• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

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Truths Be Told (27)

They say that only a true killer could sleep easy at night. I’m glad that I couldn’t sleep, if just for that, but I wanted to wash away my crime in my dreams like sand on the beach. I laid in my hammock ever since I got back from bringing all that treasure from the little hole in the wall at the base of the mountain. It was a good pile; even had some nice jewelry I could sell, but every time I looked, the gold was covered in blood. I stared at the ceiling, wondering if this was what it felt like for my brother when he took his first life. He told me about it, how he threw up after the first mission in which he made several confirmed kills, but now that I did it, I had to wonder if he was downplaying his experience.

Anyone who’s played a violent video game that ends up killing people or monsters take it for granted that those they ‘kill’ aren’t real. They feel justified and secured that they haven’t actually committed murder, even in self-defense. Even if Erebus was a lying bastard, there was no way he could have possibly brought me to some new world like this without putting me in a virtual reality simulator. I mean, I know I just killed another player like me, but I couldn’t shake the feeling that the action was much more real than it seemed. I snapped his neck, rotating the head like an owl, and extracted those memories almost like it was nothing. The scene played over and over in my mind as I tried to make some sort of sense of it. My only relief was that the Voice disappeared, but even that worried me. Did I do enough evil to keep him quiet or was he sleeping like a baby because it was naptime for him? This pondering of mine only generated more questions than answers, but my biggest question was that if I was so disgusted by my actions, then why did I feel so satisfied with them as well?

The Voice was right. I did want to know what it felt like to kill someone and if someone asked which way I would do it, I would say by snapping the neck. It was clean, quick, and simple. No need for poisons or bullets when you can just twist the body around like a ragdoll. I never thought I would actually do it one day. But holding his head in my hands, where I could feel each bone pop out as I turned, that scared me as it sounded so much like the satisfying popping I do to my own bones. To think that I was inches away from snapping my own neck when I felt the cracks sound out, despite the relief it gave me. I’m no doctor, but that doesn’t sound good at all.

I kept repeating these thoughts through my head for hours. The same questions getting the same answers or lack thereof. Nothing new could be found unless someone showed me, but who could I ask? I was jolted out of my thoughts by a rapping on my door. “Who is it?” I asked once I composed myself. I slowly sat up in my hammock. Well, ‘sitting up’ being the relative term with my Base form.

“Princess Luna.” the owner of the voice said before opening the door. She walked in with a regal step, her mane flowing beside her, moving in some unknown wind. “I came to see thou off and finalize some details of our bargain. For the records of course.” she said, then stopped and looked me over, “Did thou not get any sleep last night?”

“No. But it doesn’t bother me much since I can go long without sleep.” I said, not wanting to talk about my problems to my employer. Luna seemed to buy it.

“I see. Well, I shall have to ask thou a few questions to start off.” she said, “Firstly, what is the name of this mercenary group?”

‘Group name?’ I thought with a bit of surprise, ‘Actually now that I think about it, I never really had that. Hmm…a name…’ I scanned my thoughts for a fitting name. I need something that represents us but not something cliché or utterly ridiculous. I wanted it to be short, simple and direct. I thought over several, but none of them seemed to fit. The only ones that came relatively close were only for short term, not meant for years on end if I needed it. Damn, names are harder than I thought. “Can I get back to you on that?” I asked with a sheepish grin, “I don’t exactly have anything at the moment.”

Luna nodded, “If thou wish, but I will need that name for the record. Now what is thine title in this group? Captain, I would presume?”

I grimaced, “Eh, Captain just sounds too weird for me.” I said, “Captain Gunhaver. I feel like I’m coughing up a furball when I say that.” Luna gave a small chuckle at my words, but I wasn’t joking. It really sounded weird. I tried several other words in front of my in-game name, but they just didn’t roll off the tongue like I wanted. I was still hesitant to use my actual name, in case another Host like Erebus decided to do that weird full profile research on me. Besides, what sort of dumbass uses their real name for their game name?

I shifted my thoughts back to my new title. ‘Perhaps just the title itself?’ I thought, ‘It worked for the Doctor, so why not me?’ I repeated my process. Once again, some titles didn’t feel right and others just didn’t fit me at all, but there was one that I did happen to like. “The Director.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, “Director Gunhaver?”

I waved a hand, “Yes, but I'd prefer it if you addressed me by either my name or the title itself, 'Director’.” Simple, self-explanatory and slightly sinister. I love it.

“Very well then, Director.” she said, “Now, what symbol shall be representing thou?”

I bit my lip, “Um, I’ll have to get back to you on that as well.” I said, then she gave me a flat look, “What? I never thought I’d actually be doing this so I never really had time to think about it. I would have gotten around to it eventually.”

