• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

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Gossip flows freely! Why're ya in her bed?

Morning comes early on the farm, but that doesn't mean things are any less mischievous. Usually if you asked Applejack, she'd say the main causes were siblings and birds, but this morning… she's only a quarter right.

The first clue she got was the feeling of several dull points poking at her belly. She swipes at them as she wakes up, trying to brush them off. They don't move, but she feels something bigger against her hoof. A second later, she feels something smooth and curved against her nape, and a warmth against her back a second after that.

She blinks. "Okay… not Bloom… in that case…" She tried to roll out of bed.

The farmer barely gets an inch away before she's pulled back against the body, a quiet grumble escaping the other occupant of the bed.

She turns, seeing feathers and quickly piecing things together. "Wha- Flick! Why are ya in mah bed?"

He hugs her a little tighter, brow furrowing slightly despite how he stays fast asleep. "No… my pillow…"

She snorts, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "Shoulda warned me he was a sleepwalker…" He says nothing, but he does start nipping at her neck, his grip slowly loosening. Applejack can't help but blush, slowly working her way out. "Darn clingy bird boy…"

The bedroom door suddenly slams open, startling the griffon awake. He rolls off the mattress in a panic, taking the sheets and his bedmate with him.

Applejack yelps, sticking her head out of the bundle. "Now who in tarnation is slammin' doors?"

"Sis!" A certain yellow filly hops up onto the bed, staring down at her with wide eyes. "Flick ain't in his room!"

"Yeah, Ah noticed when Ah found him," she says wryly, poking the bundle of blankets. "Come on out of there, ya bed-jumpin' featherpuff. Turns out he sleepwalks."

A claw pats her on the cutie mark. "I would, but then you'd be the only barrier hiding certain things."

Her mane falls partially over one eye as she replies, "Ya mean that ain't a claw?" She feels some scratching on the small of her back, answering her question.

The farmer quickly stands. "Nope!"

Apple Bloom jumps back, giving Flick the chance to cover himself. "...sis?"

Applejack gives herself a good shake, staring pointedly at her younger sibling. "So Ah found him."

"...what were ya doin' with him on the bed?" She gives her sister a bright, hopeful smile.

"Nothin'." She gives the simple answer, brushing her mane for a bit before the silence coaxes her to elaborate. "Ah woke up and he was here."

The filly's smile slowly starts to fall. "...did ya ferget what ya did? Is that it?"

"Bloom, Ah went to sleep. That's it." She raises an eyebrow at her reflection. "What's with you and all this stuff lately, anyways?"

A sea of red quickly spreads over the yellow of her face. "...Ah want ya t' be happy?"

"Are ya sure that's it?" She gives her best big sister stare.

She scuffs her hoof slightly against the floor. "He seems t' like ya back?"

"Anythin' else?" She starts binding the ends of her mane and tail, muscle memory allowing her to do so without taking her eyes off the filly.

Apple Bloom sighs, her body drooping slightly. "...Ah really want him t' join our family… he's nice, an' doesn't get mad at me for stuff, like some other adults…"

Applejack's expression softens, and she turns to scoop the filly up into a hug. "Ah understand, but he could always be yer friend first, ya know."

She frowns in thought, hugging her sister around the neck. "...you really think so?"

"Sure, nopony ever said ya can't be friends with adults." She nods.

"Ah meant because he left the room." She points at the covers, now devoid of any griffon. "Ah thought Ah might've done something wrong?"

"Huh... nah, probably has to answer nature's call." Applejack shrugs. She feels a tap on her shoulder, then a gentle peck on her cheek when she turns to look.

Flick smiles afterwards. "Do you think you'll be good, today? I can always swing by later to help again." He pointedly ignores the giddy look on Apple Bloom's face.

"Ah think Ah can handle it. Bumper crops ain't nothin new." She smiles at him.

He shrugs, gently embracing her. "Alright... just know I'll be willing to help you in a heartbeat."

"Ah know." She pats his back. "You're a good guy."

