• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

  • ...

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You be careful! Anything that I can do?

Later that day the clouds fill the sky, casting a welcome shadow on the two readers as they start heading home. Flick had tried to drape his wing over Twilight, but seeing her start to move away, he changed it to simply stretching his good wing, hoping she wouldn’t catch on.

She smiles over at him. "This has been nice. I'm sorry I couldn't fix you box, I guess I'm more used to things whose pieces can't warp. At least we got all your supplies back without missing any, right?"

He glances at the supplies resting on his back, frowning softly. “Actually, there are a few things missing, but not enough to completely stop my art.”

"You should have told me!" She huffs. "I thought I got all of them."

He stops in his tracks, seeing a familiar farmer staring up at trees with colorful apples on them, and gives a small sigh. “I may know what happened to them.”

"Huh?" She looks ahead, tilting her head in confusion. "Is this another town tradition I'm not familiar with?"

“I think you’d get a better explanation from her than me,” he points out, gently nudging her towards the orange pony.

She nods, trotting quickly towards the farmer. He follows after, but stays about a yard away after they stop.

"Applejack? What's going on?"

The farmer just motions to the apples, chuckling. "Oh, just a little joke by Pinkie and Rainbow. Threw me fer a loop when Ah saw it, but it just comes off with water."

Flick blinks, then turns his head to look at his supplies, body drooping slightly afterwards. “So that’s what’s missing.”

Applejack's ears flick and she looks over Twilight's shoulder. "Oh! Mornin', Flick!"

“Morning, Applejack. You’re looking as radiant as usual.” He smiles at her, stepping forward and resting a claw on her shoulder. “I can come over to clean them up, if you’d like. Take at least a little bit off your back, maybe?”

"Well that's mighty kind of ya." She smiles. "I figured Ah'd just ask fer a raincloud or somethin'."

He shakes his head. “That’s probably not going to happen. Rainbow is busy practicing for something, not to mention this pranking business.”

"Yeah, seems she and Pinkie found their stride." She tips her hat. "If ya'll wanna help, I'd appreciate it."

Flick blinks, tilting his head to one side. “...huh. Yeah, I’d be willing to help you out in any way I can.” He gives her a little grin.

As Twilight looks confused, AJ just snorts in amusement. "So ah know. Still, thanks."

He chuckles and gives her a little hug, whispering in her ear. “I think your sister wants us to do something. She’s watching from the bushes.”

"Yeah... I figured she was just waiting to see how I'd react to the Apple prank." She whispers back.

“You didn’t hear the noise she made when we hugged.” The griffon nuzzles her cheek and pulls away, giving her a small smile. “I need to put my art supplies up. See you in a bit?”

"Sure thing." She nods to him, Twilight still watching the two.

He turns back to the unicorn, chuckling quietly and speaking to her in a low voice. “You know, her brother kept going on about how she was stubborn. I guess he was wrong, huh?”

"You just haven't hit a sticking point, yet." She counters, smiling once more.

“...so what, I need to push her buttons?” He scoffs quietly. “No thanks, I’m not getting her or anyone else mad on purpose... unless I really don’t like them, but...” He grimaces and immediately stops talking.

"Look, even friends aren't going to agree on everything." She smiles at him, patting his wing. "What's important is you recognize this and still get along."

He blinks, looking at her curiously. “...is this personal experience or just knowledge from another pony?”

"Umm... both?" She smiles sheepishly. "I wrote it down when it happened."

“Oh. Okay, then.” He gives her a sheepish smile and continues on down the road with her.

"So... those were your paints, then?" She asks as they keep walking.

“Yeah, my watercolors.” He chuckles quietly. “You’d be surprised what I can do with them.”

"Like paint fruit?"

“...not exactly what it was meant for, honestly.” He shakes his head.

Twilight suddenly looks thoughtful "Well, come to think of it, I haven't really seen any of your art pieces yet."

He thinks for a bit, a sly smile forming on his beak. “You could always ask Rainbow. She’s holding on to one of my pieces.”

"She is?" The unicorn blinks. "Wow, I never saw her as one for art."

“I think it has to mean something to her.” He chuckles, then glances over his shoulder at his bad wing. “...how long does it need to stay in a splint, again?”

"I'd have to review the medical journals, but the short answer is: until it's better."

“Oh.” He deflates slightly.