Luna sighed, “Fine, I will give thee time to think upon thy names, but I will need them by the end of this week.”

“Sure, I can do that.”

“I hope so.” She unloaded several more questions about me, my ship or my group. Little things mostly, such as the name of the ship, it’s current armament (which was mostly the crew’s personal weapons and the ship’s dragon scale hull), and the possible course I’ll be taking in my hunting. As she asked and I answered, I hoped there was one question she wouldn’t ask. I wasn’t afraid of the question itself, but what the answer to that question might be. To my dismay, she asked it regardless.

“How many are in your crew?” she asked.

“That...is a very good question.” I said, and then sighed in defeat, “To be honest, I don't even know who's left. I kinda gave them a chance to leave and go home back to their friends and family. Considering what’s all that happened to them, I won’t be surprised if most of them are gone. All I do know is that a handful are staying. I don't much care what their reasons are, so long as I have people to help back me up.”

“Well, shall we go find out?” Luna suggested, pointing a hoof to the door. I nodded, though a bit reluctantly, and lead the way to the mess hall where those who stayed to be in the crew would go for breakfast. I stopped at the doors and gripped the handle, not opening it yet. I took a deep breath and opened the door, bracing for the sight of a skeleton crew.

I blinked. ‘What. The. Actual. Fuck?’ I thought as I looked into the room. The place was packed with dogs, ponies, and griffins, every one of them talking and eating food. I was too stunned at the sight to make a proper head count. Eventually, my shock was broken by the sound and sight of everyone coming to attention and turning their eyes on me. I gave a cough to clear my throat, “Where is Check Mark?” I said, projecting my voice.

“Right here, sir.” a voice nearby said. A chair was pushed back and I heard the sound of hooves on wood coming towards me. Once the familiar old orange pony came into sight, I gave a wave to everyone else, putting them at ease. They immediately went back to talking and eating.

Check Mark trotted up to Luna and I and bowed before her, “Hello, Princess.” he said respectfully. Luna bid him to rise and he did as he turned to me next. “How can I be of service?” he asked.

“What’s the final count on the crew who will be going?” I crossed my fingers behind my back and silently prayed for a good count.

“Unless somepony comes crawling back while we’re talking, we have three hundred forty three crew members, myself included.” He said stoically. I whistled in amazement, and then frowned.

“So how many actually left?” I asked. I didn’t know the number of dogs we took aboard at Ruby Hollow, so I’m not sure about the net gain of members.

“Thirteen.” he answered, “Most of them were going back to their families and the safety of their homes.”

“Ah, well that’s much better than I had anticipated.” I said, “Back to your post then.” Check Mark nodded and turned away, trotting back to his food. I moved out into the corridor with Luna following me. If I had legs at the moment, I would have had an extra spring in my step from the good news.

“I take it from your excitement that you are ready to begin your hunt?” Luna asked.

“Of course.” I said, spinning around to face her, “We shall be ready to leave within the hour. Now,” I clapped my hands together, “I have some questions for you, if you don’t mind.”

If Luna was surprised at my request, she didn’t show it. “Ask away.”

“Is there anyone I should keep an eye out for?” I asked, “I’d hate to accidentally maim a colleague or someone of importance. Plus I haven’t exactly been caught up with the times around here.” I had to ask this in case there was another player who was some influential person in the game. It would be really awkward if I killed them and caused some war or destroyed a country. If my brother were here, he'd never let me live it down too.

“Indeed there are several.” she said with a nod, and then lit up her horn. An image of an insect-pony-thing with a large guitar that had rainbow colored strings appeared. I noticed it had a silver aura around it’s body. “This is Sir Knightmare. He is, for lack of a better term, your counterpart.” I assume she saw the confused look on my face when she continued, “He works for my sister as you work for me.” The image changed to show a large creature with an ugly face and a metal arm and cross bow. He had a silver aura as well. “This is Celt. Although he isn’t under employ of the crown and has caused some trouble recently, I won’t mind if you give him a beating.”

“You sure? Because I think the ugly stick beat me to it.” I quipped. Luna tried to give me a glare but her mouth threatened to break out into laughter. She gave a cough and changed the image to a tall wolf that stood on two legs. He (which I assume from the clothes that it was a guy) had a red eye and a blue eye and carried a sword at his hip. To be honest, he looked like one of those wandering swordsmen from Japanese manga and anime. I had to wonder if the guy was a legit swordsman or some wannabe waving a sharp stick. Also, I barely noticed a silver aura around him due to his fur. ‘Is every one of these people a player like me?’ I wondered.

