• Published 5th Mar 2018
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The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 5 - No Friends?!

It's been a full week since Rainbow Dash's decease declaration, leaving the ponies in Ponyville devastated...and a little confused. How exactly did she die? What if she isn't dead, but just disappeared... For two weeks? That could've happened right?

Sadly, that was just a hopeful pony's dream, that was not going to come true at all. If Pencil Sketch was there, she'd of course knock it down instantly. Ever since she became Pencil Sketch two weeks ago, she's gotten a lot of money, a lot of credit, business, sponsors, even deals with playwrights to create the covers for plays.

She accepted two of them, but that was it. They paid really good money, which put her profit up to over three million bits. After that, she was just painting for the museum. And a task that Princess Celestia personally asked of her. Being titled as the "Greatest painter in all of Equestria" apparently got her some royal status too. But she already saw this request coming. If not her, then Luna. If not Luna, then Rarity.

They wanted her to paint a picture of Rainbow Dash, unbeknownst to them she already had. Two days after the declaration, she had completed "Rainbow's Testimony" Collection, which was just Rainbow Dash flying with the Wonderbolts, the chestplate of the Element of Harmony around her neck, and her flying towards a blue sky filled with Rainbows. Of course the last one was very symbolic. Extremely symbolic if that was even possible.

She was supposed to drop them off early this morning at the Canterlot Castle in the grand hall, where all the Elements Bearers' paintings would be hung in the future. IF she decides to paint them. Which was highly unlikely. She still has not forgiven them. And she probably never would.

Ever since becoming Pencil Sketch, she has become more stoic than a Royal Guard, having absolutely no emotion. The only pony she actually shows emotion around was Buff for her own obvious reasons. Today would be no different. She would just say something like, "I'm sorry for your loss," and move on.

Pencil brushed her hair out from in front of her face so she could stare at the ceiling for a moment. Then huffed quietly before getting out of bed and getting ready. Brushing her teeth, cleaning herself, painting her flanks, and putting on a cape along with some silver hoof shoes that didn't have a resemblance to the ones she used to attack Twilight. Those had a lot of design to them. These were just solid silver round ones. Like bowls. Basic hoofshoes. The cape was actually something like the dress she wore to her first exhibit. But instead of black, it was gray like her coat and mane.

Pencil grabbed her necklace and put it on her neck. Actually... That probably wasn't a good idea now that she thought about it. She shrugged and took it off. Then placed it back in the vault behind the clothes in her closet. Of course she had to make sure that was hidden as well. So she placed—ironically—a painting in front of it. They wouldn't suspect a thing.

Finally after grabbing her sunglasses, she walked downstairs and grabbed her saddlebags. Then opened the door and stepped out into the group of security and Buff, who was looking really handsome today. Pencil remembered that unicorns didn't need to touch you in order to defend themselves. They had magic. So she had Buff measured, shaped and more before a suit of armor was designed for him that was resistant to magic. It was big. It was heavy. And it looked FANTASTIC on him!!

"Hello, Ms. Sketch," he greeted once she walked outside. She smiled his way and shut the door behind her. "Everything has already been loaded up inside the private carriages. We're just waiting for you. The Guard has also been placed here to watch over your home while you are out."

Pencil slowly nodded in approval. "Great. Thank you, Buff. You look good in your suit."

"I look like a sexy stallion," he boasted proudly.

Pencil nodded again and chuckled. Then began striding elegantly towards the golden chariot. "That you do, Buff. Let's go."

After they took off, they were followed by the private carriage and more Royal Guards who were recently commanded by Shining Armor, Twilight's brother. That's gonna be interesting since she hasn't met him yet. Of course with him being the captain that would no longer become an issue.

After a few minutes of flying, one of the Pegasi Sergeants flew up next to her to deliver the instructions. "We'll be landing when we first enter the city, miss. We don't want your expensive million-bit paintings to fall out and crash."

"Very good," she replied with no emotion on her face. They slowed their speed and softly touched down on a concrete road along with the Private Carriage behind them. Ponies were seen walking around and moving to the side as the smaller vehicle arrived with the much longer one. She was recognized almost instantly. Of course the ponies began to scream her name and wave. Pencil smiled and calmly waved back, pleasing the crowds as they smiled at her. These ponies.


The Element Bearers were waiting outside the castle doors anxiously, consisting of the remaining Element bearers, Shining Armor and Princess Cadance, Windy Whistles, Bow Hothoof, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. Cadance had a hoof wrapped around Twilight's shoulder, giving her moral support for the loss of their friend. And who exactly is this Pencil Sketch she's heard so much about?

