• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

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Interrogations and Organizations (31)

If I ever decided as an April Fools Prank to mark each room on the ship with the wrong labels, everyone would know which one would be the medic bay. Why? Just follow the sounds of shouting and look for the mark on the wall that was made on the opposite of the door from every time that Camouflage tried to hit on Inject Vial. I swear, that girl is either bipolar or constantly in that time of month and trying to not act like it half the time. Luckily for the rest of us, she only acts this way when she's working on something medically related.

I just reached the hallway where the medic bay was located when I heard yelling. “Careful! That Medical grade glass is very expensive and very fragile!” Yep, that was Inject. I rolled my eyes and entered the room to see said pony and her two Diamond Dog assistants helping out those injured from sparring, or the sick and elderly from the Pack itself. Right now, I had a few certain patients in mind who have been asleep for the past two nights. I found Inject wrapping some clean bandages around one Dog's shoulder and tapped on her shoulder to get her attention.

She sighed without turning from her work, “Emma, for the last time, you can't eat food in here. It'll contaminate the equipment and when we have to treat somepony, their injury might get infected.” She said in exasperation as she finished tying off the bandage with her magic. At that very moment, I noticed out of the corner of my eye a female Dog enter the room and slowly backing out with a sandwich in hand. “There, all clean and should be healed up in a few days.” she said reassuringly to him, “Try to be more careful now.” The dog gave her a smile and nod before leaving the room. I smirked and leaned in a bit.

“Ten bits says he'll hurt something else in the next three hours.” I said casually, but it was enough to make Inject jump in the air with a yelp. She whipped around, horn lit up and holding several syringes, filled with various liquids. When she realized it was me, she lowered them, but not by much.

“Oh, it's you, sir.” she said with a glare, “For a second I thought I was going to have to sedate Camouflage for a few days again.”

I chuckled, “Don't worry, you'll get your chance.” my tone turned to business, “How are the foals?”

Inject led the way to the far end of the room that was curtained off. She drew back the curtains to show the three foals that we had picked up after the Banshee fight in the Everfree, all of them asleep on the same bed to save room for other patients. I was able to contact Luna to let the parents know that they were in safe hands and I only needed them to know how the Banshee's worked. However they've been unconscious since then and it's been almost three days.

“Still asleep, as you can see.” Inject said, “Lately, I've heard the occasional sound so I think they'll wake up soon, but Pediatrics isn't my area so I could be wrong.”

I nodded, then frowned, “I never actually asked, but what do you do?”

“Hematology, though I dabble in Toxicology and a few similar disciplines. Blood usually freaks out most ponies, but I find it fascinating. I mean, it's what keeps us alive, so why should anypony be scared of it?” she said with slight excitement.

I, however, grimaced at the unintended sting of her words as they pulled up bad memories, “Because it's supposed to stay in the body. If it's out then someone's hurt or dead and no one likes that.” If she noticed my tone, she didn't show it.

Instead, she just shrugged, “I suppose that's true as well.” she said, but I tuned her out. My attention was drawn onto the small pile of sweets on the bed next to them, all wrapped up in a bow and a get well card that was crudely made. I pointed at it, “I thought you said no food was allowed?”

“Huh? Oh, that.” Inject said, “Yeah, the little pink dragon came in here a few hours ago to give that to them. Normally I would have stood to standard medical rules, but I couldn't bring myself to stop such a sweet gesture.” She smiled, the look on her face showing that she was replaying the memory.

“I see...” I trailed off, ignoring her once more as I stared at the foals. I couldn't wake them up with my magic in case it did damage to them somehow, so I went for the next best thing. Shock Therapy. In less than a minute, I had a bucket of cold water ready and dumped it all over the foals despite Inject's protests. If my brother can do it to me, why can't I do it to them?

The foals were wide awake and sopping wet in an instant. “C-c-c-cold!!” they all stammered out as their bodies shivered violently. I laughed in my mind with only a smirk to betray my thoughts. However, I wasn't so heartless to let them freeze to death so I pulled the water off with magic while Inject gave them something to drink with the box of sweets. Once they were comfortable I sat down on a chair facing them. “Alright, we have a lot of questions for each other and not much time for it. I just have a few to ask you and then you can ask me whatever you want. Understand?” The foals nodded. “Good. Let's start with something simple. What are your names?”

