• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,943 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 15 - Scootaloo's Coercion

A lot of ponies, stallions and mares alike, would say that a young filly stealing a train ride on the Friendship Express was the most ironic thing they had ever seen. Funny thing is, they DIDN'T see it. Once the Friendship Express stopped at the station in Manehattan, Scootaloo poked her head out of one of the train cars. Making sure no one would see her dart around and make a quick sprint away from the car. She darted through multiple ponies' legs and jumped out of the station, making her way towards the city.

She decided to make this trip alone today. Since it was Sunday, they would have a Cutie Mark Crusaders' meeting. But Scootaloo decided to skip it for today. She needed to know if her theory is correct. It had to be true. Rainbow couldn't be entirely dead. She couldn't be.

The flightless pegasus was running along the crowded sidewalks overlooked by the tall skyscrapers and ducking around other ponies, heading for the giant mansion that had to be her idol's. It would make a lot of since. If Rainbow Dash was hiding, she'd at least live lavishly. That's basic "Rainbow" for ya'. She likes to live large.

After a few more minutes of running, she spotted a large white three story mansion centered on a very large piece of land that had to have cost millions of bits. That much was obvious. Bits that she wished she could have. There was a large gate at the entrance that was connected by a stone wall that surrounded the whole property. Obviously to keep out snoopers trying to walk onto her land. It seemed to also serve as a tourist attraction, based on all the ponies outside of it who were taking pictures, pointing at the gate, and the design on it that had a "PS" on the front of both of them.

"This is going to be harder than I thought," Scootaloo muttered as she slowed down to a trot, looking at all the ponies saying things about the property, unaware that she was being watched by the painter from her balcony window.

Pencil Sketch was looking at the orange filly from the second floor balcony, unseen and unheard. She was working on a painting when she decided to go and see if she was out there by going to the second floor and blending into her castle walls by her light gray coat. She was there, alright. And it looks like she was trying to figure out how to get inside. Pencil smirked and chuckled. Classic Scootaloo. Always getting into trouble to get what she wants. Might as well give her a chance.

The filly pushed her way past the tourists taking photos, videos, and whatnots by crawling under their legs and popping out at the front of the gate. She stared in awe at the decoration of the front yard. It was cleanly cut, had two decorative water fountains, and large doors at the front of the building with the letters "PS" on them in very fancy typography. There were also scores of flowers lining the windows, which were wide open.

"This is amazing," she muttered. The tourists were getting thicker, all trying to get that good shot with the celebrity who had made her rise to fame by just painting an image of Princess Celestia and admitting it to a Museum. "How in the—"

A creak on the other side of the fence caught all the ponies' attention as a gray mare with a very long mane walked out, heading towards the fence. A very familiar one.

"It's Pencil Sketch!"

"Oh my Celestia, it's really her!"

"She just randomly walked out of the house!"

They all started speaking at once and taking photos as she walked closer to the fence, stopping a few feet away from it and staring at the little orange pegasus who was just gawking at her. The painter chuckled and waved to all the other ponies there, who returned the gesture.

"So," she said, settling down on the other side of the fence, staring at Scootaloo. She met her gaze, still maintaining that look of disbelief. "You decided to catch a train to see me?"

"Uh.....Uh....y-yes," she said, trying to figure out how she knew that. The two had caught the attention of the other ponies as they had a little conversation.

"That's sweet, kid." She looked around, putting her hoof to her chin and pretending to think. Once she made up her mind, she stood up and walked to the middle of the gate, unlocked it and pulled it open slightly. "Come in."

The little filly gasped and slowly walked towards the crack in security. The ponies who were watching and taking pictures stepped to the side to allow her room to get in, walk through the barrier and into wonderland. Once she was in, Pencil closed the gate back and faced the ponies outside. "Do not let the discrimination from other ponies define who you are. You are smart, and you are beautiful."

She turned around and walked towards the mansion with Scootaloo right behind her. The filly was trying her hardest to look at everything at once. Which only became worse when she got inside. "Whooooooa!" She cried with a jump, looking at all the decorations. There was even a huge photo over the grand staircase in front of her. "This is so AWESOME!"

