• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

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Time to relax! What are we doing on the massage table?

The spa pony looks up as they walk in, setting aside a clipboard of what appears to be a schedule. "Back already?"

"Yep! Hardly took her any convincing to come!" He grins, leaning against the front counter once more. "So, when do I start learning? And who do I learn from?"

"Hmm..." She looks down, checking something. "I believe you can start now. Tranquil Touch doesn't have a customer for a little bit so he can give you the run down."

"Oh? That's great news!" He nods at her politely. "Can you direct us to this Tranquil Touch?"

She gestures with a hoof. "Through the door, down the hall into the large room on your right."

"Thanks." He turns to Applejack with a warm smile. "Want me to carry you again?"

"Ah can walk." With that said and her own smile, she leads the way to the back.

"You know I don't mind either way, right?" He chuckles, rushing to move right alongside her. "You might not want to swish your tail so much when you walk, by the way."

She snorts, blushing. "It's rude to look, plus, you saw what my hind hooves can do."

"Yea, I did, and that's why I wanted to mention it." He pats her shoulder as they stop in front of the door. "I wanted to save others the fate of being treated like one of your trees."

"Hmm... well, thank ya kindly."

He chuckles, hugging her gently. "It's my pleasure, Miss Applejack." He pushes open the door and holds it there, nodding inside. "Ladies first."

Inside, a lender cyan stallion with green mane and tail looks up. "Hmm? I wasn't told about a last minute appointment."

"I'm not here for an appointment." Flick pats Applejack on the back. "I wanted to get a job here as a masseuse, and my friend here has graciously allowed me to learn with her body."

"Oh, I see..." He smoothly gets up from his seat, coming over and looking at the griffon. "Hmm... do you keep your claws trimmed and slightly dull?"

He blinks, curling up his claws as he wills them to be less sharp. "Of course I do. I don't want to scare any of my neighbors on accident, right?" He holds up a much duller set of claws, grinning sheepishly. "See?"

Nodding approvingly, the stallion holds his hoof out. "How flexible are they?"

"I can use them to grip pretty much anything." He walks over to an assortment of lotion bottles and picks up each in turn. Then he starts to juggle them, smiling at Applejack.

As she smiles, the stallion raises his eyebrow. "Think you can set them all down without dropping any? I'd be impressed then."

He shrugs and sets them down one by one, stacking them in a pyramid formation with the smallest one on top. He bows and grins at the stallion. "What do you think of that?"

Before the pony can answer, Flick leans on the cart that he'd placed the bottles on, nudging them just enough for the stack to collapse into a mess on top of the portable wheeled surface.

"...before that, I mean?"

Tranquil smirks. "Well, at least you don't freak out at mistakes."

"Are you kidding?" He shakes his head, chuckling a bit. "If I panicked over everything, I'd wear myself out before lunch." He gestures for Applejack to climb on the massage table.

"Good. The point of our service is to relax ponies, so you can't be showing off stress yourself." Walking over to Applejack, he gives her a smile before turning to Flick once more. "Some of the job will come with time, but we need to get you to that point first."

"I understand." He bows his head respectfully. "Where do we begin, though?"

"Let's begin with the largest target: the back." The masseuse goes on to explain how pony weight is carried on the back and where the main muscles that need attention are.

Flick leans over his prone friend, gently poking at the muscles as the masseuse describes them. He leans down to whisper into Applejack's ear. "I'm really glad I thought of you for this."

She tilts her head to him. "Why's that?"

"Because your muscles are really well defined." He absently rubs over her side. "It's really quite impressive... and a little inspiring, too."

She giggles, causing the teacher to pause until she stops. "Why, thank ya. It's just hard work."

Tranquil decides to add. "While some customers enjoy chat, others prefer not to. It's good to keep this in mind per customer."

"I'll be sure to remember that." He nods, rubbing around the farmer's croup as he speaks to the stallion. "Anything else I should be aware of?"

"Well, there's of course the other parts of the body, but the most important rule si to listen to your clients so you can know what they want."

"Gotcha." He looks to his friend, taking her hat and putting it on his head so he can see her clearly. "What would you like, Miss Applejack?"

"Ah'd like you to admit you need a darker shade of brown hat if you want to wear one like that." She says cheekily.

"Can I spend some time at your place, then? I'd like to see the proper way to wear it." He playfully taps her nose. "...also, can I feel your tail? It looks really soft and smooth."

