• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

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Bonding time (10)

‘How could he tell I wasn’t a Night Shade originally? How did he know that I was trying to forget? And what did he mean by the truth and lies?’ Questions ran through my head trying to explain themselves but no logical answers came up. I slapped myself to calm down before my head exploded.

I paced around as I compiled this new information into my head. ‘Okay think. I’m in a game and I just had an NPC talk to me as if he knew my life story. It doesn’t make sense! NPCs shouldn’t be aware of what I am and yet, the Shaman knows. Unless…unless Erebus had the game scripted that way to mess with me. But, how did he find out about that? Then again, he might have hired a detective to uncover it.’ I stopped. ‘Wait, why would Erebus script the Shaman to tell me that I was lied to?’

I tried to think of a logical explanation nothing seemed to fit and anything that came relatively close sounded like something out of a bad science fiction story. ‘Something’s not right. I can see a HUD, I can level up and I can go on quests…but why does it feel like it’s a facade?’ I shuddered remembering the blood from Swift’s snake bite. ‘Ugh, I’m missing some key element here. What is it that could possibly explain this?’

I racked my brain frantically until I was burnt out. I looked up at the moon to see I had spent a few good hours thinking and dawn would be arriving soon. “I’ll just pick this up tomorrow.” I flew up to the ship and collapsed in my hammock.


“Prepare to disembark!” There was a flurry of activity aboard the airship. The crew was taking shifts in eating breakfast, or whatever food we could find, Dogs and Griffins climbed the rigging to tie off any loose ropes and let the sails down. The ponies went about in their tasks, getting the ship underway for travel. Unicorns used their magic to heat up the balloon’s air, Earth ponies pushed boxes and barrels into corners to be out of the way, and Pegasi cleared the skies of any suspected storm clouds.

I was on the ground in my harpy form, saying my goodbyes to Swift, since he was the only one to come up to me. “So long, my friend. I hope to see you again.” He held a hoof out.

I fist bumped him, “Don’t worry, I’ll be back some day.” I said in my best Terminator impression. I giggled, “Try not to get yourself killed while I’m gone.” Swift chuckled.

“I’ll take your advice to heart. Tomorrow, my strength training should start.”

“Y’know, you could have always trained with me.” I said, “Just saying.”

Swift smiled awkwardly, “I didn't want to intrude. It would seem rude.”

I shrugged, “Meh, I wouldn't have cared.” I looked past him and raised an eyebrow, “Hmm? What do they want?”

Swift turned around to see the rest of the tribe, those who weren't very injured, led by a bandaged up Two Torch. The tribe leader stepped towards the two of us, though he kept a bit of distance from me, and spoke.

“I was told of the events that occurred while I was given aid. I was...surprised to hear that it was you who had defeated the raid. We've never seen eye to eye, so I must ask your reasons why.”

“I never knew about the raid until Swift here found me at my cave. I had heard some noise but I assumed you were celebrating something.” I said wryly, “I helped because I kind of owed it to Swift and I wanted a good challenge.” 'Among other reasons.'

“I see. Well then, I'll leave you be.” he said before trotting off.

“Not one for gratitude, is he?” I said to Swift.

“For the tribe, his heart is pure, but his mind can be stubborn. That, I'm sure.” he said sagely.

The next person up was the Shaman. He stopped in front of me and pulled out a necklace made of intricately braided grass threaded through several colorful beads and a small jagged, triangular stone that had a star carved into both sides. “Take this when you go. A talisman of the tribe I do bestow. A sign of protection and respect I did inscribe. It will deem you a friend to the other tribes.”

I took the necklace and brought it over my head and let it fall around my neck, “Thank you for the gift.”

The Shaman nodded and moved away. I was about to say something to Swift when I was suddenly tackled to the ground by a swarm of foals. I had to work to get them off of me. When I did I was met by a plethora of sad eyes.

“Are you not going to stay? Will we no longer play?” a filly asked sadly. This brought on a chorus of complaints and protests of me leaving them. I could feel my heart explode at the sight.

“Don't worry. I'll come back to visit sometime. Maybe even a few stories to tell.” I said. This brought smiles and cheers of joy. I heard a shout from the ship.

“Captain, We’re ready to set sail!” I think it was one of the Diamond Dogs. I gave him nod and turned back to the tribe.

