• Published 5th Mar 2018
  • 4,956 Views, 271 Comments

The Lost One - thedarktome

"I can do this! I can do that!" Applejack mocked. "What about what WE can do, Rainbow?!" The others all voiced their agreements. "I concur!" Rarity yelled, stomping her hoof in the dirt. "Why are you even around, Rainbow Dash?!"

  • ...

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Chapter 9 - Clued In

After the Discord event, and Pencil Sketch's out of nowhere appearance, the ponies went about their day continuing to view the paintings and ask her questions. Most of them were really impressed with the one of the Wonderbolts that she painted the day after visiting them on the course in the coliseum. That was really inspiring.

Even some changelings, like she thought, came up to her and had a decent conversation. They were definitely in the arts, because they asked her more questions than the average pony. She later learned from Thorax they were sisters who would usually cause trouble at the hive when they painted on the walls, and that he has found an attractiveness to their "Fun Time". He asked their parents if it was okay if he could take them to the exhibition. So here they were chatting up a storm and burning Pencil's ears off.

After two more minutes, Thorax had to shoo them away to allow room for the other ponies to ask questions. It was around two o'clock when everyone had to leave, allowing those left to talk about what really happened. The star of the show.

"I'm still trying to figure out that mare," Twilight commented questionably. The same question was on everyone's minds. Except Pencil's who had a small smirk on her face. They were walking along the square, with the painter at the front, eyeing the guards carefully taking the paintings out of the boxes and carrying them carefully back towards the chariot. They were going to be put up for sale to the highest bidder during an auction in Canterlot next week. But for now they were going back into the vault. "How could she summon all the elements like that? Do you think she has a past experience with them?"

Celestia sighed and answered worriedly, "I don't know, Twilight. If she has, then she could be a great danger to Equestria, as well as an ally. Have any of you seen her before?"


"Nuh uh."



"No way, wait! Who said yes?" Luna asked, looking around like the others.

"I did." Twilight looked low behind her to see Scootaloo raising her hoof, getting the ponies' attention before they gathered around to hear her story. "Three days ago, I put some flowers in front of Rainbow's memorial. And on my way home, I saw a gray trail pass over and head to Canterlot." She pointed a hoof towards the mountainside. They all looked towards the area before turning back to her. "And then earlier, when that big Gray Boom happened, you guys were so busy you didn't see her land. No one did but me, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom. She landed really fast, but I still saw that exact same gray trail behind her when she appeared."

You're gonna make a fantastic Wonderbolt with an eye like that, squirt, Pencil thought, smiling at the little filly. Applejack glanced up at her from the side and raised an eyebrow. Why was she smiling at her like that?

Twilight gasped and whispered, "Wait, are you saying that mare caused the Gray Boom?"

Scootaloo nodded and answered, "That's where her trail came from."

"You know... That Gray Boom is what caused the desolation of Rainbow's Cloudominium," Rarity pondered aloud while Scootaloo ran back towards the town. "Do you think....."

"She's the one pulling the strings in all this?" Twilight finished for her, nodding her head with a hoof to her chin. "It's really REALLY likely. What do you think, Ms. Sketch?"

All the ponies turned towards the emo-looking millionaire, waiting for her thoughts on the matter. She was watching the royal guards load up her paintings into the chariot, making sure they didn't break. Including Buff, who was beside her. "Well besides the fact that this is the first time I've ever seen her, I don't know what to think," she lied. "I was in the bathroom the whole time it was going on. I only walked back out when she disappeared, I believe."

"Right," Twilight muttered, looking at the ground again. "Right. But that mare is very important. I asked her how she was able to do all that and she touched me. Except it was cold. Cold and lifeless. It was dark magic. She used dark magic to defeat Discord."

"Well that's another clue on how we can find her," Spike added, hopping on Rarity's back. "She uses dark magic and there's only a handful of ponies in Equestria that use dark magic. She's a mare, and she lives in that direction." He pointed towards Canterlot. "And her voice is rough, high pitched. Not to mention she has a connection to the Elements."