"It'll be fine, though I think flying with it being bandaged doesn't help." She narrows her eyes at him.

He blinks, looking at her and taking a step back. “Who said I was flying?”

She raises an eyebrow. "Were you?"

“...I was moving through the air to save Rainbow,” he mutters softly, “but I don’t know if that counts.”

She giggles, trotting in place. "Those psychology books do work... anyway, just don't overdo it."

He holds up a claw. “Wait, I have to know. Does using a cloud count?”

She taps her chin. "Umm... I don't think so, since you can do that with your hooves."

He stares blankly at her, then down at his talons. “...I think I get the gist of what you’re saying.”

"Right, sorry. I'm not used to adjusting words like that."

He thinks for a bit, then shrugs. “Eh, I can’t fault you for that, Twily. You’re just too cute.”

They hear a squee of excitement from nearby, followed by two sneezes.

She looks back to the bushes, tilting her head in confusion.

Rarity steps out from behind the shrubbery, straightening out the leaves before addressing them. “So, I take it you two haven’t gotten pranked by Pinkie and Rainbow yet?”

Twilight shakes her head. "No, not yet... is that why you were in the bushes?"

“...let’s say yes.” She gives her a smile, but immediately sneezes, rubbing her nose with a fetlock. “Ugh, I just wish their joke wasn’t so persistent.”

The other mare winces. "Oh dear... anything we can do to help?"

“Unless you can remove sneezing powder from my poor nasal cavity, I don’t think you can, darling.” She notices Flick tense slightly in her peripheral vision, and smiles at the implications.

"I don't think I should try and do that." She quickly shakes her head. "Maybe just some water or a tissue?"

“Wouldn’t water in my nose ha... ha...” She suddenly feels all the air in her lungs escape through her nostrils, a powerful sneeze that leaves her reeling in disorientation. The fashionista blinks a couple times before she sees a cloud of light pink powder floating in the air, less than a foot away. It is with no small amount of wonder that she watches it float off into Whitetail Woods behind her, then turns to look at her friend.

Twilight quickly shakes her head. "That wasn't me."

Her gaze shifts to the griffon, but he just laughs brightly. “Does it look like I can use magic?”

“No, I suppose not.” Shaking her head, she gives the two of them a playful smirk. “I have to head back to my boutique. Have fun on your date!” She titters as she strolls away, leaving the two of them in an awkward silence.

"Wait...date?!" Twilight quickly looks flustered, stammering and trying to wrap her head around what was just said.

“She’s probably just joking around.” He gives her a small smile, one that barely hides how much his own words hurt him.

"Well, she does like her romance books..." She mutters.

“Heh, is that right?” He gently guides her back to his side with a wing so they can continue their walk, pulling it away once she’s there. “It is an interesting thought, though. I wonder what an actual first date would be like...” His gaze moves to the sky as if to ponder this, but that wing suddenly snaps out, blocking Twilight’s path just before a torrent covers the road in front of them.

She yelps, putting a hoof on the wing to brace herself. "What's happening?!"

He looks up, frowning at the rainbow mane that darts back behind the dark gray clouds. “...you know, I think Applejack could’ve used these clouds. Shame they were wasted on a prank.”

"There's more where that came from!" Pinkie comments as she bounces by.

He blinks, staring after her. “...more rain or more prank attempts?”

"Yes!" She pipes up simply.

“...I think I might be on edge all week.” He glances up at the snickering above. “...make that the rest of the month.”

"I'm sure they'll stop..." She pauses when the snickering doesn't. "...eventually."

He sighs, crossing his arms as he considers the road before him. “There’s gotta be a way home where we won’t get wet, right?”

"I'm sure they have more ponies to prank than just us." She reasons.

“Maybe...” He hums thoughtfully. “...think you could hold my stuff, real quick? I may have an idea.”

"Well, okay..." She looks confused, but interested.

As soon as she collects his art supplies, he hugs her tight with an arm, wings extending up and over her body despite how much sheer pain using his injured wing gives him. Before she can do more than squeak in surprise, her pulls her through the rain, eyes narrowing to keep as much water out of them as possible.

"But... but this isn't good for you!" She shouts over the torrent.

He glances at her between the feathers that cover her, giving her a warm smile. “It’s worth it!”

She opens her mouth, but shuts it and smiles. "Thank you!"

Rainbow watches them run away, slowly descending to the street with a pout.