“Well, time for me to leave. In the words of the Doctor: Allons-y!” I took off towards the ship. I landed on the front end of the ship and turned to my Dog form just as Check Mark arrived.

“Ah, there you are Captain. We’re ready to make way to the next island.”

“Good,” I said, striding to the ship helm, “What do you have to report about the ship’s stock?”

He shook his head, “We barely have enough food to make it to the next island, so we need to travel quickly. Most of the food is for the Dogs. Any for the rest of us isn’t enough.”

“All the more reason to get to the next island faster. I want you to start cataloging the supplies we currently possess, even the weapons. Have Flamehoof or Flamel to help you with that.”

“Yes, Captain.” Check saluted and trotted off to the stairs. I reached the helm to find Star Streak pouring over a crudely drawn map, marking locations and muttering under his breath. I came up next to him and looked over his shoulder.

“How’s the course coming along?”

“Just dandy.” He huffed. “With these maps, I’m surprised the Dog’s even got anywhere. There’s no scale, legend or even accurate drawings! Just directions with a supposed distance and landmarks to look for. I need to get better quality maps or make my own so I can adjust them to the stars easier.”

“We’re not going on an elaborate expedition. It’s a straight course with a few corrections here and there.” I put a paw on his shoulder, “Hey, when we get to the mainland, we’ll get the best maps money can buy.” 'Yeah, swing by the local library and steal the books.'

Star Streak sighed grudgingly, “Fine. Let’s get this show on the road so I can sleep. I work easier at night.”

“Sure thing. Is there any form of communication to the engine room?” I asked, looking around for a pipe or lever to tell Storm Cloud to get us moving.

“Not that I could find. You have to go and tell her yourself.” Star Streak explained, still looking at his map and marking it.

I facepalmed, “Okay, it’s official, this ship SUCKS! First chance I get, I’m going to rebuild this thing into the greatest ship the skies have ever seen.”

“Be careful what you wish for.” Star Streak grinned.

“It’s not a wish because I haven’t thrown you off the side.”

Star Streak gave me a suspicious look, “What does that have to do with anything?”

“Well,” I explained, “Aren’t you supposed to wish upon a falling star?” I laughed at the baleful gaze he gave me. After a moment he began to laugh as well. Out of breath, I spoke, “I…need… to get back…to work….see ya…later.” I shakily walked out of the room, Star Streak was just recovering as well.

I jumped down the stair and into the engine room. Storm Cloud and a handful of Dogs and ponies were adjusting pipes and turning valves, calling out changes to the system. The boiler rumbled like a hungry oversized stomach, demanding its next meal of fire and water. I found Storm Cloud near the mechanisms that turned the propellers. I called out to her, “Sup.”

Storm Cloud turned her head, she had a frustrated look on her face, “Hey, I have something to ask you.”


“Why did you put me in charge of this? I said I was good with lightning, not boilers. I can hardly understand half this junk here.” She said, casting her hoof about.

“Ah…Well…um…” I stuttered. I had hoped she knew what to do. Guess I was wrong. “Well, I was hoping you could use your lightning to power the engines.”

She gave me a flat look, “Lightning. As a power source? That’s stupid, not to mention impossible.”

'Huh, I guess they don’t have electricity in this world. This boiler system may be some of the only and most advanced technology in this world. Looks like I need to tap into my engineering skills and build my technology from scratch. Should I go with Steampunk style or Space class tech? Maybe both?'

I gave a snort at her comment, “You’d be surprised by what’s possible and what isn’t. Especially, when I rebuild this ship. Look, I’ll help you where and when I can, but try to figure out how to start the propellers and keep them going until the next island. Okay? If you can’t do it, I’ll just get someone else who can.”

Storm Cloud pouted, “No. I’ll figure this out faster than you can say ‘Princess Celestia’.” With that, she turned back to the boiler with a look of determination on her face.

“You do that. I’ll call you up when I need you.” I jumped back up the stairs off to the main deck. On the main deck, I could tell, everyone was excited and anxious to get to the next island. It was practically tangible in the air. I felt the floor under me shift and a cheer rise from the stairs. Seems like she got the propellers moving. I need to change that system badly. We could be easily overtaken by any enemy airships.