“Featherweight.” the left one said.

“Rumble.” the middle one said.

“Pipsqueak.” the right one said.

“Nice to meet you three. I'm the Director, but you can call me Gunhaver.” I said with a small smile, “Now explain to me what happened a few days ago.”

“Days?” the foals said simultaneously as they gave me confused looks. I silently cursed as I recalled that it wouldn't seem like days to them since they were asleep.

“Let me rephrase the question. What is the last thing each of you remember?” Their faces scrunched up as they tried to think. It was quite adorable. Kids never cease to make me smile. Just like...No. No. No. Don't think about that. Focus on now.

“I think I was about to go to sleep after my family had a late dinner.” Featherweight said, “I had filled up on hayloaf and hay fries. I went to my room and fell asleep to somepony's singing from outside.”

“You too?” Rumble piped up. We all looked at him and he blushed at the sudden attention. “My brother, Thunderlane had gone out with his marefriend and left me home alone. I was doing some stargazing on a small cloud when I heard some really beautiful singing. It was so...nice” He said the last part with a slight daze. I turned my gaze upon Pipsqueak, looking for him to answer now.

“I fink I 'eard some singin' but tat was in me dreams last night.” he said a bit unsure.

“Interesting...” I muttered, “What did it sound like? Were there any words?” The colts went silent as they tried to remember but they all said the same thing in the end.

“I don't remember.”

“Very interesting...” I scratched my chin as I tried to process this information. The victims and observers don't hear the same sounds. They hear singing while the rest of us only heard bloody screeching. It seems that said sounds also induce a trance like state that can be heard even when the victim is unconscious. The Banshees are Pied Piper hunters, luring in their prey with sound. This is going to be troublesome. There's no telling what else the Banshees can do, but at least we know how they lure in their prey. We can use that. I don't know how, but we can figure something out.

As I brooded in my thoughts, I became aware of someone calling for me. The colts. I blinked, “Sorry, what did you say?”

“I said, where are we?” Rumble asked.

“Aboard the 'Spirit of Vengence'. I had you brought here after we rescued you three from the Banshees.”

“Banshees?” They all tilted their heads in confusion.

“Nasty creatures that feed off the innocence of children. Remember the singing? That was them luring you into their trap. You're lucky we noticed it, otherwise you might not even be here.” I said. It took a moment for it to sink in, but when it did, they all paled. I think Featherweight made a new shade of white.

“B-bu-but what about our parents?” Featherweight sputtered out. I put my palms out to try to calm them down.

“Don't worry. I've made sure that Luna contacted them and told them that you are all in good hands.” That tactic only did little to alleviate their hyperventilation and shock. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the imminent screaming, but was only met with three dull fwumps. I opened my eyes to see the colts all asleep and sprawled over the mattress. Above and behind them were three syringes hanging in the air by magic. I gave Inject a grateful look. “Thanks. I'm not sure what I would have done if you hadn't done that.”

Inject simply shrugged it off, “The foals just need to take time to adjust. I gave them enough to be awake in time for dinner.”

I nodded and sighed as I stared at the colts sleeping peacefully. “I don't know how I'm going to make it up to them for taking them from their families.”

“You saved them didn't you? That's repayment enough.” Inject said as she levitated the used syringes to a sanitizing station.

“But if it wasn't for me, they wouldn't have been targeted by the Banshees.” I rubbed my face, trying to maintain focus. Everyone on the ship knew about the strange cube back in Ruby Hollow. When the Banshees appeared on my tail, it wasn’t hard to put two and two together. The only reason they weren’t utterly outraged at me was that the cube was from Tartarus and even they couldn’t fully comprehend what it did to everyone who saw or touched it. “Why did I ever open that stupid box?” I muttered to no one in particular.

“Well, why did you?” Inject asked, “You could have left it there.”

“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have known if it could have helped me or not.” I mutter under my breath.

“Helped you with what?” she inquired with a confused look. Damn, these ponies have good ears sometimes.