They waited in silence for a few more minutes before they heard ponies screaming down the road, catching their attention.

"Is there a problem?" Applejack asked, standing up.

"No, darling it's just her," Rarity answered, motioning towards the front of the castle as a golden chariot, as well as a golden private carriage, pulled up to the gates which were opened, allowing them inside.

The group backed up as the carriages slowed to a stop in front of them, revealing the pony of the hour. Pencil Sketch was too busy talking with Buff for them to see her face at the moment. The conversation obviously important.

"So you're just gonna... Drop it off?" Buff asked her oddly.

"I'm gonna talk to Celestia and tell her these are gifts, not just items," Pencil explained before putting on some reflective shades. "And I will inform them of my new project in Ponyville coming in a few months."

Buff smiled and stated, "That will cheer 'em up."

"I wouldn't care if it didn't. Let's get this show on the road." She moved her mane in front of her right sunglass-covered eye for her secrecy. Then turned around and hopped out the carriage with Buff right behind her, making their way towards the group.

Celestia watched her approach with long strides and head held high with a smile. Once close, she greeted, "Hello, Pencil Sketch. Thank you again for fulfilling my request."

"It's an honor, Princess Celestia," she replied stoically. "I have worked on these even before you asked. These are gifts, not sold items."

"Wait... How did you know about the news?"

"I have contacts all over Equestria." She looked over her shoulder to the guards carrying the heavy duty glass cases containing the paintings towards the open entrance of the building. "And three in Ponyville that I keep in close contact with. It was only a matter of time before I knew about it. I know everything about everypony."

"Oh." Princess Celestia looked taken back by this but continued anyway. "Well still. Thank you. These ponies behind me are really grateful. Let's go inside." She turned around and walked towards the entrance with the rest behind her, followed directly behind by Pencil and Buff. They all walked in through the tall grandeur doors onto smooth marble and vacant halls, decorated with fancy decor, following the ponies carrying the paintings before they stopped at the great hall which had three empty spots on one side. Right by the entrance.

"Thank you, Pencil," Rarity whispered once she caught up to her. "We really appreciate this."

Pencil sighed, then reached up and took off her shades, revealing one of her gray eyes. Rarity was a little surprised. No one else has actually seen her eyes.

"I am aware of your thanks, Rarity," she responded. The guards carefully lifted out the framed painting before five pegasi carefully flew up to the designated area.

The group watched as they were positioned before the covers fell off. Then gasped at what was underneath.

"It's.......so beautiful," Windy complimented. A small tear trailed down her face. The others walked forward and looked at the rest of them. But the one that got the most attention was the very last one named "Fly Fast, Fly Far", with Rainbow flying towards the Rainbows.

"These are so... Detailed," Fluttershy whimpered. "Beautiful."

"Rainbow'd say the same thing, Fluttershy," Applejack whispered, awestruck. While the others were viewing the paintings, Buff was helping Pencil take off her cape, revealing her blank flanks. Of course they weren't really blank but it was really REALLY convincing. It was a little hot in there. But how, it's a castle. Must've been the Sun Princess' emotions or something.

Once comfortable, she stepped closer and explained, "That painting is called... 'Fly fast, Fly far.' I think we all know what I was insinuating when I created it."

"It's a beautiful painting," Twilight complimented. Then slowly turned around to face her along with everyone else with a grateful smile. "Really beautiful. Thank you."

Pencil only nodded before Rarity walked up to her with confusion written on her face. "Darling? If I may ask... Where is your cutie mark?"

The others shifted their eyes off of Rarity towards the artists flanks. "That's a really good question," Applejack agreed. "Do you not have one?"

"I do not show my cutie mark," she responded without emotion. "It brings me nothing but trouble and it will continue doing that until I have finished my real calling. Living how I want to live. Not what a mark says how I have to live."

"So you covered it?" Luna assumed.

Pencil nodded and clarified, "My cutie mark has caused other ponies to become jealous and try to push my buttons. And in turn I would go out of my way to try and please them, bringing me problems. So I took away the cause, getting rid of the issues. And these were the same ponies who called themselves my friends. Ever since then, I shut myself off from other ponies and took up painting."

"So... You're just like... Alone?" Cadance asked.

"I have Buff here," she replied. Then pointex to the stallion grinning beside her. "But even then I'm very careful. I have never let my feelings out and never will again. Buff, our task is complete. We're leaving." Buff grabbed her cape from his back and placed it around her body, hooking it on her neck before they turned towards the entrance. "It was great meeting you all but I must depart. Enjoy the paintings. Until the Grand Galloping, Celestia." Celestia nodded as Pencil turned and walked away, leaving Twilight speechless. No friends?!