I cupped my hands around my mouth, “We are underway to the next island!” The crew gave a cheer. I felt happy, not just for them but that I’m finally on my way to adventure. I went up the stairs into the balloon where the forge was. I heard the sound of bellows being pumped and metal being hammered.

Inside, Flamel was pumping the bellows and Flamehoof repeatedly pulling pieces of iron out and giving them a few taps before putting them back in. Sparks flying and flames dancing about like gypsies. “Hey guys, what’re you up to?”

Flamehoof ignored me, too intent on his work, so Flamel answered, “We are just fixing up any broken tools in case we need them. The previous crew were careless in making sure they didn’t rust or break.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, “Are you smarter than most dogs, or was the last crew just really stupid?” If there’s one thing that really bugs me, it’s natural stupidity or lack of common sense.

Flamel grimaced, “Sadly, most dogs are strong but few are actually smart. The ones who are both are the pack Alphas. The rest of us have a pack mentality that makes us follow the orders of our Alpha, so not much brain is needed unless you are a leader. I had to hide my talents or I would be suspected of trying to overthrow the Alpha of my pack and be executed.”

I smiled, “I like you. It's nice to meet some intellectuals who take pride in their mental work. As long as you are on this ship, I want you to keep working your skill as far as you can take it. I hate to see good talent like yours be wasted. With your talent in alchemy, you’re gonna go far if you just keep practicing it. ”

Flamel gave a toothy grin, “I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.”

“No problem. I like to see others who pursue intellectual paths, as I do myself.”

Flamel raised an eyebrow, “What do you do?”

“I've studied a lot of things but my strength is in engineering. I like to build things, usually to blow other stuff up.” I said, chuckling at some fond explosive memories.

“Huh. I never took you for a builder.”

“Swift thought I was going to eat him when we met for the first time.” I grinned wryly, “All I can say is don't judge a book by it's cover.”

“Y'know, I’d like to have some more heat in the fire.” Flamehoof said. I saw him stare impatiently at the two of us. The fire in the forge had cooled down to a glowing red.

“Right, sorry. I’ll be going now.” I scooted over to the door. “Oh, by the way, I'm gonna call everyone together later, just so you know.” I slipped out and headed back to my room to work on my projects until lunch time.


“As I said before, I have one other announcement to make so there's no confusion from here on out.” I stood on the deck of the ship with the rest of the crew sitting in front of me or hanging from the ropes. It was past lunch and we had already spotted the next island and made a beeline for it. We were only about two hours away. “But first, I want to ask you a question. What do you think I am?” I was currently in my Diamond Dog form. Aside from my Base form, this one feels the most comfortable by far. Plus it gives me a tail. Fuck yeah.

I got several confused glances from the ponies and griffins. The Dogs looked at me more intently. They were probably on to me from the start. One unicorn raised his hoof, “Aren't you a Diamond Dog?”

“Am I?” I turned to the Dogs, one in particular, “Flamel, do you think I'm a Diamond Dog?” I raised an eyebrow at him in mock question.

Flamel stared at me for a moment, eyes narrowed, before speaking, “No, I do not. You don't smell like any Dog I know, much less any creature.” 'Seriously, what the hell do I smell like to them?'

“Exactly!” I turned to the crew, “He's right. I'm not a Diamond Dog. I'm actually...”Pause for dramatic effect while I turn back to my base form. Good thing the balloon blocked the sun for the dangerous part of the day for me. I finished turning, “a Night Shade.”

Everyone gave me wide eyed stares with a couple dropped jaws here and there. Oddly enough, there wasn't a single scream of terror from my appearance. Interesting. This must mean: A) Night Shades are only part of Zebra culture, B) They're too terrified to do anything, C) They don't know their Monsterpedias that well, or D) Any other explanation.

'Ten bucks says it's B'

One of the unicorn foals spoke up, “What's a Night Shade?” His face full of curious innocence. 'Damn, how do I lose to myself?'

“I'm a creature of darkness, also called a Wraith, that lives off the life force of others.” This brought expression of fear to their faces, including those who tried to hide it.

An earth pony held up a shaky hoof, “Um. W-What d-do you...eat?”