She snorts. "You never touched a pony's tail or something?"

He gives her a flat stare. "The only ponies I met in Griffinstone were snooty Canterlot unicorns."

"Oh..." She nods in understanding while the masseuse checks his schedule. "Maybe that's why you seem like you're clinging to the first decent folk you've met."

He shuffles his paws, claw gripping her lower back tighter for a brief moment. "...maybe..."

"Well, regardless of that, I do have a client coming in soon." Tranquil interjects as he readied another table. "I'd like it if you could stick around and see me work, perhaps try it on your friend there."

"Sure, I think that would be interesting." He chuckles, setting the hat on the hook. "Is there a side you'd prefer us to be on?"

"It doesn't really matter, most things in the room can be moved."

"I meant so I can better see you working." He rubs his claws over Applejack's back, smiling softly as he does so.

The farm mare rolls her shoulders as the masseuse answers. "Oh, go ahead and just put yours a few hooflengths away from mine, but side by side. I'll stand on the outer side so you have a clear view."

"Alright." Without really thinking, he grips the table and positions it as instructed. As it's nearly in place, it suddenly occurs to him that the surface he grabbed doesn't seem level, nor as cold and hard as he expected. He looks down to figure out why.

He finds three red apples peeking out at him from between his talons.

She doesn't mention it.

He carefully lets go of her, walks around the table and faces her. Then, in the most heartfelt way he possibly can, he tilts up her chin and smiles warmly at her. "Your fur is really soft. I like it."

She bursts out with a small laugh. "Thanks. Ya'll are really somethin' else."

"In a good way?" He chuckles, letting go to gently scratch behind her ear.

She nods. "It certainly aint bad."

He glances at the stallion, who is currently distracted, then leans close to whisper to her. "Can I ask you a couple questions before his customer shows up?"

She nods. "Sure, dunno how long we have though."

He nods, looking at her thoughtfully. "Have you ever been in a relationship?"

"Mmm... not really, too busy." She shrugs.

Flick looks at her skeptically. "You're too busy to find love. Alright, then." He sighs, shaking his head. "Guess I'll have to change my second question... uh... hmm..." He frowns, tapping his beak thoughtfully. "...can I kiss you?"

Her voice is cut off in the middle of objecting to his first point by sheer shock. "Wha-... goin' from clingy to forward, why would you wanna do that?"

"You're beautiful, kind, hardworking, and adorable when flustered." He gives her a cheeky grin. "Especially that last one."

"Adorable?" She seems confused by that one. "Just... look here, ya can't just go asking a mare you just met for a smooch."

"To be fair, griffins are more forward about that sort of thing." He shrugs, glancing away. "Plus, I may have said it just to see your reaction."

"Oh..." She looks at him curiously. "Guess Ah'm just not used to yer humor yet."

He sighs, looking down at his claws. "My humor, right..."

There's a knock on the door. "Tranquil? I hope I'm not bothering you by being early, but these orders are stressful!"

"Ah, there she is." The serene stallion goes over to the door and opens it. "It's no trouble for one of our best customers."

The white unicorn on the other side smiles at him, taking a step before noticing the others. "...is this a new part of the Heavenly Wonders massage?"

"Not quite, he's a potential employee I'm training and testing."

"Rares?" Applejack asks, lifting her head.

"Good morning, Applejack!" The fashionista smiles, then looks to the stallion. "Mister Touch, does this mean that I can't get the Blissful Evening treatment, today?"

Flick leans down and whispers into Applejack's ear. "Do all the things here have a whimsical name?"

"Ah think so, it's kind of a fancy place." She whispers back.

"Miss Rarity, I would not deny you any of our services." He bows to her. "If you would permit it, I wish to start on the Heavenly Wonders to show our candidate how it's done, and we may continue your Blissful evening after to ensure the privacy and comfort you expect."

"Oh. Makes sense, I guess." Flick glances at the others, then back to her. "...you ever had that Evening one?"

"I would very much appreciate it." The alabaster pony smiles softly, fluttering her eyelashes at the stallion.

"...and if you ever get it again, could I be the one to give it to you?" He gives the farmer a sheepish smile, talons tapping against the floor as he awaits her response.

The farmer chuckles. "I'll ask Rares what it is sometime before Ah decide, but Ah wouldn't mind if you were the one to try it."

Meanwhile, Tranquil smiles back at his client. "If you'll join me at the table, ma'am, we can get started."