"That wasn't just any dark magic though," Princess Cadance corrected, turning to her husband.

"That was advanced dark magic," Shining Armor inputted, watching the ponies load the last of the paintings into the chariot. "It was like Twilight-level magic, but on the dark side."

"She's a mare of interest," Pencil said blandly. Then began the walk towards her chariot. "I have to go now, everypony. I hope you enjoyed my work and found peace, tranquility, and inspiration in it, as were my intentions." Once they reached it, Buff opened the door for Pencil, then filed in shortly.

"Of course, Ms. Sketch. Ta-ta!" Pencil Sketch glanced at her nonchalantly before facing forward again once the chariot pulled off and lifted into the air, headed back to Manehattan. They watched her go for awhile before the Royalty turned around, sighing.

"We have to head back to Canterlot as well," Celestia said.

"And I have to get the girls back home," Thorax commented. He turned towards the two young drones behind him yelling and chasing each other. "They can't stay in one area or else they get very active. I look forward to seeing you all again." They all voiced their agreements before Thorax got the girls' attention and lifted off into the air, headed back to the badlands with the two right behind him.

"And I have to get back to the Dragon Lands," Ember said, polishing her scepter. "I don't know how long dad can hold all those dragons at bay. I'll catcha' later, girls, Princesses, Spike."

"See ya' again, Ember!" Spike yelled to her. She waved and winked, then took off into the blue skies.

Once she was out of sight, Celestia walked forward and gave Twilight a hug. "I will see you soon, my faithful student."

"Yes, Celestia." The princess let go before she and Luna teleported back to Canterlot in a flash, leaving the group there with Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, who both came over and gave her a hug. Prince Blueblood had alreadt left.

"Be safe, Twily," her brother said with caution. "If you find the mysterious mare, don't go charging at her." Twilight rolled her eyes while Cadance agreed with her husband, nodding her head.

"I'll be fine, Shining," she reassured. "I'm not gonna go 'rushing into battle.' I know my limit. I'll just talk to her."

"Alright. Well...we'll see you later, Twilight." Cadance and Shining walked back to their chariot, waving at the element bearers before they took off, headed back to the Crystal Empire.

Once everyone were gone, Applejack decided to express her concerns to the mares starting to head home. "Girls," she said, capturing their attention. "Did you guys notice Pencil Sketch actin'... Strange?" She asked quietly.

"Like how?" Twilight asked, sitting down in front of her.

"You guys probably didn't notice, but when we were talking about the mystery mare, she... Smirked."

"Holy freakin' moly!" Pinkie yelled. She zoomed into Applejack's face. "Are you saying she smiled?"

"Yeah, but it won't no good smile. It was more like a 'that-was-only-the-beginning' smile. It made me a little uneasy. And you know how the Element of Honesty can sense when a pony is lyin'?"

The group nodded. "When she answered your question Twilight, I didn't sense not a speck of truth from her. She wasn't in the bathroom."

"Then where could she have been?" Rarity asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but it won't that bathroom."

"Then she's a suspect," Rarity concluded quickly and excitedly. "We have to look into her. There's a whole lot no one knows about that mare. A bunch. I have a hunch she's connected to everything that's been happening lately. From Rainbow to now. And she's not talking."

A day later, the Elements all met up at Golden Oaks Library to discuss what Twilight found. According to Spike, 'the crazy librarian' has been up since one researching dark magic and it's origins. Of course she would, she's an academic. Or what Rainbow would call an 'Egghead' were she still here.

The door opened while she was in the midst of reading, and in walked everyone else. "Alright, Twi, what ya' find?" Applejack said, sitting down with the others. in front of the windows.

"Okay!" Twilight walked forward and threw a scroll onto the table, letting it unroll off the other side and unto the floor, stopping in front of Rarity's hooves.

