• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

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Tango Down (30)

The Banshees circled the foals ominously, sizing up their prey and maybe trying to decide how to split it up between the four of them. The foals just stood completely oblivious to the threat around them. Instead they seemed entranced by the horrible noise the Banshees made. I know that some kids have a taste for screamo, and heavy rap (neither of which I can understand how they're called “music”), but I never pegged these foals for liking the ear splitting noise. Maybe they only hear static? Either that or they're hearing something else.

“Carpe retract sonor” I whispered. It was an eavesdropping spell I made that pulled sound waves towards me like a gravity well. Unfortunately, it also drags in all the noise around and behind it no matter how much I narrow it. In other words, it would be impossible to hear a quiet conversation when the targets have a loud rock band behind them. Given what I know, it was the best I could do. I'll just have to make do with it for now.

The screeching died down until it was just ambient noise. One of the Banshees spoke up, facing the others, “Well done, sisters. For the first time in over a millennium, we can feast on the precious innocence again!” This one was a pegasus. I'm going to call her Airhead.

“Yes.” A unicorn Banshee said. She shall be Horny (pun very much intended). “I can't wait to eat!” She made to grab one of the foal but was slapped away by an Earth pony.

“You've waited this long, then you can wait a bit longer.” Earth said, “Besides, you don't get first dibs.” The two growled at each other but were silenced by the last one, a griffin.

“Both of you, shut up.” she said, smacking them both, “Now, we need to thank this nice young spawn for assisting us with our meal.” she gestured to the player, who chuckled and rubbed his tentacle arms together. Seriously, what the fuck is he? Some eldritch spawn?

“Oh don't mind me,” he said, “Just get on with your feeding. The less I see of these ponies, the better.”

The griffoness nodded, “Glad you see it that way. Now,” she turned to the foals, “Which one?” she circled around for a bit before picking up a rather chubby camomile foal. She lifted it to her face and opened her beak.


The griffoness didn't even have a chance to scream before the bullet took off her head, effectively killing her and dropping the dazed foal to the ground. “GO GO GO!!” I shouted and all of us charged out of the foliage. I raised a hand “Tri Depulso! Arania Carpe!” Three bone bolts shot out along with a spider silk net, effectively ensnaring the player before he could escape. “Emile! Dante! Grab the foals and take them back to the village!” I heard a swoosh of air as the two griffins dropped into the clearing and then leapt out again. I lined up my sights with another Banshee and fired...only to have the bullet pass straight through its head. “What the-?”

The other Banshees had all taken their hands and covered their faces like a certain terrifying statue and turned transparent. Suddenly, fog appeared and covered the ground up to our ankles. The ground trembled as several black, misshapen creatures emerged from the ground. Each one was about knee high and carried tiny toothpick swords. Alarm bells went off in my head as my brain struggled to remember why these guys were so familiar.

'Banshees. Can't be touched. Summon annoying little bastards.' I thought frantically, 'I Know these enemies. Wait a minute... they couldn't be touched as the creatures came out...OH! It's THAT Banshee! Fable 2, as fun as you were, your enemies were annoying as fuck.’

“Get rid of the ankle biters!” I cried out, “Once they're gone, we can hit the Banshees!” I switched to dual pistol form and shot at one of the creatures in front of me. Of course, now that I knew what they were, I also knew that a single bullet wouldn’t be enough, so I unloaded the entire clip on the bugger. For good measure, I grabbed it and chucked it at another of its friends that was about to sneak attack Arden. There’s no kill like the overkill. “Curl up and Die!” I shouted at the things as they twitched on the ground. I whipped around to attack another one, but I stopped. “What the-?”

The next creature was visibly no different from the others before but something was definitely off about this one. I couldn’t tell right away because the bugger leaped at me, sword flailing around. Luckily, I was still in my Base form so it passed through my body. Once again, I was glad to be a Night Shade, but I don’t think I’ll ever get used to having stuff go through me. I reached back behind me and caught the thing in midair. I whipped around and got a good look at it. “Okay, that’s not supposed to happen.” I muttered.

The creature was still ugly as hell but now it was twice as big and just as ugly. It hissed and spit at me as it swung its toothpick of a sword. “Hmm, I wonder…” I glanced behind me towards the others, “Hey Meta! Pull!” I slung the vile creature up into the air and a second later, it burst apart in an explosion. However, I wasn’t watching that. Instead I watched the nearest creature suddenly grow in size along with all the rest.

“What’s going on?!” Pierce cried out as he barely avoided another attack. He jumped out of the way for Machete’s short sword to parry and cut the creature. She followed up with a powerful buck, knocking it into a tree. “This is bucking ridiculous!” she yelled.

“The more we kill, the bigger and stronger they get.” I shouted, “We need to kill them faster! Meta and Canis, keep an eye on the Banshees. As soon as one removes their hands, hit them hard!” I took a quick look around. Arden, Dirk and Diana were currently facing off against three buggers, with each one holding their ground. Canis was holding off two at one time, making sure to use them against each other. Machete just pinned hers to a tree with her sword and started to buck it repeatedly. Meta was raining blows with his bayonet while keeping close to the surrounding Banshees for a point blank shot. Pierce ran around flinging spells every which way as he was chased by one of the things. Mirage and Camo…wait, where’d they go?

