• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

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On the Road Again part 2 (21)

Meta’s POV

I set my stance wide as I watched my opponent and raised my fists up in front of me. Even if he was my brother, I couldn't go easy on him. He stood sideways to me to narrow his striking area. Clever, but he wouldn't get much power from his punches that way.

I struck first, swinging in a right hook to his head. He blocked and struck back with an uppercut only to hit air as I dodged to his right. I swung a kick to his side, causing him to gasp in pain. It seemed those Kidney shots Gunhaver showed us really worked. I pressed my attack, using both my hands to bash him out of the ring, but only succeeding in knocking him down.

My brother countered from his position on the mat by tripping me up with his legs. As I fell, he used that moment to get himself straightened out. He pounced on me, using his weight to pin me to the ground and proceeded to pound me with his fists. I brought my arms up to defend as Gunhaver taught us. It amazed me how much these simple tricks worked when applied correctly. If only I had known of these moves earlier, it would have saved my hide from being captured.

My brother kept raining down blows on me, not letting me get a punch in edgewise. With my arms up in defense, I could barely time his blows enough for me to strike sharply at his legs with my elbows. He howled in pain as I hit a nerve center in his thigh. I seized the moment to toss him off of me and out of the ring. I won the match.

The two of us panted heavily. “Good fight, brother.” I growled to him.

“Same to you, Meta.” he replied.

Meta. That name. What did it mean? When I asked Gunhaver, he said it meant something about “above and beyond” but also said it was the name of a warrior I reminded him of. I had more or less forgotten what my old name was, if I ever had one to begin with. The only thing I was called before was “Slave” or “Dumb Mutt”, hardly a fitting name for anyone. But now, I had a name, even if it didn't mean anything, and no one is going to take it away from me.

“Oh, Meta!” I heard a familiar voice said in a sing song way. I felt my blood run cold as I looked up to see Gunhaver staring at me with a shark like grin, a lot like the one he wore when he showed me that strange magic of his. It made it even creepier when he was in that misty form of his.

Yes?” I growled cautiously to him as I stood up. Something told me I wasn't going to like the reason why he was smiling.

“I made this for you and I want you to test it out to see if it works.” He pulled out this strange object from behind him that made me wonder how I didn't notice it before. It was a circular container with a handle above it and tube sticking out from the piece. Below the tube was an elongated piece of metal and a smaller handle, making it look like an upside down snail. But what really stood out on it, was the massive blade attached to the underbelly of it. It was wicked looking, jutting out from below and flowing up to the back side of it.

What is it?” I asked as I took the weapon in hand. It weighed a lot but it wasn't too hard to carry.

“It's called a Brute shot.” Gunhaver said proudly, “Try it out on that target over there.” He pointed to one of the sparring dummies across the room. After a few minutes of learning how to hold it and use the firing mechanism, I aimed as best I could and fired.



Click Clack.

My jaw dropped as I witnessed the event. A streak of orange flew across the room and straight into the dummy. When it made contact, the dummy exploded into a burst of flames and pieces of padding. The shock wave knocked over some of the other training dummies. Next to me, a certain creature jumped for joy.

“YES! IT WORKED! I'M A FREAKING GENIUS! YES YES YES YES!” He continued to celebrate and praise his own intelligence and masterpiece. I just stared at the weapon in my hands. How could he take such joy in creating weapons of destruction? Why was I enjoying the sensation of seeing that explosion? I don't know why, but it just felt right to hold it in my hands, like it was meant for me to use it.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Gunhaver speaking to me, “Wait here, I'll get some more ammo.” He flew out the door and down the hall. When he was gone, I turned to my brother.

I fear no Dog, but that...thing, it scares me.” I said.

“I don't even want to know what goes on in his head.” he said, agreeing with me.


Camouflage’s POV

I stared at the pieces of metal they held up in front of me. “You want me...to wear that?” I said incredulously. Flamehoof and Gunhaver stood in front of me, holding up some pieces of armor that seemed fresh out of the forge.

“Well, yeah.” Gunhaver said.

“What's the catch?” I said.

“Nothing,” he replied, “Just put on the armor and see if it fits.”

I pointed to Flamehoof, “Why don't you make him wear it?”

Gunhaver sighed, “Because we made it in your size and you're more likely to fight than he is.”

“Oh.” I had signed up to be part of the crew yesterday. I know I was missing home, but I wasn't missing what was waiting for me there. I'd rather go back to being captured by the mutts if it meant staying away from them. Besides, this place wasn't too bad. It even had a few good looking mares to hit on. I hear they like a stallion with a few scars on him.

“Fine, hoof it over.” I said. They gave me the armor and helped me into it, setting the straps on snugly. When they were done, they stared at their work and I stared as well. I know I looked good to mares, but now, I looked bucking amazing. I had a chest plate around my barrel, with holes for my wings, and guards on my flank and neck. There were a few vambraces on my legs but none of it was constricting, giving me ample range of motion. The best part was how light it felt on me. It wasn't heavy enough to keep me from flying, but it still had it's weight. 'Guess I'm gonna have to do some exercising.' I thought.

“Heh, Mares love a stallion in armor.” I joked. I turned myself around for show, strutting my stuff.

“Good, now to test it.” Wait, what? I snapped my head to see Gunhaver pull out that weird weapon he carries and put it up to his shoulder, pointing it at me. I tried to protest but his weapon flashed and cracked. I instantly felt a massive force hit my side and send me spinning into the air, almost making me hit the wall. I crumpled to the ground in shock.

“Hey, how you feeling?” Gunhaver called out to me.

