• Published 24th Jul 2012
  • 10,072 Views, 876 Comments

Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem - musicman722

Chess Game of the Gods. A gamer believes that reality is fake and thinks he's in a video game.

  • ...

Highway to Hell (24)


The cube did nothing for a moment before the lines started to slowly disappear like sand on the beach. Once they were gone, the glyphs faded away as well, leaving only the cold dull surface behind. “Is that it?” I wondered aloud. I spoke too soon, for at that moment, the cube began to morph. The surface of it rippled like water as it expanded in my hands. Bits and pieces jutted out randomly as they did before, poking into my hands. There was a greater power surge than before, arcing between the cube and my hands. It almost felt like the time I was tazered in high school by my brother after I lost a bet. I recoiled from the shock, immediately dropped the thing back on the pedestal where it belonged. The cube expanded until it was bigger than my head, like some weird sea monkey on steroids. I slowly backed away from the cube until I rejoined Flamel and Storm Cloud near the wall.

“What did you do?” Flamel asked as he watched the cube. I couldn’t answer his question, for at that moment, the cube stopped changing. I cautiously floated up and towards it to get a better view. It was definitely much larger than before but so far that seemed to be the only change to its appearance. But then, the top of the cube began to cave in like a sinkhole, starting from the center and ending at the corners. I floated closer to get a better sight of what was inside.

As I peeked over the edge, my mind frantically searched for an answer to what happened just now. Did I open a legendary treasure chest? Maybe it was the container for some beastly servant at my disposal? What the hell was inside? I peered down into the hole, more like into an abyss as I could not see the bottom of the cube. I didn’t find anything when suddenly, a geyser of strange creatures sprung out of the cube like a bat out of hell. They rocketed to the ceiling, splashing and buffeting against it like water as they followed the stone walls around the room. As they spilled out, they rejoiced in a noisy chatter.

“Freedom!” “Free at last!” “No more tight corners.” “More room!” “Let me through!”

They were a strange manner of creatures, but looked familiar. They all wore thin, ragged crimson robes that covered their bodies. Some had claws while others had hooves but they were all frail and thin as if they were starved for months with little to eat. From what I could tell, there were griffins, dogs, ponies (all types), some cat-like ones, and I think some weird pony-bug things. I think I saw a dragon or two but I couldn't be sure. I slowly made my way back to the others, trying to not draw attention to myself. Unfortunately, luck has a cruel sense of humor.

“Who are they?” “Did they release us?” “Can we feed on them?” “That one looks familiar.” “Could it be?” “I wonder....” “It's not possible!” “The Queen's Champion? Here?” “The Queen!” “Where is the Queen?” “She comes!”

I made it back to the others and as soon as I did, I reached into my satchel and pulled out a big handful of gem grenades I had designed after my little lightsaber experiment. I pressed them to Flamel along with a small box. “Take these and place them all along the tunnel. When I give the signal, detonate them and run like hell. In the mean time, get everyone out of the caves and on the ship”

Flamel grabbed everything he could into his paws. “What about you?”

I unholstered my pistol and split it into two with a quick “Gemini.” I glanced over my shoulder to them, making sure to keep an eye on what was still happening, “I'm going to have a serious diplomatic talk with them and try to convince them why they should stay here, if necessary. If I'm lucky, we can arrange a date for tea later.” I said calmly, flashing them my pistols.

Storm Cloud stared at the spectacle in wonder and fear. “That's gonna take a lotta convincing.” she said.

“Don't worry,” I said as I reloaded my guns, “I'm a smooth talker. Now if you don't mind, I would like to speak in private with our new guests.” Flamel and Storm Cloud dashed back up the tunnel. I positioned myself in front of the entrance, discouraging any of the creatures who tried to come close. Soon enough, the room was getting quite crowded (for a cavern the size of an airport, that's saying something) and it was becoming harder to keep them away from the tunnel. I even had to fire a few shots to scare them.

Suddenly, they all became flustered, screaming and wailing up a sonic storm that threatened to shake the entire cave down on top of us and annihilate my eardrums. They all backed away to the walls as far as they could from the cube on the pedestal. I couldn't tell how many there was but I knew that it was a fuckton of...whatever they were. Then, just as quickly as the noise came, it stopped. All attention was on the cube. The silence that followed rivaled the vacuum of space.