"Ah, may I say something to my friend, first?" She gestures to the prone pony perched on her platform.

He nods. "You may speak as much as you want. We can move the tables so you may speak during as well."

"Oh, I just want to inform her about what she just agreed to." She giggles, moving over and whispering into her friend's ear.

As Applejack listens her face goes from curious, to stunned, embarrassed, and finally shock. "Ah can't believe you... is it really that good?"

"If the one doing it is good." She smirks and pats her friend's shoulder. "Or is someone you like. Hint hint."

AJ blushes and playfully pushes her friend away. "Alright, go on with ya, everypony's trying to get me to blush today."

"Maybe it's because you're cute when you do." Flick chuckles, rubbing her head as Rarity climbs up on the table beside hers.

"Alright, now was there a certain product today or may I follow my whims?"

"Well, it was the deluxe treatment, but since you're teaching someone else..." Rarity smiles at the stallion, tail flicking as she lays herself down completely. "...surprise me, Tranquil."

"Yes, ma'am." He grabs a bottle, putting a bit of what's inside on his hooves before beginning the massage on her back.

Seeing this and hearing her groan of relief, Flick gently sets his claws on Applejack's back, his tail snaking over and snagging a bottle of his own. He squirts a small line in the middle of one, then starts to rub it into the orange fur, shivering a bit when it starts to grow warm under his touch.

Applejack tenses before stretching out on the table. "So how often do you get these, Rarity?"

Tranquil makes a motion to Flick, making sure he's paying attention.

The griffin looks at him, curious.

"Oh, almost every three days." She sighs blissfully, an ear flicking towards the stallion. "He's too wonderful to be away for too long." A blue eye peeks open to look at her. "What about you, darling?"

The last word makes Flick fumble the bottle, and it lands right next to Rarity's muzzle. As he tries to play it off by continuing to massage Applejack, he notices the mare's eyes widen in recognition, followed by a slight blush on her cheeks.

Tranquil looks at the bottle, picking it up and setting it by his side. "In the future, read them first so you know if they comply with the customer's wishes."

Applejack comments to her friend. "Ah'm just doing this as a favor for him. Ah don't plan to make it a habit just yet."

He presses the base of his palm against her fur, working her tense muscles as he gives the stallion a glance. "What do you mean? Isn't it all lotion?"

She leans close, tugging her ear closer with her magic so she can better hear her. "You sure? I'm certain you'll grow to love it."

Well... it does feel nice after some hard work..." she admits reluctantly.

Tranquil teaches as he works down Rarity's spine. "They have different scents and effects. Some make coats shiny, some soft, some heat up for stubborn muscles."

"There you go." She smiles, eyes twinkling as she notices her friend's nostrils flaring at the scent of the oil. "When he gets the job, ask for the sisters to put him as your preferred masseuse."

Flick stops with his claws on Applejack's hips, curious and a little concerned. His voice is filled with trepidation as his eyes slowly turn to look at the bottle.

Tranquil gives him a simple look. "Nothing is harmful, aside from allergies perhaps, but the one you used might have you feel awkward if you aren't used to it."

"Ya think his chances are that good?" She sounds curious, tail swishing lightly as she adjusts herself.

"The way he's making your tail flag?" She hums quietly, pointing at the part it question as it slowly rises. "I'd say you certainly think so."

Flick suddenly becomes painfully aware of a certain part of his body, pupils shrinking and sweat beading on his brow. He shakes his head and redoubles his efforts, not by using more force, but applying the techniques he saw to every part of the farm pony's back from neck to tail, using what he thinks fits each part the best.

Tranquil nods as Applejack sighs and seems to melt into the table. "You'll need to learn to control that so as not to offend some client."

"Well, I think I would be able to, if I didn't have so much beauty in front of me." He gives a sheepish smile.

"Oh?" Rarity titters, resting her cheek on her hoof as she looks at the flustered griffin. "Hardworking farmers turn you on?"

"As well as fashionistas... and masseurs..." He mutters this last part, pressing his beak to the aforementioned farmer's side in an attempt to muffle himself. "...but yea, mostly her..."

As Applejack blushes, the stallion speaks up. "It seems like maybe ponies just do it for you, but still, try to be professional."

"I'll try, sir." He nods and continues to work, grimacing when he bumps against her hindleg. "S-sorry, can't control it..."

"Maybe we can get you a jacket or something." The stallion says. "Some customers wouldn't be so understanding."