The group gawked at the parchment before looking up at her appalled. "Oh my goodness, Twilight!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Now..." Twilight at a part of the scroll that had some weird characters on it. "I have researched the origins of dark magic and have discovered it to originate in the northeastern side of Equestria, past Canterlot and by Manehattan. It says here that an old mage was looking for a way to defeat the sirens of Equestria from trapping ponies with their songs, and that he created a new kind of unstable magic to create a portal. I think we all know who that mage was."

"Starswirl the bearded?" Spike asked uninterested while walking down the stairs with a blanket on his head.

"Yes! Now it also says here that the magic was to be used as a last resort, but that he used it as a primary when the Sirens tried some type of spell to grab all the magic from everypony by broadcasting their song all over the place. Somehow the Dark Magic got loose and got into different types of ponies that learned how to use it, and did it both for good and evil. I've tracked down those ponies, and guess what?"

"What?" Pinkie Pie yelled, grabbing Twilight by the shoulders. "Tell me Twilight, we can't take the pressure!!"

"Okay, okay!" Twilight pushed Pinkie back before speaking. "All of those ponies are from Manehattan."

"All of 'em?" Applejack asked unbelievably. No way all of them could be from Manehattan.

"Yes. It actually makes more sense. The place where Starswirl studied the magic was in the land by Manehattan, so of course the ponies nearby would go out and see what he was up to. So I've got a list of ponies who studied the magic. But none of them actually match the profile. But then I added a certain mare to the list because they match her description. When you use dark magic, it has some effects on a pony. High pitched voice, such as a foal's, and more. Discoloration of a pony's coat, but that depends on the severity of the magic's use. If you use it a lot, you lose all your color and causes you to look sickly."

"Are you insinuating," Rarity asked carefully. "That Pencil Sketch is the pony who defeated Discord? By herself?!"

"That's what it looks like. But I'm just making assumptions." She started rolling up the scroll again.

"Those are some pretty good assumptions, Twilight," Fluttershy muttered. "But what do we do?"

Twilight set down the scroll and stood up. "We go over and ask her about it. Inconspicuously, of course. I just want to know how and where she got the dark magic from. I'm not going after it, I just want to learn why."

Twilight walked over to the back and gazed at a few books, obviously looking for something. "And what exactly are you going to do if she does use dark magic?" Rarity asked her accusingly.

"I'm not sure. Probably just leave her alone. It depends on what she uses it for. But that would explain why she was able to detect my scanning. It pierced through her aura of dark magic, letting her feel it! THAT'S IT!" Twilight turned around and faced the group. "She felt my magic because it pierced through her layer of dark magic, causing a shift! And she felt that shift!"

"Anything else we need to know about dark magic that you think is important?" Applejack asked while she looked at a few more things.

"Not at this moment. But if I do, I'll let you know. Spike? Send a letter to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. It'll take three hours to get to her place tomorrow."

"I really hope you're right about this, Sparkle," Pinkie said, pointing an accusing hoof at the librarian. "I'm giving up cupcakes for this."

In the mansion that Pencil Sketch occupied, in the west wing, the artist drew some more lines for the mare she appeared to have looked like during the Ponyville Exhibition. She was all black and had a zipper across her mouth, as well as a zipper that went down to her hips so she could climb out. It was taking her a while to sketch out the scene. So far, two hours. This was going to be an intense piece. She was also drawing discord as well as other ponies who were there to watch. That was going to take awhile as well. This was more than likely going to be a two or three day project. Because Discord was made of so many colors, she had to to mix those colors. She also had to draw those scales. But once it's finished, it will look... Awesome. That's it. Awesome.

She smiled just thinking about her success that happened within two months. From becoming a friendless loser that everyone called names and said that they didn't want to be around or be seen with her, to being the most influential mare and amazing artist in all of Equestria. And now, from what she could tell earlier, her known fame has let her be known throughout the lands beyond Equestria. "Amazing, Rainbow Dash... But you are now Pencil Sketch. Well known artist of Equestria and the lands beyond," she muttered as she finally finished the sketching of the Mystery Mare, or herself. To be honest, she looked really, kickbutt in it. Very much so.

