• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

  • ...

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Meet new ponies! Wait, what is this place?

The morning air can be rather pleasant this time of year, as many ponies would be happy to tell anyone who asks.

For Flick and his thick plumage, however, it’s just a bit too warm, making him stumble around town without a place in mind. It didn’t help that he didn’t get to see Twilight that morning. “Where even was she, I wonder...”

The day does not seem to be supplying those answers so far, everypony just going about their days.

He can only shrug, keeping his gaze to the street. “...I need a hat or something...” He grunts as he walks beak-first into someone’s flank. “Sorry, Miss.”

The cream coated earth pony rubs her flank, grumbling. "It's fine... but watch where you poke that thing."

He winces slightly. “Again, sorry. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

"It's okay." She sweeps her flank with her pink and blue tail. "No harm done."

“Bon Bon, I’m back!” Flick turns to see a mint-green unicorn approaching, slowing down when she gets close. “...who is this?”

“Right, forgot my manners.” He places a claw on his chest and bows respectfully. “My name is Flick. Nice to meet you two.”

"He accidentally bumped into me but was nice enough to apologize." She explains, smiling.

“Oh?” The unicorn looks to the other mare, then back to him. “Thank you, I guess?”

“No problem, but, uh... what are your names?” He sheepishly smiles.

"I'm Bon Bon." She gives him a sweet smile.

“And I’m Lyra Heartstrings!” She places a leg around the cream-colored pony’s shoulders. “We’re roommates!”

He blinks, baffled. “...I... didn’t ask about your living situation?”

"Some ponies ask how we know each other, we just get it out of the way." The earth mare laughs.

“Oh.” He scratches his cheek with a talon. “I’ll be honest, with how you’re hugging, I was thinking something else.”

She just shrugs, looking at him innocently.

Lyra just looks at him curiously. “What do you mean?”

“I dunno.” He chuckles, shaking his head. “Just me being silly and thinking you were lovers.”

They both blush, Bon Bon shaking her head. "No no, we're best friends!" She hugs Lyra to her with a foreleg.

Lyra gives a wide grin. “The bestest of best friends.”

The griffon’s eyes narrow. “...right... so... what are you doing?”

"I was waiting for her to grab something from home." The earth mare explains.

“And I got it!” She frowns as she puts a case on the table beside them. “Still not sure what you have in there or why you need it, but whatever.”

"Just in case." She puts the case in her bags.

Flick just stares on in confusion, a talon slowly raising to point at the mare’s bag. “...was that...?”

"Just a little something I like to keep on me. Call it a mare's secret." She winks.

“...if you say so...” He shakes his head and walks away. “I swear I saw that symbol before...”

“He’s pretty strange, isn’t he?” Lyra giggles, turning to her friend. “I heard he was seen flirting with Applejack, yesterday.”

"Really? Huh..." the other mate looks curiously after the griffin, her smile going neutral as she thinks.

“Even stranger, there’s rumors he’s her plaything.” She shrugs slightly.

"Wait, what?" She snaps her head back to her friend.

“I know, it’s crazy. He’s only been here a day!” She points a hoof at her friend. “No one moves that fast.”

"Yeah... something is weird about that..." She rubs her chin.

“...what’s with that look on your face, Bon Bon?”

"Just thinking... nothing to worry about!" She perks back up, leaning against her friend. "Now... where were we going?"

“That new place that opened up!” She grins at her. “I wanna see what a hayburger is!”

She laughs. "Oh yeah... let's go, I'm starving."

Lyra grabs Bon Bon by the foreleg and tugs her along. “To end hunger!”

She just laughs, following her friend.

In a different section of town, Flick stops at the entrance to an alleyway to yawn, grumbling quietly as he sways on his paws and claws. “...wish I had some food...”

Suddenly the griffon feels as if he was the one crashed into this time... but with a smell instead of a body. The aroma of food practically forces itself into his nostrils.

He blinks, sniffing the air and looking this way and that, trying to find the source.

It taunts him from further down the alley, enticing him.

His eyes narrow and he strides down the alley, certain that no one would try to mug someone like him. He then pauses, remembering which town he’s in and wondering if they ever have to worry about that.

The smell seems to increase, as if chiding him for stopping.

He quickly shakes his head and hurries off once more.

He ends up in front of a little out of the way building. The sign up front is plain and says a single word: Grill.