I peered at the cube, when a clawed hand like mine slowly reached up and grabbed the edge of it, finger by finger. Another appeared just like the first and then a head, followed by a body as it pulled itself out of the cube. This one was much different from the others. Instead of the standard issue crimson rags, this one had relatively nicer rags than the others. It was decked out in a pale white with gold trimming that seemed to give off a ghostly aura. It was quite beautiful, until you saw the thing's face, or lack of one that is.

Welp, there goes my boner

'…...I don't even know how to respond to that'

Shush, you don't have subtitles on so I can't understand what they're saying. Not a moment too soon, because the new arrival began to speak.

“Sisters! After many centuries, we have finally been set free from our prison!” she said with a massive cheer following it. I could tell it was a woman from the voice. The cheers died down and she continued, “It is likely that the denizens of this world have forgotten us. But now, let us go forth into this world and make them remember the terror of the Banshees!” Well that's not harmful to anyone at all. Nope. Global Warming is more deadly than that.

One of the Banshees, a Dog from the look of it, stepped forward, “But my Queen, what about your Champion?” It was a female from the sound of it.

“Don't worry, we shall release him from his prison soon enough, but first we must gather the energy to do so.”

The Dog Banshee looked confused. “Wait, if the Champion is still imprisoned...then who is that?” she said, pointing at me. All thousand demonic eyes (and lacking pair), locked onto me. I raised my hands in defense.

“Oh don't mind me, I'm just here for the free drinks. Please, by all means, carry on.” I said.

“And who might you be?” the queen said. If she had eyes, they would be boring into my skull.

I placed a hand on myself, “Moi?” I said in mock question, “I’m just the neighborhood friendly Spiderman. I also happen to be the one who opened your little cage.” Accidentally. “Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but when I release a being from their prison, don’t I get three wishes?” Okay, not the most original idea, but I had to stall somehow. The Banshees started to make a fuss. “How DARE you speak to the Queen like that!” and other such cliché drivel. Honestly, can developers make any new material? Speaking of material, where have I heard of Banshees before? I know I fought them in one of my games, but which one?

The Queen raised her hand, “SILENCE!” The screeching died almost instantly. She turned to me, “Correction, that is for genies and djinn, however, for being so kind enough to release us, I shall grant you one wish. Now, out with it, so we may be off.”

‘Why are you in a hurry? It’s not like you’re going anywhere soon.’ I thought maliciously.

Careful what you wish for, boy. You just might get it. The Voice cackled and vanished once again.

I scratched my chin with a spare finger, “Hmm, I wish…” I smirked at her, “For you to go back to the pit of Tatarus where you belong.” I aimed my pistol at her and fired. My aim was true as the bullet went straight for her head, however the Dog Banshee took action and used herself as a shield. The bullet struck home and the Banshee vanished in a burst of smoke and a shrill scream. In that split second before all hell broke loose literally, one thought went through my head.

'Missed it by that much.' Then it was, 'Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit!' as I retreated back up the tunnel, shooting at any banshee behind me.

Optional Quest added: Escape Ruby Hollow in thirteen minutes- +5 speed

“Accelero.” I sped up, dashing up the tunnel while shooting blindly behind me. Once I reached a bend, I took cover behind the rock wall as I fired pot shots at my followers. I knew this was serious but I couldn’t help but try to make light of my situation. Last thing I needed was to panic and get myself killed.

My Name is Cuban Pete,

I’m the king of the Rumba beat.

When I shake my maracas, they go

chick-chicky-boom, chick-chicky-boom.

Unfortunately, the Banshees weren’t as fond of my singing as they tended to vanish when I shook my ‘Maracas’. “Oh come on, I don’t sing that bad.” I said as I abandoned my position for higher ground. At different points, I switched between my pistols to my rifle and sometimes to my shotgun. All the while, I just kept taunting the Banshees trying to attack me.

