• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,955 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 28 - Meeting at The Mansion

The crickets' chirping pierced through the night air in Ponyville. everything seemed silent. Quiet. Asleep. Giving the five quietly traveling ponies a sense of tranquility. Just like Twilight planned, the group would leave a little after three in the morning and meet up in front of the Golden Oak Library. Rarity had for some reason placed herself in a dress that looked like she was going to the ball. Applejack was just herself. Only a stetson and a rope. Pinkie was... Pinkie. Fluttershy was shivering out of fear, and Twilight had two saddlebags filled with notepads, ink, quills, and notes already taken. Once they had all arrived, Twilight began to lead them out of the town quietly.

After crossing over the bridge, Twilight looked over her shoulder at the others and whispered, "We only have one minute to catch this train. It should be there at approximately four o'clock, and arrive in Manehattan by five. I don't know how in Equestria Rainbow managed to get a train. Those cost billions."

Rarity whispered, "I'm sure it's just a private car. Even RD wouldn't want to waste money on a whole train unless she was shipping something large. Which I highly doubt." After a few more minutes of walking through dark streets, they arrived at the platform and sat down by the edge to wait. The area around them was dark, lit only by Luna's moon and stars in the sky. Applejack sighed and grabbed one of Pinkie's cupcakes from inside her mane to get some energy in her. After a few more minutes, the friendship express arrived. Alone. Nopony was commanding it. Twilight shared a look with the others, who were just as creeped out before they looked down the line. There was a large black car at the end that looked really futuristic. Black and silver. Long, and pretty. And the door was open. Twilight led the group quickly towards the door and got in before the others followed suit. Once they were all in, the door immediately shut and locked. Then the train began moving again.

Twilight and the others looked around the car, entranced by the luxurious items. Rarity was more interested in the expensive wines. Especially the one titled Blueberry Zebra. "Oh my, this is so...grandeur!" Rarity cheered. She took a seat on one of the velvet couches, sighing at the relief it put on her flanks. "Ooohh, that is goooood."

Twilight and the others sat down and had the same reaction. After awhile, Twilight whispered, "I wonder how this train is moving all on its own. There was no conductor."

Applejack shrugged from across and guessed, "I reckon it's Rainbow Dash's dark magic thing. You know, today would be a good day to talk to her about it. Find out where she got it from."

"That would be a good idea," Fluttershy asked. "I'm, um, not too fond of a pony using dark magic like this. Especially...driving the train we're riding on."

"Well it got to Ponyville on time!" Pinkie cheered while snacking on some of the food laying out on the snack bar. She stuffed her face with some crackers then added, "Just be happy that we get to go into the mansion again without being thrown around and actually look around!"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Twilight agreed. "But I'm still checking out that tome. I wanna know where she got it." After that the conversation died and everyone was silent. Either eating the breakfast food already set up in the car or looking out the tinted windows. After a few more minutes, the whistle blew quickly, signalling that they were coming up on the Manehattan Station. The train arrived on the platform a moment later and slowed to a stop. The second the door to the car was opened, the group piled out of the private car and onto the abandoned quiet platform. Rarity led the way this time, since she's the only one that has been to Manehattan at night and traveled its safer routes. After a few more seconds, they spotted the mansion from a distance. The lights on the lawn creating a beautiful sight as they spectated from a distance. The glow reached up to the sky, creating an even more wonderful sight.

They stopped for a moment and stared at the marvel. Applejack was wondering if anypony had gotten any pictures of this yet. This had to be recorded. Nopony can just miss this. Twilight shook her head, getting her thoughts back on track before they all continued, soon making it to the white brick wall that was keeping back anypony. Twilight noticed small and unnoticeable runes had been placed on it. Unnoticeable to anypony but her, that is. Once they reached the gate, it unlocked and pushed in automatically, revealing the brightly lit front lawn. The water fountains were spewing water into the air, landing back inside of it and onto the beautifully cut grass beneath. There were four of them and the yard was big and green, a great contrast to the mansion in front of them that was made entirely out of white stone.

The group looked at each other, then cautiously walked inside the gate, which closed immediately after. The walkway was perfect. Wet, but perfect nonetheless. No overgrown grass, weeds, nothing. Pinkie took the time to look at the fountains and even stuck her tongue out to catch the sprinkling rain. Once Twilight stopped at the door, she raised a hoof to knock before it was opened by a tired looking Buff Battalion. He yawned and motioned for them to come in. The five mares quickly walked past and into the dimly lit foyer. The lights were on but it was obviously dimmed.