More than just a little confused, he reaches up and knocks on the door, only wondering afterwards if he should’ve just walked in.

The door opens revealing a slightly grizzled-looking stallion. He looks up and down the griffon before saying simply. "Come on in." With that, he turns and heads back inside.

He stands there for but a second before his curiosity gets the better of him, and he walks inside.

Within definitely lies the source of the smell, specifically a large grill roasting all sorts of goodies in the middle of a modest restaurant. The atmosphere is that of the typical hole-in-the-wall place that not many know about, but those that do greatly enjoy it. Even as he watches, the chef behind the grill levitates a plate of vegetable kebabs to a waiting group, getting a small cheer.

Still a little confused, Flick makes his way to what appears to be a counter that the pony is working behind. “...excuse me?”

He looks up. "Something from the house or did you bring your own?"

“...I... didn’t bring anything with me...” The corners of his beak tug down slightly. “...and I only have two bits... what can that get me? And what exactly is this place, anyways?”

"I figured it was your first time." He takes a swig of a glass before stashing it back under the counter. "Welcome to the Grill, my quiet little place. Tell me what you can digest and I'll give you the first one free. You'll be back." This last part is said with the kind of casual confidence a pony gets only from being proved right.

“Uh huh...” He scratches his cheek before giving a shrug. “Sure. You got any prey? Preferably the small kind? Or maybe fish?”

"Yeah, actually, I do. It's usually more for dares or tourists, but if you like it..." Some ponies look on in curiosity as he walks into the back and returns with a covered tray. "How do you like them cooked?"

“Medium rare.” He smiles at him. “Thank you for not being squeamish about this.”

"It's all just food." He cracks a smile as he puts fillets of fish and a few other chunks of meat on the grill, seasoning them as he talks. "Had a griffon friend way back in the day who thought it was the strangest thing we can use grass as a quick snack."

Flick awkwardly grimaces at this. “...is it bad I share his point of view?”

"Nah, it's fine." He squirts a bit of lemon on the fish. "Most grass isn't great anyway."

“Ah, I see.” He nods, humming thoughtfully. “Just like how not every kind of l... fish tastes great.”

He nods sagely. "Exactly. Now..." he flips the fish, lightly searing the other side before setting a piece in front of him. "What do you think?" He keeps lightly cooking the others along with the meat.

He reaches out and takes it, popping it in his mouth. “Hmm... seared to perfection... tang of the lemon accentuates the juiciness of the fish and harmonizes with the spices... is this tilapia?”

"I think so. I don't get them myself, ponies bring them in." He shrugs, putting the rest onto the plate and sliding it over. "Glad you like it."

“Honestly, I’m a little surprised you can make it so well without tasting it.” He sheepishly smiles, taking another piece in his talons. “...sorry if I accidentally offended you.”

"Nah, none taken." He chuckles as he starts on another order. "I can cook most things you want to eat on the old girl." He pats the side of the grill. "Good food makes content ponies."

“Huh. You must really love what you do.” He smiles as he continues to eat, eyes closing as he enjoys the food.

"I do." He turns the food. "This place isn't the biggest, but I made it cozy with my own two hooves."

“That’s... really admirable.” Flick rubs his chin thoughtfully. “...and you don’t mind that not many ponies know about it?”

He grimaces. "Well, maybe things get a bit tight at times, but at least things stay calm."

“...if you want, I could try to introduce a few ponies to this place.” He taps his chin thoughtfully. “Maybe that could help a bit.”

"As long as you think they're good folk, go ahead." He waves a hoof. "Let them know they can bring whatever they want to eat and I'll cook it for them, too. I get some interesting requests."

He raises an eyebrow. “What, like salads, or apples?”

"Apples, yeah, got a little bread coating I use. Haven't done salads yet, but I think I might be able to." He chuckles.

He thinks for a bit, then shrugs. “I’ll see what I can do with them.” He quickly eats the rest, places two bits on the counter, then leaves, waving to the stallion over his shoulder.

A stallion off to the side scoffs, eating a mushroom kabob. “Who wants to bet he brings over that farmer friend of his first?”

"She's got a good head on her shoulders, I wouldn't mind. "The chef comments back.

Another customer speaks up. “Can we start a betting pool? Because I think he’d bring that new mare over, first.”

"Sure!" He levitates a chalkboard from out back and starts drawing a grid. "Everypony start thinking of your bets."

“Five bits.”

“Fifteen on the athlete!”

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