• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,955 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 31 - Busted With Buffy's Familia

Nopony moved. Barely even breathed. Everything was quiet, save for the air conditioning that was running inside of Buff's home. Pencil Sketch had just changed back into Rainbow Dash. Right in front of his parents who saw and witnessed the process. Rainbow stood in front of the hallway that led to the front door, a bland look on her face as her thoughts raced. Fire Speed, Buff's mother, was staring at Rainbow Dash with a look of disbelief. Navy Sword was...obviously confused. Or was it bewildered.

He scuffed his hoof along his chin, looking her up and down with curious light blue eyes. If only Rainbow Dash could figure out what he was thinking. She glanced left and right as he studied her. "Wow," he muttered, breaking the silence. Then added much louder, "I was expecting something more along the lines of pulling off a wig and throwing it at my son. Then grabbing like a cloth and sponging yourself down to get rid of that gray paint. But I was WAYYY off the mark." Rainbow glanced at Buff and Scootaloo, both of which shrugging, also confused at his reaction.

Focusing her confused sights on Navy Sword, Rainbow asked, "So....you're not mad?"

"Oh no, I'm pretty upset," Navy responded. He narrowed his eyes and got into her face. "I want the truth, Ms. 'Sketch'. Have you been using...apparently, magic on your paintings?"

"Absolutely not!" Rainbow yelled, obviously offended. She stood back up and glared down at him. "The only reason I use magic is for self-defense! And for my own more convenient reasons, but I do NOT use it to make my bits!"

Buff raised his hoof and nervously added from the side, "I can vouch for that. I've watched her paint for four hours in front of me. Quite an extensive process if I do say so. Waiting for her to leave a store is something else entirely." A ball of paper suddenly bounced off his face. "But Rainbow uses no magic at all in front of her while painting."

Navy Sword hummed and turned to Rainbow. Then gasped and turned back to his son. "Wait, you knew about this?!"

"Err....yeahhhhh?" He answered quietly as if he wasn't sure.

Sighing, Fire Speed turned back to Rainbow Dash. "Well regardless, you lied to us about your identity. Wait, so are you Pencil Sketch, or Rainbow Dash? I'm confused now!"

"I created Pencil Sketch," Rainbow deadpanned.

"Oh. So Pencil Sketch is an alias. A complete mystery. But..." Her voice got quiet. "Why did you create Pencil Sketch? She has a lot, a lot of bits while you just stay in the background. I'm not worried about the fact that there's a pegasus that can use magic and create a pony using her own body. Not to mention there's probably—okay, how exactly are you using magic?" She asked, cutting herself off.

Rainbow and Buff shared a knowing look. Just as she thought. Rainbow just changed in front of a pony, revealing herself not to be who she thought she was. And all this Pegasus was concerned about was the fact that she used magic. Now she wants to know how to do it. Good thing that Tome is under a lot of locks and keys. Rainbow looked back at Fire Speed and answered, "Sorry. I...can't tell you that."

Fire Speed turned her head and waved a hoof at her. "Oh...I'll figure it out eventually."

"Good luck."

"Buff, how does she use magic?" Rainbow blinked and turned to Buff in surprise.

Buff looked around and picked up Scootaloo, placing her on his back. "Oh, wow! Look at the time. Looks like it's time for your daily nap, Scootaloo!" Before Scootaloo could protest, Buff turned and walked down the hallway, trotting briskly into his room and slamming the door shut.

Fire Speed scoffed and turned back to Rainbow. "Fine! But i'll figure it out eventually!"

Rainbow chuckled and said, "Like I said before, good luck. Now I need you guys to promise not to tell anypony about this. My cutie mark, my magic, or even my real name. Okay? I'm actually debating to come out to the public about who I am and actually teleported over here to speak to Buff about it. But you just happened to catch me."

"Oh...uhhh..." Navy Sword and fire Speed glanced at each other then back at Rainbow Dash with uncertainty. "We promise not to say a word. But I know I didn't like being lied to. You were presumed dead in Ponyville. You lied to millions of ponies, and creatures in Equestria and the surrounding lands. Not to mention you can use magic, which everypony'll realize once you...do whatever you just did in here. Everypony likes and buys the rights to your paintings for their precision and authenticity. If they see this, they'll think you use your magic for making your paintings. Not to mention will want to know where you even got it from. i know for a fact there will be thousands of lawsuits against you."

Rainbow sighed and nodded her head. And added, "I'm not too sure about them knowing where I got my magic from. My magic is really important to me and...the only thing I had left before all of this. Let me tell you my history and everything that led up to me being forced to hide myself."

Back in ponyville in front of the square, Applejack spit out her drink at the sign that a Royal Guard was placing on the library door. She walked towards it and called, "Excuse me?" The guard turned around and nodded, acknowledging her. "The Library's closed?"

"Yes, ma'am," the female Guard responded. "Orders by Princess Celestia herself. The library's closed for thirty one days and will not be available for use. Good day." The guard walked around Applejack and back into town, leaving Applejack with so many questions.

"What in Tartarus?!" Applejack jumped at Rarity's loud voice and held a hoof over her chest to calm her rushing heart. Rarity walked over to the door and stared at the sign in disbelief. Then turned back to Applejack in surprise. "What happened?"

Applejack shrugged and said loudly, "I don't know! I guess Twilight got in some trouble—ohh, this is gonna bite her hard in the flank and is goin' to leave a giant bruise."

Rarity sighed and commented, "I wonder where Spike and Twilight living now."

Applejack shrugged and turned around, heading back to her business in the square, selling apples. "Probably with her relatives."