“You hungry? ‘Cause I’m gonna pump your guts full of lead! Don't follow me! Think fast, chucklenuts! Now I know what those teen pop stars feel like. Peekaboo, bitch! Piss off, ya bloody wankers! Bet you can’t outsmart a bullet! WHAT YOU GOT BITCHES? WHAT YOU GOT?!” I cackled maniacally as I retreated, shot and repeat. It was almost too easy as these Banshees went down on the first shot. I even pistol whipped one in the face and she went down in a blur of mist and robes. Another one turned the corner. “Oh, Hi there!” I said sadistically before firing a shot into its chest. The Banshee recoiled in pain…but it didn’t die.

I paused. ‘What?’ I thought, ‘It should’ve died from that!’ It charged me again, breaking me from my shock. I fired another shot and this time, the banshee died from the attack. “If they’re getting stronger,” I thought aloud, “then it’s time for me to get the hell out of Dodge.” I turned, facing up the tunnel, “Accelero!” I rocketed up the cave system passing the marks in the walls I made earlier. I tapped my Gemcomm, “Flamel! Get ready to bring the place down! I’m almost at the entrance!”

I could barely hear Flamel’s reply, “We’re not ready yet. Too many survivors and crew in the caves still. We need more time!”

“I don’t care if you have to drag them out by your teeth! GET THEM OUT! Double time! I got a lot of hostiles on my tail and they’re NOT happy. Also, tell Magnus to get his scaly ass down here. I need reinforcements!”

“Understood. Over.” The gem clicked off and I stopped at a small cross road about a fourth of the distance from the entrance. Checking my HUD, I still had five minutes left and my Rifle ammo count was nearly depleted. I probably only had four full clips left before I would be forced to use just my pistol. Looking around, I started to make plans for an ambush.

I lifted myself up and placed a hand on the ceiling, “Terra Armus.” The rock rippled and a multitude of crude stone weapons dropped down like wax dripping off a candle. I left the hilts just barely in the stone and attached silk strings around the room so if the banshees came through, they’ll bring down the weapons on top of them. I heard a faint screeching down the tunnel. They were almost here. I pictured one of the walls in my mind, “Project Memoria.” Instantly an image of the wall appeared over the tunnel entrance that led up to the surface. I touched it and the image rippled slightly but held. I sunk into the shadows of the floor, went under the image and popped up on the other side. Now I had to wait. The screeching was becoming louder now.

Soon enough, the first Banshee, a Dog, came through. To my dismay she didn’t trigger any of the traps as she phased through the silk. I silently facepalmed for not taking that fact into consideration. Luckily, there were still plenty of shadows around so I sneaked back past my image to gather some of the silk triggers. As I did so, my image seemed to work, because the Banshee was utterly confused.

“What? Where is the exit? There should be an exit in these caves. Foolish Dogs. Letting a cave collapse. If I had enough power I could escape easily.” That didn’t sound good. I would've liked to know more about my enemy but alas, it was time to part ways. I yanked a cord and a stone mace dropped down, crushing both the Banshee and itself from the force. The Banshee dispersed in a poof of mist while the mace became floor scenery.

Achievement Unlocked: Bringing Down the House – gain 100 XP

I stared at the pile in contemplation. ‘If they had enough power?’ I thought as I grabbed another string, 'I suppose that means that this isn't their final form then. Hell, if I want to know what that is.' Some more Banshees filed into the room only to meet the same demise.

Achievement Unlocked: No One Listens to OHSA Regulations – gain 300 XP

I couldn't help but grin at that last achievement. But that grin soon faded when I saw that I didn't have much time left for the optional quest. In fact, I don't think I could make it unless I used Accelero. 'FUUUUUUUUU.....okay, calm down. I'm sure the game will let me get out and still beat these banshees, but for now, I need to stall while everyone gets out.'

Suddenly, I heard the sound of scraping rock. I whipped around, pistol at the ready. I barely managed to keep myself from shooting Magnus in the face. However, I was a bit displeased that he broke my illusion spell when he walked through it.

“What's with this place?” He said, looking at my silk strands attached to their traps, “Hello? Anybody here?” I sighed in relief and brought myself out of the shadows. Needless to say, Magnus flinched at my sudden appearance. After the initial shock, he kept a wary eye on me, “So I hear I'm needed for something?” he muttered something else but I couldn't catch it nor could I care much about it at the moment.