“This is Aoi. He’s quite an interesting fellow to speak to from what I’ve heard.” she said. I made a mental note to ask this guy a few questions if I ever met him. Luna changed the picture again to a small black dragon, about the size of Magnus, though maybe a bit smaller. She too, had a silver aura. “This is Ember. I suggest you stay clear, or at least cautious, of her. She can certainly put up a serious fight when provoked.”

I frowned, “I’ve already had enough dealings with dragons. I don’t want to put up with that any more than I have to.”

Luna gave me a brief questioning look before she changed the picture again. I had to bite back a protest when I saw the familiar image form, silver aura and all. “This is Captain Griffin of the Griffin Pirates.” I had to hold back the urge to facepalm through my skull.

‘Is he an egotistical narcissist or just has no fucking originality?’ I thought, but then something else came to mind. “Wait, does that mean he doesn’t have a bounty on his head anymore?” I asked.

Luna shook her head, “No, he was pardoned for his deeds a while ago.”

I grimaced, “Welp, there goes my revenue plan.” Seeing the confused look on Luna’s face, I explained, “I had a bounty paper of him and I was going to bring you his head on a platter. No, not literally. But since there’s no bounty, I got no reason to bother him.”

Luna still gave me a suspicious glare, “That is for the best since Griffin is working hard to free slaves from the Diamond Dog dens and create a new nation for the griffins.” Okay, I couldn't help but recall the story Druel told me on the trip here. If this Griffin really was as noble and heroic as Luna made him out to be, then I'm going to punch the bastard in the face for being the two-faced hypocritical asshole he is. Unlike most kids my age, I watch the news, mostly out of request from my brother and to see the progress of the war overseas, and seeing those politicians lie through their teeth about their actions or events really pisses me off. I had to contain my displeasure and keep a poker face up.

“Whoop de fucking do for him then.” I said unenthusiastically, “Now, if you don't mind, can we continue?” In all honesty, I give it ten years tops before Griffin's little “enterprise” collapses. Hell, I might do it myself just to spite him.

“Of course.” Luna said, changing the picture. This time six mares appeared, each covered in a golden aura. I swear I felt my eyes bleed a bit from the sight. The ponies I've put up with on the way here were pretty legit, but these six were femininity incarnate. There was a unicorn colored in probably every shade of purple imaginable, a blue pegasus with rainbow hair, a neon pink earth pony that looked like it spent too much time playing with static electricity from the looks of her hair, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane (Okay, I'll admit, she was kinda adorable), a pristine white unicorn who had the air of a fashion diva, and an earth pony with a stetson hat that made her look like a cowboy. The irony is strong in the last one and now that I think about it, she doesn't really look feminine at all.

“These are the Elements of Harmony: Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and AppleJack.” Luna pointed to each of them in turn, “They are Equestria's national heroes.”

'If these are the heroes, I wonder what the Army looks like?' I thought. “Do they live here in Canterlot?” I asked.

“No, they all currently reside in Ponyville.” Luna replied.

“Huh, you'd think national heroes would live somewhere more fancy.” I said to no one in particular. After those images, it was a blur of even more players and important ponies. Some mental zebra, a winged wolf, an anthro cat person, a black and green wolf thing, and several other strange creatures all had the silver aura. I made a small note of their appearance at least to remember them by.

Now there were a few with a golden aura. Some princess and her husband, and a large white alicorn like Luna. The rest didn't have the aura I noticed that there wasn't many important griffins, zebras or Diamond dogs. Did they not have VIPs or were ponies just that racist to not acknowledge them?

“Is that it?”

The images disappeared, “Yes, unless you wish to learn about the nobles as well.” Luna said, almost threateningly.

“Nope, I'm good.” I gave a quick shake of my head. Luna chuckled.

“Do you have anything else to say or do before we make this official?” she said, putting on an air of authority.

I was about to say no but there was one little detail poking at the back of my mind. “There's something I need to do first.” I said before floating off. I arrived at the bridge where Star Streak was poring over some newer looking maps. Seems like I wasn't the only one who went to town. I dismissed him after he stood at attention when we appeared. I moved over next to the wheel and grabbed a gem on a wire. I flicked a switch and spoke all over the ship. “Attention all crew. Report to the Main deck. I repeat, report to the main deck.” I turned the comm system off and glanced at Star Streak, “You too, Star.”

Star nodded and left his work on the table. Luna and I followed him down to the main deck where everyone was congregating as ordered. Star melded into the crowd and Luna and I stood at the front. I waited a few minutes for most everyone to appear. As the numbers grew, so did the noise of murmurs of questions on what was to happen. I silenced that with a piercing whistle.

“Listen up,” I said, projecting my voice, “I want to commend you all on your will to stay. However, I believe it's long past time I point out the giant skeleton in the closet.” Most of the dogs were confused but those I saw of the original crew started to realize what I was about to do.