Buff closed the door and yawned again as he made his way over to the five looking around. "Sorry," he apologized. they stopped gazing and turned back to Buff. "I'm just not used to getting up so early. Pencil was up at one to paint and the kid was....snoring logs. She destroyed that bed, I can feel it. Anyway, I have breakfast set up for you. Pencil should be down in a few minutes with some supplies and all that jazz. Follow me please." He turned and made his way over to the east wing of the mansion. The girls followed him across the marble floor and towards the white themed kitchen, already prepared. They looked around in wonder while Twilight set down her saddlebags and looked towards the island in the kitchen that held six plates waiting for them. Including for Rainbow Dash. Twilight sat on the opposite end of the table while the other girls sat on the sides. Buff walked over to the refrigerator and started digging through it. Soon he came back out, holding a bottle of what looked like syrup and a bowl of something else. He set the bowl on the table then reached inside, pulling out a hoof full of small strawberries. He went around the table and placed some on the side of their plates then put some fancy syrup on the pancakes. Afterwards he put everything back and turned to the group with a tired smile.

"I hope you enjoy the meal," he yawned before grabbing a cup of apple juice nearby. "It took me over an hour to make over thirty pancakes. The filly, uhhh.... Scootaloo I think would want some too. So I made her a plate." He sat to the side and watched their disbelieving expressions.

Twilight's mouth moved like a fish. "You made this?" Buff nodded. "This looks amazing!"

"I concur!" Rarity agreed before taking a bite. She shivered as the taste danced along her tongue. "That...is...good."

"Thank you so much, er..." Applejack stammered.

"Buff," he clarified. "Buff Battalion."

"Thank you, Buff." The group ate in silence. Complete and utter silence that Twilight took note of.

Setting down her utensil, Twilight looked around in worry. There was always a good reason to be paranoid. Then turned to the bodyguard. "Buff?" He looked up from his drink. Twilight gestured to the area around them with her hoof. "Is it always... Quiet like this? I know it's early in the morning but..."

"Oh yeah," Buff answered. "Always. Ever since I first stepped hoof inside. The big ol' mansion fitted with only one pony in Manehattan, City of the Lost. It is always quiet and dead in here. If Pencil needed a peaceful setting, she comes here, a cloud, or another place. sometimes to my place, don't ask why." He took a sip of his drink before the sound of metal gears moving echoed around the building. Afterwards a low hum.

The girls looked around tentatively. Buff spotted their reaction and silently chuckled while swirling the juice in his cup, catching their attention. "It's just the vault, don't worry about it. It looks like she finished her experiment." Buff trotted towards the doorway and shouted, "Are you ready?!"

"Give me a few more minutes," Pencil's calm voice echoed around the building.

"So, darling," Rarity said to Buff. He turned towards her smiling face. "Where are you from?"

"Cloudsdale," he responded. Buff sat down and took one last sip of his drink. And then set down the empty cup while the Vault began to close in the mansion. "Lived there my younger years then moved to Canterlot when I was a teenager. Ran away from home, came here. Five years later my parents find me doing well and decided to let me roam free. Of course I didn't run away for no reason. That's a story for another day."

The girls shared a look before Pencil strode into the room carrying her tome in her magic. She looked to Buff and shot him a discreet wink that he smiled at before she passed by. "Good morning," she greeted before climbing into the chair. She set the tome down beside her plate then took a bite out of her food. Twilight eyed the book intensely. There must be a load of magical secrets in there. "You all do know why you're here, correct?" Pencil asked.

"To figure out this Theroh nonsense?" Applejack guessed.

"Partly. But mainly to catch up. Celestia and Buff recommended it. So Rainbow's going to... Experiment with this."

Twilight nodded and said, "Of course. Hopefully we can start over and get rid of this tension."

Pencil nodded and speared another pancake into her mouth. While staring at her food she said, "Buff?"

He smiled, already feeling it coming. "Yes, Pencil?"

"You know exactly what you're getting later."

He chuckled silently before heading out of the kitchen. "I'll prepare the library with a lot of pillows."