After she finished herself, she put the pencil by the lower area of the canvas about to draw Discord when the doorbell rang.

"I have a doorbell?" She whispered confusedly before looking down at herself, checking to make sure her flanks were covered. They weren't. She shook her head and walked towards the door on the other side of the building. Her home had an east and west wing, the west now serving as her paint studio. And what a studio it was.

After her trek to the door she yelled out, "JUST A MINUTE!!" Then quickly turned around and flapped her wings, flew up the stairs and into her room at the speed she was so commonly known for before walking towards the area where an easel and canvas were setup. She threw some paint up on the canvas using a spell from her dark magic and pasted her flanks down onto it, covering her outlined lightning bolts. After checking herself over, she turned on some of her magic and buzzed her wings, throwing hot air onto the flanks and drying the paint. Once finding them dried she flew back down the stairs and cracked open the door, spotting a group of ponies she did not want to see. Ever again. Unless she had to. And had absolutely no choice. The list goes on and on.

"Can I help you?" She asked in her bland and uninterested voice. Celestia and the others all turned to the door with obviously faux smiles on their faces.

"Good morning, Ms. Sketch," Princess Celestia greeted. "We would like to have a word with you, is it alright if we come inside?"

Pencil raised an eyebrow before directing her eyes towards the Elements behind her who were wearing the same expression as Celestia. 'Great, just what I needed,' she thought to herself. 'A bunch of deceivers on my doorstep. Oh well.' She sighed and reached over to open the second door and allowed them inside. "Don't touch anything."

Celestia nodded before she led the group inside the luxurious home, the grand staircase impressing even Celestia. They observed in wonder, appreciating the pictures, the big ones on the tall walls and her smaller ones on tables.

Once they were all inside, she closed the doors, and turned around.

"This way, please." She walked past and made her way towards a hallway on the left side of the staircase. The ponies all followed her down the dimly lit passage, passing by a few more rooms. At the very end, it looked like a work out area and a pool. Rarity was so jealous. Her face was clearly displaying it with a scowl. They turned right, heading into another room that looked very much like a very fancy library.

"I recently had everything in here redone," Pencil Sketch explained. "This room was just built and is now my favorite, besides the pool in the back which I recently had installed two days ago. Ponies work fast. Have a seat."

She pointed her hoof towards three large velvet pillows on the right side of the room while she moved to the left for her desk, fitted with golden buttons in the middle, obviously for design. The company cast a casual glance at each other before making their way towards the cushions and having a seat, facing the famous painter with smiles on their faces. More than likely from the comfortable cushions.

"Ponies pay you pretty well to paint, Ms. Sketch," Twilight acknowledged, looking around the room with red walls and bookshelves lining it, stacked with books. As well as the fancy decor. "I wish I had a library like this."

"The Golden Oaks Library is just fine, Ms. Sparkle," she responded while going to the area behind her desk and pulling a book on a shelf. The bookcase pushed in and slid to the right, revealing a miniature bar. "Never give up what you are familiar with unless you absolutely have to. Would you like a glass of Blueberry Zebra? It is by far my favorite wine, ever since I first tasted it at my first exhibition here in Manehattan."

"No thank you, Ms. Sketch," Princess Luna replied, giving the mare a bored expression. Pencil shrugged before grabbing the bottle with her mouth and and pouring herself a glass. Once it rimmed the top, she set it back down and picked it up with her hoof, taking a sip.

"That is amazing. Now... How can I help you ponies? Or is it about what happened yesterday? Again?"

"It's about what happened yesterday," Twilight answered. Pencil sighed and took a seat behind her desk. Twilight decided she didn't like this conversation. "During the altercation, you were nowhere to be found."

Might as well let the truth out. No need to drag this on, Pencil thought to herself. She nodded before setting down her glass calmly. "Yes. And?"

"Where were you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"In the air, not the bathroom. I lied about that, obviously. And you knew that, didn't you Applejack, Element of Honesty?" The mare in question popped her eyes open before looking at the others. They were all staring in surprise at Pencil's smirking face in silence.