She can see Apple Bloom grinning at the two of them over his shoulder, trying and failing to hide it with her hooves.

"Sure!" He smiles at her, then nuzzles at her cheek, his voice quiet. "...anyone ever tell you your fur is soft?"

She playfully pushes him away. "Quiet you, but thank ya." With that, she turns and heads out of the room.

Apple Bloom waves to the griffon. "Why were you staring at my sister like that?"

He chuckles softly. "She's smart and beautiful. Plus, she has a nice rump."

She watches him leave, frowning in confusion. "...adults are weird."

Flick sighs happily as he travels through the marketplace, full and content once more thanks to the generosity of the Apple Family. He glances left and right, a frown creasing his forehead at the sound of buzzing. He glances up in time to see the resident party mare pass overhead on some kind of pedal-operated flying machine. "...I should be more surprised..."

As he watches, he feels the presence of fur on his side before the body it belongs to swiftly dodges and a familiar voice reflexively replies. "Sorry about that."

He blinks, turning those dark yellow eyes to the voice. His breath catches momentarily, but he places a claw on her shoulder before she can walk away. "Good morning, Silk. How have you been?"

Purple leathery wings shuffle as the head buried in a piece of paper turns around to see him. Her eyes widen as she smiles. "Well, hello there."

He takes a step closer, moving to her side and gently draping a wing across her back. His gaze falls upon the paper, completely missing the stares leveled at them. "Out shopping?"

She nods, stowing the paper for now. "I figured I'd see if I could pick up anything before I head to the shop."

"Oh." The griffon tilts his head, accidentally brushing the feathers against her cheek. "Hey, do you need help, today?"

She giggles, smiling wider at him. "Looking for something to occupy your time?"

"Maybe." He smiles at her, walking along the road with the beautiful mare.

"So, just staring at the sky today?" She asks casually.

He shakes his head, idly noting the park they're passing by. "Nah, just wondering what Pinkie is up to."

Before anything else can be said, there's a loud crash to their right, and they turn to see Pinkie laying in the remains of her contraption.

Silk winces, calling over. "Are you alright, hun?"

"Not sure!"

Flick glances over, then back at the mare by his side, brushing his wing gently along her back. "Should we check on her?"

Her own wings raise up a bit as she nods. "Just in case."

The golden griffon nods and starts walking over, finding the pink pony nudging a piece of candy cane with a hoof. She seems pretty downcast by this turn of events, if the small frown on her lips means anything.

After a small sigh, she starts gathering everything up, something appearing to be on her mind.

Flick frowns and, with no small amount of trepidation, gently places a claw on her shoulder. "Bit for your thoughts?"

She jumps a bit, whirling on him with a smile that's a bit more subdued than usual. "Oh, hey there! I'm just having a bit of an issue with a meanie pants right now."

He chuckles, raising his head and fluffing his chest feathers to look cooler. "Well, I could probably help you with whoever this ‘meaniepants' is."

"Could you? Wait, no, she's Rainbow Dash's friend..." She stows the last of the pieces in her mane and bounces in place, thinking. "Maybe I need to get a second opinion... Twilight's pretty smart."

He thinks for a bit, then slowly nods. "Probably a good idea. Let me know if you need any help, okay? I don't like seeing my friends upset."

She nods. "I will, maybe she just needs space." With that thought, she bounces off, leaving the other mare to walk up to the griffon.

"Seems she bounced back." She comments simply.

"Sure seems like it." He rubs his chin, frowning deeply. "What could've upset her in the first place? Something to do with her crash?"

"It sounded more like somepony upset her." She comments lightly.

He sighs, shaking his head. "Right... she'll get us if she needs us. She has a way of finding someone." He turns to her. "So, your place, right?"

She smiles sweetly. "Yes, I think my little bit of shopping can wait."

He chuckles, hugging her close with his wing. "I can help you with it afterwards, if it'll help."

"Well, aren't you sweet?" She leans into his hug, guiding him to start walking again.