Pencil chuckled before reverting to Rainbow Dash. She took another bite out of her pancake then pushed it to the side a little. Then folded her hooves on the table and eyed the group for a moment. Of course Rarity would dress up for
A visit to Manehattan. Even if no one saw her. "So Twilight." Twilight stopped eating and focused on Rainbow. "What do you know about Dark Magic?"

Twilight set down the fork in her magic and answered, "Not much really. I try to stay away from the Dark Arts. I know some ponies use it. Less than one percent in Equestria."

"At least that narrows it down," Rainbow commented.

"But most of them live here in Manehattan. You were added to that small percentage of ponies, by the way." Rainbow nodded and ate a strawberry. "If I can ask, how is it that you aren't affected by its disadvantages?" Twilight asked in disbelief.

Rainbow shrugged and answered. "Easy. I practice it safely. Most of my spells were experimental. So I finished them safely and use them safely. The ponies who want power are the ones who get sick and corrupted, and use them dangerously. Greed makes ponies do unthinkable things."

Rarity shared a confused glance with Twilight and asked, "But didn't you do it for power?"

"I learned it for self-defense," Rainbow clarified. "The spells I learn are all self-defense spells. Of course I optimized some for my own selfish purposes. But primarily? Self-defense. This tome..." She placed her hoof on the book next to her and stroked the cover. Twilight directed her attention straight at it, along with the others as if it were a gold mine. "Has taught me everything I know."

"Where'd you get it?" Twilight asked suspiciously.

"Found it. At first I was going to leave it. But I had a feeling I would need it in the future. And I was right. I did. A lot. Years after finding it, I used a spell to create Pencil Sketch and she got rid of my first round of bullies. My second round, I left Cloudsdale and moved to Ponyville. I met you four, and then became the Element of Loyalty. We went on a bunch of adventures, and during my 'me time', or whatever led you guys to believe I was sleeping, I was doing art. Mainly as a hobby until you guys shattered my heart."

They all got a guilty look on their faces before Rainbow added, "Best mistake for me you've ever made. Not so much for you maybe."

"Rainbow, we've apologized," Fluttershy pleaded. "What more do we have to do?"

Rainbow shook her head and said, "Nothing. Because what you guys did gave me the push to come out with my art. And within a few months became the multi-millionaire inspirational pony that everypony loves and treasures. All the while watching Equestria's flank for bugs that bite. Right now, there's a couple hidden in her fur that I have to pick out."

"That we have ta' pick out," Applejack corrected.

"Yeah, whatever." Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes. The same Rainbow Dash. Rainbow's hoof turned black before she started doing something with the tome. It glowed with runes as she unlocked it. Unlike the others, Twilight was eyeing it like it was the rarest candy in the world. While unlocking, Rainbow continued to speak. "If we're going to solve whoever is in charge of the Therohs and their associates, you need to learn about Dark Magic. I take it you know the origins, Twilight?"

"Uhh...y-yeah," she responded. She wasn't really paying attention, eyes still trained on the book. Rainbow took off the last rune and flipped open the cover, revealing it's contents. Twilight grinned... And then frowned. It... Was empty?

"In case you were wondering..." Twilight looked up at Rainbow, who was giving her the most mischievous smirk she could manage. "You can only see what's in it by being directly over it." Twilight raised her hoof and gave her a pleading expression, squirming in her chair. Rainbow stared at her with a nonchalant one. In the end she sighed and scooted her chair over. Twilight squealed and teleported herself and the chair over right next to her. Rainbow grabbed her hoof before she could touch the book and gave her the sternest look she could manage. "And don't you dare try any of this stuff. Light magic is yours, Dark is mine. Understand?"

"Of course!" Twilight gasped. "I don't want to try any of this, I just want to read what's in it."

"And don't rip it!"

"Moooom, why are you so loud?" They all stopped talking and looked towards the doorway in surprise. Scootaloo was standing there with a blanket over her whole body except her head. Her outrageous bedhead could have given Rarity a heart attack if it wasn't so early in the morning. She was obviously too tired to function right, evident by her still closed and tired eyes. Fluttershy nearly fawned over at how cute she looked.

They all turned to Rainbow Dash with smirks, the mare herself blushing deeply. "Er, uh....Sorry Scoots," Rainbow replied quietly. "We'll try to keep it down in here, okay? Why don't you go back to bed and catch up on your sleep, huh?"