“I heard your story through Druel.” I started off, “I know what you've been through and what your previous Alpha did. However, his actions had some unintended effects. One of the ships he sent out to round up workers happened across my island. The Dogs tried to capture the Zebra tribe there. Unfortunately for them, I was guarding the tribe.” Some of the Dogs were starting to realize what I was saying, so I continued, “I did my duty to the tribe and protected them. That meant I had to capture or kill the invaders.” Gasps and small protests sounded through the crowd, once again silenced by a piercing whistle. Good thing I wasn't in my Dog form, otherwise that would've hurt.

“Let me finish!” I shouted, “Yes, the Dogs are dead, either from the attack or on the trip to your den. I took the ship they used and eventually turned it into the one you stand upon.” Upon saying that, many of the Dogs stared at the floor and ship as if they stood upon a hot plate, about to get burned to a crisp. “I intended to attack your den in retaliation for attacking the tribe and taking the slaves, but upon seeing your own misery, I felt that fate had already taken it's toll on you. You had so much taken from you that attacking you would make me no better than those who rounded up the workers.” One by one, the Dogs began to perk up and look at me, almost in a new light.

“I've seen much worse than what you've been through.” I said, remembering the images my brother sent me every month. It was never fun looking at those pictures of the carnage of war, but I'm glad my bother sent them to me. It showed me how well off I was and how my brother was going to protect that. “I almost wish I felt worse than what you've been through.” I tried to become desensitized to those pictures but for some reason, it never worked past the gruesome physical injuries of the innocent bystanders. Every time I saw them I could almost feel the pain in my own body, forcing me to put it down and look away, but the memory stayed fresh in my mind. Luckily, I've forced myself to forget most of them.

I was breathing pretty heavy now as I spoke, “I do not regret killing them to protect the tribe and free the workers.” I said calmly, “My only regret is that I didn't know the full story. Taking care and protecting you all is my redemption for that mistake. That is why I'm going to make this company. To cast off and redeem ourselves of past mistakes.” Most everyone had their full attention on me. Some glad, others shocked and several, to my surprise, giving a cheer here and there.

“Lumen Project.” I whispered as I pulled out my butterfly knife and moved it through the air, creating a contrail of light. I created a circle as I spoke out, “We accept anyone, regardless of race so long as they don't bring harm to us.”

Next was a chevron but with one half pointing straight up, “We guard and protect the innocent and weak by any means necessary.” Some dogs and griffins started to cheer while a few ponies stamped on the deck.

I drew another chevron, but this looked like a mirror image of the first, “We finish the fights we start and complete the jobs we take unless it comes to harm the group or the innocent and weak.”

The last chevron I drew was in a normal position, sitting under the fist two and completing the image, “We will always become stronger, every second, every day. Should we be beaten, we come back twice as strong!” By this time, everyone was cheering and I had to shout, pointing my knife to the center of the symbol in the air.

“And such is our creed. WE ARE THE FREELANCERS!”

"OO-RAH!” the entire crew shouted.

Luna stepped forward and turned to me and conjured a medallion with my group's new symbol. She flipped it around to show an image of a crescent moon. “Gunhaver, do you and the Freelancers swear to protect my homeland, Equestria? Do you swear that if the time rises you come to our aid? Will you and your company help keep the peace where others cannot? Do you swear that you will not break the law, unless it cannot be avoided? Will you answer my or my sisters call in our darkest hours?”

“I so swear.” I said over the noise.

Luna ignited her horn, “From this moment on, I do commission The Freelancers and its Director, Gunhaver.” she announced as she touched the tip to the floating symbol. The symbol compressed into a ball and split into two bolts of light that shot out and up the sides of the ship.

“Your symbol is now engraved onto the side of your ship and upon thine flag.” Luna said.

'Flag? What flag?' I thought but Luna continued, “Use this symbol as a part of my authority, but only when necessary.” she said warningly, “I will find out if you abuse this privilege.”

“Of course, ma'am.” I replied, taking the medallion. I then reached into my pocket and pulled out a spare Gemcomm that I keep on me in case of emergencies. “Here, you can communicate with me personally by this. Just tap the gem and speak. Granted, it's a prototype, so you may have to put some extra power into it.”

Luna scrutinized the bejeweled band, “I see. This is quite the interesting piece of technology you have here.” she said.

I shrugged, “I try.”

“I wish you good luck to your hunt.” Luna said as she spread her wings to leave.

I gave a small salute, “Thanks, I'm going to need it.” Luna left, and I saw the crew start to disperse with a new energy. “Let's roll.” I said to myself.

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Reaper1543, Thardoc, JJMalcom and others who gave me advice/opinion/help for this chap