"Wait!" Pencil stopped and looked over her shoulder to see Twilight trot up behind her. Of course she'd try something. "Would you be willing to give friendship another shot?" She asked hopefully.

Pencil faced forward towards the entrance of the castle, thinking about that before turning back around to give her honest answer.

"No. I have been hurt by a group of ponies who claimed they were my friends and that won't happen again. My so-called supporters. One of them was my best friend. Way back to flight school. She turned on me too. So I am never leaving myself comfortable again and there will be no friendship again. Goodbye, Ms. Sparkle."

Pencil and Buff made their way out the entrance doors which closed with a sound that was perceived as "Deafening", making the ponies flinch. It was so quiet in those halls, you could hear a tissue hit the marble flooring.

"Well......that was discouraging," Shining Armor muttered, breaking the silence. "To be made fun of so much that you had to hide your cutie mark... That's the same as throwing your life away."

"The exact same," Celestia agreed. "Twilight. I think you should try to reform Pencil Sketch. Open her eyes back up to friendship."

Twilight sighed and shufted her sights from the door to Celestia with a shaking head. "I don't know, Princess. You can't just open a locked box. You have to pick at it." Celestia gave her a knowing smirk. "And I don't feel like picking at it. At least not her. Most ponies would say things like 'I'd try again if the right pony came along', or 'Maybe one day'. But she instead said no because she was betrayed. By her 'So-called supporters.'"

"There is so much more to Pencil Sketch than painting it seems," Fluttershy muttered.

"I concur," Rarity agreed. "But maybe you should just give her an open invitation. Say that you'd be willing to give her friendship."

"To what address?" Twilight responded. "Nopony in Ponyville knows where she lives, and I doubt we can just ask the museum director for her address."

Pinkie Pie jumped in and asked, "She did say she has contacts in every city of Equestria, right? And that she had three in Ponyville! We just have to find them!"

The others all agreed while Twilight just huffed and gave in. "Alright, fine, I'll send an invitation when we find them. But how do we find them?"

The others looked at each other with the exact same question on their minds. How do you find three ponies who were in service to a secretive rich pony?

The trip back to the house was a little quiet, the weight of what was revealed back there weighing heavily on both Pencil's and Buff's shoulders. Eventually, Buff had to break the only noise being the wind brushing past their manes as the chariot was pulled along.

"So... I'm your only friend," the stallion concluded.

"Yes," Pencil replied blandly.

"And... you don't want more because you're afraid of how they'll treat you."

Pencil sighed before slowly nodding her head. "You know... It just wasn't those ponies. Back in flight school, I was teased a lot too. I put up a front with defying limitations, creating a breach through the sound barrier. Literally and metaphorically. But inside... I was hurt. Which got worse over time.

"I never vented that frustration, so everything was building up. Like my stack of bits. Soon, the container begun to crack, holding it back by a very small amount of strength. But the second those five said that I was not their friend, that everything we did together was a lie, I blew. I blew up and I left, along with anything that I had a connection to. Including my parents, the filly who looked up to me... And my job. That town is no doubt going through rough times right now." The chariot touched down in Manehattan, slowing down to a trot before stopping completely in front of Pencil's house, still heavily guarded by the Royal Guard.

"Of course they'll get through it in the future," she continued as she walked out and headed towards the doors with Buff right behind her. "But it will be tough."

Buff stopped with Pencil in front of her doors and inquired, "What do you mean?"

"I was my town's weather manager. I oversaw the ponies pushing in clouds, taking out clouds, bringing rain, snow, wind, and anything else that had to do with weather. But... I'm not there anymore. So they'll have to choose another manager which is a timely process. Which means no weather change until they're chosen."

"What? It's blazing hot out here! So the town could be burning up right now."

"Well, they WERE. I'm sure a new manager's been picked by now." She opened the door before smiling to Buff once again. "Thank you again, Buff. You've proven once again as loyal. If you need anything, just let me know."

"Can I just prove it to you some more........by taking you out to dinner sometime?" He asked hopefully and timidly.

It's like Pencil's brain just cutoff. She slowly turned her head and faced the nervous Stallion, her own nervousness showing by the intense red on her cheeks.

"Um... Uh... We-we'll see in the future," she stammered, once more putting up that wall of lifelessness. "That's not a yes or a no, it's a 'Maybe in the future if everything goes smoothly.'"

"Oh, okay," he responded happily. "I can wait."

"You do it everytime you're here. Good day, Buff."