“Technically, I can eat anything alive, plants and animals, regardless of species, and it allows me to transform into them. My Diamond Dog form I received when I ate one of the Dogs that attacked the village.” Most ponies scooted back a few inches, the griffins were a bit tense, as well as the Dogs. “However, I try to restrict my menu as best I can.” They weren't so reassured as I hoped.

“So...have you...um,” Inject Vial stuttered out, “eaten another pony?”

“Unless you include harpies, then no, I haven't.” Not yet anyways. I started to wonder what they would taste like.

She sighed in relief, oblivious to the thought I just had. Some others did the same but many still held fear of me. It was starting to irritate me a bit. “Look, I'm not going to eat you. I promised to take you back in one piece. So just calm down okay?” They calmed down a bit, visibly at least.

Storm Cloud raised a hoof, “Wait, so if you're a creature of darkness, then why would you help us?”

“Why not? I needed a crew so I made a deal with you.” I mentally winced at what I said. 'Freaking zebra rhymes are starting to rub off on me. This better not become a thing.'

“So why do you need to get to the main land?” she asked, still confused.

I was about to respond when I actually thought about her question. 'Why the hell do I need to get to the mainland?' I frowned as I tried to formulate a legitimate reason, but I kept drawing blanks and I couldn't really say that I was just told to do it. “Honestly, I don't really know.” I shrugged, “I just wanted to see something other than the same island every day.”

She nodded, “I can respect that.” A pegasus mare spoke up next.

“Are you evil?”

“If by 'evil' you mean a sadistic, cruel, blood thirsty monster hell bent on destruction, then no. I don't do that crap.”

“Really?” Now most everyone was a bit shocked. How often would you come across a creature from nightmares that doesn't kill for no reason?

“I see no point to it. Besides, I'm more of a 'mad scientist' evil. It's so much more fun.” I said, giving a dark chuckle.

I silently debated whether or not to tell them of my...condition, but seeing as they were a lot more relaxed with me now, I decided against it, not wanting to make them fear me every second. “Anything else? No? Well, that's all I really had to tell you so let's get back to work. We have an island to get to.

There was a mad scramble to get back to work with the thought of food on their minds. I sat upon a barrel, watching the scene unfold. I felt a tugging on my robe and looked down to see the six young ones, “Yes?”

The unicorn from before spoke up, after a nudge from his friends. He was small, about knee high, with a dark blue coat, a short green mane and emerald eyes. I noticed he had no mark. “Mister Gunhaver? My mama told me that shadow creatures were all evil and would gobble me up if I did bad things. Is that true?”

'Ah, kids. So easily frightened and full of naïve innocence about the world. Kinda makes you want to give it a squeeze and mess with their heads, but I need their trust now.' I smiled, “That depends. I''m not going to hurt you but that doesn't mean other shadow creatures won't and if you do bad things, I would let whoever takes care of you set the punishments. Okay? Now anything else you need?”

The griffin chick spoke up. She was bigger than the others but definitely smaller than the adult griffins. Like the others, her main body was golden brown fur and her head was covered in white feathers. Her wings were a bit small and it seemed that her feathers were almost done growing in. “Yeah,” she said in an eager voice, “Do you know anything fun we can do on this ship?” I can tell she's a hyper one.

“Of course, sit down and tell me your names before I do.” They all sat down in a semi circle.

“I'm Astrid.” said the griffin.

“I'm Stepper.” Said the dark blue unicorn colt.

“I'm Airsoft.” said the neon orange pegasus colt. His mane was a bright yellow and he had saphhire blue eyes. No mark as well.

“I'm Sanctum.” said the violet earth pony filly. She had a magenta curly mane and violet eyes. No mark either.

“I'm Steam Tail, but you can call me Tails.” said the dark brown unicorn filly. She had a blue-gray mane and maroon eyes. No mark as well. I gotta ask what those marks mean later.

I looked at the pup, waiting his answer. When he didn't speak up I asked him, “Don't you have a name?”

He dropped his head in shame, “I don't really have a name.” The others gasped.

“What? Everypony has to have a name.” Sanctum said.

“It's alright Sanctum.”I said. I turned to the pup, “I'll give you a name then. How about...Red Rover?” The pup did have a red-orange fur with yellow eyes.

He nodded happily and I smiled, “Now that you've been named, let's start the fun. Tell me, have you ever wondered what it's like to be a yo-yo?”