"Yes, I did," Applejack answered slowly. "What were you doing in the air?"

"Flying, what else?" She chuckled, taking another sip. She was really enjoying this. Just like back then.

"Okay, let's skip the banter!" Luna exclaimed, standing up and trotting towards the desk. "Were you the Mystery Mare yesterday, who defeated Discord and was able to wield all the Elements at once?" The company behind her looked at the Princess appalled.

"Luna! We do not interrogate a host!" Celestia scolded. "She was kind enough to—" A sudden burst of black smoke in front of the room caught them so off guard that Twilight bounced out of her seat and fell on her back. Once it cleared, the suit of the Mystery Mare was rotating in the middle of the room. From her chair, Pencil Sketch who was holding out a hoof, tinted the color black before it went back to its usual gray. She gave them a smile and got off her chair with a squeak. After getting on her hooves, she trotted around and stood beside it. The figure of the suit matched her body shape perfectly!

"Yes, that was I. I am... The Mystery Mare. I knew of Discord's return a few days ago, when Buff and I were on our way to Cloudsdale to watch the Wonderbolts practice when I felt his power leak out into the air. It was strong. And it was angry. I would have informed you, but..." She chuckled and looked at their surprised faced with amusement. "What could you really have done? You had no idea how to rebuild the Element of Loyalty like that, and you could not battle a God of Chaos without any type of weapon, that'd be just... Stupid. Right?"

The ponies all stared at her awestruck, frozen at her admittance. It was so... Unexpected. They were expecting denial! Lying! Not just, "Yeah, that was me." Even Fluttershy was taken back. Pencil waved her hoof and teleported the suit back to her room before trotting back behind her desk, once again settling into her chair.

"So... You used dark magic to defeat him?" Twilight asked. The mare nodded. "And was somehow able to wield the Elements. How'd you do that? And Dark Magic for that matter? You have no horn."

Pencil chuckled before picking up the glass. "I cannot tell you that, Ms. Sparkle. But I will tell you that only I can do it to put your minds at ease. I can tell that you're frightened to discover that a pony such as myself can summon all the Elements of Harmony at will out of your grip like that." She raised a wing towards the bottle of wine a few feet away from her, grabbing it with her dark magic and levitating it to her, backing up her story and sending out a strong wave of her magic over their coats. She poured it with her levitation before sending it back to the desk, setting it down lightly.

"How did you learn advanced level magic?" Luna asked her suspiciously. "Do you have a book from Starswirl The Bearded?"

"Not even close. I was born with it. I believe Celestia told you how I came about?" Luna looked back at her sister who wore a sheepish grin on her face, making both of the mares sigh. "I'll take that as a 'no'. Well let me explain it to you. I am Pencil Sketch, but before, I was another pony. A very smart pony who was taken for granted, got angry, gave up, and turned into Pencil Sketch. I loved flying and doing other things I will not mention. Of course for my hiding because I don't want to be found... Yet. But I have a feeling that won't stop you from trying, will it, Ms. Sparkle?"

Twilight pulled in her lips while trying to avoid everyone's gaze. "So... Pencil Sketch," Luna said. "Why did you leave...where did you come from, exactly?"

The mare smiled before she sighed. "Do you really want to know? Because you will not believe it. At all." The company all nodded before she tightened her lips and let out a heavy sigh. "Ponyville." The ponies all gasped and began trying to place her face. They couldn't actually do it because of her long hair.

"You lived in Ponyville?!" Rarity asked unbelievably. The famous pony nodded. "That's... Amazing! Did you have a house there, and is it still there?"

"I... No. I do not have a house on the ground there. It is gone. But I lived there for a long time. Before I was betrayed. So now, I live in Manehattan!" She yelled in triumph and threw up her hooves, displaying her grandeur. "Where dreams come true! Where I can paint to my heart's desire and not have to worry about rejection, pain, or frustration ever again! I will not reveal more of my origin. I've said too much already. I don't want to be found and I will not be found until I am ready to return."