"Good day, Ms. Sketch." He walked towards the street while Pencil went inside and closed the door behind her. Once it was locked she turned around and pressed her back against it, eyes closed and good over her bearing heart. Buff just asked her out. The big, sexy stallion just asked her on a date. Forget dating.

"That stallion could rock my world," she stated hungrily through clenched teeth before her eyes popped open. "He just gave me an idea." She got back down onto all four hooves before taking off her cape and basic hoofshoes.

Then slowly flew upstairs and placed them in her large closet and grabbed her golden ornate hoofshoes to place them on instead. She reached up to grab a gray painter's uniform and put it on. As well as her saddlebags before making her way back downstairs towards her studio. There was a smaller closet for her paints and brushes. It held all the colors, including mixes. Reaching in, she grabbed a small foldable easel, a canvas, some paint brushes, paint and ink, and a cloak before making her way outside again. It was still daytime since she dropped those paintings off at the castle. It was around eleven. Not even noon yet. But she had to be careful, even if this was for a good cause. Because it was taking place back in Ponyville.

"So... How exactly do we find a pony that knows a pony that NO ONE gets?" Applejack asked as they walked their way back into the small town, the obvious question on everyone's mind.

"We ask silly!" Pinkie hopped ahead of the group humming some type of song as she started asking random ponies if they were Pencil Sketch's contact. Rarity just facehoofed while the others just watched with rapt attention, trying to figure out this mare.

"She is going to give me a headache," Fluttershy whispered to herself.

"Rainbow'd probably grab her and throw her in the lake or something," Twilight chuckled. She shook her head before turning towards the new building in the works right next to town hall. "What do you girls think that's going to be?" She asked, pointing her hoof in the building's direction.

"I'm not sure," Rarity answered, scratching her chin. "I asked one of the builders and they said it was 'very important to young artists.' Whatever that means. Maybe it's for musicians. Like Vinyl and Octavia."

"I don't know. Why would there be a two story studio?" Applejack asked pointing her hoof at the second floor in the works. They were currently doing the interior of the building since the exterior was already completed. Of course there was still no sign for the name yet. "That would mess up the sound."

"So it's probably for something else.....I don't know." Twilight huffed before looking around again, unaware of the gray cloaked figure walking right past them, her saddlebags filled with supplies. "How's Pinkie doing?"

"Still nothing!" She shouted at the same time she jumped out from behind the group, startling them in the process. Her body was shaking and bouncing around. "But my Pinkie sense is going off big time! There's a new pony in town!"

"Really?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, she's over there!" She pointed a hoof towards the cloaked figure making her way towards the new building with stuffed saddlebags, a walk of authority in her step.

"Well why don't we go say hello?" Twilight suggested. They started to make their way over to them, unaware of who it actually was.

Pencil Sketch adjusted her cloak before she stopped in front of the building where a builder pony was cutting a wooden beam. "Excuse me."

He stopped and turned around to face her with a smile. "Hello, miss. How can I help you?"

"I'm the founder of these establishments that are being built all over Equestria." She moved the hood back slightly to show her face, making the builder squeak as he realized just who was standing in front of him.

"M-m-m-m-m-Miss Sketch! It's an honor to meet you in the flesh! I'll get the mare-in-charge right away!" He dropped the chainsaw with a clang and made his way inside while Pencil put the hood back over her head. Alone, she decided to look around the area a little bit. It looked the exact same... Except for the one small detail. Pencil took small steps over to the memorial in front of town hall. Her memorial. It was beautiful, she had to give it that. Everything was in detail. Just like how she paints.

There was a plaque in front of it reading, "Loving Friend & The Definition Of Loyalty. Fly Fast And Fly Far, Rainbow Dash."

Just looking at it made Pencil upset that they had made her give up her home town. They pushed her to the edge where she jumped and took the plunge, going down the river and unable to grab anything. Luckily, there was no waterfall, so she wasn't exactly dead. Just resting. She might come back in a few years. That's a very small might.

She sighed and walked back over to the building where all the workers were standing in front of, eager to greet the mare that had made their lives worthwhile. "Hello, everypony," she greeted. "I'm just stopping across this town for some inspiration when I thought about checking the progression on my first studio. How is it coming along, Strong Hoof?"

A mare with a blue hardhat on her head that had a sky blue coat, yellow eyes, and a yellow mane and tail stepped forward with a clipboard in her left hoof. "It's going splendid, ma'am!" She responded happily. "So far, no accidents have occurred, everything is in tip-top shape, and we should be finished within two weeks."

