• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

  • ...

The Hunt is Afoot! (29)

Gunhaver's POV

“Can it be done?” I asked.

“Well, it's certainly an...interesting request.” the mare in front of me said.

“You're avoiding the question, miss.” I said with a flat glare. My patience was starting to wear thin as I didn't want to be in this building longer than necessary. I was starting to consider taking my business elsewhere but I needed a tailor, not a retail store and I doubted I could find something in Canterlot that wasn't expensive.

The mare bit her lip and looked back at my request that she had written down. “It'll be difficult. Certainly nothing I've ever made before.”

“Who said I was letting you make it for me?” I said curtly cutting her off, “I just need a professional opinion on this design as this area of work isn't my forte. I'm building my own set of it, you can make the rest for your own personal profit.” The mare had an indignant look on her face, slightly confused as if wondering whether to be complimented or insulted. I seized the moment by leaning in closer to her, putting my fingers into a steeple. “How about this, Miss Rarity? You make the design and I can give you the credit and copyrights for you to sell the product as you wish, but I want a share of the profits, forty percent should do.” Hey if I had an idea for sale, I might as well get some money out of it. Besides, it's another stream of steady income. I should probably set up a bank account somewhere or something.

Rarity sputtered a bit, trying to regain control. “I...buh..wah...f-forty?!” she took a deep breath to compose herself, “No, I cannot allow that. I believe ten percent is better. This 'universal' design may not be a hit so I wouldn't want to inconvenience you with a product that doesn't sell.” She gave a false grin, hoping I would buy it. I didn't.

I smirked, “The only reason it wouldn't sell is if the designer does a poor job of their work and from what I see in your store, you do an excellent job.” Of course I wouldn't actually wear most of it, but I can still appreciate a job well done. “Thirty five percent.”

“How dare you!” Rarity huffed, “My fabrics and designs are so fine that even nobles from Canterlot come flocking down to buy them. Fifteen percent.”

'I'm enjoying this more than I should be.' I thought. “Really?” I asked, “I didn't seem to hear mention of your name when the ponies talked of fashion designs.” Not a total lie. I never actually left the ship much after the night in the statue gardens. “This design is made for any species, and thus a bigger market than petty nobles. Thirty percent.”

A few hairs from her purple mane sprung up, “W-w-what?” she stammered, “B-but...” I swooped in to take damage control.

“Listen, I'm only trying to help.” I said reassuringly, “If, no, when this takes off, your name will appear far more often. You might even be able to open up chain stores in other cities.” 'Damn, I could make a slip n' slide out of these words.' I thought smugly, ‘When did I get so good at this?’. The white mare bit her lip in thought and was silent for a full minute before speaking. “Twenty five percent and not a bit more.”

I smiled and nodded my head, “Of course. Pleasure doing business with you.” I said, “When can I expect it to be done?”

“Give me a few weeks. I do need to come up with more than one design.” Rarity put a hoof to her chest, “After all, one does not simply rush perfection.” My respect for this mare went up a few notches.

“I expect nothing less.” I turned to leave, “I’ll return in a few weeks if my job allows me.” I waved goodbye and left the store. I had been walking around making payments and a few orders. Small towns often had unique stores and I couldn’t pass up the chance to look around. It reminded me a bit of the times my family strolled through my hometown, always going to that ice cream store next to the playground, good times. I strolled around the town in my Dog form, but in my human form down memory lane. It was nice, seeing a peaceful village with normal day to day happenings. They didn’t know the terrors of the world outside their own home. Those that did only came here to settle down and forget about it.

After a while, I heard some yelling and turned to see a group of kids on a small hill out in the open. Looking closer I saw that it was Pearl, Astrid, Airsoft and Tails, along with some faces I didn’t recognize, all gathered around some object of interest. I saw Magnus resting in the shade of a tree near them with eyes on their every move. I had nothing much else to do so I went over and sat down next to him. “I thought you were going to play with Pearl today?” I asked casually.

Magnus gave a snort of smoke, “I was, but she wanted to bring along her friends to play. How could I say no to her with the large smile on her face?” he said not moving a muscle, “as long as she’s happy, I’m satisfied.” I nodded, accepting the answer.

“So what are they doing?” I jerked my head in the kid's direction.

Magnus gave a small grin, “They're going to try to hunt down Banshees and monsters. They've started by trying to get info out of a book. I'm supposed to be their bodyguard.” I grinned as well.

“You're not going to let them hunt, are you?”


I chuckled and fell silent, enjoying the view of the children playing together. It was peaceful to see as it reminded me of what few memories I hadn’t lost of playing with my family as a child. If I closed my eyes, I could almost see it. The playground where I would hide and my brother and sister would try to catch me, the nearby lake filled with noisy ducks, the tree with the thick branches to climb up on, and, most importantly, the worn wooden bench where my mother would sit and watch us play. My entire family was alive once more in that moment. I savored the memory like a sweet candy before I had to return it to the back of my mind.