"Glad you like it," Pencil commented walking past and to the kitchen. "Are you hungry? Stealing that train for three hours, I bet you are. Come." Scootaloo followed Pencil Sketch into the kitchen on the right, a little ways from them in the east wing past the open windows.

She gawked again at all the expensive items in there. All of this had to be over one billion bits! "Any allergies?" Pencil asked, turning to her. Scootaloo shook her head before Pencil rummaged through the fridge, pulling out some leftover omelettes she instantly reheated with her magic unseen.

"How did you know I was coming?" Scootaloo asked, struggling to get into one of the chairs until an unknown force helped her up. She looked behind her to see what had helped her, but became confused when she saw nothing but the marble floor.

"I can sense when things are coming my way," she replied, setting the fancy egg creation in front of her. She immediately dug in while Pencil smirked at her. "As well as the intentions." Scootaloo stopped the eggs a millimeter away from her mouth and glanced up at her. "You wanted to ask questions," Pencil continued before taking a bite out of the omelettes, humming in satisfaction at the taste dancing along her tongues. "That. Is. Good. Now...ask away."

Scootaloo speared the food into her mouth and moaned in pleasure of the taste washing over her taste buds. Pencil smiled casually. Buff could really cook. "Well....I remember seeing you in Ponyville after you did the exhibition as the Mystery Mare. And you also did a Gray Boom."

"Yes, I did."

"Well....I was looking through a magazine and saw an article for your first exhibition here. In Manehattan. There was a close up of you...wearing a necklace that looked just like a Cutie Mark of somepony I knew that went missing."

"Uh huh." The painter grabbed another fork of eggs, eating while she talked.

"And then I looked at her face because you also had the grin as her when she's boasting." Pencil stopped eating, sighed, and closed her eyes. Scootaloo didn't see her, too busy looking down at her shuffling hooves, obviously nervous. She had to admit. This kid was brave. "And the same boasting eyes. So I was wondering...."

"If I'm her," Pencil assumed. She looked back up at Scootaloo who was nodding her head, trying to avoid her gaze.

"Yes. I mean.....I don't know, it just seems likely. They say that the pony is...gone, but I don't think so. So...."

Pencil sighed, and closed her eyes again to see Rainbow Dash, who was laying down and looking at the scene. She wasn't angry but....she looked proud. "You know the squirt is pretty good," Pencil told her, looking through her eyes at the nervous, and sweating, filly. "Should I...."

Rainbow didn't move. Just watching for a few seconds before she sighed and nodded. "I actually...forgot about her. While I was so upset....I forgot about Scootaloo....and two more. Tell her....and them. You know who I'm talking about."

Pencil Sketch opened her eyes in the waking world, watching Scootaloo who was still shyly shuffling her hooves. "You got a keen eye, squirt." The filly stopped her shuffling, gasped, and looked up. There was only one pony who called her squirt! "Keep that up and you might actually become a Wonderbolt." Pencil jumped out of her seat and made her way over to the other pony, pulling her into a hug. "I missed you too, Scoots."

"Rai....Rainbow?" She asked timidly into her chest. Pencil pulled her out of the seat and set her on the floor in front of her. Scootaloo looked up at her with tears in her eyes. "Is it...is it really you?"

"Yes...and no." Scootaloo took on the most intense face of confusion before she explained. "The magic and essence that is Rainbow Dash is currently resting. And I took her place to carry out her orders as Pencil Sketch."

"So....Rainbow is dead." Scootaloo started to tear up before Pencil sighed.

"No, Scootaloo. Rainbow Dash isn't dead. She is just sleeping. Resting, regenerating, taking it easy until she's ready to come back."

"So she'll be back?! She's not gone?!" She asked excitedly.

"Yes, she'll be back." Scootaloo jumped up and latched herself onto the Painter's chest, hugging tightly and surprising Pencil. She responded by patting the filly's head until she let go and stepped back.

"But...what happened in the first place?" She asked. Pencil used her magic and tossed Scootaloo on her back before making her way back to the front door. "Why did she...you...whoever leave?! I was so sad when Celestia said you were gone! SHE was gone! I DON'T GET THIS"

Pencil chuckled and opened the door, nearly bumping into her bodyguard who was just about to knock. "Uhh....hey, Pencil," he greeted, looking oddly at the filly on her back."Who's your friend?"