‘Now’s not the time to worry. They're probably around here somewhere.’ I thought. I jumped back into the fray, literally. The bugger chasing Pierce didn’t even see me coming as I landed on him and unloaded a clip into his skull. “Surprise!” I said gleefully. It died and the others grew. “Pierce, go back up Machete!” The stallion gave a nod and ran off to her. “Aquila. Canis, duck!” I shot off a round, knocking one of the buggers off Canis’ back.

“Thanks” he said as he quickly dispatched both his assailants on the ground. The others grew to almost full human size now. Canis looked up and ran towards me, “Give me a boost!” I quickly turned to my dog form and cupped my hands, bracing for the weight. Canis stepped and leaped over everyone’s head, twisting through the air with his knife in paw and landed on one of the Banshees, stabbing her in the chest. Her minions were dead. She materialized fully and died with a ghastly shriek, but there were still two left.

“Show off!” Diana shouted at Canis, “Come on, Dirk. Let's show these boys how to really handle the bastards.”

Dirk grinned, “Sure thing. Hey, Sis! Catch!” She sidestepped the creature in front of her and bucked it over to Machete. With barely a glance, Machete raised her hind legs and gave a powerful kick, sending the thing flying back over to Diana. “It's all yours!” she said, before stabbing her opponent again and finishing it off.

Diana lifted her spear and braced it into the ground. The still growing creature fell back down and impaled itself on the spear tip. “That’s how you do it.” She said proudly. A spear flew past her head and impaled another creature about to strike her down. She jumped back in shock and turned to the origin of the spear.

“Don’t get too cocky, Di.” Arden said, “Else I might start to think you’re my brother rather than a sister.”

“Shut up!” Diana said, slugging him in the shoulder. An explosion tore through the air and we all turned to see Meta firing shot after shot at another Banshee that materialized. One left and there was two more of the creatures left. The two of them were big and burly, their tiny swords had turned into war hammers and they brandished them menacingly.

“Alright, this is the final stretch so don’t crap out now.” I said, back in my Base form, “Meta and Canis, keep an eye on the Banshee. Make sure she doesn’t escape. Pierce, stay back and sharpen our weapons with your magic. Everyone else, just pick one and fight.”

“Fine by me.” Dirk said before gripping her dagger in her mouth and charging the one on the left. She ducked under the creature's swing and slid under its legs past it. The creature bent over to follow but was promptly knocked over by Dirk's following buck. Soon enough, Machete and Diana joined the fight, which left me, Arden and the other bugger.

“So...” I asked him, “You want to go first?” The two of us watched the creature, waiting to move.

“You're the leader, don't you get first dibs?” Arden replied.

“It's polite to ask.” Sure, because the red shirts always die first 'And that's why I'm not going to put that color in the uniforms.' Still not going to stop the grunts from dying 'Fuck off.'

“I'll pass.”

I chuckled, “Just don't chicken out and let me do all the work.” I charged the beast, taunting it, “Hey, ugly! You couldn't hit a dead turtle!” The beast snorted and came up to meet me. It raised its hammer above its head and brought it down. I tried not to flinch as it passed through my body and slammed into the ground. “You missed.” I grinned and pointed my palms at the hammer, “Arania carpe.” More webs shot out and tied the hammer to the ground. The creature tried to pull his weapon back but it was stuck fast, but it wouldn't be for long. “Your turn, Arden.”

“Right.” Arden rushed forward, using the hammer's handle to run up and kick the monster in the face, causing it to lose its grip on its weapon. Arden jumped onto the creature's shoulders and spun his spear around, slamming the blunt end into the skull, further confusing it. The creature stumbled around disoriented, with arms flailing about to regain balance, but Arden held onto his spot on top. He grabbed the creature's face and yanked it up as he drew his spear hand back. In a flash, the spear went straight down the monster's gullet, turning it into an upside down shishkabob.

“Took you long enough.” Machete said. They had their opponent pinned to the ground with their weapons and Diana had just crushed its head with the hammer. From the looks of it, they were done well before us.

“You had more people to help.” Arden replied, “Doesn’t count.” Diana started to respond but I cut her off.

“Cut the chat. We’ve got more important things to do here. Now that these guys are dead, where’s-“


“That’s better.” I turned to see a half blown apart Banshee cut in half. The fires of the explosion burnt the remains of the Banshee to dust. “Now we’re almost done here, only a few things left to take care of. Has anyone seen Mirage or Camo?”

“Haven't seen either of them since the fight started.” Dirk said, “Maybe they ran off?”

“Seems likely. Mirage doesn't seem the fighter type.” Machete concurred.

“Even so, I'm still responsible for her and all of you.” I cupped my hands and shouted, “Mirage, where are you?”