Twilight just stared at her with her mouth wide open. How could you miss a pony like this walking around Ponyville? Well, she did say she looked different than this before, so she looked like a different pony. "What... What did your coat look like before?"

Pencil looked at her again before sighing. "I will not be relaying that information, Ms. Sparkle. Like I said before, I do not want to be found!" She stated sternly, punctuating her last word with a bang of her hoof on the desk that reverberated around the whole building, scaring Pinkie Pie. "Now... I have more paintings to paint, specifically the one of Discord. I must ask you not to tell others about my identity as the Mystery Mare. It could hurt my business and stop me from building the rest of my studios that are popping up all over Equestria." She stood up from behind the desk, and brushed the hair out from in front of her face for a second, giving Twilight a face that was incredibly familiar. She took a note to look her up later. "I will walk you all out."

The company got up and followed her back to the front door where she opened it, letting the group out. "Thank you, Pencil Sketch, for at least telling us the truth," Princess Luna thanked on the walkway. "I really hope to see each other again. But if you don't mind me asking, do you use dark magic with your paintings?" The group stopped and stared at the pony who smiled for the first time.

"No. My paintings are all natural. Every stroke, every sketch, is completely without magic, I give you my word." The ponies smiled back at her before they made their way out the door. "Have a good day, ponies. Be safe and don't do anything stupid." Before they could ponder that, Pencil closed her door back, locked it and went back into her studio to work on her painting. "God, I hate interruptions."

"Girls, come with me," Twilight said when they arrived back at the station in Ponyville, making her way back to the library with a task in her mind. "There's something about her face that reminds me of somepony. I just can't put my hoof on it though."

"How can you see what she looks like?" Pinkie inquired, hopping next to her. "She has that long hair that drapes over her face like a curtain, leaving only, like, one third of it showing."

"She blew it to the side when she got up to walk us out." They turned into the square and headed towards the library. "It was brief, but I remembered it. It was very clear." She opened the door into the library, revealing Spike sitting at the table reading a comic book, obviously bored out of his mind. He looked when Twilight walked in with the others right behind her, and snapped out of his emotionless state.

"So? What's the verdict?" He asked impatiently, letting the book drop on the table.

"She confessed and said it was her," Rarity said, walking over to the dragon and giving him a hug. "It was a little... Anticlimactic."

"A little?" Pinkie asked in disbelief. "Try a lot! She was like, 'Yes. I am the Mystery Mare.'" Applejack chuckled while Twilight pulled out the bookcase again containing the documents of missing ponies.

"Okay, let's see." She levitated the books over and dropped them on Spike's comic, making him gasp in horror.

"Twilight....my book—"

"It's okay, I know this is hard to find, but we can find it together, Spike," she interrupted, definitely not understanding where he was getting at.

She opened the book with her magic and started rapidly turning the pages, using her magic to scan the images. "I remember seeing the pony somewhere in these books and I want you girls here to make sure I'm looking at the right one. She looked really familiar......REALLY really familiar. But I just can't place a name or where I've seen her from."

"Okay," Rarity said, walking over and watching the pages turn while the others watched quietly. A little while later, she slowed the pages down. "You see something?"

"No, I feel something, I'm close," Twilight replied back, passing by an image. She continued turning before she stopped suddenly. "Wait... I saw it." The others walked over and watched as she slowly turned the pages back, stopping at the image. "It's... oh... My Celestia."

"You must be bucking with me, Twilight," Applejack whispered, staring wide-eyed at the image.

"Are you absolutely sure Twilight?!" Rarity yelled. "Pencil Sketch is...."

"Twilight, this better not be a joke!!!" Fluttershy yelled.

"Oh my Equestria," Pinkie said, staring at the image in awe.

"I'm not kidding," Twilight whispered, pointing a shaky hoof at the image of a cyan colored mare with a snarky smile on her face and a Rainbow colored mane. "Pencil Sketch is Rainbow Dash. She's still alive."