“Long story short, I opened Hell and I need you to torch shit. So just stand here and burn everything that comes out of that hole.” I said, pointing to the tunnel the banshees exited from. Magnus grunted and positioned himself in front of it, taking deep breaths and spewing out a few test flames. The screeching became louder. “Here they come!” They rounded the corner, and ironic as it was I had to yell, “FIRE!” and, hot damn, did those suckers burn!

As Magnus put the heat on the Banshees, I tapped my Gemcomm, “Storm Cloud, give me a sitrep.”

“We almost have everyone out. The Pegasi and Griffins are doing all they can but getting them on the ship is slow going.” she replied.

“Just get everyone out of the caves and away from the entrance. Once Magnus and I are out, have Flamel detonate the charges. Over and out.” I said, tapping the gem again. Glancing at my HUD, I could give them about a minute before I had to book it out of here to make the deadline on time. I decided to pass the time by taking potshots at any Banshees I could, though it wasn't many. When it seemed enough time had passed, I tapped the Gemcomm again, “Storm Cloud, is everyone out?”

“Just got the last ones.” she said.

“Good, we're coming up.” I grabbed Magnus' shoulder, “Come on, let's make like a tree and get out of here. Use Accelero to speed up.” Magnus nodded and gave off one more burst of flame before following me up the cave. “Accelero!” the two of us shouted and we rocketed back up the tunnel. We followed the twists and turns until we hit the main cave. Remembering that I was still in Base form, I quickly turned to my Dog form.

'Almost there.' I thought as we ran through the entrance tunnel. Light began to show from outside and suddenly, the wall of the cave changed to open air. “HIT THE DECK!” I yelled as Magnus and I ran from the entrance. We dove and hit the ground just as a series of explosions rattled the air and shook the ground. I gotta say, I make some nice bombs. Once it was over, I coughed out some dust that flew into my mouth as it settled, “Sound off! Who's not dead?” I yelled, still hacking the dust out. My reply was a bunch of groans and moans. I looked around to see a lot of Diamond Dogs laying on the ground. I whistled in amazement, 'That's a lot more than ten.'

Quest Complete:

Gained-3000 XP

Max Combat Multiplier- 40

1/3 bonus challenges complete

0/10 survivors found

Explore entire cave system-X

Escape den in fifteen minutes- gain +5 speed

Achievement Unlocked: Hellraiser – gained +5 Magic

Achievement Unlocked: Journey to the Center of the Earth - 300 XP

Achievement Unlocked: Mistaken Identity - +5 Stealth

Achievement Unlocked: Quick Draw McGraw - +5 Marksmanship

Total XP earned- 7350 XP

You are now at Level 30

New weapon mode unlocked- Sniper – activation word “Aquila”

New Perk unlocked: Prodigy- 15% bonus XP after quest if all challenges are met.

My eye twitched. 'You. Have. Got. To. Be. FUCKING. KIDDING. ME!' I sighed, 'Damn developers and their words. Figures that I would have to find them myself. Well, at least I was able to finish the quest. Those Banshees aren't going anywhere anytime soon.' At that moment, the Universe took a dump on me as the ground shook again. I looked back to the den to see the side of the mountain implode. I blinked in shock as holes opened up and Banshees began to pour out like a broken faucet, screaming like...well, Banshees. I swore that if I ever got out of this game, I'm going to go mass murder every developer that worked on my part of the world. “FALL BACK! Protect the Survivors!” I yelled as I whipped out my rifle and began firing.

Screams and shouts filled the air as we scrambled back to the ship. Some ponies threw some ropes over the rail and Dogs soon scurried up them like large rats. “Flamehoof, I need you to target the spots with the most hostiles.” I said into the Gemcomm. A moment after I spoke, several blasts rang out from the ship as the cannons I had salvaged fired their volley at the mountain. Sure, they weren't the heavy stuff, but it was something until I could make upgrades. Explosions peppered the mountain side and more Banshees died, but it wasn't near enough to stem the tide.

I heard some high pitched screaming to my right and I looked to see several Banshees heading for a small group of pups, but that wasn't the strange part. What was bizarre was the Banshees were plowing over full grown adults and even themselves to get to them. The only thing standing between them and their goal was family members using themselves as shields.