"Okay," Scootaloo responded tiredly. She turned around and walked away from the kitchen, leaving the Elements Bearers alone. They all looked to Rainbow Dash, including Buff who happened to be by the kitchen when he spotted Scootaloo lazily walking towards the doorway. He turned and watched the filly walk up the stairs before she settles down in the middle of it and fell right back to sleep, right on the staircase.

"So....mom, huh?" Pinkie joked. "Oooohhh, I feel a party coming—"

"No you don't, and none of you heard that," Rainbow interrupted. she was still blushing wildly. "I'm not ready for a kid right now."

"I say you are," Applejack commented. "You'd be a great mom. Why not adopt Scootaloo?"

"Because, I have to get my entrepreneurship running first. Afterwards, I can talk about a possible child. Because there is too much going on for an adoption. Let alone a pregnancy. Add that to the 'two month vacation', and I've got a bigger situation than what's happening right now. In the future maybe. But right now, no. I'm just keeping her in my care."

"Okay," Twilight responded unsurely. "As long as she's okay. Now about this tome. Where exactly did you get it?"

Rainbow looked Twilight up and down suspiciously. Then leaned in real close inside her proximity. "Can I trust you?" She whispered. Twilight quickly nodded. "You won't tell anypony? Not them—" She pointed a hoof at the Elements. "—Celestia, Luna, or Cadance? Or even a single historian?"


"Sorry, can't tell ya'," Rainbow informed her. She pulled back and grabbed her tome from Twilight's eager hooves, denying her access to her stuff. "Because, yeah. It's that big. Now let's talk about ponies we know that may use Dark Magic. Twilight? I know you know."

Twilight sighed in disappointment. She knew Rainbow was hiding something important about that tome. She could feel it. Rainbow said that even Celestia, Luna, and Cadance shouldn't know. If the Princesses weren't allowed to know, then it was huge. She was going to figure out just where it came from. Even if she had to read every single book in her library twice.

Pushing those thoughts to the side she answered the question and continued the meeting. Of course with her next mission at the front of her mind. Look up that tome. And find out where it came from.

Soon, seven o'clock arrived, meaning everyone had to go home and leave Rainbow Dash alone for a while. They learned a lot about the situation at hand. Or hoof. Somepony was sacrificing other ponies so they could grow an army of Therohs. And using another pony to erase the memory of that pony from the minds of other ponies. Then the name of that pony would be sent to another pony in government so they could erase them from the census. There were three ponies in Equestria who possibly knew Dark Magic and one held a spot in Equestrian law. But just who were they?

Rainbow changed back to Pencil Sketch, who trotted towards and pulled open the door for the group of five. Once they stepped out, Twilight stopped and turned around to face Pencil. "Be careful, okay? And be a good mother to Scootaloo."

Pencil huffed through her nose but nodded nonetheless. "I'll be a great guardian. This was a good session. Don't make me regret it, Ms. Sparkle." Twilight nodded then turned around towards the others before they made their way towards the gates. Pencil unlocked and pulled it open with her magic before shouting, "All of your tickets are in your saddlebags, Ms. Sparkle!" Twilight stopped and lifted the flaps, then looked inside her bag. There were five purple tickets inside in a rubber band in between the scrolls. She turned around and acknownledged Pencil Sketch before they ran away from the mansion, leaving Pencil alone to watch. She had to admit, it felt good to talk to someone again like that. Actually crack a joke or something fun. She should do it again. And she had the perfect idea to do it with.

Something small nudged the bottom of Pencil's right hoof. She looked down at Scootaloo who was still adorably wrapped in the blanket with her head peeking out. she was trying her hardest not to fall asleep. "Are they gone, mom?" She whispered. "Can I please get some quiet now?"

Pencil smirked at her dressing situation. She looked so cute like that. Then reached over and ruffled her magenta mane. "Of course, Scootaloo. We can both go back to sleep this time. We need the rest because you and I are going to take a day off and relax. Together. Okay?"

Scootaloo looked up at her with tired eyes and smiled. Then nodded her head. "I'd like that," she whispered. She definitely has no idea who she's talking to, Rainbow thought.