He grins cheekily at her. "I do my best, especially for a stunning mare like you." He nuzzles at her cheek. "And I'm not just talking about your beauty."

"And what else about me would be stunning? Do tell." She practically purrs at him.

"Your wit, for one." He brings a claw up, counting on each talon a characteristic of hers. "Determination for another, seeing as you opened an outfit store near Rarity. Patience, for not slapping me whenever I make a bad joke. Humor for laughing at the good ones..." His brow furrows. "...I swore there was another one..."

She blushes lightly, still smiling at him. "Well, aren't you a sweet one? If you really want to spend the day with me, I'm sure you'll think of something else. Maybe I should make a list for you too, or show my gratitude in some way, at least."

Flick hums in thought, feathered appendage brushing along her back. "Well, I'd always appreciate a kiss." He chuckles quietly. "Of course, with my beak, that may be asking a bit much."

"How so?" She asks simply, moving her mouth closer to his face before lightly blowing on his cheek and backing away with a giggle.

He stops, his wing making her pause mid-step beside him. Those eyes turn to her, and for the first time for her, he has a concerned expression. "What if I hurt the pony I like? I don't know if I could handle that sort of thing..."

She adopts a more serious but no less smiley look. Her hoof comes up and cups his cheek. "Hun, you'll be fine. They would know you didn't mean it if it does happen, and to prevent it, you just need to be careful and tender."

He gives her a small, grateful smile, reaching up with a talon to do the same, adding a gentle rub of her soft fur. "I may need practice..."

She giggles, pulling away now and making sure her tail strokes across his chest. "Keep playing your cards right and we can see about that."

His eyes widen slightly as his gaze follows her, the rest of him doing so soon after. "I look forward to it!"

She laughs now, smiling back at him. "I thought you might. Now, let me show you what you'll be working around."

He hums quietly, his eyes locked on her face. "Oh? Is there something special you had in store?"

"I consider my store very special." She counters lightly.

He playfully rolls his eyes, speeding up a bit for the sole purpose of bumping her hip with his. It certainly had nothing to do with how those yellow hips swayed with each step. "You know what I mean."

"I didn't exactly change anything, I did run into you by accident you know." Those purple slitted eyes glance to him.

He turns and raises an eyebrow at her. "So you're saying you didn't make an outfit specifically for me to model."

"I didn't exactly get your measurements." She counters. "Plus, I'm still getting a sense of what sort of thing you'd actually like."

He's about to respond when a pony from a flower shop nearby calls out to them. "Just kiss one of them already!"

Her sister groans, rubbing her forehead. "You have the worst timing, Daisy..."

Silk shakes her head, calling out to them. "Should I expect to see one of you three at the shop later?"

The latter has the decency to look ashamed. "You might see her. Sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about." Silk responds casually.

The blonde pony nods and drags her sister into the house by her ear.

Flick, meanwhile, stands beside the thestral, a contemplative look on his face.

"Shall we?" She moves to head off once more.

He nods, turning and walking... right into her flanks. He stumbles back, wings flaring in surprise. "S-Sorry!"

Her wings snap out in her surprise, the mare reigning them back in as she composes herself. "It's alright, just careful where that beak ends up."

He flinches, quickly nodding and walking in front of her. "Your shop should be close, right? Still has the collar and leash?"

She winces a little. "Yes... and I still think it spooks some ponies."

He pauses, looking back at her with a expression that betrays no thought. A smile eventually tugs at the corner of his beak and he turns to face her, holding out a talon. “In that case, I’d be happy to work pro bono to help you with your problem.”

She seems to contemplate his talon. "While I do appreciate the offer, I'm not sure I can accept those terms. After all, good work should be rewarded."

The offered limb lowers slightly, but soon rises once more. “Then it’s a gift from a friend.”

"Hmm... fair enough." She puts her hoof in his claw. "But, don't be surprised if you get a gift in return."

He hums thoughtfully, then nods, shaking her hoof. “It’s a deal, then.”

She nods, shaking it in return.

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