Suddenly, time seemed to slow down to a crawl. Pegasi and Griffins hung suspended in mid-flight, Dogs and ponies stood stock still as if frozen in ice. Then the Voice appeared in front of me. I frowned. Was it me or did he seem to be slightly taller than before? Well, isn't this a touching sight? he said gesturing to the pups, A parent protecting their child from an inevitable demise. Too bad that they won't survive. he giggled. I tried to speak out but I couldn't say a word. It was as if my throat was clogged up. The Voice continued, wearing the same mocking grin Erebus had, The best part is that it's all your fault. Just like when you were a child and witnessed your family's death. You always manage to get someone hurt from your actions or lack thereof.

I growled and I was able to find my voice, “You're the one who convinced me to open that thing! This is your fault!” The Voice tutted and walked towards me.

When did I ever tell you to open the cube? I only said that it might lead you to Erebus. He poked me in the chest, It was your decision and yours alone. You could have disregarded my words but instead you chose to follow them for your own selfish gain. I keep to my word when you asked that I won't coerce you into anything unless you agreed. Now you must pay the price and watch this family be torn apart just like yours was. he grinned, Unless you want to prove me wrong. Prove to me that you can take responsibility for your actions and defend them from the same injustice you suffered through. The only question is: are you strong enough to do whatever it takes? he giggled one more time before vanishing again. Time sped back up from the crawl to normal speed.

I raced forward. “Trans Form Dragon!” My body shifted as it took on its new shape. I felt the power course through me as I reached the pups and snatched them and the parents out of the way before the Banshees caught them. “Yoink!” I snapped open my wings and pumped them upwards towards the ship. As I flew by, I tossed them all on board and dropped down to the battle field in search of more pups. “Thank you for flying Dragon Airlines.” I turned back to the carnage and scanned the area for my next target.

“What's this?” I found a Banshee chasing a crying pup on the outskirts of the group like a wolf singling out its prey. “Yeah, I don't think so.” I folded my wings in and dropped onto the enemy, crushing her under my weight. I grabbed the pup and raced for others I saw. As I flew, I noticed that most of the Banshees oddly ran away to the nearby hills instead of participating. Those that were fighting were being disposed of as my armed crew drove them away from the survivors, though not without trouble. ‘Hmm that’s strange. Why won’t they attack us when they clearly outnumber us?’

I stopped that train of thought as I noticed my health bar quickly dropping. I returned to my task at hand, swiftly grabbing as many pups as I could and throw them onto the ship. After a few strafing runs, I managed to get them all on board. With the pups out of the way, the Banshees seemed less inclined to fight and began to retreat.

I smirked, “You’re not getting off the hook that easily. Trans Form Base. Aquila.” My rifle began to change, elongating itself and expanding until it became a Halo Sniper Rifle, complete with a full clip and twenty extra bullets. I had to save my excitement for later. Steadying the rifle against the ship’s rail, I picked out targets and started raining down fire on the escaping Banshees. “Boom. Headshot. Run, run, as fast as you can. I’m still gonna kill you.” Once I depleted my stock of ammo for that version, my gun changed back to Rifle mode. With the range limited, I turned my fire down upon the Banshees attacking my crew and the survivors and started to deplete this ammo count as well.

Soon enough, the Banshees had either dispersed or died and we pulled everyone on board. It was quiet except for the sound of panting and groans of pain. From the casualty report Check Mark gave me, we had no deaths thankfully but many bruises, broken bones and concussions. “Is that...everyone?” I panted out, tired from the massive exertion catching up to me as adrenaline wore off.

“Seems so.” someone said.

“Good. Star Streak, set a course for Canterlot immediately. Storm Cloud, I want you to fire up the new engines. Everyone else, go about your duties and get some rest.” I commanded.

Storm Cloud came up to me, “Are you sure you want to turn them on?” she said nervously, “I worked on that thing with you and I'm not sure if it's ready.”

I smirked at her, “Consider this the test drive. Now get down there and light those engines up. It's time for Prometheus to shine.” Storm Cloud nodded and scurried below decks. I sat down next to the rail, holding my pistol lazily in my hand. “Damn it. What did I get myself into this time?”

Yes, it seems to be quite the predicament.

I blinked. 'Did my gun just talk?!'