I shook my head, “Nothing. Forget about it.” I stood up and left the room. As I left, Inject called out to me.

“We’re here to help, you know. I thought that was why you hired us.”

I sighed, “That’s true, but there are just some things that only I can do.”


Pearl's POV

I skidded around the corner, my claws scrabbling for purchase as I slid across the floor. Behind me, Sanctum was hot on my tail. The other foals and I were playing hide and seek tag and I was the last one to be caught. You can guess who was 'it'.

“I've got you this time Pearl!” Sanctum shouted at me as I ran.

“Never!” I cried defiantly. I pushed harder to try to gain some distance between us. We ran through the labyrinth of hallways on the ship. I saw a corner that I could safely hide behind and made a sprint for it. I had only seconds before the filly behind me saw where I would hide. Just as I was about to turn, I collided with a wall of white, brown and blue. “OOF!”

I found myself at the bottom of a pony pile, each one of us trying to pull ourselves out. As I finally got free, I felt a tap on my arm. “Gotcha.” Sanctum said with a giggle.

I frowned, “No fair!”

“It is so!” Sanctum said, “I tagged you!” Just as I was about to respond, a voice behind me spoke up.

“Oi! Wot's goin on?” I spun around and gasped to see my three friends from Ponyville awake and all better. I instantly forgot about Sanctum's cheating and tackle hugged the three of them around the necks. “Omigosh! You're all awake! I was so worried that the Monsters did something to my new friends, that I couldn't sleep!” Rumble choked a bit as he tried to say something. “Hm? What is it?”

“Can't....breathe!” He gasped again and I noticed all of their faces turning slightly blue. I dropped them on the ground and quickly apologized, “Sorry!” The three of them coughed as they tried to fill their lungs with sweet, delicious air.

“Hey, you're Pearl!” Rumble said as he was the first to recover, “What are you doing here?”

I tilted my head in confusion, “What are you talking about silly? I live here.” The three colts perked up at that.

“You live here?!” Pipsqueak shouted exctitedly, “You live on a pirate ship?” His grin threatened to split his face in half.

“Pirates? I don't know what that is, but we're mercenaries!” I said, “We work for that pretty blue pony princess!” At that point, all three of the colt's jaws dropped to the floor. Sanctum and I giggled at the sight of the stunned colts. I half wondered how much candy I could stuff in their mouths like that. Maybe I could try that later?

“Are these the colts you played with at Ponyville?” Sanctum asked.

I nodded, “Yeah, they were really fun too. We tried to hunt for the Banshees but we couldn't find any for some reason.” As soon as I said that, the colts snapped out of their trance.

“Banshees?” Featherweight asked, “The Director said something about that. What happened? Why are we here?” The other two nodded in agreement.

I gasped again, “Oh! Mister Gunhaver said that they found you three captured by Banshees! There were some others as well but they only had enough time to get you home. He also said he wanted to try to get info from you three about the attack.”

“The Gov'nor already did.” Pipsqueak said, “Said they were about ta 'eat our souls' or somefing.” Pipsqueak sure does talk funny. I wonder what other words he knows?

“I think it was innocence.” Sanctum said.

“Yeah, that.” Pipsqueak nodded and a small silence fell over them. I don't like it being quiet, especially when we're about to have fun or eat food. 'Speaking of food...' I thought.

“Hey, did you like the sweets I left you? I tried to get some that didn't have gems because ponies don't eat gems since they're not dragons.”

“You left those?” Rumble asked.

“Yup!” I said with a grin, “Whadya think?” Each one of the colts told me it was good, which was great. I would have felt terrible if I gave them something bad. Especially if it affected them while they're here. Wait a minute...“Hey! Since you're gonna stay for a while, do ya wanna see the rest of the ship?” I bounced a bit in place, excited to show them everything that me and my friends found. It would be like Ponyville, but in reverse since the colts are in my home.

“Yeah!” the three colts chorused. I giggled and began to rattle off places and things as I spun around to lead the way through the ship.

“We found several good hiding spots to play hide and seek. Ooh! We should play that later! There's also the kitchen where the nice ponies give us some extra sweets from time to time. I love the brownies, so full of chocolate. Astrid and Airsoft found this awesome place for fliers to perch and it gives them a cool view of the ground. They just have to be careful of the wind sometimes. Oh, and there's this one place where...”

