifting me necessary?"

"I went for more sexy than cute." Silk admits.

“It’s necessary, so she can get your clothes on easier.” He nods to the thestral, keeping Applejack in the air.

"Ah can dress mahself!" She protests.

“Yes, but it’s more fun this way.” He lets go, and she finds herself stuck in midair. She can see him walk around to grab the vest.

"Hey... easy now..." She looks a bit nervous being held like this.

He walks back to her, putting her hat on his head. Smiling warmly, he pulls her forelegs forward so he can slip on her vest, sliding it over her head before placing it against her torso. He makes it a point to brush his claws through her fur.

She's blushing bright red up to her ears, not saying a word.

He then takes the bandanna, wrapping it around her neck and tying it in place with a simple square knot.

"Well, this is comfortable..." She mutters.

He puts her hat back on, then sets her down, brushing off the vest. “I do have to say, you look stunning. It helps emphasize... well, you.” He scratches his head. “Sorry, can’t think of good words. Too flustered.”

She laughs softly. "Well, um, thanks." She looks down at herself.

“...oh shoot, forgot the other two parts.” He lifts up the boots and shorts. “Which goes on first?”

"H-hey whoa there." She crosses her legs. "Ah can put that on mahself."

“Yes, but I’m here to help make it easier.” He nods and walks around Applejack to help with the shorts.

"Hun... maybe let her do this part." Silk interjects.

He glances between the two of them, dejected. “...oh. I was about to do something wrong, then?”

"It goes over her rump." Silk points out. "And that's a bit of a personal area where you'd be very close to the intimate areas I thought you weren't up to yet."

“...I believe I can avoid the sensitive bits...” He sets the shorts down on the ground. “...might just let her do that, though... but can I still rub her body afterwards?”

"Hun, that's up to her." She points out.

He considers her words, then looks to the orange pony before him for her take.

"Not much seems to stop ya from doin' that."

“That means go ahead!” Lyra calls back to them.

He nods and grabs the shorts, getting them up to Applejack’s knees before anyone can react.

"Hey!" They're up, over and fastened before she can blink. The next thing they know he’s hugging her legs and nuzzling at what there is left to see of her cutie mark.

Silk smirks. "Still got it."

Applejack is just blushing, trying to shake him off.

His grip doesn’t loosen, but it doesn’t tighten either. He seems content to just hug her like this for the rest of the day.

A field of green magic pries him loose, though, and slips the boots on Applejack at the same time. He’s then placed on the yellow mare in the same position, blinking in confusion.

Both mares blink, the farmer commenting. "Ah think yer assistant is too distracted by all this."

“...to be fair, she was roped into the job,” Flick says, pulling out some bits to hand to Silk. “For her outfit. Is it the right price?”

"Now hold on, ya don't have to do that." The farmer says while Silk cranes her head back to look at Flick and the bits.

“I want to. I can tell you like it... or at least my reaction to it, with that blush of yours.” He points to her cheeks with his free claw, unable to stop himself from being pushed against the base of a purple tail.

"That's a bit of an odd thing to say when you're attached to my rump, hun." Silk says.

“If I was doing this on purpose, I’d have you both in my claws, and you’d be making cute noises,” he says. “And what was odd? I wanna buy a cute outfit for Jackie.”

Silk calls back over her shoulders. "Lyra, can you stop, please?"

The magic dissipates, and his face plants in the carpet, no longer held against her. He stays there for a moment, silent.

"Might need to have a talk with her later." Silk muses, helping him up.

“Maybe.” He shrugs, then walks back to Applejack and hugs her, nuzzling under her chin while she sits in his lap.

"Ah, um, take it ya like it?"

“Yep. I love all these outfits on you girls... but you all seem to have one that just... fits perfectly.” He kisses her chin, then continues to cuddle.

"Oh really? You haven't even seen some of the ones I keep for myself." Silk quips.

He stops, slowly turning his head to look at her, sitting up straighter and holding Applejack in place by her rump. “...really? Like what?”

"Oh you know, things that are lacy and provocative." She winks, getting a strange look from Applejack.

“...I’ll have to see how you look in them later.” He nods, then sets down the farmer. “Also, how much for the librarian outfit?”

"You mean Twilight's items?" She asks.

"Does everypony come here?" Applejack mutters.

“Yes, and only you and Twilight, as far as I know. I’m mostly here to help Silky out,” Flick clarifies, giving her a little squeeze without remembering where he placed his claws.