I smiled as the nostalgia washed over me, the stress of everything just draining away in that instant. I don't know how long I sat there in my meditating silence, but eventually I broke it for a thought. “Hey Magnus, do you still hate me?”

“...What do you mean?” he responded.

“For everything that I’ve done to you, your parents, and your sister.” I said, “I won’t hold it against you if you are, but I’m surprised that you haven’t made an attempt on my life yet.”

Magnus was silent for a moment then he sighed, letting off a stream of smoke through his nostrils, “To be honest, I don’t even know.” he said, “Part of me wants to be mad and kill you, but my parents knew they were going to die before you even came. Not to mention that we both got duped by that Erebus bastard. But then again,” his voice got a bit softer, “I haven’t seen Pearl this happy before. She always wanted to see the world outside the island but our parent’s wouldn’t allow her. It was ‘too dangerous for a young dragon’. Said the same thing to me as well. Pearl never really accepted that and always tried to play outside when she could. Heck, I usually had to help her get out of trouble or burn off the tree sap that she sometimes get's covered in.”

“She really means the world to you, doesn’t she?” I glanced at Magnus. He had a faraway look in his eyes.

“She means everything.” he said, “My parents would have died eventually, by old age or another dragon. I knew they would die before me and I've accepted that. Pearl, however, still has a life to live. I want to make sure that she survives to enjoy it.” He turned his head to me, “To answer your question: I still haven’t completely forgiven you for my parents, but I’m glad that Pearl gets her wish.” He shifted his gaze back to the children.

I nodded in understanding and locked my gaze on Pearl. ‘At least he still has a sister’ I thought a bit enviously. I silently left and returned to my work, leaving the children playing on the hill.


“I can do it.” Camouflage said.

“You ain't got a snowball's chance in hell.” I replied, walking alongside him down the street. It was well past sunset and Camo and I were walking around in Ponyville's nightlife, to a casual observer that is. In reality, Styx had warned me of a faint detection of Banshees earlier, but couldn't pinpoint the direction due to some strange energy disruptions. I put the crew on high alert and set out some patrols, but made sure not to bring attention to ourselves in case the Banshees would turn away. Jun and a few other griffins and pegasi were hidden up in the clouds or watching from the ship, ready to notify those on the ground of any activity. So far, so good. Now to pass the time by messing with Camo.

“Horseapples.” Camo said, “I bet that I can pick up any mare you point out.” I gave him a sidelong glance.

“Camo, remind me again, how many times have you been rejected by Inject? Your last attempt at Canterlot was thirty two, I believe? Not to mention all the other mares on the ship.”

“Thirty one, but who's counting?” he grumbled, “Now pick!”

I raised my hands in surrender, “Alright, alright.” I began to search the crowd for the perfect candidate. I grinned and pointed at an Earth pony sitting at an outdoor table at a cafe. “Try her.” Camo swelled up in ego and confidence before marching over there. I couldn't help but count. “Three. Two. One.” SMACK I failed horribly at holding back a grin as Camo came back nursing a black eye from the mare's boyfriend (or whatever term this place has for them).

Camouflage glowered at me, “You knew...”

I looked away, “I don't know what you're talking about.” I stifled a laugh. The two of us continued on. I could have healed his eye with a quick spell, but I found after the event at Ruby Hollow when I was trying to help the wounded that healing spells drain my energy a lot more than any other spell, so I only use it for emergencies. Besides, I can just use simpler spells for healing like fire to cauterize a wound. Plus it serves as a lesson that Camouflage will probably forget in the next twenty four hours. The two of us continued walking around, making small talk and running into other patrols occasionally. As we passed by the school house I noticed something strange.

“Something wrong?” Camo asked, facing the same direction I was, peering into the moonlit night.

“Not sure.” I said, then muttered the words to turn back to my Base form as I moved silently across the grass with Camo close behind. I reached the corner of the school, dipping into the shadows, and peered around it, searching for the movement I saw. There! Some foals were trotting along and it was way past their bedtime. “Camo, check this out.” I said, pointing at the sight. My HUD flashed a notification.

New Quest:

Follow the foals


Don’t lose track of them- 70 XP

Don’t lose a single one- 150 XP

Reward- 300 XP



“Maybe some late night pranking?”

“In single file and walking like zombies?” I gave him an incredulous look. I turned back to the foals and watched them march into a rather creepy looking forest. I tapped my gemcomm, “I think we got something. Five foals moving towards the forest. Looks like they're hypnotized or something, but whatever it is, it's likely the Banshees are luring them in somehow.”

“Which one?” Storm Cloud spoke up, “There's the Everfree Forest and Whitetail Woods.”

“Which one's creepier?”