As I spoke, the three colts and Sanctum quickly followed alongside, preparing themselves for what was going to be the greatest adventure ever. But first...


Flamel's POV

“Why do you think we were called here?” Druel asked me. The two of us and several others of the crew sat, or stood as the case may be, on the bridge of the ship. Gunhaver had called each one of us here for something, but none of us knew what it was.

“My guess,” I said, “Possibly whatever information about the Banshees that he found out from the colts he brought on board.” I didn't agree with interrogating children but, as circumstance would have it, they were the only way to learn anything about these Banshees. Whatever Druel was going to say was lost as the door swung open to reveal a familiar shade. I watched carefully as he clapped his hands together with a serious look on his face.

“Seems like everyone's here. Let's get started.” he said.

“Started on what exactly?” Storm Cloud asked. She was looking around at some of the console's instruments that Star Streak had to repeatedly push her away from just to keep her from touching anything delicate.

“Assigning positions.” Gunhaver replied, “We are a military organization. We need officers and ranks to organize ourselves.”

Storm gave a bob of her head, “Fair enough.” Gunhaver stepped forward and pulled out a sheet of paper from that ragged stachel of his.

“Alright, I've been thinking long and hard about this.” he said, “I've had to go off what I do know of the Marines back home to make this.” Marines? Home? Every time he speaks, his words become more peculiar. Most unlike a Night Shade, or whatever in Tartarus he is. I was snapped out of my thoughts as he spoke again.

“We have three hundred forty three, including us, on board this ship. About ten percent of us are unable to fight, the children and elderly, but can still help about the ship. That still leaves a good amount of us left. I've divvied up the rest into four platoons: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta. Each one will have seven squads each. There'll be about ten troops per squad.” Gunhaver said all this as he pointed at his paper, covered in marks, “Each platoon will have an equal mix of each race, or close to it, to keep a balance. The squads, however, will be seperated by similar abilities so no one is hindered by each other in the field or in training.”

“Similar abilities?” Storm Cloud asked, “Like what? Who can run the farthest?” Everyone else, me included, gave similar comments. Gunhaver just held up his hands in defense.

“Hold on, let me explain.” he waited for the talking to die down a bit before continuing, “I meant that griffins and pegasi will be put together since they can fly. Dogs and Earth ponies are better suited for ground work and are heavier built for it. Unicorns are the wild cards though. Some will be working the ship while others can go into the field, but that depends on several factors.”

Jun nodded, “Makes sense. Us griffins can patrol the skies for those Banshees while directing the ponies and dogs on the ground.”

“Exactly. You can also double as air support to airlift wounded or civilians out of the area so we can get through easier.” Gunhaver said with a grin.

“What about that 'ten percent' you spoke of?” Druel asked in concern, “What will they do?”

“Don't worry, the children will be kept safe and out of the Banshee's sonic range. And as much as I don't want to over work the older crew members, I might find them simple jobs such as radio control, planning and signal work. Anyone else is going to have to work their position, like Star Streak.” Gunhaver gestured to the aformentioned pony who was drinking from a coffee mug.

“Eh, fighting's too much work,” the orange pegasus said inbetween sips, “And it's not in my job description. Just piloting this ship is enough for an old navigator like me.” After that, he took a long draught of the drink.

“Whatever the job, they'll have to do it if we want this thing to work properly.” Gunhaver said, “But we're going to be needing several officers to establish a chain of command.”

'So that's his game.' I thought with a smirk, 'Clever. Reminds me of when Princess Celestia accepted me as a scholar in Canterlot. Good times.' I shook off the nostalgia and began to speak, “If that's the case, then who's going to be in what position?”

Gunhaver smirked, “Glad you asked,” he said, “Each of the platoons needs a Lieutenant as their commanding officer. The squads are lead by the staff sergeant or corporal. Everyone else is a private, unless they prove themselves. I'll give out the higher positions and then let experience and time decide who gets promoted.”

Storm Cloud tapped her hoof on the table to get everyone's attention. “I just have to ask. Camo isn't going to be an officer, will he?”