Pencil chuckled and closed the door behind her before responding. "Hey, Buff. You're just in time. We're going flying. This is Scootaloo, from my hometown. She was my pupil."

"Oh...alright. I'm already wearing my armor so..." He banged on his helmet twice. "I had a feeling you wanted to go out."

"Well, let's go then." Buff flapped his wings and hovered before she took off away with Scootaloo squealing from her back. Buff caught up to them a few seconds later as they left Manehattan. Once they were far out enough, she started to explain what happened.

"The reason I left, Scootaloo," Pencil said once she slowed down. "Is because I was lied to. And made fun of by the ponies who called themselves my friends."

"What?" Scootaloo asked in disbelief. "Applejack, Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy all lied to and made fun of you? And you left because of that? That's not awesome."

"Not only just that." They flew over Canterlot, letting her get a good view from the air. "When Rainbow was your age, just a filly and she got her Cutie Mark, she was excited. Beyond excited. Thrilled! Being the fastest pony in Equestria had it's perks you know. But with it...came jealousy from other ponies. Or in this case, foals." The three passed in front of Canterlot castle, missing Celestia who was watching them from the balcony. She squinted and hummed to herself before going back into the castle. "They were quiet at the time in comparison," Pencil continued. "Making snide jokes. Name calling. And then Rainbow discovered her amazing skill in painting, which made the bullies even more jealous. So things became a little more...physical. Shoved, punched, teased, bathroom pranks, and more. You name it, Rainbow's been through it. What Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon put you and the others through is cake compared to this."

"What? She didn't do a thing to these ponies!" Scootaloo cried from her back, clearly upset.

"You are right, she did not. Anyway, this went on the whole time in flight camp. And Rainbow was breaking. She was putting up a strong front...but that can only last but so long. So she made an effort to redeem herself. She created me."

"Rainbow created a pony?!"

"No, a legit alter ego with her own personality, but a mirror of her original self. She created and tasked me with getting rid of the bullies. After that, those same bullies nearly wet themselves every time they saw her." Scootaloo let out an amused laugh before she continued. "But sadly, the damage had been done. You throw a rock at a mirror, the glass will crack. In this case, Rainbow was the glass, and the rocks were all the bullying. You can get rid of the rocks, but not the cracks.

"Well, months after that, Rainbow hit a new grade, met Fluttershy, and things were starting to go up. The glass was slowly rebuilding itself. Until three more bullies arrived. This time, Rainbow left Flight camp immediately after the first altercation with Fluttershy. All because her paintings were becoming even better. Fluttershy didn't know anything about the painting. The glass was breaking vibrating. But she didn't want to shatter."

The group lowered their elevation, landing outside of the wreckage of the Cloudominium. She gestured to the town that they were on the outside of. "She arrived here in Ponyville, trying to fulfill her dream of becoming a Wonderbolt while secretly painting on the side. And eventually, meeting the rest of the elements. She thought they were friends. The ponies she could turn to when things got tough. Sadly, that was not the case. The cracks in the glass were not fixed. And THEY shattered it."

"How?!" Scootaloo asked, settling down in front of her. Buff behind her was interested in this as well. So he decided to sit down with Scootaloo and listen to the painter tell the story.

"One day, Twilight was working on some experiment to give everypony unicorn magic. Intense unicorn magic. But it had to be done correctly or it would wipe out a pony's magic for a week. Rainbow didn't know about this, so she obviously didn't participate. And there was a reason she didn't know. They didn't want her there. Around this time, the other elements were becoming rude to her. Doing things they wouldn't normally do. Lashing out at her, pushing her away, attacking her. But she stayed strong.

"Then came the day of the experiment. Rainbow became upset and wanted to ask why they were treating her like that. So she went to the Golden Oaks Library to ask. It was during a rain storm that she set up for Ponyville. The lights in the library were off, the blinds were closed, and it was far too quiet. So Rainbow thought they were in trouble and rushed in, intent to assist only to discover Twilight was in the midst of the spell. And it broke her concentration.