“That one. I want the three nearest patrols and two scouts up in the clouds to converge on me. Meta and Canis, I want you two here as well. Meet up in five.” Camo and I silently rushed up to the edge of the forest, following the foals hoofsteps. I turned to Camo, “You said your talent was being hidden?”

“Yes, sir.” Wow, feels weird being on the receiving end of being called 'Sir'. Not sure if I like that.

“Good, I want you to stay hidden as you try to follow those foals while the others arrive. I don't want to lose that trail.” Camo began to protest but I cut him off, “Yes, I know I said we need to stay in groups of two at the least, but right now we need to keep onto that trail. So use that talent of yours and don't get caught! Go!”

He nodded and ran straight into the bushes, his green coat perfectly blending in with the foliage and the dull shriek of the forest wind muffling his steps. I scanned the surrounding area for the incoming backup. True to their training, the others I called for came as soon as they could. They were a group of two griffins, four dogs, and four ponies. “Emile, Dante, take those clouds and follow us from above. The rest of you follow me and keep quiet.” I led the way down the path Camo did. It didn't take long to catch up to him.

“Any sign of them yet?” I asked Camouflage, but he shook his head.

“Nope, but I think we’re getting close.”

“How can you tell?”

“Listen.” He gestured a hoof around us. I strained my ears (or whatever I have for ears) to catch any sound but only heard the shrill wind passing by, which I now noticed was slowly increasing with volume as we moved forward. I told Camo that but he gave me a knowing glance, “Where’s the wind?”

I stuck a finger in the air and blinked in surprise. The wind was dead still. “Okay, what the hell?” I said, “How’s that happening?”

“Pegasi are born knowing about weather. I also used to be part of a weather patrol.” Camo explained, “We’d know if wind is blowing and if I had to take a guess, it’s the Banshee’s doing since the volume’s been going up as we’ve followed the foals.”

“Fascinating.” I murmured in awe, then turned to the others, “We’re getting closer. Meta and Dirk, take the left flank. Canis and Machete, take the right. Wait for my signal, but don't let them try anything.” They nodded and split off into pairs, still moving forward stealthily. I looked at the remaining dogs and ponies, “You four, what are your names?” I had been trying to make a habit of learning the crew’s names. It was easier with some like Dirk and her sister’s Machete and Claymore, but I saw them often in the training rooms.

One of the dogs, an amber female Shepherd spoke up first, “I am Diana.” she said then pointed to the darker amber Shepherd next to her, “This is my brother, Arden.” Both of them wielded spears crafted by Flamehoof and I. The two ponies, both unicorns, stepped forward.

“I'm Mirage.” the off yellow mare with a baby blue mane said. Her mark was a shimmering image, which probably meant that she does illusion magic.

The other was a light orange stallion with a light green mane. “I'm Pierce.” His mark was a silver arrow. My guess, he makes sharp magic or he's got a really pointy horn.

“Alright then, now that introductions are out of the way. Arden and Diana, take point and stay in front of the unicorns.” I glanced at said ponies, “No offense but I haven't seen either of you in the training rooms much. I'd rather you not get hurt more than I can help.”

“Eh, I kinda slept in a few times.” Pierce said, “I've not been one for exercise.”

“That's going to be changing very soon.” Before Ruby Hollow, the 'training' I was teaching was mostly basic stuff that any noob should know such as checking corners, watching for traps, and hit and run tactics. The natural fighters, I actually taught grappling and some punches and kicks, but that was for the off chance that we needed to go into the den itself and fight off an entire army. I wasn't planning a full scale invasion, just a big scare show, but that's in the past now. “Pierce, I assume your magic follows your name?”

“Sort of, mostly magic darts or sharpening kitchen knives. Haven't used it much beyond my job or for fun.” he said.

“Then sharpen their spears and use your darts to stun the Banshees if you can. Aim for the face or hands.” I turned to the mare, “Mirage, assuming you have illusion magic, try to make it look like there's more of us than there really is. If not, then just get creative however you can. We're going to lose them so come on.” I spun around and zipped forward through the trees, jumping from shadow to shadow with the others close behind.

We followed the foals for several more minutes in silence before they came out into an open clearing. The shrieks of the nonexistent wind were very loud now. I raised a closed fist, ordering the others to stop moving. We didn't have to wait long before the targets in their tattered robes slunk out of the trees and surrounded the foals. I murmured a soft “Aquila” to change my rifle to the sniper mode and hefted the gun to my shoulder, following the Banshees with the barrel. I noticed another figure. It was some misshapen, hunchbacked creature, like Igor from that mad scientist movie, but with tentacles for arms. I also noticed a silver aura around it. A player. I already knew what I was going to do with him.

So what I miss? An all too familiar Voice said. 'Nothing.' I thought back to keep him from digging around in my mind, 'You're just in time for the show.'

Author's Note:

Special thanks to Reaper1543 and Thardoc.