"Look on the bright side, Dashie!" Pinkie perks up. "You spooked Twilight and they're both going home damp!"

“...but he just...” She huffs quietly. “I want to actually catch him off-guard, at some point.” She looks up at the coming sunset. “...at least we got some ponies, right?”

"Yeah and, we have a challenge!" The normally chipper pony looks conspiratorially at her friend, pointing with her eyes towards the griffon.

Rainbow says nothing, just nodding and turning to Pinkie. “Think we can try again tomorrow?”

"Sure!" She beams, tail poofing up.

“Awesome!” She grins, holding out her hoof to her.

The two share a hoofbump of promised mischief and fun.

Later that day, Flick arrives at the entrance to the farm, having remembered his promise and intending to stick to it. He takes a breath, rubs a claw over where a pony would have their mane, and knocks on the door, quite hopeful.

AJ answers the door, smiling as she sees him. "Good thing you can't work right now or Ah'd say yer mighty late."

He bows deeply to her, much to the giggling amusement of someone inside. “My apologies, Miss Applejack. I insist upon making up for my tardiness in any way you deem fit.”

"Well, we got those apples rinsed off already, so Ah'm not really sure." She laughs quietly, cheeks pink.

A pink bow twitches from behind the couch as a voice drifts over to them. “You two should kiss. Ya wanna kiss.” There’s a quiet huff. “The books make this look so easy...”

AJ turns her head towards her sister. "Apple Bloom, try not ta get too pushy, alright? We talked about this."

Granny's voice comes from behind the couch as well. "Keep it coming, Bloom!"

“Do ya two at least know each other better?”

Flick pokes his head out over the couch, looking at the filly in bewilderment. “Why are you so interested in this?”

She grins up at him in excitement. “‘Cause she said she wanted to wait until she got t’ know ya better before she-”

Applejack quickly covers the filly' mouth, her smile strained. "There's honesty, and there's blabbin' secrets."

He blinks, scratching his cheek awkwardly. “...so... should we forget what they said?”

"Ah would appreciate that." She smiles sweetly once more.

“Can ya at least kiss her?”

Flick rolls his eyes giving a playful smile as he bows low, pulls up her hoof, and gently kisses it. He then turns and waggles a talon at Apple Bloom. “You only get the one, I’m afraid, unless and until she herself asks for more.”

The farm mare just clears her throat, settling herself.

The filly hums, rubbing her chin as she turns to the elderly mare. “What do you think, Granny?”

"Ah think we retreat fer now, and come back with a better plan!" She pumps her hoof.

“Yeah!” She grins and immediately bolts from the room, dodging her brother as he appears in the doorway.

Said stallion just stares at the two of them quietly, an eyebrow raised.

"Bloom and Granny are just being rascals, nothin' to worry about." AJ quickly informs him.

“...does this have anything t’ do with whatever you two and Rainbow Dash were up to?” No matter how many times he hears it, it always makes Flick’s beak fall open to hear a complete sentence from him.

She blinks taking a moment to think. "Maybe? Ah'm not sure what goes on in their heads sometimes."

He walks over so he can pull her away from the others, his voice lowered so the others wouldn’t hear. “...so when she said y’all were competing fer his heart...”

"Ah think Bloom's just looking into things too much." She whispers back.

“But Rainbow really does have feelings fer him,” he responds.

"What makes ya say that?"

“Little hints here an’ there.” He shrugs, looking over his shoulder at the griffon whose cheeks are getting squished. “Mostly that she’s not against kissin’ him.”

"Huh..." the middle Apple looks thoughtful at this, hearing a small cackle from behind her.

“...Ah don’t care one way ‘r the other.” He sighs, shaking his head as he turns to walk away. “Ah trust you’ll make a good decision... but Ah will give him a talk if ya win.”

She winces, remembering other serious talks with her brother. "Maybe Ah should warn him."

She turns to see Flick enduring Granny, looking at her pleadingly.

"Now now, Granny, he came over to help." She walks over, standing next to the older mare.

"Help? Ah thought he was injured." Granny looks at his bandaged wing closely.

He gives a nervous grin. “Just because my wing is hurt doesn’t mean I can’t help with the little things. Moving buckets, cleaning, sorting... anything to help lighten the workload.” As he speaks, he takes a few steps back from the elderly pony.