"Hey, Buff. Thanks for coming." Pencil opened the door wider for the bodyguard, inviting him in.

"A-are you sure, Ms. Sketch?" He asked while looking inside in uncertainty. "I might break something and I really don't want any—"

"Ugghhh." She grabbed his hoof and surprisingly threw him inside. Then closed the door back while he slid along the marble flooring. Pencil Sketch laughed while she helped him back. "You're cute when you're nervous. But I'm the lady in charge. If I wasn't sure about letting you inside I wouldn't have invited you over."

"Yeah....." he agreed. Buff rubbed his sore chin and watching her walk by, more interested in her flank than anything else.

"Hey!" He snapped to attention, making Pencil laugh. "Stop staring at my flank, I have something I need to tell you. It's... Important." Buff looked at her in worry, seeing the trouble in her eyes.

He walked forward and settled down in front of her. "Okay. You have my undivided attention." Pencil looked up and smiled.

"You are such a gentlecolt. Look, ummm... I Iike you, I really do. Our first date was great. I loved it. But.....I can't be your girlfriend." Buff sighed sadly. "Don't be sad, because it's not your fault." She sat down in front of him and placed a hoof on his cheek. "It's mine. I have a lot of issues and most of them revolve around... Rejection... And hurt. And..."

"You're afraid of getting hurt again," he answered for her, giving her a soft smile. "I can see that. Pencil, I don't know what happened to you in the past. I won't even ask unless you say you WANT to tell me. But I promise... That I will always, and I mean ALWAYS, be there for you. You deserve a pony in your life that can be there for you, make you happy and encourage you when times get hard.

"Like I said, I don't know what happened in the past, but I promise I will NEVER leave you. You could be evil, you could be sick, hay you could be an entirely different pony. But I still won't go anywhere. You're stuck with me."

Pencil smiled up at him, small tears trailing down her face before she stood up, leaned forward, and gave him a kiss. He pulled her closer, enjoying the moment before she pulled back, smiling.

"You promise?" She whispered.

"With my life." Her pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek. Then they stayed like that for awhile until Buff broke the silence. "So is that a yes....or a no?"

Pencil laughed before she pulled away and bopped his muzzle very softly. "It's a—"



Pencil lost her smile and groaned. "I'll answer it," Buff volunteered. He let her go and turned for the door while Pencil went to grab some celebratory wine from her room. She walked up the grand staircase, leaving Buff alone to tend to the ponies. He pulled on the handle and cracked it open, seeing... The Elements, clearly impatient. "Can I help you ladies?" How'd they get past the gate?

"We need to speak to Pencil Sketch immediately!" Twilight yelled. "This is very important!"

The mare in question walked back down the hallway upstairs, carrying a plate that held two wine glasses filled with Blueberry Zebra. "Who is it?" She called.

"Those ponies from Ponyville," he responded, not taking his eyes off the group. "They want to see you right away."

She sighed and finally came into view, stopping on the steps, directly in front of the doorway. She levitated the plate off her back and onto the carpet of the stairs beside her, pouring herself a drink before she gave the command. "Ponies are so inconsiderate. Let them in, please." She took a sip while Buff opened the door wider, letting the group in to stare at her intensely. "Very inconsiderate, Ms. Sparkle! I'll have you know me and Buff were having a very important moment when you decided to come knocking and banging like a crazy mare. But what for?"

She started swirling the delicious liquid, staring at it in disappointment while Twilight answered and approached slightly. "I apologize, Ms. Sketch. Or should I say... Rainbow Dash."

Pencil Sketch stopped swirling her drink and glanced up at the group. They stared at each for a few long seconds. Twilight was beginning to think she may have crossed a line before she Pencil gained a small smirk on her muzzle, the hair in front of her right eye giving her the mysterious look once more. Then...she said the words that confirmed their suspicions.

"Hello again... Egghead."

Author's Note:


Sorry if I made this made this bit a little early, I couldn't wait. But this story is far from done

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