Twilight sat in front of her parents who both had a cross look for expressions. Spike had gone upstairs to their old room, leaving her to fight this battle. Twilight Velvet sighed and said, "Twilight? You could've gotten in real trouble with the law of Equestria. Thankfully, Celestia kept this under the wraps so you're clean. However, you should no better than to go through a pony's things. Especially a famous pony's things. Imagine what would happen if the media found out about this. It would have ruined you. And us. There would have been so much scandal around you and our family. Not to mention a little around Pencil Sketch, which I am sure she doesn't want. Thankfully, she forgave you."

Night Light pointed a hoof at Twilight and reminded her. "Just Like Celestia said, no reading any type of knowledgeable books and no libraries. Go and have some fun somewhere. For thirty-one days." Twilight whimpered and lowered her head. This was going to be a tough month. But maybe she could stop by Rainbow Dash's mansion. Yeah. That sounds like a good idea.

Twilight nodded and got up, making her way out the door. "No library!" Twilight Velvet reminded her before the door closed.

Fire Speed and Navy Sword drunk down the rest of their tea. The two were sitting on both sides of Rainbow Dash on the old time couch, rubbing her back as she finished up her Flight Camp tale, complete with tears bursting out of her eyes at the end. "There, there, dear," Fire Speed cooed. She hoofed over another tissue paper for Rainbow to grab and blow her brains into. "I didn't know you went through that much pain in your life. And your parents didn't know?"

Rainbow sniffed and nodded. "They told the teachers, and they warned the bullies," she answered. "But then the bullying got even more aggressive. So I created Pencil to stop it. You know what happened after that."

Navy Sword sighed and nodded his head. "While I do agree that everypony did do you wrong and have hurt your feeling at a reasonable amount, that still doesn't explain why you're hiding."

Rainbow sighed and told the second bit of her story. Telling them about how the bullying in Cloudsdale had gotten worse and she moved to Ponyville. Then moved on years later to nearly a year ago when her friends yelled and said they didn't want to be her friend. And how they pretty much used her for their own reasons. For their own victory. That's when she cut herself off from society, moved to Manehattan, lived in a standard home before Celestia magnificent caught the eyes of many ponies looking for artwork, got placed in a museum, and was paid two thousand bits for the rights from many organizations that decided to use a copy of her painting for their own reasons. Those were a lot of organizations. Which soon became more. And more. And more. Until she was able to build her mansion, make her first appearance, and so forth to today.

"But all of that may come down if I'm not smart about my true reveal," Rainbow whispered. She wiped her eyes and added, "I've worked way too hard for that. I don't want to hide anymore, but I don't know what to do. I mean...my plan is this." Buff jogged out the hallway with Scootaloo on his back, heading into the kitchen while she explained. "I created a painting of myself and Pencil Sketch. In an experiment that involves light rays and the pony eyes. Dimensional distortion. I have an original painting that displays it normally. But nopony, and I meanNO pony will be able to do this. I created a layer that will overlay the painting, placing you and the painting in an atmosphere where you can see all angles of the painting. It's like you're looking at my face and you can't see the mole on my shoulder. Until you stand up and lean to the side."

"Wait so it's like the real thing?" Fire Speed asked in surprise.

"As real as it could get, since this is my first time experimenting with it. imagine the bits I could get with my art. I'm in the midst of making a few more, but I'm still trying to make a decision on whether or not to come out about my identity. That's why I came here to get Buffy's opinion." She turned to the kitchen where Buff was in the middle of a hayburger eating contest with Scootaloo. "What do you think, Buffy?"

"I'm winning!" He yelled. He bit into the rest of the Hayburger before Scootaloo threw a bit of hay at his face, distracting him for a moment. Taking this chance, Scootaloo pushed his plate to the side a little. Then gulped down her entire Hayburger, grinning innocently at Buff. "I loooost!!!" Buff cried. Then let his face flop down onto the plate of hayfries next to him.

Scootaloo licked her hoof and cooly ran it through her mane. "Told ya' once, showed ya' once." She leaned over the table and got into his proximity. "You can't be me! I'm too awesome for you! Boom!"

Rainbow laughed and fell back into the couch. "Oh my faust! What just happened?!" She screamed.

Scootaloo giggled then jumped off the chair and ran over to Rainbow. "Buff bet that he could eat a Hayburger faster than me. I was like, 'Nuh uh'. But he bet me and said he could. So we came in here and got busy. Safe to say...I beat him." Buff grumbled and calmly ate the rest of his food.

Rainbow Dash chuckled and got up, making her way to him. "Awww....are you upset?" She asked. "I hope you learned to never mess with Scootaloo over food. She will destroy you. I found that out the hard way." Buff huffed before Rainbow nuzzled his cheek lovingly. "Come on. Scoots just plays tough. If you want to beat her, you have to go twice as hard."

"I'll keep that in mind..." Buff glanced at Scootaloo. "For next time." Scootaloo stuck out her tongue and blew a raspberry.

Rainbow rolled her eyes and asked, "Now what do you think about my plan?"

"Well I know you need a validator to prove you don't use magic in your paintings. Because many ponies will believe you do once they see your experiments. Just to be on the safe side...I think you should have you know who scan it first. Then have Celestia do it at the reveal. Just to be sure. I hear magic is... 'tricky.'" Rainbow scoffed and slapped his back with her wing.

"That was a terrible pun." She turned and decided to walk back to the couch. Accidentally snorting.

Buff pointed a hoof and yelled, "Aha! I knew you enjoyed my puns! You can't deny it! I heard—" The paper ball Rainbow threw at him earlier hit him in the face. Once more.

Author's Note:

I hope you bronie enjoyed this chapter! My next one is going to be the interview on the radio, a new development in the Therohs Case, and a few feels. I hope you love these plots! I spent only three hours writing this chapter. Mystery Scootaloo tomorrow! Be ready!

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