AJ taps her chin. "Well... it'll be dark soon, but Ah'm sure we can think of something to get ya to do."

“Oh!” Apple Bloom peels her head out of the kitchen, grinning excitedly. “He can stay over and sleep in Ap-“ She’s cut off with a yelp as she’s tugged back into the kitchen.

"He has his own house." Applejack says simply.

“I don’t mind.” He shrugs, turning to wall over to the bookcase. “Better than walking the streets alone.”

She tilts her head. "Ah wouldn't thinks somethin' like that would have bothered ya."

“Yeah, but I don’t normally have ponies trying to prank me the whole time.” He shrugs, looking to Applejack curiously. “So... what do you wanna do?”

“Ah got an idea,” Big Mac says, walking into the room. “How about we eat together?” He chuckles quietly, wincing as a jolt of pain lances through his body. “Then tomorrow, he can help you set up the buckets.”

"Long as it means neither of you two hurt yerselves more, sure." Aj nods.

Flick just scoffs, waving a claw at her as he walks over beside her. “Buckets are the easy part, Applejack.” He drapes a wing over her back and gently walks her into the kitchen. “For now, how about food?”

She snorts. "Well, as long as yer feedin' yer injury..."

“Of course I-“ He suddenly stumbles, gripping her to his chest and spinning so he lands on his back.

Apple Bloom stares blankly at this, picking her skate up and hurrying out of the room.

Applejack takes a moment o steady herself, rubbing her head. "I'll get her fer that..."

“...I don’t think she knew it’d get that bad.” He sighs, reaching up and rubbing her neck, just beneath her mane. “I’m glad I was the one who slipped, though.”

A deep voice cuts into their conversation. “Sis?”

Applejack blinks before jumping off Flick and straightening her hat. "Had a whirlwind tumble, nothin' more."

“...it looked like you were enjoyin’ yerself,” he says, eyes narrowed at her.

She snorts, scuffing her hoof on the floor at him. "Enjoying? I was getting my head on straight after he made sure we didn't hit a counter."

A wing wraps around her and pulls her away from an argument, the griffon carefully sitting down next to her at the table. “So,” he says, giving her a warm smile, “what are we having?”

"Huh? Well umm..." She looks over at the counter. "Looks like the main course is stew."

He follows her gaze, an eyebrow raised slightly. “...should I get some silverware for us?”

"Ah dunno if it's ready yet. Looks like Granny made some apple cobble fer after, though."

He scratches the back of his head, laughing nervously. “...am I a bad guy for not knowing what that is?”

She laughs, shaking her head. "Well, we'll need to fix that."

He smiles, nodding once. “Sounds like a plan.” His eyes dart to the side, and he sighs. “...please tell your sister we aren’t about to kiss.”

The filly huffs, falling back into her seat. “Then why are ya so close?”

"Because our seats are next to each other." She rubs the bow on the filly's head. "This ain't yer latest cutie mark quest is it?"

She shakes her head, smiling at her sister. “Nope, Ah just know you’d be happy together!”

"How so?" She asks, curious.

“Because ya smile whenever ya talk about him!” She grins at her flawless logic.

"Ah've been known to smile when talking about a few ponies." She counters, wondering how long she can keep this up.

“Ya call out to him in yer sleep,” she points out.

She blinks. "Excuse me?" She adds quickly to the griffon. "Ah don't."

“Yes ya do!” She huffs, crossing her forelegs in front of her chest. “Ya do it a few times each night, and the last one’s all high an’ breathy.”

An orange hoof quickly shuts her mouth, the face attached to it now red. "Ya'll need to learn when to not spread rumors."

As the filly grumbles around the hoof, Flick slowly turns his attention to Applejack, brow furrowed slightly. “...how much of that should I believe, AJ?”

"Ah would appreciate if ya forgot all ya heard from her today so things can still be normal between us."

He sighs, pulling her close to his side with that wing, the feathers gently tickling against her barrel. “If I’m to be honest, if what she said is true, I’d be flattered.” He shrugs, and turns to nuzzle at her mane, beak moving in motions akin to preening. “But if you want me to forget, I’ll act like she said nothing.”

Though she thought it wasn't possible, her face gets redder as she lifts her hoof and blocks his beak. "Food time!"

Big Mac blinks, a pastry held in his mouth by a thick cloth square, fresh out of the oven.

Applejack nods. "See? Mac's on it."

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