I turned over and kicked my legs in the air at him, “Good enough, to BUCK YOUR MOTHER!” I yelled back. I got shot at again. I know it was a bit uncalled for, but the nurse has nice flanks. I'd inject my vial into her anytime. Bow chicka bow wow.


Rum Runner’s POV

It was a slow night tonight, well, as slow as you can get on an airship. There were ponies, griffins and dogs sitting at the tables and the bar. Some were gambling, others shared stories, and some just came to drown their sorrows out until morning. I stood at the bar, wiping down the counter and cleaning some of the mugs while some of the other cooks were serving the customers. Honey and Crunchy were on the stage playing some music, until Gunhaver came to replace or join them.

A strange one, that thing is. Then again, every thing has been strange since her release from captivity. Dragon attacks, the airship building, Gunhaver's promise, and just about everything she hears from the ponies she serves. Mentally sighing, I went back to cleaning up some of the used mugs as I listened in on some conversations.

“So what are you going to do, eh? You gonna join the crew?” one griffin said. He, a Dog, a pegasus, and a unicorn all sat at a nearby table, nursing their mugs as they talked.

“Nah, I got family back home who need to see me.” the unicorn replied before taking a swig, “I haven't seen my wife and kids in months. They'll probably want to see me again.” Several others had stories like his. I couldn't blame them for their choice. Family should always come first.

“I'll probably stay.” the Dog said, “It's a pretty good gig. Good food, warm bed, and all the fights I can get into. I couldn't ask for more.”

Next to speak was the pegasus. “I don't know. I always wanted to see the world but I don't want to die in the process.” he said nervously. He took a shaky gulp of his drink.

“That's what the training rooms are for, featherbrain.” the griffin said, “As for me, I agree with fur face here. It's a lot better than being back in Dominion where I could get captured again.”

After that, their conversation descended into who could drink the most or whatever it is that males enjoy. Most conversations about that topic went that way. Some had families, others were unsure, but it was usually the Dogs and the griffins who stayed for a new home or the fights. Personally, I didn't really care where I was, so long as there was a bar, drinks, music and plenty of gossip, I was happy.

The door opened and one of my regulars trotted up to the far end of the bar where he always sat. I fixed up his drink like he wanted it and slid it down the counter to him. “How's it going, Star Streak?” I asked. The tan pegasus barely glanced at me as he took a sip. I had to respect the guy, he could definitely hold his alcohol, considering how much he drank almost every night.

“Same as always.” he said, “Set the ship's course enough for me to take a break.”

“How much longer till we get to that Hollow place?” It had been quite a while since we had left the island we crashed on. We've reached the main land since then, but in the general direction north of Canterlot.

“I'd give it about three days, unless some dragon decides to take a peek at our ship.” he said. When we hit the main land, we immediately entered the Dragon badlands since it was the quickest way to our current destination. Strangely enough, not a single dragon bothered us. I don't know why, but I suspect that Gunhaver had something to do with it. “Now leave me be.” he said grumpily as he took another swig.

I laughed under my breath as I went to wake up the grey bum on the counter. “Storm, wake up.” I bopped unicorn on the head a few times, even knocking on her horn. She sometimes slept on the counter after a hard days work. She blinked an eye open.

“Mmmsorry.” she said blearily as she got up and stretched, a string of drool connecting her mouth to the counter top, “Just been working a lot lately. Training and working on Gun's weird projects of his. Got any coffee? Decaf, please.” I whipped up a batch and handed her a cup of it.

“So what exactly have you been doing?” I asked, trying to hide my eagerness for gossip.

“Well,” she sipped some coffee, “mostly doing combatives and training, My dad would be pissed to see me slack off and get captured like I did. Gun's definitely taken a liking to my magic, wanting me to charge up random things for him. He even asked me to zap these blocks of metal and line them up in a row.”

“What for?” I was a bit intrigued.

“Heck if I know. He also wanted me to charge up some gems along with the other unicorns. Said he was making some sort of engine for the ship.” She paused and tapped her hoof on her chin in thought, “I wonder if he'll put me in charge of that?”

“Why would he?” I asked.

She snapped back to me, “Oh, I joined the crew a while ago. Figured it was the only job I could get where my temper won't get me fired.” She barked a laugh at that. “Anyways, I can't wait to kick some flea bag butt when we get there. That'll teach them to mess with a Storm.” Still laughing to her self, she chugged the rest of the coffee and left the room. I wiped it down and put it in the sink for later.

I sighed, “I love my job.”


Gunhaver’s POV

“Interesting.” I whispered to myself as I stared. Hanging onto my claw like a piece of blue cotton candy was a strand of...well, I'm not entirely sure but I twirled it around my fingers, letting snake around and in between my digits. I glanced at the sea gull before me on it's roost. It sat there, switching it's gaze from me, to the floor, and then it went back to preening itself.

I played with the strand, creating little images in the air for my mind to see. Once my fun was done, I looked back at the bird and touched the strand back to it. The strand shot towards it like iron to a magnet, flailing wildly before it was all the way in. After it disappeared, the gull screeched and took off around the room.

“Very interesting.” I whispered again. I watched it fly a few circles around the room, tracing it's pattern. “Arania Carpe.” I said and spat out a string of silk at the bird, catching it by the feet. The gull flew around in a panic as it tried to free itself, but it was too late. I slurped up the silk like a noodle, drawing in the bird like a fish on the hook. When it was close, I bit down on it. Hard. I tried to pretend the crunching of bones was really the sound of pretzels breaking. It helped that the gull tasted like it too. Satisfied with my meal, I grabbed another gull from the cage and began to experiment on it.

The Voice just laughed all the while.

Achievement Unlocked: The More You Know... - +1 Magic