Her leg kicks out, luckily away from him as she blushes. "Easy there..."

“...wow, I forgot how firm those were.” He rubs his claws in circles, humming thoughtfully. “Another thing to like about you, Jackie.”

"Ah, um, thank ya." She says, seeing Silk just smirk.

“Silk’s is more of a clawful, though,” he amends. “Which is good in its own way.”

The smirk grows slightly bigger.

"Ah take it she was one of the ones ya were considering?"

“...I thought you already knew she was considered for the herd?” He scratches his head. “Wait, did you mean as the lead mare?”

"I knew you thought of somepony who wasn't in our little circle of friends. Hadn't met her yet."

“...oh yeah, you were busy the last few days...” He nods, then gestures Silk closer with a wing, claws still busy rubbing. She comes towards them. He catches her with his wing, and pulls her to his side so they’re close enough for a quiet chat. “Better. Jackie, meet Silk Tease. Silky, meet Applejack. Don’t think she has a last name.”

She shakes her head. "Well, nice to meet somepony else who caught the eye of this one." She motions to Flick.

He kisses her head, then the farmer’s cheek, unabashedly enjoying their warmth against his body.

"Well, the sweetheart is quite good at endearing himself."

“I’ll say!” Lyra calls from the front.

Flick slips a bag of bits under Silk’s wing, wondering if the unicorn was enough of a distraction.

She wasn't, but wings are sensitive anyway. She checks the bag, then looks at him, leaning in to whisper. "You know Twilight paid for her own items, right?"

“...then the rest is for your own outfit,” he whispers back, setting them both down so he can carry the basket of apples properly.

"So... should Ah take this off?" Applejack gestures to her outfit.

He eyes her appreciatively, then shrugs. “If you want. But it belongs to you, now... and I look forward to seeing you in it again.

She looks over herself now that she's on her hooves, stretching her legs as she looks at the boots.

Flick turns to look at Silk, tail teasingly tickling the farmer’s nose. “Where did you want these apples?”

"Well, probably upstairs in my place. I suppose I have snacks now."

“That’s good. It’ll take more than snacks to get me in bed, though.” He playfully sticks out his tongue.

“Yeah, you’ll need him to sleepwalk in!” A tomboyish voice filters in from the door, making him freeze. “That’s how AJ got him in hers... what’s she wearing?”

Silk slowly turns her head to the new colorful newcomer as Applejack blushes. "My my, so many customers today... I wonder what we could get you in..."

“No. No way, not dressing up!” She shakes her forelegs wildly in front of her. “I was here to tell Flick about these flyers.” She holds up a picture of a star-tipped wand. “They just blew into town for some reason.”

“...did you want me to send them back out?” He looks confused by this, already halfway up the stairs in an attempt to get away.

"What are they?" Applejack asks, spying Silk sneaking up on Rainbow with a skirt in her mouth.

She flies behind her friend, keeping an eye on the outfitter while presenting the paper. “It seems to be a show of some kind. A traveling one.”

Flick hurries upstairs to set down the fruit so he doesn’t miss too much.

"Huh? Well, that could be fun. A little something new." Aj comments.

“Yep. Was planning on asking him if he’d go there on a date with us.” She elbows the farmer’s side. “Come on, be my wingmare.”

She gives her a strange look, but smiles and nods. "It does sound fun." She spots Silk prowling closer.

She is almost able to touch her when she’s pulled back into a hug. Well, a hug to her hind legs, at least, and a nuzzle to the doilies that make up her cutie mark.

She drops what she's holding, giggling.

Rainbow immediately takes notice, blushing brightly. “...how can you stay so quiet when he’s... you know...”

“Just nuzzling, Rainbow.”

She grimaces at his words. “...oh.” She shakes her head, pointing at the bottom of the flyer. “It looks like it’s tomorrow at noon. Which means I’ll have to either get up early to show Flick my moves, or show him afterwards.”

Silk shrugs, tail swishing happily. "that's on you."

“...I guess. Hey, Flick, AJ and I were wondering if you’d go out to watch that show tomorrow.”

He blinks. “...will I get to cuddle you girls?”

"Maybe not quite like this in public." Silk says. "You have enough rumors."

“...can I sit between you two?” He asks, stopping his nuzzling to focus on them.

"It seems as though there will be three of us." She responds.

“...is Silky coming, too? I didn’t know if she was interested.” He looks up at her, having slid down to her hooves. “Are you?”

"Well... It could be nice."