"Yea..." He nervously laughs, rubbing around her waist. "...I'm really glad she isn't getting angry..."

"Maybe it's because she has some eye candy?" Rarity smiles playfully, relaxing as she lays down once more, her tail brushing against Tranquil Touch's leg.

The farm mare offers no comment, her eyes closed.

Tranquil doesn't seem to mind as he speaks. "Are there any place syou want me to focus on today, Miss Rarity?"

"Do you mean now or in private?" She peeks over her shoulder at him, missing how the griffin shivers slightly and grips Applejack's apples once more.

He blinks and slowly squeezes the softer flesh around her rump, the oil apparently making his mind sluggish.

"Easy there, partner." Applejack speaks up.

"We can talk of your Blissful treatment when that comes." He says simply.

"Then my neck, please."

Flick blinks, looking at where his claws are before slowly rubbing her legs. "Sorry... hey, Mister Touch? Do these feel tense to you?"

"Hmm?" He reaches over, giving them a light touch. "Oh yes, those are the legs of a working pony. You'll need to work to get them loose." With that said, he starts gently working the other mare's neck with his hooves.

Nodding to himself, and trying to ignore the pleased sounds from the unicorn, he gently wraps his claws around a leg, just in the range of acceptability. Taking a deep breath, he presses into the muscle with one talon from each, the others gently rubbing the opposite side each time the first two pull away, otherwise planted to make sure he doesn't slip.

Applejack grunts, her other leg extending as she flexes. "That feels strange..."

"Good strange or bad strange?" Flick spares a glance at her as he draws close to her knee.

"Not bad, just weird. You gettin' in to the muscles and all that." She lays back down, huffing.

The corner of his beak twitches slightly, and he looks to his teacher for advice.

"Mister Flick, maybe you should take that claw off her derrière?" Rarity smiles at the two of them. "Just a bit of advice, darling."

His claws immediately flinch away and a blush covers his cheeks, though that slowly fades away when he realizes something. "...wait, they were both still on her leg."

"Really?" She titters brightly. "Oh my! The angle must be playing tricks on me!"

Applejack giggles. "Rares, you rascal."

Tranquil chuckles as well, nodding to Flick.

He stares at her in silence before sighing, moving around Applejack to get at the foreleg on the same side.

Her face gets red as he moves around, not saying a word.

Tranquil, meanwhile, works down Rarity's legs. "You've been doing fine so far, Flick. I think perhaps if you sit in on one more session, we can have you do a test on an actual customer."

"I think I'd like that." The griffin smiles, gently rubbing the orange pony's cheek. "What do you say, AJ? Feel like coming in here again to help me?"

The white unicorn covers her mouth with a hoof. "Careful, Applejack, you're staring." Her eyes dart to one side. "Not that I can blame you... though it does look different... what are those... things on it?"

"Umm..." The farm pony ducks her head, whole face red as she refuses to answer.

"I do have to stress you keep that under control most of the time." Tranquil comments.

Flick quickly nods, laying down in front of Applejack. "Yes, sir. I'll be sure to do that, sir." He gently taps the mare before him on the nose, trying to get her attention back. "I'm sorry I embarrassed you like that. Can I make it up to you, somehow?"

"Umm... I guess work on my legs a bit more?" She wiggles them. "It felt real nice when you did."

"At once." He nods and stands back up, having calmed down enough by then. "Let me know if there's anything else I can do." He moves to the next leg, carefully working the knots out of her muscles.

"Ya'll are doin' plenty..." She sighs happily.

After a few more minutes, Tranquil speaks up. "I think that should be enough for today, Flick. You did well, though you weren't perfect." He smiles. "For now, I have to tend to our VIP, so you are free to go. I'll let lotus know you did a good job and to expect you again."

"Alright." He smiles and lifts the somewhat limp farmer onto his back. "Thank you, and maybe we'll see you again soon?"

"If you come back soon, sure." He nods as he helps Rarity into her robe. "I look forward to seeing you improve."

"So do I." He chuckles, looking back at Applejack. "Maybe I'll practice some more with my friend here before next time."

The door closes, leaving the two of them alone. Rarity glances around for a moment.

"Touch, darling, what did you do with the pheromone oil?"

"Over here, Miss Rarity." He points to the bottle he had confiscated.

"Oh, good, I was worried for a second, there." She bats her eyelashes at him, floating said bottle over to him. "I'm ready to be pampered."

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