“I'm still here.” The disembodied voice of Mirage squeaked out. We all looked to the source, but only found a large rock stuck in the ground. Suddenly, the rock dissolved to show the form of Mirage standing over the unconscious foals, her horn glowing with magic.

“Clever girl.” I muttered, “But we're still missing Camo.” I tapped my gemcomm, “Camo, where are you?” Bushes rustled nearby and the form a green pegasus popped out, dragging something behind him.

“Hey guys, look- OW!” he yelped as Dirk socked him in the shoulder, “What was that for?!”

Dirk punched him again, “For bailing on us. Where were you?”

Camo shot her a glare, “I was scouting the area for any more Banshees. I didn't find anything until I came across this thing.” He stood aside to show the weird hunchback thing from earlier, all tied up and covered in bruises. It was small, about the size of a go kart and had tentacles for limbs. His body was a misshapen mass of flesh as if a sculptor just crushed his clay model halfway back into a deformed ball. The silver aura still shone around him, almost covering his mottled yellow green skin. Judging from the remnants of my webs, he broke free and tried to make a run for it.

I stepped up and crouched down to face it. “Karma's a bitch, ain't it?”

“Fuck you.” he said.

“So why did you help the Banshees?” I heard the Voice giggle in the back of my head. Twenty questions, my favorite game.

“Because I could.” he said bluntly.

“Did you know what they were doing? Why they needed the foals?”

“Yeah, what's it to you? Are you their mum or something?” he laughed mockingly, “Oh that's rich!”

I smirked, “No. Just an unofficial guardian.”

“I don't give a shit what you are. I don't even give a fuck about the damn foals!” he shouted, “What the fuck did those little dipshits ever do for me? Nothing. These Banshee bitches promised me money for helping them. What's a kid's life for a fuck ton of gold?” The Dogs growled at him, but he pretended not to notice it nor the angry glares of the ponies. I was trying to keep myself from strangling the guy's neck, if he had one.

I'd suggest snapping his neck, but anatomy dictates that he doesn't have one.

'Not going to stop me from hurting him.'

You're bound and determined to make him pay, aren't you?

'He equates the value of life to money. He doesn't know what it's like to lose a life. How priceless it is to see people alive and well. It's not like you can pay someone to make a new one.'

I beg to differ. There's hookers not on birth control Okay, I had to laugh at that.

'Touche, but my point still stands. This bastard doesn't value life as it should be.'

If you're so adamant about punishing him, I have an idea.

'Does it involve me physically hurting him? I'm not doing that.'

Far from it. In fact, it's just as you said earlier: Karma's a bitch. On that note, he retreated to the depths of my mind. I reflected on his words, turning them over as I searched for the meaning of it. As I thought it over, I barely registered the others asking to move the player or what to do. I gave enough conscious effort to hold them off as I thought. I ignored the player's taunts to me and the others, only keeping my gaze on him.

Then it hit me. 'Oh. OH!' I thought, 'But what exactly could I do? It's not as if I can be protected from the FBI or whatnot if he actually dies in his simulator. Oh wait, I'm in a game held by a bunch of psychos. There's no way this is possibly allowed by the government by any standards. If we do die, they'll probably dump our bodies somewhere or burn them. Then again, I don't have to kill him, at least not now. In fact, he might be quite useful.'

I grinned, “What's your name?”

“Why should I tell you, shitsack?” he jabbed back. I just chuckled casually.

“Well, if you're not going to tell me, then I guess I have to come up with one for you. I can't always be calling you 'You'. How about...” I stroked my nonexistent chin in thought, then gave him a manic grin, “Test subject number one.”

His shit eating grin faltered, “What do you mean?”

“Let me put this in a way you can understand.” I said, steepling my fingers, “I don't give a shit what you are. What the fuck did you ever do for me? Nothing. What's a player's life for a lot of questions, answers and experiments?” I grabbed his face and smiled, “We're going to do so much...for science. Right now, sleep. Somnus.” The player fell limp. I stood up and turned to Camo, “You said you were tracking Banshees. Any sign of them?”

He nodded, “Yeah, heard some more shrieking deeper into the forest. However, they aren't staying still. After tonight, they'll be wanting to hide and gather strength.”

“Right. Mirage, how are the foals? Can they travel?”

Mirage poked the foals, checking for injuries, “They seem alright, but they're out cold. Emile and Dante are taking their sweet time coming back.”

“Hmm.” I tried to think up a plan to return the foals and chase the Banshees at the same time, but it would be hard to do both at the same time. Wait, why can't I do both? “We'll take them with us. I have some questions to ask them and after we clear the Everfree, we'll return the foals as soon as possible.” I tapped my gemcomm, “All Freelancers, return to the ship and make for the Everfree Forest. I repeat, return to the ship and make for the Everfree Forest.”

“What about the others?” Arden asked, “Not everyone can fight like we did tonight.”

“Of course not,” I replied, “But that changes tonight.”

Author's Note:

Special Thanks to Reaper1543 and Thardoc

Also, I was surprised at how short this chap was.