"Excellent. I'm going to take a look inside before I be on my way. It looked really promising on the blueprints but I like to have—gah!" A sudden pink face appeared in front of the cloaked figure, smiling WAY too hard that startled Pencil Sketch so much she yelped and jumped backwards in a fighting stance. Luckily, her cloak held up.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! You must be new! Are you new? If you are, welcome to Ponyville! I'm always excited to meet new friends! Are you excited? Huh? Huh? Are ya?"

"This is not going to end well," Strong Hoof whispered over to one of the builders who quickly nodded his head.

"Pinkie!" Rarity scolded walking over briskly. "That is not how you greet people! Running up in a lady's face like that! I'm so sorry, Miss. Pinkie can be such a problem sometimes. I'm Rarity. It's a pleasure to meet you!" She held out a hoof towards the mysterious Pony along with a smile while the other Element bearers wore the same expression. Pencil Sketch looked down towards the outstretched hoof before looking back up again, sighing in annoyance.

Looking past Rarity, Pencil called, "Strong Hoof? I will be getting that tour NOW, please."

"Yes, ma'am, right this way." The builders all parted as Pencil walked around Rarity and made her way inside, leaving the Bearers standing there shocked.

"No one... Has ever... Turned down Rarity's hoof before," Twilight whispered. Then walked over to Rarity in the same position she was in when Pencil left. "You okay?"

Rarity slowly turned her head to Twilight, hoof still outstretched before regaining her composure. "I'm fine. I'll just let Pinkie try again when she comes out."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Rares," Applejack said carefully, shaking her head. "She didn't seem all that friendly to me."

"Then we'll be friendly for her! DUHHHH!" Pinkie turned back around and hid beside the door, waiting for her to come out.

A few minutes later, the builders and the mare returned. The captain graced them with a pleasant smile on her face. "Are you satisfied with the work, ma'am?"

"Extremely," she replied. A few inches out, she turned to face them. "This is just the beginning of buildings going all over across Equestria. And at the rate of funds I am receiving, it will be a true inspiration to those who wish to put their talents to good use."

"That's fantastic. And~..." The two stared at each other before the cloaked pony clicked her tongue.

"Always the curious one, huh?" Strong Hoof shrugged. "Well the net worth has reached one billion even though I only have five million. I just checked before I came here. I knew you were going to ask."

"What can I say, I'm always curious. It was great seeing you again. I'll be in contact with you when it is completed."

"Until then." Pencil turned around and bumped her muzzle straight into Pinkie's grinning face. Again. Uh oh.

"Hi again! It's me, Pinkie!"

Pencil huffed her nose into Pinkie's face. "I'm aware. Now get out of my face."

"Aww you're so cranky! I have just the thing to cheer you up!" Stepping back, Pinkie reached into her hair and pulled out a cupcake and stuffed it in the cloaked pony's mouth. How she knew where her mouth was were a mystery. "Eat up!" Pencil spit it back out onto the ground before staring daggers at the pony. "Oh you didn't like that one? I have so much more at my shop! We have banana, chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, grape, blueberry, orange—" Pencil sketch stuffed a hoof in Pinkie's mouth, silencing her.

"Pinkie... I'm going to say two words. Are you listening, they're really important." Pinkie nodded, the hoof still in her mouth. "Are you sure? Because they depend on whether you go flying straight into the badlands and stay there forever, or stay here if you do or don't listen. The choice is yours. Now ARE you listening closely?" She nodded again before the pony spoke. "Okay. Here you go. SHUT! UP!" She withdrew her hoof before turning around to the shocked faces of the builders. "Stay in contact with me now."

"Y-Yes m-ma'am," strong hoof stuttered, a little put off by that outburst. Pencil nodded before walking past Pinkie and making her way to the library.

"Well... That was... Unexpected," Rarity stated. She grabbed Pinkie and shook her awake. "I didn't expect them to act like that at all."

"Me neither...." Twilight whispered. She watched the suspicious figure go past the library and somewhere else. "We should follow her. I don't like how this is looking. Not at all."

"I'm down," Applejack spat. "I don't like how she yelled at Pinkie."

"I think I'll just stay at the library while you guys.....do that," Fluttershy whispered, running towards the library and throwing herself inside.

"Awww, she was getting better too. It's alright, let's just follow 'em." The four ponies all rushed after the strange pony who was currently making her way towards the Whitetail woods. About to do what she does best.

Author's Note:

I am really enjoying this story. I know in the chapter four it got a little dark with her death, but she's not really dead! Woohoo! Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have to work on Queen Scootaloo now! Read that too, although it's a little darker....okay A LOT darker than this. Enjoy! :heart:

Here we go. SHUT! UP! :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh: :rainbowlaugh:

That was too funny. Smh.

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