"The spell backfired and they all, except Rainbow who immediately took cover, lost their magic that week. They were upset. Furious. And they lashed out at her. Applejack herself got really upset, wanting Rainbow to explain why she walked through the door and interrupted the spell. Rainbow said she wanted to know why they've been treating her the way they have for the last few weeks. Twilight didn't even care. And neither did the others. They lashed out at her, angry, and asked why was she even around. She said she was the Element of Loyalty and one of their friends. And Twilight said.....she was no friend of hers."

"No," Scootaloo whispered, standing up and looking at her in disbelief. "No, they would never say that. They wouldn't do that to you."

Pencil sighed and sat down in front of her, giving her a sad look. "Ask them yourself. And the others agreed. Twilight told her to get out and that they never wanted to see her again. She pleaded with them, trying to figure out what she did that had them so upset. Instead.....Applejack said, and I quote, 'Just get out....Rainbow Crash.'"

Scootaloo gasped and looked back at Ponyville in horror. They would never do that to her. Twilight was the Element of Magic. Which was the Magic of Friendship! They symbolized friendship! They would never do that!....right?

"After that," she continued standing up and walking forward towards Ponyville with Buff behind her and Scootaloo beside her. "She shattered. The glass was completely broken and would not be put back together. There would just have to put in a a new slab. She and I switched out, leaving me to take over and control things until she could get better and can once more trust ponies again enough to have them be her friends. The only one so far that she has...is Buff here." She motioned to the big stallion following behind her who was listening to her story with saddened eyes. He had never heard her reason before. And this was a very good one. "Once we switched out, we left and moved to Manehattan without any notice."

"You went missing...." Scootaloo whispered as they stopped.

"Right. We were already pretty wealthy. That mansion wasn't a mansion before. It was only a regular house that I had remodeled and expanded into a large house with wings. Then I created my first masterpiece that Rainbow was working on painting for years, but always being pushed down because of her skill. So I did it for her. And it sold for ten million bits." Scootaloo stopped and stared at her in disbelief, her jaw on the ground. Buff was no better. Pencil stopped and turned around, chuckling at their expressions. "That painting was a very exquisite and detailed artwork. And it has gotten me to where I am today. After that, I created more, and more, and more. Eventually going to my first exhibit that caught me my international fame. And made me even more bits. I then started a discreet self-image campaign. Where I tell ponies who fit the mark that a cutie mark is only a predetermined fate that we are all locked in. But could expand away from. Like I did. My Cutie Mark was for flying fast and creating a Sonic Rainboom. But my real calling was doing my passion. Painting. Flying was a pastime. Painting was my life.

"After that, I decided to erase everything I could about myself. Or Rainbow Dash per her request. I came in and destroyed the Cloudominium, where Twilight discovered me and chose to fight me. She lost. I then returned and retrieved some documents where she tried to fight me again...and lost. She asked what did I do with Rainbow. And I told her that Rainbow was dead....thanks to her and the other Elements. Thus began the rumor and false reality that Rainbow Dash had died."

"Which meant that everyone was leaving you alone successfully," Scootaloo finished, looking back towards the supposedly friendly town, angry. "And...it was all because of those ponies who called themselves your friends and ran you away!"

"Yes. They eventually found out I was alive and tried to force me back to Ponyville. But I refused and literally kicked them out of my mansion after they arrived unannounced. With devious intentions might I add."

"Well...as much as I am upset with them, which I will express later..." Scootaloo turned back around with sadness in her eyes. "There are still a lot of ponies who miss you, Rainbow Dash. The weather team, my friends, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, heck even Spitfire who I saw was actually crying when she paid her respects to your memorial. Not to mention......your parents and myself."

Pencil sighed and looked up at Cloudsdale in the distance, nostalgia plaguing her mind. She could see them right now. Holding one of the toys in her room and Wonderbolt posters that were left in them close to their hearts as they let out the waterworks.