"Good. Let's go get some rest. You too, Buff. Come on." Pencil slowly lifted Scootaloo and placed her on her back. Then shut the door and locked it. Buff was directly on the other side with a content smile on his face. Pencil smiled back and calmly walked back up the stairs to her room. Once inside, she made her way to the bed with Scootaloo lightly snoring on her back. Stopping at the side of the bed by her window, she levitated Scootaloo off of her back and pulled back the covers at the same time. Then laid Scootaloo down and got in with her, settling down beside her.

She turned to Buff who was standing there watching and asked, "Are you just going to stand there? Or get in?"

He looked at her in surprise, then down at Scootaloo who unconsciously snuggled up to her. She wanted him to get in the bed with her and the filly? Pencil changed back to Rainbow and motioned to the other side of Scoots. "Just slip in and protect your girls, Buffy. And be a stallion." He scoffed and made his way onto the bed.

"I'll show you who's a stallion, Ms. Millionaire-pays-for-everything," he muttered. He climbed on and laid down beside Scootaloo, then draped his wing over her back. Rainbow did the same and then laid down, pulling Scootaloo close.

"...love you....mom," Scootaloo muttered in her sleep. Rainbow smiled and then looked to Buff, who was smiling with her.

She focused her eyes back on Scootaloo and then nuzzled the top of her hair and whispered back, "Love you too, Squirt." Then she closed her eyes and fell back into dreamland. At least until the birds would start chirping. Buff eyed the two mares, thinking about life. Yeah, it has its ups and downs. But all that matters is that at the end of the day you can come home to this. They may not be blood relatives. But Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were as close to each other as an actual mother and daughter. And he would make sure it stayed that way.

He sighed and tickled the back of Rainbow Dash's neck with his wing. Then whispered, "Goodnight, Rainbow."

"Goodnight, Buffy."


Twilight looked out at the landscape as the ground moved by at a calm speed, looking at the twilight rising in the distance, signalling a new day. Her head was leaning against the window with her hoof acting as a pillow, filled with racing thoughts. Rainbow had gotten that tome from somewhere and didn't want anypony to know about it. Not even the Princesses. But why? Was it really that big? It's just a spellbook. Yes it contained possible secrets to Dark Magic, but it wouldn't be that bad that she couldn't even tell the Princesses. Right? "What are you hiding, Rainbow?" She whispered to herself as the land passed by. "What in that book is so important?"

Twilight made a mental note to contact Celestia about it later. There was possibly knowledge in that book that could help Equestria. Or destroy it. Only time could tell.

The silence in the mansion was deafening later on that morning. You could hear a pin drop on the first floor if you were inside Pencil's bedroom closet with the door closed on the second. The only sound at the moment was the birds chirping outside of the bedroom window, stirring the filly in between Rainbow and Buff's warm bodies. Scootaloo moaned and grabbed hold of the soft feathery object that was in her face, tickling her cheek. She giggled and moved it to the side before it buzzed again, some getting in her mouth. Thus waking her immediately. "Ack!" She sat up and peeked out from underneath the cover to see Rainbow Dash's brightly lit room. Then looked at all the pictures on the nightstand. Correction. Paintings on the nightstand. Most of them were of nature or collages. None of them contained the Element Bearers.

Scootaloo sighed and sat up on her haunches to yawn. Then smacked her lips and looked around. She spotted Rainbow Dash on the right side of her, and Buff on the other, leaving her in the middle. Sighing, she crawled over and nuzzled Rainbow's cheek. "Rainbow? You awake?" She whispered. Rainbow stirred and grabbed Scootaloo to pull her in with her left hoof, hugging her tightly.

"Mornin', Squirt," she whispered back with her eyes closed. "You sleep okay?"

"Mmmhmm," she responded before hugging Rainbow back.

"Good. You, Buff, and myself are all going out for the whole day. Go and take a bath, Buff already made your breakfast."

"Awesome!" She yelled, jolting Buff awake. With a buzz of her wings, she jumped off the bed and quickly made her way to the bathroom downstairs she saw yesterday.

"Walk straight, there's another bathroom on this floor," Rainbow called out to her.

"Okay!" Rainbow sighed and opened her eyes, checking out the area.

"At least she didn't call you mom this time." She looked over at Buff's waking form. He stretched his wings a little. Then sat up to yawn, rub his eyes, and offer Rainbow a smile.

Rainbow rolled her own eyes and did all the same motions before responding. "To be honest....I wouldn't even care if she did."

"Marshmallow." Rainbow threw a pillow at his head, landing an effective hit and trying her hardest not to blush.