“...I’ll find a way to sit between all of you.” He nods, standing up and getting stopped by Silk’s tail and skirt. “...huh. I wasn’t wrong.”

She actually hops a little away from him as she blushes.

He shakes his head, trying to brush his feathers back into place. “Anyways... you wanted to dress up Rainbow?”

“Oh, what’s that? I think I hear my pet calling me!” She tries to zoom off, but crashes into something invisible and slumps to the ground.

The griffon coughs, covering his mouth as his whole body shakes. “...you don’t have a pet... and I promised Silk I’d help her, today.”

"She can flee... this time. It gives me time to make something special." Her grin is not at all innocent.

“...wish I’d known that before trying to catch a rainbow shot put...” He groans and collapses, earning a curious look from Rainbow.

"Sugarcube?" Applejack says, looking concerned, walking over to him.

“Don’t worry... just a bit winded.” He gives them a smile, but is blindsided when Rainbow rushes over to flip him on his back, revealing his underside and a growing dark spot on his chest. “...I can explain.”

Silk sheds her clothing she still had on, coming over as well. "I think you should."

“...so I may get injured if a certain area around my winds gets hit?” He gives them a sheepish grin.

The athlete stares, then slowly brings her hooves up to her face. “Please tell me I’m not the only one confused...”

"Ah don't get it."

Silk just has a first aid kit.

“...Okay, so I might not be able to explain,” he says, sighing and collapsing on the floor. “Not unless I can make you see, somehow...”

SIlk starts sifting through the dark fur. "Is there a simple version?"

“...kinetic force from impacts against solid masses made by my element transfer directly to me?” He tries.

“...that wasn’t simple,” Rainbow says.

"It does explain things, though." Silk says, dabbing at the dark area.

“...yeah, I don’t speak egghead.” She jumps back when Flick suddenly sits up, knocking Silk back with her.

This leaves Applejack as the only pony close enough to be pulled into an embrace, her body shifted so she’s on him as he kisses at her neck just above the bandanna. It seems he missed her lips because his eyes were closed.

"Woah nelly, what's all this? Doesn't this hurt ya?"

“...I think he’s trying to heal himself with your affection,” Rainbow says.

“It’ll hurt less the more I heal,” Flick mutters, continuing to kiss along her neck.

"And... this heals you?" Silk asks, confused.

“...well, if she kisses back or at least returns the affection, it’ll work a lot faster.”

"Ya kinda put the pressure on, ya know." Applejack grumbles, nuzzling him.

They can see the edge of the bruise shrink slightly, hidden beneath her orange coat, now.

"... Never heard of this before." Applejack comments as she sees.

“...yeah... not sure how to explain it.” He shrugs helplessly beneath her.

“...this is taking too long.” Rainbow moves behind her friend and pushes on the back of her head, struggling to get her even an inch closer to Flick’s face.

"Will you get off?!" She tries to push her away.


Flick, on top of looking uncomfortable, is grimacing more with each inch gained by the chromatic pegasus.

Silk bonks the athlete on the head. "You're pressing her into the bruise."

Rainbow falls on her side, clutching her cranium. “Oww...”

The griffon takes this moment to hug Applejack and float them out of the back room, not wanting things to get worse. He snags a cover on the way out and drapes it over them.

"Sorry hun, but you were hurting him." She offers her a pillow.

She grumbles, but rests her head on top of it, going rather quiet. “...sorry, I just... wanted to help him... AJ said I’m no longer allowed to kiss him, so...”

"Remind me what your little deal is?"

“She’s making some sort of contest, and I have to win to join you guys,” she grumbles.

"...well, I guess that's not too far out of the norm... usually that's for established herds."

“...are you not an established herd?” Rainbow asks, baffled.

She shakes her head. "Nothing is set in stone yet."

“...then I guess there’s no lead mare?” She glances around, frowning. “...wait, where did they go?”

Silk shrugs. "I suppose they wandered off."

“...think he took her somewhere private?” The athlete looks through the doorway, not seeing anyone but Lyra and a pink-maned confectioner. “...the Cakes come here?” she mutters to herself.

"Perhaps." Silk folds a few items. "For now, I should get back out into the store."

"Right... guess I'll see you some other time?" She nods and trots through the store, lingering some when she passes an empty display, but otherwise making a quick exit.

"Feel free to come by anytime, especially if you have something you want in mind!"

“I’ll probably just come to talk!” She calls back.

"And I will tempt you all the same!"

“I doubt it!”

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