"Rainbow." She directed her attention back down to the sad filled face of the filly in front of her. "At least let your parents know you're alright and tell them why you ran away. They are all really sad. They came to your memorial on your birthday and your mother just wouldn't stop crying." The Rainbow Dash in Pencil Sketch stirred and sat up, her eyes red with tears and emotion from her shattered heart. Scootaloo was being sincere. This was no joke, she could feel the truth in her words. "At least let them know you're alright and that you're alive. So they can stop crying and have hope again. They are really sad, Rainbow Dash. Pencil Sketch."

Rainbow Dash sighed while Pencil waited for a response, directing her attention back to the cloud city. Coming up with her decision, she weakly stood up, still angry. "She's right," she said in Pencil's mind. "I...I can't leave my parents suffering. There are still some ponies, like Scoots said, that actually do care about me. I can at least tell them I'm okay. The others I don't care about. They don't deserve me. But Scootaloo has to come with me."

"Alright, Scootaloo," Pencil sighed, nodding to her. "Rainbow said that she'll go and tell them she's okay. And will reappear for an hour or two."

"Pinkie Promise?"

"No Pinkie promises, that pony's not my friend," Pencil said, ruffling the filly's magenta mane. "But I will make a regular promise that you can trust. And you're coming with me." Before Scootaloo could protest, she picked her up in her magic and placed her on her back, turned towards the cloud city, and shot out, with Buff following right behind her.

They flew in silence towards the cloud city, with Rainbow in Pencil's mind trying to figure out what to say. She was going to look like a hot mess when she reappeared. Her eyes were red, her mane disheveled, and had bags under her eyes from restless sleep. Just because she moved her spirit and essence into a different state doesn't mean everything else in her was paused. She was apparently very weak too. Having barely moved her legs during the whole time she was in her own prison. Three months. Shielded away from the rest of society and the mean ponies who continued to come to her and try to bring her back. Thankfully, Pencil Sketch has managed to keep them back. She could be really persuasive in her own special way. Which usually meant yelling, threatening, and a bunch of other stuff.

Before they knew it, they landed on the outside of the cloud city of Cloudsdale. It seemed like a busy Saturday, because Pegasi were flying in and out of buildings and doing whatever the heck they had to. Scootaloo jumped off her back and walked forward, motioning for Pencil sketch to follow along after her. Buff and her shared and expression before doing just that. "Are you sure about this?" He asked her. "I understand why, but....I want you to be comfortable while doing it. Not forced."

"Rainbow is afraid, but she also understands that there are those who do care for her," Pencil whispered back. "So she decided to ease their pain and frustration. The glass mirror is slowly piecing itself back together again. It will only be a matter of time." After that, the conversation died, walking right into town and the heart of it all. The pegasi flying around, stopped and waved, said hello, and even, for some odd reason, bowed to her. "Uhh....hi," she said, quickly continuing the trek towards the house a little ways beside the Cloudiseum. That was so weird. Eventually, her childhood home was in sight, where there were two Wonderbolts keeping guard? Why were they there?

"Any idea, Scoots?" She asked, looking down at the filly in front of her. She merely shrugged as they continued, coming to a stop once reaching the door.

"M-Madam Sketch!" One of them said, smiling gleefully. Pencil took a long look at her, recognizing that voice. Fleetfoot. "It's an honor to see you again!" The other Wonderbolt had the same exact expression on his face.

"And it is inspiring to see two Wonderbolts stationed outside an Equestrian resident's home, providing protection," she greeted, giving them a warm smile. "It gives me an idea for a new painting."

"Wait, just like that?" The other asked, who Pencil immediately recognized as Soarin.

"Inspiration comes from anywhere," she replied, looking down at the filly who just knocked on the door. "Even in the most smallest packages."

Hoofsteps caught her attention from the inspiring moment when the door opened revealing a less than average Windy Whistles. Now Rainbow could see what Scootaloo meant when she said they were hopeless. It looked like she just gave up on life. She didn't want to know what her father looked like. But she had made a promise. Windy's mane was a mess. And it looked like she didn't take a bath in days. Maybe weeks.

"Oh....Hey, Scootaloo," she replied blandly. She didn't even ask how she got up there. "How did you get up here?" Oh...there it is.

"Pencil Sketch flew me up here," she replied happily, motioning towards the pony behind her. Windy looked up and gasped lightly.