"I am not a Marshmallow," she responded. "I am one half of the awesome painter—Pencil is the other—as well as the best flier in Equestria, and the Element of Loyalty."

"But behind closed doors, you are a giant, beautiful, and loving Marshmallow," he added with a sincere smile. "Don't take it as a bad thing. I find it beautiful."

Rainbow blushed and looked away. "Thanks, Buffy."

"You're welcome. Now I think I was promised extra pay for that amazing breakfast?" Buff walked across the bed and pulled Rainbow lightly into a very close embrace, giving her bedroom eyes. "I came to collect."

"Of course you did," Rainbow deadpanned. She leaned in and kissed him, which he happily reciprocated. "You know," she whispered between kisses. "You don't always have to... Win over my affection."

He kissed her harder and pulled her in closer. Then pulled back and whispered, "It's more fun this way. Because I always win during our sessions."

Rainbow broke the kiss and gave him a look of amusement. "Yeah right. I always win."

"Uh huh. I think I'm better," he playfully denied. He was very determined to prove himself.

"Think again." Rainbow grabbed his face and pulled him into a surprised kiss. He moaned just drifted off. He felt something moving into his mouth, licking his tongue. After a few seconds, Rainbow pulled back and smiled seductively at him. "I win."

Buff had a dreamy look in his eyes along with a pleasant smile. "Buck yeah you do," he moaned.

Rainbow giggled and then got out the bed, making her way to the door. "Are you hanging with me and Scoots today?"

"Yeah," he answered. His eyes were busy on her swishing tail. He nodded his head each time it swished. "Yeah, I'm... Definitely there."

"I hope to not just look at my flank. You might burn a hole in it."

"Can I put a hole in it?"

Rainbow stopped and looked over her shoulder, blushing madly. Then she smiled and said, "Some day. When the time is right. And now is not the right time."

"Why not?"

"Because Scoots got out the shower."



After Rainbow Dash and Buff took their baths, had their fun, and Scootaloo ate her breakfast, they all met in the lonely foyer of the mansion. Buff was wearing his saddlebags fit with a few supplies. As well as a few protective items. He looked out the window at the group of tourists taking more photos of the mansion. It was actually ten in the morning, meaning everyone was up and about to go about their daily lives. "These ponies sure get up early to see your mansion,' he commented to the window. He looked back at Pencil Sketch who was, surprise surprise, wearing a rainbow colored dress with golden hoof shoes and luxurious sunglasses. She also had a single strapped purse somehow attached to the side of it, fit with her locked tome and other supplies. Scootaloo was on her back relaxing and chewing a strawberry.

"I know," she responded. "They all love my new luxurious home that I have already paid off. Don't I look great? What do you think, Lady Loo?"

Scootaloo swallowed her strawberry and asked her confusedly, "Lady Loo?"

"Yep. Don't try and fight it. You're Lady Loo."

"No, it's Scootaloo."

"Nuh uh. Lady Loo. It's awesome."

"Nope, Scootaloo."

Pencil chuckled and motioned for Buff to open the door while she responded. "Lady Loo."


Buff laughed once he pulled the door open, letting Pencil walk out, looking grandeur as always. Buff locked and closed the door, then walked beside her while she and Scootaloo continued to playfully argue. "Today I am calling you Lady Loo." The crowd started pointing and taking pictures as she stepped up to the gates and Buff opened it. "And you can't stop me."

"Good luck with trying to get away with it," Scootaloo responded, attracting attention to herself. "Because I am not letting you."

"Of course, Lady Loo." Scootaloo groaned and hid underneath Pencil's mane. Pencil chuckled before the trio made their way past the tourists who were taking pictures of her and Scootaloo, actually smiling for once. "Okay, I'll stop, Scoots. Besides, I have a feeling a radio show is going to be asking who you are in the future. I'll just call you Lady Loo. Now let's go and have fun. How does Ponyville sound? From the sky and below?"


Author's Note:

I don't know if a lot of people listen to music while reading. But if you do, I have created a playlist for this chapter made mostly by the ambient sub genre in the EDM Genre. If you want, you can listen to it here.

Sorry if it's not your thing. I just thought it'd be nice to have a little them going in the background with the Rainbow Dash/Pencil Sketch moments.

Be ready for the end of the next chapter, you'll see some... "Tense situations."

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