Gunhaver smiled, probably at some inside joke of his, “I know why you're asking, and no, he won't.” Storm seemed greatly relieved, as did the other mares in the room. “In fact, he'll be under your command, Lieutenant Cloud.”

Storm Cloud did a double take, “What? Really?”

“You know how to take charge of a situation.” the smiling Shade said, “You'll be in charge of Charlie Platoon.” He handed her a piece of paper, “This is the list of everyone in your charge. I trust you can pick qualified sergeants.” Storm Cloud grabbed the paper in her magic and began to read it over silently, still in half shock of the promotion.

Without missing a beat, Gunhaver turned to Jun, “I know you can keep a cool head during a stressful situation. You're the Lieutenant of Delta Platoon. I give you the same trust as Storm.” He handed him a sheet of paper.

Jun chuckled, “Cool head? I barely kept it together when we sparred. Not fair if you can throw bolts out of your arm like that.”

“Nothing's fair in a fight.” Gunhaver said sagely. Jun took the paper and read it with a wry grin. Gunhaver then turned to me and Druel.

“Flamel and Druel, you two will be Lieutenants of Bravo and Alpha Platoons respectively.” He handed us a list of names. He went around the room, giving a few more necessary positions, but I tuned him out.

Me? An officer? I'm certainly not a fighter, even though I've had my fair share of scuffles over the years. I assume Gunhaver based his decision on my intellect rather than my military skill. If that's the case, then I'm not sure if I should be flattered or doubt the Shade's reasoning. On the other hand, it does keep me close to him for proper observation as per Luna's orders.

When it was all said and done, I went back to my room. Luckily, I was able to have one all to myself and not have to share with another. It made my work much easier. I pulled out some parchment from a cabinet and rubbed my scars again, using the powder to light the candle on my desk. I began to write in the light of the green flames.

Dear Princess Luna,

As of yet, I have not seen much more of these rune crafted devices beyond the gem communicators and a few of the weapons. However, I have seen Gunhaver tinkering around with the ship usually with a bag of gems in tow. I shall try to find out what I can about this.

In other news, Gunhaver has recently made some of us officers of the crew. I am to be a Lieutenant of Bravo Platoon in this company. While I have not the slightest military experience, it does allow me to get closer to Gunhaver. I can use this opportunity to observe his actions and report as necessary. Although I would appreciate it if you can send me a few tomes about warfare and general things I need to possibly know please. I will contact you again when it is safe to send them to me. I do not want to arouse suspicion.

Speaking of fighting, I trust that you know about the Banshees near Ponyville a few days ago? After the attack, Gunhaver took three colts along with us to question them. I do not know if he mentioned them, but I just wanted to let you know of this just in case.

Also, Gunhaver's behavior is becoming quite strange. He makes mentions of concepts and ideas that even I have not thought possible. I keep wondering how such a creature could hold such knowledge. I've heard several mentions of a possible military background and a brother. Maybe he was the product of a dark experiment gone wrong? Nonetheless, I cannot act without further information about him. What I have is too erratic and inconsistent, mostly due to Gunhaver's strange words.

I will do my best to keep an eye on him.

Your faithful servant, scholar and spy,

Nikolai Flamel

I rolled the paper up and let it catch on the candle, sending it straight to the princess. In the meantime, I had to plan my next move.

Author's Note:

Special Thanks to Reaper1543 and Thardoc.

Sorry it took so long to update this thing. I had finals and tried to write but that ended up in a 1.8k chap in which half could be used for now and the other half for the next one. I could go on and on, but i'm just going to summarize it all up in three words.

Finals are trippy.

Oh, and one more thing. We here in the Chess Game of the Gods group have recently made a wiki for all chessverse knowledge. Weeeman started this wiki after the first attempt crashed and burned. It's still majorly unfinished and not all of us have the time to update it as much as we'd like to. Mostly because we're lazy asses

With permission from Weeman, I'd like to introduce you all to the wiki and ask you to help us build this knowledge for everyone to use. However, keep in mind that we ARE watching so don't try to pull any trolling crap and screw up our hard work. If you have questions, please feel free to ask us.

Wikis are cool