"Oh....H-Hello again, Ms. Sketch," she greeted, opening the door wider. "Do come in. Sorry for the mess."

"Thank you." She, Scootaloo, and Buff all walked inside, seeing the state of the house. It was a mess. There were plates piled up at the sink, the floor was dirty, she could see that maintenance had to be done in there too. Thing is...it was a cloud home. How is this possible? Looks like what she thought was true. Her father, her mother, and it seemed even Spitfire, was a mess. She had a tangled mane and even her sergeant uniform were disheveled. Scootaloo looked back at Pencil and gave her a look that said, "See what I mean?"

Pencil sighed and continued walking towards the front. "Good day, everyone," she greeted.

"Hello, Ms. Sketch," the wonderbolt captain greeted, getting up and shaking her hoof once she was close enough.

"Hi, Ms. Sketch," Bow Hothoof said blandly. He had grown a full beard out. Didn't even bother to shave. "How can we help you?"

She sighed and looked down at Scootaloo who gestured for her to start. "I came...to apologize." They stared at her oddly before she sat down in front of all of them, Scootaloo by her side and Buff on the side in case things got rough. She looked his way and he nodded, giving her a smile and encouragement.

"Are you ready, Rainbow?" She thought in her head. Rainbow was standing on shaky hooves, barely having any strength left while looking through Pencil's eyes at the clueless faces of her parents and idol.

"Yeah," she groaned. "Do it."

"A long time ago.....I had friends. Actually, no. Not friends.....acquaintances who used me in the past. So much that I left a lovely town where the majority of its inhabitants cared for me a great deal. And apparently...even more who I didn't think even cared, but did after all. And all it took was a little filly to tell me that." She looked down and ruffled Scootaloo's mane, giving her a smile. "The ones who drove me away...they have yet to feel how I felt. And they will soon."

"I'm sorry, Ms. Sketch, but you have to make a little more sense," Windy said, a little agitated. "Where exactly are you going with this?"

"She's not dead." They all looked at her in confusion. "Rainbow Dash is not dead. She is in fact alive."

"Wh....what are you talking about?" Bow said, sitting up and getting to his hooves. "How do you know our daughter isn't dead?"

"Have you seen her?!" Windy said, getting closer to her. Even Spitfire got up and close to her. "Do you know where my little filly is?!"

"Yes, I know where she is and I have indeed seen her," she replied, looking back up and giving her a nonchalant look. "She is alive. Not well...but alive nonetheless."

"Where is she?!" Bow yelled in worry. "Where is my daughter?!" Pencil tightened her lips, sighed and answered.

"You're looking at her."

They stared at her frozen before she breathed out. "Rainbow...your time to shine." The effect was instant. She fell down to her haunches and grimaced, feeling the body of Rainbow dash start to push through. She started shaking when a blue light appeared at the top of her head, slowly going down her body like a ring and changing the colors of her coat from light gray to a very familiar Cyan. A rainbow mane appeared next before it went down to her flank, removing the paint and revealing the rainbolt cutie mark she had before it went down her legs and ended at her feet, the light slowly dying out.

Rainbow Dash stood in all of their sights, breathing heavily from the exhaustion it took to do that spell. Shaking on her knees from having barely any strength to stand. Apparently, that spell had it's repercussions after long amounts of time. Natural repercussions. She fell down on one knee and grunted. It was so...painful.

"R.......Rainbow?" Windy whispered, silent tears streaming down her face. "Is that you, sweetheart?"

The weak pegasus slowly looked up at them with her cerise eyes, exhaustion clearly on her face, evident by the bags under her eyes which were red from crying. "Hi, mom," she said weakly, trying to offer a smile. "I'm home."

Author's Note:

Hmmm.....I feel like I could have done better, but there you have it. Scootaloo had managed to get Rainbow to tell her parents, and apparently Spitfire who just so happened to be there at the right time! Phew my arm hurt. Does anyone else have a problem when they type for a while and then one of your arms get REEAAALLY tired? Because that's been happening to my left. Like, A LOT!

Anyways, should I make a follow up sometime this week? Maybe even now? Let me know in the comments below! And don't forget to follow me on TWITTER!

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